
86 lines
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authors = ["Sebastian <sebastian@sebastians-site.de>"]
name = "fartrx"
edition = "2018"
version = "0.1.0"
2023-07-04 18:44:12 +02:00
cortex-m = { version = "0.7", features = ["critical-section-single-core"] }
defmt = { version = "0.3", features = ["encoding-rzcobs"] }
defmt-brtt = { version = "0.1", default-features = false, features = ["rtt"] }
panic-probe = { version = "0.3", features = ["print-defmt"] }
2023-08-08 00:25:30 +02:00
rtic = { version = "2.0.1", features = [ "thumbv7-backend" ] }
defmt-rtt = "0.4"
stm32f4xx-hal = { version = "0.16.2", features = ["stm32f401"] }
embedded-hal = {version = "0.2.3"}
nb = "1.0.0"
arrayvec = {version = "0.7.0", default-features = false}
systick-monotonic = "1.0.0"
num-traits = { version = "0.2", default-features = false, features = ["libm"] }
num = {version = "0.4", default-features = false}
2023-07-04 18:44:12 +02:00
microfft = "0.5.1"
2023-08-07 21:44:00 +02:00
st7735-lcd = "0.9.0"
embedded-graphics = "0.8.0"
2023-08-08 20:02:27 +02:00
colorous = { version="1.0.12", default-features = false}
profont = "0.7.0"
ufmt = "0.2.0"
# set logging levels here
2023-08-07 21:44:00 +02:00
default = ["defmt-default"]
# do NOT modify these features
defmt-default = []
defmt-trace = []
defmt-debug = []
defmt-info = []
defmt-warn = []
defmt-error = []
# cargo build/run
codegen-units = 1
debug = 2
debug-assertions = true # <-
incremental = false
opt-level = 'z' # <-
overflow-checks = true # <-
# cargo test
codegen-units = 1
debug = 2
debug-assertions = true # <-
incremental = false
opt-level = 3 # <-
overflow-checks = true # <-
# cargo build/run --release
codegen-units = 1
debug = 2
debug-assertions = false # <-
incremental = false
lto = 'fat'
opt-level = 3 # <-
overflow-checks = false # <-
# cargo test --release
codegen-units = 1
debug = 2
debug-assertions = false # <-
incremental = false
lto = 'fat'
opt-level = 3 # <-
overflow-checks = false # <-
# uncomment this to switch from the crates.io version of defmt to its git version
# check app-template's README for instructions
# [patch.crates-io]
# defmt = { git = "https://github.com/knurling-rs/defmt", rev = "use defmt version reported by `probe-run --version`" }
# defmt-rtt = { git = "https://github.com/knurling-rs/defmt", rev = "use defmt version reported by `probe-run --version`" }
# defmt-test = { git = "https://github.com/knurling-rs/defmt", rev = "use defmt version reported by `probe-run --version`" }
# panic-probe = { git = "https://github.com/knurling-rs/defmt", rev = "use defmt version reported by `probe-run --version`" }