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2023-09-10 21:54:08 +02:00
RX Path
- Timer 1 runs continuously at 8khz.
- The HALs `pwm_hz` function is used to set up the timer,
as it is easier than setting the registers manually,
and we need the comparator match event to trigger the ADC.
- ADC conversions are triggered externally at each comparator match for Timer1 Channel1
- ADC runs ins Scan-mode, it samples PA2 first, then PA3
- DMA2 is set up to for device to memory, with memory increment,
transfer complete interrupt and double buffering disabled.
- The HAL requires the DMA transfer instance to take ownership of both buffers,
for the double buffered mode, to swap to the second buffer immediately,
once the first on is full. This means it would effectively require three buffers,
on to write to, one as a followup buffer and third one that's read by the program.
However, we can get away without double buffering, keeping the code a lot simpler.
There are 1/8kHz = 125uS between firing the transfer complete interrupt
once the first buffer is full and the next ADC conversion.
That's enough time swap buffers in the interrupt handler.
- In the DMA transfer complete interrupt the full buffer is moved out of the DMA transfer,
and replaced by the second buffer, so that the DSP code work on the full one.
- The buffer contains 128 alternating 16 bit wide samples from PA2 and PA3.
- An exponentionally smoothed average is used to remove the DC offset
- The samples are scaled by 2**10 and turned into an array of 128 complex numbers.
- A FIR-filter for filtering out the sideband is applied to the array
- The resulting audio is stored in the output buffer
- DMA1 is set up to transfer the output buffer into CCR3 of Timer4
- Similar to the ADC two buffers are used alternating.
they are swapped out in the transfer complete interrupt.
- Timer4 is set up to output PWM on Channel3 on PB8
- A new DMA Transfer is triggered on each channel 3 comparator match.
Actually the transfer should be triggered on each update event.
Unfortunately this does not seem to work reliably (probably a timing issue).
- Using DMA for PWM is not that well support in the HAL just yet,
so it requires some manually setup register and some unsafe code.
TX Path
- Timer 1 runs continuously at 8khz.
- The HALs `pwm_hz` function is used to set up the timer,
as it is easier than setting the registers manually,
and we need the comparator match event to trigger the ADC.
- ADC conversions are triggered externally at each comparator match for Timer1 Channel1
- ADC runs ins Scan-mode, to keep it easier to switch between RX and TX
- Scan sequence only contains PA4, the microphone input
- DMA2 is set up to for device to memory, with memory increment,
transfer complete interrupt and double buffering disabled.
- In the DMA transfer complete interrupt the full buffer is moved out of the DMA transfer,
and replaced by the second buffer, so that the DSP code work on the full one.
- The buffer contains 128 16bit wide audio samples
- An exponentionally smoothed average is used to remove the DC offset
- The samples are scaled by 2**10 and turned into an array of 128 complex numbers,
by extending them with a zero imaginary part. This results into a double sideband signal.
- Extracting the amplitude and dominant frequency
- Predistorted the amplitudes using a LUT, to compensate for non-linearities of the MOSFETs
- Setup DMA transfers for I2C and bias PWM