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2021-04-11 15:55:46 +02:00
2021-04-11 16:21:01 +02:00
2021-04-11 15:55:46 +02:00
2021-04-11 17:23:17 +02:00
use stm32f1xx_hal::pac;
use wspr_beacon::application;
2021-04-11 15:55:46 +02:00
fn main() -> ! {
2021-04-11 17:23:17 +02:00
// Get access to the core peripherals from the cortex-m crate
let cp = cortex_m::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
// Get access to the device specific peripherals from the peripheral access crate
let dp = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let app = application::setup(cp, dp);
2021-04-11 15:55:46 +02:00