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2017-01-21 12:46:45 +01:00
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7
* If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining
* it with OpenSSL (or a modified version of that library), containing parts
* covered by the terms of OpenSSL License and SSLeay License, the licensors
* of this Program grant you additional permission to convey the resulting work.
2017-01-21 12:46:45 +01:00
#include "jconf.h"
#include "console.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#define strcasecmp _stricmp
#include <intrin.h>
#include <cpuid.h>
#include "rapidjson/document.h"
#include "rapidjson/error/en.h"
#include "jext.h"
#include "console.h"
using namespace rapidjson;
* This enum needs to match index in oConfigValues, otherwise we will get a runtime error
enum configEnum { iGpuThreadNum, aGpuThreadsConf, iPlatformIdx,
bTlsMode, bTlsSecureAlgo, sTlsFingerprint, sPoolAddr, sWalletAddr, sPoolPwd,
iCallTimeout, iNetRetry, iGiveUpLimit, iVerboseLevel, iAutohashTime,
sOutputFile, iHttpdPort, bPreferIpv4 };
2017-01-21 12:46:45 +01:00
struct configVal {
configEnum iName;
const char* sName;
Type iType;
//Same order as in configEnum, as per comment above
configVal oConfigValues[] = {
{ iGpuThreadNum, "gpu_thread_num", kNumberType },
{ aGpuThreadsConf, "gpu_threads_conf", kArrayType },
{ iPlatformIdx, "platform_index", kNumberType },
{ bTlsMode, "use_tls", kTrueType },
{ bTlsSecureAlgo, "tls_secure_algo", kTrueType },
{ sTlsFingerprint, "tls_fingerprint", kStringType },
2017-01-21 12:46:45 +01:00
{ sPoolAddr, "pool_address", kStringType },
{ sWalletAddr, "wallet_address", kStringType },
{ sPoolPwd, "pool_password", kStringType },
{ iCallTimeout, "call_timeout", kNumberType },
{ iNetRetry, "retry_time", kNumberType },
{ iGiveUpLimit, "giveup_limit", kNumberType },
2017-01-21 12:46:45 +01:00
{ iVerboseLevel, "verbose_level", kNumberType },
{ iAutohashTime, "h_print_time", kNumberType },
{ sOutputFile, "output_file", kStringType },
2017-01-21 12:46:45 +01:00
{ iHttpdPort, "httpd_port", kNumberType },
{ bPreferIpv4, "prefer_ipv4", kTrueType }
constexpr size_t iConfigCnt = (sizeof(oConfigValues)/sizeof(oConfigValues[0]));
inline bool checkType(Type have, Type want)
if(want == have)
return true;
else if(want == kTrueType && have == kFalseType)
return true;
else if(want == kFalseType && have == kTrueType)
return true;
return false;
struct jconf::opaque_private
Document jsonDoc;
const Value* configValues[iConfigCnt]; //Compile time constant
jconf* jconf::oInst = nullptr;
prv = new opaque_private();
bool jconf::GetThreadConfig(size_t id, thd_cfg &cfg)
if(id >= prv->configValues[aGpuThreadsConf]->Size())
return false;
const Value& oThdConf = prv->configValues[aGpuThreadsConf]->GetArray()[id];
return false;
const Value *idx, *intensity, *w_size, *aff;
idx = GetObjectMember(oThdConf, "index");
intensity = GetObjectMember(oThdConf, "intensity");
w_size = GetObjectMember(oThdConf, "worksize");
aff = GetObjectMember(oThdConf, "affine_to_cpu");
if(idx == nullptr || intensity == nullptr || w_size == nullptr || aff == nullptr)
return false;
if(!idx->IsUint64() || !intensity->IsUint64() || !w_size->IsUint64())
return false;
if(!aff->IsUint64() && !aff->IsBool())
return false;
cfg.index = idx->GetUint64();
cfg.intensity = intensity->GetUint64();
cfg.w_size = w_size->GetUint64();
cfg.cpu_aff = aff->GetInt64();
cfg.cpu_aff = -1;
return true;
size_t jconf::GetPlatformIdx()
return prv->configValues[iPlatformIdx]->GetUint64();
bool jconf::GetTlsSetting()
return prv->configValues[bTlsMode]->GetBool();
bool jconf::TlsSecureAlgos()
return prv->configValues[bTlsSecureAlgo]->GetBool();
const char* jconf::GetTlsFingerprint()
return prv->configValues[sTlsFingerprint]->GetString();
2017-01-21 12:46:45 +01:00
const char* jconf::GetPoolAddress()
return prv->configValues[sPoolAddr]->GetString();
const char* jconf::GetPoolPwd()
return prv->configValues[sPoolPwd]->GetString();
const char* jconf::GetWalletAddress()
return prv->configValues[sWalletAddr]->GetString();
bool jconf::PreferIpv4()
return prv->configValues[bPreferIpv4]->GetBool();
size_t jconf::GetThreadCount()
return prv->configValues[aGpuThreadsConf]->Size();
uint64_t jconf::GetCallTimeout()
return prv->configValues[iCallTimeout]->GetUint64();
uint64_t jconf::GetNetRetry()
return prv->configValues[iNetRetry]->GetUint64();
uint64_t jconf::GetGiveUpLimit()
return prv->configValues[iGiveUpLimit]->GetUint64();
2017-01-21 12:46:45 +01:00
uint64_t jconf::GetVerboseLevel()
return prv->configValues[iVerboseLevel]->GetUint64();
uint64_t jconf::GetAutohashTime()
return prv->configValues[iAutohashTime]->GetUint64();
uint16_t jconf::GetHttpdPort()
return prv->configValues[iHttpdPort]->GetUint();
const char* jconf::GetOutputFile()
return prv->configValues[sOutputFile]->GetString();
2017-01-21 12:46:45 +01:00
bool jconf::check_cpu_features()
constexpr int AESNI_BIT = 1 << 25;
constexpr int SSE2_BIT = 1 << 26;
int cpu_info[4];
#ifdef _WIN32
__cpuid(cpu_info, 1);
__cpuid(1, cpu_info[0], cpu_info[1], cpu_info[2], cpu_info[3]);
bHaveAes = (cpu_info[2] & AESNI_BIT) != 0;
return (cpu_info[3] & SSE2_BIT) != 0;
bool jconf::parse_config(const char* sFilename)
FILE * pFile;
char * buffer;
size_t flen;
printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "CPU support of SSE2 is required.");
return false;
pFile = fopen(sFilename, "rb");
if (pFile == NULL)
printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Failed to open config file %s.", sFilename);
return false;
flen = ftell(pFile);
if(flen >= 64*1024)
printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Oversized config file - %s.", sFilename);
return false;
if(flen <= 16)
printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "File is empty or too short - %s.", sFilename);
return false;
buffer = (char*)malloc(flen + 3);
if(fread(buffer+1, flen, 1, pFile) != 1)
printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Read error while reading %s.", sFilename);
return false;
//Replace Unicode BOM with spaces - we always use UTF-8
unsigned char* ubuffer = (unsigned char*)buffer;
if(ubuffer[1] == 0xEF && ubuffer[2] == 0xBB && ubuffer[3] == 0xBF)
buffer[1] = ' ';
buffer[2] = ' ';
buffer[3] = ' ';
buffer[0] = '{';
buffer[flen] = '}';
buffer[flen + 1] = '\0';
prv->jsonDoc.Parse<kParseCommentsFlag|kParseTrailingCommasFlag>(buffer, flen+2);
printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "JSON config parse error(offset %llu): %s",
int_port(prv->jsonDoc.GetErrorOffset()), GetParseError_En(prv->jsonDoc.GetParseError()));
return false;
{ //This should never happen as we created the root ourselves
printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Invalid config file. No root?\n");
return false;
for(size_t i = 0; i < iConfigCnt; i++)
if(oConfigValues[i].iName != i)
printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Code error. oConfigValues are not in order.");
return false;
prv->configValues[i] = GetObjectMember(prv->jsonDoc, oConfigValues[i].sName);
if(prv->configValues[i] == nullptr)
printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Invalid config file. Missing value \"%s\".", oConfigValues[i].sName);
return false;
if(!checkType(prv->configValues[i]->GetType(), oConfigValues[i].iType))
printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Invalid config file. Value \"%s\" has unexpected type.", oConfigValues[i].sName);
return false;
size_t n_thd = prv->configValues[aGpuThreadsConf]->Size();
if(prv->configValues[iGpuThreadNum]->GetUint64() != n_thd)
"Invalid config file. Your GPU config array has %llu members, while you want to use %llu threads.",
int_port(n_thd), int_port(prv->configValues[iGpuThreadNum]->GetUint64()));
return false;
thd_cfg c;
for(size_t i=0; i < n_thd; i++)
if(!GetThreadConfig(i, c))
printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Thread %llu has invalid config.", int_port(i));
return false;
if(!prv->configValues[iCallTimeout]->IsUint64() ||
!prv->configValues[iNetRetry]->IsUint64() ||
2017-01-21 12:46:45 +01:00
"Invalid config file. call_timeout, retry_time and giveup_limit need to be positive integers.");
2017-01-21 12:46:45 +01:00
return false;
if(!prv->configValues[iVerboseLevel]->IsUint64() || !prv->configValues[iAutohashTime]->IsUint64())
"Invalid config file. verbose_level and h_print_time need to be positive integers.");
return false;
if(!prv->configValues[iHttpdPort]->IsUint() || prv->configValues[iHttpdPort]->GetUint() > 0xFFFF)
"Invalid config file. httpd_port has to be in the range 0 to 65535.");
return false;
return true;