commit f5b60562e82cb57541ec30f0755aadec0409967f Author: fireice-uk Date: Sat Jan 21 11:46:45 2017 +0000 First! diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..025e87b --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +bin/ +obj/ +xmr-stak-amd.layout +xmr-stak-amd.depend +config-debug.txt diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0010171 --- /dev/null +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +project(xmr-stak-amd) + +cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.10) + +if("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "GNU") + if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 5.1) + message(FATAL_ERROR "GCC version must be at least 5.1!") + endif() +endif() + +find_library(MHTD NAMES microhttpd) +if("${MHTD}" STREQUAL "MHTD-NOTFOUND") + message(FATAL_ERROR "libmicrohttpd is required") +endif() + +#set(CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE ON) +set(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES "RELEASE;STATIC") +if("${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" STREQUAL "") + set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE RELEASE) +endif() + +set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-DNDEBUG -march=westmere -O3 -m64 -s") +set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -std=c++11") + +set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_RELSEASE "") +set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_STATIC "-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++") + +set(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH "bin") + +file(GLOB SOURCES "crypto/*.c" "crypto/*.cpp" "amd_gpu/*.c" "*.cpp") + +add_executable(xmr-stak-amd ${SOURCES}) +target_link_libraries(xmr-stak-amd pthread microhttpd OpenCL) + + diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..85b8e59 --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,620 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + + Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for +software and other kinds of works. + + The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed +to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, +the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to +share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free +software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the +GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to +any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you +want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new +free programs, and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you +these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have +certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if +you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same +freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive +or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they +know their rights. + + Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: +(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License +giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it. + + For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains +that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and +authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as +changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to +authors of previous versions. + + Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run +modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer +can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of +protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic +pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to +use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we +have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those +products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we +stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions +of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users. + + Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. +States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of +software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to +avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could +make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that +patents cannot be used to render the program non-free. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + 0. Definitions. + + "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License. + + "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of +works, such as semiconductor masks. + + "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this +License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and +"recipients" may be individuals or organizations. + + To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work +in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an +exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the +earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work. + + A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based +on the Program. + + To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without +permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for +infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a +computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, +distribution (with or without modification), making available to the +public, and in some countries other activities as well. + + To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other +parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through +a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying. + + An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices" +to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible +feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) +tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the +extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the +work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If +the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a +menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion. + + 1. Source Code. + + The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work +for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source +form of a work. + + A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official +standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of +interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that +is widely used among developers working in that language. + + The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other +than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of +packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major +Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that +Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an +implementation is available to the public in source code form. A +"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component +(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system +(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to +produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it. + + The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all +the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable +work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to +control those activities. However, it does not include the work's +System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free +programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but +which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source +includes interface definition files associated with source files for +the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically +linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, +such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those +subprograms and other parts of the work. + + The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users +can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding +Source. + + The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that +same work. + + 2. Basic Permissions. + + All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of +copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated +conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited +permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a +covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its +content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your +rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law. + + You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not +convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains +in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose +of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you +with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with +the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do +not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works +for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction +and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of +your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you. + + Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under +the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 +makes it unnecessary. + + 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law. + + No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological +measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article +11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or +similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such +measures. + + When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid +circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention +is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to +the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or +modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's +users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of +technological measures. + + 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies. + + You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you +receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and +appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; +keep intact all notices stating that this License and any +non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; +keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all +recipients a copy of this License along with the Program. + + You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, +and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee. + + 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions. + + You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to +produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the +terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified + it, and giving a relevant date. + + b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is + released under this License and any conditions added under section + 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to + "keep intact all notices". + + c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this + License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This + License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 + additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts, + regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no + permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not + invalidate such permission if you have separately received it. + + d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display + Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive + interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your + work need not make them do so. + + A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent +works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, +and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, +in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an +"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not +used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users +beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work +in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other +parts of the aggregate. + + 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms. + + You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms +of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the +machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, +in one of these ways: + + a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the + Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium + customarily used for software interchange. + + b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a + written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as + long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product + model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a + copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the + product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical + medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no + more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this + conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the + Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge. + + c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the + written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This + alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and + only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord + with subsection 6b. + + d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated + place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the + Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no + further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the + Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to + copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source + may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party) + that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain + clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the + Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the + Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is + available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements. + + e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided + you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding + Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no + charge under subsection 6d. + + A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded +from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be +included in conveying the object code work. + + A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any +tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, +or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation +into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, +doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular +product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a +typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status +of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user +actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product +is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial +commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent +the only significant mode of use of the product. + + "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods, +procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install +and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from +a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must +suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object +code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because +modification has been made. + + If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or +specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as +part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the +User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a +fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the +Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied +by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply +if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install +modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has +been installed in ROM). + + The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a +requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates +for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for +the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a +network may be denied when the modification itself materially and +adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and +protocols for communication across the network. + + Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, +in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly +documented (and with an implementation available to the public in +source code form), and must require no special password or key for +unpacking, reading or copying. + + 7. Additional Terms. + + "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this +License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. +Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall +be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent +that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions +apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately +under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by +this License without regard to the additional permissions. + + When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option +remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of +it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own +removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place +additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, +for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you +add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of +that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms: + + a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the + terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or + + b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or + author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal + Notices displayed by works containing it; or + + c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or + requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in + reasonable ways as different from the original version; or + + d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or + authors of the material; or + + e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some + trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or + + f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that + material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of + it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for + any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on + those licensors and authors. + + All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further +restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you +received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is +governed by this License along with a term that is a further +restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains +a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this +License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms +of that license document, provided that the further restriction does +not survive such relicensing or conveying. + + If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you +must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the +additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating +where to find the applicable terms. + + Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the +form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; +the above requirements apply either way. + + 8. Termination. + + You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly +provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or +modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under +this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third +paragraph of section 11). + + However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your +license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) +provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and +finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright +holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means +prior to 60 days after the cessation. + + Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is +reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the +violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have +received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that +copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after +your receipt of the notice. + + Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the +licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under +this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently +reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same +material under section 10. + + 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies. + + You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or +run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work +occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission +to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However, +nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or +modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do +not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a +covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so. + + 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients. + + Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically +receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and +propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible +for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. + + An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an +organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an +organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered +work results from an entity transaction, each party to that +transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever +licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could +give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the +Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if +the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts. + + You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the +rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may +not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of +rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation +(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that +any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for +sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it. + + 11. Patents. + + A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this +License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The +work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version". + + A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims +owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or +hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted +by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, +but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a +consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For +purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant +patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of +this License. + + Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free +patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to +make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and +propagate the contents of its contributor version. + + In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express +agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent +(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to +sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a +party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a +patent against the party. + + If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, +and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone +to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a +publicly available network server or other readily accessible means, +then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so +available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the +patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner +consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent +license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have +actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the +covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work +in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that +country that you have reason to believe are valid. + + If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or +arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a +covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties +receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify +or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license +you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered +work and works based on it. + + A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within +the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is +conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are +specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered +work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is +in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment +to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying +the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the +parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory +patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work +conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily +for and in connection with specific products or compilations that +contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, +or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007. + + Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting +any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may +otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law. + + 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom. + + If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a +covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may +not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you +to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey +the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this +License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program. + + 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have +permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed +under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single +combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this +License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, +but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License, +section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the +combination as such. + + 14. Revised Versions of this License. + + The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of +the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + + Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the +Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General +Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the +option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered +version or of any later version published by the Free Software +Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the +GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published +by the Free Software Foundation. + + If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future +versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's +public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you +to choose that version for the Program. + + Later license versions may give you additional or different +permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any +author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a +later version. + + 15. Disclaimer of Warranty. + + THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY +APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT +HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY +OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM +IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF +ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. Limitation of Liability. + + IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS +THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY +GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE +USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF +DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD +PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), +EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF +SUCH DAMAGES. + + 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16. + + If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided +above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, +reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates +an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the +Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a +copy of the Program in return for a fee. + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a270ca --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +### XMR-Stak-AMD - Monero mining software + +XMR-Stak is a universal Stratum pool miner. This is the AMD version. + +#### Usage on Windows +1) Edit the config.txt file to enter your pool login and password. +2) Double click the exe file. + +XMR-Stak should compile on any C++11 compliant compiler. Windows compiler is assumed to be MSVC 2015 CE. MSVC build environment is not vendored. +``` +-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- +Hash: SHA256 + +Windows binary release checksums + +sha1sum xmr-stak-cpu.exe +32f551c891040eda2c25e18e6287665471a5a653 xmr-stak-cpu.exe + +sha3sum xmr-stak-cpu.exe +ed12841738c899a3eb61f51787aa670c25b64ce3c5a626717e6a8f6b xmr-stak-cpu.exe + +date +Mon 16 Jan 15:13:25 GMT 2017 +-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- +Version: GnuPG v2 + +iQEcBAEBCAAGBQJYfONvAAoJEPsk95p+1Bw02coH/0by+VMK76gnmpNjIxDcphkV +S1GG+f0sIAYUrGpoMCJTXbr7hU3Na+grTbt6xLM2Tb0xJjX4Mc47Cixajzy7+TTx +R2+CvBRl8LG9zob6JNiohvxD1+SK7RWDKWenFyDlr9BewgE/ArqZM+16BQBrLP9H +XIWy1wh/lcSYuS548tnUYdNOmEnR9TqA454M4r8PED85HSpNmvI+eG8fZ8OK471C +3yMupjYlAbiEBT+gE6bZwLeeCH9NO2gGeBAb31w8RBsMRjy+VvhFhTOoJwZbXj9e +sMUwNBu+fLVoilMVvp8SDpQ7Uw/WFT085N2eJiCCuEbHgFAwM3uwD6VHz3eXd0s= +=QJQj +-----END PGP SIGNATURE----- +``` + +#### Usage on Linux +``` + sudo apt-get install ocl-icd-opencl-dev + sudo apt-get install libmicrohttpd-dev + cmake . + make +``` + +GCC version 5.1 or higher is required for full C++11 support. CMake release compile scripts, as well as CodeBlocks build environment for debug builds is included. + +To do a static build for a system without gcc 5.1+ +``` + cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=STATIC + make +``` +Note - cmake caches variables, so if you want to do a dynamic build later you need to specify '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE' + +#### CPU mining performance + +Performance is nearly identical to the closed source paid miners. Here are some numbers: + +* **I7-2600K** - 266 H/s +* **I7-6700** - 276 H/s (with a separate GPU miner) +* **Dual X5650** - 466 H/s (depends on NUMA) +* **Dual E5640** - 365 H/s (same as above) + +#### Example reports +``` +HASHRATE REPORT +| ID | 2.5s | 60s | 15m | ID | 2.5s | 60s | 15m | +| 0 | 31.7 | 30.7 | 30.5 | 1 | 30.6 | 30.6 | 30.6 | +| 2 | 30.3 | 30.6 | 30.6 | 3 | 30.6 | 30.6 | 30.6 | +| 4 | 35.3 | 35.5 | 35.6 | 5 | 35.7 | 35.7 | 35.7 | +| 6 | 35.4 | 35.6 | 35.6 | 7 | 35.7 | 35.7 | 35.7 | +| 8 | 31.7 | 30.7 | 30.5 | 9 | 30.6 | 30.6 | 30.6 | +| 10 | 30.4 | 30.6 | 30.6 | 11 | 30.6 | 30.6 | 30.6 | +----------------------------------------------------- +Totals: 388.7 388.7 388.7 H/s +Highest: 388.7 H/s +``` + +``` +RESULT REPORT +Difficulty : 8192 +Good results : 5825 / 5826 (100.0 %) +Avg result time : 10.3 sec +Pool-side hashes : 22683648 + +Top 10 best results found: +| 0 | 15407238 | 1 | 12699745 | +| 2 | 12194202 | 3 | 6999845 | +| 4 | 5533935 | 5 | 5315338 | +| 6 | 4700351 | 7 | 4500227 | +| 8 | 4023567 | 9 | 4021473 | + +Error details: +| Count | Error text | Last seen | +| 1 | [NETWORK ERROR] | 2017-01-02 21:29:15 | +``` + +``` +CONNECTION REPORT +Connected since : 2017-01-02 21:29:40 +Pool ping time : 288 ms + +Network error log: +| Date | Error text | +| 2017-01-02 21:29:15 | CALL error: Timeout while waiting for a reply | +| 2017-01-02 21:29:30 | CONNECT error: GetAddrInfo: Name or service not known | +``` + +#### Default dev donation +By default the miner will donate 1% of the hashpower (1 minute in 100 minutes) to my pool. If you want to change that, edit **donate-level.h** before you build the binaries. + +If you want to donate directly to support further development, here is my wallet +* 4581HhZkQHgZrZjKeCfCJxZff9E3xCgHGF25zABZz7oR71TnbbgiS7sK9jveE6Dx6uMs2LwszDuvQJgRZQotdpHt1fTdDhk + + + +#### PGP Key +``` +-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- +Version: GnuPG v2 + +mQENBFhYUmUBCAC6493W5y1MMs38ApRbI11jWUqNdFm686XLkZWGDfYImzL6pEYk +RdWkyt9ziCyA6NUeWFQYniv/z10RxYKq8ulVVJaKb9qPGMU0ESfdxlFNJkU/pf28 +sEVBagGvGw8uFxjQONnBJ7y7iNRWMN7qSRS636wN5ryTHNsmqI4ClXPHkXkDCDUX +QvhXZpG9RRM6jsE3jBGz/LJi3FyZLo/vB60OZBODJ2IA0wSR41RRiOq01OqDueva +9jPoAokNglJfn/CniQ+lqUEXj1vjAZ1D5Mn9fISzA/UPen5Z7Sipaa9aAtsDBOfP +K9iPKOsWa2uTafoyXgiwEVXCCeMMUjCGaoFBABEBAAG0ImZpcmVpY2VfdWsgPGZp +cmVpY2UueG1yQGdtYWlsLmNvbT6JATcEEwEIACEFAlhYUmUCGwMFCwkIBwIGFQgJ +CgsCBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQ+yT3mn7UHDTEcQf8CMhqaZ0IOBxeBnsq5HZr2X6z +E5bODp5cPs6ha1tjH3CWpk1AFeykNtXH7kPW9hcDt/e4UQtcHs+lu6YU59X7xLJQ +udOkpWdmooJMXRWS/zeeon4ivT9d69jNnwubh8EJOyw8xm/se6n48BcewfHekW/6 +mVrbhLbF1dnuUGXzRN1WxsUZx3uJd2UvrkJhAtHtX92/qIVhT0+3PXV0bmpHURlK +YKhhm8dPLV9jPX8QVRHQXCOHSMqy/KoWEe6CnT0Isbkq3JtS3K4VBVeTX9gkySRc +IFxrNJdXsI9BxKv4O8yajP8DohpoGLMDKZKSO0yq0BRMgMh0cw6Lk22uyulGALkB +DQRYWFJlAQgAqikfViOmIccCZKVMZfNHjnigKtQqNrbJpYZCOImql4FqbZu9F7TD +9HIXA43SPcwziWlyazSy8Pa9nCpc6PuPPO1wxAaNIc5nt+w/x2EGGTIFGjRoubmP +3i5jZzOFYsvR2W3PgVa3/ujeYYJYo1oeVeuGmmJRejs0rp1mbvBSKw1Cq6C4cI0x +GTY1yXFGLIgdfYNMmiLsTy1Qwq8YStbFKeUYAMMG3128SAIaT3Eet911f5Jx4tC8 +6kWUr6PX1rQ0LQJqyIsLq9U53XybUksRfJC9IEfgvgBxRBHSD8WfqEhHjhW1VsZG +dcYgr7A1PIneWsCEY+5VUnqTlt2HPaKweQARAQABiQEfBBgBCAAJBQJYWFJlAhsM +AAoJEPsk95p+1Bw0Pr8H/0vZ6U2zaih03jOHOvsrYxRfDXSmgudOp1VS45aHIREd +2nrJ+drleeFVyb14UQqO/6iX9GuDX2yBEHdCg2aljeP98AaMU//RiEtebE6CUWsL +HPVXHIkxwBCBe0YkJINHUQqLz/5f6qLsNUp1uTH2++zhdBWvg+gErTYbx8aFMFYH +0GoOtqE5rtlAh5MTvDZm+UcDwKJCxhrLaN3R3dDoyrDNRTgHQQuX5/opJBiUnVNK +d+vugnxzpMIJQP11yCZkz/KxV8zQ2QPMuZdAoh3znd/vGCJcp0rWphn4pqxA4vDp +c4hC0Yg9Dha1OoE5CJCqVL+ic4vAyB1urAwBlsd/wH8= +=B5I+ +-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- +``` + +### Common Issues + +**msvcp140.dll and vcruntime140.dll not available errors** + +Download and install this [runtime package]( from Microsoft. *Warning: Do NOT use "missing dll" sites - dll's are exe files with another name, and it is a fairly safe bet that any dll on a shady site like that will be trojaned. Please download offical runtimes from Microsoft above.* + + + + diff --git a/amd_gpu/gpu.c b/amd_gpu/gpu.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab80e2c --- /dev/null +++ b/amd_gpu/gpu.c @@ -0,0 +1,668 @@ +/* + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include + +#ifdef _WIN32 +#include +const char* sSourcePath = "opencl\\"; + +static inline void port_sleep(size_t sec) +{ + Sleep(sec * 1000); +} +#else +#include +const char* sSourcePath = "opencl/"; + +static inline void port_sleep(size_t sec) +{ + sleep(sec); +} +#endif // _WIN32 + +#include "gpu.h" + +const char* err_to_str(cl_int ret) +{ + switch(ret) + { + case CL_SUCCESS: + return "CL_SUCCESS"; + case CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND: + return "CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND"; + case CL_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE: + return "CL_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE"; + case CL_COMPILER_NOT_AVAILABLE: + return "CL_COMPILER_NOT_AVAILABLE"; + case CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE: + return "CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE"; + case CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES: + return "CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES"; + case CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY: + return "CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY"; + case CL_PROFILING_INFO_NOT_AVAILABLE: + return "CL_PROFILING_INFO_NOT_AVAILABLE"; + case CL_MEM_COPY_OVERLAP: + return "CL_MEM_COPY_OVERLAP"; + case CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_MISMATCH: + return "CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_MISMATCH"; + case CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED: + return "CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED"; + case CL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE: + return "CL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE"; + case CL_MAP_FAILURE: + return "CL_MAP_FAILURE"; + case CL_MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET: + return "CL_MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET"; + case CL_EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST: + return "CL_EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST"; + case CL_COMPILE_PROGRAM_FAILURE: + return "CL_COMPILE_PROGRAM_FAILURE"; + case CL_LINKER_NOT_AVAILABLE: + return "CL_LINKER_NOT_AVAILABLE"; + case CL_LINK_PROGRAM_FAILURE: + return "CL_LINK_PROGRAM_FAILURE"; + case CL_DEVICE_PARTITION_FAILED: + return "CL_DEVICE_PARTITION_FAILED"; + case CL_KERNEL_ARG_INFO_NOT_AVAILABLE: + return "CL_KERNEL_ARG_INFO_NOT_AVAILABLE"; + case CL_INVALID_VALUE: + return "CL_INVALID_VALUE"; + case CL_INVALID_DEVICE_TYPE: + return "CL_INVALID_DEVICE_TYPE"; + case CL_INVALID_PLATFORM: + return "CL_INVALID_PLATFORM"; + case CL_INVALID_DEVICE: + return "CL_INVALID_DEVICE"; + case CL_INVALID_CONTEXT: + return "CL_INVALID_CONTEXT"; + case CL_INVALID_QUEUE_PROPERTIES: + return "CL_INVALID_QUEUE_PROPERTIES"; + case CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE: + return "CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE"; + case CL_INVALID_HOST_PTR: + return "CL_INVALID_HOST_PTR"; + case CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT: + return "CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT"; + case CL_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT_DESCRIPTOR: + return "CL_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT_DESCRIPTOR"; + case CL_INVALID_IMAGE_SIZE: + return "CL_INVALID_IMAGE_SIZE"; + case CL_INVALID_SAMPLER: + return "CL_INVALID_SAMPLER"; + case CL_INVALID_BINARY: + return "CL_INVALID_BINARY"; + case CL_INVALID_BUILD_OPTIONS: + return "CL_INVALID_BUILD_OPTIONS"; + case CL_INVALID_PROGRAM: + return "CL_INVALID_PROGRAM"; + case CL_INVALID_PROGRAM_EXECUTABLE: + return "CL_INVALID_PROGRAM_EXECUTABLE"; + case CL_INVALID_KERNEL_NAME: + return "CL_INVALID_KERNEL_NAME"; + case CL_INVALID_KERNEL_DEFINITION: + return "CL_INVALID_KERNEL_DEFINITION"; + case CL_INVALID_KERNEL: + return "CL_INVALID_KERNEL"; + case CL_INVALID_ARG_INDEX: + return "CL_INVALID_ARG_INDEX"; + case CL_INVALID_ARG_VALUE: + return "CL_INVALID_ARG_VALUE"; + case CL_INVALID_ARG_SIZE: + return "CL_INVALID_ARG_SIZE"; + case CL_INVALID_KERNEL_ARGS: + return "CL_INVALID_KERNEL_ARGS"; + case CL_INVALID_WORK_DIMENSION: + return "CL_INVALID_WORK_DIMENSION"; + case CL_INVALID_WORK_GROUP_SIZE: + return "CL_INVALID_WORK_GROUP_SIZE"; + case CL_INVALID_WORK_ITEM_SIZE: + return "CL_INVALID_WORK_ITEM_SIZE"; + case CL_INVALID_GLOBAL_OFFSET: + return "CL_INVALID_GLOBAL_OFFSET"; + case CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST: + return "CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST"; + case CL_INVALID_EVENT: + return "CL_INVALID_EVENT"; + case CL_INVALID_OPERATION: + return "CL_INVALID_OPERATION"; + case CL_INVALID_GL_OBJECT: + return "CL_INVALID_GL_OBJECT"; + case CL_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE: + return "CL_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE"; + case CL_INVALID_MIP_LEVEL: + return "CL_INVALID_MIP_LEVEL"; + case CL_INVALID_GLOBAL_WORK_SIZE: + return "CL_INVALID_GLOBAL_WORK_SIZE"; + case CL_INVALID_PROPERTY: + return "CL_INVALID_PROPERTY"; + case CL_INVALID_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR: + return "CL_INVALID_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR"; + case CL_INVALID_COMPILER_OPTIONS: + return "CL_INVALID_COMPILER_OPTIONS"; + case CL_INVALID_LINKER_OPTIONS: + return "CL_INVALID_LINKER_OPTIONS"; + case CL_INVALID_DEVICE_PARTITION_COUNT: + return "CL_INVALID_DEVICE_PARTITION_COUNT"; + case CL_INVALID_PIPE_SIZE: + return "CL_INVALID_PIPE_SIZE"; + case CL_INVALID_DEVICE_QUEUE: + return "CL_INVALID_DEVICE_QUEUE"; + default: + return "UNKNOWN_ERROR"; + } +} + +void printer_print_msg(const char* fmt, ...); + +char* LoadTextFile(const char* filename) +{ + size_t flen; + char* out; + FILE* kernel = fopen(filename, "rb"); + + if(kernel == NULL) + return NULL; + + fseek(kernel, 0, SEEK_END); + flen = ftell(kernel); + fseek(kernel, 0, SEEK_SET); + + out = (char*)malloc(flen+1); + size_t r = fread(out, flen, 1, kernel); + fclose(kernel); + + if(r != 1) + { + free(out); + return NULL; + } + + out[flen] = '\0'; + return out; +} + +size_t InitOpenCLGpu(cl_context opencl_ctx, GpuContext* ctx, char* source_code) +{ + size_t MaximumWorkSize; + cl_int ret; + + if((clGetDeviceInfo(ctx->DeviceID, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof(size_t), &MaximumWorkSize, NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when querying a device's max worksize using clGetDeviceInfo.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + printer_print_msg("Device %lu work size %lu / %lu.", ctx->deviceIdx, ctx->workSize, MaximumWorkSize); +#ifdef CL_VERSION_2_0 + const cl_queue_properties CommandQueueProperties[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; + ctx->CommandQueues = clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties(opencl_ctx, ctx->DeviceID, CommandQueueProperties, &ret); +#else + const cl_command_queue_properties CommandQueueProperties = { 0 }; + ctx->CommandQueues = clCreateCommandQueue(opencl_ctx, ctx->DeviceID, CommandQueueProperties, &ret); +#endif + + if(ret != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + ctx->InputBuffer = clCreateBuffer(opencl_ctx, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, 88, NULL, &ret); + if(ret != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clCreateBuffer to create input buffer.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + size_t g_thd = ctx->rawIntensity; + ctx->ExtraBuffers[0] = clCreateBuffer(opencl_ctx, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, (1 << 21) * g_thd, NULL, &ret); + if(ret != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clCreateBuffer to create hash scratchpads buffer.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + ctx->ExtraBuffers[1] = clCreateBuffer(opencl_ctx, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, 200 * g_thd, NULL, &ret); + if(ret != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clCreateBuffer to create hash states buffer.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + // Blake-256 branches + ctx->ExtraBuffers[2] = clCreateBuffer(opencl_ctx, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(cl_uint) * (g_thd + 2), NULL, &ret); + if(ret != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clCreateBuffer to create Branch 0 buffer.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + // Groestl-256 branches + ctx->ExtraBuffers[3] = clCreateBuffer(opencl_ctx, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(cl_uint) * (g_thd + 2), NULL, &ret); + if(ret != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clCreateBuffer to create Branch 1 buffer.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + // JH-256 branches + ctx->ExtraBuffers[4] = clCreateBuffer(opencl_ctx, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(cl_uint) * (g_thd + 2), NULL, &ret); + if(ret != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clCreateBuffer to create Branch 2 buffer.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + // Skein-512 branches + ctx->ExtraBuffers[5] = clCreateBuffer(opencl_ctx, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(cl_uint) * (g_thd + 2), NULL, &ret); + if(ret != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clCreateBuffer to create Branch 3 buffer.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + // Assume we may find up to 0xFF nonces in one run - it's reasonable + ctx->OutputBuffer = clCreateBuffer(opencl_ctx, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(cl_uint) * 0x100, NULL, &ret); + if(ret != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clCreateBuffer to create output buffer.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + ctx->Program = clCreateProgramWithSource(opencl_ctx, 1, (const char**)&source_code, NULL, &ret); + if(ret != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clCreateProgramWithSource on the contents of", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + char options[32]; + snprintf(options, sizeof(options), "-I. -DWORKSIZE=%lu", ctx->workSize); + ret = clBuildProgram(ctx->Program, 1, &ctx->DeviceID, options, NULL, NULL); + if(ret != CL_SUCCESS) + { + size_t len; + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clBuildProgram.", err_to_str(ret)); + + if((ret = clGetProgramBuildInfo(ctx->Program, ctx->DeviceID, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, 0, NULL, &len)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clGetProgramBuildInfo for length of build log output.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + char* BuildLog = (char*)malloc(len + 1); + if((ret = clGetProgramBuildInfo(ctx->Program, ctx->DeviceID, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, len, BuildLog, NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + free(BuildLog); + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clGetProgramBuildInfo for build log.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + printer_print_msg("Build Log:\n%s", BuildLog); + free(BuildLog); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + cl_build_status status; + do + { + if((ret = clGetProgramBuildInfo(ctx->Program, ctx->DeviceID, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_STATUS, sizeof(cl_build_status), &status, NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clGetProgramBuildInfo for status of build.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + port_sleep(1); + } + while(status == CL_BUILD_IN_PROGRESS); + + const char *KernelNames[] = { "cn0", "cn1", "cn2", "Blake", "Groestl", "JH", "Skein" }; + for(int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) + { + ctx->Kernels[i] = clCreateKernel(ctx->Program, KernelNames[i], &ret); + if(ret != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clCreateKernel for kernel %s.", err_to_str(ret), KernelNames[i]); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + } + + ctx->Nonce = 0; + return 0; +} + +// RequestedDeviceIdxs is a list of OpenCL device indexes +// NumDevicesRequested is number of devices in RequestedDeviceIdxs list +// Returns 0 on success, -1 on stupid params, -2 on OpenCL API error +size_t InitOpenCL(GpuContext* ctx, size_t num_gpus, size_t platform_idx) +{ + cl_context opencl_ctx; + cl_int ret; + cl_uint entries; + + if((ret = clGetPlatformIDs(0, NULL, &entries)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clGetPlatformIDs for number of platforms.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + // The number of platforms naturally is the index of the last platform plus one. + if(entries <= platform_idx) + { + printer_print_msg("Selected OpenCL platform index %d doesn't exist.", platform_idx); + return ERR_STUPID_PARAMS; + } + + cl_platform_id PlatformIDList[entries]; + if((ret = clGetPlatformIDs(entries, PlatformIDList, NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clGetPlatformIDs for platform ID information.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + if((ret = clGetDeviceIDs(PlatformIDList[platform_idx], CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 0, NULL, &entries)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clGetDeviceIDs for number of devices.", ret); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + // Same as the platform index sanity check, except we must check all requested device indexes + for(int i = 0; i < num_gpus; ++i) + { + if(entries <= ctx[i].deviceIdx) + { + printer_print_msg("Selected OpenCL device index %lu doesn't exist.\n", ctx[i].deviceIdx); + return ERR_STUPID_PARAMS; + } + } + + cl_device_id DeviceIDList[entries]; + if((ret = clGetDeviceIDs(PlatformIDList[platform_idx], CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, entries, DeviceIDList, NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clGetDeviceIDs for device ID information.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + // Indexes sanity checked above + cl_device_id TempDeviceList[num_gpus]; + for(int i = 0; i < num_gpus; ++i) + { + ctx[i].DeviceID = DeviceIDList[ctx[i].deviceIdx]; + TempDeviceList[i] = DeviceIDList[ctx[i].deviceIdx]; + } + + opencl_ctx = clCreateContext(NULL, num_gpus, TempDeviceList, NULL, NULL, &ret); + if(ret != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clCreateContext.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + char* source_code = LoadTextFile(sSourcePath); + for(int i = 0; i < num_gpus; ++i) + { + if((ret = InitOpenCLGpu(opencl_ctx, &ctx[i], source_code)) != ERR_SUCCESS) + { + free(source_code); + return ret; + } + } + free(source_code); + + return ERR_SUCCESS; +} + +size_t XMRSetJob(GpuContext* ctx, uint8_t* input, size_t input_len, uint32_t target) +{ + cl_int ret; + + if(input_len > 84) + return ERR_STUPID_PARAMS; + + input[input_len] = 0x01; + memset(input + input_len + 1, 0, 88 - input_len - 1); + + if((ret = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(ctx->CommandQueues, ctx->InputBuffer, CL_TRUE, 0, 88, input, 0, NULL, NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clEnqueueWriteBuffer to fill input buffer.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + if((ret = clSetKernelArg(ctx->Kernels[0], 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &ctx->InputBuffer)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clSetKernelArg for kernel 0, argument 0.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + // Scratchpads + if((ret = clSetKernelArg(ctx->Kernels[0], 1, sizeof(cl_mem), ctx->ExtraBuffers + 0)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clSetKernelArg for kernel 0, argument 1.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + // States + if((ret = clSetKernelArg(ctx->Kernels[0], 2, sizeof(cl_mem), ctx->ExtraBuffers + 1)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clSetKernelArg for kernel 0, argument 2.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + // CN2 Kernel + + // Scratchpads + if((ret = clSetKernelArg(ctx->Kernels[1], 0, sizeof(cl_mem), ctx->ExtraBuffers + 0)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clSetKernelArg for kernel 1, argument 0.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + // States + if((ret = clSetKernelArg(ctx->Kernels[1], 1, sizeof(cl_mem), ctx->ExtraBuffers + 1)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clSetKernelArg for kernel 1, argument 1.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + // CN3 Kernel + // Scratchpads + if((ret = clSetKernelArg(ctx->Kernels[2], 0, sizeof(cl_mem), ctx->ExtraBuffers + 0)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clSetKernelArg for kernel 2, argument 0.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + // States + if((ret = clSetKernelArg(ctx->Kernels[2], 1, sizeof(cl_mem), ctx->ExtraBuffers + 1)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clSetKernelArg for kernel 2, argument 1.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + // Branch 0 + if((ret = clSetKernelArg(ctx->Kernels[2], 2, sizeof(cl_mem), ctx->ExtraBuffers + 2)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clSetKernelArg for kernel 2, argument 2.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + // Branch 1 + if((ret = clSetKernelArg(ctx->Kernels[2], 3, sizeof(cl_mem), ctx->ExtraBuffers + 3)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clSetKernelArg for kernel 2, argument 3.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + // Branch 2 + if((ret = clSetKernelArg(ctx->Kernels[2], 4, sizeof(cl_mem), ctx->ExtraBuffers + 4)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clSetKernelArg for kernel 2, argument 4.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + // Branch 3 + if((ret = clSetKernelArg(ctx->Kernels[2], 5, sizeof(cl_mem), ctx->ExtraBuffers + 5)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clSetKernelArg for kernel 2, argument 5.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) + { + // States + if((ret = clSetKernelArg(ctx->Kernels[i + 3], 0, sizeof(cl_mem), ctx->ExtraBuffers + 1)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clSetKernelArg for kernel %d, argument %d.", err_to_str(ret), i + 3, 0); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + // Nonce buffer + if((ret = clSetKernelArg(ctx->Kernels[i + 3], 1, sizeof(cl_mem), ctx->ExtraBuffers + (i + 2))) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clSetKernelArg for kernel %d, argument %d.", err_to_str(ret), i + 3, 1); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + // Output + if((ret = clSetKernelArg(ctx->Kernels[i + 3], 2, sizeof(cl_mem), &ctx->OutputBuffer)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clSetKernelArg for kernel %d, argument %d.", err_to_str(ret), i + 3, 2); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + // Target + if((ret = clSetKernelArg(ctx->Kernels[i + 3], 3, sizeof(cl_uint), &target)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clSetKernelArg for kernel %d, argument %d.", err_to_str(ret), i + 3, 3); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + } + + return ERR_SUCCESS; +} + +size_t XMRRunJob(GpuContext* ctx, cl_uint* HashOutput) +{ + cl_int ret; + cl_uint zero = 0; + size_t BranchNonces[4] = {0}; + + size_t g_thd = ctx->rawIntensity; + size_t w_size = ctx->workSize; + + for(int i = 2; i < 6; ++i) + { + if((ret = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(ctx->CommandQueues, ctx->ExtraBuffers[i], CL_FALSE, sizeof(cl_uint) * g_thd, sizeof(cl_uint), &zero, 0, NULL, NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clEnqueueWriteBuffer to zero branch buffer counter %d.", err_to_str(ret), i - 2); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + } + + if((ret = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(ctx->CommandQueues, ctx->OutputBuffer, CL_FALSE, sizeof(cl_uint) * 0xFF, sizeof(cl_uint), &zero, 0, NULL, NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clEnqueueReadBuffer to fetch results.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + clFinish(ctx->CommandQueues); + + size_t Nonce[2] = {ctx->Nonce, 1}, gthreads[2] = { g_thd, 8 }, lthreads[2] = { w_size, 8 }; + if((ret = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(ctx->CommandQueues, ctx->Kernels[0], 2, Nonce, gthreads, lthreads, 0, NULL, NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clEnqueueNDRangeKernel for kernel %d.", err_to_str(ret), 0); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + /*for(int i = 1; i < 3; ++i) + { + if((ret = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(*ctx->CommandQueues, ctx->Kernels[i], 1, &ctx->Nonce, &g_thd, &w_size, 0, NULL, NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + Log(LOG_CRITICAL, "Error %s when calling clEnqueueNDRangeKernel for kernel %d.", err_to_str(ret), i); + return(ERR_OCL_API); + } + }*/ + + if((ret = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(ctx->CommandQueues, ctx->Kernels[1], 1, &ctx->Nonce, &g_thd, &w_size, 0, NULL, NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clEnqueueNDRangeKernel for kernel %d.", err_to_str(ret), 1); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + if((ret = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(ctx->CommandQueues, ctx->Kernels[2], 2, Nonce, gthreads, lthreads, 0, NULL, NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clEnqueueNDRangeKernel for kernel %d.", err_to_str(ret), 2); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + if((ret = clEnqueueReadBuffer(ctx->CommandQueues, ctx->ExtraBuffers[2], CL_FALSE, sizeof(cl_uint) * g_thd, sizeof(cl_uint), BranchNonces, 0, NULL, NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clEnqueueReadBuffer to fetch results.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + if((ret = clEnqueueReadBuffer(ctx->CommandQueues, ctx->ExtraBuffers[3], CL_FALSE, sizeof(cl_uint) * g_thd, sizeof(cl_uint), BranchNonces + 1, 0, NULL, NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clEnqueueReadBuffer to fetch results.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + if((ret = clEnqueueReadBuffer(ctx->CommandQueues, ctx->ExtraBuffers[4], CL_FALSE, sizeof(cl_uint) * g_thd, sizeof(cl_uint), BranchNonces + 2, 0, NULL, NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clEnqueueReadBuffer to fetch results.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + if((ret = clEnqueueReadBuffer(ctx->CommandQueues, ctx->ExtraBuffers[5], CL_FALSE, sizeof(cl_uint) * g_thd, sizeof(cl_uint), BranchNonces + 3, 0, NULL, NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clEnqueueReadBuffer to fetch results.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + clFinish(ctx->CommandQueues); + + for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) + { + if(BranchNonces[i]) + { + // Threads + if((clSetKernelArg(ctx->Kernels[i + 3], 4, sizeof(cl_ulong), BranchNonces + i)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clSetKernelArg for kernel %d, argument %d.", err_to_str(ret), i + 3, 4); + return(ERR_OCL_API); + } + + BranchNonces[i] += BranchNonces[i] + (w_size - (BranchNonces[i] & (w_size - 1))); + if((ret = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(ctx->CommandQueues, ctx->Kernels[i + 3], 1, &ctx->Nonce, BranchNonces + i, &w_size, 0, NULL, NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clEnqueueNDRangeKernel for kernel %d.", err_to_str(ret), i + 3); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + } + } + + if((ret = clEnqueueReadBuffer(ctx->CommandQueues, ctx->OutputBuffer, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(cl_uint) * 0x100, HashOutput, 0, NULL, NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS) + { + printer_print_msg("Error %s when calling clEnqueueReadBuffer to fetch results.", err_to_str(ret)); + return ERR_OCL_API; + } + + clFinish(ctx->CommandQueues); + ctx->Nonce += g_thd; + + return ERR_SUCCESS; +} diff --git a/amd_gpu/gpu.h b/amd_gpu/gpu.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f7e1140 --- /dev/null +++ b/amd_gpu/gpu.h @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +#pragma once + +#include +#include + +#define ERR_SUCCESS (0) +#define ERR_OCL_API (2) +#define ERR_STUPID_PARAMS (1) + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif // __cplusplus + +typedef struct _GpuContext +{ + /*Input vars*/ + size_t deviceIdx; + size_t rawIntensity; + size_t workSize; + + /*Output vars*/ + cl_device_id DeviceID; + cl_command_queue CommandQueues; + cl_mem InputBuffer; + cl_mem OutputBuffer; + cl_mem ExtraBuffers[6]; + cl_program Program; + cl_kernel Kernels[7]; + + size_t Nonce; +} GpuContext; + +size_t InitOpenCL(GpuContext* ctx, size_t num_gpus, size_t platform_idx); +size_t XMRSetJob(GpuContext* ctx, uint8_t* input, size_t input_len, uint32_t target); +size_t XMRRunJob(GpuContext* ctx, cl_uint* HashOutput); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif // __cplusplus diff --git a/cli-miner.cpp b/cli-miner.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cef1d86 --- /dev/null +++ b/cli-miner.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ + /* + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include "executor.h" +#include "minethd.h" +#include "jconf.h" +#include "console.h" +#include "donate-level.h" +#include "httpd.h" + +#include +#include +#include + +//Do a press any key for the windows folk. *insert any key joke here* +#ifdef _WIN32 +void win_exit() +{ + printer::inst()->print_str("Press any key to exit."); + get_key(); + return; +} + +#define strcasecmp _stricmp + +#else +void win_exit() { return; } +#endif // _WIN32 + +int main(int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + const char* sFilename = "config.txt"; + + if(argc >= 2) + { + if(strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0) + { + printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Usage %s [CONFIG FILE]", argv[0]); + win_exit(); + return 0; + } + + if(argc >= 3 && strcasecmp(argv[1], "-c") == 0) + sFilename = argv[2]; + else + sFilename = argv[1]; + } + + if(!jconf::inst()->parse_config(sFilename)) + { + win_exit(); + return 0; + } + + if(!minethd::init_gpus()) + { + win_exit(); + return 0; + } + + if(jconf::inst()->GetHttpdPort() != 0) + { + if (!httpd::inst()->start_daemon()) + { + win_exit(); + return 0; + } + } + + printer::inst()->print_str("-------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); + printer::inst()->print_str("XMR-Stak-CPU mining software, CPU Version.\n"); + printer::inst()->print_str("Based on CPU mining code by wolf9466 (heavily optimized by myself).\n"); + printer::inst()->print_str("Brought to you by fireice_uk under GPLv3.\n\n"); + char buffer[64]; + snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Configurable dev donation level is set to %.1f %%\n\n", fDevDonationLevel * 100.0); + printer::inst()->print_str(buffer); + printer::inst()->print_str("You can use following keys to display reports:\n"); + printer::inst()->print_str("'h' - hashrate\n"); + printer::inst()->print_str("'r' - results\n"); + printer::inst()->print_str("'c' - connection\n"); + printer::inst()->print_str("-------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); + + executor::inst()->ex_start(); + + int key; + while(true) + { + key = get_key(); + + switch(key) + { + case 'h': + executor::inst()->push_event(ex_event(EV_USR_HASHRATE)); + break; + case 'r': + executor::inst()->push_event(ex_event(EV_USR_RESULTS)); + break; + case 'c': + executor::inst()->push_event(ex_event(EV_USR_CONNSTAT)); + break; + default: + break; + } + } + + return 0; +} diff --git a/config.txt b/config.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44dbf2f --- /dev/null +++ b/config.txt @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +/* + * Number of GPUs that you have in your system. Each GPU will get its own CPU thread. + */ +"gpu_thread_num" : 6, + +/* + * GPU configuration. You should play around with intensity and worksize as the fastest settings will vary. + * index - GPU index number usually starts from 0 + * intensity - Number of parallel GPU threads (nothing to do with CPU threads) + * worksize - Number of local GPU threads (nothing to do with CPU threads) + * affine_to_cpu - This will affine the thread to a CPU. This can make a GPU miner play along nicer with a CPU miner. + */ +"gpu_threads_conf" : [ + { "index" : 0, "intensity" : 1000, "worksize" : 8, "affine_to_cpu" : false }, + { "index" : 1, "intensity" : 1000, "worksize" : 8, "affine_to_cpu" : false }, + { "index" : 2, "intensity" : 1000, "worksize" : 8, "affine_to_cpu" : false }, + { "index" : 3, "intensity" : 1000, "worksize" : 8, "affine_to_cpu" : false }, + { "index" : 4, "intensity" : 1000, "worksize" : 8, "affine_to_cpu" : false }, + { "index" : 5, "intensity" : 1000, "worksize" : 8, "affine_to_cpu" : false }, +], + +/* + * Platform index. This will be 0 unless you have different OpenCL platform - eg. AMD and Intel. + */ +"platform_index" : 0, + +/* + * pool_address - Pool address should be in the form "". Only stratum pools are supported. + * wallet_address - Your wallet, or pool login. + * pool_password - Can be empty in most cases or "x". + */ +"pool_address" : "", +"wallet_address" : "", +"pool_password" : "", + +/* + * Network timeouts. + * Because of the way this client is written it doesn't need to constantly talk (keep-alive) to the server to make + * sure it is there. We detect a buggy / overloaded server by the call timeout. The default values will be ok for + * nearly all cases. If they aren't the pool has most likely overload issues. Low call timeout values are preferable - + * long timeouts mean that we waste hashes on potentially stale jobs. Connection report will tell you how long the + * server usually takes to process our calls. + * + * call_timeout - How long should we wait for a response from the server before we assume it is dead and drop the connection. + * retry_time - How long should we wait before another connection attempt. + * Both values are in seconds. + */ +"call_timeout" : 10, +"retry_time" : 10, + +/* + * Output control. + * Since most people are used to miners printing all the time, that's what we do by default too. This is suboptimal + * really, since you cannot see errors under pages and pages of text and performance stats. Given that we have internal + * performance monitors, there is very little reason to spew out pages of text instead of concise reports. + * Press 'h' (hashrate), 'r' (results) or 'c' (connection) to print reports. + * + * verbose_level - 0 - Don't print anything. + * 1 - Print intro, connection event, disconnect event + * 2 - All of level 1, and new job (block) event if the difficulty is different from the last job + * 3 - All of level 1, and new job (block) event in all cases, result submission event. + * 4 - All of level 3, and automatic hashrate report printing + */ +"verbose_level" : 3, + +/* + * Automatic hashrate report + * + * h_print_time - How often, in seconds, should we print a hashrate report if verbose_level is set to 4. + * This option has no effect if verbose_level is not 4. + */ +"h_print_time" : 60, + +/* + * Built-in web server + * I like checking my hashrate on my phone. Don't you? + * Keep in mind that you will need to set up port forwarding on your router if you want to access it from + * outside of your home network. Ports lower than 1024 on Linux systems will require root. + * + * httpd_port - Port we should listen on. Default, 0, will switch off the server. + */ +"httpd_port" : 0, + +/* + * prefer_ipv4 - IPv6 preference. If the host is available on both IPv4 and IPv6 net, which one should be choose? + * This setting will only be needed in 2020's. No need to worry about it now. + */ +"prefer_ipv4" : true, diff --git a/console.cpp b/console.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5550359 --- /dev/null +++ b/console.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ +/* + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include "console.h" +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#ifdef _WIN32 +#include + +int get_key() +{ + DWORD mode, rd; + HANDLE h; + + if ((h = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)) == NULL) + return -1; + + GetConsoleMode( h, &mode ); + SetConsoleMode( h, mode & ~(ENABLE_LINE_INPUT | ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT) ); + + int c = 0; + ReadConsole( h, &c, 1, &rd, NULL ); + SetConsoleMode( h, mode ); + + return c; +} + +void set_colour(out_colours cl) +{ + WORD attr = 0; + + switch(cl) + { + case K_RED: + attr = FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY; + break; + case K_GREEN: + attr = FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY; + break; + case K_BLUE: + attr = FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY; + break; + case K_YELLOW: + attr = FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY; + break; + case K_CYAN: + attr = FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY; + break; + case K_MAGENTA: + attr = FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY; + break; + case K_WHITE: + attr = FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY; + break; + default: + break; + } + + SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), attr); +} + +void reset_colour() +{ + SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE); +} + +#else +#include +#include +#include + +int get_key() +{ + struct termios oldattr, newattr; + int ch; + tcgetattr( STDIN_FILENO, &oldattr ); + newattr = oldattr; + newattr.c_lflag &= ~( ICANON | ECHO ); + tcsetattr( STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &newattr ); + ch = getchar(); + tcsetattr( STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &oldattr ); + return ch; +} + +void set_colour(out_colours cl) +{ + switch(cl) + { + case K_RED: + fputs("\x1B[1;31m", stdout); + break; + case K_GREEN: + fputs("\x1B[1;32m", stdout); + break; + case K_BLUE: + fputs("\x1B[1;34m", stdout); + break; + case K_YELLOW: + fputs("\x1B[1;33m", stdout); + break; + case K_CYAN: + fputs("\x1B[1;36m", stdout); + break; + case K_MAGENTA: + fputs("\x1B[1;35m", stdout); + break; + case K_WHITE: + fputs("\x1B[1;37m", stdout); + break; + default: + break; + } +} + +void reset_colour() +{ + fputs("\x1B[0m", stdout); +} +#endif // _WIN32 + +inline void comp_localtime(const time_t* ctime, tm* stime) +{ +#ifdef _WIN32 + localtime_s(stime, ctime); +#else + localtime_r(ctime, stime); +#endif // __WIN32 +} + +printer* printer::oInst = nullptr; + +printer::printer() +{ + verbose_level = LINF; +} + +void printer::print_msg(verbosity verbose, const char* fmt, ...) +{ + if(verbose > verbose_level) + return; + + char buf[1024]; + size_t bpos; + tm stime; + + time_t now = time(nullptr); + comp_localtime(&now, &stime); + strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "[%F %T] : ", &stime); + bpos = strlen(buf); + + va_list args; + va_start(args, fmt); + vsnprintf(buf+bpos, sizeof(buf)-bpos, fmt, args); + va_end(args); + bpos = strlen(buf); + + if(bpos+2 >= sizeof(buf)) + return; + + buf[bpos] = '\n'; + buf[bpos+1] = '\0'; + + std::unique_lock lck(print_mutex); + fputs(buf, stdout); +} + +void printer::print_str(const char* str) +{ + std::unique_lock lck(print_mutex); + fputs(str, stdout); +} + +extern "C" void printer_print_msg(const char* fmt, ...) +{ + char buf[1024]; + size_t bpos; + tm stime; + + time_t now = time(nullptr); + comp_localtime(&now, &stime); + strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "[%F %T] : ", &stime); + bpos = strlen(buf); + + va_list args; + va_start(args, fmt); + vsnprintf(buf+bpos, sizeof(buf)-bpos, fmt, args); + va_end(args); + bpos = strlen(buf); + + if(bpos+2 >= sizeof(buf)) + return; + + buf[bpos] = '\n'; + buf[bpos+1] = '\0'; + + printer::inst()->print_str(buf); +} diff --git a/console.h b/console.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c86830 --- /dev/null +++ b/console.h @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +#pragma once +#include + +enum out_colours { K_RED, K_GREEN, K_BLUE, K_YELLOW, K_CYAN, K_MAGENTA, K_WHITE, K_NONE }; + +// Warning - on Linux get_key will detect control keys, but not on Windows. +// We will only use it for alphanum keys anyway. +int get_key(); + +void set_colour(out_colours cl); +void reset_colour(); + +// on MSVC sizeof(long int) = 4, gcc sizeof(long int) = 8, this is the workaround +// now we can use %llu on both compilers +inline long long unsigned int int_port(size_t i) +{ + return i; +} + +enum verbosity : size_t { L0 = 0, L1 = 1, L2 = 2, L3 = 3, L4 = 4, LINF = 100}; + +class printer +{ +public: + static inline printer* inst() + { + if (oInst == nullptr) oInst = new printer; + return oInst; + }; + + inline void set_verbose_level(size_t level) { verbose_level = (verbosity)level; } + void print_msg(verbosity verbose, const char* fmt, ...); + void print_str(const char* str); + +private: + printer(); + static printer* oInst; + + std::mutex print_mutex; + verbosity verbose_level; +}; diff --git a/crypto/c_blake256.c b/crypto/c_blake256.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff623dd --- /dev/null +++ b/crypto/c_blake256.c @@ -0,0 +1,326 @@ +/* + * The blake256_* and blake224_* functions are largely copied from + * blake256_light.c and blake224_light.c from the BLAKE website: + * + * + * + * The hmac_* functions implement HMAC-BLAKE-256 and HMAC-BLAKE-224. + * HMAC is specified by RFC 2104. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include "c_blake256.h" + +#define U8TO32(p) \ + (((uint32_t)((p)[0]) << 24) | ((uint32_t)((p)[1]) << 16) | \ + ((uint32_t)((p)[2]) << 8) | ((uint32_t)((p)[3]) )) +#define U32TO8(p, v) \ + (p)[0] = (uint8_t)((v) >> 24); (p)[1] = (uint8_t)((v) >> 16); \ + (p)[2] = (uint8_t)((v) >> 8); (p)[3] = (uint8_t)((v) ); + +const uint8_t sigma[][16] = { + { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15}, + {14,10, 4, 8, 9,15,13, 6, 1,12, 0, 2,11, 7, 5, 3}, + {11, 8,12, 0, 5, 2,15,13,10,14, 3, 6, 7, 1, 9, 4}, + { 7, 9, 3, 1,13,12,11,14, 2, 6, 5,10, 4, 0,15, 8}, + { 9, 0, 5, 7, 2, 4,10,15,14, 1,11,12, 6, 8, 3,13}, + { 2,12, 6,10, 0,11, 8, 3, 4,13, 7, 5,15,14, 1, 9}, + {12, 5, 1,15,14,13, 4,10, 0, 7, 6, 3, 9, 2, 8,11}, + {13,11, 7,14,12, 1, 3, 9, 5, 0,15, 4, 8, 6, 2,10}, + { 6,15,14, 9,11, 3, 0, 8,12, 2,13, 7, 1, 4,10, 5}, + {10, 2, 8, 4, 7, 6, 1, 5,15,11, 9,14, 3,12,13, 0}, + { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15}, + {14,10, 4, 8, 9,15,13, 6, 1,12, 0, 2,11, 7, 5, 3}, + {11, 8,12, 0, 5, 2,15,13,10,14, 3, 6, 7, 1, 9, 4}, + { 7, 9, 3, 1,13,12,11,14, 2, 6, 5,10, 4, 0,15, 8} +}; + +const uint32_t cst[16] = { + 0x243F6A88, 0x85A308D3, 0x13198A2E, 0x03707344, + 0xA4093822, 0x299F31D0, 0x082EFA98, 0xEC4E6C89, + 0x452821E6, 0x38D01377, 0xBE5466CF, 0x34E90C6C, + 0xC0AC29B7, 0xC97C50DD, 0x3F84D5B5, 0xB5470917 +}; + +static const uint8_t padding[] = { + 0x80,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, + 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +}; + + +void blake256_compress(state *S, const uint8_t *block) { + uint32_t v[16], m[16], i; + +#define ROT(x,n) (((x)<<(32-n))|((x)>>(n))) +#define G(a,b,c,d,e) \ + v[a] += (m[sigma[i][e]] ^ cst[sigma[i][e+1]]) + v[b]; \ + v[d] = ROT(v[d] ^ v[a],16); \ + v[c] += v[d]; \ + v[b] = ROT(v[b] ^ v[c],12); \ + v[a] += (m[sigma[i][e+1]] ^ cst[sigma[i][e]])+v[b]; \ + v[d] = ROT(v[d] ^ v[a], 8); \ + v[c] += v[d]; \ + v[b] = ROT(v[b] ^ v[c], 7); + + for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) m[i] = U8TO32(block + i * 4); + for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) v[i] = S->h[i]; + v[ 8] = S->s[0] ^ 0x243F6A88; + v[ 9] = S->s[1] ^ 0x85A308D3; + v[10] = S->s[2] ^ 0x13198A2E; + v[11] = S->s[3] ^ 0x03707344; + v[12] = 0xA4093822; + v[13] = 0x299F31D0; + v[14] = 0x082EFA98; + v[15] = 0xEC4E6C89; + + if (S->nullt == 0) { + v[12] ^= S->t[0]; + v[13] ^= S->t[0]; + v[14] ^= S->t[1]; + v[15] ^= S->t[1]; + } + + for (i = 0; i < 14; ++i) { + G(0, 4, 8, 12, 0); + G(1, 5, 9, 13, 2); + G(2, 6, 10, 14, 4); + G(3, 7, 11, 15, 6); + G(3, 4, 9, 14, 14); + G(2, 7, 8, 13, 12); + G(0, 5, 10, 15, 8); + G(1, 6, 11, 12, 10); + } + + for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) S->h[i % 8] ^= v[i]; + for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) S->h[i] ^= S->s[i % 4]; +} + +void blake256_init(state *S) { + S->h[0] = 0x6A09E667; + S->h[1] = 0xBB67AE85; + S->h[2] = 0x3C6EF372; + S->h[3] = 0xA54FF53A; + S->h[4] = 0x510E527F; + S->h[5] = 0x9B05688C; + S->h[6] = 0x1F83D9AB; + S->h[7] = 0x5BE0CD19; + S->t[0] = S->t[1] = S->buflen = S->nullt = 0; + S->s[0] = S->s[1] = S->s[2] = S->s[3] = 0; +} + +void blake224_init(state *S) { + S->h[0] = 0xC1059ED8; + S->h[1] = 0x367CD507; + S->h[2] = 0x3070DD17; + S->h[3] = 0xF70E5939; + S->h[4] = 0xFFC00B31; + S->h[5] = 0x68581511; + S->h[6] = 0x64F98FA7; + S->h[7] = 0xBEFA4FA4; + S->t[0] = S->t[1] = S->buflen = S->nullt = 0; + S->s[0] = S->s[1] = S->s[2] = S->s[3] = 0; +} + +// datalen = number of bits +void blake256_update(state *S, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t datalen) { + int left = S->buflen >> 3; + int fill = 64 - left; + + if (left && (((datalen >> 3) & 0x3F) >= (unsigned) fill)) { + memcpy((void *) (S->buf + left), (void *) data, fill); + S->t[0] += 512; + if (S->t[0] == 0) S->t[1]++; + blake256_compress(S, S->buf); + data += fill; + datalen -= (fill << 3); + left = 0; + } + + while (datalen >= 512) { + S->t[0] += 512; + if (S->t[0] == 0) S->t[1]++; + blake256_compress(S, data); + data += 64; + datalen -= 512; + } + + if (datalen > 0) { + memcpy((void *) (S->buf + left), (void *) data, datalen >> 3); + S->buflen = (left << 3) + datalen; + } else { + S->buflen = 0; + } +} + +// datalen = number of bits +void blake224_update(state *S, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t datalen) { + blake256_update(S, data, datalen); +} + +void blake256_final_h(state *S, uint8_t *digest, uint8_t pa, uint8_t pb) { + uint8_t msglen[8]; + uint32_t lo = S->t[0] + S->buflen, hi = S->t[1]; + if (lo < (unsigned) S->buflen) hi++; + U32TO8(msglen + 0, hi); + U32TO8(msglen + 4, lo); + + if (S->buflen == 440) { /* one padding byte */ + S->t[0] -= 8; + blake256_update(S, &pa, 8); + } else { + if (S->buflen < 440) { /* enough space to fill the block */ + if (S->buflen == 0) S->nullt = 1; + S->t[0] -= 440 - S->buflen; + blake256_update(S, padding, 440 - S->buflen); + } else { /* need 2 compressions */ + S->t[0] -= 512 - S->buflen; + blake256_update(S, padding, 512 - S->buflen); + S->t[0] -= 440; + blake256_update(S, padding + 1, 440); + S->nullt = 1; + } + blake256_update(S, &pb, 8); + S->t[0] -= 8; + } + S->t[0] -= 64; + blake256_update(S, msglen, 64); + + U32TO8(digest + 0, S->h[0]); + U32TO8(digest + 4, S->h[1]); + U32TO8(digest + 8, S->h[2]); + U32TO8(digest + 12, S->h[3]); + U32TO8(digest + 16, S->h[4]); + U32TO8(digest + 20, S->h[5]); + U32TO8(digest + 24, S->h[6]); + U32TO8(digest + 28, S->h[7]); +} + +void blake256_final(state *S, uint8_t *digest) { + blake256_final_h(S, digest, 0x81, 0x01); +} + +void blake224_final(state *S, uint8_t *digest) { + blake256_final_h(S, digest, 0x80, 0x00); +} + +// inlen = number of bytes +void blake256_hash(uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, uint64_t inlen) { + state S; + blake256_init(&S); + blake256_update(&S, in, inlen * 8); + blake256_final(&S, out); +} + +// inlen = number of bytes +void blake224_hash(uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, uint64_t inlen) { + state S; + blake224_init(&S); + blake224_update(&S, in, inlen * 8); + blake224_final(&S, out); +} + +// keylen = number of bytes +void hmac_blake256_init(hmac_state *S, const uint8_t *_key, uint64_t keylen) { + const uint8_t *key = _key; + uint8_t keyhash[32]; + uint8_t pad[64]; + uint64_t i; + + if (keylen > 64) { + blake256_hash(keyhash, key, keylen); + key = keyhash; + keylen = 32; + } + + blake256_init(&S->inner); + memset(pad, 0x36, 64); + for (i = 0; i < keylen; ++i) { + pad[i] ^= key[i]; + } + blake256_update(&S->inner, pad, 512); + + blake256_init(&S->outer); + memset(pad, 0x5c, 64); + for (i = 0; i < keylen; ++i) { + pad[i] ^= key[i]; + } + blake256_update(&S->outer, pad, 512); + + memset(keyhash, 0, 32); +} + +// keylen = number of bytes +void hmac_blake224_init(hmac_state *S, const uint8_t *_key, uint64_t keylen) { + const uint8_t *key = _key; + uint8_t keyhash[32]; + uint8_t pad[64]; + uint64_t i; + + if (keylen > 64) { + blake256_hash(keyhash, key, keylen); + key = keyhash; + keylen = 28; + } + + blake224_init(&S->inner); + memset(pad, 0x36, 64); + for (i = 0; i < keylen; ++i) { + pad[i] ^= key[i]; + } + blake224_update(&S->inner, pad, 512); + + blake224_init(&S->outer); + memset(pad, 0x5c, 64); + for (i = 0; i < keylen; ++i) { + pad[i] ^= key[i]; + } + blake224_update(&S->outer, pad, 512); + + memset(keyhash, 0, 32); +} + +// datalen = number of bits +void hmac_blake256_update(hmac_state *S, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t datalen) { + // update the inner state + blake256_update(&S->inner, data, datalen); +} + +// datalen = number of bits +void hmac_blake224_update(hmac_state *S, const uint8_t *data, uint64_t datalen) { + // update the inner state + blake224_update(&S->inner, data, datalen); +} + +void hmac_blake256_final(hmac_state *S, uint8_t *digest) { + uint8_t ihash[32]; + blake256_final(&S->inner, ihash); + blake256_update(&S->outer, ihash, 256); + blake256_final(&S->outer, digest); + memset(ihash, 0, 32); +} + +void hmac_blake224_final(hmac_state *S, uint8_t *digest) { + uint8_t ihash[32]; + blake224_final(&S->inner, ihash); + blake224_update(&S->outer, ihash, 224); + blake224_final(&S->outer, digest); + memset(ihash, 0, 32); +} + +// keylen = number of bytes; inlen = number of bytes +void hmac_blake256_hash(uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *key, uint64_t keylen, const uint8_t *in, uint64_t inlen) { + hmac_state S; + hmac_blake256_init(&S, key, keylen); + hmac_blake256_update(&S, in, inlen * 8); + hmac_blake256_final(&S, out); +} + +// keylen = number of bytes; inlen = number of bytes +void hmac_blake224_hash(uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *key, uint64_t keylen, const uint8_t *in, uint64_t inlen) { + hmac_state S; + hmac_blake224_init(&S, key, keylen); + hmac_blake224_update(&S, in, inlen * 8); + hmac_blake224_final(&S, out); +} diff --git a/crypto/c_blake256.h b/crypto/c_blake256.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9c2aad --- /dev/null +++ b/crypto/c_blake256.h @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +#ifndef _BLAKE256_H_ +#define _BLAKE256_H_ + +#include + +typedef struct { + uint32_t h[8], s[4], t[2]; + int buflen, nullt; + uint8_t buf[64]; +} state; + +typedef struct { + state inner; + state outer; +} hmac_state; + +void blake256_init(state *); +void blake224_init(state *); + +void blake256_update(state *, const uint8_t *, uint64_t); +void blake224_update(state *, const uint8_t *, uint64_t); + +void blake256_final(state *, uint8_t *); +void blake224_final(state *, uint8_t *); + +void blake256_hash(uint8_t *, const uint8_t *, uint64_t); +void blake224_hash(uint8_t *, const uint8_t *, uint64_t); + +/* HMAC functions: */ + +void hmac_blake256_init(hmac_state *, const uint8_t *, uint64_t); +void hmac_blake224_init(hmac_state *, const uint8_t *, uint64_t); + +void hmac_blake256_update(hmac_state *, const uint8_t *, uint64_t); +void hmac_blake224_update(hmac_state *, const uint8_t *, uint64_t); + +void hmac_blake256_final(hmac_state *, uint8_t *); +void hmac_blake224_final(hmac_state *, uint8_t *); + +void hmac_blake256_hash(uint8_t *, const uint8_t *, uint64_t, const uint8_t *, uint64_t); +void hmac_blake224_hash(uint8_t *, const uint8_t *, uint64_t, const uint8_t *, uint64_t); + +#endif /* _BLAKE256_H_ */ diff --git a/crypto/c_groestl.c b/crypto/c_groestl.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1318d5a --- /dev/null +++ b/crypto/c_groestl.c @@ -0,0 +1,360 @@ +/* hash.c April 2012 + * Groestl ANSI C code optimised for 32-bit machines + * Author: Thomas Krinninger + * + * This work is based on the implementation of + * Soeren S. Thomsen and Krystian Matusiewicz + * + * + */ + +#include "c_groestl.h" +#include "groestl_tables.h" + +#define P_TYPE 0 +#define Q_TYPE 1 + +const uint8_t shift_Values[2][8] = {{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7},{1,3,5,7,0,2,4,6}}; + +const uint8_t indices_cyclic[15] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,0,1,2,3,4,5,6}; + + +#define ROTATE_COLUMN_DOWN(v1, v2, amount_bytes, temp_var) {temp_var = (v1<<(8*amount_bytes))|(v2>>(8*(4-amount_bytes))); \ + v2 = (v2<<(8*amount_bytes))|(v1>>(8*(4-amount_bytes))); \ + v1 = temp_var;} + + +#define COLUMN(x,y,i,c0,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,tv1,tv2,tu,tl,t) \ + tu = T[2*(uint32_t)x[4*c0+0]]; \ + tl = T[2*(uint32_t)x[4*c0+0]+1]; \ + tv1 = T[2*(uint32_t)x[4*c1+1]]; \ + tv2 = T[2*(uint32_t)x[4*c1+1]+1]; \ + ROTATE_COLUMN_DOWN(tv1,tv2,1,t) \ + tu ^= tv1; \ + tl ^= tv2; \ + tv1 = T[2*(uint32_t)x[4*c2+2]]; \ + tv2 = T[2*(uint32_t)x[4*c2+2]+1]; \ + ROTATE_COLUMN_DOWN(tv1,tv2,2,t) \ + tu ^= tv1; \ + tl ^= tv2; \ + tv1 = T[2*(uint32_t)x[4*c3+3]]; \ + tv2 = T[2*(uint32_t)x[4*c3+3]+1]; \ + ROTATE_COLUMN_DOWN(tv1,tv2,3,t) \ + tu ^= tv1; \ + tl ^= tv2; \ + tl ^= T[2*(uint32_t)x[4*c4+0]]; \ + tu ^= T[2*(uint32_t)x[4*c4+0]+1]; \ + tv1 = T[2*(uint32_t)x[4*c5+1]]; \ + tv2 = T[2*(uint32_t)x[4*c5+1]+1]; \ + ROTATE_COLUMN_DOWN(tv1,tv2,1,t) \ + tl ^= tv1; \ + tu ^= tv2; \ + tv1 = T[2*(uint32_t)x[4*c6+2]]; \ + tv2 = T[2*(uint32_t)x[4*c6+2]+1]; \ + ROTATE_COLUMN_DOWN(tv1,tv2,2,t) \ + tl ^= tv1; \ + tu ^= tv2; \ + tv1 = T[2*(uint32_t)x[4*c7+3]]; \ + tv2 = T[2*(uint32_t)x[4*c7+3]+1]; \ + ROTATE_COLUMN_DOWN(tv1,tv2,3,t) \ + tl ^= tv1; \ + tu ^= tv2; \ + y[i] = tu; \ + y[i+1] = tl; + + +/* compute one round of P (short variants) */ +static void RND512P(uint8_t *x, uint32_t *y, uint32_t r) { + uint32_t temp_v1, temp_v2, temp_upper_value, temp_lower_value, temp; + uint32_t* x32 = (uint32_t*)x; + x32[ 0] ^= 0x00000000^r; + x32[ 2] ^= 0x00000010^r; + x32[ 4] ^= 0x00000020^r; + x32[ 6] ^= 0x00000030^r; + x32[ 8] ^= 0x00000040^r; + x32[10] ^= 0x00000050^r; + x32[12] ^= 0x00000060^r; + x32[14] ^= 0x00000070^r; + COLUMN(x,y, 0, 0, 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 15, temp_v1, temp_v2, temp_upper_value, temp_lower_value, temp); + COLUMN(x,y, 2, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 1, temp_v1, temp_v2, temp_upper_value, temp_lower_value, temp); + COLUMN(x,y, 4, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 1, 3, temp_v1, temp_v2, temp_upper_value, temp_lower_value, temp); + COLUMN(x,y, 6, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 1, 3, 5, temp_v1, temp_v2, temp_upper_value, temp_lower_value, temp); + COLUMN(x,y, 8, 8, 10, 12, 14, 1, 3, 5, 7, temp_v1, temp_v2, temp_upper_value, temp_lower_value, temp); + COLUMN(x,y,10, 10, 12, 14, 0, 3, 5, 7, 9, temp_v1, temp_v2, temp_upper_value, temp_lower_value, temp); + COLUMN(x,y,12, 12, 14, 0, 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, temp_v1, temp_v2, temp_upper_value, temp_lower_value, temp); + COLUMN(x,y,14, 14, 0, 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 13, temp_v1, temp_v2, temp_upper_value, temp_lower_value, temp); +} + +/* compute one round of Q (short variants) */ +static void RND512Q(uint8_t *x, uint32_t *y, uint32_t r) { + uint32_t temp_v1, temp_v2, temp_upper_value, temp_lower_value, temp; + uint32_t* x32 = (uint32_t*)x; + x32[ 0] = ~x32[ 0]; + x32[ 1] ^= 0xffffffff^r; + x32[ 2] = ~x32[ 2]; + x32[ 3] ^= 0xefffffff^r; + x32[ 4] = ~x32[ 4]; + x32[ 5] ^= 0xdfffffff^r; + x32[ 6] = ~x32[ 6]; + x32[ 7] ^= 0xcfffffff^r; + x32[ 8] = ~x32[ 8]; + x32[ 9] ^= 0xbfffffff^r; + x32[10] = ~x32[10]; + x32[11] ^= 0xafffffff^r; + x32[12] = ~x32[12]; + x32[13] ^= 0x9fffffff^r; + x32[14] = ~x32[14]; + x32[15] ^= 0x8fffffff^r; + COLUMN(x,y, 0, 2, 6, 10, 14, 1, 5, 9, 13, temp_v1, temp_v2, temp_upper_value, temp_lower_value, temp); + COLUMN(x,y, 2, 4, 8, 12, 0, 3, 7, 11, 15, temp_v1, temp_v2, temp_upper_value, temp_lower_value, temp); + COLUMN(x,y, 4, 6, 10, 14, 2, 5, 9, 13, 1, temp_v1, temp_v2, temp_upper_value, temp_lower_value, temp); + COLUMN(x,y, 6, 8, 12, 0, 4, 7, 11, 15, 3, temp_v1, temp_v2, temp_upper_value, temp_lower_value, temp); + COLUMN(x,y, 8, 10, 14, 2, 6, 9, 13, 1, 5, temp_v1, temp_v2, temp_upper_value, temp_lower_value, temp); + COLUMN(x,y,10, 12, 0, 4, 8, 11, 15, 3, 7, temp_v1, temp_v2, temp_upper_value, temp_lower_value, temp); + COLUMN(x,y,12, 14, 2, 6, 10, 13, 1, 5, 9, temp_v1, temp_v2, temp_upper_value, temp_lower_value, temp); + COLUMN(x,y,14, 0, 4, 8, 12, 15, 3, 7, 11, temp_v1, temp_v2, temp_upper_value, temp_lower_value, temp); +} + +/* compute compression function (short variants) */ +static void F512(uint32_t *h, const uint32_t *m) { + int i; + uint32_t Ptmp[2*COLS512]; + uint32_t Qtmp[2*COLS512]; + uint32_t y[2*COLS512]; + uint32_t z[2*COLS512]; + + for (i = 0; i < 2*COLS512; i++) { + z[i] = m[i]; + Ptmp[i] = h[i]^m[i]; + } + + /* compute Q(m) */ + RND512Q((uint8_t*)z, y, 0x00000000); + RND512Q((uint8_t*)y, z, 0x01000000); + RND512Q((uint8_t*)z, y, 0x02000000); + RND512Q((uint8_t*)y, z, 0x03000000); + RND512Q((uint8_t*)z, y, 0x04000000); + RND512Q((uint8_t*)y, z, 0x05000000); + RND512Q((uint8_t*)z, y, 0x06000000); + RND512Q((uint8_t*)y, z, 0x07000000); + RND512Q((uint8_t*)z, y, 0x08000000); + RND512Q((uint8_t*)y, Qtmp, 0x09000000); + + /* compute P(h+m) */ + RND512P((uint8_t*)Ptmp, y, 0x00000000); + RND512P((uint8_t*)y, z, 0x00000001); + RND512P((uint8_t*)z, y, 0x00000002); + RND512P((uint8_t*)y, z, 0x00000003); + RND512P((uint8_t*)z, y, 0x00000004); + RND512P((uint8_t*)y, z, 0x00000005); + RND512P((uint8_t*)z, y, 0x00000006); + RND512P((uint8_t*)y, z, 0x00000007); + RND512P((uint8_t*)z, y, 0x00000008); + RND512P((uint8_t*)y, Ptmp, 0x00000009); + + /* compute P(h+m) + Q(m) + h */ + for (i = 0; i < 2*COLS512; i++) { + h[i] ^= Ptmp[i]^Qtmp[i]; + } +} + + +/* digest up to msglen bytes of input (full blocks only) */ +static void Transform(groestlHashState *ctx, + const uint8_t *input, + int msglen) { + + /* digest message, one block at a time */ + for (; msglen >= SIZE512; + msglen -= SIZE512, input += SIZE512) { + F512(ctx->chaining,(uint32_t*)input); + + /* increment block counter */ + ctx->block_counter1++; + if (ctx->block_counter1 == 0) ctx->block_counter2++; + } +} + +/* given state h, do h <- P(h)+h */ +static void OutputTransformation(groestlHashState *ctx) { + int j; + uint32_t temp[2*COLS512]; + uint32_t y[2*COLS512]; + uint32_t z[2*COLS512]; + + + + for (j = 0; j < 2*COLS512; j++) { + temp[j] = ctx->chaining[j]; + } + RND512P((uint8_t*)temp, y, 0x00000000); + RND512P((uint8_t*)y, z, 0x00000001); + RND512P((uint8_t*)z, y, 0x00000002); + RND512P((uint8_t*)y, z, 0x00000003); + RND512P((uint8_t*)z, y, 0x00000004); + RND512P((uint8_t*)y, z, 0x00000005); + RND512P((uint8_t*)z, y, 0x00000006); + RND512P((uint8_t*)y, z, 0x00000007); + RND512P((uint8_t*)z, y, 0x00000008); + RND512P((uint8_t*)y, temp, 0x00000009); + for (j = 0; j < 2*COLS512; j++) { + ctx->chaining[j] ^= temp[j]; + } +} + +/* initialise context */ +static void Init(groestlHashState* ctx) { + int i = 0; + /* allocate memory for state and data buffer */ + + for(;i<(SIZE512/sizeof(uint32_t));i++) + { + ctx->chaining[i] = 0; + } + + /* set initial value */ + ctx->chaining[2*COLS512-1] = u32BIG((uint32_t)HASH_BIT_LEN); + + /* set other variables */ + ctx->buf_ptr = 0; + ctx->block_counter1 = 0; + ctx->block_counter2 = 0; + ctx->bits_in_last_byte = 0; +} + +/* update state with databitlen bits of input */ +static void Update(groestlHashState* ctx, + const BitSequence* input, + DataLength databitlen) { + int index = 0; + int msglen = (int)(databitlen/8); + int rem = (int)(databitlen%8); + + /* if the buffer contains data that has not yet been digested, first + add data to buffer until full */ + if (ctx->buf_ptr) { + while (ctx->buf_ptr < SIZE512 && index < msglen) { + ctx->buffer[(int)ctx->buf_ptr++] = input[index++]; + } + if (ctx->buf_ptr < SIZE512) { + /* buffer still not full, return */ + if (rem) { + ctx->bits_in_last_byte = rem; + ctx->buffer[(int)ctx->buf_ptr++] = input[index]; + } + return; + } + + /* digest buffer */ + ctx->buf_ptr = 0; + Transform(ctx, ctx->buffer, SIZE512); + } + + /* digest bulk of message */ + Transform(ctx, input+index, msglen-index); + index += ((msglen-index)/SIZE512)*SIZE512; + + /* store remaining data in buffer */ + while (index < msglen) { + ctx->buffer[(int)ctx->buf_ptr++] = input[index++]; + } + + /* if non-integral number of bytes have been supplied, store + remaining bits in last byte, together with information about + number of bits */ + if (rem) { + ctx->bits_in_last_byte = rem; + ctx->buffer[(int)ctx->buf_ptr++] = input[index]; + } +} + +#define BILB ctx->bits_in_last_byte + +/* finalise: process remaining data (including padding), perform + output transformation, and write hash result to 'output' */ +static void Final(groestlHashState* ctx, + BitSequence* output) { + int i, j = 0, hashbytelen = HASH_BIT_LEN/8; + uint8_t *s = (BitSequence*)ctx->chaining; + + /* pad with '1'-bit and first few '0'-bits */ + if (BILB) { + ctx->buffer[(int)ctx->buf_ptr-1] &= ((1<buffer[(int)ctx->buf_ptr-1] ^= 0x1<<(7-BILB); + BILB = 0; + } + else ctx->buffer[(int)ctx->buf_ptr++] = 0x80; + + /* pad with '0'-bits */ + if (ctx->buf_ptr > SIZE512-LENGTHFIELDLEN) { + /* padding requires two blocks */ + while (ctx->buf_ptr < SIZE512) { + ctx->buffer[(int)ctx->buf_ptr++] = 0; + } + /* digest first padding block */ + Transform(ctx, ctx->buffer, SIZE512); + ctx->buf_ptr = 0; + } + while (ctx->buf_ptr < SIZE512-LENGTHFIELDLEN) { + ctx->buffer[(int)ctx->buf_ptr++] = 0; + } + + /* length padding */ + ctx->block_counter1++; + if (ctx->block_counter1 == 0) ctx->block_counter2++; + ctx->buf_ptr = SIZE512; + + while (ctx->buf_ptr > SIZE512-(int)sizeof(uint32_t)) { + ctx->buffer[(int)--ctx->buf_ptr] = (uint8_t)ctx->block_counter1; + ctx->block_counter1 >>= 8; + } + while (ctx->buf_ptr > SIZE512-LENGTHFIELDLEN) { + ctx->buffer[(int)--ctx->buf_ptr] = (uint8_t)ctx->block_counter2; + ctx->block_counter2 >>= 8; + } + /* digest final padding block */ + Transform(ctx, ctx->buffer, SIZE512); + /* perform output transformation */ + OutputTransformation(ctx); + + /* store hash result in output */ + for (i = SIZE512-hashbytelen; i < SIZE512; i++,j++) { + output[j] = s[i]; + } + + /* zeroise relevant variables and deallocate memory */ + for (i = 0; i < COLS512; i++) { + ctx->chaining[i] = 0; + } + for (i = 0; i < SIZE512; i++) { + ctx->buffer[i] = 0; + } +} + +/* hash bit sequence */ +void groestl(const BitSequence* data, + DataLength databitlen, + BitSequence* hashval) { + + groestlHashState context; + + /* initialise */ + Init(&context); + + + /* process message */ + Update(&context, data, databitlen); + + /* finalise */ + Final(&context, hashval); +} +/* +static int crypto_hash(unsigned char *out, + const unsigned char *in, + unsigned long long len) +{ + groestl(in, 8*len, out); + return 0; +} + +*/ diff --git a/crypto/c_groestl.h b/crypto/c_groestl.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b51339 --- /dev/null +++ b/crypto/c_groestl.h @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +#ifndef __hash_h +#define __hash_h +/* +#include "crypto_uint8.h" +#include "crypto_uint32.h" +#include "crypto_uint64.h" +#include "crypto_hash.h" + +typedef crypto_uint8 uint8_t; +typedef crypto_uint32 uint32_t; +typedef crypto_uint64 uint64_t; +*/ +#include + +#include "hash.h" + +/* some sizes (number of bytes) */ +#define ROWS 8 +#define LENGTHFIELDLEN ROWS +#define COLS512 8 + +#define SIZE512 (ROWS*COLS512) + +#define ROUNDS512 10 +#define HASH_BIT_LEN 256 + +#define ROTL32(v, n) ((((v)<<(n))|((v)>>(32-(n))))&li_32(ffffffff)) + + +#define li_32(h) 0x##h##u +#define EXT_BYTE(var,n) ((uint8_t)((uint32_t)(var) >> (8*n))) +#define u32BIG(a) \ + ((ROTL32(a,8) & li_32(00FF00FF)) | \ + (ROTL32(a,24) & li_32(FF00FF00))) + + +/* NIST API begin */ +typedef struct { + uint32_t chaining[SIZE512/sizeof(uint32_t)]; /* actual state */ + uint32_t block_counter1, + block_counter2; /* message block counter(s) */ + BitSequence buffer[SIZE512]; /* data buffer */ + int buf_ptr; /* data buffer pointer */ + int bits_in_last_byte; /* no. of message bits in last byte of + data buffer */ +} groestlHashState; + +/*void Init(hashState*); +void Update(hashState*, const BitSequence*, DataLength); +void Final(hashState*, BitSequence*); */ +void groestl(const BitSequence*, DataLength, BitSequence*); +/* NIST API end */ + +/* +int crypto_hash(unsigned char *out, + const unsigned char *in, + unsigned long long len); +*/ + +#endif /* __hash_h */ diff --git a/crypto/c_jh.c b/crypto/c_jh.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d685a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/crypto/c_jh.c @@ -0,0 +1,367 @@ +/*This program gives the 64-bit optimized bitslice implementation of JH using ANSI C + + -------------------------------- + Performance + + Microprocessor: Intel CORE 2 processor (Core 2 Duo Mobile T6600 2.2GHz) + Operating System: 64-bit Ubuntu 10.04 (Linux kernel 2.6.32-22-generic) + Speed for long message: + 1) 45.8 cycles/byte compiler: Intel C++ Compiler 11.1 compilation option: icc -O2 + 2) 56.8 cycles/byte compiler: gcc 4.4.3 compilation option: gcc -O3 + + -------------------------------- + Last Modified: January 16, 2011 +*/ + +#include "c_jh.h" + +#include +#include + +/*typedef unsigned long long uint64;*/ +typedef uint64_t uint64; + +/*define data alignment for different C compilers*/ +#if defined(__GNUC__) + #define DATA_ALIGN16(x) x __attribute__ ((aligned(16))) +#else + #define DATA_ALIGN16(x) __declspec(align(16)) x +#endif + + +typedef struct { + int hashbitlen; /*the message digest size*/ + unsigned long long databitlen; /*the message size in bits*/ + unsigned long long datasize_in_buffer; /*the size of the message remained in buffer; assumed to be multiple of 8bits except for the last partial block at the end of the message*/ + DATA_ALIGN16(uint64 x[8][2]); /*the 1024-bit state, ( x[i][0] || x[i][1] ) is the ith row of the state in the pseudocode*/ + unsigned char buffer[64]; /*the 512-bit message block to be hashed;*/ +} hashState; + + +/*The initial hash value H(0)*/ +const unsigned char JH224_H0[128]={0x2d,0xfe,0xdd,0x62,0xf9,0x9a,0x98,0xac,0xae,0x7c,0xac,0xd6,0x19,0xd6,0x34,0xe7,0xa4,0x83,0x10,0x5,0xbc,0x30,0x12,0x16,0xb8,0x60,0x38,0xc6,0xc9,0x66,0x14,0x94,0x66,0xd9,0x89,0x9f,0x25,0x80,0x70,0x6f,0xce,0x9e,0xa3,0x1b,0x1d,0x9b,0x1a,0xdc,0x11,0xe8,0x32,0x5f,0x7b,0x36,0x6e,0x10,0xf9,0x94,0x85,0x7f,0x2,0xfa,0x6,0xc1,0x1b,0x4f,0x1b,0x5c,0xd8,0xc8,0x40,0xb3,0x97,0xf6,0xa1,0x7f,0x6e,0x73,0x80,0x99,0xdc,0xdf,0x93,0xa5,0xad,0xea,0xa3,0xd3,0xa4,0x31,0xe8,0xde,0xc9,0x53,0x9a,0x68,0x22,0xb4,0xa9,0x8a,0xec,0x86,0xa1,0xe4,0xd5,0x74,0xac,0x95,0x9c,0xe5,0x6c,0xf0,0x15,0x96,0xd,0xea,0xb5,0xab,0x2b,0xbf,0x96,0x11,0xdc,0xf0,0xdd,0x64,0xea,0x6e}; +const unsigned char JH256_H0[128]={0xeb,0x98,0xa3,0x41,0x2c,0x20,0xd3,0xeb,0x92,0xcd,0xbe,0x7b,0x9c,0xb2,0x45,0xc1,0x1c,0x93,0x51,0x91,0x60,0xd4,0xc7,0xfa,0x26,0x0,0x82,0xd6,0x7e,0x50,0x8a,0x3,0xa4,0x23,0x9e,0x26,0x77,0x26,0xb9,0x45,0xe0,0xfb,0x1a,0x48,0xd4,0x1a,0x94,0x77,0xcd,0xb5,0xab,0x26,0x2,0x6b,0x17,0x7a,0x56,0xf0,0x24,0x42,0xf,0xff,0x2f,0xa8,0x71,0xa3,0x96,0x89,0x7f,0x2e,0x4d,0x75,0x1d,0x14,0x49,0x8,0xf7,0x7d,0xe2,0x62,0x27,0x76,0x95,0xf7,0x76,0x24,0x8f,0x94,0x87,0xd5,0xb6,0x57,0x47,0x80,0x29,0x6c,0x5c,0x5e,0x27,0x2d,0xac,0x8e,0xd,0x6c,0x51,0x84,0x50,0xc6,0x57,0x5,0x7a,0xf,0x7b,0xe4,0xd3,0x67,0x70,0x24,0x12,0xea,0x89,0xe3,0xab,0x13,0xd3,0x1c,0xd7,0x69}; +const unsigned char JH384_H0[128]={0x48,0x1e,0x3b,0xc6,0xd8,0x13,0x39,0x8a,0x6d,0x3b,0x5e,0x89,0x4a,0xde,0x87,0x9b,0x63,0xfa,0xea,0x68,0xd4,0x80,0xad,0x2e,0x33,0x2c,0xcb,0x21,0x48,0xf,0x82,0x67,0x98,0xae,0xc8,0x4d,0x90,0x82,0xb9,0x28,0xd4,0x55,0xea,0x30,0x41,0x11,0x42,0x49,0x36,0xf5,0x55,0xb2,0x92,0x48,0x47,0xec,0xc7,0x25,0xa,0x93,0xba,0xf4,0x3c,0xe1,0x56,0x9b,0x7f,0x8a,0x27,0xdb,0x45,0x4c,0x9e,0xfc,0xbd,0x49,0x63,0x97,0xaf,0xe,0x58,0x9f,0xc2,0x7d,0x26,0xaa,0x80,0xcd,0x80,0xc0,0x8b,0x8c,0x9d,0xeb,0x2e,0xda,0x8a,0x79,0x81,0xe8,0xf8,0xd5,0x37,0x3a,0xf4,0x39,0x67,0xad,0xdd,0xd1,0x7a,0x71,0xa9,0xb4,0xd3,0xbd,0xa4,0x75,0xd3,0x94,0x97,0x6c,0x3f,0xba,0x98,0x42,0x73,0x7f}; +const unsigned char JH512_H0[128]={0x6f,0xd1,0x4b,0x96,0x3e,0x0,0xaa,0x17,0x63,0x6a,0x2e,0x5,0x7a,0x15,0xd5,0x43,0x8a,0x22,0x5e,0x8d,0xc,0x97,0xef,0xb,0xe9,0x34,0x12,0x59,0xf2,0xb3,0xc3,0x61,0x89,0x1d,0xa0,0xc1,0x53,0x6f,0x80,0x1e,0x2a,0xa9,0x5,0x6b,0xea,0x2b,0x6d,0x80,0x58,0x8e,0xcc,0xdb,0x20,0x75,0xba,0xa6,0xa9,0xf,0x3a,0x76,0xba,0xf8,0x3b,0xf7,0x1,0x69,0xe6,0x5,0x41,0xe3,0x4a,0x69,0x46,0xb5,0x8a,0x8e,0x2e,0x6f,0xe6,0x5a,0x10,0x47,0xa7,0xd0,0xc1,0x84,0x3c,0x24,0x3b,0x6e,0x71,0xb1,0x2d,0x5a,0xc1,0x99,0xcf,0x57,0xf6,0xec,0x9d,0xb1,0xf8,0x56,0xa7,0x6,0x88,0x7c,0x57,0x16,0xb1,0x56,0xe3,0xc2,0xfc,0xdf,0xe6,0x85,0x17,0xfb,0x54,0x5a,0x46,0x78,0xcc,0x8c,0xdd,0x4b}; + +/*42 round constants, each round constant is 32-byte (256-bit)*/ +const unsigned char E8_bitslice_roundconstant[42][32]={ +{0x72,0xd5,0xde,0xa2,0xdf,0x15,0xf8,0x67,0x7b,0x84,0x15,0xa,0xb7,0x23,0x15,0x57,0x81,0xab,0xd6,0x90,0x4d,0x5a,0x87,0xf6,0x4e,0x9f,0x4f,0xc5,0xc3,0xd1,0x2b,0x40}, +{0xea,0x98,0x3a,0xe0,0x5c,0x45,0xfa,0x9c,0x3,0xc5,0xd2,0x99,0x66,0xb2,0x99,0x9a,0x66,0x2,0x96,0xb4,0xf2,0xbb,0x53,0x8a,0xb5,0x56,0x14,0x1a,0x88,0xdb,0xa2,0x31}, +{0x3,0xa3,0x5a,0x5c,0x9a,0x19,0xe,0xdb,0x40,0x3f,0xb2,0xa,0x87,0xc1,0x44,0x10,0x1c,0x5,0x19,0x80,0x84,0x9e,0x95,0x1d,0x6f,0x33,0xeb,0xad,0x5e,0xe7,0xcd,0xdc}, +{0x10,0xba,0x13,0x92,0x2,0xbf,0x6b,0x41,0xdc,0x78,0x65,0x15,0xf7,0xbb,0x27,0xd0,0xa,0x2c,0x81,0x39,0x37,0xaa,0x78,0x50,0x3f,0x1a,0xbf,0xd2,0x41,0x0,0x91,0xd3}, +{0x42,0x2d,0x5a,0xd,0xf6,0xcc,0x7e,0x90,0xdd,0x62,0x9f,0x9c,0x92,0xc0,0x97,0xce,0x18,0x5c,0xa7,0xb,0xc7,0x2b,0x44,0xac,0xd1,0xdf,0x65,0xd6,0x63,0xc6,0xfc,0x23}, +{0x97,0x6e,0x6c,0x3,0x9e,0xe0,0xb8,0x1a,0x21,0x5,0x45,0x7e,0x44,0x6c,0xec,0xa8,0xee,0xf1,0x3,0xbb,0x5d,0x8e,0x61,0xfa,0xfd,0x96,0x97,0xb2,0x94,0x83,0x81,0x97}, +{0x4a,0x8e,0x85,0x37,0xdb,0x3,0x30,0x2f,0x2a,0x67,0x8d,0x2d,0xfb,0x9f,0x6a,0x95,0x8a,0xfe,0x73,0x81,0xf8,0xb8,0x69,0x6c,0x8a,0xc7,0x72,0x46,0xc0,0x7f,0x42,0x14}, +{0xc5,0xf4,0x15,0x8f,0xbd,0xc7,0x5e,0xc4,0x75,0x44,0x6f,0xa7,0x8f,0x11,0xbb,0x80,0x52,0xde,0x75,0xb7,0xae,0xe4,0x88,0xbc,0x82,0xb8,0x0,0x1e,0x98,0xa6,0xa3,0xf4}, +{0x8e,0xf4,0x8f,0x33,0xa9,0xa3,0x63,0x15,0xaa,0x5f,0x56,0x24,0xd5,0xb7,0xf9,0x89,0xb6,0xf1,0xed,0x20,0x7c,0x5a,0xe0,0xfd,0x36,0xca,0xe9,0x5a,0x6,0x42,0x2c,0x36}, +{0xce,0x29,0x35,0x43,0x4e,0xfe,0x98,0x3d,0x53,0x3a,0xf9,0x74,0x73,0x9a,0x4b,0xa7,0xd0,0xf5,0x1f,0x59,0x6f,0x4e,0x81,0x86,0xe,0x9d,0xad,0x81,0xaf,0xd8,0x5a,0x9f}, +{0xa7,0x5,0x6,0x67,0xee,0x34,0x62,0x6a,0x8b,0xb,0x28,0xbe,0x6e,0xb9,0x17,0x27,0x47,0x74,0x7,0x26,0xc6,0x80,0x10,0x3f,0xe0,0xa0,0x7e,0x6f,0xc6,0x7e,0x48,0x7b}, +{0xd,0x55,0xa,0xa5,0x4a,0xf8,0xa4,0xc0,0x91,0xe3,0xe7,0x9f,0x97,0x8e,0xf1,0x9e,0x86,0x76,0x72,0x81,0x50,0x60,0x8d,0xd4,0x7e,0x9e,0x5a,0x41,0xf3,0xe5,0xb0,0x62}, +{0xfc,0x9f,0x1f,0xec,0x40,0x54,0x20,0x7a,0xe3,0xe4,0x1a,0x0,0xce,0xf4,0xc9,0x84,0x4f,0xd7,0x94,0xf5,0x9d,0xfa,0x95,0xd8,0x55,0x2e,0x7e,0x11,0x24,0xc3,0x54,0xa5}, +{0x5b,0xdf,0x72,0x28,0xbd,0xfe,0x6e,0x28,0x78,0xf5,0x7f,0xe2,0xf,0xa5,0xc4,0xb2,0x5,0x89,0x7c,0xef,0xee,0x49,0xd3,0x2e,0x44,0x7e,0x93,0x85,0xeb,0x28,0x59,0x7f}, +{0x70,0x5f,0x69,0x37,0xb3,0x24,0x31,0x4a,0x5e,0x86,0x28,0xf1,0x1d,0xd6,0xe4,0x65,0xc7,0x1b,0x77,0x4,0x51,0xb9,0x20,0xe7,0x74,0xfe,0x43,0xe8,0x23,0xd4,0x87,0x8a}, +{0x7d,0x29,0xe8,0xa3,0x92,0x76,0x94,0xf2,0xdd,0xcb,0x7a,0x9,0x9b,0x30,0xd9,0xc1,0x1d,0x1b,0x30,0xfb,0x5b,0xdc,0x1b,0xe0,0xda,0x24,0x49,0x4f,0xf2,0x9c,0x82,0xbf}, +{0xa4,0xe7,0xba,0x31,0xb4,0x70,0xbf,0xff,0xd,0x32,0x44,0x5,0xde,0xf8,0xbc,0x48,0x3b,0xae,0xfc,0x32,0x53,0xbb,0xd3,0x39,0x45,0x9f,0xc3,0xc1,0xe0,0x29,0x8b,0xa0}, +{0xe5,0xc9,0x5,0xfd,0xf7,0xae,0x9,0xf,0x94,0x70,0x34,0x12,0x42,0x90,0xf1,0x34,0xa2,0x71,0xb7,0x1,0xe3,0x44,0xed,0x95,0xe9,0x3b,0x8e,0x36,0x4f,0x2f,0x98,0x4a}, +{0x88,0x40,0x1d,0x63,0xa0,0x6c,0xf6,0x15,0x47,0xc1,0x44,0x4b,0x87,0x52,0xaf,0xff,0x7e,0xbb,0x4a,0xf1,0xe2,0xa,0xc6,0x30,0x46,0x70,0xb6,0xc5,0xcc,0x6e,0x8c,0xe6}, +{0xa4,0xd5,0xa4,0x56,0xbd,0x4f,0xca,0x0,0xda,0x9d,0x84,0x4b,0xc8,0x3e,0x18,0xae,0x73,0x57,0xce,0x45,0x30,0x64,0xd1,0xad,0xe8,0xa6,0xce,0x68,0x14,0x5c,0x25,0x67}, +{0xa3,0xda,0x8c,0xf2,0xcb,0xe,0xe1,0x16,0x33,0xe9,0x6,0x58,0x9a,0x94,0x99,0x9a,0x1f,0x60,0xb2,0x20,0xc2,0x6f,0x84,0x7b,0xd1,0xce,0xac,0x7f,0xa0,0xd1,0x85,0x18}, +{0x32,0x59,0x5b,0xa1,0x8d,0xdd,0x19,0xd3,0x50,0x9a,0x1c,0xc0,0xaa,0xa5,0xb4,0x46,0x9f,0x3d,0x63,0x67,0xe4,0x4,0x6b,0xba,0xf6,0xca,0x19,0xab,0xb,0x56,0xee,0x7e}, +{0x1f,0xb1,0x79,0xea,0xa9,0x28,0x21,0x74,0xe9,0xbd,0xf7,0x35,0x3b,0x36,0x51,0xee,0x1d,0x57,0xac,0x5a,0x75,0x50,0xd3,0x76,0x3a,0x46,0xc2,0xfe,0xa3,0x7d,0x70,0x1}, +{0xf7,0x35,0xc1,0xaf,0x98,0xa4,0xd8,0x42,0x78,0xed,0xec,0x20,0x9e,0x6b,0x67,0x79,0x41,0x83,0x63,0x15,0xea,0x3a,0xdb,0xa8,0xfa,0xc3,0x3b,0x4d,0x32,0x83,0x2c,0x83}, +{0xa7,0x40,0x3b,0x1f,0x1c,0x27,0x47,0xf3,0x59,0x40,0xf0,0x34,0xb7,0x2d,0x76,0x9a,0xe7,0x3e,0x4e,0x6c,0xd2,0x21,0x4f,0xfd,0xb8,0xfd,0x8d,0x39,0xdc,0x57,0x59,0xef}, +{0x8d,0x9b,0xc,0x49,0x2b,0x49,0xeb,0xda,0x5b,0xa2,0xd7,0x49,0x68,0xf3,0x70,0xd,0x7d,0x3b,0xae,0xd0,0x7a,0x8d,0x55,0x84,0xf5,0xa5,0xe9,0xf0,0xe4,0xf8,0x8e,0x65}, +{0xa0,0xb8,0xa2,0xf4,0x36,0x10,0x3b,0x53,0xc,0xa8,0x7,0x9e,0x75,0x3e,0xec,0x5a,0x91,0x68,0x94,0x92,0x56,0xe8,0x88,0x4f,0x5b,0xb0,0x5c,0x55,0xf8,0xba,0xbc,0x4c}, +{0xe3,0xbb,0x3b,0x99,0xf3,0x87,0x94,0x7b,0x75,0xda,0xf4,0xd6,0x72,0x6b,0x1c,0x5d,0x64,0xae,0xac,0x28,0xdc,0x34,0xb3,0x6d,0x6c,0x34,0xa5,0x50,0xb8,0x28,0xdb,0x71}, +{0xf8,0x61,0xe2,0xf2,0x10,0x8d,0x51,0x2a,0xe3,0xdb,0x64,0x33,0x59,0xdd,0x75,0xfc,0x1c,0xac,0xbc,0xf1,0x43,0xce,0x3f,0xa2,0x67,0xbb,0xd1,0x3c,0x2,0xe8,0x43,0xb0}, +{0x33,0xa,0x5b,0xca,0x88,0x29,0xa1,0x75,0x7f,0x34,0x19,0x4d,0xb4,0x16,0x53,0x5c,0x92,0x3b,0x94,0xc3,0xe,0x79,0x4d,0x1e,0x79,0x74,0x75,0xd7,0xb6,0xee,0xaf,0x3f}, +{0xea,0xa8,0xd4,0xf7,0xbe,0x1a,0x39,0x21,0x5c,0xf4,0x7e,0x9,0x4c,0x23,0x27,0x51,0x26,0xa3,0x24,0x53,0xba,0x32,0x3c,0xd2,0x44,0xa3,0x17,0x4a,0x6d,0xa6,0xd5,0xad}, +{0xb5,0x1d,0x3e,0xa6,0xaf,0xf2,0xc9,0x8,0x83,0x59,0x3d,0x98,0x91,0x6b,0x3c,0x56,0x4c,0xf8,0x7c,0xa1,0x72,0x86,0x60,0x4d,0x46,0xe2,0x3e,0xcc,0x8,0x6e,0xc7,0xf6}, +{0x2f,0x98,0x33,0xb3,0xb1,0xbc,0x76,0x5e,0x2b,0xd6,0x66,0xa5,0xef,0xc4,0xe6,0x2a,0x6,0xf4,0xb6,0xe8,0xbe,0xc1,0xd4,0x36,0x74,0xee,0x82,0x15,0xbc,0xef,0x21,0x63}, +{0xfd,0xc1,0x4e,0xd,0xf4,0x53,0xc9,0x69,0xa7,0x7d,0x5a,0xc4,0x6,0x58,0x58,0x26,0x7e,0xc1,0x14,0x16,0x6,0xe0,0xfa,0x16,0x7e,0x90,0xaf,0x3d,0x28,0x63,0x9d,0x3f}, +{0xd2,0xc9,0xf2,0xe3,0x0,0x9b,0xd2,0xc,0x5f,0xaa,0xce,0x30,0xb7,0xd4,0xc,0x30,0x74,0x2a,0x51,0x16,0xf2,0xe0,0x32,0x98,0xd,0xeb,0x30,0xd8,0xe3,0xce,0xf8,0x9a}, +{0x4b,0xc5,0x9e,0x7b,0xb5,0xf1,0x79,0x92,0xff,0x51,0xe6,0x6e,0x4,0x86,0x68,0xd3,0x9b,0x23,0x4d,0x57,0xe6,0x96,0x67,0x31,0xcc,0xe6,0xa6,0xf3,0x17,0xa,0x75,0x5}, +{0xb1,0x76,0x81,0xd9,0x13,0x32,0x6c,0xce,0x3c,0x17,0x52,0x84,0xf8,0x5,0xa2,0x62,0xf4,0x2b,0xcb,0xb3,0x78,0x47,0x15,0x47,0xff,0x46,0x54,0x82,0x23,0x93,0x6a,0x48}, +{0x38,0xdf,0x58,0x7,0x4e,0x5e,0x65,0x65,0xf2,0xfc,0x7c,0x89,0xfc,0x86,0x50,0x8e,0x31,0x70,0x2e,0x44,0xd0,0xb,0xca,0x86,0xf0,0x40,0x9,0xa2,0x30,0x78,0x47,0x4e}, +{0x65,0xa0,0xee,0x39,0xd1,0xf7,0x38,0x83,0xf7,0x5e,0xe9,0x37,0xe4,0x2c,0x3a,0xbd,0x21,0x97,0xb2,0x26,0x1,0x13,0xf8,0x6f,0xa3,0x44,0xed,0xd1,0xef,0x9f,0xde,0xe7}, +{0x8b,0xa0,0xdf,0x15,0x76,0x25,0x92,0xd9,0x3c,0x85,0xf7,0xf6,0x12,0xdc,0x42,0xbe,0xd8,0xa7,0xec,0x7c,0xab,0x27,0xb0,0x7e,0x53,0x8d,0x7d,0xda,0xaa,0x3e,0xa8,0xde}, +{0xaa,0x25,0xce,0x93,0xbd,0x2,0x69,0xd8,0x5a,0xf6,0x43,0xfd,0x1a,0x73,0x8,0xf9,0xc0,0x5f,0xef,0xda,0x17,0x4a,0x19,0xa5,0x97,0x4d,0x66,0x33,0x4c,0xfd,0x21,0x6a}, +{0x35,0xb4,0x98,0x31,0xdb,0x41,0x15,0x70,0xea,0x1e,0xf,0xbb,0xed,0xcd,0x54,0x9b,0x9a,0xd0,0x63,0xa1,0x51,0x97,0x40,0x72,0xf6,0x75,0x9d,0xbf,0x91,0x47,0x6f,0xe2}}; + + +static void E8(hashState *state); /*The bijective function E8, in bitslice form*/ +static void F8(hashState *state); /*The compression function F8 */ + +/*The API functions*/ +static HashReturn Init(hashState *state, int hashbitlen); +static HashReturn Update(hashState *state, const BitSequence *data, DataLength databitlen); +static HashReturn Final(hashState *state, BitSequence *hashval); +HashReturn jh_hash(int hashbitlen, const BitSequence *data,DataLength databitlen, BitSequence *hashval); + +/*swapping bit 2i with bit 2i+1 of 64-bit x*/ +#define SWAP1(x) (x) = ((((x) & 0x5555555555555555ULL) << 1) | (((x) & 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaULL) >> 1)); +/*swapping bits 4i||4i+1 with bits 4i+2||4i+3 of 64-bit x*/ +#define SWAP2(x) (x) = ((((x) & 0x3333333333333333ULL) << 2) | (((x) & 0xccccccccccccccccULL) >> 2)); +/*swapping bits 8i||8i+1||8i+2||8i+3 with bits 8i+4||8i+5||8i+6||8i+7 of 64-bit x*/ +#define SWAP4(x) (x) = ((((x) & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0fULL) << 4) | (((x) & 0xf0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0ULL) >> 4)); +/*swapping bits 16i||16i+1||......||16i+7 with bits 16i+8||16i+9||......||16i+15 of 64-bit x*/ +#define SWAP8(x) (x) = ((((x) & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ffULL) << 8) | (((x) & 0xff00ff00ff00ff00ULL) >> 8)); +/*swapping bits 32i||32i+1||......||32i+15 with bits 32i+16||32i+17||......||32i+31 of 64-bit x*/ +#define SWAP16(x) (x) = ((((x) & 0x0000ffff0000ffffULL) << 16) | (((x) & 0xffff0000ffff0000ULL) >> 16)); +/*swapping bits 64i||64i+1||......||64i+31 with bits 64i+32||64i+33||......||64i+63 of 64-bit x*/ +#define SWAP32(x) (x) = (((x) << 32) | ((x) >> 32)); + +/*The MDS transform*/ +#define L(m0,m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7) \ + (m4) ^= (m1); \ + (m5) ^= (m2); \ + (m6) ^= (m0) ^ (m3); \ + (m7) ^= (m0); \ + (m0) ^= (m5); \ + (m1) ^= (m6); \ + (m2) ^= (m4) ^ (m7); \ + (m3) ^= (m4); + +/*Two Sboxes are computed in parallel, each Sbox implements S0 and S1, selected by a constant bit*/ +/*The reason to compute two Sboxes in parallel is to try to fully utilize the parallel processing power*/ +#define SS(m0,m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7,cc0,cc1) \ + m3 = ~(m3); \ + m7 = ~(m7); \ + m0 ^= ((~(m2)) & (cc0)); \ + m4 ^= ((~(m6)) & (cc1)); \ + temp0 = (cc0) ^ ((m0) & (m1));\ + temp1 = (cc1) ^ ((m4) & (m5));\ + m0 ^= ((m2) & (m3)); \ + m4 ^= ((m6) & (m7)); \ + m3 ^= ((~(m1)) & (m2)); \ + m7 ^= ((~(m5)) & (m6)); \ + m1 ^= ((m0) & (m2)); \ + m5 ^= ((m4) & (m6)); \ + m2 ^= ((m0) & (~(m3))); \ + m6 ^= ((m4) & (~(m7))); \ + m0 ^= ((m1) | (m3)); \ + m4 ^= ((m5) | (m7)); \ + m3 ^= ((m1) & (m2)); \ + m7 ^= ((m5) & (m6)); \ + m1 ^= (temp0 & (m0)); \ + m5 ^= (temp1 & (m4)); \ + m2 ^= temp0; \ + m6 ^= temp1; + +/*The bijective function E8, in bitslice form*/ +static void E8(hashState *state) +{ + uint64 i,roundnumber,temp0,temp1; + + for (roundnumber = 0; roundnumber < 42; roundnumber = roundnumber+7) { + /*round 7*roundnumber+0: Sbox, MDS and Swapping layers*/ + for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { + SS(state->x[0][i],state->x[2][i],state->x[4][i],state->x[6][i],state->x[1][i],state->x[3][i],state->x[5][i],state->x[7][i],((uint64*)E8_bitslice_roundconstant[roundnumber+0])[i],((uint64*)E8_bitslice_roundconstant[roundnumber+0])[i+2] ); + L(state->x[0][i],state->x[2][i],state->x[4][i],state->x[6][i],state->x[1][i],state->x[3][i],state->x[5][i],state->x[7][i]); + SWAP1(state->x[1][i]); SWAP1(state->x[3][i]); SWAP1(state->x[5][i]); SWAP1(state->x[7][i]); + } + + /*round 7*roundnumber+1: Sbox, MDS and Swapping layers*/ + for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { + SS(state->x[0][i],state->x[2][i],state->x[4][i],state->x[6][i],state->x[1][i],state->x[3][i],state->x[5][i],state->x[7][i],((uint64*)E8_bitslice_roundconstant[roundnumber+1])[i],((uint64*)E8_bitslice_roundconstant[roundnumber+1])[i+2] ); + L(state->x[0][i],state->x[2][i],state->x[4][i],state->x[6][i],state->x[1][i],state->x[3][i],state->x[5][i],state->x[7][i]); + SWAP2(state->x[1][i]); SWAP2(state->x[3][i]); SWAP2(state->x[5][i]); SWAP2(state->x[7][i]); + } + + /*round 7*roundnumber+2: Sbox, MDS and Swapping layers*/ + for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { + SS(state->x[0][i],state->x[2][i],state->x[4][i],state->x[6][i],state->x[1][i],state->x[3][i],state->x[5][i],state->x[7][i],((uint64*)E8_bitslice_roundconstant[roundnumber+2])[i],((uint64*)E8_bitslice_roundconstant[roundnumber+2])[i+2] ); + L(state->x[0][i],state->x[2][i],state->x[4][i],state->x[6][i],state->x[1][i],state->x[3][i],state->x[5][i],state->x[7][i]); + SWAP4(state->x[1][i]); SWAP4(state->x[3][i]); SWAP4(state->x[5][i]); SWAP4(state->x[7][i]); + } + + /*round 7*roundnumber+3: Sbox, MDS and Swapping layers*/ + for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { + SS(state->x[0][i],state->x[2][i],state->x[4][i],state->x[6][i],state->x[1][i],state->x[3][i],state->x[5][i],state->x[7][i],((uint64*)E8_bitslice_roundconstant[roundnumber+3])[i],((uint64*)E8_bitslice_roundconstant[roundnumber+3])[i+2] ); + L(state->x[0][i],state->x[2][i],state->x[4][i],state->x[6][i],state->x[1][i],state->x[3][i],state->x[5][i],state->x[7][i]); + SWAP8(state->x[1][i]); SWAP8(state->x[3][i]); SWAP8(state->x[5][i]); SWAP8(state->x[7][i]); + } + + /*round 7*roundnumber+4: Sbox, MDS and Swapping layers*/ + for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { + SS(state->x[0][i],state->x[2][i],state->x[4][i],state->x[6][i],state->x[1][i],state->x[3][i],state->x[5][i],state->x[7][i],((uint64*)E8_bitslice_roundconstant[roundnumber+4])[i],((uint64*)E8_bitslice_roundconstant[roundnumber+4])[i+2] ); + L(state->x[0][i],state->x[2][i],state->x[4][i],state->x[6][i],state->x[1][i],state->x[3][i],state->x[5][i],state->x[7][i]); + SWAP16(state->x[1][i]); SWAP16(state->x[3][i]); SWAP16(state->x[5][i]); SWAP16(state->x[7][i]); + } + + /*round 7*roundnumber+5: Sbox, MDS and Swapping layers*/ + for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { + SS(state->x[0][i],state->x[2][i],state->x[4][i],state->x[6][i],state->x[1][i],state->x[3][i],state->x[5][i],state->x[7][i],((uint64*)E8_bitslice_roundconstant[roundnumber+5])[i],((uint64*)E8_bitslice_roundconstant[roundnumber+5])[i+2] ); + L(state->x[0][i],state->x[2][i],state->x[4][i],state->x[6][i],state->x[1][i],state->x[3][i],state->x[5][i],state->x[7][i]); + SWAP32(state->x[1][i]); SWAP32(state->x[3][i]); SWAP32(state->x[5][i]); SWAP32(state->x[7][i]); + } + + /*round 7*roundnumber+6: Sbox and MDS layers*/ + for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { + SS(state->x[0][i],state->x[2][i],state->x[4][i],state->x[6][i],state->x[1][i],state->x[3][i],state->x[5][i],state->x[7][i],((uint64*)E8_bitslice_roundconstant[roundnumber+6])[i],((uint64*)E8_bitslice_roundconstant[roundnumber+6])[i+2] ); + L(state->x[0][i],state->x[2][i],state->x[4][i],state->x[6][i],state->x[1][i],state->x[3][i],state->x[5][i],state->x[7][i]); + } + /*round 7*roundnumber+6: swapping layer*/ + for (i = 1; i < 8; i = i+2) { + temp0 = state->x[i][0]; state->x[i][0] = state->x[i][1]; state->x[i][1] = temp0; + } + } + +} + +/*The compression function F8 */ +static void F8(hashState *state) +{ + uint64 i; + + /*xor the 512-bit message with the fist half of the 1024-bit hash state*/ + for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) state->x[i >> 1][i & 1] ^= ((uint64*)state->buffer)[i]; + + /*the bijective function E8 */ + E8(state); + + /*xor the 512-bit message with the second half of the 1024-bit hash state*/ + for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) state->x[(8+i) >> 1][(8+i) & 1] ^= ((uint64*)state->buffer)[i]; +} + +/*before hashing a message, initialize the hash state as H0 */ +static HashReturn Init(hashState *state, int hashbitlen) +{ + state->databitlen = 0; + state->datasize_in_buffer = 0; + + /*initialize the initial hash value of JH*/ + state->hashbitlen = hashbitlen; + + /*load the intital hash value into state*/ + switch (hashbitlen) + { + case 224: memcpy(state->x,JH224_H0,128); break; + case 256: memcpy(state->x,JH256_H0,128); break; + case 384: memcpy(state->x,JH384_H0,128); break; + case 512: memcpy(state->x,JH512_H0,128); break; + } + + return(SUCCESS); +} + + +/*hash each 512-bit message block, except the last partial block*/ +static HashReturn Update(hashState *state, const BitSequence *data, DataLength databitlen) +{ + DataLength index; /*the starting address of the data to be compressed*/ + + state->databitlen += databitlen; + index = 0; + + /*if there is remaining data in the buffer, fill it to a full message block first*/ + /*we assume that the size of the data in the buffer is the multiple of 8 bits if it is not at the end of a message*/ + + /*There is data in the buffer, but the incoming data is insufficient for a full block*/ + if ( (state->datasize_in_buffer > 0 ) && (( state->datasize_in_buffer + databitlen) < 512) ) { + if ( (databitlen & 7) == 0 ) { + memcpy(state->buffer + (state->datasize_in_buffer >> 3), data, 64-(state->datasize_in_buffer >> 3)) ; + } + else memcpy(state->buffer + (state->datasize_in_buffer >> 3), data, 64-(state->datasize_in_buffer >> 3)+1) ; + state->datasize_in_buffer += databitlen; + databitlen = 0; + } + + /*There is data in the buffer, and the incoming data is sufficient for a full block*/ + if ( (state->datasize_in_buffer > 0 ) && (( state->datasize_in_buffer + databitlen) >= 512) ) { + memcpy( state->buffer + (state->datasize_in_buffer >> 3), data, 64-(state->datasize_in_buffer >> 3) ) ; + index = 64-(state->datasize_in_buffer >> 3); + databitlen = databitlen - (512 - state->datasize_in_buffer); + F8(state); + state->datasize_in_buffer = 0; + } + + /*hash the remaining full message blocks*/ + for ( ; databitlen >= 512; index = index+64, databitlen = databitlen - 512) { + memcpy(state->buffer, data+index, 64); + F8(state); + } + + /*store the partial block into buffer, assume that -- if part of the last byte is not part of the message, then that part consists of 0 bits*/ + if ( databitlen > 0) { + if ((databitlen & 7) == 0) + memcpy(state->buffer, data+index, (databitlen & 0x1ff) >> 3); + else + memcpy(state->buffer, data+index, ((databitlen & 0x1ff) >> 3)+1); + state->datasize_in_buffer = databitlen; + } + + return(SUCCESS); +} + +/*pad the message, process the padded block(s), truncate the hash value H to obtain the message digest*/ +static HashReturn Final(hashState *state, BitSequence *hashval) +{ + unsigned int i; + + if ( (state->databitlen & 0x1ff) == 0 ) { + /*pad the message when databitlen is multiple of 512 bits, then process the padded block*/ + memset(state->buffer, 0, 64); + state->buffer[0] = 0x80; + state->buffer[63] = state->databitlen & 0xff; + state->buffer[62] = (state->databitlen >> 8) & 0xff; + state->buffer[61] = (state->databitlen >> 16) & 0xff; + state->buffer[60] = (state->databitlen >> 24) & 0xff; + state->buffer[59] = (state->databitlen >> 32) & 0xff; + state->buffer[58] = (state->databitlen >> 40) & 0xff; + state->buffer[57] = (state->databitlen >> 48) & 0xff; + state->buffer[56] = (state->databitlen >> 56) & 0xff; + F8(state); + } + else { + /*set the rest of the bytes in the buffer to 0*/ + if ( (state->datasize_in_buffer & 7) == 0) + for (i = (state->databitlen & 0x1ff) >> 3; i < 64; i++) state->buffer[i] = 0; + else + for (i = ((state->databitlen & 0x1ff) >> 3)+1; i < 64; i++) state->buffer[i] = 0; + + /*pad and process the partial block when databitlen is not multiple of 512 bits, then hash the padded blocks*/ + state->buffer[((state->databitlen & 0x1ff) >> 3)] |= 1 << (7- (state->databitlen & 7)); + + F8(state); + memset(state->buffer, 0, 64); + state->buffer[63] = state->databitlen & 0xff; + state->buffer[62] = (state->databitlen >> 8) & 0xff; + state->buffer[61] = (state->databitlen >> 16) & 0xff; + state->buffer[60] = (state->databitlen >> 24) & 0xff; + state->buffer[59] = (state->databitlen >> 32) & 0xff; + state->buffer[58] = (state->databitlen >> 40) & 0xff; + state->buffer[57] = (state->databitlen >> 48) & 0xff; + state->buffer[56] = (state->databitlen >> 56) & 0xff; + F8(state); + } + + /*truncating the final hash value to generate the message digest*/ + switch(state->hashbitlen) { + case 224: memcpy(hashval,(unsigned char*)state->x+64+36,28); break; + case 256: memcpy(hashval,(unsigned char*)state->x+64+32,32); break; + case 384: memcpy(hashval,(unsigned char*)state->x+64+16,48); break; + case 512: memcpy(hashval,(unsigned char*)state->x+64,64); break; + } + + return(SUCCESS); +} + +/* hash a message, + three inputs: message digest size in bits (hashbitlen); message (data); message length in bits (databitlen) + one output: message digest (hashval) +*/ +HashReturn jh_hash(int hashbitlen, const BitSequence *data,DataLength databitlen, BitSequence *hashval) +{ + hashState state; + + if ( hashbitlen == 224 || hashbitlen == 256 || hashbitlen == 384 || hashbitlen == 512 ) { + Init(&state, hashbitlen); + Update(&state, data, databitlen); + Final(&state, hashval); + return SUCCESS; + } + else + return(BAD_HASHLEN); +} diff --git a/crypto/c_jh.h b/crypto/c_jh.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d10d40f --- /dev/null +++ b/crypto/c_jh.h @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +/*This program gives the 64-bit optimized bitslice implementation of JH using ANSI C + + -------------------------------- + Performance + + Microprocessor: Intel CORE 2 processor (Core 2 Duo Mobile T6600 2.2GHz) + Operating System: 64-bit Ubuntu 10.04 (Linux kernel 2.6.32-22-generic) + Speed for long message: + 1) 45.8 cycles/byte compiler: Intel C++ Compiler 11.1 compilation option: icc -O2 + 2) 56.8 cycles/byte compiler: gcc 4.4.3 compilation option: gcc -O3 + + -------------------------------- + Last Modified: January 16, 2011 +*/ +#pragma once + +#include "hash.h" + +HashReturn jh_hash(int hashbitlen, const BitSequence *data, DataLength databitlen, BitSequence *hashval); diff --git a/crypto/c_keccak.c b/crypto/c_keccak.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e11ca47 --- /dev/null +++ b/crypto/c_keccak.c @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +// keccak.c +// 19-Nov-11 Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen +// A baseline Keccak (3rd round) implementation. + +#include +#include + +#define HASH_DATA_AREA 136 +#define KECCAK_ROUNDS 24 + +#ifndef ROTL64 +#define ROTL64(x, y) (((x) << (y)) | ((x) >> (64 - (y)))) +#endif + +const uint64_t keccakf_rndc[24] = +{ + 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000008082, 0x800000000000808a, + 0x8000000080008000, 0x000000000000808b, 0x0000000080000001, + 0x8000000080008081, 0x8000000000008009, 0x000000000000008a, + 0x0000000000000088, 0x0000000080008009, 0x000000008000000a, + 0x000000008000808b, 0x800000000000008b, 0x8000000000008089, + 0x8000000000008003, 0x8000000000008002, 0x8000000000000080, + 0x000000000000800a, 0x800000008000000a, 0x8000000080008081, + 0x8000000000008080, 0x0000000080000001, 0x8000000080008008 +}; + +const int keccakf_rotc[24] = +{ + 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 2, 14, + 27, 41, 56, 8, 25, 43, 62, 18, 39, 61, 20, 44 +}; + +const int keccakf_piln[24] = +{ + 10, 7, 11, 17, 18, 3, 5, 16, 8, 21, 24, 4, + 15, 23, 19, 13, 12, 2, 20, 14, 22, 9, 6, 1 +}; + +// update the state with given number of rounds + +void keccakf(uint64_t st[25], int rounds) +{ + int i, j, round; + uint64_t t, bc[5]; + + for (round = 0; round < rounds; ++round) { + + // Theta + bc[0] = st[0] ^ st[5] ^ st[10] ^ st[15] ^ st[20]; + bc[1] = st[1] ^ st[6] ^ st[11] ^ st[16] ^ st[21]; + bc[2] = st[2] ^ st[7] ^ st[12] ^ st[17] ^ st[22]; + bc[3] = st[3] ^ st[8] ^ st[13] ^ st[18] ^ st[23]; + bc[4] = st[4] ^ st[9] ^ st[14] ^ st[19] ^ st[24]; + + for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { + t = bc[(i + 4) % 5] ^ ROTL64(bc[(i + 1) % 5], 1); + st[i ] ^= t; + st[i + 5] ^= t; + st[i + 10] ^= t; + st[i + 15] ^= t; + st[i + 20] ^= t; + } + + // Rho Pi + t = st[1]; + for (i = 0; i < 24; ++i) { + bc[0] = st[keccakf_piln[i]]; + st[keccakf_piln[i]] = ROTL64(t, keccakf_rotc[i]); + t = bc[0]; + } + + // Chi + for (j = 0; j < 25; j += 5) { + bc[0] = st[j ]; + bc[1] = st[j + 1]; + bc[2] = st[j + 2]; + bc[3] = st[j + 3]; + bc[4] = st[j + 4]; + st[j ] ^= (~bc[1]) & bc[2]; + st[j + 1] ^= (~bc[2]) & bc[3]; + st[j + 2] ^= (~bc[3]) & bc[4]; + st[j + 3] ^= (~bc[4]) & bc[0]; + st[j + 4] ^= (~bc[0]) & bc[1]; + } + + // Iota + st[0] ^= keccakf_rndc[round]; + } +} + +// compute a keccak hash (md) of given byte length from "in" +typedef uint64_t state_t[25]; + +void keccak(const uint8_t *in, int inlen, uint8_t *md, int mdlen) +{ + state_t st; + uint8_t temp[144]; + int i, rsiz, rsizw; + + rsiz = sizeof(state_t) == mdlen ? HASH_DATA_AREA : 200 - 2 * mdlen; + rsizw = rsiz / 8; + + memset(st, 0, sizeof(st)); + + for ( ; inlen >= rsiz; inlen -= rsiz, in += rsiz) { + for (i = 0; i < rsizw; i++) + st[i] ^= ((uint64_t *) in)[i]; + keccakf(st, KECCAK_ROUNDS); + } + + // last block and padding + memcpy(temp, in, inlen); + temp[inlen++] = 1; + memset(temp + inlen, 0, rsiz - inlen); + temp[rsiz - 1] |= 0x80; + + for (i = 0; i < rsizw; i++) + st[i] ^= ((uint64_t *) temp)[i]; + + keccakf(st, KECCAK_ROUNDS); + + memcpy(md, st, mdlen); +} + +void keccak1600(const uint8_t *in, int inlen, uint8_t *md) +{ + keccak(in, inlen, md, sizeof(state_t)); +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crypto/c_keccak.h b/crypto/c_keccak.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f7f857 --- /dev/null +++ b/crypto/c_keccak.h @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +// keccak.h +// 19-Nov-11 Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen + +#ifndef KECCAK_H +#define KECCAK_H + +#include +#include + +#ifndef KECCAK_ROUNDS +#define KECCAK_ROUNDS 24 +#endif + +#ifndef ROTL64 +#define ROTL64(x, y) (((x) << (y)) | ((x) >> (64 - (y)))) +#endif + +// compute a keccak hash (md) of given byte length from "in" +int keccak(const uint8_t *in, int inlen, uint8_t *md, int mdlen); + +// update the state +void keccakf(uint64_t st[25], int norounds); + +void keccak1600(const uint8_t *in, int inlen, uint8_t *md); + +#endif diff --git a/crypto/c_skein.c b/crypto/c_skein.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2453713 --- /dev/null +++ b/crypto/c_skein.c @@ -0,0 +1,2036 @@ +/*********************************************************************** +** +** Implementation of the Skein hash function. +** +** Source code author: Doug Whiting, 2008. +** +** This algorithm and source code is released to the public domain. +** +************************************************************************/ + +#define SKEIN_PORT_CODE /* instantiate any code in skein_port.h */ + +#include /* get size_t definition */ +#include /* get the memcpy/memset functions */ +#include "c_skein.h" /* get the Skein API definitions */ + +#define DISABLE_UNUSED 0 + +#ifndef SKEIN_256_NIST_MAX_HASHBITS +#define SKEIN_256_NIST_MAX_HASHBITS (0) +#endif + +#ifndef SKEIN_512_NIST_MAX_HASHBITS +#define SKEIN_512_NIST_MAX_HASHBITS (512) +#endif + +#define SKEIN_MODIFIER_WORDS ( 2) /* number of modifier (tweak) words */ + +#define SKEIN_256_STATE_WORDS ( 4) +#define SKEIN_512_STATE_WORDS ( 8) +#define SKEIN1024_STATE_WORDS (16) +#define SKEIN_MAX_STATE_WORDS (16) + +#define SKEIN_256_STATE_BYTES ( 8*SKEIN_256_STATE_WORDS) +#define SKEIN_512_STATE_BYTES ( 8*SKEIN_512_STATE_WORDS) +#define SKEIN1024_STATE_BYTES ( 8*SKEIN1024_STATE_WORDS) + +#define SKEIN_256_STATE_BITS (64*SKEIN_256_STATE_WORDS) +#define SKEIN_512_STATE_BITS (64*SKEIN_512_STATE_WORDS) +#define SKEIN1024_STATE_BITS (64*SKEIN1024_STATE_WORDS) + +#define SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES ( 8*SKEIN_256_STATE_WORDS) +#define SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES ( 8*SKEIN_512_STATE_WORDS) +#define SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES ( 8*SKEIN1024_STATE_WORDS) + +#define SKEIN_RND_SPECIAL (1000u) +#define SKEIN_RND_KEY_INITIAL (SKEIN_RND_SPECIAL+0u) +#define SKEIN_RND_KEY_INJECT (SKEIN_RND_SPECIAL+1u) +#define SKEIN_RND_FEED_FWD (SKEIN_RND_SPECIAL+2u) + +typedef struct +{ + size_t hashBitLen; /* size of hash result, in bits */ + size_t bCnt; /* current byte count in buffer b[] */ + u64b_t T[SKEIN_MODIFIER_WORDS]; /* tweak words: T[0]=byte cnt, T[1]=flags */ +} Skein_Ctxt_Hdr_t; + +typedef struct /* 256-bit Skein hash context structure */ +{ + Skein_Ctxt_Hdr_t h; /* common header context variables */ + u64b_t X[SKEIN_256_STATE_WORDS]; /* chaining variables */ + u08b_t b[SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES]; /* partial block buffer (8-byte aligned) */ +} Skein_256_Ctxt_t; + +typedef struct /* 512-bit Skein hash context structure */ +{ + Skein_Ctxt_Hdr_t h; /* common header context variables */ + u64b_t X[SKEIN_512_STATE_WORDS]; /* chaining variables */ + u08b_t b[SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES]; /* partial block buffer (8-byte aligned) */ +} Skein_512_Ctxt_t; + +typedef struct /* 1024-bit Skein hash context structure */ +{ + Skein_Ctxt_Hdr_t h; /* common header context variables */ + u64b_t X[SKEIN1024_STATE_WORDS]; /* chaining variables */ + u08b_t b[SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES]; /* partial block buffer (8-byte aligned) */ +} Skein1024_Ctxt_t; + +/* Skein APIs for (incremental) "straight hashing" */ +#if SKEIN_256_NIST_MAX_HASH_BITS +static int Skein_256_Init (Skein_256_Ctxt_t *ctx, size_t hashBitLen); +#endif +static int Skein_512_Init (Skein_512_Ctxt_t *ctx, size_t hashBitLen); +static int Skein1024_Init (Skein1024_Ctxt_t *ctx, size_t hashBitLen); + +static int Skein_256_Update(Skein_256_Ctxt_t *ctx, const u08b_t *msg, size_t msgByteCnt); +static int Skein_512_Update(Skein_512_Ctxt_t *ctx, const u08b_t *msg, size_t msgByteCnt); +static int Skein1024_Update(Skein1024_Ctxt_t *ctx, const u08b_t *msg, size_t msgByteCnt); + +static int Skein_256_Final (Skein_256_Ctxt_t *ctx, u08b_t * hashVal); +static int Skein_512_Final (Skein_512_Ctxt_t *ctx, u08b_t * hashVal); +static int Skein1024_Final (Skein1024_Ctxt_t *ctx, u08b_t * hashVal); + +/* +** Skein APIs for "extended" initialization: MAC keys, tree hashing. +** After an InitExt() call, just use Update/Final calls as with Init(). +** +** Notes: Same parameters as _Init() calls, plus treeInfo/key/keyBytes. +** When keyBytes == 0 and treeInfo == SKEIN_SEQUENTIAL, +** the results of InitExt() are identical to calling Init(). +** The function Init() may be called once to "precompute" the IV for +** a given hashBitLen value, then by saving a copy of the context +** the IV computation may be avoided in later calls. +** Similarly, the function InitExt() may be called once per MAC key +** to precompute the MAC IV, then a copy of the context saved and +** reused for each new MAC computation. +**/ +#if 0 +static int Skein_256_InitExt(Skein_256_Ctxt_t *ctx, size_t hashBitLen, u64b_t treeInfo, const u08b_t *key, size_t keyBytes); +static int Skein_512_InitExt(Skein_512_Ctxt_t *ctx, size_t hashBitLen, u64b_t treeInfo, const u08b_t *key, size_t keyBytes); +static int Skein1024_InitExt(Skein1024_Ctxt_t *ctx, size_t hashBitLen, u64b_t treeInfo, const u08b_t *key, size_t keyBytes); +#endif + +/* +** Skein APIs for MAC and tree hash: +** Final_Pad: pad, do final block, but no OUTPUT type +** Output: do just the output stage +*/ +#if 0 +static int Skein_256_Final_Pad(Skein_256_Ctxt_t *ctx, u08b_t * hashVal); +static int Skein_512_Final_Pad(Skein_512_Ctxt_t *ctx, u08b_t * hashVal); +static int Skein1024_Final_Pad(Skein1024_Ctxt_t *ctx, u08b_t * hashVal); +#endif + +#ifndef SKEIN_TREE_HASH +#define SKEIN_TREE_HASH (1) +#endif +#if 0 +#if SKEIN_TREE_HASH +static int Skein_256_Output (Skein_256_Ctxt_t *ctx, u08b_t * hashVal); +static int Skein_512_Output (Skein_512_Ctxt_t *ctx, u08b_t * hashVal); +static int Skein1024_Output (Skein1024_Ctxt_t *ctx, u08b_t * hashVal); +#endif +#endif + +/***************************************************************** +** "Internal" Skein definitions +** -- not needed for sequential hashing API, but will be +** helpful for other uses of Skein (e.g., tree hash mode). +** -- included here so that they can be shared between +** reference and optimized code. +******************************************************************/ + +/* tweak word T[1]: bit field starting positions */ +#define SKEIN_T1_BIT(BIT) ((BIT) - 64) /* offset 64 because it's the second word */ + +#define SKEIN_T1_POS_TREE_LVL SKEIN_T1_BIT(112) /* bits 112..118: level in hash tree */ +#define SKEIN_T1_POS_BIT_PAD SKEIN_T1_BIT(119) /* bit 119 : partial final input byte */ +#define SKEIN_T1_POS_BLK_TYPE SKEIN_T1_BIT(120) /* bits 120..125: type field */ +#define SKEIN_T1_POS_FIRST SKEIN_T1_BIT(126) /* bits 126 : first block flag */ +#define SKEIN_T1_POS_FINAL SKEIN_T1_BIT(127) /* bit 127 : final block flag */ + +/* tweak word T[1]: flag bit definition(s) */ +#define SKEIN_T1_FLAG_FIRST (((u64b_t) 1 ) << SKEIN_T1_POS_FIRST) +#define SKEIN_T1_FLAG_FINAL (((u64b_t) 1 ) << SKEIN_T1_POS_FINAL) +#define SKEIN_T1_FLAG_BIT_PAD (((u64b_t) 1 ) << SKEIN_T1_POS_BIT_PAD) + +/* tweak word T[1]: tree level bit field mask */ +#define SKEIN_T1_TREE_LVL_MASK (((u64b_t)0x7F) << SKEIN_T1_POS_TREE_LVL) +#define SKEIN_T1_TREE_LEVEL(n) (((u64b_t) (n)) << SKEIN_T1_POS_TREE_LVL) + +/* tweak word T[1]: block type field */ +#define SKEIN_BLK_TYPE_KEY ( 0) /* key, for MAC and KDF */ +#define SKEIN_BLK_TYPE_CFG ( 4) /* configuration block */ +#define SKEIN_BLK_TYPE_PERS ( 8) /* personalization string */ +#define SKEIN_BLK_TYPE_PK (12) /* public key (for digital signature hashing) */ +#define SKEIN_BLK_TYPE_KDF (16) /* key identifier for KDF */ +#define SKEIN_BLK_TYPE_NONCE (20) /* nonce for PRNG */ +#define SKEIN_BLK_TYPE_MSG (48) /* message processing */ +#define SKEIN_BLK_TYPE_OUT (63) /* output stage */ +#define SKEIN_BLK_TYPE_MASK (63) /* bit field mask */ + +#define SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE(T) (((u64b_t) (SKEIN_BLK_TYPE_##T)) << SKEIN_T1_POS_BLK_TYPE) +#define SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE_KEY SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE(KEY) /* key, for MAC and KDF */ +#define SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE_CFG SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE(CFG) /* configuration block */ +#define SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE_PERS SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE(PERS) /* personalization string */ +#define SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE_PK SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE(PK) /* public key (for digital signature hashing) */ +#define SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE_KDF SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE(KDF) /* key identifier for KDF */ +#define SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE_NONCE SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE(NONCE)/* nonce for PRNG */ +#define SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE_MSG SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE(MSG) /* message processing */ +#define SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE_OUT SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE(OUT) /* output stage */ +#define SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE_MASK SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE(MASK) /* field bit mask */ + +#define SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE_CFG_FINAL (SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE_CFG | SKEIN_T1_FLAG_FINAL) +#define SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE_OUT_FINAL (SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE_OUT | SKEIN_T1_FLAG_FINAL) + +#define SKEIN_VERSION (1) + +#ifndef SKEIN_ID_STRING_LE /* allow compile-time personalization */ +#define SKEIN_ID_STRING_LE (0x33414853) /* "SHA3" (little-endian)*/ +#endif + +#define SKEIN_MK_64(hi32,lo32) ((lo32) + (((u64b_t) (hi32)) << 32)) +#define SKEIN_SCHEMA_VER SKEIN_MK_64(SKEIN_VERSION,SKEIN_ID_STRING_LE) +#define SKEIN_KS_PARITY SKEIN_MK_64(0x1BD11BDA,0xA9FC1A22) + +#define SKEIN_CFG_STR_LEN (4*8) + +/* bit field definitions in config block treeInfo word */ +#define SKEIN_CFG_TREE_LEAF_SIZE_POS ( 0) +#define SKEIN_CFG_TREE_NODE_SIZE_POS ( 8) +#define SKEIN_CFG_TREE_MAX_LEVEL_POS (16) + +#define SKEIN_CFG_TREE_LEAF_SIZE_MSK (((u64b_t) 0xFF) << SKEIN_CFG_TREE_LEAF_SIZE_POS) +#define SKEIN_CFG_TREE_NODE_SIZE_MSK (((u64b_t) 0xFF) << SKEIN_CFG_TREE_NODE_SIZE_POS) +#define SKEIN_CFG_TREE_MAX_LEVEL_MSK (((u64b_t) 0xFF) << SKEIN_CFG_TREE_MAX_LEVEL_POS) + +#define SKEIN_CFG_TREE_INFO(leaf,node,maxLvl) \ + ( (((u64b_t)(leaf )) << SKEIN_CFG_TREE_LEAF_SIZE_POS) | \ + (((u64b_t)(node )) << SKEIN_CFG_TREE_NODE_SIZE_POS) | \ + (((u64b_t)(maxLvl)) << SKEIN_CFG_TREE_MAX_LEVEL_POS) ) + +#define SKEIN_CFG_TREE_INFO_SEQUENTIAL SKEIN_CFG_TREE_INFO(0,0,0) /* use as treeInfo in InitExt() call for sequential processing */ + +/* +** Skein macros for getting/setting tweak words, etc. +** These are useful for partial input bytes, hash tree init/update, etc. +**/ +#define Skein_Get_Tweak(ctxPtr,TWK_NUM) ((ctxPtr)->h.T[TWK_NUM]) +#define Skein_Set_Tweak(ctxPtr,TWK_NUM,tVal) {(ctxPtr)->h.T[TWK_NUM] = (tVal);} + +#define Skein_Get_T0(ctxPtr) Skein_Get_Tweak(ctxPtr,0) +#define Skein_Get_T1(ctxPtr) Skein_Get_Tweak(ctxPtr,1) +#define Skein_Set_T0(ctxPtr,T0) Skein_Set_Tweak(ctxPtr,0,T0) +#define Skein_Set_T1(ctxPtr,T1) Skein_Set_Tweak(ctxPtr,1,T1) + +/* set both tweak words at once */ +#define Skein_Set_T0_T1(ctxPtr,T0,T1) \ +{ \ + Skein_Set_T0(ctxPtr,(T0)); \ + Skein_Set_T1(ctxPtr,(T1)); \ +} + +#define Skein_Set_Type(ctxPtr,BLK_TYPE) \ + Skein_Set_T1(ctxPtr,SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE_##BLK_TYPE) + +/* set up for starting with a new type: h.T[0]=0; h.T[1] = NEW_TYPE; h.bCnt=0; */ +#define Skein_Start_New_Type(ctxPtr,BLK_TYPE) \ +{ Skein_Set_T0_T1(ctxPtr,0,SKEIN_T1_FLAG_FIRST | SKEIN_T1_BLK_TYPE_##BLK_TYPE); (ctxPtr)->h.bCnt=0; } + +#define Skein_Clear_First_Flag(hdr) { (hdr).T[1] &= ~SKEIN_T1_FLAG_FIRST; } +#define Skein_Set_Bit_Pad_Flag(hdr) { (hdr).T[1] |= SKEIN_T1_FLAG_BIT_PAD; } + +#define Skein_Set_Tree_Level(hdr,height) { (hdr).T[1] |= SKEIN_T1_TREE_LEVEL(height);} + +/***************************************************************** +** "Internal" Skein definitions for debugging and error checking +******************************************************************/ +#define Skein_Show_Block(bits,ctx,X,blkPtr,wPtr,ksEvenPtr,ksOddPtr) +#define Skein_Show_Round(bits,ctx,r,X) +#define Skein_Show_R_Ptr(bits,ctx,r,X_ptr) +#define Skein_Show_Final(bits,ctx,cnt,outPtr) +#define Skein_Show_Key(bits,ctx,key,keyBytes) + + +#ifndef SKEIN_ERR_CHECK /* run-time checks (e.g., bad params, uninitialized context)? */ +#define Skein_Assert(x,retCode)/* default: ignore all Asserts, for performance */ +#define Skein_assert(x) +#elif defined(SKEIN_ASSERT) +#include +#define Skein_Assert(x,retCode) assert(x) +#define Skein_assert(x) assert(x) +#else +#include +#define Skein_Assert(x,retCode) { if (!(x)) return retCode; } /* caller error */ +#define Skein_assert(x) assert(x) /* internal error */ +#endif + +/***************************************************************** +** Skein block function constants (shared across Ref and Opt code) +******************************************************************/ +enum +{ + /* Skein_256 round rotation constants */ + R_256_0_0=14, R_256_0_1=16, + R_256_1_0=52, R_256_1_1=57, + R_256_2_0=23, R_256_2_1=40, + R_256_3_0= 5, R_256_3_1=37, + R_256_4_0=25, R_256_4_1=33, + R_256_5_0=46, R_256_5_1=12, + R_256_6_0=58, R_256_6_1=22, + R_256_7_0=32, R_256_7_1=32, + + /* Skein_512 round rotation constants */ + R_512_0_0=46, R_512_0_1=36, R_512_0_2=19, R_512_0_3=37, + R_512_1_0=33, R_512_1_1=27, R_512_1_2=14, R_512_1_3=42, + R_512_2_0=17, R_512_2_1=49, R_512_2_2=36, R_512_2_3=39, + R_512_3_0=44, R_512_3_1= 9, R_512_3_2=54, R_512_3_3=56, + R_512_4_0=39, R_512_4_1=30, R_512_4_2=34, R_512_4_3=24, + R_512_5_0=13, R_512_5_1=50, R_512_5_2=10, R_512_5_3=17, + R_512_6_0=25, R_512_6_1=29, R_512_6_2=39, R_512_6_3=43, + R_512_7_0= 8, R_512_7_1=35, R_512_7_2=56, R_512_7_3=22, + + /* Skein1024 round rotation constants */ + R1024_0_0=24, R1024_0_1=13, R1024_0_2= 8, R1024_0_3=47, R1024_0_4= 8, R1024_0_5=17, R1024_0_6=22, R1024_0_7=37, + R1024_1_0=38, R1024_1_1=19, R1024_1_2=10, R1024_1_3=55, R1024_1_4=49, R1024_1_5=18, R1024_1_6=23, R1024_1_7=52, + R1024_2_0=33, R1024_2_1= 4, R1024_2_2=51, R1024_2_3=13, R1024_2_4=34, R1024_2_5=41, R1024_2_6=59, R1024_2_7=17, + R1024_3_0= 5, R1024_3_1=20, R1024_3_2=48, R1024_3_3=41, R1024_3_4=47, R1024_3_5=28, R1024_3_6=16, R1024_3_7=25, + R1024_4_0=41, R1024_4_1= 9, R1024_4_2=37, R1024_4_3=31, R1024_4_4=12, R1024_4_5=47, R1024_4_6=44, R1024_4_7=30, + R1024_5_0=16, R1024_5_1=34, R1024_5_2=56, R1024_5_3=51, R1024_5_4= 4, R1024_5_5=53, R1024_5_6=42, R1024_5_7=41, + R1024_6_0=31, R1024_6_1=44, R1024_6_2=47, R1024_6_3=46, R1024_6_4=19, R1024_6_5=42, R1024_6_6=44, R1024_6_7=25, + R1024_7_0= 9, R1024_7_1=48, R1024_7_2=35, R1024_7_3=52, R1024_7_4=23, R1024_7_5=31, R1024_7_6=37, R1024_7_7=20 +}; + +#ifndef SKEIN_ROUNDS +#define SKEIN_256_ROUNDS_TOTAL (72) /* number of rounds for the different block sizes */ +#define SKEIN_512_ROUNDS_TOTAL (72) +#define SKEIN1024_ROUNDS_TOTAL (80) +#else /* allow command-line define in range 8*(5..14) */ +#define SKEIN_256_ROUNDS_TOTAL (8*((((SKEIN_ROUNDS/100) + 5) % 10) + 5)) +#define SKEIN_512_ROUNDS_TOTAL (8*((((SKEIN_ROUNDS/ 10) + 5) % 10) + 5)) +#define SKEIN1024_ROUNDS_TOTAL (8*((((SKEIN_ROUNDS ) + 5) % 10) + 5)) +#endif + + +/* +***************** Pre-computed Skein IVs ******************* +** +** NOTE: these values are not "magic" constants, but +** are generated using the Threefish block function. +** They are pre-computed here only for speed; i.e., to +** avoid the need for a Threefish call during Init(). +** +** The IV for any fixed hash length may be pre-computed. +** Only the most common values are included here. +** +************************************************************ +**/ + +#define MK_64 SKEIN_MK_64 + +/* blkSize = 256 bits. hashSize = 128 bits */ +const u64b_t SKEIN_256_IV_128[] = + { + MK_64(0xE1111906,0x964D7260), + MK_64(0x883DAAA7,0x7C8D811C), + MK_64(0x10080DF4,0x91960F7A), + MK_64(0xCCF7DDE5,0xB45BC1C2) + }; + +/* blkSize = 256 bits. hashSize = 160 bits */ +const u64b_t SKEIN_256_IV_160[] = + { + MK_64(0x14202314,0x72825E98), + MK_64(0x2AC4E9A2,0x5A77E590), + MK_64(0xD47A5856,0x8838D63E), + MK_64(0x2DD2E496,0x8586AB7D) + }; + +/* blkSize = 256 bits. hashSize = 224 bits */ +const u64b_t SKEIN_256_IV_224[] = + { + MK_64(0xC6098A8C,0x9AE5EA0B), + MK_64(0x876D5686,0x08C5191C), + MK_64(0x99CB88D7,0xD7F53884), + MK_64(0x384BDDB1,0xAEDDB5DE) + }; + +/* blkSize = 256 bits. hashSize = 256 bits */ +const u64b_t SKEIN_256_IV_256[] = + { + MK_64(0xFC9DA860,0xD048B449), + MK_64(0x2FCA6647,0x9FA7D833), + MK_64(0xB33BC389,0x6656840F), + MK_64(0x6A54E920,0xFDE8DA69) + }; + +/* blkSize = 512 bits. hashSize = 128 bits */ +const u64b_t SKEIN_512_IV_128[] = + { + MK_64(0xA8BC7BF3,0x6FBF9F52), + MK_64(0x1E9872CE,0xBD1AF0AA), + MK_64(0x309B1790,0xB32190D3), + MK_64(0xBCFBB854,0x3F94805C), + MK_64(0x0DA61BCD,0x6E31B11B), + MK_64(0x1A18EBEA,0xD46A32E3), + MK_64(0xA2CC5B18,0xCE84AA82), + MK_64(0x6982AB28,0x9D46982D) + }; + +/* blkSize = 512 bits. hashSize = 160 bits */ +const u64b_t SKEIN_512_IV_160[] = + { + MK_64(0x28B81A2A,0xE013BD91), + MK_64(0xC2F11668,0xB5BDF78F), + MK_64(0x1760D8F3,0xF6A56F12), + MK_64(0x4FB74758,0x8239904F), + MK_64(0x21EDE07F,0x7EAF5056), + MK_64(0xD908922E,0x63ED70B8), + MK_64(0xB8EC76FF,0xECCB52FA), + MK_64(0x01A47BB8,0xA3F27A6E) + }; + +/* blkSize = 512 bits. hashSize = 224 bits */ +const u64b_t SKEIN_512_IV_224[] = + { + MK_64(0xCCD06162,0x48677224), + MK_64(0xCBA65CF3,0xA92339EF), + MK_64(0x8CCD69D6,0x52FF4B64), + MK_64(0x398AED7B,0x3AB890B4), + MK_64(0x0F59D1B1,0x457D2BD0), + MK_64(0x6776FE65,0x75D4EB3D), + MK_64(0x99FBC70E,0x997413E9), + MK_64(0x9E2CFCCF,0xE1C41EF7) + }; + +/* blkSize = 512 bits. hashSize = 256 bits */ +const u64b_t SKEIN_512_IV_256[] = + { + MK_64(0xCCD044A1,0x2FDB3E13), + MK_64(0xE8359030,0x1A79A9EB), + MK_64(0x55AEA061,0x4F816E6F), + MK_64(0x2A2767A4,0xAE9B94DB), + MK_64(0xEC06025E,0x74DD7683), + MK_64(0xE7A436CD,0xC4746251), + MK_64(0xC36FBAF9,0x393AD185), + MK_64(0x3EEDBA18,0x33EDFC13) + }; + +/* blkSize = 512 bits. hashSize = 384 bits */ +const u64b_t SKEIN_512_IV_384[] = + { + MK_64(0xA3F6C6BF,0x3A75EF5F), + MK_64(0xB0FEF9CC,0xFD84FAA4), + MK_64(0x9D77DD66,0x3D770CFE), + MK_64(0xD798CBF3,0xB468FDDA), + MK_64(0x1BC4A666,0x8A0E4465), + MK_64(0x7ED7D434,0xE5807407), + MK_64(0x548FC1AC,0xD4EC44D6), + MK_64(0x266E1754,0x6AA18FF8) + }; + +/* blkSize = 512 bits. hashSize = 512 bits */ +const u64b_t SKEIN_512_IV_512[] = + { + MK_64(0x4903ADFF,0x749C51CE), + MK_64(0x0D95DE39,0x9746DF03), + MK_64(0x8FD19341,0x27C79BCE), + MK_64(0x9A255629,0xFF352CB1), + MK_64(0x5DB62599,0xDF6CA7B0), + MK_64(0xEABE394C,0xA9D5C3F4), + MK_64(0x991112C7,0x1A75B523), + MK_64(0xAE18A40B,0x660FCC33) + }; + +/* blkSize = 1024 bits. hashSize = 384 bits */ +const u64b_t SKEIN1024_IV_384[] = + { + MK_64(0x5102B6B8,0xC1894A35), + MK_64(0xFEEBC9E3,0xFE8AF11A), + MK_64(0x0C807F06,0xE32BED71), + MK_64(0x60C13A52,0xB41A91F6), + MK_64(0x9716D35D,0xD4917C38), + MK_64(0xE780DF12,0x6FD31D3A), + MK_64(0x797846B6,0xC898303A), + MK_64(0xB172C2A8,0xB3572A3B), + MK_64(0xC9BC8203,0xA6104A6C), + MK_64(0x65909338,0xD75624F4), + MK_64(0x94BCC568,0x4B3F81A0), + MK_64(0x3EBBF51E,0x10ECFD46), + MK_64(0x2DF50F0B,0xEEB08542), + MK_64(0x3B5A6530,0x0DBC6516), + MK_64(0x484B9CD2,0x167BBCE1), + MK_64(0x2D136947,0xD4CBAFEA) + }; + +/* blkSize = 1024 bits. hashSize = 512 bits */ +const u64b_t SKEIN1024_IV_512[] = + { + MK_64(0xCAEC0E5D,0x7C1B1B18), + MK_64(0xA01B0E04,0x5F03E802), + MK_64(0x33840451,0xED912885), + MK_64(0x374AFB04,0xEAEC2E1C), + MK_64(0xDF25A0E2,0x813581F7), + MK_64(0xE4004093,0x8B12F9D2), + MK_64(0xA662D539,0xC2ED39B6), + MK_64(0xFA8B85CF,0x45D8C75A), + MK_64(0x8316ED8E,0x29EDE796), + MK_64(0x053289C0,0x2E9F91B8), + MK_64(0xC3F8EF1D,0x6D518B73), + MK_64(0xBDCEC3C4,0xD5EF332E), + MK_64(0x549A7E52,0x22974487), + MK_64(0x67070872,0x5B749816), + MK_64(0xB9CD28FB,0xF0581BD1), + MK_64(0x0E2940B8,0x15804974) + }; + +/* blkSize = 1024 bits. hashSize = 1024 bits */ +const u64b_t SKEIN1024_IV_1024[] = + { + MK_64(0xD593DA07,0x41E72355), + MK_64(0x15B5E511,0xAC73E00C), + MK_64(0x5180E5AE,0xBAF2C4F0), + MK_64(0x03BD41D3,0xFCBCAFAF), + MK_64(0x1CAEC6FD,0x1983A898), + MK_64(0x6E510B8B,0xCDD0589F), + MK_64(0x77E2BDFD,0xC6394ADA), + MK_64(0xC11E1DB5,0x24DCB0A3), + MK_64(0xD6D14AF9,0xC6329AB5), + MK_64(0x6A9B0BFC,0x6EB67E0D), + MK_64(0x9243C60D,0xCCFF1332), + MK_64(0x1A1F1DDE,0x743F02D4), + MK_64(0x0996753C,0x10ED0BB8), + MK_64(0x6572DD22,0xF2B4969A), + MK_64(0x61FD3062,0xD00A579A), + MK_64(0x1DE0536E,0x8682E539) + }; + + +#ifndef SKEIN_USE_ASM +#define SKEIN_USE_ASM (0) /* default is all C code (no ASM) */ +#endif + +#ifndef SKEIN_LOOP +#define SKEIN_LOOP 001 /* default: unroll 256 and 512, but not 1024 */ +#endif + +#define BLK_BITS (WCNT*64) /* some useful definitions for code here */ +#define KW_TWK_BASE (0) +#define KW_KEY_BASE (3) +#define ks (kw + KW_KEY_BASE) +#define ts (kw + KW_TWK_BASE) + +#ifdef SKEIN_DEBUG +#define DebugSaveTweak(ctx) { ctx->h.T[0] = ts[0]; ctx->h.T[1] = ts[1]; } +#else +#define DebugSaveTweak(ctx) +#endif + +/***************************** Skein_256 ******************************/ +#if !(SKEIN_USE_ASM & 256) +static void Skein_256_Process_Block(Skein_256_Ctxt_t *ctx,const u08b_t *blkPtr,size_t blkCnt,size_t byteCntAdd) + { /* do it in C */ + enum + { + WCNT = SKEIN_256_STATE_WORDS + }; +#undef RCNT +#define RCNT (SKEIN_256_ROUNDS_TOTAL/8) + +#ifdef SKEIN_LOOP /* configure how much to unroll the loop */ +#define SKEIN_UNROLL_256 (((SKEIN_LOOP)/100)%10) +#else +#define SKEIN_UNROLL_256 (0) +#endif + +#if SKEIN_UNROLL_256 +#if (RCNT % SKEIN_UNROLL_256) +#error "Invalid SKEIN_UNROLL_256" /* sanity check on unroll count */ +#endif + size_t r; + u64b_t kw[WCNT+4+RCNT*2]; /* key schedule words : chaining vars + tweak + "rotation"*/ +#else + u64b_t kw[WCNT+4]; /* key schedule words : chaining vars + tweak */ +#endif + u64b_t X0,X1,X2,X3; /* local copy of context vars, for speed */ + u64b_t w [WCNT]; /* local copy of input block */ +#ifdef SKEIN_DEBUG + const u64b_t *Xptr[4]; /* use for debugging (help compiler put Xn in registers) */ + Xptr[0] = &X0; Xptr[1] = &X1; Xptr[2] = &X2; Xptr[3] = &X3; +#endif + Skein_assert(blkCnt != 0); /* never call with blkCnt == 0! */ + ts[0] = ctx->h.T[0]; + ts[1] = ctx->h.T[1]; + do { + /* this implementation only supports 2**64 input bytes (no carry out here) */ + ts[0] += byteCntAdd; /* update processed length */ + + /* precompute the key schedule for this block */ + ks[0] = ctx->X[0]; + ks[1] = ctx->X[1]; + ks[2] = ctx->X[2]; + ks[3] = ctx->X[3]; + ks[4] = ks[0] ^ ks[1] ^ ks[2] ^ ks[3] ^ SKEIN_KS_PARITY; + + ts[2] = ts[0] ^ ts[1]; + + Skein_Get64_LSB_First(w,blkPtr,WCNT); /* get input block in little-endian format */ + DebugSaveTweak(ctx); + Skein_Show_Block(BLK_BITS,&ctx->h,ctx->X,blkPtr,w,ks,ts); + + X0 = w[0] + ks[0]; /* do the first full key injection */ + X1 = w[1] + ks[1] + ts[0]; + X2 = w[2] + ks[2] + ts[1]; + X3 = w[3] + ks[3]; + + Skein_Show_R_Ptr(BLK_BITS,&ctx->h,SKEIN_RND_KEY_INITIAL,Xptr); /* show starting state values */ + + blkPtr += SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES; + + /* run the rounds */ + +#define Round256(p0,p1,p2,p3,ROT,rNum) \ + X##p0 += X##p1; X##p1 = RotL_64(X##p1,ROT##_0); X##p1 ^= X##p0; \ + X##p2 += X##p3; X##p3 = RotL_64(X##p3,ROT##_1); X##p3 ^= X##p2; \ + +#if SKEIN_UNROLL_256 == 0 +#define R256(p0,p1,p2,p3,ROT,rNum) /* fully unrolled */ \ + Round256(p0,p1,p2,p3,ROT,rNum) \ + Skein_Show_R_Ptr(BLK_BITS,&ctx->h,rNum,Xptr); + +#define I256(R) \ + X0 += ks[((R)+1) % 5]; /* inject the key schedule value */ \ + X1 += ks[((R)+2) % 5] + ts[((R)+1) % 3]; \ + X2 += ks[((R)+3) % 5] + ts[((R)+2) % 3]; \ + X3 += ks[((R)+4) % 5] + (R)+1; \ + Skein_Show_R_Ptr(BLK_BITS,&ctx->h,SKEIN_RND_KEY_INJECT,Xptr); +#else /* looping version */ +#define R256(p0,p1,p2,p3,ROT,rNum) \ + Round256(p0,p1,p2,p3,ROT,rNum) \ + Skein_Show_R_Ptr(BLK_BITS,&ctx->h,4*(r-1)+rNum,Xptr); + +#define I256(R) \ + X0 += ks[r+(R)+0]; /* inject the key schedule value */ \ + X1 += ks[r+(R)+1] + ts[r+(R)+0]; \ + X2 += ks[r+(R)+2] + ts[r+(R)+1]; \ + X3 += ks[r+(R)+3] + r+(R) ; \ + ks[r + (R)+4 ] = ks[r+(R)-1]; /* rotate key schedule */\ + ts[r + (R)+2 ] = ts[r+(R)-1]; \ + Skein_Show_R_Ptr(BLK_BITS,&ctx->h,SKEIN_RND_KEY_INJECT,Xptr); + + for (r=1;r < 2*RCNT;r+=2*SKEIN_UNROLL_256) /* loop thru it */ +#endif + { +#define R256_8_rounds(R) \ + R256(0,1,2,3,R_256_0,8*(R) + 1); \ + R256(0,3,2,1,R_256_1,8*(R) + 2); \ + R256(0,1,2,3,R_256_2,8*(R) + 3); \ + R256(0,3,2,1,R_256_3,8*(R) + 4); \ + I256(2*(R)); \ + R256(0,1,2,3,R_256_4,8*(R) + 5); \ + R256(0,3,2,1,R_256_5,8*(R) + 6); \ + R256(0,1,2,3,R_256_6,8*(R) + 7); \ + R256(0,3,2,1,R_256_7,8*(R) + 8); \ + I256(2*(R)+1); + + R256_8_rounds( 0); + +#define R256_Unroll_R(NN) ((SKEIN_UNROLL_256 == 0 && SKEIN_256_ROUNDS_TOTAL/8 > (NN)) || (SKEIN_UNROLL_256 > (NN))) + + #if R256_Unroll_R( 1) + R256_8_rounds( 1); + #endif + #if R256_Unroll_R( 2) + R256_8_rounds( 2); + #endif + #if R256_Unroll_R( 3) + R256_8_rounds( 3); + #endif + #if R256_Unroll_R( 4) + R256_8_rounds( 4); + #endif + #if R256_Unroll_R( 5) + R256_8_rounds( 5); + #endif + #if R256_Unroll_R( 6) + R256_8_rounds( 6); + #endif + #if R256_Unroll_R( 7) + R256_8_rounds( 7); + #endif + #if R256_Unroll_R( 8) + R256_8_rounds( 8); + #endif + #if R256_Unroll_R( 9) + R256_8_rounds( 9); + #endif + #if R256_Unroll_R(10) + R256_8_rounds(10); + #endif + #if R256_Unroll_R(11) + R256_8_rounds(11); + #endif + #if R256_Unroll_R(12) + R256_8_rounds(12); + #endif + #if R256_Unroll_R(13) + R256_8_rounds(13); + #endif + #if R256_Unroll_R(14) + R256_8_rounds(14); + #endif + #if (SKEIN_UNROLL_256 > 14) +#error "need more unrolling in Skein_256_Process_Block" + #endif + } + /* do the final "feedforward" xor, update context chaining vars */ + ctx->X[0] = X0 ^ w[0]; + ctx->X[1] = X1 ^ w[1]; + ctx->X[2] = X2 ^ w[2]; + ctx->X[3] = X3 ^ w[3]; + + Skein_Show_Round(BLK_BITS,&ctx->h,SKEIN_RND_FEED_FWD,ctx->X); + + ts[1] &= ~SKEIN_T1_FLAG_FIRST; + } + while (--blkCnt); + ctx->h.T[0] = ts[0]; + ctx->h.T[1] = ts[1]; + } + +#if defined(SKEIN_CODE_SIZE) || defined(SKEIN_PERF) +static size_t Skein_256_Process_Block_CodeSize(void) + { + return ((u08b_t *) Skein_256_Process_Block_CodeSize) - + ((u08b_t *) Skein_256_Process_Block); + } +static uint_t Skein_256_Unroll_Cnt(void) + { + return SKEIN_UNROLL_256; + } +#endif +#endif + +/***************************** Skein_512 ******************************/ +#if !(SKEIN_USE_ASM & 512) +static void Skein_512_Process_Block(Skein_512_Ctxt_t *ctx,const u08b_t *blkPtr,size_t blkCnt,size_t byteCntAdd) + { /* do it in C */ + enum + { + WCNT = SKEIN_512_STATE_WORDS + }; +#undef RCNT +#define RCNT (SKEIN_512_ROUNDS_TOTAL/8) + +#ifdef SKEIN_LOOP /* configure how much to unroll the loop */ +#define SKEIN_UNROLL_512 (((SKEIN_LOOP)/10)%10) +#else +#define SKEIN_UNROLL_512 (0) +#endif + +#if SKEIN_UNROLL_512 +#if (RCNT % SKEIN_UNROLL_512) +#error "Invalid SKEIN_UNROLL_512" /* sanity check on unroll count */ +#endif + size_t r; + u64b_t kw[WCNT+4+RCNT*2]; /* key schedule words : chaining vars + tweak + "rotation"*/ +#else + u64b_t kw[WCNT+4]; /* key schedule words : chaining vars + tweak */ +#endif + u64b_t X0,X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7; /* local copy of vars, for speed */ + u64b_t w [WCNT]; /* local copy of input block */ +#ifdef SKEIN_DEBUG + const u64b_t *Xptr[8]; /* use for debugging (help compiler put Xn in registers) */ + Xptr[0] = &X0; Xptr[1] = &X1; Xptr[2] = &X2; Xptr[3] = &X3; + Xptr[4] = &X4; Xptr[5] = &X5; Xptr[6] = &X6; Xptr[7] = &X7; +#endif + + Skein_assert(blkCnt != 0); /* never call with blkCnt == 0! */ + ts[0] = ctx->h.T[0]; + ts[1] = ctx->h.T[1]; + do { + /* this implementation only supports 2**64 input bytes (no carry out here) */ + ts[0] += byteCntAdd; /* update processed length */ + + /* precompute the key schedule for this block */ + ks[0] = ctx->X[0]; + ks[1] = ctx->X[1]; + ks[2] = ctx->X[2]; + ks[3] = ctx->X[3]; + ks[4] = ctx->X[4]; + ks[5] = ctx->X[5]; + ks[6] = ctx->X[6]; + ks[7] = ctx->X[7]; + ks[8] = ks[0] ^ ks[1] ^ ks[2] ^ ks[3] ^ + ks[4] ^ ks[5] ^ ks[6] ^ ks[7] ^ SKEIN_KS_PARITY; + + ts[2] = ts[0] ^ ts[1]; + + Skein_Get64_LSB_First(w,blkPtr,WCNT); /* get input block in little-endian format */ + DebugSaveTweak(ctx); + Skein_Show_Block(BLK_BITS,&ctx->h,ctx->X,blkPtr,w,ks,ts); + + X0 = w[0] + ks[0]; /* do the first full key injection */ + X1 = w[1] + ks[1]; + X2 = w[2] + ks[2]; + X3 = w[3] + ks[3]; + X4 = w[4] + ks[4]; + X5 = w[5] + ks[5] + ts[0]; + X6 = w[6] + ks[6] + ts[1]; + X7 = w[7] + ks[7]; + + blkPtr += SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES; + + Skein_Show_R_Ptr(BLK_BITS,&ctx->h,SKEIN_RND_KEY_INITIAL,Xptr); + /* run the rounds */ +#define Round512(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,ROT,rNum) \ + X##p0 += X##p1; X##p1 = RotL_64(X##p1,ROT##_0); X##p1 ^= X##p0; \ + X##p2 += X##p3; X##p3 = RotL_64(X##p3,ROT##_1); X##p3 ^= X##p2; \ + X##p4 += X##p5; X##p5 = RotL_64(X##p5,ROT##_2); X##p5 ^= X##p4; \ + X##p6 += X##p7; X##p7 = RotL_64(X##p7,ROT##_3); X##p7 ^= X##p6; \ + +#if SKEIN_UNROLL_512 == 0 +#define R512(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,ROT,rNum) /* unrolled */ \ + Round512(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,ROT,rNum) \ + Skein_Show_R_Ptr(BLK_BITS,&ctx->h,rNum,Xptr); + +#define I512(R) \ + X0 += ks[((R)+1) % 9]; /* inject the key schedule value */ \ + X1 += ks[((R)+2) % 9]; \ + X2 += ks[((R)+3) % 9]; \ + X3 += ks[((R)+4) % 9]; \ + X4 += ks[((R)+5) % 9]; \ + X5 += ks[((R)+6) % 9] + ts[((R)+1) % 3]; \ + X6 += ks[((R)+7) % 9] + ts[((R)+2) % 3]; \ + X7 += ks[((R)+8) % 9] + (R)+1; \ + Skein_Show_R_Ptr(BLK_BITS,&ctx->h,SKEIN_RND_KEY_INJECT,Xptr); +#else /* looping version */ +#define R512(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,ROT,rNum) \ + Round512(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,ROT,rNum) \ + Skein_Show_R_Ptr(BLK_BITS,&ctx->h,4*(r-1)+rNum,Xptr); + +#define I512(R) \ + X0 += ks[r+(R)+0]; /* inject the key schedule value */ \ + X1 += ks[r+(R)+1]; \ + X2 += ks[r+(R)+2]; \ + X3 += ks[r+(R)+3]; \ + X4 += ks[r+(R)+4]; \ + X5 += ks[r+(R)+5] + ts[r+(R)+0]; \ + X6 += ks[r+(R)+6] + ts[r+(R)+1]; \ + X7 += ks[r+(R)+7] + r+(R) ; \ + ks[r + (R)+8] = ks[r+(R)-1]; /* rotate key schedule */ \ + ts[r + (R)+2] = ts[r+(R)-1]; \ + Skein_Show_R_Ptr(BLK_BITS,&ctx->h,SKEIN_RND_KEY_INJECT,Xptr); + + for (r=1;r < 2*RCNT;r+=2*SKEIN_UNROLL_512) /* loop thru it */ +#endif /* end of looped code definitions */ + { +#define R512_8_rounds(R) /* do 8 full rounds */ \ + R512(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,R_512_0,8*(R)+ 1); \ + R512(2,1,4,7,6,5,0,3,R_512_1,8*(R)+ 2); \ + R512(4,1,6,3,0,5,2,7,R_512_2,8*(R)+ 3); \ + R512(6,1,0,7,2,5,4,3,R_512_3,8*(R)+ 4); \ + I512(2*(R)); \ + R512(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,R_512_4,8*(R)+ 5); \ + R512(2,1,4,7,6,5,0,3,R_512_5,8*(R)+ 6); \ + R512(4,1,6,3,0,5,2,7,R_512_6,8*(R)+ 7); \ + R512(6,1,0,7,2,5,4,3,R_512_7,8*(R)+ 8); \ + I512(2*(R)+1); /* and key injection */ + + R512_8_rounds( 0); + +#define R512_Unroll_R(NN) ((SKEIN_UNROLL_512 == 0 && SKEIN_512_ROUNDS_TOTAL/8 > (NN)) || (SKEIN_UNROLL_512 > (NN))) + + #if R512_Unroll_R( 1) + R512_8_rounds( 1); + #endif + #if R512_Unroll_R( 2) + R512_8_rounds( 2); + #endif + #if R512_Unroll_R( 3) + R512_8_rounds( 3); + #endif + #if R512_Unroll_R( 4) + R512_8_rounds( 4); + #endif + #if R512_Unroll_R( 5) + R512_8_rounds( 5); + #endif + #if R512_Unroll_R( 6) + R512_8_rounds( 6); + #endif + #if R512_Unroll_R( 7) + R512_8_rounds( 7); + #endif + #if R512_Unroll_R( 8) + R512_8_rounds( 8); + #endif + #if R512_Unroll_R( 9) + R512_8_rounds( 9); + #endif + #if R512_Unroll_R(10) + R512_8_rounds(10); + #endif + #if R512_Unroll_R(11) + R512_8_rounds(11); + #endif + #if R512_Unroll_R(12) + R512_8_rounds(12); + #endif + #if R512_Unroll_R(13) + R512_8_rounds(13); + #endif + #if R512_Unroll_R(14) + R512_8_rounds(14); + #endif + #if (SKEIN_UNROLL_512 > 14) +#error "need more unrolling in Skein_512_Process_Block" + #endif + } + + /* do the final "feedforward" xor, update context chaining vars */ + ctx->X[0] = X0 ^ w[0]; + ctx->X[1] = X1 ^ w[1]; + ctx->X[2] = X2 ^ w[2]; + ctx->X[3] = X3 ^ w[3]; + ctx->X[4] = X4 ^ w[4]; + ctx->X[5] = X5 ^ w[5]; + ctx->X[6] = X6 ^ w[6]; + ctx->X[7] = X7 ^ w[7]; + Skein_Show_Round(BLK_BITS,&ctx->h,SKEIN_RND_FEED_FWD,ctx->X); + + ts[1] &= ~SKEIN_T1_FLAG_FIRST; + } + while (--blkCnt); + ctx->h.T[0] = ts[0]; + ctx->h.T[1] = ts[1]; + } + +#if defined(SKEIN_CODE_SIZE) || defined(SKEIN_PERF) +static size_t Skein_512_Process_Block_CodeSize(void) + { + return ((u08b_t *) Skein_512_Process_Block_CodeSize) - + ((u08b_t *) Skein_512_Process_Block); + } +static uint_t Skein_512_Unroll_Cnt(void) + { + return SKEIN_UNROLL_512; + } +#endif +#endif + +/***************************** Skein1024 ******************************/ +#if !(SKEIN_USE_ASM & 1024) +static void Skein1024_Process_Block(Skein1024_Ctxt_t *ctx,const u08b_t *blkPtr,size_t blkCnt,size_t byteCntAdd) + { /* do it in C, always looping (unrolled is bigger AND slower!) */ + enum + { + WCNT = SKEIN1024_STATE_WORDS + }; +#undef RCNT +#define RCNT (SKEIN1024_ROUNDS_TOTAL/8) + +#ifdef SKEIN_LOOP /* configure how much to unroll the loop */ +#define SKEIN_UNROLL_1024 ((SKEIN_LOOP)%10) +#else +#define SKEIN_UNROLL_1024 (0) +#endif + +#if (SKEIN_UNROLL_1024 != 0) +#if (RCNT % SKEIN_UNROLL_1024) +#error "Invalid SKEIN_UNROLL_1024" /* sanity check on unroll count */ +#endif + size_t r; + u64b_t kw[WCNT+4+RCNT*2]; /* key schedule words : chaining vars + tweak + "rotation"*/ +#else + u64b_t kw[WCNT+4]; /* key schedule words : chaining vars + tweak */ +#endif + + u64b_t X00,X01,X02,X03,X04,X05,X06,X07, /* local copy of vars, for speed */ + X08,X09,X10,X11,X12,X13,X14,X15; + u64b_t w [WCNT]; /* local copy of input block */ +#ifdef SKEIN_DEBUG + const u64b_t *Xptr[16]; /* use for debugging (help compiler put Xn in registers) */ + Xptr[ 0] = &X00; Xptr[ 1] = &X01; Xptr[ 2] = &X02; Xptr[ 3] = &X03; + Xptr[ 4] = &X04; Xptr[ 5] = &X05; Xptr[ 6] = &X06; Xptr[ 7] = &X07; + Xptr[ 8] = &X08; Xptr[ 9] = &X09; Xptr[10] = &X10; Xptr[11] = &X11; + Xptr[12] = &X12; Xptr[13] = &X13; Xptr[14] = &X14; Xptr[15] = &X15; +#endif + + Skein_assert(blkCnt != 0); /* never call with blkCnt == 0! */ + ts[0] = ctx->h.T[0]; + ts[1] = ctx->h.T[1]; + do { + /* this implementation only supports 2**64 input bytes (no carry out here) */ + ts[0] += byteCntAdd; /* update processed length */ + + /* precompute the key schedule for this block */ + ks[ 0] = ctx->X[ 0]; + ks[ 1] = ctx->X[ 1]; + ks[ 2] = ctx->X[ 2]; + ks[ 3] = ctx->X[ 3]; + ks[ 4] = ctx->X[ 4]; + ks[ 5] = ctx->X[ 5]; + ks[ 6] = ctx->X[ 6]; + ks[ 7] = ctx->X[ 7]; + ks[ 8] = ctx->X[ 8]; + ks[ 9] = ctx->X[ 9]; + ks[10] = ctx->X[10]; + ks[11] = ctx->X[11]; + ks[12] = ctx->X[12]; + ks[13] = ctx->X[13]; + ks[14] = ctx->X[14]; + ks[15] = ctx->X[15]; + ks[16] = ks[ 0] ^ ks[ 1] ^ ks[ 2] ^ ks[ 3] ^ + ks[ 4] ^ ks[ 5] ^ ks[ 6] ^ ks[ 7] ^ + ks[ 8] ^ ks[ 9] ^ ks[10] ^ ks[11] ^ + ks[12] ^ ks[13] ^ ks[14] ^ ks[15] ^ SKEIN_KS_PARITY; + + ts[2] = ts[0] ^ ts[1]; + + Skein_Get64_LSB_First(w,blkPtr,WCNT); /* get input block in little-endian format */ + DebugSaveTweak(ctx); + Skein_Show_Block(BLK_BITS,&ctx->h,ctx->X,blkPtr,w,ks,ts); + + X00 = w[ 0] + ks[ 0]; /* do the first full key injection */ + X01 = w[ 1] + ks[ 1]; + X02 = w[ 2] + ks[ 2]; + X03 = w[ 3] + ks[ 3]; + X04 = w[ 4] + ks[ 4]; + X05 = w[ 5] + ks[ 5]; + X06 = w[ 6] + ks[ 6]; + X07 = w[ 7] + ks[ 7]; + X08 = w[ 8] + ks[ 8]; + X09 = w[ 9] + ks[ 9]; + X10 = w[10] + ks[10]; + X11 = w[11] + ks[11]; + X12 = w[12] + ks[12]; + X13 = w[13] + ks[13] + ts[0]; + X14 = w[14] + ks[14] + ts[1]; + X15 = w[15] + ks[15]; + + Skein_Show_R_Ptr(BLK_BITS,&ctx->h,SKEIN_RND_KEY_INITIAL,Xptr); + +#define Round1024(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,pA,pB,pC,pD,pE,pF,ROT,rNum) \ + X##p0 += X##p1; X##p1 = RotL_64(X##p1,ROT##_0); X##p1 ^= X##p0; \ + X##p2 += X##p3; X##p3 = RotL_64(X##p3,ROT##_1); X##p3 ^= X##p2; \ + X##p4 += X##p5; X##p5 = RotL_64(X##p5,ROT##_2); X##p5 ^= X##p4; \ + X##p6 += X##p7; X##p7 = RotL_64(X##p7,ROT##_3); X##p7 ^= X##p6; \ + X##p8 += X##p9; X##p9 = RotL_64(X##p9,ROT##_4); X##p9 ^= X##p8; \ + X##pA += X##pB; X##pB = RotL_64(X##pB,ROT##_5); X##pB ^= X##pA; \ + X##pC += X##pD; X##pD = RotL_64(X##pD,ROT##_6); X##pD ^= X##pC; \ + X##pE += X##pF; X##pF = RotL_64(X##pF,ROT##_7); X##pF ^= X##pE; \ + +#if SKEIN_UNROLL_1024 == 0 +#define R1024(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,pA,pB,pC,pD,pE,pF,ROT,rn) \ + Round1024(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,pA,pB,pC,pD,pE,pF,ROT,rn) \ + Skein_Show_R_Ptr(BLK_BITS,&ctx->h,rn,Xptr); + +#define I1024(R) \ + X00 += ks[((R)+ 1) % 17]; /* inject the key schedule value */ \ + X01 += ks[((R)+ 2) % 17]; \ + X02 += ks[((R)+ 3) % 17]; \ + X03 += ks[((R)+ 4) % 17]; \ + X04 += ks[((R)+ 5) % 17]; \ + X05 += ks[((R)+ 6) % 17]; \ + X06 += ks[((R)+ 7) % 17]; \ + X07 += ks[((R)+ 8) % 17]; \ + X08 += ks[((R)+ 9) % 17]; \ + X09 += ks[((R)+10) % 17]; \ + X10 += ks[((R)+11) % 17]; \ + X11 += ks[((R)+12) % 17]; \ + X12 += ks[((R)+13) % 17]; \ + X13 += ks[((R)+14) % 17] + ts[((R)+1) % 3]; \ + X14 += ks[((R)+15) % 17] + ts[((R)+2) % 3]; \ + X15 += ks[((R)+16) % 17] + (R)+1; \ + Skein_Show_R_Ptr(BLK_BITS,&ctx->h,SKEIN_RND_KEY_INJECT,Xptr); +#else /* looping version */ +#define R1024(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,pA,pB,pC,pD,pE,pF,ROT,rn) \ + Round1024(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,pA,pB,pC,pD,pE,pF,ROT,rn) \ + Skein_Show_R_Ptr(BLK_BITS,&ctx->h,4*(r-1)+rn,Xptr); + +#define I1024(R) \ + X00 += ks[r+(R)+ 0]; /* inject the key schedule value */ \ + X01 += ks[r+(R)+ 1]; \ + X02 += ks[r+(R)+ 2]; \ + X03 += ks[r+(R)+ 3]; \ + X04 += ks[r+(R)+ 4]; \ + X05 += ks[r+(R)+ 5]; \ + X06 += ks[r+(R)+ 6]; \ + X07 += ks[r+(R)+ 7]; \ + X08 += ks[r+(R)+ 8]; \ + X09 += ks[r+(R)+ 9]; \ + X10 += ks[r+(R)+10]; \ + X11 += ks[r+(R)+11]; \ + X12 += ks[r+(R)+12]; \ + X13 += ks[r+(R)+13] + ts[r+(R)+0]; \ + X14 += ks[r+(R)+14] + ts[r+(R)+1]; \ + X15 += ks[r+(R)+15] + r+(R) ; \ + ks[r + (R)+16] = ks[r+(R)-1]; /* rotate key schedule */ \ + ts[r + (R)+ 2] = ts[r+(R)-1]; \ + Skein_Show_R_Ptr(BLK_BITS,&ctx->h,SKEIN_RND_KEY_INJECT,Xptr); + + for (r=1;r <= 2*RCNT;r+=2*SKEIN_UNROLL_1024) /* loop thru it */ +#endif + { +#define R1024_8_rounds(R) /* do 8 full rounds */ \ + R1024(00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,R1024_0,8*(R) + 1); \ + R1024(00,09,02,13,06,11,04,15,10,07,12,03,14,05,08,01,R1024_1,8*(R) + 2); \ + R1024(00,07,02,05,04,03,06,01,12,15,14,13,08,11,10,09,R1024_2,8*(R) + 3); \ + R1024(00,15,02,11,06,13,04,09,14,01,08,05,10,03,12,07,R1024_3,8*(R) + 4); \ + I1024(2*(R)); \ + R1024(00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,R1024_4,8*(R) + 5); \ + R1024(00,09,02,13,06,11,04,15,10,07,12,03,14,05,08,01,R1024_5,8*(R) + 6); \ + R1024(00,07,02,05,04,03,06,01,12,15,14,13,08,11,10,09,R1024_6,8*(R) + 7); \ + R1024(00,15,02,11,06,13,04,09,14,01,08,05,10,03,12,07,R1024_7,8*(R) + 8); \ + I1024(2*(R)+1); + + R1024_8_rounds( 0); + +#define R1024_Unroll_R(NN) ((SKEIN_UNROLL_1024 == 0 && SKEIN1024_ROUNDS_TOTAL/8 > (NN)) || (SKEIN_UNROLL_1024 > (NN))) + + #if R1024_Unroll_R( 1) + R1024_8_rounds( 1); + #endif + #if R1024_Unroll_R( 2) + R1024_8_rounds( 2); + #endif + #if R1024_Unroll_R( 3) + R1024_8_rounds( 3); + #endif + #if R1024_Unroll_R( 4) + R1024_8_rounds( 4); + #endif + #if R1024_Unroll_R( 5) + R1024_8_rounds( 5); + #endif + #if R1024_Unroll_R( 6) + R1024_8_rounds( 6); + #endif + #if R1024_Unroll_R( 7) + R1024_8_rounds( 7); + #endif + #if R1024_Unroll_R( 8) + R1024_8_rounds( 8); + #endif + #if R1024_Unroll_R( 9) + R1024_8_rounds( 9); + #endif + #if R1024_Unroll_R(10) + R1024_8_rounds(10); + #endif + #if R1024_Unroll_R(11) + R1024_8_rounds(11); + #endif + #if R1024_Unroll_R(12) + R1024_8_rounds(12); + #endif + #if R1024_Unroll_R(13) + R1024_8_rounds(13); + #endif + #if R1024_Unroll_R(14) + R1024_8_rounds(14); + #endif + #if (SKEIN_UNROLL_1024 > 14) +#error "need more unrolling in Skein_1024_Process_Block" + #endif + } + /* do the final "feedforward" xor, update context chaining vars */ + + ctx->X[ 0] = X00 ^ w[ 0]; + ctx->X[ 1] = X01 ^ w[ 1]; + ctx->X[ 2] = X02 ^ w[ 2]; + ctx->X[ 3] = X03 ^ w[ 3]; + ctx->X[ 4] = X04 ^ w[ 4]; + ctx->X[ 5] = X05 ^ w[ 5]; + ctx->X[ 6] = X06 ^ w[ 6]; + ctx->X[ 7] = X07 ^ w[ 7]; + ctx->X[ 8] = X08 ^ w[ 8]; + ctx->X[ 9] = X09 ^ w[ 9]; + ctx->X[10] = X10 ^ w[10]; + ctx->X[11] = X11 ^ w[11]; + ctx->X[12] = X12 ^ w[12]; + ctx->X[13] = X13 ^ w[13]; + ctx->X[14] = X14 ^ w[14]; + ctx->X[15] = X15 ^ w[15]; + + Skein_Show_Round(BLK_BITS,&ctx->h,SKEIN_RND_FEED_FWD,ctx->X); + + ts[1] &= ~SKEIN_T1_FLAG_FIRST; + blkPtr += SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES; + } + while (--blkCnt); + ctx->h.T[0] = ts[0]; + ctx->h.T[1] = ts[1]; + } + +#if defined(SKEIN_CODE_SIZE) || defined(SKEIN_PERF) +static size_t Skein1024_Process_Block_CodeSize(void) + { + return ((u08b_t *) Skein1024_Process_Block_CodeSize) - + ((u08b_t *) Skein1024_Process_Block); + } +static uint_t Skein1024_Unroll_Cnt(void) + { + return SKEIN_UNROLL_1024; + } +#endif +#endif + + +#if 0 +/*****************************************************************/ +/* 256-bit Skein */ +/*****************************************************************/ + +/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ +/* init the context for a straight hashing operation */ +static int Skein_256_Init(Skein_256_Ctxt_t *ctx, size_t hashBitLen) + { + union + { + u08b_t b[SKEIN_256_STATE_BYTES]; + u64b_t w[SKEIN_256_STATE_WORDS]; + } cfg; /* config block */ + + Skein_Assert(hashBitLen > 0,SKEIN_BAD_HASHLEN); + ctx->h.hashBitLen = hashBitLen; /* output hash bit count */ + + switch (hashBitLen) + { /* use pre-computed values, where available */ +#ifndef SKEIN_NO_PRECOMP + case 256: memcpy(ctx->X,SKEIN_256_IV_256,sizeof(ctx->X)); break; + case 224: memcpy(ctx->X,SKEIN_256_IV_224,sizeof(ctx->X)); break; + case 160: memcpy(ctx->X,SKEIN_256_IV_160,sizeof(ctx->X)); break; + case 128: memcpy(ctx->X,SKEIN_256_IV_128,sizeof(ctx->X)); break; +#endif + default: + /* here if there is no precomputed IV value available */ + /* build/process the config block, type == CONFIG (could be precomputed) */ + Skein_Start_New_Type(ctx,CFG_FINAL); /* set tweaks: T0=0; T1=CFG | FINAL */ + + cfg.w[0] = Skein_Swap64(SKEIN_SCHEMA_VER); /* set the schema, version */ + cfg.w[1] = Skein_Swap64(hashBitLen); /* hash result length in bits */ + cfg.w[2] = Skein_Swap64(SKEIN_CFG_TREE_INFO_SEQUENTIAL); + memset(&cfg.w[3],0,sizeof(cfg) - 3*sizeof(cfg.w[0])); /* zero pad config block */ + + /* compute the initial chaining values from config block */ + memset(ctx->X,0,sizeof(ctx->X)); /* zero the chaining variables */ + Skein_256_Process_Block(ctx,cfg.b,1,SKEIN_CFG_STR_LEN); + break; + } + /* The chaining vars ctx->X are now initialized for the given hashBitLen. */ + /* Set up to process the data message portion of the hash (default) */ + Skein_Start_New_Type(ctx,MSG); /* T0=0, T1= MSG type */ + + return SKEIN_SUCCESS; + } + +/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ +/* init the context for a MAC and/or tree hash operation */ +/* [identical to Skein_256_Init() when keyBytes == 0 && treeInfo == SKEIN_CFG_TREE_INFO_SEQUENTIAL] */ +static int Skein_256_InitExt(Skein_256_Ctxt_t *ctx,size_t hashBitLen,u64b_t treeInfo, const u08b_t *key, size_t keyBytes) + { + union + { + u08b_t b[SKEIN_256_STATE_BYTES]; + u64b_t w[SKEIN_256_STATE_WORDS]; + } cfg; /* config block */ + + Skein_Assert(hashBitLen > 0,SKEIN_BAD_HASHLEN); + Skein_Assert(keyBytes == 0 || key != NULL,SKEIN_FAIL); + + /* compute the initial chaining values ctx->X[], based on key */ + if (keyBytes == 0) /* is there a key? */ + { + memset(ctx->X,0,sizeof(ctx->X)); /* no key: use all zeroes as key for config block */ + } + else /* here to pre-process a key */ + { + Skein_assert(sizeof(cfg.b) >= sizeof(ctx->X)); + /* do a mini-Init right here */ + ctx->h.hashBitLen=8*sizeof(ctx->X); /* set output hash bit count = state size */ + Skein_Start_New_Type(ctx,KEY); /* set tweaks: T0 = 0; T1 = KEY type */ + memset(ctx->X,0,sizeof(ctx->X)); /* zero the initial chaining variables */ + Skein_256_Update(ctx,key,keyBytes); /* hash the key */ + Skein_256_Final_Pad(ctx,cfg.b); /* put result into cfg.b[] */ + memcpy(ctx->X,cfg.b,sizeof(cfg.b)); /* copy over into ctx->X[] */ +#if SKEIN_NEED_SWAP + { + uint_t i; + for (i=0;iX[i] = Skein_Swap64(ctx->X[i]); + } +#endif + } + /* build/process the config block, type == CONFIG (could be precomputed for each key) */ + ctx->h.hashBitLen = hashBitLen; /* output hash bit count */ + Skein_Start_New_Type(ctx,CFG_FINAL); + + memset(&cfg.w,0,sizeof(cfg.w)); /* pre-pad cfg.w[] with zeroes */ + cfg.w[0] = Skein_Swap64(SKEIN_SCHEMA_VER); + cfg.w[1] = Skein_Swap64(hashBitLen); /* hash result length in bits */ + cfg.w[2] = Skein_Swap64(treeInfo); /* tree hash config info (or SKEIN_CFG_TREE_INFO_SEQUENTIAL) */ + + Skein_Show_Key(256,&ctx->h,key,keyBytes); + + /* compute the initial chaining values from config block */ + Skein_256_Process_Block(ctx,cfg.b,1,SKEIN_CFG_STR_LEN); + + /* The chaining vars ctx->X are now initialized */ + /* Set up to process the data message portion of the hash (default) */ + ctx->h.bCnt = 0; /* buffer b[] starts out empty */ + Skein_Start_New_Type(ctx,MSG); + + return SKEIN_SUCCESS; + } +#endif + +/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ +/* process the input bytes */ +static int Skein_256_Update(Skein_256_Ctxt_t *ctx, const u08b_t *msg, size_t msgByteCnt) + { + size_t n; + + Skein_Assert(ctx->h.bCnt <= SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES,SKEIN_FAIL); /* catch uninitialized context */ + + /* process full blocks, if any */ + if (msgByteCnt + ctx->h.bCnt > SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES) + { + if (ctx->h.bCnt) /* finish up any buffered message data */ + { + n = SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES - ctx->h.bCnt; /* # bytes free in buffer b[] */ + if (n) + { + Skein_assert(n < msgByteCnt); /* check on our logic here */ + memcpy(&ctx->b[ctx->h.bCnt],msg,n); + msgByteCnt -= n; + msg += n; + ctx->h.bCnt += n; + } + Skein_assert(ctx->h.bCnt == SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES); + Skein_256_Process_Block(ctx,ctx->b,1,SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES); + ctx->h.bCnt = 0; + } + /* now process any remaining full blocks, directly from input message data */ + if (msgByteCnt > SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES) + { + n = (msgByteCnt-1) / SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES; /* number of full blocks to process */ + Skein_256_Process_Block(ctx,msg,n,SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES); + msgByteCnt -= n * SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES; + msg += n * SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES; + } + Skein_assert(ctx->h.bCnt == 0); + } + + /* copy any remaining source message data bytes into b[] */ + if (msgByteCnt) + { + Skein_assert(msgByteCnt + ctx->h.bCnt <= SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES); + memcpy(&ctx->b[ctx->h.bCnt],msg,msgByteCnt); + ctx->h.bCnt += msgByteCnt; + } + + return SKEIN_SUCCESS; + } + +/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ +/* finalize the hash computation and output the result */ +static int Skein_256_Final(Skein_256_Ctxt_t *ctx, u08b_t *hashVal) + { + size_t i,n,byteCnt; + u64b_t X[SKEIN_256_STATE_WORDS]; + Skein_Assert(ctx->h.bCnt <= SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES,SKEIN_FAIL); /* catch uninitialized context */ + + ctx->h.T[1] |= SKEIN_T1_FLAG_FINAL; /* tag as the final block */ + if (ctx->h.bCnt < SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES) /* zero pad b[] if necessary */ + memset(&ctx->b[ctx->h.bCnt],0,SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES - ctx->h.bCnt); + + Skein_256_Process_Block(ctx,ctx->b,1,ctx->h.bCnt); /* process the final block */ + + /* now output the result */ + byteCnt = (ctx->h.hashBitLen + 7) >> 3; /* total number of output bytes */ + + /* run Threefish in "counter mode" to generate output */ + memset(ctx->b,0,sizeof(ctx->b)); /* zero out b[], so it can hold the counter */ + memcpy(X,ctx->X,sizeof(X)); /* keep a local copy of counter mode "key" */ + for (i=0;i < byteCnt;i += SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES) + { + ((u64b_t *)ctx->b)[0]= Skein_Swap64((u64b_t) i); /* build the counter block */ + Skein_Start_New_Type(ctx,OUT_FINAL); + Skein_256_Process_Block(ctx,ctx->b,1,sizeof(u64b_t)); /* run "counter mode" */ + n = byteCnt - i; /* number of output bytes left to go */ + if (n >= SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES) + n = SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES; + Skein_Put64_LSB_First(hashVal+i,ctx->X,n); /* "output" the ctr mode bytes */ + Skein_Show_Final(256,&ctx->h,n,hashVal+i*SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES); + memcpy(ctx->X,X,sizeof(X)); /* restore the counter mode key for next time */ + } + return SKEIN_SUCCESS; + } + +#if defined(SKEIN_CODE_SIZE) || defined(SKEIN_PERF) +static size_t Skein_256_API_CodeSize(void) + { + return ((u08b_t *) Skein_256_API_CodeSize) - + ((u08b_t *) Skein_256_Init); + } +#endif + +/*****************************************************************/ +/* 512-bit Skein */ +/*****************************************************************/ + +/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ +/* init the context for a straight hashing operation */ +static int Skein_512_Init(Skein_512_Ctxt_t *ctx, size_t hashBitLen) + { + union + { + u08b_t b[SKEIN_512_STATE_BYTES]; + u64b_t w[SKEIN_512_STATE_WORDS]; + } cfg; /* config block */ + + Skein_Assert(hashBitLen > 0,SKEIN_BAD_HASHLEN); + ctx->h.hashBitLen = hashBitLen; /* output hash bit count */ + + switch (hashBitLen) + { /* use pre-computed values, where available */ +#ifndef SKEIN_NO_PRECOMP + case 512: memcpy(ctx->X,SKEIN_512_IV_512,sizeof(ctx->X)); break; + case 384: memcpy(ctx->X,SKEIN_512_IV_384,sizeof(ctx->X)); break; + case 256: memcpy(ctx->X,SKEIN_512_IV_256,sizeof(ctx->X)); break; + case 224: memcpy(ctx->X,SKEIN_512_IV_224,sizeof(ctx->X)); break; +#endif + default: + /* here if there is no precomputed IV value available */ + /* build/process the config block, type == CONFIG (could be precomputed) */ + Skein_Start_New_Type(ctx,CFG_FINAL); /* set tweaks: T0=0; T1=CFG | FINAL */ + + cfg.w[0] = Skein_Swap64(SKEIN_SCHEMA_VER); /* set the schema, version */ + cfg.w[1] = Skein_Swap64(hashBitLen); /* hash result length in bits */ + cfg.w[2] = Skein_Swap64(SKEIN_CFG_TREE_INFO_SEQUENTIAL); + memset(&cfg.w[3],0,sizeof(cfg) - 3*sizeof(cfg.w[0])); /* zero pad config block */ + + /* compute the initial chaining values from config block */ + memset(ctx->X,0,sizeof(ctx->X)); /* zero the chaining variables */ + Skein_512_Process_Block(ctx,cfg.b,1,SKEIN_CFG_STR_LEN); + break; + } + + /* The chaining vars ctx->X are now initialized for the given hashBitLen. */ + /* Set up to process the data message portion of the hash (default) */ + Skein_Start_New_Type(ctx,MSG); /* T0=0, T1= MSG type */ + + return SKEIN_SUCCESS; + } + +#if 0 +/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ +/* init the context for a MAC and/or tree hash operation */ +/* [identical to Skein_512_Init() when keyBytes == 0 && treeInfo == SKEIN_CFG_TREE_INFO_SEQUENTIAL] */ +static int Skein_512_InitExt(Skein_512_Ctxt_t *ctx,size_t hashBitLen,u64b_t treeInfo, const u08b_t *key, size_t keyBytes) + { + union + { + u08b_t b[SKEIN_512_STATE_BYTES]; + u64b_t w[SKEIN_512_STATE_WORDS]; + } cfg; /* config block */ + + Skein_Assert(hashBitLen > 0,SKEIN_BAD_HASHLEN); + Skein_Assert(keyBytes == 0 || key != NULL,SKEIN_FAIL); + + /* compute the initial chaining values ctx->X[], based on key */ + if (keyBytes == 0) /* is there a key? */ + { + memset(ctx->X,0,sizeof(ctx->X)); /* no key: use all zeroes as key for config block */ + } + else /* here to pre-process a key */ + { + Skein_assert(sizeof(cfg.b) >= sizeof(ctx->X)); + /* do a mini-Init right here */ + ctx->h.hashBitLen=8*sizeof(ctx->X); /* set output hash bit count = state size */ + Skein_Start_New_Type(ctx,KEY); /* set tweaks: T0 = 0; T1 = KEY type */ + memset(ctx->X,0,sizeof(ctx->X)); /* zero the initial chaining variables */ + Skein_512_Update(ctx,key,keyBytes); /* hash the key */ + Skein_512_Final_Pad(ctx,cfg.b); /* put result into cfg.b[] */ + memcpy(ctx->X,cfg.b,sizeof(cfg.b)); /* copy over into ctx->X[] */ +#if SKEIN_NEED_SWAP + { + uint_t i; + for (i=0;iX[i] = Skein_Swap64(ctx->X[i]); + } +#endif + } + /* build/process the config block, type == CONFIG (could be precomputed for each key) */ + ctx->h.hashBitLen = hashBitLen; /* output hash bit count */ + Skein_Start_New_Type(ctx,CFG_FINAL); + + memset(&cfg.w,0,sizeof(cfg.w)); /* pre-pad cfg.w[] with zeroes */ + cfg.w[0] = Skein_Swap64(SKEIN_SCHEMA_VER); + cfg.w[1] = Skein_Swap64(hashBitLen); /* hash result length in bits */ + cfg.w[2] = Skein_Swap64(treeInfo); /* tree hash config info (or SKEIN_CFG_TREE_INFO_SEQUENTIAL) */ + + Skein_Show_Key(512,&ctx->h,key,keyBytes); + + /* compute the initial chaining values from config block */ + Skein_512_Process_Block(ctx,cfg.b,1,SKEIN_CFG_STR_LEN); + + /* The chaining vars ctx->X are now initialized */ + /* Set up to process the data message portion of the hash (default) */ + ctx->h.bCnt = 0; /* buffer b[] starts out empty */ + Skein_Start_New_Type(ctx,MSG); + + return SKEIN_SUCCESS; + } +#endif + +/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ +/* process the input bytes */ +static int Skein_512_Update(Skein_512_Ctxt_t *ctx, const u08b_t *msg, size_t msgByteCnt) + { + size_t n; + + Skein_Assert(ctx->h.bCnt <= SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES,SKEIN_FAIL); /* catch uninitialized context */ + + /* process full blocks, if any */ + if (msgByteCnt + ctx->h.bCnt > SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES) + { + if (ctx->h.bCnt) /* finish up any buffered message data */ + { + n = SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES - ctx->h.bCnt; /* # bytes free in buffer b[] */ + if (n) + { + Skein_assert(n < msgByteCnt); /* check on our logic here */ + memcpy(&ctx->b[ctx->h.bCnt],msg,n); + msgByteCnt -= n; + msg += n; + ctx->h.bCnt += n; + } + Skein_assert(ctx->h.bCnt == SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES); + Skein_512_Process_Block(ctx,ctx->b,1,SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES); + ctx->h.bCnt = 0; + } + /* now process any remaining full blocks, directly from input message data */ + if (msgByteCnt > SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES) + { + n = (msgByteCnt-1) / SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES; /* number of full blocks to process */ + Skein_512_Process_Block(ctx,msg,n,SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES); + msgByteCnt -= n * SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES; + msg += n * SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES; + } + Skein_assert(ctx->h.bCnt == 0); + } + + /* copy any remaining source message data bytes into b[] */ + if (msgByteCnt) + { + Skein_assert(msgByteCnt + ctx->h.bCnt <= SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES); + memcpy(&ctx->b[ctx->h.bCnt],msg,msgByteCnt); + ctx->h.bCnt += msgByteCnt; + } + + return SKEIN_SUCCESS; + } + +/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ +/* finalize the hash computation and output the result */ +static int Skein_512_Final(Skein_512_Ctxt_t *ctx, u08b_t *hashVal) + { + size_t i,n,byteCnt; + u64b_t X[SKEIN_512_STATE_WORDS]; + Skein_Assert(ctx->h.bCnt <= SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES,SKEIN_FAIL); /* catch uninitialized context */ + + ctx->h.T[1] |= SKEIN_T1_FLAG_FINAL; /* tag as the final block */ + if (ctx->h.bCnt < SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES) /* zero pad b[] if necessary */ + memset(&ctx->b[ctx->h.bCnt],0,SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES - ctx->h.bCnt); + + Skein_512_Process_Block(ctx,ctx->b,1,ctx->h.bCnt); /* process the final block */ + + /* now output the result */ + byteCnt = (ctx->h.hashBitLen + 7) >> 3; /* total number of output bytes */ + + /* run Threefish in "counter mode" to generate output */ + memset(ctx->b,0,sizeof(ctx->b)); /* zero out b[], so it can hold the counter */ + memcpy(X,ctx->X,sizeof(X)); /* keep a local copy of counter mode "key" */ + for (i=0;i*SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES < byteCnt;i++) + { + ((u64b_t *)ctx->b)[0]= Skein_Swap64((u64b_t) i); /* build the counter block */ + Skein_Start_New_Type(ctx,OUT_FINAL); + Skein_512_Process_Block(ctx,ctx->b,1,sizeof(u64b_t)); /* run "counter mode" */ + n = byteCnt - i*SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES; /* number of output bytes left to go */ + if (n >= SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES) + n = SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES; + Skein_Put64_LSB_First(hashVal+i*SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES,ctx->X,n); /* "output" the ctr mode bytes */ + Skein_Show_Final(512,&ctx->h,n,hashVal+i*SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES); + memcpy(ctx->X,X,sizeof(X)); /* restore the counter mode key for next time */ + } + return SKEIN_SUCCESS; + } + +#if defined(SKEIN_CODE_SIZE) || defined(SKEIN_PERF) +static size_t Skein_512_API_CodeSize(void) + { + return ((u08b_t *) Skein_512_API_CodeSize) - + ((u08b_t *) Skein_512_Init); + } +#endif + +/*****************************************************************/ +/* 1024-bit Skein */ +/*****************************************************************/ +/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ +/* init the context for a straight hashing operation */ +static int Skein1024_Init(Skein1024_Ctxt_t *ctx, size_t hashBitLen) + { + union + { + u08b_t b[SKEIN1024_STATE_BYTES]; + u64b_t w[SKEIN1024_STATE_WORDS]; + } cfg; /* config block */ + + Skein_Assert(hashBitLen > 0,SKEIN_BAD_HASHLEN); + ctx->h.hashBitLen = hashBitLen; /* output hash bit count */ + + switch (hashBitLen) + { /* use pre-computed values, where available */ +#ifndef SKEIN_NO_PRECOMP + case 512: memcpy(ctx->X,SKEIN1024_IV_512 ,sizeof(ctx->X)); break; + case 384: memcpy(ctx->X,SKEIN1024_IV_384 ,sizeof(ctx->X)); break; + case 1024: memcpy(ctx->X,SKEIN1024_IV_1024,sizeof(ctx->X)); break; +#endif + default: + /* here if there is no precomputed IV value available */ + /* build/process the config block, type == CONFIG (could be precomputed) */ + Skein_Start_New_Type(ctx,CFG_FINAL); /* set tweaks: T0=0; T1=CFG | FINAL */ + + cfg.w[0] = Skein_Swap64(SKEIN_SCHEMA_VER); /* set the schema, version */ + cfg.w[1] = Skein_Swap64(hashBitLen); /* hash result length in bits */ + cfg.w[2] = Skein_Swap64(SKEIN_CFG_TREE_INFO_SEQUENTIAL); + memset(&cfg.w[3],0,sizeof(cfg) - 3*sizeof(cfg.w[0])); /* zero pad config block */ + + /* compute the initial chaining values from config block */ + memset(ctx->X,0,sizeof(ctx->X)); /* zero the chaining variables */ + Skein1024_Process_Block(ctx,cfg.b,1,SKEIN_CFG_STR_LEN); + break; + } + + /* The chaining vars ctx->X are now initialized for the given hashBitLen. */ + /* Set up to process the data message portion of the hash (default) */ + Skein_Start_New_Type(ctx,MSG); /* T0=0, T1= MSG type */ + + return SKEIN_SUCCESS; + } + +#if 0 +/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ +/* init the context for a MAC and/or tree hash operation */ +/* [identical to Skein1024_Init() when keyBytes == 0 && treeInfo == SKEIN_CFG_TREE_INFO_SEQUENTIAL] */ +static int Skein1024_InitExt(Skein1024_Ctxt_t *ctx,size_t hashBitLen,u64b_t treeInfo, const u08b_t *key, size_t keyBytes) + { + union + { + u08b_t b[SKEIN1024_STATE_BYTES]; + u64b_t w[SKEIN1024_STATE_WORDS]; + } cfg; /* config block */ + + Skein_Assert(hashBitLen > 0,SKEIN_BAD_HASHLEN); + Skein_Assert(keyBytes == 0 || key != NULL,SKEIN_FAIL); + + /* compute the initial chaining values ctx->X[], based on key */ + if (keyBytes == 0) /* is there a key? */ + { + memset(ctx->X,0,sizeof(ctx->X)); /* no key: use all zeroes as key for config block */ + } + else /* here to pre-process a key */ + { + Skein_assert(sizeof(cfg.b) >= sizeof(ctx->X)); + /* do a mini-Init right here */ + ctx->h.hashBitLen=8*sizeof(ctx->X); /* set output hash bit count = state size */ + Skein_Start_New_Type(ctx,KEY); /* set tweaks: T0 = 0; T1 = KEY type */ + memset(ctx->X,0,sizeof(ctx->X)); /* zero the initial chaining variables */ + Skein1024_Update(ctx,key,keyBytes); /* hash the key */ + Skein1024_Final_Pad(ctx,cfg.b); /* put result into cfg.b[] */ + memcpy(ctx->X,cfg.b,sizeof(cfg.b)); /* copy over into ctx->X[] */ +#if SKEIN_NEED_SWAP + { + uint_t i; + for (i=0;iX[i] = Skein_Swap64(ctx->X[i]); + } +#endif + } + /* build/process the config block, type == CONFIG (could be precomputed for each key) */ + ctx->h.hashBitLen = hashBitLen; /* output hash bit count */ + Skein_Start_New_Type(ctx,CFG_FINAL); + + memset(&cfg.w,0,sizeof(cfg.w)); /* pre-pad cfg.w[] with zeroes */ + cfg.w[0] = Skein_Swap64(SKEIN_SCHEMA_VER); + cfg.w[1] = Skein_Swap64(hashBitLen); /* hash result length in bits */ + cfg.w[2] = Skein_Swap64(treeInfo); /* tree hash config info (or SKEIN_CFG_TREE_INFO_SEQUENTIAL) */ + + Skein_Show_Key(1024,&ctx->h,key,keyBytes); + + /* compute the initial chaining values from config block */ + Skein1024_Process_Block(ctx,cfg.b,1,SKEIN_CFG_STR_LEN); + + /* The chaining vars ctx->X are now initialized */ + /* Set up to process the data message portion of the hash (default) */ + ctx->h.bCnt = 0; /* buffer b[] starts out empty */ + Skein_Start_New_Type(ctx,MSG); + + return SKEIN_SUCCESS; + } +#endif + +/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ +/* process the input bytes */ +static int Skein1024_Update(Skein1024_Ctxt_t *ctx, const u08b_t *msg, size_t msgByteCnt) + { + size_t n; + + Skein_Assert(ctx->h.bCnt <= SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES,SKEIN_FAIL); /* catch uninitialized context */ + + /* process full blocks, if any */ + if (msgByteCnt + ctx->h.bCnt > SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES) + { + if (ctx->h.bCnt) /* finish up any buffered message data */ + { + n = SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES - ctx->h.bCnt; /* # bytes free in buffer b[] */ + if (n) + { + Skein_assert(n < msgByteCnt); /* check on our logic here */ + memcpy(&ctx->b[ctx->h.bCnt],msg,n); + msgByteCnt -= n; + msg += n; + ctx->h.bCnt += n; + } + Skein_assert(ctx->h.bCnt == SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES); + Skein1024_Process_Block(ctx,ctx->b,1,SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES); + ctx->h.bCnt = 0; + } + /* now process any remaining full blocks, directly from input message data */ + if (msgByteCnt > SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES) + { + n = (msgByteCnt-1) / SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES; /* number of full blocks to process */ + Skein1024_Process_Block(ctx,msg,n,SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES); + msgByteCnt -= n * SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES; + msg += n * SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES; + } + Skein_assert(ctx->h.bCnt == 0); + } + + /* copy any remaining source message data bytes into b[] */ + if (msgByteCnt) + { + Skein_assert(msgByteCnt + ctx->h.bCnt <= SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES); + memcpy(&ctx->b[ctx->h.bCnt],msg,msgByteCnt); + ctx->h.bCnt += msgByteCnt; + } + + return SKEIN_SUCCESS; + } + +/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ +/* finalize the hash computation and output the result */ +static int Skein1024_Final(Skein1024_Ctxt_t *ctx, u08b_t *hashVal) + { + size_t i,n,byteCnt; + u64b_t X[SKEIN1024_STATE_WORDS]; + Skein_Assert(ctx->h.bCnt <= SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES,SKEIN_FAIL); /* catch uninitialized context */ + + ctx->h.T[1] |= SKEIN_T1_FLAG_FINAL; /* tag as the final block */ + if (ctx->h.bCnt < SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES) /* zero pad b[] if necessary */ + memset(&ctx->b[ctx->h.bCnt],0,SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES - ctx->h.bCnt); + + Skein1024_Process_Block(ctx,ctx->b,1,ctx->h.bCnt); /* process the final block */ + + /* now output the result */ + byteCnt = (ctx->h.hashBitLen + 7) >> 3; /* total number of output bytes */ + + /* run Threefish in "counter mode" to generate output */ + memset(ctx->b,0,sizeof(ctx->b)); /* zero out b[], so it can hold the counter */ + memcpy(X,ctx->X,sizeof(X)); /* keep a local copy of counter mode "key" */ + for (i=0;i*SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES < byteCnt;i++) + { + ((u64b_t *)ctx->b)[0]= Skein_Swap64((u64b_t) i); /* build the counter block */ + Skein_Start_New_Type(ctx,OUT_FINAL); + Skein1024_Process_Block(ctx,ctx->b,1,sizeof(u64b_t)); /* run "counter mode" */ + n = byteCnt - i*SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES; /* number of output bytes left to go */ + if (n >= SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES) + n = SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES; + Skein_Put64_LSB_First(hashVal+i*SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES,ctx->X,n); /* "output" the ctr mode bytes */ + Skein_Show_Final(1024,&ctx->h,n,hashVal+i*SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES); + memcpy(ctx->X,X,sizeof(X)); /* restore the counter mode key for next time */ + } + return SKEIN_SUCCESS; + } + +#if defined(SKEIN_CODE_SIZE) || defined(SKEIN_PERF) +static size_t Skein1024_API_CodeSize(void) + { + return ((u08b_t *) Skein1024_API_CodeSize) - + ((u08b_t *) Skein1024_Init); + } +#endif + +/**************** Functions to support MAC/tree hashing ***************/ +/* (this code is identical for Optimized and Reference versions) */ + +#if 0 +/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ +/* finalize the hash computation and output the block, no OUTPUT stage */ +static int Skein_256_Final_Pad(Skein_256_Ctxt_t *ctx, u08b_t *hashVal) + { + Skein_Assert(ctx->h.bCnt <= SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES,SKEIN_FAIL); /* catch uninitialized context */ + + ctx->h.T[1] |= SKEIN_T1_FLAG_FINAL; /* tag as the final block */ + if (ctx->h.bCnt < SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES) /* zero pad b[] if necessary */ + memset(&ctx->b[ctx->h.bCnt],0,SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES - ctx->h.bCnt); + Skein_256_Process_Block(ctx,ctx->b,1,ctx->h.bCnt); /* process the final block */ + + Skein_Put64_LSB_First(hashVal,ctx->X,SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES); /* "output" the state bytes */ + + return SKEIN_SUCCESS; + } + +/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ +/* finalize the hash computation and output the block, no OUTPUT stage */ +static int Skein_512_Final_Pad(Skein_512_Ctxt_t *ctx, u08b_t *hashVal) + { + Skein_Assert(ctx->h.bCnt <= SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES,SKEIN_FAIL); /* catch uninitialized context */ + + ctx->h.T[1] |= SKEIN_T1_FLAG_FINAL; /* tag as the final block */ + if (ctx->h.bCnt < SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES) /* zero pad b[] if necessary */ + memset(&ctx->b[ctx->h.bCnt],0,SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES - ctx->h.bCnt); + Skein_512_Process_Block(ctx,ctx->b,1,ctx->h.bCnt); /* process the final block */ + + Skein_Put64_LSB_First(hashVal,ctx->X,SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES); /* "output" the state bytes */ + + return SKEIN_SUCCESS; + } + +/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ +/* finalize the hash computation and output the block, no OUTPUT stage */ +static int Skein1024_Final_Pad(Skein1024_Ctxt_t *ctx, u08b_t *hashVal) + { + Skein_Assert(ctx->h.bCnt <= SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES,SKEIN_FAIL); /* catch uninitialized context */ + + ctx->h.T[1] |= SKEIN_T1_FLAG_FINAL; /* tag as the final block */ + if (ctx->h.bCnt < SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES) /* zero pad b[] if necessary */ + memset(&ctx->b[ctx->h.bCnt],0,SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES - ctx->h.bCnt); + Skein1024_Process_Block(ctx,ctx->b,1,ctx->h.bCnt); /* process the final block */ + + Skein_Put64_LSB_First(hashVal,ctx->X,SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES); /* "output" the state bytes */ + + return SKEIN_SUCCESS; + } + + +#if SKEIN_TREE_HASH +/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ +/* just do the OUTPUT stage */ +static int Skein_256_Output(Skein_256_Ctxt_t *ctx, u08b_t *hashVal) + { + size_t i,n,byteCnt; + u64b_t X[SKEIN_256_STATE_WORDS]; + Skein_Assert(ctx->h.bCnt <= SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES,SKEIN_FAIL); /* catch uninitialized context */ + + /* now output the result */ + byteCnt = (ctx->h.hashBitLen + 7) >> 3; /* total number of output bytes */ + + /* run Threefish in "counter mode" to generate output */ + memset(ctx->b,0,sizeof(ctx->b)); /* zero out b[], so it can hold the counter */ + memcpy(X,ctx->X,sizeof(X)); /* keep a local copy of counter mode "key" */ + for (i=0;i*SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES < byteCnt;i++) + { + ((u64b_t *)ctx->b)[0]= Skein_Swap64((u64b_t) i); /* build the counter block */ + Skein_Start_New_Type(ctx,OUT_FINAL); + Skein_256_Process_Block(ctx,ctx->b,1,sizeof(u64b_t)); /* run "counter mode" */ + n = byteCnt - i*SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES; /* number of output bytes left to go */ + if (n >= SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES) + n = SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES; + Skein_Put64_LSB_First(hashVal+i*SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES,ctx->X,n); /* "output" the ctr mode bytes */ + Skein_Show_Final(256,&ctx->h,n,hashVal+i*SKEIN_256_BLOCK_BYTES); + memcpy(ctx->X,X,sizeof(X)); /* restore the counter mode key for next time */ + } + return SKEIN_SUCCESS; + } + +/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ +/* just do the OUTPUT stage */ +static int Skein_512_Output(Skein_512_Ctxt_t *ctx, u08b_t *hashVal) + { + size_t i,n,byteCnt; + u64b_t X[SKEIN_512_STATE_WORDS]; + Skein_Assert(ctx->h.bCnt <= SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES,SKEIN_FAIL); /* catch uninitialized context */ + + /* now output the result */ + byteCnt = (ctx->h.hashBitLen + 7) >> 3; /* total number of output bytes */ + + /* run Threefish in "counter mode" to generate output */ + memset(ctx->b,0,sizeof(ctx->b)); /* zero out b[], so it can hold the counter */ + memcpy(X,ctx->X,sizeof(X)); /* keep a local copy of counter mode "key" */ + for (i=0;i*SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES < byteCnt;i++) + { + ((u64b_t *)ctx->b)[0]= Skein_Swap64((u64b_t) i); /* build the counter block */ + Skein_Start_New_Type(ctx,OUT_FINAL); + Skein_512_Process_Block(ctx,ctx->b,1,sizeof(u64b_t)); /* run "counter mode" */ + n = byteCnt - i*SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES; /* number of output bytes left to go */ + if (n >= SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES) + n = SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES; + Skein_Put64_LSB_First(hashVal+i*SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES,ctx->X,n); /* "output" the ctr mode bytes */ + Skein_Show_Final(256,&ctx->h,n,hashVal+i*SKEIN_512_BLOCK_BYTES); + memcpy(ctx->X,X,sizeof(X)); /* restore the counter mode key for next time */ + } + return SKEIN_SUCCESS; + } + +/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ +/* just do the OUTPUT stage */ +static int Skein1024_Output(Skein1024_Ctxt_t *ctx, u08b_t *hashVal) + { + size_t i,n,byteCnt; + u64b_t X[SKEIN1024_STATE_WORDS]; + Skein_Assert(ctx->h.bCnt <= SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES,SKEIN_FAIL); /* catch uninitialized context */ + + /* now output the result */ + byteCnt = (ctx->h.hashBitLen + 7) >> 3; /* total number of output bytes */ + + /* run Threefish in "counter mode" to generate output */ + memset(ctx->b,0,sizeof(ctx->b)); /* zero out b[], so it can hold the counter */ + memcpy(X,ctx->X,sizeof(X)); /* keep a local copy of counter mode "key" */ + for (i=0;i*SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES < byteCnt;i++) + { + ((u64b_t *)ctx->b)[0]= Skein_Swap64((u64b_t) i); /* build the counter block */ + Skein_Start_New_Type(ctx,OUT_FINAL); + Skein1024_Process_Block(ctx,ctx->b,1,sizeof(u64b_t)); /* run "counter mode" */ + n = byteCnt - i*SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES; /* number of output bytes left to go */ + if (n >= SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES) + n = SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES; + Skein_Put64_LSB_First(hashVal+i*SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES,ctx->X,n); /* "output" the ctr mode bytes */ + Skein_Show_Final(256,&ctx->h,n,hashVal+i*SKEIN1024_BLOCK_BYTES); + memcpy(ctx->X,X,sizeof(X)); /* restore the counter mode key for next time */ + } + return SKEIN_SUCCESS; + } +#endif +#endif + +typedef struct +{ + uint_t statebits; /* 256, 512, or 1024 */ + union + { + Skein_Ctxt_Hdr_t h; /* common header "overlay" */ + Skein_256_Ctxt_t ctx_256; + Skein_512_Ctxt_t ctx_512; + Skein1024_Ctxt_t ctx1024; + } u; +} +hashState; + +/* "incremental" hashing API */ +static SkeinHashReturn Init (hashState *state, int hashbitlen); +static SkeinHashReturn Update(hashState *state, const SkeinBitSequence *data, SkeinDataLength databitlen); +static SkeinHashReturn Final (hashState *state, SkeinBitSequence *hashval); + +/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ +/* select the context size and init the context */ +static SkeinHashReturn Init(hashState *state, int hashbitlen) +{ +#if SKEIN_256_NIST_MAX_HASH_BITS + if (hashbitlen <= SKEIN_256_NIST_MAX_HASHBITS) + { + Skein_Assert(hashbitlen > 0,BAD_HASHLEN); + state->statebits = 64*SKEIN_256_STATE_WORDS; + return Skein_256_Init(&state->u.ctx_256,(size_t) hashbitlen); + } +#endif + if (hashbitlen <= SKEIN_512_NIST_MAX_HASHBITS) + { + state->statebits = 64*SKEIN_512_STATE_WORDS; + return Skein_512_Init(&state->u.ctx_512,(size_t) hashbitlen); + } + else + { + state->statebits = 64*SKEIN1024_STATE_WORDS; + return Skein1024_Init(&state->u.ctx1024,(size_t) hashbitlen); + } +} + +/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ +/* process data to be hashed */ +static SkeinHashReturn Update(hashState *state, const SkeinBitSequence *data, SkeinDataLength databitlen) +{ + /* only the final Update() call is allowed do partial bytes, else assert an error */ + Skein_Assert((state->u.h.T[1] & SKEIN_T1_FLAG_BIT_PAD) == 0 || databitlen == 0, SKEIN_FAIL); + + Skein_Assert(state->statebits % 256 == 0 && (state->statebits-256) < 1024,SKEIN_FAIL); + if ((databitlen & 7) == 0) /* partial bytes? */ + { + switch ((state->statebits >> 8) & 3) + { + case 2: return Skein_512_Update(&state->u.ctx_512,data,databitlen >> 3); + case 1: return Skein_256_Update(&state->u.ctx_256,data,databitlen >> 3); + case 0: return Skein1024_Update(&state->u.ctx1024,data,databitlen >> 3); + default: return SKEIN_FAIL; + } + } + else + { /* handle partial final byte */ + size_t bCnt = (databitlen >> 3) + 1; /* number of bytes to handle (nonzero here!) */ + u08b_t b,mask; + + mask = (u08b_t) (1u << (7 - (databitlen & 7))); /* partial byte bit mask */ + b = (u08b_t) ((data[bCnt-1] & (0-mask)) | mask); /* apply bit padding on final byte */ + + switch ((state->statebits >> 8) & 3) + { + case 2: Skein_512_Update(&state->u.ctx_512,data,bCnt-1); /* process all but the final byte */ + Skein_512_Update(&state->u.ctx_512,&b , 1 ); /* process the (masked) partial byte */ + break; + case 1: Skein_256_Update(&state->u.ctx_256,data,bCnt-1); /* process all but the final byte */ + Skein_256_Update(&state->u.ctx_256,&b , 1 ); /* process the (masked) partial byte */ + break; + case 0: Skein1024_Update(&state->u.ctx1024,data,bCnt-1); /* process all but the final byte */ + Skein1024_Update(&state->u.ctx1024,&b , 1 ); /* process the (masked) partial byte */ + break; + default: return SKEIN_FAIL; + } + Skein_Set_Bit_Pad_Flag(state->u.h); /* set tweak flag for the final call */ + + return SKEIN_SUCCESS; + } +} + +/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ +/* finalize hash computation and output the result (hashbitlen bits) */ +static SkeinHashReturn Final(hashState *state, SkeinBitSequence *hashval) +{ + Skein_Assert(state->statebits % 256 == 0 && (state->statebits-256) < 1024,FAIL); + switch ((state->statebits >> 8) & 3) + { + case 2: return Skein_512_Final(&state->u.ctx_512,hashval); + case 1: return Skein_256_Final(&state->u.ctx_256,hashval); + case 0: return Skein1024_Final(&state->u.ctx1024,hashval); + default: return SKEIN_FAIL; + } +} + +/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ +/* all-in-one hash function */ +SkeinHashReturn skein_hash(int hashbitlen, const SkeinBitSequence *data, /* all-in-one call */ + SkeinDataLength databitlen,SkeinBitSequence *hashval) +{ + hashState state; + SkeinHashReturn r = Init(&state,hashbitlen); + if (r == SKEIN_SUCCESS) + { /* these calls do not fail when called properly */ + r = Update(&state,data,databitlen); + Final(&state,hashval); + } + return r; +} diff --git a/crypto/c_skein.h b/crypto/c_skein.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6165a2a --- /dev/null +++ b/crypto/c_skein.h @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +#ifndef _SKEIN_H_ +#define _SKEIN_H_ 1 +/************************************************************************** +** +** Interface declarations and internal definitions for Skein hashing. +** +** Source code author: Doug Whiting, 2008. +** +** This algorithm and source code is released to the public domain. +** +*************************************************************************** +** +** The following compile-time switches may be defined to control some +** tradeoffs between speed, code size, error checking, and security. +** +** The "default" note explains what happens when the switch is not defined. +** +** SKEIN_DEBUG -- make callouts from inside Skein code +** to examine/display intermediate values. +** [default: no callouts (no overhead)] +** +** SKEIN_ERR_CHECK -- how error checking is handled inside Skein +** code. If not defined, most error checking +** is disabled (for performance). Otherwise, +** the switch value is interpreted as: +** 0: use assert() to flag errors +** 1: return SKEIN_FAIL to flag errors +** +***************************************************************************/ +#include "skein_port.h" /* get platform-specific definitions */ + +typedef enum +{ + SKEIN_SUCCESS = 0, /* return codes from Skein calls */ + SKEIN_FAIL = 1, + SKEIN_BAD_HASHLEN = 2 +} +SkeinHashReturn; + +typedef size_t SkeinDataLength; /* bit count type */ +typedef u08b_t SkeinBitSequence; /* bit stream type */ + +/* "all-in-one" call */ +SkeinHashReturn skein_hash(int hashbitlen, const SkeinBitSequence *data, + SkeinDataLength databitlen, SkeinBitSequence *hashval); + +#endif /* ifndef _SKEIN_H_ */ diff --git a/crypto/cryptonight.h b/crypto/cryptonight.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f3e08bd --- /dev/null +++ b/crypto/cryptonight.h @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +#ifndef __CRYPTONIGHT_H_INCLUDED +#define __CRYPTONIGHT_H_INCLUDED + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#include +#include + +#define MEMORY 2097152 + +typedef struct { + uint8_t hash_state[224]; // Need only 200, explicit align + uint8_t long_state[MEMORY]; +} cryptonight_ctx; + +void cryptonight_hash_ctx(const void* input, size_t len, void* output, cryptonight_ctx* ctx); +void cryptonight_hash_ctx_soft(const void* input, size_t len, void* output, cryptonight_ctx* ctx); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/crypto/cryptonight_aesni.h b/crypto/cryptonight_aesni.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..37672c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/crypto/cryptonight_aesni.h @@ -0,0 +1,420 @@ +/* + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + * + */ +#pragma once + +#include "cryptonight.h" +#include +#include + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +#include +static inline uint64_t _umul128(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t* hi) +{ + unsigned __int128 r = (unsigned __int128)a * (unsigned __int128)b; + *hi = r >> 64; + return (uint64_t)r; +} + +#define _mm256_set_m128i(v0, v1) _mm256_insertf128_si256(_mm256_castsi128_si256(v1), (v0), 1) +#else +#include +#endif // __GNUC__ + +#if !defined(_LP64) && !defined(_WIN64) +#error You are trying to do a 32-bit build. This will all end in tears. I know it. +#endif + +extern "C" +{ + void keccak(const uint8_t *in, int inlen, uint8_t *md, int mdlen); + void keccakf(uint64_t st[25], int rounds); + extern void(*const extra_hashes[4])(const void *, size_t, char *); + + __m128i soft_aesenc(__m128i in, __m128i key); + __m128i soft_aeskeygenassist(__m128i key, uint8_t rcon); +} + +// This will shift and xor tmp1 into itself as 4 32-bit vals such as +// sl_xor(a1 a2 a3 a4) = a1 (a2^a1) (a3^a2^a1) (a4^a3^a2^a1) +static inline __m128i sl_xor(__m128i tmp1) +{ + __m128i tmp4; + tmp4 = _mm_slli_si128(tmp1, 0x04); + tmp1 = _mm_xor_si128(tmp1, tmp4); + tmp4 = _mm_slli_si128(tmp4, 0x04); + tmp1 = _mm_xor_si128(tmp1, tmp4); + tmp4 = _mm_slli_si128(tmp4, 0x04); + tmp1 = _mm_xor_si128(tmp1, tmp4); + return tmp1; +} + +template +static inline void aes_genkey_sub(__m128i* xout0, __m128i* xout2) +{ + __m128i xout1 = _mm_aeskeygenassist_si128(*xout2, rcon); + xout1 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(xout1, 0xFF); // see PSHUFD, set all elems to 4th elem + *xout0 = sl_xor(*xout0); + *xout0 = _mm_xor_si128(*xout0, xout1); + xout1 = _mm_aeskeygenassist_si128(*xout0, 0x00); + xout1 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(xout1, 0xAA); // see PSHUFD, set all elems to 3rd elem + *xout2 = sl_xor(*xout2); + *xout2 = _mm_xor_si128(*xout2, xout1); +} + +static inline void soft_aes_genkey_sub(__m128i* xout0, __m128i* xout2, uint8_t rcon) +{ + __m128i xout1 = soft_aeskeygenassist(*xout2, rcon); + xout1 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(xout1, 0xFF); // see PSHUFD, set all elems to 4th elem + *xout0 = sl_xor(*xout0); + *xout0 = _mm_xor_si128(*xout0, xout1); + xout1 = soft_aeskeygenassist(*xout0, 0x00); + xout1 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(xout1, 0xAA); // see PSHUFD, set all elems to 3rd elem + *xout2 = sl_xor(*xout2); + *xout2 = _mm_xor_si128(*xout2, xout1); +} + +template +static inline void aes_genkey(const __m128i* memory, __m128i* k0, __m128i* k1, __m128i* k2, __m128i* k3, + __m128i* k4, __m128i* k5, __m128i* k6, __m128i* k7, __m128i* k8, __m128i* k9) +{ + __m128i xout0, xout2; + + xout0 = _mm_load_si128(memory); + xout2 = _mm_load_si128(memory+1); + *k0 = xout0; + *k1 = xout2; + + if(SOFT_AES) + soft_aes_genkey_sub(&xout0, &xout2, 0x01); + else + aes_genkey_sub<0x01>(&xout0, &xout2); + *k2 = xout0; + *k3 = xout2; + + if(SOFT_AES) + soft_aes_genkey_sub(&xout0, &xout2, 0x02); + else + aes_genkey_sub<0x02>(&xout0, &xout2); + *k4 = xout0; + *k5 = xout2; + + if(SOFT_AES) + soft_aes_genkey_sub(&xout0, &xout2, 0x04); + else + aes_genkey_sub<0x04>(&xout0, &xout2); + *k6 = xout0; + *k7 = xout2; + + if(SOFT_AES) + soft_aes_genkey_sub(&xout0, &xout2, 0x08); + else + aes_genkey_sub<0x08>(&xout0, &xout2); + *k8 = xout0; + *k9 = xout2; +} + +static inline void aes_round(__m128i key, __m128i* x0, __m128i* x1, __m128i* x2, __m128i* x3, __m128i* x4, __m128i* x5, __m128i* x6, __m128i* x7) +{ + *x0 = _mm_aesenc_si128(*x0, key); + *x1 = _mm_aesenc_si128(*x1, key); + *x2 = _mm_aesenc_si128(*x2, key); + *x3 = _mm_aesenc_si128(*x3, key); + *x4 = _mm_aesenc_si128(*x4, key); + *x5 = _mm_aesenc_si128(*x5, key); + *x6 = _mm_aesenc_si128(*x6, key); + *x7 = _mm_aesenc_si128(*x7, key); +} + +static inline void soft_aes_round(__m128i key, __m128i* x0, __m128i* x1, __m128i* x2, __m128i* x3, __m128i* x4, __m128i* x5, __m128i* x6, __m128i* x7) +{ + *x0 = soft_aesenc(*x0, key); + *x1 = soft_aesenc(*x1, key); + *x2 = soft_aesenc(*x2, key); + *x3 = soft_aesenc(*x3, key); + *x4 = soft_aesenc(*x4, key); + *x5 = soft_aesenc(*x5, key); + *x6 = soft_aesenc(*x6, key); + *x7 = soft_aesenc(*x7, key); +} + +template +void cn_explode_scratchpad(const __m128i* input, __m128i* output) +{ + // This is more than we have registers, compiler will assign 2 keys on the stack + __m128i xin0, xin1, xin2, xin3, xin4, xin5, xin6, xin7; + __m128i k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9; + + aes_genkey(input, &k0, &k1, &k2, &k3, &k4, &k5, &k6, &k7, &k8, &k9); + + xin0 = _mm_load_si128(input + 4); + xin1 = _mm_load_si128(input + 5); + xin2 = _mm_load_si128(input + 6); + xin3 = _mm_load_si128(input + 7); + xin4 = _mm_load_si128(input + 8); + xin5 = _mm_load_si128(input + 9); + xin6 = _mm_load_si128(input + 10); + xin7 = _mm_load_si128(input + 11); + + for (size_t i = 0; i < MEM / sizeof(__m128i); i += 8) + { + if(SOFT_AES) + { + soft_aes_round(k0, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7); + soft_aes_round(k1, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7); + soft_aes_round(k2, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7); + soft_aes_round(k3, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7); + soft_aes_round(k4, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7); + soft_aes_round(k5, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7); + soft_aes_round(k6, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7); + soft_aes_round(k7, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7); + soft_aes_round(k8, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7); + soft_aes_round(k9, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7); + } + else + { + aes_round(k0, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7); + aes_round(k1, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7); + aes_round(k2, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7); + aes_round(k3, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7); + aes_round(k4, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7); + aes_round(k5, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7); + aes_round(k6, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7); + aes_round(k7, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7); + aes_round(k8, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7); + aes_round(k9, &xin0, &xin1, &xin2, &xin3, &xin4, &xin5, &xin6, &xin7); + } + + _mm_store_si128(output + i + 0, xin0); + _mm_store_si128(output + i + 1, xin1); + _mm_store_si128(output + i + 2, xin2); + _mm_store_si128(output + i + 3, xin3); + _mm_prefetch((const char*)output + i + 0, _MM_HINT_T2); + _mm_store_si128(output + i + 4, xin4); + _mm_store_si128(output + i + 5, xin5); + _mm_store_si128(output + i + 6, xin6); + _mm_store_si128(output + i + 7, xin7); + _mm_prefetch((const char*)output + i + 4, _MM_HINT_T2); + } +} + +template +void cn_implode_scratchpad(const __m128i* input, __m128i* output) +{ + // This is more than we have registers, compiler will assign 2 keys on the stack + __m128i xout0, xout1, xout2, xout3, xout4, xout5, xout6, xout7; + __m128i k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9; + + aes_genkey(output + 2, &k0, &k1, &k2, &k3, &k4, &k5, &k6, &k7, &k8, &k9); + + xout0 = _mm_load_si128(output + 4); + xout1 = _mm_load_si128(output + 5); + xout2 = _mm_load_si128(output + 6); + xout3 = _mm_load_si128(output + 7); + xout4 = _mm_load_si128(output + 8); + xout5 = _mm_load_si128(output + 9); + xout6 = _mm_load_si128(output + 10); + xout7 = _mm_load_si128(output + 11); + + for (size_t i = 0; i < MEM / sizeof(__m128i); i += 8) + { + _mm_prefetch((const char*)input + i + 0, _MM_HINT_NTA); + xout0 = _mm_xor_si128(_mm_load_si128(input + i + 0), xout0); + xout1 = _mm_xor_si128(_mm_load_si128(input + i + 1), xout1); + xout2 = _mm_xor_si128(_mm_load_si128(input + i + 2), xout2); + xout3 = _mm_xor_si128(_mm_load_si128(input + i + 3), xout3); + _mm_prefetch((const char*)input + i + 4, _MM_HINT_NTA); + xout4 = _mm_xor_si128(_mm_load_si128(input + i + 4), xout4); + xout5 = _mm_xor_si128(_mm_load_si128(input + i + 5), xout5); + xout6 = _mm_xor_si128(_mm_load_si128(input + i + 6), xout6); + xout7 = _mm_xor_si128(_mm_load_si128(input + i + 7), xout7); + + if(SOFT_AES) + { + soft_aes_round(k0, &xout0, &xout1, &xout2, &xout3, &xout4, &xout5, &xout6, &xout7); + soft_aes_round(k1, &xout0, &xout1, &xout2, &xout3, &xout4, &xout5, &xout6, &xout7); + soft_aes_round(k2, &xout0, &xout1, &xout2, &xout3, &xout4, &xout5, &xout6, &xout7); + soft_aes_round(k3, &xout0, &xout1, &xout2, &xout3, &xout4, &xout5, &xout6, &xout7); + soft_aes_round(k4, &xout0, &xout1, &xout2, &xout3, &xout4, &xout5, &xout6, &xout7); + soft_aes_round(k5, &xout0, &xout1, &xout2, &xout3, &xout4, &xout5, &xout6, &xout7); + soft_aes_round(k6, &xout0, &xout1, &xout2, &xout3, &xout4, &xout5, &xout6, &xout7); + soft_aes_round(k7, &xout0, &xout1, &xout2, &xout3, &xout4, &xout5, &xout6, &xout7); + soft_aes_round(k8, &xout0, &xout1, &xout2, &xout3, &xout4, &xout5, &xout6, &xout7); + soft_aes_round(k9, &xout0, &xout1, &xout2, &xout3, &xout4, &xout5, &xout6, &xout7); + } + else + { + aes_round(k0, &xout0, &xout1, &xout2, &xout3, &xout4, &xout5, &xout6, &xout7); + aes_round(k1, &xout0, &xout1, &xout2, &xout3, &xout4, &xout5, &xout6, &xout7); + aes_round(k2, &xout0, &xout1, &xout2, &xout3, &xout4, &xout5, &xout6, &xout7); + aes_round(k3, &xout0, &xout1, &xout2, &xout3, &xout4, &xout5, &xout6, &xout7); + aes_round(k4, &xout0, &xout1, &xout2, &xout3, &xout4, &xout5, &xout6, &xout7); + aes_round(k5, &xout0, &xout1, &xout2, &xout3, &xout4, &xout5, &xout6, &xout7); + aes_round(k6, &xout0, &xout1, &xout2, &xout3, &xout4, &xout5, &xout6, &xout7); + aes_round(k7, &xout0, &xout1, &xout2, &xout3, &xout4, &xout5, &xout6, &xout7); + aes_round(k8, &xout0, &xout1, &xout2, &xout3, &xout4, &xout5, &xout6, &xout7); + aes_round(k9, &xout0, &xout1, &xout2, &xout3, &xout4, &xout5, &xout6, &xout7); + } + } + + _mm_store_si128(output + 4, xout0); + _mm_store_si128(output + 5, xout1); + _mm_store_si128(output + 6, xout2); + _mm_store_si128(output + 7, xout3); + _mm_store_si128(output + 8, xout4); + _mm_store_si128(output + 9, xout5); + _mm_store_si128(output + 10, xout6); + _mm_store_si128(output + 11, xout7); +} + +template +void cryptonight_hash(const void* input, size_t len, void* output, cryptonight_ctx* ctx0) +{ + keccak((const uint8_t *)input, len, ctx0->hash_state, 200); + + // Optim - 99% time boundary + cn_explode_scratchpad((__m128i*)ctx0->hash_state, (__m128i*)ctx0->long_state); + + uint8_t* l0 = ctx0->long_state; + uint64_t* h0 = (uint64_t*)ctx0->hash_state; + + uint64_t al0 = h0[0] ^ h0[4]; + uint64_t ah0 = h0[1] ^ h0[5]; + __m128i bx0 = _mm_set_epi64x(h0[3] ^ h0[7], h0[2] ^ h0[6]); + + uint64_t idx0 = h0[0] ^ h0[4]; + + // Optim - 90% time boundary + for(size_t i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) + { + __m128i cx; + cx = _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)&l0[idx0 & 0x1FFFF0]); + if(SOFT_AES) + cx = soft_aesenc(cx, _mm_set_epi64x(ah0, al0)); + else + cx = _mm_aesenc_si128(cx, _mm_set_epi64x(ah0, al0)); + _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)&l0[idx0 & 0x1FFFF0], _mm_xor_si128(bx0, cx)); + idx0 = _mm_cvtsi128_si64(cx); + bx0 = cx; + if(PREFETCH) + _mm_prefetch((const char*)&l0[idx0 & 0x1FFFF0], _MM_HINT_T0); + + uint64_t hi, lo, cl, ch; + cl = ((uint64_t*)&l0[idx0 & 0x1FFFF0])[0]; + ch = ((uint64_t*)&l0[idx0 & 0x1FFFF0])[1]; + lo = _umul128(idx0, cl, &hi); + al0 += hi; + ah0 += lo; + ((uint64_t*)&l0[idx0 & 0x1FFFF0])[0] = al0; + ((uint64_t*)&l0[idx0 & 0x1FFFF0])[1] = ah0; + ah0 ^= ch; + al0 ^= cl; + idx0 = al0; + if(PREFETCH) + _mm_prefetch((const char*)&l0[idx0 & 0x1FFFF0], _MM_HINT_T0); + } + + // Optim - 90% time boundary + cn_implode_scratchpad((__m128i*)ctx0->long_state, (__m128i*)ctx0->hash_state); + + // Optim - 99% time boundary + + keccakf((uint64_t*)ctx0->hash_state, 24); + extra_hashes[ctx0->hash_state[0] & 3](ctx0->hash_state, 200, (char*)output); +} + +// This lovely creation will do 2 cn hashes at a time. We have plenty of space on silicon +// to fit temporary vars for two contexts. Function will read len*2 from input and write 64 bytes to output +// We are still limited by L3 cache, so doubling will only work with CPUs where we have more than 2MB to core (Xeons) +template +void cryptonight_double_hash(const void* input, size_t len, void* output, cryptonight_ctx* __restrict ctx0, cryptonight_ctx* __restrict ctx1) +{ + keccak((const uint8_t *)input, len, ctx0->hash_state, 200); + keccak((const uint8_t *)input+len, len, ctx1->hash_state, 200); + + // Optim - 99% time boundary + cn_explode_scratchpad((__m128i*)ctx0->hash_state, (__m128i*)ctx0->long_state); + cn_explode_scratchpad((__m128i*)ctx1->hash_state, (__m128i*)ctx1->long_state); + + uint8_t* l0 = ctx0->long_state; + uint64_t* h0 = (uint64_t*)ctx0->hash_state; + uint8_t* l1 = ctx1->long_state; + uint64_t* h1 = (uint64_t*)ctx1->hash_state; + + __m128i ax0 = _mm_set_epi64x(h0[1] ^ h0[5], h0[0] ^ h0[4]); + __m128i bx0 = _mm_set_epi64x(h0[3] ^ h0[7], h0[2] ^ h0[6]); + __m128i ax1 = _mm_set_epi64x(h1[1] ^ h1[5], h1[0] ^ h1[4]); + __m128i bx1 = _mm_set_epi64x(h1[3] ^ h1[7], h1[2] ^ h1[6]); + + uint64_t idx0 = h0[0] ^ h0[4]; + uint64_t idx1 = h1[0] ^ h1[4]; + + // Optim - 90% time boundary + for (size_t i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) + { + __m128i cx; + cx = _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)&l0[idx0 & 0x1FFFF0]); + if(SOFT_AES) + cx = soft_aesenc(cx, ax0); + else + cx = _mm_aesenc_si128(cx, ax0); + _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)&l0[idx0 & 0x1FFFF0], _mm_xor_si128(bx0, cx)); + idx0 = _mm_cvtsi128_si64(cx); + bx0 = cx; + if(PREFETCH) + _mm_prefetch((const char*)&l0[idx0 & 0x1FFFF0], _MM_HINT_T0); + + cx = _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)&l1[idx1 & 0x1FFFF0]); + if(SOFT_AES) + cx = soft_aesenc(cx, ax1); + else + cx = _mm_aesenc_si128(cx, ax1); + _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)&l1[idx1 & 0x1FFFF0], _mm_xor_si128(bx1, cx)); + idx1 = _mm_cvtsi128_si64(cx); + bx1 = cx; + if(PREFETCH) + _mm_prefetch((const char*)&l1[idx1 & 0x1FFFF0], _MM_HINT_T0); + + uint64_t hi, lo; + cx = _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)&l0[idx0 & 0x1FFFF0]); + lo = _umul128(idx0, _mm_cvtsi128_si64(cx), &hi); + ax0 = _mm_add_epi64(ax0, _mm_set_epi64x(lo, hi)); + _mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&l0[idx0 & 0x1FFFF0], ax0); + ax0 = _mm_xor_si128(ax0, cx); + idx0 = _mm_cvtsi128_si64(ax0); + if(PREFETCH) + _mm_prefetch((const char*)&l0[idx0 & 0x1FFFF0], _MM_HINT_T0); + + cx = _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)&l1[idx1 & 0x1FFFF0]); + lo = _umul128(idx1, _mm_cvtsi128_si64(cx), &hi); + ax1 = _mm_add_epi64(ax1, _mm_set_epi64x(lo, hi)); + _mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&l1[idx1 & 0x1FFFF0], ax1); + ax1 = _mm_xor_si128(ax1, cx); + idx1 = _mm_cvtsi128_si64(ax1); + if(PREFETCH) + _mm_prefetch((const char*)&l1[idx1 & 0x1FFFF0], _MM_HINT_T0); + } + + // Optim - 90% time boundary + cn_implode_scratchpad((__m128i*)ctx0->long_state, (__m128i*)ctx0->hash_state); + cn_implode_scratchpad((__m128i*)ctx1->long_state, (__m128i*)ctx1->hash_state); + + // Optim - 99% time boundary + + keccakf((uint64_t*)ctx0->hash_state, 24); + extra_hashes[ctx0->hash_state[0] & 3](ctx0->hash_state, 200, (char*)output); + keccakf((uint64_t*)ctx1->hash_state, 24); + extra_hashes[ctx1->hash_state[0] & 3](ctx1->hash_state, 200, (char*)output + 32); +} diff --git a/crypto/cryptonight_common.cpp b/crypto/cryptonight_common.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..533dd6a --- /dev/null +++ b/crypto/cryptonight_common.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +/* + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +extern "C" +{ +#include "c_groestl.h" +#include "c_blake256.h" +#include "c_jh.h" +#include "c_skein.h" +} +#include "cryptonight.h" +#include "cryptonight_aesni.h" +#include +#include + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +#include +#else +#include +#endif // __GNUC__ + +#ifdef _WIN32 +#include +#else +#include +#include +#include +#endif // _WIN32 + +void do_blake_hash(const void* input, size_t len, char* output) { + blake256_hash((uint8_t*)output, (const uint8_t*)input, len); +} + +void do_groestl_hash(const void* input, size_t len, char* output) { + groestl((const uint8_t*)input, len * 8, (uint8_t*)output); +} + +void do_jh_hash(const void* input, size_t len, char* output) { + jh_hash(32 * 8, (const uint8_t*)input, 8 * len, (uint8_t*)output); +} + +void do_skein_hash(const void* input, size_t len, char* output) { + skein_hash(8 * 32, (const uint8_t*)input, 8 * len, (uint8_t*)output); +} + +void (* const extra_hashes[4])(const void *, size_t, char *) = {do_blake_hash, do_groestl_hash, do_jh_hash, do_skein_hash}; + + +void cryptonight_hash_ctx(const void* input, size_t len, void* output, cryptonight_ctx* ctx) +{ + cryptonight_hash<0x80000, MEMORY, true, false>(input, len, output, ctx); +} + +void cryptonight_hash_ctx_soft(const void* input, size_t len, void* output, cryptonight_ctx* ctx) +{ + cryptonight_hash<0x80000, MEMORY, true, true>(input, len, output, ctx); +} + diff --git a/crypto/groestl_tables.h b/crypto/groestl_tables.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a23295c --- /dev/null +++ b/crypto/groestl_tables.h @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +#ifndef __tables_h +#define __tables_h + + +const uint32_t T[512] = {0xa5f432c6, 0xc6a597f4, 0x84976ff8, 0xf884eb97, 0x99b05eee, 0xee99c7b0, 0x8d8c7af6, 0xf68df78c, 0xd17e8ff, 0xff0de517, 0xbddc0ad6, 0xd6bdb7dc, 0xb1c816de, 0xdeb1a7c8, 0x54fc6d91, 0x915439fc +, 0x50f09060, 0x6050c0f0, 0x3050702, 0x2030405, 0xa9e02ece, 0xcea987e0, 0x7d87d156, 0x567dac87, 0x192bcce7, 0xe719d52b, 0x62a613b5, 0xb56271a6, 0xe6317c4d, 0x4de69a31, 0x9ab559ec, 0xec9ac3b5 +, 0x45cf408f, 0x8f4505cf, 0x9dbca31f, 0x1f9d3ebc, 0x40c04989, 0x894009c0, 0x879268fa, 0xfa87ef92, 0x153fd0ef, 0xef15c53f, 0xeb2694b2, 0xb2eb7f26, 0xc940ce8e, 0x8ec90740, 0xb1de6fb, 0xfb0bed1d +, 0xec2f6e41, 0x41ec822f, 0x67a91ab3, 0xb3677da9, 0xfd1c435f, 0x5ffdbe1c, 0xea256045, 0x45ea8a25, 0xbfdaf923, 0x23bf46da, 0xf7025153, 0x53f7a602, 0x96a145e4, 0xe496d3a1, 0x5bed769b, 0x9b5b2ded +, 0xc25d2875, 0x75c2ea5d, 0x1c24c5e1, 0xe11cd924, 0xaee9d43d, 0x3dae7ae9, 0x6abef24c, 0x4c6a98be, 0x5aee826c, 0x6c5ad8ee, 0x41c3bd7e, 0x7e41fcc3, 0x206f3f5, 0xf502f106, 0x4fd15283, 0x834f1dd1 +, 0x5ce48c68, 0x685cd0e4, 0xf4075651, 0x51f4a207, 0x345c8dd1, 0xd134b95c, 0x818e1f9, 0xf908e918, 0x93ae4ce2, 0xe293dfae, 0x73953eab, 0xab734d95, 0x53f59762, 0x6253c4f5, 0x3f416b2a, 0x2a3f5441 +, 0xc141c08, 0x80c1014, 0x52f66395, 0x955231f6, 0x65afe946, 0x46658caf, 0x5ee27f9d, 0x9d5e21e2, 0x28784830, 0x30286078, 0xa1f8cf37, 0x37a16ef8, 0xf111b0a, 0xa0f1411, 0xb5c4eb2f, 0x2fb55ec4 +, 0x91b150e, 0xe091c1b, 0x365a7e24, 0x2436485a, 0x9bb6ad1b, 0x1b9b36b6, 0x3d4798df, 0xdf3da547, 0x266aa7cd, 0xcd26816a, 0x69bbf54e, 0x4e699cbb, 0xcd4c337f, 0x7fcdfe4c, 0x9fba50ea, 0xea9fcfba +, 0x1b2d3f12, 0x121b242d, 0x9eb9a41d, 0x1d9e3ab9, 0x749cc458, 0x5874b09c, 0x2e724634, 0x342e6872, 0x2d774136, 0x362d6c77, 0xb2cd11dc, 0xdcb2a3cd, 0xee299db4, 0xb4ee7329, 0xfb164d5b, 0x5bfbb616 +, 0xf601a5a4, 0xa4f65301, 0x4dd7a176, 0x764decd7, 0x61a314b7, 0xb76175a3, 0xce49347d, 0x7dcefa49, 0x7b8ddf52, 0x527ba48d, 0x3e429fdd, 0xdd3ea142, 0x7193cd5e, 0x5e71bc93, 0x97a2b113, 0x139726a2 +, 0xf504a2a6, 0xa6f55704, 0x68b801b9, 0xb96869b8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2c74b5c1, 0xc12c9974, 0x60a0e040, 0x406080a0, 0x1f21c2e3, 0xe31fdd21, 0xc8433a79, 0x79c8f243, 0xed2c9ab6, 0xb6ed772c +, 0xbed90dd4, 0xd4beb3d9, 0x46ca478d, 0x8d4601ca, 0xd9701767, 0x67d9ce70, 0x4bddaf72, 0x724be4dd, 0xde79ed94, 0x94de3379, 0xd467ff98, 0x98d42b67, 0xe82393b0, 0xb0e87b23, 0x4ade5b85, 0x854a11de +, 0x6bbd06bb, 0xbb6b6dbd, 0x2a7ebbc5, 0xc52a917e, 0xe5347b4f, 0x4fe59e34, 0x163ad7ed, 0xed16c13a, 0xc554d286, 0x86c51754, 0xd762f89a, 0x9ad72f62, 0x55ff9966, 0x6655ccff, 0x94a7b611, 0x119422a7 +, 0xcf4ac08a, 0x8acf0f4a, 0x1030d9e9, 0xe910c930, 0x60a0e04, 0x406080a, 0x819866fe, 0xfe81e798, 0xf00baba0, 0xa0f05b0b, 0x44ccb478, 0x7844f0cc, 0xbad5f025, 0x25ba4ad5, 0xe33e754b, 0x4be3963e +, 0xf30eaca2, 0xa2f35f0e, 0xfe19445d, 0x5dfeba19, 0xc05bdb80, 0x80c01b5b, 0x8a858005, 0x58a0a85, 0xadecd33f, 0x3fad7eec, 0xbcdffe21, 0x21bc42df, 0x48d8a870, 0x7048e0d8, 0x40cfdf1, 0xf104f90c +, 0xdf7a1963, 0x63dfc67a, 0xc1582f77, 0x77c1ee58, 0x759f30af, 0xaf75459f, 0x63a5e742, 0x426384a5, 0x30507020, 0x20304050, 0x1a2ecbe5, 0xe51ad12e, 0xe12effd, 0xfd0ee112, 0x6db708bf, 0xbf6d65b7 +, 0x4cd45581, 0x814c19d4, 0x143c2418, 0x1814303c, 0x355f7926, 0x26354c5f, 0x2f71b2c3, 0xc32f9d71, 0xe13886be, 0xbee16738, 0xa2fdc835, 0x35a26afd, 0xcc4fc788, 0x88cc0b4f, 0x394b652e, 0x2e395c4b +, 0x57f96a93, 0x93573df9, 0xf20d5855, 0x55f2aa0d, 0x829d61fc, 0xfc82e39d, 0x47c9b37a, 0x7a47f4c9, 0xacef27c8, 0xc8ac8bef, 0xe73288ba, 0xbae76f32, 0x2b7d4f32, 0x322b647d, 0x95a442e6, 0xe695d7a4 +, 0xa0fb3bc0, 0xc0a09bfb, 0x98b3aa19, 0x199832b3, 0xd168f69e, 0x9ed12768, 0x7f8122a3, 0xa37f5d81, 0x66aaee44, 0x446688aa, 0x7e82d654, 0x547ea882, 0xabe6dd3b, 0x3bab76e6, 0x839e950b, 0xb83169e +, 0xca45c98c, 0x8cca0345, 0x297bbcc7, 0xc729957b, 0xd36e056b, 0x6bd3d66e, 0x3c446c28, 0x283c5044, 0x798b2ca7, 0xa779558b, 0xe23d81bc, 0xbce2633d, 0x1d273116, 0x161d2c27, 0x769a37ad, 0xad76419a +, 0x3b4d96db, 0xdb3bad4d, 0x56fa9e64, 0x6456c8fa, 0x4ed2a674, 0x744ee8d2, 0x1e223614, 0x141e2822, 0xdb76e492, 0x92db3f76, 0xa1e120c, 0xc0a181e, 0x6cb4fc48, 0x486c90b4, 0xe4378fb8, 0xb8e46b37 +, 0x5de7789f, 0x9f5d25e7, 0x6eb20fbd, 0xbd6e61b2, 0xef2a6943, 0x43ef862a, 0xa6f135c4, 0xc4a693f1, 0xa8e3da39, 0x39a872e3, 0xa4f7c631, 0x31a462f7, 0x37598ad3, 0xd337bd59, 0x8b8674f2, 0xf28bff86 +, 0x325683d5, 0xd532b156, 0x43c54e8b, 0x8b430dc5, 0x59eb856e, 0x6e59dceb, 0xb7c218da, 0xdab7afc2, 0x8c8f8e01, 0x18c028f, 0x64ac1db1, 0xb16479ac, 0xd26df19c, 0x9cd2236d, 0xe03b7249, 0x49e0923b +, 0xb4c71fd8, 0xd8b4abc7, 0xfa15b9ac, 0xacfa4315, 0x709faf3, 0xf307fd09, 0x256fa0cf, 0xcf25856f, 0xafea20ca, 0xcaaf8fea, 0x8e897df4, 0xf48ef389, 0xe9206747, 0x47e98e20, 0x18283810, 0x10182028 +, 0xd5640b6f, 0x6fd5de64, 0x888373f0, 0xf088fb83, 0x6fb1fb4a, 0x4a6f94b1, 0x7296ca5c, 0x5c72b896, 0x246c5438, 0x3824706c, 0xf1085f57, 0x57f1ae08, 0xc7522173, 0x73c7e652, 0x51f36497, 0x975135f3 +, 0x2365aecb, 0xcb238d65, 0x7c8425a1, 0xa17c5984, 0x9cbf57e8, 0xe89ccbbf, 0x21635d3e, 0x3e217c63, 0xdd7cea96, 0x96dd377c, 0xdc7f1e61, 0x61dcc27f, 0x86919c0d, 0xd861a91, 0x85949b0f, 0xf851e94 +, 0x90ab4be0, 0xe090dbab, 0x42c6ba7c, 0x7c42f8c6, 0xc4572671, 0x71c4e257, 0xaae529cc, 0xccaa83e5, 0xd873e390, 0x90d83b73, 0x50f0906, 0x6050c0f, 0x103f4f7, 0xf701f503, 0x12362a1c, 0x1c123836 +, 0xa3fe3cc2, 0xc2a39ffe, 0x5fe18b6a, 0x6a5fd4e1, 0xf910beae, 0xaef94710, 0xd06b0269, 0x69d0d26b, 0x91a8bf17, 0x17912ea8, 0x58e87199, 0x995829e8, 0x2769533a, 0x3a277469, 0xb9d0f727, 0x27b94ed0 +, 0x384891d9, 0xd938a948, 0x1335deeb, 0xeb13cd35, 0xb3cee52b, 0x2bb356ce, 0x33557722, 0x22334455, 0xbbd604d2, 0xd2bbbfd6, 0x709039a9, 0xa9704990, 0x89808707, 0x7890e80, 0xa7f2c133, 0x33a766f2 +, 0xb6c1ec2d, 0x2db65ac1, 0x22665a3c, 0x3c227866, 0x92adb815, 0x15922aad, 0x2060a9c9, 0xc9208960, 0x49db5c87, 0x874915db, 0xff1ab0aa, 0xaaff4f1a, 0x7888d850, 0x5078a088, 0x7a8e2ba5, 0xa57a518e +, 0x8f8a8903, 0x38f068a, 0xf8134a59, 0x59f8b213, 0x809b9209, 0x980129b, 0x1739231a, 0x1a173439, 0xda751065, 0x65daca75, 0x315384d7, 0xd731b553, 0xc651d584, 0x84c61351, 0xb8d303d0, 0xd0b8bbd3 +, 0xc35edc82, 0x82c31f5e, 0xb0cbe229, 0x29b052cb, 0x7799c35a, 0x5a77b499, 0x11332d1e, 0x1e113c33, 0xcb463d7b, 0x7bcbf646, 0xfc1fb7a8, 0xa8fc4b1f, 0xd6610c6d, 0x6dd6da61, 0x3a4e622c, 0x2c3a584e}; + +#endif /* __tables_h */ diff --git a/crypto/hash.h b/crypto/hash.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c12d355 --- /dev/null +++ b/crypto/hash.h @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +#pragma once + +typedef unsigned char BitSequence; +typedef unsigned long long DataLength; +typedef enum {SUCCESS = 0, FAIL = 1, BAD_HASHLEN = 2} HashReturn; diff --git a/crypto/int-util.h b/crypto/int-util.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8748976 --- /dev/null +++ b/crypto/int-util.h @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +// Copyright(c) 2012 - 2013 The Cryptonote developers +// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying +// file COPYING or + +#pragma once + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#if defined(_MSC_VER) +#include + +static inline uint32_t rol32(uint32_t x, int r) { + static_assert(sizeof(uint32_t) == sizeof(unsigned int), "this code assumes 32-bit integers"); + return _rotl(x, r); +} + +static inline uint64_t rol64(uint64_t x, int r) { + return _rotl64(x, r); +} + +#else + +static inline uint32_t rol32(uint32_t x, int r) { + return (x << (r & 31)) | (x >> (-r & 31)); +} + +static inline uint64_t rol64(uint64_t x, int r) { + return (x << (r & 63)) | (x >> (-r & 63)); +} + +#endif + +static inline uint64_t hi_dword(uint64_t val) { + return val >> 32; +} + +static inline uint64_t lo_dword(uint64_t val) { + return val & 0xFFFFFFFF; +} + +static inline uint64_t div_with_reminder(uint64_t dividend, uint32_t divisor, uint32_t* remainder) { + dividend |= ((uint64_t)*remainder) << 32; + *remainder = dividend % divisor; + return dividend / divisor; +} + +// Long division with 2^32 base +static inline uint32_t div128_32(uint64_t dividend_hi, uint64_t dividend_lo, uint32_t divisor, uint64_t* quotient_hi, uint64_t* quotient_lo) { + uint64_t dividend_dwords[4]; + uint32_t remainder = 0; + + dividend_dwords[3] = hi_dword(dividend_hi); + dividend_dwords[2] = lo_dword(dividend_hi); + dividend_dwords[1] = hi_dword(dividend_lo); + dividend_dwords[0] = lo_dword(dividend_lo); + + *quotient_hi = div_with_reminder(dividend_dwords[3], divisor, &remainder) << 32; + *quotient_hi |= div_with_reminder(dividend_dwords[2], divisor, &remainder); + *quotient_lo = div_with_reminder(dividend_dwords[1], divisor, &remainder) << 32; + *quotient_lo |= div_with_reminder(dividend_dwords[0], divisor, &remainder); + + return remainder; +} + +#define IDENT32(x) ((uint32_t) (x)) +#define IDENT64(x) ((uint64_t) (x)) + +#define SWAP32(x) ((((uint32_t) (x) & 0x000000ff) << 24) | \ + (((uint32_t) (x) & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | \ + (((uint32_t) (x) & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | \ + (((uint32_t) (x) & 0xff000000) >> 24)) +#define SWAP64(x) ((((uint64_t) (x) & 0x00000000000000ff) << 56) | \ + (((uint64_t) (x) & 0x000000000000ff00) << 40) | \ + (((uint64_t) (x) & 0x0000000000ff0000) << 24) | \ + (((uint64_t) (x) & 0x00000000ff000000) << 8) | \ + (((uint64_t) (x) & 0x000000ff00000000) >> 8) | \ + (((uint64_t) (x) & 0x0000ff0000000000) >> 24) | \ + (((uint64_t) (x) & 0x00ff000000000000) >> 40) | \ + (((uint64_t) (x) & 0xff00000000000000) >> 56)) + +static inline uint32_t ident32(uint32_t x) { return x; } +static inline uint64_t ident64(uint64_t x) { return x; } + +static inline uint32_t swap32(uint32_t x) { + x = ((x & 0x00ff00ff) << 8) | ((x & 0xff00ff00) >> 8); + return (x << 16) | (x >> 16); +} +static inline uint64_t swap64(uint64_t x) { + x = ((x & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ff) << 8) | ((x & 0xff00ff00ff00ff00) >> 8); + x = ((x & 0x0000ffff0000ffff) << 16) | ((x & 0xffff0000ffff0000) >> 16); + return (x << 32) | (x >> 32); +} + +#if defined(__GNUC__) +#define UNUSED __attribute__((unused)) +#else +#define UNUSED +#endif +static inline void mem_inplace_ident(void *mem UNUSED, size_t n UNUSED) { } +#undef UNUSED + +static inline void mem_inplace_swap32(void *mem, size_t n) { + size_t i; + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { + ((uint32_t *)mem)[i] = swap32(((const uint32_t *)mem)[i]); + } +} +static inline void mem_inplace_swap64(void *mem, size_t n) { + size_t i; + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { + ((uint64_t *)mem)[i] = swap64(((const uint64_t *)mem)[i]); + } +} + +static inline void memcpy_ident32(void *dst, const void *src, size_t n) { + memcpy(dst, src, 4 * n); +} +static inline void memcpy_ident64(void *dst, const void *src, size_t n) { + memcpy(dst, src, 8 * n); +} + +static inline void memcpy_swap32(void *dst, const void *src, size_t n) { + size_t i; + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { + ((uint32_t *)dst)[i] = swap32(((const uint32_t *)src)[i]); + } +} +static inline void memcpy_swap64(void *dst, const void *src, size_t n) { + size_t i; + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { + ((uint64_t *)dst)[i] = swap64(((const uint64_t *)src)[i]); + } +} + +#define SWAP32LE IDENT32 +#define SWAP32BE SWAP32 +#define swap32le ident32 +#define swap32be swap32 +#define mem_inplace_swap32le mem_inplace_ident +#define mem_inplace_swap32be mem_inplace_swap32 +#define memcpy_swap32le memcpy_ident32 +#define memcpy_swap32be memcpy_swap32 +#define SWAP64LE IDENT64 +#define SWAP64BE SWAP64 +#define swap64le ident64 +#define swap64be swap64 +#define mem_inplace_swap64le mem_inplace_ident +#define mem_inplace_swap64be mem_inplace_swap64 +#define memcpy_swap64le memcpy_ident64 +#define memcpy_swap64be memcpy_swap64 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crypto/skein_port.h b/crypto/skein_port.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9cbefcb --- /dev/null +++ b/crypto/skein_port.h @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +#ifndef _SKEIN_PORT_H_ +#define _SKEIN_PORT_H_ + +#include +#include +#include + +#ifndef RETURN_VALUES +# define RETURN_VALUES +# if defined( DLL_EXPORT ) +# if defined( _MSC_VER ) || defined ( __INTEL_COMPILER ) +# define VOID_RETURN __declspec( dllexport ) void __stdcall +# define INT_RETURN __declspec( dllexport ) int __stdcall +# elif defined( __GNUC__ ) +# define VOID_RETURN __declspec( __dllexport__ ) void +# define INT_RETURN __declspec( __dllexport__ ) int +# else +# error Use of the DLL is only available on the Microsoft, Intel and GCC compilers +# endif +# elif defined( DLL_IMPORT ) +# if defined( _MSC_VER ) || defined ( __INTEL_COMPILER ) +# define VOID_RETURN __declspec( dllimport ) void __stdcall +# define INT_RETURN __declspec( dllimport ) int __stdcall +# elif defined( __GNUC__ ) +# define VOID_RETURN __declspec( __dllimport__ ) void +# define INT_RETURN __declspec( __dllimport__ ) int +# else +# error Use of the DLL is only available on the Microsoft, Intel and GCC compilers +# endif +# elif defined( __WATCOMC__ ) +# define VOID_RETURN void __cdecl +# define INT_RETURN int __cdecl +# else +# define VOID_RETURN void +# define INT_RETURN int +# endif +#endif + +/* These defines are used to declare buffers in a way that allows + faster operations on longer variables to be used. In all these + defines 'size' must be a power of 2 and >= 8 + + dec_unit_type(size,x) declares a variable 'x' of length + 'size' bits + + dec_bufr_type(size,bsize,x) declares a buffer 'x' of length 'bsize' + bytes defined as an array of variables + each of 'size' bits (bsize must be a + multiple of size / 8) + + ptr_cast(x,size) casts a pointer to a pointer to a + varaiable of length 'size' bits +*/ + +#define ui_type(size) uint##size##_t +#define dec_unit_type(size,x) typedef ui_type(size) x +#define dec_bufr_type(size,bsize,x) typedef ui_type(size) x[bsize / (size >> 3)] +#define ptr_cast(x,size) ((ui_type(size)*)(x)) + +typedef unsigned int uint_t; /* native unsigned integer */ +typedef uint8_t u08b_t; /* 8-bit unsigned integer */ +typedef uint64_t u64b_t; /* 64-bit unsigned integer */ + +#ifndef RotL_64 +#define RotL_64(x,N) (((x) << (N)) | ((x) >> (64-(N)))) +#endif + +/* + * Skein is "natively" little-endian (unlike SHA-xxx), for optimal + * performance on x86 CPUs. The Skein code requires the following + * definitions for dealing with endianness: + * + * SKEIN_NEED_SWAP: 0 for little-endian, 1 for big-endian + * Skein_Put64_LSB_First + * Skein_Get64_LSB_First + * Skein_Swap64 + * + * If SKEIN_NEED_SWAP is defined at compile time, it is used here + * along with the portable versions of Put64/Get64/Swap64, which + * are slow in general. + * + * Otherwise, an "auto-detect" of endianness is attempted below. + * If the default handling doesn't work well, the user may insert + * platform-specific code instead (e.g., for big-endian CPUs). + * + */ +#ifndef SKEIN_NEED_SWAP /* compile-time "override" for endianness? */ + +#define PLATFORM_BYTE_ORDER IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN + +/* special handler for IA64, which may be either endianness (?) */ +/* here we assume little-endian, but this may need to be changed */ +#if defined(__ia64) || defined(__ia64__) || defined(_M_IA64) +# define PLATFORM_MUST_ALIGN (1) +#ifndef PLATFORM_BYTE_ORDER +# define PLATFORM_BYTE_ORDER IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN +#endif +#endif + +#ifndef PLATFORM_MUST_ALIGN +# define PLATFORM_MUST_ALIGN (0) +#endif + + +#if PLATFORM_BYTE_ORDER == IS_BIG_ENDIAN + /* here for big-endian CPUs */ +#define SKEIN_NEED_SWAP (1) +#elif PLATFORM_BYTE_ORDER == IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN + /* here for x86 and x86-64 CPUs (and other detected little-endian CPUs) */ +#define SKEIN_NEED_SWAP (0) +#if PLATFORM_MUST_ALIGN == 0 /* ok to use "fast" versions? */ +#define Skein_Put64_LSB_First(dst08,src64,bCnt) memcpy(dst08,src64,bCnt) +#define Skein_Get64_LSB_First(dst64,src08,wCnt) memcpy(dst64,src08,8*(wCnt)) +#endif +#else +#error "Skein needs endianness setting!" +#endif + +#endif /* ifndef SKEIN_NEED_SWAP */ + +/* + ****************************************************************** + * Provide any definitions still needed. + ****************************************************************** + */ +#ifndef Skein_Swap64 /* swap for big-endian, nop for little-endian */ +#if SKEIN_NEED_SWAP +#define Skein_Swap64(w64) \ + ( (( ((u64b_t)(w64)) & 0xFF) << 56) | \ + (((((u64b_t)(w64)) >> 8) & 0xFF) << 48) | \ + (((((u64b_t)(w64)) >>16) & 0xFF) << 40) | \ + (((((u64b_t)(w64)) >>24) & 0xFF) << 32) | \ + (((((u64b_t)(w64)) >>32) & 0xFF) << 24) | \ + (((((u64b_t)(w64)) >>40) & 0xFF) << 16) | \ + (((((u64b_t)(w64)) >>48) & 0xFF) << 8) | \ + (((((u64b_t)(w64)) >>56) & 0xFF) ) ) +#else +#define Skein_Swap64(w64) (w64) +#endif +#endif /* ifndef Skein_Swap64 */ + + +#ifndef Skein_Put64_LSB_First +void Skein_Put64_LSB_First(u08b_t *dst,const u64b_t *src,size_t bCnt) +#ifdef SKEIN_PORT_CODE /* instantiate the function code here? */ + { /* this version is fully portable (big-endian or little-endian), but slow */ + size_t n; + + for (n=0;n>3] >> (8*(n&7))); + } +#else + ; /* output only the function prototype */ +#endif +#endif /* ifndef Skein_Put64_LSB_First */ + + +#ifndef Skein_Get64_LSB_First +void Skein_Get64_LSB_First(u64b_t *dst,const u08b_t *src,size_t wCnt) +#ifdef SKEIN_PORT_CODE /* instantiate the function code here? */ + { /* this version is fully portable (big-endian or little-endian), but slow */ + size_t n; + + for (n=0;n<8*wCnt;n+=8) + dst[n/8] = (((u64b_t) src[n ]) ) + + (((u64b_t) src[n+1]) << 8) + + (((u64b_t) src[n+2]) << 16) + + (((u64b_t) src[n+3]) << 24) + + (((u64b_t) src[n+4]) << 32) + + (((u64b_t) src[n+5]) << 40) + + (((u64b_t) src[n+6]) << 48) + + (((u64b_t) src[n+7]) << 56) ; + } +#else + ; /* output only the function prototype */ +#endif +#endif /* ifndef Skein_Get64_LSB_First */ + +#endif /* ifndef _SKEIN_PORT_H_ */ diff --git a/crypto/soft_aes.c b/crypto/soft_aes.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76c9c1c --- /dev/null +++ b/crypto/soft_aes.c @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +/* + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +/* + * The orginal author of this AES implementation is Karl Malbrain. + */ + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +#include +#else +#include +#endif // __GNUC__ + +#include + +#define TABLE_ALIGN 32 +#define WPOLY 0x011b +#define N_COLS 4 +#define AES_BLOCK_SIZE 16 +#define RC_LENGTH (5 * (AES_BLOCK_SIZE / 4 - 2)) + +#if defined(_MSC_VER) +#define ALIGN __declspec(align(TABLE_ALIGN)) +#elif defined(__GNUC__) +#define ALIGN __attribute__ ((aligned(16))) +#else +#define ALIGN +#endif + +#define rf1(r,c) (r) +#define word_in(x,c) (*((uint32_t*)(x)+(c))) +#define word_out(x,c,v) (*((uint32_t*)(x)+(c)) = (v)) + +#define s(x,c) x[c] +#define si(y,x,c) (s(y,c) = word_in(x, c)) +#define so(y,x,c) word_out(y, c, s(x,c)) +#define state_in(y,x) si(y,x,0); si(y,x,1); si(y,x,2); si(y,x,3) +#define state_out(y,x) so(y,x,0); so(y,x,1); so(y,x,2); so(y,x,3) +#define round(y,x,k) \ +y[0] = (k)[0] ^ (t_fn[0][x[0] & 0xff] ^ t_fn[1][(x[1] >> 8) & 0xff] ^ t_fn[2][(x[2] >> 16) & 0xff] ^ t_fn[3][x[3] >> 24]); \ +y[1] = (k)[1] ^ (t_fn[0][x[1] & 0xff] ^ t_fn[1][(x[2] >> 8) & 0xff] ^ t_fn[2][(x[3] >> 16) & 0xff] ^ t_fn[3][x[0] >> 24]); \ +y[2] = (k)[2] ^ (t_fn[0][x[2] & 0xff] ^ t_fn[1][(x[3] >> 8) & 0xff] ^ t_fn[2][(x[0] >> 16) & 0xff] ^ t_fn[3][x[1] >> 24]); \ +y[3] = (k)[3] ^ (t_fn[0][x[3] & 0xff] ^ t_fn[1][(x[0] >> 8) & 0xff] ^ t_fn[2][(x[1] >> 16) & 0xff] ^ t_fn[3][x[2] >> 24]); +#define to_byte(x) ((x) & 0xff) +#define bval(x,n) to_byte((x) >> (8 * (n))) + +#define fwd_var(x,r,c)\ + ( r == 0 ? ( c == 0 ? s(x,0) : c == 1 ? s(x,1) : c == 2 ? s(x,2) : s(x,3))\ + : r == 1 ? ( c == 0 ? s(x,1) : c == 1 ? s(x,2) : c == 2 ? s(x,3) : s(x,0))\ + : r == 2 ? ( c == 0 ? s(x,2) : c == 1 ? s(x,3) : c == 2 ? s(x,0) : s(x,1))\ + : ( c == 0 ? s(x,3) : c == 1 ? s(x,0) : c == 2 ? s(x,1) : s(x,2))) + +#define fwd_rnd(y,x,k,c) (s(y,c) = (k)[c] ^ four_tables(x,t_use(f,n),fwd_var,rf1,c)) + +#define sb_data(w) {\ + w(0x63), w(0x7c), w(0x77), w(0x7b), w(0xf2), w(0x6b), w(0x6f), w(0xc5),\ + w(0x30), w(0x01), w(0x67), w(0x2b), w(0xfe), w(0xd7), w(0xab), w(0x76),\ + w(0xca), w(0x82), w(0xc9), w(0x7d), w(0xfa), w(0x59), w(0x47), w(0xf0),\ + w(0xad), w(0xd4), w(0xa2), w(0xaf), w(0x9c), w(0xa4), w(0x72), w(0xc0),\ + w(0xb7), w(0xfd), w(0x93), w(0x26), w(0x36), w(0x3f), w(0xf7), w(0xcc),\ + w(0x34), w(0xa5), w(0xe5), w(0xf1), w(0x71), w(0xd8), w(0x31), w(0x15),\ + w(0x04), w(0xc7), w(0x23), w(0xc3), w(0x18), w(0x96), w(0x05), w(0x9a),\ + w(0x07), w(0x12), w(0x80), w(0xe2), w(0xeb), w(0x27), w(0xb2), w(0x75),\ + w(0x09), w(0x83), w(0x2c), w(0x1a), w(0x1b), w(0x6e), w(0x5a), w(0xa0),\ + w(0x52), w(0x3b), w(0xd6), w(0xb3), w(0x29), w(0xe3), w(0x2f), w(0x84),\ + w(0x53), w(0xd1), w(0x00), w(0xed), w(0x20), w(0xfc), w(0xb1), w(0x5b),\ + w(0x6a), w(0xcb), w(0xbe), w(0x39), w(0x4a), w(0x4c), w(0x58), w(0xcf),\ + w(0xd0), w(0xef), w(0xaa), w(0xfb), w(0x43), w(0x4d), w(0x33), w(0x85),\ + w(0x45), w(0xf9), w(0x02), w(0x7f), w(0x50), w(0x3c), w(0x9f), w(0xa8),\ + w(0x51), w(0xa3), w(0x40), w(0x8f), w(0x92), w(0x9d), w(0x38), w(0xf5),\ + w(0xbc), w(0xb6), w(0xda), w(0x21), w(0x10), w(0xff), w(0xf3), w(0xd2),\ + w(0xcd), w(0x0c), w(0x13), w(0xec), w(0x5f), w(0x97), w(0x44), w(0x17),\ + w(0xc4), w(0xa7), w(0x7e), w(0x3d), w(0x64), w(0x5d), w(0x19), w(0x73),\ + w(0x60), w(0x81), w(0x4f), w(0xdc), w(0x22), w(0x2a), w(0x90), w(0x88),\ + w(0x46), w(0xee), w(0xb8), w(0x14), w(0xde), w(0x5e), w(0x0b), w(0xdb),\ + w(0xe0), w(0x32), w(0x3a), w(0x0a), w(0x49), w(0x06), w(0x24), w(0x5c),\ + w(0xc2), w(0xd3), w(0xac), w(0x62), w(0x91), w(0x95), w(0xe4), w(0x79),\ + w(0xe7), w(0xc8), w(0x37), w(0x6d), w(0x8d), w(0xd5), w(0x4e), w(0xa9),\ + w(0x6c), w(0x56), w(0xf4), w(0xea), w(0x65), w(0x7a), w(0xae), w(0x08),\ + w(0xba), w(0x78), w(0x25), w(0x2e), w(0x1c), w(0xa6), w(0xb4), w(0xc6),\ + w(0xe8), w(0xdd), w(0x74), w(0x1f), w(0x4b), w(0xbd), w(0x8b), w(0x8a),\ + w(0x70), w(0x3e), w(0xb5), w(0x66), w(0x48), w(0x03), w(0xf6), w(0x0e),\ + w(0x61), w(0x35), w(0x57), w(0xb9), w(0x86), w(0xc1), w(0x1d), w(0x9e),\ + w(0xe1), w(0xf8), w(0x98), w(0x11), w(0x69), w(0xd9), w(0x8e), w(0x94),\ + w(0x9b), w(0x1e), w(0x87), w(0xe9), w(0xce), w(0x55), w(0x28), w(0xdf),\ + w(0x8c), w(0xa1), w(0x89), w(0x0d), w(0xbf), w(0xe6), w(0x42), w(0x68),\ + w(0x41), w(0x99), w(0x2d), w(0x0f), w(0xb0), w(0x54), w(0xbb), w(0x16) } + +#define rc_data(w) {\ + w(0x01), w(0x02), w(0x04), w(0x08), w(0x10),w(0x20), w(0x40), w(0x80),\ + w(0x1b), w(0x36) } + +#define bytes2word(b0, b1, b2, b3) (((uint32_t)(b3) << 24) | \ + ((uint32_t)(b2) << 16) | ((uint32_t)(b1) << 8) | (b0)) + +#define h0(x) (x) +#define w0(p) bytes2word(p, 0, 0, 0) +#define w1(p) bytes2word(0, p, 0, 0) +#define w2(p) bytes2word(0, 0, p, 0) +#define w3(p) bytes2word(0, 0, 0, p) + +#define u0(p) bytes2word(f2(p), p, p, f3(p)) +#define u1(p) bytes2word(f3(p), f2(p), p, p) +#define u2(p) bytes2word(p, f3(p), f2(p), p) +#define u3(p) bytes2word(p, p, f3(p), f2(p)) + +#define v0(p) bytes2word(fe(p), f9(p), fd(p), fb(p)) +#define v1(p) bytes2word(fb(p), fe(p), f9(p), fd(p)) +#define v2(p) bytes2word(fd(p), fb(p), fe(p), f9(p)) +#define v3(p) bytes2word(f9(p), fd(p), fb(p), fe(p)) + +#define f2(x) ((x<<1) ^ (((x>>7) & 1) * WPOLY)) +#define f4(x) ((x<<2) ^ (((x>>6) & 1) * WPOLY) ^ (((x>>6) & 2) * WPOLY)) +#define f8(x) ((x<<3) ^ (((x>>5) & 1) * WPOLY) ^ (((x>>5) & 2) * WPOLY) ^ (((x>>5) & 4) * WPOLY)) +#define f3(x) (f2(x) ^ x) +#define f9(x) (f8(x) ^ x) +#define fb(x) (f8(x) ^ f2(x) ^ x) +#define fd(x) (f8(x) ^ f4(x) ^ x) +#define fe(x) (f8(x) ^ f4(x) ^ f2(x)) + +#define t_dec(m,n) t_##m##n +#define t_set(m,n) t_##m##n +#define t_use(m,n) t_##m##n + +#define d_4(t,n,b,e,f,g,h) ALIGN const t n[4][256] = { b(e), b(f), b(g), b(h) } + +#define four_tables(x,tab,vf,rf,c) \ + (tab[0][bval(vf(x,0,c),rf(0,c))] \ + ^ tab[1][bval(vf(x,1,c),rf(1,c))] \ + ^ tab[2][bval(vf(x,2,c),rf(2,c))] \ + ^ tab[3][bval(vf(x,3,c),rf(3,c))]) + +d_4(uint32_t, t_dec(f,n), sb_data, u0, u1, u2, u3); + +__m128i soft_aesenc(__m128i in, __m128i key) +{ + uint32_t x0, x1, x2, x3; + x0 = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(in); + x1 = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(in, 0x55)); + x2 = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(in, 0xAA)); + x3 = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(in, 0xFF)); + + __m128i out = _mm_set_epi32( + (t_fn[0][x3 & 0xff] ^ t_fn[1][(x0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ t_fn[2][(x1 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ t_fn[3][x2 >> 24]), + (t_fn[0][x2 & 0xff] ^ t_fn[1][(x3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ t_fn[2][(x0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ t_fn[3][x1 >> 24]), + (t_fn[0][x1 & 0xff] ^ t_fn[1][(x2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ t_fn[2][(x3 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ t_fn[3][x0 >> 24]), + (t_fn[0][x0 & 0xff] ^ t_fn[1][(x1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ t_fn[2][(x2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ t_fn[3][x3 >> 24])); + + return _mm_xor_si128(out, key); +} + +uint8_t Sbox[256] = { // forward s-box +0x63, 0x7c, 0x77, 0x7b, 0xf2, 0x6b, 0x6f, 0xc5, 0x30, 0x01, 0x67, 0x2b, 0xfe, 0xd7, 0xab, 0x76, +0xca, 0x82, 0xc9, 0x7d, 0xfa, 0x59, 0x47, 0xf0, 0xad, 0xd4, 0xa2, 0xaf, 0x9c, 0xa4, 0x72, 0xc0, +0xb7, 0xfd, 0x93, 0x26, 0x36, 0x3f, 0xf7, 0xcc, 0x34, 0xa5, 0xe5, 0xf1, 0x71, 0xd8, 0x31, 0x15, +0x04, 0xc7, 0x23, 0xc3, 0x18, 0x96, 0x05, 0x9a, 0x07, 0x12, 0x80, 0xe2, 0xeb, 0x27, 0xb2, 0x75, +0x09, 0x83, 0x2c, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x6e, 0x5a, 0xa0, 0x52, 0x3b, 0xd6, 0xb3, 0x29, 0xe3, 0x2f, 0x84, +0x53, 0xd1, 0x00, 0xed, 0x20, 0xfc, 0xb1, 0x5b, 0x6a, 0xcb, 0xbe, 0x39, 0x4a, 0x4c, 0x58, 0xcf, +0xd0, 0xef, 0xaa, 0xfb, 0x43, 0x4d, 0x33, 0x85, 0x45, 0xf9, 0x02, 0x7f, 0x50, 0x3c, 0x9f, 0xa8, +0x51, 0xa3, 0x40, 0x8f, 0x92, 0x9d, 0x38, 0xf5, 0xbc, 0xb6, 0xda, 0x21, 0x10, 0xff, 0xf3, 0xd2, +0xcd, 0x0c, 0x13, 0xec, 0x5f, 0x97, 0x44, 0x17, 0xc4, 0xa7, 0x7e, 0x3d, 0x64, 0x5d, 0x19, 0x73, +0x60, 0x81, 0x4f, 0xdc, 0x22, 0x2a, 0x90, 0x88, 0x46, 0xee, 0xb8, 0x14, 0xde, 0x5e, 0x0b, 0xdb, +0xe0, 0x32, 0x3a, 0x0a, 0x49, 0x06, 0x24, 0x5c, 0xc2, 0xd3, 0xac, 0x62, 0x91, 0x95, 0xe4, 0x79, +0xe7, 0xc8, 0x37, 0x6d, 0x8d, 0xd5, 0x4e, 0xa9, 0x6c, 0x56, 0xf4, 0xea, 0x65, 0x7a, 0xae, 0x08, +0xba, 0x78, 0x25, 0x2e, 0x1c, 0xa6, 0xb4, 0xc6, 0xe8, 0xdd, 0x74, 0x1f, 0x4b, 0xbd, 0x8b, 0x8a, +0x70, 0x3e, 0xb5, 0x66, 0x48, 0x03, 0xf6, 0x0e, 0x61, 0x35, 0x57, 0xb9, 0x86, 0xc1, 0x1d, 0x9e, +0xe1, 0xf8, 0x98, 0x11, 0x69, 0xd9, 0x8e, 0x94, 0x9b, 0x1e, 0x87, 0xe9, 0xce, 0x55, 0x28, 0xdf, +0x8c, 0xa1, 0x89, 0x0d, 0xbf, 0xe6, 0x42, 0x68, 0x41, 0x99, 0x2d, 0x0f, 0xb0, 0x54, 0xbb, 0x16}; + +static inline void sub_word(uint8_t* key) +{ + key[0] = Sbox[key[0]]; + key[1] = Sbox[key[1]]; + key[2] = Sbox[key[2]]; + key[3] = Sbox[key[3]]; +} + +__m128i soft_aeskeygenassist(__m128i key, uint8_t rcon) +{ + uint32_t X1 = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(key, 0x55)); + uint32_t X3 = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(key, 0xFF)); + sub_word((uint8_t*)&X1); + sub_word((uint8_t*)&X3); + return _mm_set_epi32(_rotr(X3, 8) ^ rcon, X3,_rotr(X1, 8) ^ rcon, X1); +} diff --git a/donate-level.h b/donate-level.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7b30212 --- /dev/null +++ b/donate-level.h @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +#pragma once + +/* + * Dev donation. + * Percentage of your hashing power that you want to donate to the developer, can be 0.0 if you don't want to do that. + * Example of how it works for the default setting of 1.0: + * You miner will mine into your usual pool for 99 minutes, then switch to the developer's pool for 1.0 minute. + * Switching is instant, and only happens after a successful connection, so you never loose any hashes. + */ + +constexpr double fDevDonationLevel = 1.0 / 100.0; diff --git a/executor.cpp b/executor.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bbab126 --- /dev/null +++ b/executor.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,721 @@ +/* + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "executor.h" +#include "jpsock.h" +#include "minethd.h" +#include "jconf.h" +#include "console.h" +#include "donate-level.h" + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +#include +#else +#include +#endif // __GNUC__ + +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define strncasecmp _strnicmp +#endif // _WIN32 + +executor* executor::oInst = NULL; + +executor::executor() +{ + my_thd = nullptr; + cpu_ctx = (cryptonight_ctx*)_mm_malloc(sizeof(cryptonight_ctx), 4096); +} + +void executor::push_timed_event(ex_event&& ev, size_t sec) +{ + std::unique_lock lck(timed_event_mutex); + lTimedEvents.emplace_back(std::move(ev), sec_to_ticks(sec)); +} + +void executor::ex_clock_thd() +{ + size_t iSwitchPeriod = sec_to_ticks(iDevDonatePeriod); + size_t iDevPortion = (size_t)floor(((double)iSwitchPeriod) * fDevDonationLevel); + + //No point in bothering with less than 10 sec + if(iDevPortion < sec_to_ticks(10)) + iDevPortion = 0; + + //Add 2 seconds to compensate for connect + if(iDevPortion != 0) + iDevPortion += sec_to_ticks(2); + + while (true) + { + std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(size_t(iTickTime))); + + push_event(ex_event(EV_PERF_TICK)); + + // Service timed events + std::unique_lock lck(timed_event_mutex); + std::list::iterator ev = lTimedEvents.begin(); + while (ev != lTimedEvents.end()) + { + ev->ticks_left--; + if(ev->ticks_left == 0) + { + push_event(std::move(ev->event)); + ev = lTimedEvents.erase(ev); + } + else + ev++; + } + lck.unlock(); + + if(iDevPortion == 0) + continue; + + iSwitchPeriod--; + if(iSwitchPeriod == 0) + { + push_event(ex_event(EV_SWITCH_POOL, usr_pool_id)); + iSwitchPeriod = sec_to_ticks(iDevDonatePeriod); + } + else if(iSwitchPeriod == iDevPortion) + { + push_event(ex_event(EV_SWITCH_POOL, dev_pool_id)); + } + } +} + +void executor::sched_reconnect() +{ + long long unsigned int rt = jconf::inst()->GetNetRetry(); + printer::inst()->print_msg(L1, "Pool connection lost. Waiting %lld s before retry.", rt); + + auto work = minethd::miner_work(); + minethd::switch_work(work); + + push_timed_event(ex_event(EV_RECONNECT, usr_pool_id), rt); +} + +void executor::log_socket_error(std::string&& sError) +{ + vSocketLog.emplace_back(std::move(sError)); + printer::inst()->print_msg(L1, "SOCKET ERROR - %s", vSocketLog.back().msg.c_str()); +} + +void executor::log_result_error(std::string&& sError) +{ + size_t i = 1, ln = vMineResults.size(); + for(; i < ln; i++) + { + if(vMineResults[i].compare(sError)) + { + vMineResults[i].increment(); + break; + } + } + + if(i == ln) //Not found + vMineResults.emplace_back(std::move(sError)); + else + sError.clear(); +} + +void executor::log_result_ok(uint64_t iActualDiff) +{ + iPoolHashes += iPoolDiff; + + size_t ln = iTopDiff.size() - 1; + if(iActualDiff > iTopDiff[ln]) + { + iTopDiff[ln] = iActualDiff; + std::sort(iTopDiff.rbegin(), iTopDiff.rend()); + } + + vMineResults[0].increment(); +} + +jpsock* executor::pick_pool_by_id(size_t pool_id) +{ + assert(pool_id != invalid_pool_id); + + if(pool_id == dev_pool_id) + return dev_pool; + else + return usr_pool; +} + +void executor::on_sock_ready(size_t pool_id) +{ + jpsock* pool = pick_pool_by_id(pool_id); + + if(pool_id == dev_pool_id) + { + if(!pool->cmd_login("", "")) + pool->disconnect(); + + current_pool_id = dev_pool_id; + printer::inst()->print_msg(L1, "Dev pool logged in. Switching work."); + return; + } + + printer::inst()->print_msg(L1, "Connected. Logging in..."); + + if (!pool->cmd_login(jconf::inst()->GetWalletAddress(), jconf::inst()->GetPoolPwd())) + { + if(!pool->have_sock_error()) + { + log_socket_error(pool->get_call_error()); + pool->disconnect(); + } + } + else + reset_stats(); +} + +void executor::on_sock_error(size_t pool_id, std::string&& sError) +{ + jpsock* pool = pick_pool_by_id(pool_id); + + if(pool_id == dev_pool_id) + { + pool->disconnect(); + + if(current_pool_id != dev_pool_id) + return; + + printer::inst()->print_msg(L1, "Dev pool connection error. Switching work."); + on_switch_pool(usr_pool_id); + return; + } + + log_socket_error(std::move(sError)); + pool->disconnect(); + sched_reconnect(); +} + +void executor::on_pool_have_job(size_t pool_id, pool_job& oPoolJob) +{ + if(pool_id != current_pool_id) + return; + + jpsock* pool = pick_pool_by_id(pool_id); + + minethd::miner_work oWork(oPoolJob.sJobID, oPoolJob.bWorkBlob, + oPoolJob.iWorkLen, oPoolJob.iResumeCnt, oPoolJob.iTarget, pool_id); + + minethd::switch_work(oWork); + + if(pool_id == dev_pool_id) + return; + + if(iPoolDiff != pool->get_current_diff()) + { + iPoolDiff = pool->get_current_diff(); + printer::inst()->print_msg(L2, "Difficulty changed. Now: %llu.", int_port(iPoolDiff)); + } + + printer::inst()->print_msg(L3, "New block detected."); +} + +void executor::on_miner_result(size_t pool_id, job_result& oResult) +{ + jpsock* pool = pick_pool_by_id(pool_id); + + *(uint32_t*)(oResult.bWorkBlob + 39) = oResult.iNonce; + + if(jconf::inst()->HaveHardwareAes()) + cryptonight_hash_ctx(oResult.bWorkBlob, oResult.iWorkLen, oResult.bResult, cpu_ctx); + else + cryptonight_hash_ctx_soft(oResult.bWorkBlob, oResult.iWorkLen, oResult.bResult, cpu_ctx); + + bool bVerified = ((uint32_t*)oResult.bResult)[7] < oResult.iTarget; + + if(pool_id == dev_pool_id) + { + //Ignore errors silently + if(pool->is_running() && pool->is_logged_in() && bVerified) + pool->cmd_submit(oResult.sJobID, oResult.iNonce, oResult.bResult); + + return; + } + + if (!bVerified) + { + log_result_error("[GPU COMPUTE ERROR]"); + return; + } + + if (!pool->is_running() || !pool->is_logged_in()) + { + log_result_error("[NETWORK ERROR]"); + return; + } + + using namespace std::chrono; + size_t t_start = time_point_cast(high_resolution_clock::now()).time_since_epoch().count(); + bool bResult = pool->cmd_submit(oResult.sJobID, oResult.iNonce, oResult.bResult); + size_t t_len = time_point_cast(high_resolution_clock::now()).time_since_epoch().count() - t_start; + + if(t_len > 0xFFFF) + t_len = 0xFFFF; + iPoolCallTimes.push_back((uint16_t)t_len); + + if(bResult) + { + uint64_t* targets = (uint64_t*)oResult.bResult; + log_result_ok(jpsock::t64_to_diff(targets[3])); + printer::inst()->print_msg(L3, "Result accepted by the pool."); + } + else + { + if(!pool->have_sock_error()) + { + printer::inst()->print_msg(L3, "Result rejected by the pool."); + + std::string error = pool->get_call_error(); + + if(strncasecmp(error.c_str(), "Unauthenticated", 15) == 0) + { + printer::inst()->print_msg(L2, "Your miner was unable to find a share in time. Either the pool difficulty is too high, or the pool timeout is too low."); + pool->disconnect(); + } + + log_result_error(std::move(error)); + } + else + log_result_error("[NETWORK ERROR]"); + } +} + +void executor::on_reconnect(size_t pool_id) +{ + jpsock* pool = pick_pool_by_id(pool_id); + + std::string error; + if(pool_id == dev_pool_id) + return; + + printer::inst()->print_msg(L1, "Connecting to pool %s ...", jconf::inst()->GetPoolAddress()); + + if(!pool->connect(jconf::inst()->GetPoolAddress(), error)) + { + log_socket_error(std::move(error)); + sched_reconnect(); + } +} + +void executor::on_switch_pool(size_t pool_id) +{ + if(pool_id == current_pool_id) + return; + + jpsock* pool = pick_pool_by_id(pool_id); + if(pool_id == dev_pool_id) + { + std::string error; + + // If it fails, it fails, we carry on on the usr pool + // as we never receive further events + printer::inst()->print_msg(L1, "Connecting to dev pool..."); + if(!pool->connect("", error)) + printer::inst()->print_msg(L1, "Error connecting to dev pool. Staying with user pool."); + } + else + { + printer::inst()->print_msg(L1, "Switching back to user pool."); + + current_pool_id = pool_id; + pool_job oPoolJob; + + if(!pool->get_current_job(oPoolJob)) + { + pool->disconnect(); + return; + } + + minethd::miner_work oWork(oPoolJob.sJobID, oPoolJob.bWorkBlob, + oPoolJob.iWorkLen, oPoolJob.iResumeCnt, oPoolJob.iTarget, pool_id); + + minethd::switch_work(oWork); + + if(dev_pool->is_running()) + push_timed_event(ex_event(EV_DEV_POOL_EXIT), 5); + } +} + +void executor::ex_main() +{ + assert(1000 % iTickTime == 0); + + minethd::miner_work oWork = minethd::miner_work(); + pvThreads = minethd::thread_starter(oWork); + telem = new telemetry(pvThreads->size()); + + current_pool_id = usr_pool_id; + usr_pool = new jpsock(usr_pool_id); + dev_pool = new jpsock(dev_pool_id); + + ex_event ev; + std::thread clock_thd(&executor::ex_clock_thd, this); + + //This will connect us to the pool for the first time + push_event(ex_event(EV_RECONNECT, usr_pool_id)); + + // Place the default success result at postion 0, it needs to + // be here even if our first result is a failure + vMineResults.emplace_back(); + + // If the user requested it, start the autohash printer + if(jconf::inst()->GetVerboseLevel() >= 4) + push_timed_event(ex_event(EV_HASHRATE_LOOP), jconf::inst()->GetAutohashTime()); + + size_t cnt = 0, i; + while (true) + { + ev = oEventQ.pop(); + switch (ev.iName) + { + case EV_SOCK_READY: + on_sock_ready(ev.iPoolId); + break; + + case EV_SOCK_ERROR: + on_sock_error(ev.iPoolId, std::move(ev.sSocketError)); + break; + + case EV_POOL_HAVE_JOB: + on_pool_have_job(ev.iPoolId, ev.oPoolJob); + break; + + case EV_MINER_HAVE_RESULT: + on_miner_result(ev.iPoolId, ev.oJobResult); + break; + + case EV_RECONNECT: + on_reconnect(ev.iPoolId); + break; + + case EV_SWITCH_POOL: + on_switch_pool(ev.iPoolId); + break; + + case EV_DEV_POOL_EXIT: + dev_pool->disconnect(); + break; + + case EV_PERF_TICK: + for (i = 0; i < pvThreads->size(); i++) + telem->push_perf_value(i, pvThreads->at(i)->iHashCount.load(std::memory_order_relaxed), + pvThreads->at(i)->iTimestamp.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)); + + if((cnt++ & 0xF) == 0) //Every 16 ticks + { + double fHps = 0.0; + for (i = 0; i < pvThreads->size(); i++) + fHps += telem->calc_telemetry_data(10000, i); + + if(fHighestHps < fHps) + fHighestHps = fHps; + } + break; + + case EV_USR_HASHRATE: + case EV_USR_RESULTS: + case EV_USR_CONNSTAT: + print_report(ev.iName); + break; + + case EV_HTML_HASHRATE: + case EV_HTML_RESULTS: + case EV_HTML_CONNSTAT: + http_report(ev.iName); + break; + + case EV_HASHRATE_LOOP: + print_report(EV_USR_HASHRATE); + push_timed_event(ex_event(EV_HASHRATE_LOOP), jconf::inst()->GetAutohashTime()); + break; + + case EV_INVALID_VAL: + default: + assert(false); + break; + } + } +} + +inline const char* hps_format(double h, char* buf, size_t l) +{ + if(std::isnormal(h)) + { + snprintf(buf, l, " %03.1f", h); + return buf; + } + else if(h == 0.0) //Zero is not normal but we want it + return " 0.0"; + else + return " (na)"; +} + +void executor::hashrate_report(std::string& out) +{ + char num[32]; + size_t nthd = pvThreads->size(); + + out.reserve(256 + nthd * 64); + + double fTotal[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; + size_t i; + + out.append("HASHRATE REPORT\n"); + out.append("| ID | 10s | 60s | 15m |"); + if(nthd != 1) + out.append(" ID | 10s | 60s | 15m |\n"); + else + out.append(1, '\n'); + + for (i = 0; i < nthd; i++) + { + double fHps[3]; + + fHps[0] = telem->calc_telemetry_data(10000, i); + fHps[1] = telem->calc_telemetry_data(60000, i); + fHps[2] = telem->calc_telemetry_data(900000, i); + + snprintf(num, sizeof(num), "| %2u |", (unsigned int)i); + out.append(num); + out.append(hps_format(fHps[0], num, sizeof(num))).append(" |"); + out.append(hps_format(fHps[1], num, sizeof(num))).append(" |"); + out.append(hps_format(fHps[2], num, sizeof(num))).append(1, ' '); + + fTotal[0] += fHps[0]; + fTotal[1] += fHps[1]; + fTotal[2] += fHps[2]; + + if((i & 0x1) == 1) //Odd i's + out.append("|\n"); + } + + if((i & 0x1) == 1) //We had odd number of threads + out.append("|\n"); + + if(nthd != 1) + out.append("-----------------------------------------------------\n"); + else + out.append("---------------------------\n"); + + out.append("Totals: "); + out.append(hps_format(fTotal[0], num, sizeof(num))); + out.append(hps_format(fTotal[1], num, sizeof(num))); + out.append(hps_format(fTotal[2], num, sizeof(num))); + out.append(" H/s\nHighest: "); + out.append(hps_format(fHighestHps, num, sizeof(num))); + out.append(" H/s\n"); +} + +char* time_format(char* buf, size_t len, std::chrono::system_clock::time_point time) +{ + time_t ctime = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(time); + tm stime; + + /* + * Oh for god's sake... this feels like we are back to the 90's... + * and don't get me started on lack strcpy_s because NIH - use non-standard strlcpy... + * And of course C++ implements unsafe version because... reasons + */ + +#ifdef _WIN32 + localtime_s(&stime, &ctime); +#else + localtime_r(&ctime, &stime); +#endif // __WIN32 + strftime(buf, len, "%F %T", &stime); + + return buf; +} + +void executor::result_report(std::string& out) +{ + char num[128]; + char date[32]; + + out.reserve(1024); + + size_t iGoodRes = vMineResults[0].count, iTotalRes = iGoodRes; + size_t ln = vMineResults.size(); + + for(size_t i=1; i < ln; i++) + iTotalRes += vMineResults[i].count; + + out.append("RESULT REPORT\n"); + if(iTotalRes == 0) + { + out.append("You haven't found any results yet.\n"); + return; + } + + double dConnSec; + { + using namespace std::chrono; + dConnSec = (double)duration_cast(system_clock::now() - tPoolConnTime).count(); + } + + snprintf(num, sizeof(num), " (%.1f %%)\n", 100.0 * iGoodRes / iTotalRes); + + out.append("Difficulty : ").append(std::to_string(iPoolDiff)).append(1, '\n'); + out.append("Good results : ").append(std::to_string(iGoodRes)).append(" / "). + append(std::to_string(iTotalRes)).append(num); + + if(iPoolCallTimes.size() != 0) + { + // Here we use iPoolCallTimes since it also gets reset when we disconnect + snprintf(num, sizeof(num), "%.1f sec\n", dConnSec / iPoolCallTimes.size()); + out.append("Avg result time : ").append(num); + } + out.append("Pool-side hashes : ").append(std::to_string(iPoolHashes)).append(2, '\n'); + out.append("Top 10 best results found:\n"); + + for(size_t i=0; i < 10; i += 2) + { + snprintf(num, sizeof(num), "| %2llu | %16llu | %2llu | %16llu |\n", + int_port(i), int_port(iTopDiff[i]), int_port(i+1), int_port(iTopDiff[i+1])); + out.append(num); + } + + out.append("\nError details:\n"); + if(ln > 1) + { + out.append("| Count | Error text | Last seen |\n"); + for(size_t i=1; i < ln; i++) + { + snprintf(num, sizeof(num), "| %5llu | %-32.32s | %s |\n", int_port(vMineResults[i].count), + vMineResults[i].msg.c_str(), time_format(date, sizeof(date), vMineResults[i].time)); + out.append(num); + } + } + else + out.append("Yay! No errors.\n"); +} + +void executor::connection_report(std::string& out) +{ + char num[128]; + char date[32]; + + out.reserve(512); + + jpsock* pool = pick_pool_by_id(dev_pool_id + 1); + + out.append("CONNECTION REPORT\n"); + if (pool->is_running() && pool->is_logged_in()) + out.append("Connected since : ").append(time_format(date, sizeof(date), tPoolConnTime)).append(1, '\n'); + else + out.append("Connected since : \n"); + + size_t n_calls = iPoolCallTimes.size(); + if (n_calls > 1) + { + //Not-really-but-good-enough median + std::nth_element(iPoolCallTimes.begin(), iPoolCallTimes.begin() + n_calls/2, iPoolCallTimes.end()); + out.append("Pool ping time : ").append(std::to_string(iPoolCallTimes[n_calls/2])).append(" ms\n"); + } + else + out.append("Pool ping time : (n/a)\n"); + + out.append("\nNetwork error log:\n"); + size_t ln = vSocketLog.size(); + if(ln > 0) + { + out.append("| Date | Error text |\n"); + for(size_t i=0; i < ln; i++) + { + snprintf(num, sizeof(num), "| %s | %-54.54s |\n", + time_format(date, sizeof(date), vSocketLog[i].time), vSocketLog[i].msg.c_str()); + out.append(num); + } + } + else + out.append("Yay! No errors.\n"); +} + +void executor::print_report(ex_event_name ev) +{ + std::string out; + switch(ev) + { + case EV_USR_HASHRATE: + hashrate_report(out); + break; + + case EV_USR_RESULTS: + result_report(out); + break; + + case EV_USR_CONNSTAT: + connection_report(out); + break; + default: + assert(false); + break; + } + + printer::inst()->print_str(out.c_str()); +} + +void executor::http_report(ex_event_name ev) +{ + assert(pHttpString != nullptr); + + switch(ev) + { + case EV_HTML_HASHRATE: + hashrate_report(*pHttpString); + break; + + case EV_HTML_RESULTS: + result_report(*pHttpString); + break; + + case EV_HTML_CONNSTAT: + connection_report(*pHttpString); + break; + default: + assert(false); + break; + } + + httpReady.set_value(); +} + +void executor::get_http_report(ex_event_name ev_id, std::string& data) +{ + std::lock_guard lck(httpMutex); + + assert(pHttpString == nullptr); + assert(ev_id == EV_HTML_HASHRATE || ev_id == EV_HTML_RESULTS || ev_id == EV_HTML_CONNSTAT); + + pHttpString = &data; + httpReady = std::promise(); + std::future ready = httpReady.get_future(); + + push_event(ex_event(ev_id)); + + ready.wait(); + pHttpString = nullptr; +} diff --git a/executor.h b/executor.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..81aad08 --- /dev/null +++ b/executor.h @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +#pragma once +#include "thdq.hpp" +#include "msgstruct.h" +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "crypto/cryptonight.h" + +class jpsock; +class minethd; +class telemetry; + +class executor +{ +public: + static executor* inst() + { + if (oInst == nullptr) oInst = new executor; + return oInst; + }; + + void ex_start() { my_thd = new std::thread(&executor::ex_main, this); } + void ex_main(); + + void get_http_report(ex_event_name ev_id, std::string& data); + + inline void push_event(ex_event&& ev) { oEventQ.push(std::move(ev)); } + void push_timed_event(ex_event&& ev, size_t sec); + +private: + struct timed_event + { + ex_event event; + size_t ticks_left; + + timed_event(ex_event&& ev, size_t ticks) : event(std::move(ev)), ticks_left(ticks) {} + }; + + cryptonight_ctx* cpu_ctx; + + // In miliseconds, has to divide a second (1000ms) into an integer number + constexpr static size_t iTickTime = 500; + + // Dev donation time period in seconds. 100 minutes by default. + // We will divide up this period according to the config setting + constexpr static size_t iDevDonatePeriod = 100 * 60; + + constexpr static size_t invalid_pool_id = 0; + constexpr static size_t dev_pool_id = 1; + constexpr static size_t usr_pool_id = 2; + + std::list lTimedEvents; + std::mutex timed_event_mutex; + thdq oEventQ; + + telemetry* telem; + std::vector* pvThreads; + std::thread* my_thd; + + size_t current_pool_id; + + jpsock* usr_pool; + jpsock* dev_pool; + + jpsock* pick_pool_by_id(size_t pool_id); + + bool is_dev_time; + + executor(); + static executor* oInst; + + void ex_clock_thd(); + void pool_connect(jpsock* pool); + + void hashrate_report(std::string& out); + void result_report(std::string& out); + void connection_report(std::string& out); + + void http_report(ex_event_name ev); + void print_report(ex_event_name ev); + + std::string* pHttpString = nullptr; + std::promise httpReady; + std::mutex httpMutex; + + struct sck_error_log + { + std::chrono::system_clock::time_point time; + std::string msg; + + sck_error_log(std::string&& err) : msg(std::move(err)) + { + time = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); + } + }; + std::vector vSocketLog; + + // Element zero is always the success element. + // Keep in mind that this is a tally and not a log like above + struct result_tally + { + std::chrono::system_clock::time_point time; + std::string msg; + size_t count; + + result_tally() : msg("[OK]"), count(0) + { + time = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); + } + + result_tally(std::string&& err) : msg(std::move(err)), count(1) + { + time = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); + } + + void increment() + { + count++; + time = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); + } + + bool compare(std::string& err) + { + if(msg == err) + { + increment(); + return true; + } + else + return false; + } + }; + std::vector vMineResults; + + //More result statistics + std::array iTopDiff { { } }; //Initialize to zero + + std::chrono::system_clock::time_point tPoolConnTime; + size_t iPoolHashes; + uint64_t iPoolDiff; + + // Set it to 16 bit so that we can just let it grow + // Maximum realistic growth rate - 5MB / month + std::vector iPoolCallTimes; + + //Those stats are reset if we disconnect + inline void reset_stats() + { + iPoolCallTimes.clear(); + tPoolConnTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); + iPoolHashes = 0; + iPoolDiff = 0; + } + + double fHighestHps = 0.0; + + void log_socket_error(std::string&& sError); + void log_result_error(std::string&& sError); + void log_result_ok(uint64_t iActualDiff); + + void sched_reconnect(); + + void on_sock_ready(size_t pool_id); + void on_sock_error(size_t pool_id, std::string&& sError); + void on_pool_have_job(size_t pool_id, pool_job& oPoolJob); + void on_miner_result(size_t pool_id, job_result& oResult); + void on_reconnect(size_t pool_id); + void on_switch_pool(size_t pool_id); + + inline size_t sec_to_ticks(size_t sec) { return sec * (1000 / iTickTime); } +}; + diff --git a/httpd.cpp b/httpd.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..339d15f --- /dev/null +++ b/httpd.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "msgstruct.h" +#include "httpd.h" +#include "console.h" +#include "executor.h" +#include "jconf.h" + +#ifdef _WIN32 +#include "libmicrohttpd/microhttpd.h" +#define strcasecmp _stricmp +#else +#include +#endif // _WIN32 + +httpd* httpd::oInst = nullptr; + +httpd::httpd() +{ + +} + +int httpd::req_handler(void * cls, + MHD_Connection* connection, + const char* url, + const char* method, + const char* version, + const char* upload_data, + size_t* upload_data_size, + void ** ptr) +{ + struct MHD_Response * rsp; + + if (strcmp(method, "GET") != 0) + return MHD_NO; + + *ptr = nullptr; + + std::string str; + if(strcasecmp(url, "/h") == 0 || strcasecmp(url, "/hashrate") == 0) + { + str.append("Hashrate Report
+		executor::inst()->get_http_report(EV_HTML_HASHRATE, str);
+		str.append("
"); + + rsp = MHD_create_response_from_buffer(str.size(), (void*)str.c_str(), MHD_RESPMEM_MUST_COPY); + } + else if(strcasecmp(url, "/c") == 0 || strcasecmp(url, "/connection") == 0) + { + str.append("Connection Report
+		executor::inst()->get_http_report(EV_HTML_CONNSTAT, str);
+		str.append("
"); + + rsp = MHD_create_response_from_buffer(str.size(), (void*)str.c_str(), MHD_RESPMEM_MUST_COPY); + } + else if(strcasecmp(url, "/r") == 0 || strcasecmp(url, "/results") == 0) + { + str.append("Results Report
+		executor::inst()->get_http_report(EV_HTML_RESULTS, str);
+		str.append("
"); + + rsp = MHD_create_response_from_buffer(str.size(), (void*)str.c_str(), MHD_RESPMEM_MUST_COPY); + } + else + { + char buffer[1024]; + snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Error" + "
Unkown url %s - please use /h, /r or /c as url
", url); + + rsp = MHD_create_response_from_buffer(strlen(buffer), + (void*)buffer, MHD_RESPMEM_MUST_COPY); + } + + int ret = MHD_queue_response(connection, MHD_HTTP_OK, rsp); + MHD_destroy_response(rsp); + return ret; +} + +bool httpd::start_daemon() +{ + d = MHD_start_daemon(MHD_USE_THREAD_PER_CONNECTION, + jconf::inst()->GetHttpdPort(), NULL, NULL, + &httpd::req_handler, + NULL, MHD_OPTION_END); + + if(d == nullptr) + { + printer::inst()->print_str("HTTP Daemon failed to start."); + return false; + } + + return true; +} + diff --git a/httpd.h b/httpd.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc8bcf6 --- /dev/null +++ b/httpd.h @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +#pragma once + +struct MHD_Daemon; +struct MHD_Connection; + +class httpd +{ +public: + static httpd* inst() + { + if (oInst == nullptr) oInst = new httpd; + return oInst; + }; + + bool start_daemon(); + +private: + httpd(); + static httpd* oInst; + + static int req_handler(void * cls, + MHD_Connection* connection, + const char* url, + const char* method, + const char* version, + const char* upload_data, + size_t* upload_data_size, + void ** ptr); + + MHD_Daemon *d; +}; diff --git a/jconf.cpp b/jconf.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af3c38f --- /dev/null +++ b/jconf.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,353 @@ +/* + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include "jconf.h" +#include "console.h" + +#include +#include +#include + +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define strcasecmp _stricmp +#include +#else +#include +#endif + +#include "rapidjson/document.h" +#include "rapidjson/error/en.h" +#include "jext.h" +#include "console.h" + +using namespace rapidjson; + +/* + * This enum needs to match index in oConfigValues, otherwise we will get a runtime error + */ +enum configEnum { iGpuThreadNum, aGpuThreadsConf, iPlatformIdx, sPoolAddr, sWalletAddr, + sPoolPwd, iCallTimeout, iNetRetry, iVerboseLevel, iAutohashTime, iHttpdPort, bPreferIpv4 }; + +struct configVal { + configEnum iName; + const char* sName; + Type iType; +}; + +//Same order as in configEnum, as per comment above +configVal oConfigValues[] = { + { iGpuThreadNum, "gpu_thread_num", kNumberType }, + { aGpuThreadsConf, "gpu_threads_conf", kArrayType }, + { iPlatformIdx, "platform_index", kNumberType }, + { sPoolAddr, "pool_address", kStringType }, + { sWalletAddr, "wallet_address", kStringType }, + { sPoolPwd, "pool_password", kStringType }, + { iCallTimeout, "call_timeout", kNumberType }, + { iNetRetry, "retry_time", kNumberType }, + { iVerboseLevel, "verbose_level", kNumberType }, + { iAutohashTime, "h_print_time", kNumberType }, + { iHttpdPort, "httpd_port", kNumberType }, + { bPreferIpv4, "prefer_ipv4", kTrueType } +}; + +constexpr size_t iConfigCnt = (sizeof(oConfigValues)/sizeof(oConfigValues[0])); + +inline bool checkType(Type have, Type want) +{ + if(want == have) + return true; + else if(want == kTrueType && have == kFalseType) + return true; + else if(want == kFalseType && have == kTrueType) + return true; + else + return false; +} + +struct jconf::opaque_private +{ + Document jsonDoc; + const Value* configValues[iConfigCnt]; //Compile time constant + + opaque_private() + { + } +}; + +jconf* jconf::oInst = nullptr; + +jconf::jconf() +{ + prv = new opaque_private(); +} + +bool jconf::GetThreadConfig(size_t id, thd_cfg &cfg) +{ + if(id >= prv->configValues[aGpuThreadsConf]->Size()) + return false; + + const Value& oThdConf = prv->configValues[aGpuThreadsConf]->GetArray()[id]; + + if(!oThdConf.IsObject()) + return false; + + const Value *idx, *intensity, *w_size, *aff; + idx = GetObjectMember(oThdConf, "index"); + intensity = GetObjectMember(oThdConf, "intensity"); + w_size = GetObjectMember(oThdConf, "worksize"); + aff = GetObjectMember(oThdConf, "affine_to_cpu"); + + if(idx == nullptr || intensity == nullptr || w_size == nullptr || aff == nullptr) + return false; + + if(!idx->IsUint64() || !intensity->IsUint64() || !w_size->IsUint64()) + return false; + + if(!aff->IsUint64() && !aff->IsBool()) + return false; + + cfg.index = idx->GetUint64(); + cfg.intensity = intensity->GetUint64(); + cfg.w_size = w_size->GetUint64(); + + if(aff->IsNumber()) + cfg.cpu_aff = aff->GetInt64(); + else + cfg.cpu_aff = -1; + + return true; +} + +size_t jconf::GetPlatformIdx() +{ + return prv->configValues[iPlatformIdx]->GetUint64(); +} + +const char* jconf::GetPoolAddress() +{ + return prv->configValues[sPoolAddr]->GetString(); +} + +const char* jconf::GetPoolPwd() +{ + return prv->configValues[sPoolPwd]->GetString(); +} + +const char* jconf::GetWalletAddress() +{ + return prv->configValues[sWalletAddr]->GetString(); +} + +bool jconf::PreferIpv4() +{ + return prv->configValues[bPreferIpv4]->GetBool(); +} + +size_t jconf::GetThreadCount() +{ + return prv->configValues[aGpuThreadsConf]->Size(); +} + +uint64_t jconf::GetCallTimeout() +{ + return prv->configValues[iCallTimeout]->GetUint64(); +} + +uint64_t jconf::GetNetRetry() +{ + return prv->configValues[iNetRetry]->GetUint64(); +} + +uint64_t jconf::GetVerboseLevel() +{ + return prv->configValues[iVerboseLevel]->GetUint64(); +} + +uint64_t jconf::GetAutohashTime() +{ + return prv->configValues[iAutohashTime]->GetUint64(); +} + +uint16_t jconf::GetHttpdPort() +{ + return prv->configValues[iHttpdPort]->GetUint(); +} + +bool jconf::check_cpu_features() +{ + constexpr int AESNI_BIT = 1 << 25; + constexpr int SSE2_BIT = 1 << 26; + + int cpu_info[4]; +#ifdef _WIN32 + __cpuid(cpu_info, 1); +#else + __cpuid(1, cpu_info[0], cpu_info[1], cpu_info[2], cpu_info[3]); +#endif + + bHaveAes = (cpu_info[2] & AESNI_BIT) != 0; + return (cpu_info[3] & SSE2_BIT) != 0; +} + +bool jconf::parse_config(const char* sFilename) +{ + FILE * pFile; + char * buffer; + size_t flen; + + if(!check_cpu_features()) + { + printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "CPU support of SSE2 is required."); + return false; + } + + pFile = fopen(sFilename, "rb"); + if (pFile == NULL) + { + printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Failed to open config file %s.", sFilename); + return false; + } + + fseek(pFile,0,SEEK_END); + flen = ftell(pFile); + rewind(pFile); + + if(flen >= 64*1024) + { + fclose(pFile); + printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Oversized config file - %s.", sFilename); + return false; + } + + if(flen <= 16) + { + printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "File is empty or too short - %s.", sFilename); + return false; + } + + buffer = (char*)malloc(flen + 3); + if(fread(buffer+1, flen, 1, pFile) != 1) + { + free(buffer); + fclose(pFile); + printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Read error while reading %s.", sFilename); + return false; + } + fclose(pFile); + + //Replace Unicode BOM with spaces - we always use UTF-8 + unsigned char* ubuffer = (unsigned char*)buffer; + if(ubuffer[1] == 0xEF && ubuffer[2] == 0xBB && ubuffer[3] == 0xBF) + { + buffer[1] = ' '; + buffer[2] = ' '; + buffer[3] = ' '; + } + + buffer[0] = '{'; + buffer[flen] = '}'; + buffer[flen + 1] = '\0'; + + prv->jsonDoc.Parse(buffer, flen+2); + free(buffer); + + if(prv->jsonDoc.HasParseError()) + { + printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "JSON config parse error(offset %llu): %s", + int_port(prv->jsonDoc.GetErrorOffset()), GetParseError_En(prv->jsonDoc.GetParseError())); + return false; + } + + + if(!prv->jsonDoc.IsObject()) + { //This should never happen as we created the root ourselves + printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Invalid config file. No root?\n"); + return false; + } + + for(size_t i = 0; i < iConfigCnt; i++) + { + if(oConfigValues[i].iName != i) + { + printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Code error. oConfigValues are not in order."); + return false; + } + + prv->configValues[i] = GetObjectMember(prv->jsonDoc, oConfigValues[i].sName); + + if(prv->configValues[i] == nullptr) + { + printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Invalid config file. Missing value \"%s\".", oConfigValues[i].sName); + return false; + } + + if(!checkType(prv->configValues[i]->GetType(), oConfigValues[i].iType)) + { + printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Invalid config file. Value \"%s\" has unexpected type.", oConfigValues[i].sName); + return false; + } + } + + size_t n_thd = prv->configValues[aGpuThreadsConf]->Size(); + if(prv->configValues[iGpuThreadNum]->GetUint64() != n_thd) + { + printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, + "Invalid config file. Your GPU config array has %llu members, while you want to use %llu threads.", + int_port(n_thd), int_port(prv->configValues[iGpuThreadNum]->GetUint64())); + return false; + } + + thd_cfg c; + for(size_t i=0; i < n_thd; i++) + { + if(!GetThreadConfig(i, c)) + { + printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "Thread %llu has invalid config.", int_port(i)); + return false; + } + } + + if(!prv->configValues[iCallTimeout]->IsUint64() || !prv->configValues[iNetRetry]->IsUint64()) + { + printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, + "Invalid config file. call_timeout and retry_time need to be positive integers."); + return false; + } + + if(!prv->configValues[iVerboseLevel]->IsUint64() || !prv->configValues[iAutohashTime]->IsUint64()) + { + printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, + "Invalid config file. verbose_level and h_print_time need to be positive integers."); + return false; + } + + if(!prv->configValues[iHttpdPort]->IsUint() || prv->configValues[iHttpdPort]->GetUint() > 0xFFFF) + { + printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, + "Invalid config file. httpd_port has to be in the range 0 to 65535."); + return false; + } + +#ifdef _WIN32 + if(GetSlowMemSetting() == no_mlck) + { + printer::inst()->print_msg(L0, "On Windows large pages need mlock. Please use another option.\n"); + return false; + } +#endif // _WIN32 + + printer::inst()->set_verbose_level(prv->configValues[iVerboseLevel]->GetUint64()); + return true; +} diff --git a/jconf.h b/jconf.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d069167 --- /dev/null +++ b/jconf.h @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +#pragma once +#include +#include + +class jconf +{ +public: + static jconf* inst() + { + if (oInst == nullptr) oInst = new jconf; + return oInst; + }; + + bool parse_config(const char* sFilename); + + struct thd_cfg { + size_t index; + size_t intensity; + size_t w_size; + long long cpu_aff; + }; + + size_t GetThreadCount(); + bool GetThreadConfig(size_t id, thd_cfg &cfg); + + size_t GetPlatformIdx(); + + const char* GetPoolAddress(); + const char* GetPoolPwd(); + const char* GetWalletAddress(); + + uint64_t GetVerboseLevel(); + uint64_t GetAutohashTime(); + + uint64_t GetCallTimeout(); + uint64_t GetNetRetry(); + + uint16_t GetHttpdPort(); + + bool PreferIpv4(); + + inline bool HaveHardwareAes() { return bHaveAes; } + +private: + jconf(); + static jconf* oInst; + + bool check_cpu_features(); + struct opaque_private; + opaque_private* prv; + + bool bHaveAes; +}; diff --git a/jext.h b/jext.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dce73a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/jext.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +#pragma once + +using namespace rapidjson; + +/* This macro brings rapidjson more in line with other libs */ +inline const Value* GetObjectMember(const Value& obj, const char* key) +{ + Value::ConstMemberIterator itr = obj.FindMember(key); + if (itr != obj.MemberEnd()) + return &itr->value; + else + return nullptr; +} diff --git a/jpsock.cpp b/jpsock.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..667f95b --- /dev/null +++ b/jpsock.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,671 @@ +/* + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include + +#include "jpsock.h" +#include "executor.h" +#include "jconf.h" + +#include "rapidjson/document.h" +#include "jext.h" +#include "socks.h" + +#define AGENTID_STR "xmr-stak-cpu/1.0" + +using namespace rapidjson; + +struct jpsock::call_rsp +{ + bool bHaveResponse; + uint64_t iCallId; + Value* pCallData; + std::string sCallErr; + + call_rsp(Value* val) : pCallData(val) + { + bHaveResponse = false; + iCallId = 0; + sCallErr.clear(); + } +}; + +typedef GenericDocument, MemoryPoolAllocator<>, MemoryPoolAllocator<>> MemDocument; + +/* + * + * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! + * ASSUMPTION - only one calling thread. Multiple calling threads would require better + * thread safety. The calling thread is assumed to be the executor thread. + * If there is a reason to call the pool outside of the executor context, consider + * doing it via an executor event. + * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! + * + * Call values and allocators are for the calling thread (executor). When processing + * a call, the recv thread will make a copy of the call response and then erase its copy. + */ + +struct jpsock::opaque_private +{ + addrinfo *pSockAddr; + addrinfo *pAddrRoot; + SOCKET hSocket; + + Value oCallValue; + + MemoryPoolAllocator<> callAllocator; + MemoryPoolAllocator<> recvAllocator; + MemoryPoolAllocator<> parseAllocator; + MemDocument jsonDoc; + call_rsp oCallRsp; + + opaque_private(uint8_t* bCallMem, uint8_t* bRecvMem, uint8_t* bParseMem) : + callAllocator(bCallMem, jpsock::iJsonMemSize), + recvAllocator(bRecvMem, jpsock::iJsonMemSize), + parseAllocator(bParseMem, jpsock::iJsonMemSize), + jsonDoc(&recvAllocator, jpsock::iJsonMemSize, &parseAllocator), + oCallRsp(nullptr) + { + hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; + pSockAddr = nullptr; + } +}; + +struct jpsock::opq_json_val +{ + const Value* val; + opq_json_val(const Value* val) : val(val) {} +}; + +jpsock::jpsock(size_t id) : pool_id(id) +{ + sock_init(); + + bJsonCallMem = (uint8_t*)malloc(iJsonMemSize); + bJsonRecvMem = (uint8_t*)malloc(iJsonMemSize); + bJsonParseMem = (uint8_t*)malloc(iJsonMemSize); + + prv = new opaque_private(bJsonCallMem, bJsonRecvMem, bJsonParseMem); + + oRecvThd = nullptr; + bRunning = false; + bLoggedIn = false; + iJobDiff = 0; + + memset(&oCurrentJob, 0, sizeof(oCurrentJob)); +} + +jpsock::~jpsock() +{ + delete prv; + prv = nullptr; + + free(bJsonCallMem); + free(bJsonRecvMem); + free(bJsonParseMem); +} + +std::string&& jpsock::get_call_error() +{ + return std::move(prv->oCallRsp.sCallErr); +} + +inline bool jpsock::set_socket_error(const char* a) +{ + if(!bHaveSocketError) + { + bHaveSocketError = true; + sSocketError.assign(a); + } + + return false; +} + +inline bool jpsock::set_socket_error(const char* a, const char* b) +{ + if(!bHaveSocketError) + { + bHaveSocketError = true; + size_t ln_a = strlen(a); + size_t ln_b = strlen(b); + + sSocketError.reserve(ln_a + ln_b + 2); + sSocketError.assign(a, ln_a); + sSocketError.append(b, ln_b); + } + + return false; +} + +bool jpsock::set_socket_error_strerr(const char* a) +{ + char sSockErrText[512]; + return set_socket_error(a, sock_strerror(sSockErrText, sizeof(sSockErrText))); +} + +bool jpsock::set_socket_error_strerr(const char* a, int res) +{ + char sSockErrText[512]; + return set_socket_error(a, sock_gai_strerror(res, sSockErrText, sizeof(sSockErrText))); +} + +void jpsock::jpsock_thread() +{ + jpsock_thd_main(); + executor::inst()->push_event(ex_event(std::move(sSocketError), pool_id)); + + // If a call is wating, send an error to end it + bool bCallWaiting = false; + std::unique_lock mlock(call_mutex); + if(prv->oCallRsp.pCallData != nullptr) + { + prv->oCallRsp.bHaveResponse = true; + prv->oCallRsp.iCallId = 0; + prv->oCallRsp.pCallData = nullptr; + bCallWaiting = true; + } + mlock.unlock(); + + if(bCallWaiting) + call_cond.notify_one(); + + bRunning = false; + bLoggedIn = false; + + std::unique_lock(job_mutex); + memset(&oCurrentJob, 0, sizeof(oCurrentJob)); +} + +bool jpsock::jpsock_thd_main() +{ + int ret = ::connect(prv->hSocket, prv->pSockAddr->ai_addr, (int)prv->pSockAddr->ai_addrlen); + freeaddrinfo(prv->pAddrRoot); + prv->pAddrRoot = nullptr; + + if (ret != 0) + return set_socket_error_strerr("CONNECT error: "); + + executor::inst()->push_event(ex_event(EV_SOCK_READY, pool_id)); + + char buf[iSockBufferSize]; + size_t datalen = 0; + while (true) + { + ret = recv(prv->hSocket, buf + datalen, sizeof(buf) - datalen, 0); + + if(ret == 0) + return set_socket_error("RECEIVE error: socket closed"); + if(ret == SOCKET_ERROR || ret < 0) + return set_socket_error("RECEIVE error: "); + + datalen += ret; + + if (datalen >= sizeof(buf)) + { + sock_close(prv->hSocket); + return set_socket_error("RECEIVE error: data overflow"); + } + + char* lnend; + char* lnstart = buf; + while ((lnend = (char*)memchr(lnstart, '\n', datalen)) != nullptr) + { + lnend++; + int lnlen = lnend - lnstart; + + if (!process_line(lnstart, lnlen)) + { + sock_close(prv->hSocket); + return false; + } + + datalen -= lnlen; + lnstart = lnend; + } + + //Got leftover data? Move it to the front + if (datalen > 0 && buf != lnstart) + memmove(buf, lnstart, datalen); + } +} + +bool jpsock::process_line(char* line, size_t len) +{ + prv->jsonDoc.SetNull(); + prv->parseAllocator.Clear(); + prv->callAllocator.Clear(); + + /*NULL terminate the line instead of '\n', parsing will add some more NULLs*/ + line[len-1] = '\0'; + + //printf("RECV: %s\n", line); + + if (prv->jsonDoc.ParseInsitu(line).HasParseError()) + return set_socket_error("PARSE error: Invalid JSON"); + + if (!prv->jsonDoc.IsObject()) + return set_socket_error("PARSE error: Invalid root"); + + const Value* mt; + if (prv->jsonDoc.HasMember("method")) + { + mt = GetObjectMember(prv->jsonDoc, "method"); + + if(!mt->IsString()) + return set_socket_error("PARSE error: Protocol error 1"); + + if(strcmp(mt->GetString(), "job") != 0) + return set_socket_error("PARSE error: Unsupported server method ", mt->GetString()); + + mt = GetObjectMember(prv->jsonDoc, "params"); + if(mt == nullptr || !mt->IsObject()) + return set_socket_error("PARSE error: Protocol error 2"); + + opq_json_val v(mt); + return process_pool_job(&v); + } + else + { + uint64_t iCallId; + mt = GetObjectMember(prv->jsonDoc, "id"); + if (mt == nullptr || !mt->IsUint64()) + return set_socket_error("PARSE error: Protocol error 3"); + + iCallId = mt->GetUint64(); + + mt = GetObjectMember(prv->jsonDoc, "error"); + + const char* sError = nullptr; + size_t iErrorLn = 0; + if (mt == nullptr || mt->IsNull()) + { + /* If there was no error we need a result */ + if ((mt = GetObjectMember(prv->jsonDoc, "result")) == nullptr) + return set_socket_error("PARSE error: Protocol error 7"); + } + else + { + if(!mt->IsObject()) + return set_socket_error("PARSE error: Protocol error 5"); + + const Value* msg = GetObjectMember(*mt, "message"); + + if(msg == nullptr || !msg->IsString()) + return set_socket_error("PARSE error: Protocol error 6"); + + iErrorLn = msg->GetStringLength(); + sError = msg->GetString(); + } + + std::unique_lock mlock(call_mutex); + if (prv->oCallRsp.pCallData == nullptr) + { + /*Server sent us a call reply without us making a call*/ + mlock.unlock(); + return set_socket_error("PARSE error: Unexpected call response"); + } + + prv->oCallRsp.bHaveResponse = true; + prv->oCallRsp.iCallId = iCallId; + + if(sError != nullptr) + { + prv->oCallRsp.pCallData = nullptr; + prv->oCallRsp.sCallErr.assign(sError, iErrorLn); + } + else + prv->oCallRsp.pCallData->CopyFrom(*mt, prv->callAllocator); + + mlock.unlock(); + call_cond.notify_one(); + + return true; + } +} + +bool jpsock::process_pool_job(const opq_json_val* params) +{ + if (!params->val->IsObject()) + return set_socket_error("PARSE error: Job error 1"); + + const Value * blob, *jobid, *target; + jobid = GetObjectMember(*params->val, "job_id"); + blob = GetObjectMember(*params->val, "blob"); + target = GetObjectMember(*params->val, "target"); + + if (jobid == nullptr || blob == nullptr || target == nullptr || + !jobid->IsString() || !blob->IsString() || !target->IsString()) + { + return set_socket_error("PARSE error: Job error 2"); + } + + if (jobid->GetStringLength() >= sizeof(pool_job::sJobID)) // Note >= + return set_socket_error("PARSE error: Job error 3"); + + uint32_t iWorkLn = blob->GetStringLength() / 2; + if (iWorkLn > sizeof(pool_job::bWorkBlob)) + return set_socket_error("PARSE error: Invalid job legth. Are you sure you are mining the correct coin?"); + + pool_job oPoolJob; + if (!hex2bin(blob->GetString(), iWorkLn * 2, oPoolJob.bWorkBlob)) + return set_socket_error("PARSE error: Job error 4"); + + oPoolJob.iWorkLen = iWorkLn; + memset(oPoolJob.sJobID, 0, sizeof(pool_job::sJobID)); + memcpy(oPoolJob.sJobID, jobid->GetString(), jobid->GetStringLength()); //Bounds checking at proto error 3 + + size_t target_slen = target->GetStringLength(); + if(target_slen <= 8) + { + uint32_t iTempInt; + char sTempStr[] = "00000000"; // Little-endian CPU FTW + memcpy(sTempStr, target->GetString(), target_slen); + hex2bin(sTempStr, 8, (unsigned char*)&iTempInt); + oPoolJob.iTarget = iTempInt; + } + else + return set_socket_error("PARSE error: Job error 5"); + + iJobDiff = t32_to_diff(oPoolJob.iTarget); + + executor::inst()->push_event(ex_event(oPoolJob, pool_id)); + + std::unique_lock(job_mutex); + oCurrentJob = oPoolJob; + return true; +} + +bool jpsock::connect(const char* sAddr, std::string& sConnectError) +{ + if(prv_connect(sAddr)) + return true; + + sConnectError = std::move(sSocketError); + return false; +} + +bool jpsock::prv_connect(const char* sAddr) +{ + char sAddrMb[256]; + char *sTmp, *sPort; + + bHaveSocketError = false; + sSocketError.clear(); + iJobDiff = 0; + + size_t ln = strlen(sAddr); + if (ln >= sizeof(sAddrMb)) + return set_socket_error("CONNECT error: Pool address overflow."); + + memcpy(sAddrMb, sAddr, ln); + sAddrMb[ln] = '\0'; + + if ((sTmp = strstr(sAddrMb, "//")) != nullptr) + memmove(sAddrMb, sTmp, strlen(sTmp) + 1); + + if ((sPort = strchr(sAddrMb, ':')) == nullptr) + return set_socket_error("CONNECT error: Pool port number not specified, please use format :."); + + sPort[0] = '\0'; + sPort++; + + addrinfo hints = { 0 }; + hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; + hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; + hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; + + prv->pAddrRoot = nullptr; + int err; + if ((err = getaddrinfo(sAddrMb, sPort, &hints, &prv->pAddrRoot)) != 0) + return set_socket_error_strerr("CONNECT error: GetAddrInfo: ", err); + + addrinfo *ptr = prv->pAddrRoot; + addrinfo *ipv4 = nullptr, *ipv6 = nullptr; + + while (ptr != nullptr) + { + if (ptr->ai_family == AF_INET) + ipv4 = ptr; + if (ptr->ai_family == AF_INET6) + ipv6 = ptr; + ptr = ptr->ai_next; + } + + if (ipv4 == nullptr && ipv6 == nullptr) + { + freeaddrinfo(prv->pAddrRoot); + prv->pAddrRoot = nullptr; + return set_socket_error("CONNECT error: I found some DNS records but no IPv4 or IPv6 addresses."); + } + else if (ipv4 != nullptr && ipv6 == nullptr) + prv->pSockAddr = ipv4; + else if (ipv4 == nullptr && ipv6 != nullptr) + prv->pSockAddr = ipv6; + else if (ipv4 != nullptr && ipv6 != nullptr) + { + if(jconf::inst()->PreferIpv4()) + prv->pSockAddr = ipv4; + else + prv->pSockAddr = ipv6; + } + + prv->hSocket = socket(prv->pSockAddr->ai_family, prv->pSockAddr->ai_socktype, prv->pSockAddr->ai_protocol); + + if (prv->hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) + { + freeaddrinfo(prv->pAddrRoot); + prv->pAddrRoot = nullptr; + return set_socket_error_strerr("CONNECT error: Socket creation failed "); + } + + bRunning = true; + oRecvThd = new std::thread(&jpsock::jpsock_thread, this); + + return true; +} + +void jpsock::disconnect() +{ + if(prv->hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) + { + sock_close(prv->hSocket); + prv->hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; + } + + if(oRecvThd != nullptr) + { + oRecvThd->join(); + delete oRecvThd; + oRecvThd = nullptr; + } +} + +bool jpsock::cmd_ret_wait(const char* sPacket, opq_json_val& poResult) +{ + //printf("SEND: %s\n", sPacket); + + /*Set up the call rsp for the call reply*/ + prv->oCallValue.SetNull(); + prv->callAllocator.Clear(); + + std::unique_lock mlock(call_mutex); + prv->oCallRsp = call_rsp(&prv->oCallValue); + mlock.unlock(); + + int pos = 0, slen = strlen(sPacket); + while (pos != slen) + { + int ret = send(prv->hSocket, sPacket + pos, slen - pos, 0); + if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) + { + set_socket_error_strerr("SEND error: "); + disconnect(); //This will join the other thread; + return false; + } + else + pos += ret; + } + + //Success is true if the server approves, result is true if there was no socket error + bool bSuccess; + mlock.lock(); + bool bResult = call_cond.wait_for(mlock, std::chrono::seconds(jconf::inst()->GetCallTimeout()), + [&]() { return prv->oCallRsp.bHaveResponse; }); + + bSuccess = prv->oCallRsp.pCallData != nullptr; + prv->oCallRsp.pCallData = nullptr; + mlock.unlock(); + + if(bHaveSocketError) + return false; + + //This means that there was no socket error, but the server is not taking to us + if(!bResult) + { + set_socket_error("CALL error: Timeout while waiting for a reply"); + disconnect(); + return false; + } + + if(bSuccess) + poResult.val = &prv->oCallValue; + + return bSuccess; +} + +bool jpsock::cmd_login(const char* sLogin, const char* sPassword) +{ + char cmd_buffer[1024]; + + snprintf(cmd_buffer, sizeof(cmd_buffer), "{\"method\":\"login\",\"params\":{\"login\":\"%s\",\"pass\":\"%s\",\"agent\":\"" AGENTID_STR "\"},\"id\":1}\n", + sLogin, sPassword); + + opq_json_val oResult(nullptr); + + /*Normal error conditions (failed login etc..) will end here*/ + if (!cmd_ret_wait(cmd_buffer, oResult)) + return false; + + if (!oResult.val->IsObject()) + { + set_socket_error("PARSE error: Login protocol error 1"); + disconnect(); + return false; + } + + const Value* id = GetObjectMember(*oResult.val, "id"); + const Value* job = GetObjectMember(*oResult.val, "job"); + + if (id == nullptr || job == nullptr || !id->IsString()) + { + set_socket_error("PARSE error: Login protocol error 2"); + disconnect(); + return false; + } + + if (id->GetStringLength() >= sizeof(sMinerId)) + { + set_socket_error("PARSE error: Login protocol error 3"); + disconnect(); + return false; + } + + memset(sMinerId, 0, sizeof(sMinerId)); + memcpy(sMinerId, id->GetString(), id->GetStringLength()); + + opq_json_val v(job); + if(!process_pool_job(&v)) + { + disconnect(); + return false; + } + + bLoggedIn = true; + + return true; +} + +bool jpsock::cmd_submit(const char* sJobId, uint32_t iNonce, const uint8_t* bResult) +{ + char cmd_buffer[1024]; + char sNonce[9]; + char sResult[65]; + + bin2hex((unsigned char*)&iNonce, 4, sNonce); + sNonce[8] = '\0'; + + bin2hex(bResult, 32, sResult); + sResult[64] = '\0'; + + snprintf(cmd_buffer, sizeof(cmd_buffer), "{\"method\":\"submit\",\"params\":{\"id\":\"%s\",\"job_id\":\"%s\",\"nonce\":\"%s\",\"result\":\"%s\"},\"id\":1}\n", + sMinerId, sJobId, sNonce, sResult); + + opq_json_val oResult(nullptr); + return cmd_ret_wait(cmd_buffer, oResult); +} + +bool jpsock::get_current_job(pool_job& job) +{ + std::unique_lock(job_mutex); + + if(oCurrentJob.iWorkLen == 0) + return false; + + oCurrentJob.iResumeCnt++; + job = oCurrentJob; + return true; +} + +inline unsigned char hf_hex2bin(char c, bool &err) +{ + if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') + return c - '0'; + else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') + return c - 'a' + 0xA; + else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') + return c - 'A' + 0xA; + + err = true; + return 0; +} + +bool jpsock::hex2bin(const char* in, unsigned int len, unsigned char* out) +{ + bool error = false; + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i += 2) + { + out[i / 2] = (hf_hex2bin(in[i], error) << 4) | hf_hex2bin(in[i + 1], error); + if (error) return false; + } + return true; +} + +inline char hf_bin2hex(unsigned char c) +{ + if (c <= 0x9) + return '0' + c; + else + return 'a' - 0xA + c; +} + +void jpsock::bin2hex(const unsigned char* in, unsigned int len, char* out) +{ + for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) + { + out[i * 2] = hf_bin2hex((in[i] & 0xF0) >> 4); + out[i * 2 + 1] = hf_bin2hex(in[i] & 0x0F); + } +} diff --git a/jpsock.h b/jpsock.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad1545e --- /dev/null +++ b/jpsock.h @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +#pragma once +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "msgstruct.h" + +/* Our pool can have two kinds of errors: + - Parsing or connection error + Those are fatal errors (we drop the connection if we encounter them). + After they are constructed from const char* strings from various places. + (can be from read-only mem), we passs them in an exectutor message + once the recv thread expires. + - Call error + This error happens when the "server says no". Usually because the job was + outdated, or we somehow got the hash wrong. It isn't fatal. + We parse it in-situ in the network buffer, after that we copy it to a + std::string. Executor will move the buffer via an r-value ref. +*/ + +class jpsock +{ +public: + jpsock(size_t id); + ~jpsock(); + + bool connect(const char* sAddr, std::string& sConnectError); + void disconnect(); + + bool cmd_login(const char* sLogin, const char* sPassword); + bool cmd_submit(const char* sJobId, uint32_t iNonce, const uint8_t* bResult); + + static bool hex2bin(const char* in, unsigned int len, unsigned char* out); + static void bin2hex(const unsigned char* in, unsigned int len, char* out); + + inline bool is_running() { return bRunning; } + inline bool is_logged_in() { return bLoggedIn; } + + std::string&& get_call_error(); + bool have_sock_error() { return bHaveSocketError; } + + inline static uint64_t t32_to_t64(uint32_t t) { return 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL / (0xFFFFFFFFULL / ((uint64_t)t)); } + inline static uint64_t t64_to_diff(uint64_t t) { return 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL / t; } + inline static uint64_t t32_to_diff(uint32_t t) { return 0xFFFFFFFF / t; } + inline static uint64_t diff_to_t64(uint64_t d) { return 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL / d; } + + inline uint64_t get_current_diff() { return iJobDiff; } + + bool get_current_job(pool_job& job); + + size_t pool_id; +private: + std::atomic bRunning; + std::atomic bLoggedIn; + + uint8_t* bJsonRecvMem; + uint8_t* bJsonParseMem; + uint8_t* bJsonCallMem; + + static constexpr size_t iJsonMemSize = 4096; + static constexpr size_t iSockBufferSize = 4096; + + struct call_rsp; + struct opaque_private; + struct opq_json_val; + + void jpsock_thread(); + bool jpsock_thd_main(); + bool process_line(char* line, size_t len); + bool process_pool_job(const opq_json_val* params); + bool cmd_ret_wait(const char* sPacket, opq_json_val& poResult); + + char sMinerId[64]; + std::atomic iJobDiff; + + std::string sSocketError; + std::atomic bHaveSocketError; + + bool set_socket_error(const char* a); + bool set_socket_error(const char* a, const char* b); + bool set_socket_error_strerr(const char* a); + bool set_socket_error_strerr(const char* a, int res); + + bool prv_connect(const char* sAddr); + + std::mutex call_mutex; + std::condition_variable call_cond; + std::thread* oRecvThd; + + std::mutex job_mutex; + pool_job oCurrentJob; + + opaque_private* prv; +}; + diff --git a/libmicrohttpd/microhttpd.h b/libmicrohttpd/microhttpd.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff29228 --- /dev/null +++ b/libmicrohttpd/microhttpd.h @@ -0,0 +1,2875 @@ +/* + This file is part of libmicrohttpd + Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Christian Grothoff (and other contributing authors) + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Lesser General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA +*/ + +/** + * @file microhttpd.h + * @brief public interface to libmicrohttpd + * @author Christian Grothoff + * @author Karlson2k (Evgeny Grin) + * @author Chris GauthierDickey + * + * All symbols defined in this header start with MHD. MHD is a small + * HTTP daemon library. As such, it does not have any API for logging + * errors (you can only enable or disable logging to stderr). Also, + * it may not support all of the HTTP features directly, where + * applicable, portions of HTTP may have to be handled by clients of + * the library. + * + * The library is supposed to handle everything that it must handle + * (because the API would not allow clients to do this), such as basic + * connection management; however, detailed interpretations of headers + * -- such as range requests -- and HTTP methods are left to clients. + * The library does understand HEAD and will only send the headers of + * the response and not the body, even if the client supplied a body. + * The library also understands headers that control connection + * management (specifically, "Connection: close" and "Expect: 100 + * continue" are understood and handled automatically). + * + * MHD understands POST data and is able to decode certain formats + * (at the moment only "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" and + * "mulitpart/formdata"). Unsupported encodings and large POST + * submissions may require the application to manually process + * the stream, which is provided to the main application (and thus can be + * processed, just not conveniently by MHD). + * + * The header file defines various constants used by the HTTP protocol. + * This does not mean that MHD actually interprets all of these + * values. The provided constants are exported as a convenience + * for users of the library. MHD does not verify that transmitted + * HTTP headers are part of the standard specification; users of the + * library are free to define their own extensions of the HTTP + * standard and use those with MHD. + * + * All functions are guaranteed to be completely reentrant and + * thread-safe (with the exception of #MHD_set_connection_value, + * which must only be used in a particular context). + * + * + * @defgroup event event-loop control + * MHD API to start and stop the HTTP server and manage the event loop. + * @defgroup response generation of responses + * MHD API used to generate responses. + * @defgroup request handling of requests + * MHD API used to access information about requests. + * @defgroup authentication HTTP authentication + * MHD API related to basic and digest HTTP authentication. + * @defgroup logging logging + * MHD API to mange logging and error handling + * @defgroup specialized misc. specialized functions + * This group includes functions that do not fit into any particular + * category and that are rarely used. + */ + +#ifndef MHD_MICROHTTPD_H +#define MHD_MICROHTTPD_H + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" +{ +#if 0 /* keep Emacsens' auto-indent happy */ +} +#endif +#endif + +/* While we generally would like users to use a configure-driven + build process which detects which headers are present and + hence works on any platform, we use "standard" includes here + to build out-of-the-box for beginning users on common systems. + + If generic headers don't work on your platform, include headers + which define 'va_list', 'size_t', 'ssize_t', 'intptr_t', + 'uint16_t', 'uint32_t', 'uint64_t', 'off_t', 'struct sockaddr', + 'socklen_t', 'fd_set' and "#define MHD_PLATFORM_H" before + including "microhttpd.h". Then the following "standard" + includes won't be used (which might be a good idea, especially + on platforms where they do not exist). + */ +#ifndef MHD_PLATFORM_H +#include +#include +#include +#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) +#include +#if defined(_MSC_FULL_VER) && !defined (_SSIZE_T_DEFINED) +#define _SSIZE_T_DEFINED +typedef intptr_t ssize_t; +#endif /* !_SSIZE_T_DEFINED */ +#else +#include +#include +#include +#endif +#endif + +#if defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(_SYS_TYPES_FD_SET) +/* Do not define __USE_W32_SOCKETS under Cygwin! */ +#error Cygwin with winsock fd_set is not supported +#endif + +/** + * Current version of the library. + * 0x01093001 = 1.9.30-1. + */ +#define MHD_VERSION 0x00095100 + +/** + * MHD-internal return code for "YES". + */ +#define MHD_YES 1 + +/** + * MHD-internal return code for "NO". + */ +#define MHD_NO 0 + +/** + * MHD digest auth internal code for an invalid nonce. + */ +#define MHD_INVALID_NONCE -1 + +/** + * Constant used to indicate unknown size (use when + * creating a response). + */ +#ifdef UINT64_MAX +#define MHD_SIZE_UNKNOWN UINT64_MAX +#else +#define MHD_SIZE_UNKNOWN ((uint64_t) -1LL) +#endif + +#ifdef SIZE_MAX +#define MHD_CONTENT_READER_END_OF_STREAM SIZE_MAX +#define MHD_CONTENT_READER_END_WITH_ERROR (SIZE_MAX - 1) +#else +#define MHD_CONTENT_READER_END_OF_STREAM ((size_t) -1LL) +#define MHD_CONTENT_READER_END_WITH_ERROR (((size_t) -1LL) - 1) +#endif + +#ifndef _MHD_EXTERN +#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(MHD_W32LIB) +#define _MHD_EXTERN extern +#elif defined (_WIN32) && defined(MHD_W32DLL) +/* Define MHD_W32DLL when using MHD as W32 .DLL to speed up linker a little */ +#define _MHD_EXTERN __declspec(dllimport) +#else +#define _MHD_EXTERN extern +#endif +#endif + +#ifndef MHD_SOCKET_DEFINED +/** + * MHD_socket is type for socket FDs + */ +#if !defined(_WIN32) || defined(_SYS_TYPES_FD_SET) +#define MHD_POSIX_SOCKETS 1 +typedef int MHD_socket; +#define MHD_INVALID_SOCKET (-1) +#else /* !defined(_WIN32) || defined(_SYS_TYPES_FD_SET) */ +#define MHD_WINSOCK_SOCKETS 1 +#include +typedef SOCKET MHD_socket; +#define MHD_INVALID_SOCKET (INVALID_SOCKET) +#endif /* !defined(_WIN32) || defined(_SYS_TYPES_FD_SET) */ +#define MHD_SOCKET_DEFINED 1 +#endif /* MHD_SOCKET_DEFINED */ + +/** + * Define MHD_NO_DEPRECATION before including "microhttpd.h" to disable deprecation messages + */ +#ifdef MHD_NO_DEPRECATION +#define _MHD_DEPR_MACRO(msg) +#define _MHD_NO_DEPR_IN_MACRO 1 +#define _MHD_DEPR_IN_MACRO(msg) +#define _MHD_NO_DEPR_FUNC 1 +#define _MHD_DEPR_FUNC(msg) +#endif /* MHD_NO_DEPRECATION */ + +#ifndef _MHD_DEPR_MACRO +#if defined(_MSC_FULL_VER) && _MSC_VER+0 >= 1500 +/* VS 2008 or later */ +/* Stringify macros */ +#define _MHD_INSTRMACRO(a) #a +#define _MHD_STRMACRO(a) _MHD_INSTRMACRO(a) +/* deprecation message */ +#define _MHD_DEPR_MACRO(msg) __pragma(message(__FILE__ "(" _MHD_STRMACRO(__LINE__)"): warning: " msg)) +#define _MHD_DEPR_IN_MACRO(msg) _MHD_DEPR_MACRO(msg) +#elif defined(__clang__) || defined (__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__) +/* clang or GCC since 3.0 */ +#define _MHD_GCC_PRAG(x) _Pragma (#x) +#if __clang_major__+0 >= 5 || \ + (!defined(__apple_build_version__) && (__clang_major__+0 > 3 || (__clang_major__+0 == 3 && __clang_minor__ >= 3))) || \ + __GNUC__+0 > 4 || (__GNUC__+0 == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__+0 >= 8) +/* clang >= 3.3 (or XCode's clang >= 5.0) or + GCC >= 4.8 */ +#define _MHD_DEPR_MACRO(msg) _MHD_GCC_PRAG(GCC warning msg) +#define _MHD_DEPR_IN_MACRO(msg) _MHD_DEPR_MACRO(msg) +#else /* older clang or GCC */ +/* clang < 3.3, XCode's clang < 5.0, 3.0 <= GCC < 4.8 */ +#define _MHD_DEPR_MACRO(msg) _MHD_GCC_PRAG(message msg) +#if (__clang_major__+0 > 2 || (__clang_major__+0 == 2 && __clang_minor__ >= 9)) /* FIXME: clang >= 2.9, earlier versions not tested */ +/* clang handles inline pragmas better than GCC */ +#define _MHD_DEPR_IN_MACRO(msg) _MHD_DEPR_MACRO(msg) +#endif /* clang >= 2.9 */ +#endif /* older clang or GCC */ +/* #elif defined(SOMEMACRO) */ /* add compiler-specific macros here if required */ +#endif /* clang || GCC >= 3.0 */ +#endif /* !_MHD_DEPR_MACRO */ + +#ifndef _MHD_DEPR_MACRO +#define _MHD_DEPR_MACRO(msg) +#endif /* !_MHD_DEPR_MACRO */ + +#ifndef _MHD_DEPR_IN_MACRO +#define _MHD_NO_DEPR_IN_MACRO 1 +#define _MHD_DEPR_IN_MACRO(msg) +#endif /* !_MHD_DEPR_IN_MACRO */ + +#ifndef _MHD_DEPR_FUNC +#if defined(_MSC_FULL_VER) && _MSC_VER+0 >= 1400 +/* VS 2005 or later */ +#define _MHD_DEPR_FUNC(msg) __declspec(deprecated(msg)) +#elif defined(_MSC_FULL_VER) && _MSC_VER+0 >= 1310 +/* VS .NET 2003 deprecation do not support custom messages */ +#define _MHD_DEPR_FUNC(msg) __declspec(deprecated) +#elif (__GNUC__+0 >= 5) || (defined (__clang__) && \ + (__clang_major__+0 > 2 || (__clang_major__+0 == 2 && __clang_minor__ >= 9))) /* FIXME: earlier versions not tested */ +/* GCC >= 5.0 or clang >= 2.9 */ +#define _MHD_DEPR_FUNC(msg) __attribute__((deprecated(msg))) +#elif defined (__clang__) || __GNUC__+0 > 3 || (__GNUC__+0 == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__+0 >= 1) +/* 3.1 <= GCC < 5.0 or clang < 2.9 */ +/* old GCC-style deprecation do not support custom messages */ +#define _MHD_DEPR_FUNC(msg) __attribute__((__deprecated__)) +/* #elif defined(SOMEMACRO) */ /* add compiler-specific macros here if required */ +#endif /* clang < 2.9 || GCC >= 3.1 */ +#endif /* !_MHD_DEPR_FUNC */ + +#ifndef _MHD_DEPR_FUNC +#define _MHD_NO_DEPR_FUNC 1 +#define _MHD_DEPR_FUNC(msg) +#endif /* !_MHD_DEPR_FUNC */ + +/** + * Not all architectures and `printf()`'s support the `long long` type. + * This gives the ability to replace `long long` with just a `long`, + * standard `int` or a `short`. + */ +#ifndef MHD_LONG_LONG +/** + * @deprecated use #MHD_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG instead! + */ +#define MHD_LONG_LONG long long +#define MHD_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG unsigned long long +#else /* MHD_LONG_LONG */ +_MHD_DEPR_MACRO("Macro MHD_LONG_LONG is deprecated, use MHD_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG") +#endif +/** + * Format string for printing a variable of type #MHD_LONG_LONG. + * You should only redefine this if you also define #MHD_LONG_LONG. + */ +#ifndef MHD_LONG_LONG_PRINTF +/** + * @deprecated use #MHD_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG_PRINTF instead! + */ +#define MHD_LONG_LONG_PRINTF "ll" +#define MHD_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG_PRINTF "%llu" +#else /* MHD_LONG_LONG_PRINTF */ +_MHD_DEPR_MACRO("Macro MHD_LONG_LONG_PRINTF is deprecated, use MHD_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG_PRINTF") +#endif + + +/** + * @defgroup httpcode HTTP response codes. + * These are the status codes defined for HTTP responses. + * @{ + */ +#define MHD_HTTP_CONTINUE 100 +#define MHD_HTTP_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS 101 +#define MHD_HTTP_PROCESSING 102 + +#define MHD_HTTP_OK 200 +#define MHD_HTTP_CREATED 201 +#define MHD_HTTP_ACCEPTED 202 +#define MHD_HTTP_NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION 203 +#define MHD_HTTP_NO_CONTENT 204 +#define MHD_HTTP_RESET_CONTENT 205 +#define MHD_HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT 206 +#define MHD_HTTP_MULTI_STATUS 207 + +#define MHD_HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES 300 +#define MHD_HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY 301 +#define MHD_HTTP_FOUND 302 +#define MHD_HTTP_SEE_OTHER 303 +#define MHD_HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED 304 +#define MHD_HTTP_USE_PROXY 305 +#define MHD_HTTP_SWITCH_PROXY 306 +#define MHD_HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT 307 +#define MHD_HTTP_PERMANENT_REDIRECT 308 + +#define MHD_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST 400 +#define MHD_HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED 401 +#define MHD_HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED 402 +#define MHD_HTTP_FORBIDDEN 403 +#define MHD_HTTP_NOT_FOUND 404 +#define MHD_HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED 405 +#define MHD_HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE 406 +/** @deprecated */ +#define MHD_HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ACCEPTABLE \ + _MHD_DEPR_IN_MACRO("Value MHD_HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ACCEPTABLE is deprecated, use MHD_HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE") 406 +#define MHD_HTTP_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED 407 +#define MHD_HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT 408 +#define MHD_HTTP_CONFLICT 409 +#define MHD_HTTP_GONE 410 +#define MHD_HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED 411 +#define MHD_HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED 412 +#define MHD_HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE 413 +#define MHD_HTTP_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG 414 +#define MHD_HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE 415 +#define MHD_HTTP_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE 416 +#define MHD_HTTP_EXPECTATION_FAILED 417 +#define MHD_HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY 422 +#define MHD_HTTP_LOCKED 423 +#define MHD_HTTP_FAILED_DEPENDENCY 424 +#define MHD_HTTP_UNORDERED_COLLECTION 425 +#define MHD_HTTP_UPGRADE_REQUIRED 426 +#define MHD_HTTP_NO_RESPONSE 444 +#define MHD_HTTP_RETRY_WITH 449 +#define MHD_HTTP_BLOCKED_BY_WINDOWS_PARENTAL_CONTROLS 450 +#define MHD_HTTP_UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS 451 + +#define MHD_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR 500 +#define MHD_HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 501 +#define MHD_HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY 502 +#define MHD_HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE 503 +#define MHD_HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT 504 +#define MHD_HTTP_HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED 505 +#define MHD_HTTP_VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES 506 +#define MHD_HTTP_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE 507 +#define MHD_HTTP_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 509 +#define MHD_HTTP_NOT_EXTENDED 510 + +/** @} */ /* end of group httpcode */ + +/** + * Returns the string reason phrase for a response code. + * + * If we don't have a string for a status code, we give the first + * message in that status code class. + */ +_MHD_EXTERN const char * +MHD_get_reason_phrase_for (unsigned int code); + + +/** + * Flag to be or-ed with MHD_HTTP status code for + * SHOUTcast. This will cause the response to begin + * with the SHOUTcast "ICY" line instad of "HTTP". + * @ingroup specialized + */ +#define MHD_ICY_FLAG ((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)1) << 31)) + +/** + * @defgroup headers HTTP headers + * These are the standard headers found in HTTP requests and responses. + * @{ + */ +/* See also: */ +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT "Accept" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_CHARSET "Accept-Charset" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODING "Accept-Encoding" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE "Accept-Language" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_RANGES "Accept-Ranges" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_AGE "Age" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_ALLOW "Allow" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_AUTHORIZATION "Authorization" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CACHE_CONTROL "Cache-Control" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONNECTION "Connection" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING "Content-Encoding" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LANGUAGE "Content-Language" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH "Content-Length" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LOCATION "Content-Location" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_MD5 "Content-MD5" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_RANGE "Content-Range" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE "Content-Type" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_COOKIE "Cookie" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_DATE "Date" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_ETAG "ETag" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_EXPECT "Expect" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_EXPIRES "Expires" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_FROM "From" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_HOST "Host" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_IF_MATCH "If-Match" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE "If-Modified-Since" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH "If-None-Match" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_IF_RANGE "If-Range" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE "If-Unmodified-Since" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED "Last-Modified" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_LOCATION "Location" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_MAX_FORWARDS "Max-Forwards" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_PRAGMA "Pragma" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE "Proxy-Authenticate" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION "Proxy-Authorization" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_RANGE "Range" +/* This is not a typo, see HTTP spec */ +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_REFERER "Referer" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_RETRY_AFTER "Retry-After" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_SERVER "Server" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_SET_COOKIE "Set-Cookie" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_SET_COOKIE2 "Set-Cookie2" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_TE "TE" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_TRAILER "Trailer" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING "Transfer-Encoding" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_UPGRADE "Upgrade" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_USER_AGENT "User-Agent" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_VARY "Vary" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_VIA "Via" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_WARNING "Warning" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_WWW_AUTHENTICATE "WWW-Authenticate" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" +#define MHD_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_DISPOSITION "Content-Disposition" + +/** @} */ /* end of group headers */ + +/** + * @defgroup versions HTTP versions + * These strings should be used to match against the first line of the + * HTTP header. + * @{ + */ +#define MHD_HTTP_VERSION_1_0 "HTTP/1.0" +#define MHD_HTTP_VERSION_1_1 "HTTP/1.1" + +/** @} */ /* end of group versions */ + +/** + * @defgroup methods HTTP methods + * Standard HTTP methods (as strings). + * @{ + */ +#define MHD_HTTP_METHOD_CONNECT "CONNECT" +#define MHD_HTTP_METHOD_DELETE "DELETE" +#define MHD_HTTP_METHOD_GET "GET" +#define MHD_HTTP_METHOD_HEAD "HEAD" +#define MHD_HTTP_METHOD_OPTIONS "OPTIONS" +#define MHD_HTTP_METHOD_POST "POST" +#define MHD_HTTP_METHOD_PUT "PUT" +#define MHD_HTTP_METHOD_PATCH "PATCH" +#define MHD_HTTP_METHOD_TRACE "TRACE" + +/** @} */ /* end of group methods */ + +/** + * @defgroup postenc HTTP POST encodings + * See also: + * @{ + */ +#define MHD_HTTP_POST_ENCODING_FORM_URLENCODED "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" +#define MHD_HTTP_POST_ENCODING_MULTIPART_FORMDATA "multipart/form-data" + +/** @} */ /* end of group postenc */ + + +/** + * @brief Handle for the daemon (listening on a socket for HTTP traffic). + * @ingroup event + */ +struct MHD_Daemon; + +/** + * @brief Handle for a connection / HTTP request. + * + * With HTTP/1.1, multiple requests can be run over the same + * connection. However, MHD will only show one request per TCP + * connection to the client at any given time. + * @ingroup request + */ +struct MHD_Connection; + +/** + * @brief Handle for a response. + * @ingroup response + */ +struct MHD_Response; + +/** + * @brief Handle for POST processing. + * @ingroup response + */ +struct MHD_PostProcessor; + + +/** + * @brief Flags for the `struct MHD_Daemon`. + * + * Note that if neither #MHD_USE_THREAD_PER_CONNECTION nor + * #MHD_USE_SELECT_INTERNALLY is used, the client wants control over + * the process and will call the appropriate microhttpd callbacks. + * + * Starting the daemon may also fail if a particular option is not + * implemented or not supported on the target platform (i.e. no + * support for SSL, threads or IPv6). + */ +enum MHD_FLAG +{ + /** + * No options selected. + */ + MHD_NO_FLAG = 0, + + /** + * Run in debug mode. If this flag is used, the library should + * print error messages and warnings to `stderr`. + */ + MHD_USE_DEBUG = 1, + + /** + * Run in HTTPS mode. + */ + MHD_USE_SSL = 2, + + /** + * Run using one thread per connection. + */ + MHD_USE_THREAD_PER_CONNECTION = 4, + + /** + * Run using an internal thread (or thread pool) doing `select()`. + */ + MHD_USE_SELECT_INTERNALLY = 8, + + /** + * Run using the IPv6 protocol (otherwise, MHD will just support + * IPv4). If you want MHD to support IPv4 and IPv6 using a single + * socket, pass #MHD_USE_DUAL_STACK, otherwise, if you only pass + * this option, MHD will try to bind to IPv6-only (resulting in + * no IPv4 support). + */ + MHD_USE_IPv6 = 16, + + /** + * Be pedantic about the protocol (as opposed to as tolerant as + * possible). Specifically, at the moment, this flag causes MHD to + * reject HTTP 1.1 connections without a "Host" header. This is + * required by the standard, but of course in violation of the "be + * as liberal as possible in what you accept" norm. It is + * recommended to turn this ON if you are testing clients against + * MHD, and OFF in production. + */ + MHD_USE_PEDANTIC_CHECKS = 32, + + /** + * Use `poll()` instead of `select()`. This allows sockets with `fd >= + * FD_SETSIZE`. This option is not compatible with using an + * 'external' `select()` mode (as there is no API to get the file + * descriptors for the external select from MHD) and must also not + * be used in combination with #MHD_USE_EPOLL. + */ + MHD_USE_POLL = 64, + + /** + * Run using an internal thread (or thread pool) doing `poll()`. + */ + MHD_USE_POLL_INTERNALLY = MHD_USE_SELECT_INTERNALLY | MHD_USE_POLL, + + /** + * Suppress (automatically) adding the 'Date:' header to HTTP responses. + * This option should ONLY be used on systems that do not have a clock + * and that DO provide other mechanisms for cache control. See also + * RFC 2616, section 14.18 (exception 3). + */ + MHD_SUPPRESS_DATE_NO_CLOCK = 128, + + /** + * Run without a listen socket. This option only makes sense if + * #MHD_add_connection is to be used exclusively to connect HTTP + * clients to the HTTP server. This option is incompatible with + * using a thread pool; if it is used, #MHD_OPTION_THREAD_POOL_SIZE + * is ignored. + */ + MHD_USE_NO_LISTEN_SOCKET = 256, + + /** + * Use `epoll()` instead of `select()` or `poll()` for the event loop. + * This option is only available on some systems; using the option on + * systems without epoll will cause #MHD_start_daemon to fail. Using + * this option is not supported with #MHD_USE_THREAD_PER_CONNECTION. + * @sa ::MHD_FEATURE_EPOLL + */ + MHD_USE_EPOLL = 512, + +/** @deprecated */ +#define MHD_USE_EPOLL_LINUX_ONLY \ + _MHD_DEPR_IN_MACRO("Value MHD_USE_EPOLL_LINUX_ONLY is deprecated, use MHD_USE_EPOLL") \ + MHD_USE_EPOLL + + /** + * Run using an internal thread (or thread pool) doing `epoll()`. + * This option is only available on Linux; using the option on + * non-Linux systems will cause #MHD_start_daemon to fail. + */ + MHD_USE_EPOLL_INTERNALLY = MHD_USE_SELECT_INTERNALLY | MHD_USE_EPOLL, + +/** @deprecated */ +#define MHD_USE_EPOLL_INTERNALLY_LINUX_ONLY \ + _MHD_DEPR_IN_MACRO("Value MHD_USE_EPOLL_INTERNALLY_LINUX_ONLY is deprecated, use MHD_USE_EPOLL_INTERNALLY") \ + MHD_USE_EPOLL_INTERNALLY + + /** + * Force MHD to use a signal pipe to notify the event loop (of + * threads) of our shutdown. This is required if an appliction uses + * #MHD_USE_SELECT_INTERNALLY or #MHD_USE_THREAD_PER_CONNECTION and + * then performs #MHD_quiesce_daemon (which eliminates our ability + * to signal termination via the listen socket). In these modes, + * #MHD_quiesce_daemon will fail if this option was not set. Also, + * use of this option is automatic (as in, you do not even have to + * specify it), if #MHD_USE_NO_LISTEN_SOCKET is specified. In + * "external" `select()` mode, this option is always simply ignored. + * MHD can be build for use a pair of sockets instead of a pipe. + * Pair of sockets is forced on W32. + * + * You must also use this option if you use internal select mode + * or a thread pool in conjunction with #MHD_add_connection. + */ + MHD_USE_PIPE_FOR_SHUTDOWN = 1024, + + /** + * Use a single socket for IPv4 and IPv6. + */ + MHD_USE_DUAL_STACK = MHD_USE_IPv6 | 2048, + + /** + * Enable `epoll()` turbo. Disables certain calls to `shutdown()` + * and enables aggressive non-blocking optimisitc reads. + * Most effects only happen with #MHD_USE_EPOLL. + * Enalbed always on W32 as winsock does not properly behave + * with `shutdown()` and this then fixes potential problems. + */ + MHD_USE_EPOLL_TURBO = 4096, + + /** + * Enable suspend/resume functions, which also implies setting up + * pipes to signal resume. + */ + MHD_USE_SUSPEND_RESUME = 8192 | MHD_USE_PIPE_FOR_SHUTDOWN, + + /** + * Enable TCP_FASTOPEN option. This option is only available on Linux with a + * kernel >= 3.6. On other systems, using this option cases #MHD_start_daemon + * to fail. + */ + MHD_USE_TCP_FASTOPEN = 16384 + +}; + + +/** + * Type of a callback function used for logging by MHD. + * + * @param cls closure + * @param fm format string (`printf()`-style) + * @param ap arguments to @a fm + * @ingroup logging + */ +typedef void +(*MHD_LogCallback)(void *cls, + const char *fm, + va_list ap); + + +/** + * @brief MHD options. + * + * Passed in the varargs portion of #MHD_start_daemon. + */ +enum MHD_OPTION +{ + + /** + * No more options / last option. This is used + * to terminate the VARARGs list. + */ + MHD_OPTION_END = 0, + + /** + * Maximum memory size per connection (followed by a `size_t`). + * Default is 32 kb (#MHD_POOL_SIZE_DEFAULT). + * Values above 128k are unlikely to result in much benefit, as half + * of the memory will be typically used for IO, and TCP buffers are + * unlikely to support window sizes above 64k on most systems. + */ + MHD_OPTION_CONNECTION_MEMORY_LIMIT = 1, + + /** + * Maximum number of concurrent connections to + * accept (followed by an `unsigned int`). + */ + MHD_OPTION_CONNECTION_LIMIT = 2, + + /** + * After how many seconds of inactivity should a + * connection automatically be timed out? (followed + * by an `unsigned int`; use zero for no timeout). + */ + MHD_OPTION_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 3, + + /** + * Register a function that should be called whenever a request has + * been completed (this can be used for application-specific clean + * up). Requests that have never been presented to the application + * (via #MHD_AccessHandlerCallback) will not result in + * notifications. + * + * This option should be followed by TWO pointers. First a pointer + * to a function of type #MHD_RequestCompletedCallback and second a + * pointer to a closure to pass to the request completed callback. + * The second pointer maybe NULL. + */ + MHD_OPTION_NOTIFY_COMPLETED = 4, + + /** + * Limit on the number of (concurrent) connections made to the + * server from the same IP address. Can be used to prevent one + * IP from taking over all of the allowed connections. If the + * same IP tries to establish more than the specified number of + * connections, they will be immediately rejected. The option + * should be followed by an `unsigned int`. The default is + * zero, which means no limit on the number of connections + * from the same IP address. + */ + MHD_OPTION_PER_IP_CONNECTION_LIMIT = 5, + + /** + * Bind daemon to the supplied `struct sockaddr`. This option should + * be followed by a `struct sockaddr *`. If #MHD_USE_IPv6 is + * specified, the `struct sockaddr*` should point to a `struct + * sockaddr_in6`, otherwise to a `struct sockaddr_in`. + */ + MHD_OPTION_SOCK_ADDR = 6, + + /** + * Specify a function that should be called before parsing the URI from + * the client. The specified callback function can be used for processing + * the URI (including the options) before it is parsed. The URI after + * parsing will no longer contain the options, which maybe inconvenient for + * logging. This option should be followed by two arguments, the first + * one must be of the form + * + * void * my_logger(void *cls, const char *uri, struct MHD_Connection *con) + * + * where the return value will be passed as + * (`* con_cls`) in calls to the #MHD_AccessHandlerCallback + * when this request is processed later; returning a + * value of NULL has no special significance (however, + * note that if you return non-NULL, you can no longer + * rely on the first call to the access handler having + * `NULL == *con_cls` on entry;) + * "cls" will be set to the second argument following + * #MHD_OPTION_URI_LOG_CALLBACK. Finally, uri will + * be the 0-terminated URI of the request. + * + * Note that during the time of this call, most of the connection's + * state is not initialized (as we have not yet parsed he headers). + * However, information about the connecting client (IP, socket) + * is available. + */ + MHD_OPTION_URI_LOG_CALLBACK = 7, + + /** + * Memory pointer for the private key (key.pem) to be used by the + * HTTPS daemon. This option should be followed by a + * `const char *` argument. + * This should be used in conjunction with #MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_CERT. + */ + MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_KEY = 8, + + /** + * Memory pointer for the certificate (cert.pem) to be used by the + * HTTPS daemon. This option should be followed by a + * `const char *` argument. + * This should be used in conjunction with #MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_KEY. + */ + MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_CERT = 9, + + /** + * Daemon credentials type. + * Followed by an argument of type + * `gnutls_credentials_type_t`. + */ + MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_CRED_TYPE = 10, + + /** + * Memory pointer to a `const char *` specifying the + * cipher algorithm (default: "NORMAL"). + */ + MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_PRIORITIES = 11, + + /** + * Pass a listen socket for MHD to use (systemd-style). If this + * option is used, MHD will not open its own listen socket(s). The + * argument passed must be of type `MHD_socket` and refer to an + * existing socket that has been bound to a port and is listening. + */ + MHD_OPTION_LISTEN_SOCKET = 12, + + /** + * Use the given function for logging error messages. This option + * must be followed by two arguments; the first must be a pointer to + * a function of type #MHD_LogCallback and the second a pointer + * `void *` which will be passed as the first argument to the log + * callback. + * + * Note that MHD will not generate any log messages + * if it was compiled without the "--enable-messages" + * flag being set. + */ + MHD_OPTION_EXTERNAL_LOGGER = 13, + + /** + * Number (`unsigned int`) of threads in thread pool. Enable + * thread pooling by setting this value to to something + * greater than 1. Currently, thread model must be + * #MHD_USE_SELECT_INTERNALLY if thread pooling is enabled + * (#MHD_start_daemon returns NULL for an unsupported thread + * model). + */ + MHD_OPTION_THREAD_POOL_SIZE = 14, + + /** + * Additional options given in an array of `struct MHD_OptionItem`. + * The array must be terminated with an entry `{MHD_OPTION_END, 0, NULL}`. + * An example for code using #MHD_OPTION_ARRAY is: + * + * struct MHD_OptionItem ops[] = { + * { MHD_OPTION_CONNECTION_LIMIT, 100, NULL }, + * { MHD_OPTION_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, 10, NULL }, + * { MHD_OPTION_END, 0, NULL } + * }; + * d = MHD_start_daemon (0, 8080, NULL, NULL, dh, NULL, + * MHD_OPTION_ARRAY, ops, + * MHD_OPTION_END); + * + * For options that expect a single pointer argument, the + * second member of the `struct MHD_OptionItem` is ignored. + * For options that expect two pointer arguments, the first + * argument must be cast to `intptr_t`. + */ + MHD_OPTION_ARRAY = 15, + + /** + * Specify a function that should be called for unescaping escape + * sequences in URIs and URI arguments. Note that this function + * will NOT be used by the `struct MHD_PostProcessor`. If this + * option is not specified, the default method will be used which + * decodes escape sequences of the form "%HH". This option should + * be followed by two arguments, the first one must be of the form + * + * size_t my_unescaper(void *cls, + * struct MHD_Connection *c, + * char *s) + * + * where the return value must be "strlen(s)" and "s" should be + * updated. Note that the unescape function must not lengthen "s" + * (the result must be shorter than the input and still be + * 0-terminated). "cls" will be set to the second argument + * following #MHD_OPTION_UNESCAPE_CALLBACK. + */ + MHD_OPTION_UNESCAPE_CALLBACK = 16, + + /** + * Memory pointer for the random values to be used by the Digest + * Auth module. This option should be followed by two arguments. + * First an integer of type `size_t` which specifies the size + * of the buffer pointed to by the second argument in bytes. + * Note that the application must ensure that the buffer of the + * second argument remains allocated and unmodified while the + * deamon is running. + */ + MHD_OPTION_DIGEST_AUTH_RANDOM = 17, + + /** + * Size of the internal array holding the map of the nonce and + * the nonce counter. This option should be followed by an `unsigend int` + * argument. + */ + MHD_OPTION_NONCE_NC_SIZE = 18, + + /** + * Desired size of the stack for threads created by MHD. Followed + * by an argument of type `size_t`. Use 0 for system default. + */ + MHD_OPTION_THREAD_STACK_SIZE = 19, + + /** + * Memory pointer for the certificate (ca.pem) to be used by the + * HTTPS daemon for client authentification. + * This option should be followed by a `const char *` argument. + */ + MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_TRUST = 20, + + /** + * Increment to use for growing the read buffer (followed by a + * `size_t`). Must fit within #MHD_OPTION_CONNECTION_MEMORY_LIMIT. + */ + MHD_OPTION_CONNECTION_MEMORY_INCREMENT = 21, + + /** + * Use a callback to determine which X.509 certificate should be + * used for a given HTTPS connection. This option should be + * followed by a argument of type `gnutls_certificate_retrieve_function2 *`. + * This option provides an + * alternative to #MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_KEY, + * #MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_CERT. You must use this version if + * multiple domains are to be hosted at the same IP address using + * TLS's Server Name Indication (SNI) extension. In this case, + * the callback is expected to select the correct certificate + * based on the SNI information provided. The callback is expected + * to access the SNI data using `gnutls_server_name_get()`. + * Using this option requires GnuTLS 3.0 or higher. + */ + MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_CERT_CALLBACK = 22, + + /** + * When using #MHD_USE_TCP_FASTOPEN, this option changes the default TCP + * fastopen queue length of 50. Note that having a larger queue size can + * cause resource exhaustion attack as the TCP stack has to now allocate + * resources for the SYN packet along with its DATA. This option should be + * followed by an `unsigned int` argument. + */ + MHD_OPTION_TCP_FASTOPEN_QUEUE_SIZE = 23, + + /** + * Memory pointer for the Diffie-Hellman parameters (dh.pem) to be used by the + * HTTPS daemon for key exchange. + * This option must be followed by a `const char *` argument. + */ + MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_DHPARAMS = 24, + + /** + * If present and set to true, allow reusing address:port socket + * (by using SO_REUSEPORT on most platform, or platform-specific ways). + * If present and set to false, disallow reusing address:port socket + * (does nothing on most plaform, but uses SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE on Windows). + * This option must be followed by a `unsigned int` argument. + */ + MHD_OPTION_LISTENING_ADDRESS_REUSE = 25, + + /** + * Memory pointer for a password that decrypts the private key (key.pem) + * to be used by the HTTPS daemon. This option should be followed by a + * `const char *` argument. + * This should be used in conjunction with #MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_KEY. + * @sa ::MHD_FEATURE_HTTPS_KEY_PASSWORD + */ + MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_KEY_PASSWORD = 26, + + /** + * Register a function that should be called whenever a connection is + * started or closed. + * + * This option should be followed by TWO pointers. First a pointer + * to a function of type #MHD_NotifyConnectionCallback and second a + * pointer to a closure to pass to the request completed callback. + * The second pointer maybe NULL. + */ + MHD_OPTION_NOTIFY_CONNECTION = 27, + + /** + * Allow to change maximum length of the queue of pending connections on + * listen socket. If not present than default platform-specific SOMAXCONN + * value is used. This option should be followed by an `unsigned int` + * argument. + */ + MHD_OPTION_LISTEN_BACKLOG_SIZE = 28 +}; + + +/** + * Entry in an #MHD_OPTION_ARRAY. + */ +struct MHD_OptionItem +{ + /** + * Which option is being given. Use #MHD_OPTION_END + * to terminate the array. + */ + enum MHD_OPTION option; + + /** + * Option value (for integer arguments, and for options requiring + * two pointer arguments); should be 0 for options that take no + * arguments or only a single pointer argument. + */ + intptr_t value; + + /** + * Pointer option value (use NULL for options taking no arguments + * or only an integer option). + */ + void *ptr_value; + +}; + + +/** + * The `enum MHD_ValueKind` specifies the source of + * the key-value pairs in the HTTP protocol. + */ +enum MHD_ValueKind +{ + + /** + * Response header + */ + MHD_RESPONSE_HEADER_KIND = 0, + + /** + * HTTP header. + */ + MHD_HEADER_KIND = 1, + + /** + * Cookies. Note that the original HTTP header containing + * the cookie(s) will still be available and intact. + */ + MHD_COOKIE_KIND = 2, + + /** + * POST data. This is available only if a content encoding + * supported by MHD is used (currently only URL encoding), + * and only if the posted content fits within the available + * memory pool. Note that in that case, the upload data + * given to the #MHD_AccessHandlerCallback will be + * empty (since it has already been processed). + */ + MHD_POSTDATA_KIND = 4, + + /** + * GET (URI) arguments. + */ + MHD_GET_ARGUMENT_KIND = 8, + + /** + * HTTP footer (only for HTTP 1.1 chunked encodings). + */ + MHD_FOOTER_KIND = 16 +}; + + +/** + * The `enum MHD_RequestTerminationCode` specifies reasons + * why a request has been terminated (or completed). + * @ingroup request + */ +enum MHD_RequestTerminationCode +{ + + /** + * We finished sending the response. + * @ingroup request + */ + MHD_REQUEST_TERMINATED_COMPLETED_OK = 0, + + /** + * Error handling the connection (resources + * exhausted, other side closed connection, + * application error accepting request, etc.) + * @ingroup request + */ + MHD_REQUEST_TERMINATED_WITH_ERROR = 1, + + /** + * No activity on the connection for the number + * of seconds specified using + * #MHD_OPTION_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT. + * @ingroup request + */ + MHD_REQUEST_TERMINATED_TIMEOUT_REACHED = 2, + + /** + * We had to close the session since MHD was being + * shut down. + * @ingroup request + */ + MHD_REQUEST_TERMINATED_DAEMON_SHUTDOWN = 3, + + /** + * We tried to read additional data, but the other side closed the + * connection. This error is similar to + * #MHD_REQUEST_TERMINATED_WITH_ERROR, but specific to the case where + * the connection died because the other side did not send expected + * data. + * @ingroup request + */ + MHD_REQUEST_TERMINATED_READ_ERROR = 4, + + /** + * The client terminated the connection by closing the socket + * for writing (TCP half-closed); MHD aborted sending the + * response according to RFC 2616, section 8.1.4. + * @ingroup request + */ + MHD_REQUEST_TERMINATED_CLIENT_ABORT = 5 + +}; + + +/** + * The `enum MHD_ConnectionNotificationCode` specifies types + * of connection notifications. + * @ingroup request + */ +enum MHD_ConnectionNotificationCode +{ + + /** + * A new connection has been started. + * @ingroup request + */ + MHD_CONNECTION_NOTIFY_STARTED = 0, + + /** + * A connection is closed. + * @ingroup request + */ + MHD_CONNECTION_NOTIFY_CLOSED = 1 + +}; + + +/** + * Information about a connection. + */ +union MHD_ConnectionInfo +{ + + /** + * Cipher algorithm used, of type "enum gnutls_cipher_algorithm". + */ + int /* enum gnutls_cipher_algorithm */ cipher_algorithm; + + /** + * Protocol used, of type "enum gnutls_protocol". + */ + int /* enum gnutls_protocol */ protocol; + + /** + * The suspended status of a connection. + */ + int /* MHD_YES or MHD_NO */ suspended; + + /** + * Connect socket + */ + MHD_socket connect_fd; + + /** + * GNUtls session handle, of type "gnutls_session_t". + */ + void * /* gnutls_session_t */ tls_session; + + /** + * GNUtls client certificate handle, of type "gnutls_x509_crt_t". + */ + void * /* gnutls_x509_crt_t */ client_cert; + + /** + * Address information for the client. + */ + struct sockaddr *client_addr; + + /** + * Which daemon manages this connection (useful in case there are many + * daemons running). + */ + struct MHD_Daemon *daemon; + + /** + * Socket-specific client context. Points to the same address as + * the "socket_context" of the #MHD_NotifyConnectionCallback. + */ + void **socket_context; +}; + + +/** + * Values of this enum are used to specify what + * information about a connection is desired. + * @ingroup request + */ +enum MHD_ConnectionInfoType +{ + /** + * What cipher algorithm is being used. + * Takes no extra arguments. + * @ingroup request + */ + MHD_CONNECTION_INFO_CIPHER_ALGO, + + /** + * + * Takes no extra arguments. + * @ingroup request + */ + MHD_CONNECTION_INFO_PROTOCOL, + + /** + * Obtain IP address of the client. Takes no extra arguments. + * Returns essentially a `struct sockaddr **` (since the API returns + * a `union MHD_ConnectionInfo *` and that union contains a `struct + * sockaddr *`). + * @ingroup request + */ + MHD_CONNECTION_INFO_CLIENT_ADDRESS, + + /** + * Get the gnuTLS session handle. + * @ingroup request + */ + MHD_CONNECTION_INFO_GNUTLS_SESSION, + + /** + * Get the gnuTLS client certificate handle. Dysfunctional (never + * implemented, deprecated). Use #MHD_CONNECTION_INFO_GNUTLS_SESSION + * to get the `gnutls_session_t` and then call + * gnutls_certificate_get_peers(). + */ + MHD_CONNECTION_INFO_GNUTLS_CLIENT_CERT, + + /** + * Get the `struct MHD_Daemon *` responsible for managing this connection. + * @ingroup request + */ + MHD_CONNECTION_INFO_DAEMON, + + /** + * Request the file descriptor for the listening socket. + * No extra arguments should be passed. + * @ingroup request + */ + MHD_CONNECTION_INFO_CONNECTION_FD, + + /** + * Returns the client-specific pointer to a `void *` that was (possibly) + * set during a #MHD_NotifyConnectionCallback when the socket was + * first accepted. Note that this is NOT the same as the "con_cls" + * argument of the #MHD_AccessHandlerCallback. The "con_cls" is + * fresh for each HTTP request, while the "socket_context" is fresh + * for each socket. + */ + MHD_CONNECTION_INFO_SOCKET_CONTEXT, + + /** + * Check wheter the connection is suspended. + * @ingroup request + */ + MHD_CONNECTION_INFO_CONNECTION_SUSPENDED +}; + + +/** + * Values of this enum are used to specify what + * information about a deamon is desired. + */ +enum MHD_DaemonInfoType +{ + /** + * No longer supported (will return NULL). + */ + MHD_DAEMON_INFO_KEY_SIZE, + + /** + * No longer supported (will return NULL). + */ + MHD_DAEMON_INFO_MAC_KEY_SIZE, + + /** + * Request the file descriptor for the listening socket. + * No extra arguments should be passed. + */ + MHD_DAEMON_INFO_LISTEN_FD, + + /** + * Request the file descriptor for the external epoll. + * No extra arguments should be passed. + */ + MHD_DAEMON_INFO_EPOLL_FD_LINUX_ONLY, + + /** + * Request the number of current connections handled by the daemon. + * No extra arguments should be passed. + */ + MHD_DAEMON_INFO_CURRENT_CONNECTIONS +}; + + +/** + * Callback for serious error condition. The default action is to print + * an error message and `abort()`. + * + * @param cls user specified value + * @param file where the error occured + * @param line where the error occured + * @param reason error detail, may be NULL + * @ingroup logging + */ +typedef void +(*MHD_PanicCallback) (void *cls, + const char *file, + unsigned int line, + const char *reason); + +/** + * Allow or deny a client to connect. + * + * @param cls closure + * @param addr address information from the client + * @param addrlen length of @a addr + * @return #MHD_YES if connection is allowed, #MHD_NO if not + */ +typedef int +(*MHD_AcceptPolicyCallback) (void *cls, + const struct sockaddr *addr, + socklen_t addrlen); + + +/** + * A client has requested the given url using the given method + * (#MHD_HTTP_METHOD_GET, #MHD_HTTP_METHOD_PUT, + * #MHD_HTTP_METHOD_DELETE, #MHD_HTTP_METHOD_POST, etc). The callback + * must call MHD callbacks to provide content to give back to the + * client and return an HTTP status code (i.e. #MHD_HTTP_OK, + * #MHD_HTTP_NOT_FOUND, etc.). + * + * @param cls argument given together with the function + * pointer when the handler was registered with MHD + * @param url the requested url + * @param method the HTTP method used (#MHD_HTTP_METHOD_GET, + * #MHD_HTTP_METHOD_PUT, etc.) + * @param version the HTTP version string (i.e. + * #MHD_HTTP_VERSION_1_1) + * @param upload_data the data being uploaded (excluding HEADERS, + * for a POST that fits into memory and that is encoded + * with a supported encoding, the POST data will NOT be + * given in upload_data and is instead available as + * part of #MHD_get_connection_values; very large POST + * data *will* be made available incrementally in + * @a upload_data) + * @param upload_data_size set initially to the size of the + * @a upload_data provided; the method must update this + * value to the number of bytes NOT processed; + * @param con_cls pointer that the callback can set to some + * address and that will be preserved by MHD for future + * calls for this request; since the access handler may + * be called many times (i.e., for a PUT/POST operation + * with plenty of upload data) this allows the application + * to easily associate some request-specific state. + * If necessary, this state can be cleaned up in the + * global #MHD_RequestCompletedCallback (which + * can be set with the #MHD_OPTION_NOTIFY_COMPLETED). + * Initially, `*con_cls` will be NULL. + * @return #MHD_YES if the connection was handled successfully, + * #MHD_NO if the socket must be closed due to a serios + * error while handling the request + */ +typedef int +(*MHD_AccessHandlerCallback) (void *cls, + struct MHD_Connection *connection, + const char *url, + const char *method, + const char *version, + const char *upload_data, + size_t *upload_data_size, + void **con_cls); + + +/** + * Signature of the callback used by MHD to notify the + * application about completed requests. + * + * @param cls client-defined closure + * @param connection connection handle + * @param con_cls value as set by the last call to + * the #MHD_AccessHandlerCallback + * @param toe reason for request termination + * @see #MHD_OPTION_NOTIFY_COMPLETED + * @ingroup request + */ +typedef void +(*MHD_RequestCompletedCallback) (void *cls, + struct MHD_Connection *connection, + void **con_cls, + enum MHD_RequestTerminationCode toe); + +/** + * Signature of the callback used by MHD to notify the + * application about started/stopped connections + * + * @param cls client-defined closure + * @param connection connection handle + * @param socket_context socket-specific pointer where the + * client can associate some state specific + * to the TCP connection; note that this is + * different from the "con_cls" which is per + * HTTP request. The client can initialize + * during #MHD_CONNECTION_NOTIFY_STARTED and + * cleanup during #MHD_CONNECTION_NOTIFY_CLOSED + * and access in the meantime using + * #MHD_CONNECTION_INFO_SOCKET_CONTEXT. + * @param toe reason for connection notification + * @see #MHD_OPTION_NOTIFY_CONNECTION + * @ingroup request + */ +typedef void +(*MHD_NotifyConnectionCallback) (void *cls, + struct MHD_Connection *connection, + void **socket_context, + enum MHD_ConnectionNotificationCode toe); + + +/** + * Iterator over key-value pairs. This iterator + * can be used to iterate over all of the cookies, + * headers, or POST-data fields of a request, and + * also to iterate over the headers that have been + * added to a response. + * + * @param cls closure + * @param kind kind of the header we are looking at + * @param key key for the value, can be an empty string + * @param value corresponding value, can be NULL + * @return #MHD_YES to continue iterating, + * #MHD_NO to abort the iteration + * @ingroup request + */ +typedef int +(*MHD_KeyValueIterator) (void *cls, + enum MHD_ValueKind kind, + const char *key, + const char *value); + + +/** + * Callback used by libmicrohttpd in order to obtain content. The + * callback is to copy at most @a max bytes of content into @a buf. The + * total number of bytes that has been placed into @a buf should be + * returned. + * + * Note that returning zero will cause libmicrohttpd to try again. + * Thus, returning zero should only be used in conjunction + * with MHD_suspend_connection() to avoid busy waiting. + * + * @param cls extra argument to the callback + * @param pos position in the datastream to access; + * note that if a `struct MHD_Response` object is re-used, + * it is possible for the same content reader to + * be queried multiple times for the same data; + * however, if a `struct MHD_Response` is not re-used, + * libmicrohttpd guarantees that "pos" will be + * the sum of all non-negative return values + * obtained from the content reader so far. + * @param buf where to copy the data + * @param max maximum number of bytes to copy to @a buf (size of @a buf) + * @return number of bytes written to @a buf; + * 0 is legal unless we are running in internal select mode (since + * this would cause busy-waiting); 0 in external select mode + * will cause this function to be called again once the external + * select calls MHD again; + * #MHD_CONTENT_READER_END_OF_STREAM (-1) for the regular + * end of transmission (with chunked encoding, MHD will then + * terminate the chunk and send any HTTP footers that might be + * present; without chunked encoding and given an unknown + * response size, MHD will simply close the connection; note + * that while returning #MHD_CONTENT_READER_END_OF_STREAM is not technically + * legal if a response size was specified, MHD accepts this + * and treats it just as #MHD_CONTENT_READER_END_WITH_ERROR; + * #MHD_CONTENT_READER_END_WITH_ERROR (-2) to indicate a server + * error generating the response; this will cause MHD to simply + * close the connection immediately. If a response size was + * given or if chunked encoding is in use, this will indicate + * an error to the client. Note, however, that if the client + * does not know a response size and chunked encoding is not in + * use, then clients will not be able to tell the difference between + * #MHD_CONTENT_READER_END_WITH_ERROR and #MHD_CONTENT_READER_END_OF_STREAM. + * This is not a limitation of MHD but rather of the HTTP protocol. + */ +typedef ssize_t +(*MHD_ContentReaderCallback) (void *cls, + uint64_t pos, + char *buf, + size_t max); + + +/** + * This method is called by libmicrohttpd if we + * are done with a content reader. It should + * be used to free resources associated with the + * content reader. + * + * @param cls closure + * @ingroup response + */ +typedef void +(*MHD_ContentReaderFreeCallback) (void *cls); + + +/** + * Iterator over key-value pairs where the value + * maybe made available in increments and/or may + * not be zero-terminated. Used for processing + * POST data. + * + * @param cls user-specified closure + * @param kind type of the value, always #MHD_POSTDATA_KIND when called from MHD + * @param key 0-terminated key for the value + * @param filename name of the uploaded file, NULL if not known + * @param content_type mime-type of the data, NULL if not known + * @param transfer_encoding encoding of the data, NULL if not known + * @param data pointer to @a size bytes of data at the + * specified offset + * @param off offset of data in the overall value + * @param size number of bytes in @a data available + * @return #MHD_YES to continue iterating, + * #MHD_NO to abort the iteration + */ +typedef int +(*MHD_PostDataIterator) (void *cls, + enum MHD_ValueKind kind, + const char *key, + const char *filename, + const char *content_type, + const char *transfer_encoding, + const char *data, + uint64_t off, + size_t size); + +/* **************** Daemon handling functions ***************** */ + +/** + * Start a webserver on the given port. + * + * @param flags combination of `enum MHD_FLAG` values + * @param port port to bind to (in host byte order) + * @param apc callback to call to check which clients + * will be allowed to connect; you can pass NULL + * in which case connections from any IP will be + * accepted + * @param apc_cls extra argument to apc + * @param dh handler called for all requests (repeatedly) + * @param dh_cls extra argument to @a dh + * @param ap list of options (type-value pairs, + * terminated with #MHD_OPTION_END). + * @return NULL on error, handle to daemon on success + * @ingroup event + */ +_MHD_EXTERN struct MHD_Daemon * +MHD_start_daemon_va (unsigned int flags, + uint16_t port, + MHD_AcceptPolicyCallback apc, void *apc_cls, + MHD_AccessHandlerCallback dh, void *dh_cls, + va_list ap); + + +/** + * Start a webserver on the given port. Variadic version of + * #MHD_start_daemon_va. + * + * @param flags combination of `enum MHD_FLAG` values + * @param port port to bind to + * @param apc callback to call to check which clients + * will be allowed to connect; you can pass NULL + * in which case connections from any IP will be + * accepted + * @param apc_cls extra argument to apc + * @param dh handler called for all requests (repeatedly) + * @param dh_cls extra argument to @a dh + * @return NULL on error, handle to daemon on success + * @ingroup event + */ +_MHD_EXTERN struct MHD_Daemon * +MHD_start_daemon (unsigned int flags, + uint16_t port, + MHD_AcceptPolicyCallback apc, void *apc_cls, + MHD_AccessHandlerCallback dh, void *dh_cls, + ...); + + +/** + * Stop accepting connections from the listening socket. Allows + * clients to continue processing, but stops accepting new + * connections. Note that the caller is responsible for closing the + * returned socket; however, if MHD is run using threads (anything but + * external select mode), it must not be closed until AFTER + * #MHD_stop_daemon has been called (as it is theoretically possible + * that an existing thread is still using it). + * + * Note that some thread modes require the caller to have passed + * #MHD_USE_PIPE_FOR_SHUTDOWN when using this API. If this daemon is + * in one of those modes and this option was not given to + * #MHD_start_daemon, this function will return #MHD_INVALID_SOCKET. + * + * @param daemon daemon to stop accepting new connections for + * @return old listen socket on success, #MHD_INVALID_SOCKET if + * the daemon was already not listening anymore + * @ingroup specialized + */ +_MHD_EXTERN MHD_socket +MHD_quiesce_daemon (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon); + + +/** + * Shutdown an HTTP daemon. + * + * @param daemon daemon to stop + * @ingroup event + */ +_MHD_EXTERN void +MHD_stop_daemon (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon); + + +/** + * Add another client connection to the set of connections managed by + * MHD. This API is usually not needed (since MHD will accept inbound + * connections on the server socket). Use this API in special cases, + * for example if your HTTP server is behind NAT and needs to connect + * out to the HTTP client, or if you are building a proxy. + * + * If you use this API in conjunction with a internal select or a + * thread pool, you must set the option + * #MHD_USE_PIPE_FOR_SHUTDOWN to ensure that the freshly added + * connection is immediately processed by MHD. + * + * The given client socket will be managed (and closed!) by MHD after + * this call and must no longer be used directly by the application + * afterwards. + * + * Per-IP connection limits are ignored when using this API. + * + * @param daemon daemon that manages the connection + * @param client_socket socket to manage (MHD will expect + * to receive an HTTP request from this socket next). + * @param addr IP address of the client + * @param addrlen number of bytes in @a addr + * @return #MHD_YES on success, #MHD_NO if this daemon could + * not handle the connection (i.e. `malloc()` failed, etc). + * The socket will be closed in any case; `errno` is + * set to indicate further details about the error. + * @ingroup specialized + */ +_MHD_EXTERN int +MHD_add_connection (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon, + MHD_socket client_socket, + const struct sockaddr *addr, + socklen_t addrlen); + + +/** + * Obtain the `select()` sets for this daemon. + * Daemon's FDs will be added to fd_sets. To get only + * daemon FDs in fd_sets, call FD_ZERO for each fd_set + * before calling this function. FD_SETSIZE is assumed + * to be platform's default. + * + * @param daemon daemon to get sets from + * @param read_fd_set read set + * @param write_fd_set write set + * @param except_fd_set except set + * @param max_fd increased to largest FD added (if larger + * than existing value); can be NULL + * @return #MHD_YES on success, #MHD_NO if this + * daemon was not started with the right + * options for this call or any FD didn't + * fit fd_set. + * @ingroup event + */ +_MHD_EXTERN int +MHD_get_fdset (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon, + fd_set *read_fd_set, + fd_set *write_fd_set, + fd_set *except_fd_set, + MHD_socket *max_fd); + + +/** + * Obtain the `select()` sets for this daemon. + * Daemon's FDs will be added to fd_sets. To get only + * daemon FDs in fd_sets, call FD_ZERO for each fd_set + * before calling this function. Passing custom FD_SETSIZE + * as @a fd_setsize allow usage of larger/smaller than + * platform's default fd_sets. + * + * @param daemon daemon to get sets from + * @param read_fd_set read set + * @param write_fd_set write set + * @param except_fd_set except set + * @param max_fd increased to largest FD added (if larger + * than existing value); can be NULL + * @param fd_setsize value of FD_SETSIZE + * @return #MHD_YES on success, #MHD_NO if this + * daemon was not started with the right + * options for this call or any FD didn't + * fit fd_set. + * @ingroup event + */ +_MHD_EXTERN int +MHD_get_fdset2 (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon, + fd_set *read_fd_set, + fd_set *write_fd_set, + fd_set *except_fd_set, + MHD_socket *max_fd, + unsigned int fd_setsize); + + +/** + * Obtain the `select()` sets for this daemon. + * Daemon's FDs will be added to fd_sets. To get only + * daemon FDs in fd_sets, call FD_ZERO for each fd_set + * before calling this function. Size of fd_set is + * determined by current value of FD_SETSIZE. + * + * @param daemon daemon to get sets from + * @param read_fd_set read set + * @param write_fd_set write set + * @param except_fd_set except set + * @param max_fd increased to largest FD added (if larger + * than existing value); can be NULL + * @return #MHD_YES on success, #MHD_NO if this + * daemon was not started with the right + * options for this call or any FD didn't + * fit fd_set. + * @ingroup event + */ +#define MHD_get_fdset(daemon,read_fd_set,write_fd_set,except_fd_set,max_fd) \ + MHD_get_fdset2((daemon),(read_fd_set),(write_fd_set),(except_fd_set),(max_fd),FD_SETSIZE) + + +/** + * Obtain timeout value for `select()` for this daemon (only needed if + * connection timeout is used). The returned value is how many milliseconds + * `select()` or `poll()` should at most block, not the timeout value set for + * connections. This function MUST NOT be called if MHD is running with + * #MHD_USE_THREAD_PER_CONNECTION. + * + * @param daemon daemon to query for timeout + * @param timeout set to the timeout (in milliseconds) + * @return #MHD_YES on success, #MHD_NO if timeouts are + * not used (or no connections exist that would + * necessiate the use of a timeout right now). + * @ingroup event + */ +_MHD_EXTERN int +MHD_get_timeout (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon, + MHD_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG *timeout); + + +/** + * Run webserver operations (without blocking unless in client + * callbacks). This method should be called by clients in combination + * with #MHD_get_fdset if the client-controlled select method is used. + * + * This function is a convenience method, which is useful if the + * fd_sets from #MHD_get_fdset were not directly passed to `select()`; + * with this function, MHD will internally do the appropriate `select()` + * call itself again. While it is always safe to call #MHD_run (in + * external select mode), you should call #MHD_run_from_select if + * performance is important (as it saves an expensive call to + * `select()`). + * + * @param daemon daemon to run + * @return #MHD_YES on success, #MHD_NO if this + * daemon was not started with the right + * options for this call. + * @ingroup event + */ +_MHD_EXTERN int +MHD_run (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon); + + +/** + * Run webserver operations. This method should be called by clients + * in combination with #MHD_get_fdset if the client-controlled select + * method is used. + * + * You can use this function instead of #MHD_run if you called + * `select()` on the result from #MHD_get_fdset. File descriptors in + * the sets that are not controlled by MHD will be ignored. Calling + * this function instead of #MHD_run is more efficient as MHD will + * not have to call `select()` again to determine which operations are + * ready. + * + * @param daemon daemon to run select loop for + * @param read_fd_set read set + * @param write_fd_set write set + * @param except_fd_set except set (not used, can be NULL) + * @return #MHD_NO on serious errors, #MHD_YES on success + * @ingroup event + */ +_MHD_EXTERN int +MHD_run_from_select (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon, + const fd_set *read_fd_set, + const fd_set *write_fd_set, + const fd_set *except_fd_set); + + + + +/* **************** Connection handling functions ***************** */ + +/** + * Get all of the headers from the request. + * + * @param connection connection to get values from + * @param kind types of values to iterate over, can be a bitmask + * @param iterator callback to call on each header; + * maybe NULL (then just count headers) + * @param iterator_cls extra argument to @a iterator + * @return number of entries iterated over + * @ingroup request + */ +_MHD_EXTERN int +MHD_get_connection_values (struct MHD_Connection *connection, + enum MHD_ValueKind kind, + MHD_KeyValueIterator iterator, + void *iterator_cls); + + +/** + * This function can be used to add an entry to the HTTP headers of a + * connection (so that the #MHD_get_connection_values function will + * return them -- and the `struct MHD_PostProcessor` will also see + * them). This maybe required in certain situations (see Mantis + * #1399) where (broken) HTTP implementations fail to supply values + * needed by the post processor (or other parts of the application). + * + * This function MUST only be called from within the + * #MHD_AccessHandlerCallback (otherwise, access maybe improperly + * synchronized). Furthermore, the client must guarantee that the key + * and value arguments are 0-terminated strings that are NOT freed + * until the connection is closed. (The easiest way to do this is by + * passing only arguments to permanently allocated strings.). + * + * @param connection the connection for which a + * value should be set + * @param kind kind of the value + * @param key key for the value + * @param value the value itself + * @return #MHD_NO if the operation could not be + * performed due to insufficient memory; + * #MHD_YES on success + * @ingroup request + */ +_MHD_EXTERN int +MHD_set_connection_value (struct MHD_Connection *connection, + enum MHD_ValueKind kind, + const char *key, + const char *value); + + +/** + * Sets the global error handler to a different implementation. @a cb + * will only be called in the case of typically fatal, serious + * internal consistency issues. These issues should only arise in the + * case of serious memory corruption or similar problems with the + * architecture. While @a cb is allowed to return and MHD will then + * try to continue, this is never safe. + * + * The default implementation that is used if no panic function is set + * simply prints an error message and calls `abort()`. Alternative + * implementations might call `exit()` or other similar functions. + * + * @param cb new error handler + * @param cls passed to @a cb + * @ingroup logging + */ +_MHD_EXTERN void +MHD_set_panic_func (MHD_PanicCallback cb, void *cls); + + +/** + * Process escape sequences ('%HH') Updates val in place; the + * result should be UTF-8 encoded and cannot be larger than the input. + * The result must also still be 0-terminated. + * + * @param val value to unescape (modified in the process) + * @return length of the resulting val (`strlen(val)` may be + * shorter afterwards due to elimination of escape sequences) + */ +_MHD_EXTERN size_t +MHD_http_unescape (char *val); + + +/** + * Get a particular header value. If multiple + * values match the kind, return any one of them. + * + * @param connection connection to get values from + * @param kind what kind of value are we looking for + * @param key the header to look for, NULL to lookup 'trailing' value without a key + * @return NULL if no such item was found + * @ingroup request + */ +_MHD_EXTERN const char * +MHD_lookup_connection_value (struct MHD_Connection *connection, + enum MHD_ValueKind kind, + const char *key); + + +/** + * Queue a response to be transmitted to the client (as soon as + * possible but after #MHD_AccessHandlerCallback returns). + * + * @param connection the connection identifying the client + * @param status_code HTTP status code (i.e. #MHD_HTTP_OK) + * @param response response to transmit + * @return #MHD_NO on error (i.e. reply already sent), + * #MHD_YES on success or if message has been queued + * @ingroup response + */ +_MHD_EXTERN int +MHD_queue_response (struct MHD_Connection *connection, + unsigned int status_code, + struct MHD_Response *response); + + +/** + * Suspend handling of network data for a given connection. This can + * be used to dequeue a connection from MHD's event loop (external + * select, internal select or thread pool; not applicable to + * thread-per-connection!) for a while. + * + * If you use this API in conjunction with a internal select or a + * thread pool, you must set the option #MHD_USE_PIPE_FOR_SHUTDOWN to + * ensure that a resumed connection is immediately processed by MHD. + * + * Suspended connections continue to count against the total number of + * connections allowed (per daemon, as well as per IP, if such limits + * are set). Suspended connections will NOT time out; timeouts will + * restart when the connection handling is resumed. While a + * connection is suspended, MHD will not detect disconnects by the + * client. + * + * The only safe time to suspend a connection is from the + * #MHD_AccessHandlerCallback. + * + * Finally, it is an API violation to call #MHD_stop_daemon while + * having suspended connections (this will at least create memory and + * socket leaks or lead to undefined behavior). You must explicitly + * resume all connections before stopping the daemon. + * + * @param connection the connection to suspend + */ +_MHD_EXTERN void +MHD_suspend_connection (struct MHD_Connection *connection); + + +/** + * Resume handling of network data for suspended connection. It is + * safe to resume a suspended connection at any time. Calling this + * function on a connection that was not previously suspended will + * result in undefined behavior. + * + * @param connection the connection to resume + */ +_MHD_EXTERN void +MHD_resume_connection (struct MHD_Connection *connection); + + +/* **************** Response manipulation functions ***************** */ + + +/** + * Flags for special handling of responses. + */ +enum MHD_ResponseFlags +{ + /** + * Default: no special flags. + */ + MHD_RF_NONE = 0, + + /** + * Only respond in conservative HTTP 1.0-mode. In particular, + * do not (automatically) sent "Connection" headers and always + * close the connection after generating the response. + */ + MHD_RF_HTTP_VERSION_1_0_ONLY = 1 + +}; + + +/** + * MHD options (for future extensions). + */ +enum MHD_ResponseOptions +{ + /** + * End of the list of options. + */ + MHD_RO_END = 0 +}; + + +/** + * Set special flags and options for a response. + * + * @param response the response to modify + * @param flags to set for the response + * @param ... #MHD_RO_END terminated list of options + * @return #MHD_YES on success, #MHD_NO on error + */ +_MHD_EXTERN int +MHD_set_response_options (struct MHD_Response *response, + enum MHD_ResponseFlags flags, + ...); + + +/** + * Create a response object. The response object can be extended with + * header information and then be used any number of times. + * + * @param size size of the data portion of the response, #MHD_SIZE_UNKNOWN for unknown + * @param block_size preferred block size for querying crc (advisory only, + * MHD may still call @a crc using smaller chunks); this + * is essentially the buffer size used for IO, clients + * should pick a value that is appropriate for IO and + * memory performance requirements + * @param crc callback to use to obtain response data + * @param crc_cls extra argument to @a crc + * @param crfc callback to call to free @a crc_cls resources + * @return NULL on error (i.e. invalid arguments, out of memory) + * @ingroup response + */ +_MHD_EXTERN struct MHD_Response * +MHD_create_response_from_callback (uint64_t size, + size_t block_size, + MHD_ContentReaderCallback crc, void *crc_cls, + MHD_ContentReaderFreeCallback crfc); + + +/** + * Create a response object. The response object can be extended with + * header information and then be used any number of times. + * + * @param size size of the @a data portion of the response + * @param data the data itself + * @param must_free libmicrohttpd should free data when done + * @param must_copy libmicrohttpd must make a copy of @a data + * right away, the data maybe released anytime after + * this call returns + * @return NULL on error (i.e. invalid arguments, out of memory) + * @deprecated use #MHD_create_response_from_buffer instead + * @ingroup response + */ +_MHD_DEPR_FUNC("MHD_create_response_from_data() is deprecated, use MHD_create_response_from_buffer()") \ +_MHD_EXTERN struct MHD_Response * +MHD_create_response_from_data (size_t size, + void *data, + int must_free, + int must_copy); + + +/** + * Specification for how MHD should treat the memory buffer + * given for the response. + * @ingroup response + */ +enum MHD_ResponseMemoryMode +{ + + /** + * Buffer is a persistent (static/global) buffer that won't change + * for at least the lifetime of the response, MHD should just use + * it, not free it, not copy it, just keep an alias to it. + * @ingroup response + */ + MHD_RESPMEM_PERSISTENT, + + /** + * Buffer is heap-allocated with `malloc()` (or equivalent) and + * should be freed by MHD after processing the response has + * concluded (response reference counter reaches zero). + * @ingroup response + */ + MHD_RESPMEM_MUST_FREE, + + /** + * Buffer is in transient memory, but not on the heap (for example, + * on the stack or non-`malloc()` allocated) and only valid during the + * call to #MHD_create_response_from_buffer. MHD must make its + * own private copy of the data for processing. + * @ingroup response + */ + MHD_RESPMEM_MUST_COPY + +}; + + +/** + * Create a response object. The response object can be extended with + * header information and then be used any number of times. + * + * @param size size of the data portion of the response + * @param buffer size bytes containing the response's data portion + * @param mode flags for buffer management + * @return NULL on error (i.e. invalid arguments, out of memory) + * @ingroup response + */ +_MHD_EXTERN struct MHD_Response * +MHD_create_response_from_buffer (size_t size, + void *buffer, + enum MHD_ResponseMemoryMode mode); + + +/** + * Create a response object. The response object can be extended with + * header information and then be used any number of times. + * + * @param size size of the data portion of the response + * @param fd file descriptor referring to a file on disk with the + * data; will be closed when response is destroyed; + * fd should be in 'blocking' mode + * @return NULL on error (i.e. invalid arguments, out of memory) + * @ingroup response + */ +_MHD_EXTERN struct MHD_Response * +MHD_create_response_from_fd (size_t size, + int fd); + + +/** + * Create a response object. The response object can be extended with + * header information and then be used any number of times. + * + * @param size size of the data portion of the response; + * sizes larger than 2 GiB may be not supported by OS or + * MHD build; see ::MHD_FEATURE_LARGE_FILE + * @param fd file descriptor referring to a file on disk with the + * data; will be closed when response is destroyed; + * fd should be in 'blocking' mode + * @return NULL on error (i.e. invalid arguments, out of memory) + * @ingroup response + */ +_MHD_EXTERN struct MHD_Response * +MHD_create_response_from_fd64 (uint64_t size, + int fd); + + +/** + * Create a response object. The response object can be extended with + * header information and then be used any number of times. + * + * @param size size of the data portion of the response + * @param fd file descriptor referring to a file on disk with the + * data; will be closed when response is destroyed; + * fd should be in 'blocking' mode + * @param offset offset to start reading from in the file; + * Be careful! `off_t` may have been compiled to be a + * 64-bit variable for MHD, in which case your application + * also has to be compiled using the same options! Read + * the MHD manual for more details. + * @return NULL on error (i.e. invalid arguments, out of memory) + * @ingroup response + */ +_MHD_DEPR_FUNC("Function MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset() is deprecated, use MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset64()") \ +_MHD_EXTERN struct MHD_Response * +MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset (size_t size, + int fd, + off_t offset); + +#if !defined(_MHD_NO_DEPR_IN_MACRO) || defined(_MHD_NO_DEPR_FUNC) +/* Substitute MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset64() instead of MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset() + to minimize potential problems with different off_t sizes */ +#define MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset(size,fd,offset) \ + _MHD_DEPR_IN_MACRO("Usage of MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset() is deprecated, use MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset64()") \ + MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset64((size),(fd),(offset)) +#endif /* !_MHD_NO_DEPR_IN_MACRO || _MHD_NO_DEPR_FUNC */ + + +/** + * Create a response object. The response object can be extended with + * header information and then be used any number of times. + * + * @param size size of the data portion of the response; + * sizes larger than 2 GiB may be not supported by OS or + * MHD build; see ::MHD_FEATURE_LARGE_FILE + * @param fd file descriptor referring to a file on disk with the + * data; will be closed when response is destroyed; + * fd should be in 'blocking' mode + * @param offset offset to start reading from in the file; + * reading file beyond 2 GiB may be not supported by OS or + * MHD build; see ::MHD_FEATURE_LARGE_FILE + * @return NULL on error (i.e. invalid arguments, out of memory) + * @ingroup response + */ +_MHD_EXTERN struct MHD_Response * +MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset64 (uint64_t size, + int fd, + uint64_t offset); + + +#if 0 +/** + * Enumeration for actions MHD should perform on the underlying socket + * of the upgrade. This API is not finalized, and in particular + * the final set of actions is yet to be decided. This is just an + * idea for what we might want. + */ +enum MHD_UpgradeAction +{ + + /** + * Close the socket, the application is done with it. + * + * Takes no extra arguments. + */ + MHD_UPGRADE_ACTION_CLOSE = 0, + + /** + * Uncork the TCP write buffer (that is, tell the OS to transmit all + * bytes in the buffer now, and to not use TCP-CORKing). + * + * Takes no extra arguments. + * + * NOTE: it is unclear if we want to have this in the + * "final" API, this is just an idea right now. + */ + MHD_UPGRADE_ACTION_CORK + +}; + + +/** + * Handle given to the application to manage special + * actions relating to MHD responses that "upgrade" + * the HTTP protocol (i.e. to WebSockets). + */ +struct MHD_UpgradeResponseHandle; + + +/** + * This connection-specific callback is provided by MHD to + * applications (unusual) during the #MHD_UpgradeHandler. + * It allows applications to perform 'special' actions on + * the underlying socket from the upgrade. + * + * @param urh the handle identifying the connection to perform + * the upgrade @a action on. + * @param action which action should be performed + * @param ... arguments to the action (depends on the action) + * @return #MHD_NO on error, #MHD_YES on success + */ +_MHD_EXTERN int +MHD_upgrade_action (struct MHD_UpgradeResponseHandle *urh, + enum MHD_UpgradeAction action, + ...); + + +/** + * Function called after a protocol "upgrade" response was sent + * successfully and the socket should now be controlled by some + * protocol other than HTTP. + * + * Any data received on the socket will be made available in + * 'data_in'. The function should update 'data_in_size' to + * reflect the number of bytes consumed from 'data_in' (the remaining + * bytes will be made available in the next call to the handler). + * + * Any data that should be transmitted on the socket should be + * stored in 'data_out'. '*data_out_size' is initially set to + * the available buffer space in 'data_out'. It should be set to + * the number of bytes stored in 'data_out' (which can be zero). + * + * The return value is a BITMASK that indicates how the function + * intends to interact with the event loop. It can request to be + * notified for reading, writing, request to UNCORK the send buffer + * (which MHD is allowed to ignore, if it is not possible to uncork on + * the local platform), to wait for the 'external' select loop to + * trigger another round. It is also possible to specify "no events" + * to terminate the connection; in this case, the + * #MHD_RequestCompletedCallback will be called and all resources of + * the connection will be released. + * + * Except when in 'thread-per-connection' mode, implementations + * of this function should never block (as it will still be called + * from within the main event loop). + * + * @param cls closure, whatever was given to #MHD_create_response_for_upgrade(). + * @param connection original HTTP connection handle, + * giving the function a last chance + * to inspect the original HTTP request + * @param extra_in if we happened to have read bytes after the + * HTTP header already (because the client sent + * more than the HTTP header of the request before + * we sent the upgrade response), + * these are the extra bytes already read from @a sock + * by MHD. The application should treat these as if + * it had read them from @a sock. + * @param extra_in_size number of bytes in @a extra_in + * @param sock socket to use for bi-directional communication + * with the client. For HTTPS, this may not be a socket + * that is directly connected to the client and thus certain + * operations (TCP-specific setsockopt(), getsockopt(), etc.) + * may not work as expected (as the socket could be from a + * socketpair() or a TCP-loopback) + * @param urh argument for #MHD_upgrade_action()s on this @a connection. + * Applications must eventually use this callback to perform the + * close() action on the @a sock. + */ +typedef void +(*MHD_UpgradeHandler)(void *cls, + struct MHD_Connection *connection, + const char *extra_in, + size_t extra_in_size, + MHD_SOCKET sock, + struct MHD_UpgradeResponseHandle *urh); + + +/** + * Create a response object that can be used for 101 UPGRADE + * responses, for example to implement WebSockets. After sending the + * response, control over the data stream is given to the callback (which + * can then, for example, start some bi-directional communication). + * If the response is queued for multiple connections, the callback + * will be called for each connection. The callback + * will ONLY be called after the response header was successfully passed + * to the OS; if there are communication errors before, the usual MHD + * connection error handling code will be performed. + * + * Setting the correct HTTP code (i.e. MHD_HTTP_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS) + * and setting correct HTTP headers for the upgrade must be done + * manually (this way, it is possible to implement most existing + * WebSocket versions using this API; in fact, this API might be useful + * for any protocol switch, not just WebSockets). Note that + * draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-00 cannot be implemented this + * way as the header "HTTP/1.1 101 WebSocket Protocol Handshake" + * cannot be generated; instead, MHD will always produce "HTTP/1.1 101 + * Switching Protocols" (if the response code 101 is used). + * + * As usual, the response object can be extended with header + * information and then be used any number of times (as long as the + * header information is not connection-specific). + * + * @param upgrade_handler function to call with the 'upgraded' socket + * @param upgrade_handler_cls closure for @a upgrade_handler + * @return NULL on error (i.e. invalid arguments, out of memory) + */ +_MHD_EXTERN struct MHD_Response * +MHD_create_response_for_upgrade (MHD_UpgradeHandler upgrade_handler, + void *upgrade_handler_cls); +#endif + +/** + * Destroy a response object and associated resources. Note that + * libmicrohttpd may keep some of the resources around if the response + * is still in the queue for some clients, so the memory may not + * necessarily be freed immediatley. + * + * @param response response to destroy + * @ingroup response + */ +_MHD_EXTERN void +MHD_destroy_response (struct MHD_Response *response); + + +/** + * Add a header line to the response. + * + * @param response response to add a header to + * @param header the header to add + * @param content value to add + * @return #MHD_NO on error (i.e. invalid header or content format), + * or out of memory + * @ingroup response + */ +_MHD_EXTERN int +MHD_add_response_header (struct MHD_Response *response, + const char *header, + const char *content); + + +/** + * Add a footer line to the response. + * + * @param response response to remove a header from + * @param footer the footer to delete + * @param content value to delete + * @return #MHD_NO on error (i.e. invalid footer or content format). + * @ingroup response + */ +_MHD_EXTERN int +MHD_add_response_footer (struct MHD_Response *response, + const char *footer, + const char *content); + + +/** + * Delete a header (or footer) line from the response. + * + * @param response response to remove a header from + * @param header the header to delete + * @param content value to delete + * @return #MHD_NO on error (no such header known) + * @ingroup response + */ +_MHD_EXTERN int +MHD_del_response_header (struct MHD_Response *response, + const char *header, + const char *content); + + +/** + * Get all of the headers (and footers) added to a response. + * + * @param response response to query + * @param iterator callback to call on each header; + * maybe NULL (then just count headers) + * @param iterator_cls extra argument to @a iterator + * @return number of entries iterated over + * @ingroup response + */ +_MHD_EXTERN int +MHD_get_response_headers (struct MHD_Response *response, + MHD_KeyValueIterator iterator, void *iterator_cls); + + +/** + * Get a particular header (or footer) from the response. + * + * @param response response to query + * @param key which header to get + * @return NULL if header does not exist + * @ingroup response + */ +_MHD_EXTERN const char * +MHD_get_response_header (struct MHD_Response *response, + const char *key); + + +/* ********************** PostProcessor functions ********************** */ + +/** + * Create a `struct MHD_PostProcessor`. + * + * A `struct MHD_PostProcessor` can be used to (incrementally) parse + * the data portion of a POST request. Note that some buggy browsers + * fail to set the encoding type. If you want to support those, you + * may have to call #MHD_set_connection_value with the proper encoding + * type before creating a post processor (if no supported encoding + * type is set, this function will fail). + * + * @param connection the connection on which the POST is + * happening (used to determine the POST format) + * @param buffer_size maximum number of bytes to use for + * internal buffering (used only for the parsing, + * specifically the parsing of the keys). A + * tiny value (256-1024) should be sufficient. + * Do NOT use a value smaller than 256. For good + * performance, use 32 or 64k (i.e. 65536). + * @param iter iterator to be called with the parsed data, + * Must NOT be NULL. + * @param iter_cls first argument to @a iter + * @return NULL on error (out of memory, unsupported encoding), + * otherwise a PP handle + * @ingroup request + */ +_MHD_EXTERN struct MHD_PostProcessor * +MHD_create_post_processor (struct MHD_Connection *connection, + size_t buffer_size, + MHD_PostDataIterator iter, void *iter_cls); + + +/** + * Parse and process POST data. Call this function when POST data is + * available (usually during an #MHD_AccessHandlerCallback) with the + * "upload_data" and "upload_data_size". Whenever possible, this will + * then cause calls to the #MHD_PostDataIterator. + * + * @param pp the post processor + * @param post_data @a post_data_len bytes of POST data + * @param post_data_len length of @a post_data + * @return #MHD_YES on success, #MHD_NO on error + * (out-of-memory, iterator aborted, parse error) + * @ingroup request + */ +_MHD_EXTERN int +MHD_post_process (struct MHD_PostProcessor *pp, + const char *post_data, size_t post_data_len); + + +/** + * Release PostProcessor resources. + * + * @param pp the PostProcessor to destroy + * @return #MHD_YES if processing completed nicely, + * #MHD_NO if there were spurious characters / formatting + * problems; it is common to ignore the return + * value of this function + * @ingroup request + */ +_MHD_EXTERN int +MHD_destroy_post_processor (struct MHD_PostProcessor *pp); + + +/* ********************* Digest Authentication functions *************** */ + + +/** + * Constant to indicate that the nonce of the provided + * authentication code was wrong. + * @ingroup authentication + */ +#define MHD_INVALID_NONCE -1 + + +/** + * Get the username from the authorization header sent by the client + * + * @param connection The MHD connection structure + * @return NULL if no username could be found, a pointer + * to the username if found + * @ingroup authentication + */ +_MHD_EXTERN char * +MHD_digest_auth_get_username (struct MHD_Connection *connection); + + +/** + * Authenticates the authorization header sent by the client + * + * @param connection The MHD connection structure + * @param realm The realm presented to the client + * @param username The username needs to be authenticated + * @param password The password used in the authentication + * @param nonce_timeout The amount of time for a nonce to be + * invalid in seconds + * @return #MHD_YES if authenticated, #MHD_NO if not, + * #MHD_INVALID_NONCE if nonce is invalid + * @ingroup authentication + */ +_MHD_EXTERN int +MHD_digest_auth_check (struct MHD_Connection *connection, + const char *realm, + const char *username, + const char *password, + unsigned int nonce_timeout); + + +/** + * Queues a response to request authentication from the client + * + * @param connection The MHD connection structure + * @param realm The realm presented to the client + * @param opaque string to user for opaque value + * @param response reply to send; should contain the "access denied" + * body; note that this function will set the "WWW Authenticate" + * header and that the caller should not do this + * @param signal_stale #MHD_YES if the nonce is invalid to add + * 'stale=true' to the authentication header + * @return #MHD_YES on success, #MHD_NO otherwise + * @ingroup authentication + */ +_MHD_EXTERN int +MHD_queue_auth_fail_response (struct MHD_Connection *connection, + const char *realm, + const char *opaque, + struct MHD_Response *response, + int signal_stale); + + +/** + * Get the username and password from the basic authorization header sent by the client + * + * @param connection The MHD connection structure + * @param password a pointer for the password + * @return NULL if no username could be found, a pointer + * to the username if found + * @ingroup authentication + */ +_MHD_EXTERN char * +MHD_basic_auth_get_username_password (struct MHD_Connection *connection, + char** password); + + +/** + * Queues a response to request basic authentication from the client + * The given response object is expected to include the payload for + * the response; the "WWW-Authenticate" header will be added and the + * response queued with the 'UNAUTHORIZED' status code. + * + * @param connection The MHD connection structure + * @param realm the realm presented to the client + * @param response response object to modify and queue + * @return #MHD_YES on success, #MHD_NO otherwise + * @ingroup authentication + */ +_MHD_EXTERN int +MHD_queue_basic_auth_fail_response (struct MHD_Connection *connection, + const char *realm, + struct MHD_Response *response); + +/* ********************** generic query functions ********************** */ + + +/** + * Obtain information about the given connection. + * + * @param connection what connection to get information about + * @param info_type what information is desired? + * @param ... depends on @a info_type + * @return NULL if this information is not available + * (or if the @a info_type is unknown) + * @ingroup specialized + */ +_MHD_EXTERN const union MHD_ConnectionInfo * +MHD_get_connection_info (struct MHD_Connection *connection, + enum MHD_ConnectionInfoType info_type, + ...); + + +/** + * MHD connection options. Given to #MHD_set_connection_option to + * set custom options for a particular connection. + */ +enum MHD_CONNECTION_OPTION +{ + + /** + * Set a custom timeout for the given connection. Specified + * as the number of seconds, given as an `unsigned int`. Use + * zero for no timeout. + */ + MHD_CONNECTION_OPTION_TIMEOUT + +}; + + +/** + * Set a custom option for the given connection, overriding defaults. + * + * @param connection connection to modify + * @param option option to set + * @param ... arguments to the option, depending on the option type + * @return #MHD_YES on success, #MHD_NO if setting the option failed + * @ingroup specialized + */ +_MHD_EXTERN int +MHD_set_connection_option (struct MHD_Connection *connection, + enum MHD_CONNECTION_OPTION option, + ...); + + +/** + * Information about an MHD daemon. + */ +union MHD_DaemonInfo +{ + /** + * Size of the key, no longer supported. + * @deprecated + */ + size_t key_size; + + /** + * Size of the mac key, no longer supported. + * @deprecated + */ + size_t mac_key_size; + + /** + * Listen socket file descriptor, for #MHD_DAEMON_INFO_EPOLL_FD_LINUX_ONLY + * and #MHD_DAEMON_INFO_LISTEN_FD. + */ + MHD_socket listen_fd; + + /** + * Number of active connections, for #MHD_DAEMON_INFO_CURRENT_CONNECTIONS. + */ + unsigned int num_connections; +}; + + +/** + * Obtain information about the given daemon + * (not fully implemented!). + * + * @param daemon what daemon to get information about + * @param info_type what information is desired? + * @param ... depends on @a info_type + * @return NULL if this information is not available + * (or if the @a info_type is unknown) + * @ingroup specialized + */ +_MHD_EXTERN const union MHD_DaemonInfo * +MHD_get_daemon_info (struct MHD_Daemon *daemon, + enum MHD_DaemonInfoType info_type, + ...); + + +/** + * Obtain the version of this library + * + * @return static version string, e.g. "0.9.9" + * @ingroup specialized + */ +_MHD_EXTERN const char* +MHD_get_version (void); + + +/** + * Types of information about MHD features, + * used by #MHD_is_feature_supported(). + */ +enum MHD_FEATURE +{ + /** + * Get whether messages are supported. If supported then in debug + * mode messages can be printed to stderr or to external logger. + */ + MHD_FEATURE_MESSGES = 1, + + /** + * Get whether HTTPS is supported. If supported then flag + * #MHD_USE_SSL and options #MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_KEY, + * #MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_CERT, #MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_TRUST, + * #MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_MEM_DHPARAMS, #MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_CRED_TYPE, + * #MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_PRIORITIES can be used. + */ + MHD_FEATURE_SSL = 2, + + /** + * Get whether option #MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_CERT_CALLBACK is + * supported. + */ + MHD_FEATURE_HTTPS_CERT_CALLBACK = 3, + + /** + * Get whether IPv6 is supported. If supported then flag + * #MHD_USE_IPv6 can be used. + */ + MHD_FEATURE_IPv6 = 4, + + /** + * Get whether IPv6 without IPv4 is supported. If not supported + * then IPv4 is always enabled in IPv6 sockets and + * flag #MHD_USE_DUAL_STACK if always used when #MHD_USE_IPv6 is + * specified. + */ + MHD_FEATURE_IPv6_ONLY = 5, + + /** + * Get whether `poll()` is supported. If supported then flag + * #MHD_USE_POLL can be used. + */ + MHD_FEATURE_POLL = 6, + + /** + * Get whether `epoll()` is supported. If supported then Flags + * #MHD_USE_EPOLL and + * #MHD_USE_EPOLL_INTERNALLY can be used. + */ + MHD_FEATURE_EPOLL = 7, + + /** + * Get whether shutdown on listen socket to signal other + * threads is supported. If not supported flag + * #MHD_USE_PIPE_FOR_SHUTDOWN is automatically forced. + */ + MHD_FEATURE_SHUTDOWN_LISTEN_SOCKET = 8, + + /** + * Get whether socketpair is used internally instead of pipe to + * signal other threads. + */ + MHD_FEATURE_SOCKETPAIR = 9, + + /** + * Get whether TCP Fast Open is supported. If supported then + * flag #MHD_USE_TCP_FASTOPEN and option + * #MHD_OPTION_TCP_FASTOPEN_QUEUE_SIZE can be used. + */ + MHD_FEATURE_TCP_FASTOPEN = 10, + + /** + * Get whether HTTP Basic authorization is supported. If supported + * then functions #MHD_basic_auth_get_username_password and + * #MHD_queue_basic_auth_fail_response can be used. + */ + MHD_FEATURE_BASIC_AUTH = 11, + + /** + * Get whether HTTP Digest authorization is supported. If + * supported then options #MHD_OPTION_DIGEST_AUTH_RANDOM, + * #MHD_OPTION_NONCE_NC_SIZE and + * #MHD_digest_auth_check() can be used. + */ + MHD_FEATURE_DIGEST_AUTH = 12, + + /** + * Get whether postprocessor is supported. If supported then + * functions #MHD_create_post_processor(), #MHD_post_process() and + * #MHD_destroy_post_processor() can + * be used. + */ + MHD_FEATURE_POSTPROCESSOR = 13, + + /** + * Get whether password encrypted private key for HTTPS daemon is + * supported. If supported then option + * ::MHD_OPTION_HTTPS_KEY_PASSWORD can be used. + */ + MHD_FEATURE_HTTPS_KEY_PASSWORD = 14, + + /** + * Get whether reading files beyond 2 GiB boundary is supported. + * If supported then #MHD_create_response_from_fd(), + * #MHD_create_response_from_fd64 #MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset() + * and #MHD_create_response_from_fd_at_offset64() can be used with sizes and + * offsets larger than 2 GiB. If not supported value of size+offset is + * limited to 2 GiB. + */ + MHD_FEATURE_LARGE_FILE = 15, + + /** + * Get whether MHD set names on generated threads. + */ + MHD_THREAD_NAMES = 16 +}; + + +/** + * Get information about supported MHD features. + * Indicate that MHD was compiled with or without support for + * particular feature. Some features require additional support + * by kernel. Kernel support is not checked by this function. + * + * @param feature type of requested information + * @return #MHD_YES if feature is supported by MHD, #MHD_NO if + * feature is not supported or feature is unknown. + * @ingroup specialized + */ +_MHD_EXTERN int +MHD_is_feature_supported (enum MHD_FEATURE feature); + + +#if 0 /* keep Emacsens' auto-indent happy */ +{ +#endif +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/minethd.cpp b/minethd.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7665b33 --- /dev/null +++ b/minethd.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,255 @@ +/* + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "console.h" + +#ifdef _WIN32 +#include + +void thd_setaffinity(std::thread::native_handle_type h, uint64_t cpu_id) +{ + SetThreadAffinityMask(h, 1 << cpu_id); +} + +#else +#include + +void thd_setaffinity(std::thread::native_handle_type h, uint64_t cpu_id) +{ + cpu_set_t mn; + CPU_ZERO(&mn); + CPU_SET(cpu_id, &mn); + pthread_setaffinity_np(h, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &mn); +} +#endif // _WIN32 + +#include "executor.h" +#include "minethd.h" +#include "jconf.h" +#include "crypto/cryptonight.h" + +telemetry::telemetry(size_t iThd) +{ + ppHashCounts = new uint64_t*[iThd]; + ppTimestamps = new uint64_t*[iThd]; + iBucketTop = new uint32_t[iThd]; + + for (size_t i = 0; i < iThd; i++) + { + ppHashCounts[i] = new uint64_t[iBucketSize]; + ppTimestamps[i] = new uint64_t[iBucketSize]; + iBucketTop[i] = 0; + memset(ppHashCounts[0], 0, sizeof(uint64_t) * iBucketSize); + memset(ppTimestamps[0], 0, sizeof(uint64_t) * iBucketSize); + } +} + +double telemetry::calc_telemetry_data(size_t iLastMilisec, size_t iThread) +{ + using namespace std::chrono; + uint64_t iTimeNow = time_point_cast(high_resolution_clock::now()).time_since_epoch().count(); + + uint64_t iEarliestHashCnt = 0; + uint64_t iEarliestStamp = 0; + uint64_t iLastestStamp = 0; + uint64_t iLastestHashCnt = 0; + bool bHaveFullSet = false; + + //Start at 1, buckettop points to next empty + for (size_t i = 1; i < iBucketSize; i++) + { + size_t idx = (iBucketTop[iThread] - i) & iBucketMask; //overflow expected here + + if (ppTimestamps[iThread][idx] == 0) + break; //That means we don't have the data yet + + if (iLastestStamp == 0) + { + iLastestStamp = ppTimestamps[iThread][idx]; + iLastestHashCnt = ppHashCounts[iThread][idx]; + } + + if (iTimeNow - ppTimestamps[iThread][idx] > iLastMilisec) + { + bHaveFullSet = true; + break; //We are out of the requested time period + } + + iEarliestStamp = ppTimestamps[iThread][idx]; + iEarliestHashCnt = ppHashCounts[iThread][idx]; + } + + if (!bHaveFullSet || iEarliestStamp == 0 || iLastestStamp == 0) + return nan(""); + + double fHashes, fTime; + fHashes = iLastestHashCnt - iEarliestHashCnt; + fTime = iLastestStamp - iEarliestStamp; + fTime /= 1000.0; + + return fHashes / fTime; +} + +void telemetry::push_perf_value(size_t iThd, uint64_t iHashCount, uint64_t iTimestamp) +{ + size_t iTop = iBucketTop[iThd]; + ppHashCounts[iThd][iTop] = iHashCount; + ppTimestamps[iThd][iTop] = iTimestamp; + + iBucketTop[iThd] = (iTop + 1) & iBucketMask; +} + +minethd::minethd(miner_work& pWork, size_t iNo, GpuContext* ctx) +{ + oWork = pWork; + bQuit = 0; + iThreadNo = (uint8_t)iNo; + iJobNo = 0; + iHashCount = 0; + iTimestamp = 0; + pGpuCtx = ctx; + + oWorkThd = std::thread(&minethd::work_main, this); +} + +bool minethd::init_gpus() +{ + size_t i, n = jconf::inst()->GetThreadCount(); + + printer::inst()->print_msg(L1, "Compiling code and initializing GPUs. This will take a while..."); + vGpuData.resize(n); + + jconf::thd_cfg cfg; + for(i = 0; i < n; i++) + { + jconf::inst()->GetThreadConfig(i, cfg); + vGpuData[i].deviceIdx = cfg.index; + vGpuData[i].rawIntensity = cfg.intensity; + vGpuData[i].workSize = cfg.w_size; + } + + return InitOpenCL(, n, jconf::inst()->GetPlatformIdx()) == ERR_SUCCESS; +} + +std::atomic minethd::iGlobalJobNo; +std::atomic minethd::iConsumeCnt; //Threads get jobs as they are initialized +minethd::miner_work minethd::oGlobalWork; +uint64_t minethd::iThreadCount = 0; +std::vector minethd::vGpuData; + +std::vector* minethd::thread_starter(miner_work& pWork) +{ + iGlobalJobNo = 0; + iConsumeCnt = 0; + std::vector* pvThreads = new std::vector; + + size_t i, n = jconf::inst()->GetThreadCount(); + pvThreads->reserve(n); + + jconf::thd_cfg cfg; + for (i = 0; i < n; i++) + { + jconf::inst()->GetThreadConfig(i, cfg); + minethd* thd = new minethd(pWork, i, &vGpuData[i]); + + if(cfg.cpu_aff >= 0) + thd_setaffinity(thd->oWorkThd.native_handle(), cfg.cpu_aff); + + pvThreads->push_back(thd); + if(cfg.cpu_aff >= 0) + printer::inst()->print_msg(L1, "Starting GPU thread, affinity: %d.", (int)cfg.cpu_aff); + else + printer::inst()->print_msg(L1, "Starting GPU thread, no affinity."); + } + + iThreadCount = n; + return pvThreads; +} + +void minethd::switch_work(miner_work& pWork) +{ + // iConsumeCnt is a basic lock-like polling mechanism just in case we happen to push work + // faster than threads can consume them. This should never happen in real life. + // Pool cant physically send jobs faster than every 250ms or so due to net latency. + + while (iConsumeCnt.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst) < iThreadCount) + std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100)); + + oGlobalWork = pWork; +, std::memory_order_seq_cst); + iGlobalJobNo++; +} + +void minethd::consume_work() +{ + memcpy(&oWork, &oGlobalWork, sizeof(miner_work)); + iJobNo++; + iConsumeCnt++; + + if(!oWork.bStall) + { + pGpuCtx->Nonce = calc_start_nonce(oWork.iResumeCnt); + XMRSetJob(pGpuCtx, oWork.bWorkBlob, oWork.iWorkSize, oWork.iTarget); + } +} + +void minethd::work_main() +{ + uint64_t iCount = 0; + iConsumeCnt++; + while (bQuit == 0) + { + if (oWork.bStall) + { + /* We are stalled here because the executor didn't find a job for us yet, + either because of network latency, or a socket problem. Since we are + raison d'etre of this software it us sensible to just wait until we have something*/ + + while (iGlobalJobNo.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == iJobNo) + std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100)); + + consume_work(); + continue; + } + + assert(sizeof(job_result::sJobID) == sizeof(pool_job::sJobID)); + + while(iGlobalJobNo.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == iJobNo) + { + cl_uint results[0x100] = { 0 }; + + XMRRunJob(pGpuCtx, results); + + for(size_t i = 0; i < results[0xFF]; i++) + { + executor::inst()->push_event(ex_event(job_result(oWork.sJobID, oWork.bWorkBlob, + oWork.iWorkSize, oWork.iTarget, results[i]), oWork.iPoolId)); + } + + iCount += pGpuCtx->rawIntensity; + using namespace std::chrono; + uint64_t iStamp = time_point_cast(high_resolution_clock::now()).time_since_epoch().count(); +, std::memory_order_relaxed); +, std::memory_order_relaxed); + std::this_thread::yield(); + } + + consume_work(); + } +} diff --git a/minethd.h b/minethd.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c126ff2 --- /dev/null +++ b/minethd.h @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +#pragma once +#include +#include + +#include "amd_gpu/gpu.h" + +class telemetry +{ +public: + telemetry(size_t iThd); + void push_perf_value(size_t iThd, uint64_t iHashCount, uint64_t iTimestamp); + double calc_telemetry_data(size_t iLastMilisec, size_t iThread); + +private: + constexpr static size_t iBucketSize = 2 << 11; //Power of 2 to simplify calculations + constexpr static size_t iBucketMask = iBucketSize - 1; + uint32_t* iBucketTop; + uint64_t** ppHashCounts; + uint64_t** ppTimestamps; +}; + +class minethd +{ +public: + struct miner_work + { + char sJobID[64]; + uint8_t bWorkBlob[88]; + uint32_t iWorkSize; + uint32_t iResumeCnt; + uint32_t iTarget; + bool bStall; + size_t iPoolId; + + miner_work() : iWorkSize(0), bStall(true), iPoolId(0) { } + + miner_work(const char* sJobID, const uint8_t* bWork, uint32_t iWorkSize, uint32_t iResumeCnt, + uint64_t iTarget, size_t iPoolId) : iWorkSize(iWorkSize), iResumeCnt(iResumeCnt), + iTarget(iTarget), bStall(false), iPoolId(iPoolId) + { + assert(iWorkSize <= sizeof(bWorkBlob)); + memcpy(this->sJobID, sJobID, sizeof(miner_work::sJobID)); + memcpy(this->bWorkBlob, bWork, iWorkSize); + } + + miner_work(miner_work const&) = delete; + + miner_work& operator=(miner_work const& from) + { + assert(this != &from); + + iWorkSize = from.iWorkSize; + iResumeCnt = from.iResumeCnt; + iTarget = from.iTarget; + bStall = from.bStall; + iPoolId = from.iPoolId; + + assert(iWorkSize <= sizeof(bWorkBlob)); + memcpy(sJobID, from.sJobID, sizeof(sJobID)); + memcpy(bWorkBlob, from.bWorkBlob, iWorkSize); + + return *this; + } + + miner_work(miner_work&& from) : iWorkSize(from.iWorkSize), iTarget(from.iTarget), + bStall(from.bStall), iPoolId(from.iPoolId) + { + assert(iWorkSize <= sizeof(bWorkBlob)); + memcpy(sJobID, from.sJobID, sizeof(sJobID)); + memcpy(bWorkBlob, from.bWorkBlob, iWorkSize); + } + + miner_work& operator=(miner_work&& from) + { + assert(this != &from); + + iWorkSize = from.iWorkSize; + iResumeCnt = from.iResumeCnt; + iTarget = from.iTarget; + bStall = from.bStall; + iPoolId = from.iPoolId; + + assert(iWorkSize <= sizeof(bWorkBlob)); + memcpy(sJobID, from.sJobID, sizeof(sJobID)); + memcpy(bWorkBlob, from.bWorkBlob, iWorkSize); + + return *this; + } + }; + + static void switch_work(miner_work& pWork); + static std::vector* thread_starter(miner_work& pWork); + static bool init_gpus(); + + std::atomic iHashCount; + std::atomic iTimestamp; + +private: + minethd(miner_work& pWork, size_t iNo, GpuContext* ctx); + + // We use the top 8 bits of the nonce for thread and resume + // This allows us to resume up to 64 threads 4 times before + // we get nonce collisions + // Bottom 24 bits allow for an hour of work at 4000 H/s + inline uint32_t calc_start_nonce(uint32_t resume) + { return (resume * iThreadCount + iThreadNo) << 24; } + + void work_main(); + void double_work_main(); + void consume_work(); + + static std::atomic iGlobalJobNo; + static std::atomic iConsumeCnt; + static uint64_t iThreadCount; + uint64_t iJobNo; + + static miner_work oGlobalWork; + miner_work oWork; + + std::thread oWorkThd; + uint8_t iThreadNo; + + bool bQuit; + bool bNoPrefetch; + + //Mutable ptr to vector below, different for each thread + GpuContext* pGpuCtx; + + // WARNING - this vector (but not its contents) must be immutable + // once the threads are started + static std::vector vGpuData; +}; + diff --git a/msgstruct.h b/msgstruct.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27ab9ab --- /dev/null +++ b/msgstruct.h @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +#pragma once +#include +#include + +// Structures that we use to pass info between threads constructors are here just to make +// the stack allocation take up less space, heap is a shared resouce that needs locks too of course + +struct pool_job +{ + char sJobID[64]; + uint8_t bWorkBlob[88]; + uint32_t iTarget; + uint32_t iWorkLen; + uint32_t iResumeCnt; + + pool_job() : iWorkLen(0), iResumeCnt(0) {} + pool_job(const char* sJobID, uint64_t iTarget, const uint8_t* bWorkBlob, uint32_t iWorkLen) : + iTarget(iTarget), iWorkLen(iWorkLen), iResumeCnt(0) + { + assert(iWorkLen <= sizeof(pool_job::bWorkBlob)); + memcpy(this->sJobID, sJobID, sizeof(pool_job::sJobID)); + memcpy(this->bWorkBlob, bWorkBlob, iWorkLen); + } +}; + +struct job_result +{ + uint8_t bResult[32]; + char sJobID[64]; + uint8_t bWorkBlob[88]; + uint32_t iTarget; + uint32_t iWorkLen; + uint32_t iNonce; + + job_result() {} + job_result(const char* sJobID, uint8_t* bWorkBlob, uint32_t iWorkLen, uint32_t iTarget, uint32_t iNonce) : + iTarget(iTarget), iWorkLen(iWorkLen), iNonce(iNonce) + { + assert(iWorkLen <= sizeof(job_result::bWorkBlob)); + + memcpy(this->sJobID, sJobID, sizeof(job_result::sJobID)); + memcpy(this->bWorkBlob, bWorkBlob, iWorkLen); + memset(this->bResult, 0, sizeof(job_result::bResult)); + } +}; + +enum ex_event_name { EV_INVALID_VAL, EV_SOCK_READY, EV_SOCK_ERROR, + EV_POOL_HAVE_JOB, EV_MINER_HAVE_RESULT, EV_PERF_TICK, EV_RECONNECT, + EV_SWITCH_POOL, EV_DEV_POOL_EXIT, EV_USR_HASHRATE, EV_USR_RESULTS, EV_USR_CONNSTAT, + EV_HASHRATE_LOOP, EV_HTML_HASHRATE, EV_HTML_RESULTS, EV_HTML_CONNSTAT }; + +/* + This is how I learned to stop worrying and love c++11 =). + Ghosts of endless heap allocations have finally been exorcised. Thanks + to the nifty magic of move semantics, string will only be allocated + once on the heap. Considering that it makes a jorney across stack, + heap alloced queue, to another stack before being finally processed + I think it is kind of nifty, don't you? + Also note that for non-arg events we only copy two qwords +*/ + +struct ex_event +{ + ex_event_name iName; + size_t iPoolId; + + union + { + pool_job oPoolJob; + job_result oJobResult; + std::string sSocketError; + }; + + ex_event() { iName = EV_INVALID_VAL; iPoolId = 0;} + ex_event(std::string&& err, size_t id) : iName(EV_SOCK_ERROR), iPoolId(id), sSocketError(std::move(err)) { } + ex_event(job_result dat, size_t id) : iName(EV_MINER_HAVE_RESULT), iPoolId(id), oJobResult(dat) {} + ex_event(pool_job dat, size_t id) : iName(EV_POOL_HAVE_JOB), iPoolId(id), oPoolJob(dat) {} + ex_event(ex_event_name ev, size_t id = 0) : iName(ev), iPoolId(id) {} + + // Delete the copy operators to make sure we are moving only what is needed + ex_event(ex_event const&) = delete; + ex_event& operator=(ex_event const&) = delete; + + ex_event(ex_event&& from) + { + iName = from.iName; + iPoolId = from.iPoolId; + + switch(iName) + { + case EV_SOCK_ERROR: + new (&sSocketError) std::string(std::move(from.sSocketError)); + break; + case EV_MINER_HAVE_RESULT: + oJobResult = from.oJobResult; + break; + case EV_POOL_HAVE_JOB: + oPoolJob = from.oPoolJob; + break; + default: + break; + } + } + + ex_event& operator=(ex_event&& from) + { + assert(this != &from); + + if(iName == EV_SOCK_ERROR) + sSocketError.~basic_string(); + + iName = from.iName; + iPoolId = from.iPoolId; + + switch(iName) + { + case EV_SOCK_ERROR: + new (&sSocketError) std::string(); + sSocketError = std::move(from.sSocketError); + break; + case EV_MINER_HAVE_RESULT: + oJobResult = from.oJobResult; + break; + case EV_POOL_HAVE_JOB: + oPoolJob = from.oPoolJob; + break; + default: + break; + } + + return *this; + } + + ~ex_event() + { + if(iName == EV_SOCK_ERROR) + sSocketError.~basic_string(); + } +}; diff --git a/opencl/ b/opencl/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6be0eb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/opencl/ @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +/* +* blake256 kernel implementation. +* +* ==========================(LICENSE BEGIN)============================ +* Copyright (c) 2014 djm34 +* Copyright (c) 2014 tpruvot +* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +* the following conditions: +* +* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +* +* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. +* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY +* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, +* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE +* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. +* +* ===========================(LICENSE END)============================= +* +* @author djm34 +*/ +__constant static const int sigma[16][16] = { + { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 }, + { 14, 10, 4, 8, 9, 15, 13, 6, 1, 12, 0, 2, 11, 7, 5, 3 }, + { 11, 8, 12, 0, 5, 2, 15, 13, 10, 14, 3, 6, 7, 1, 9, 4 }, + { 7, 9, 3, 1, 13, 12, 11, 14, 2, 6, 5, 10, 4, 0, 15, 8 }, + { 9, 0, 5, 7, 2, 4, 10, 15, 14, 1, 11, 12, 6, 8, 3, 13 }, + { 2, 12, 6, 10, 0, 11, 8, 3, 4, 13, 7, 5, 15, 14, 1, 9 }, + { 12, 5, 1, 15, 14, 13, 4, 10, 0, 7, 6, 3, 9, 2, 8, 11 }, + { 13, 11, 7, 14, 12, 1, 3, 9, 5, 0, 15, 4, 8, 6, 2, 10 }, + { 6, 15, 14, 9, 11, 3, 0, 8, 12, 2, 13, 7, 1, 4, 10, 5 }, + { 10, 2, 8, 4, 7, 6, 1, 5, 15, 11, 9, 14, 3, 12, 13, 0 }, + { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 }, + { 14, 10, 4, 8, 9, 15, 13, 6, 1, 12, 0, 2, 11, 7, 5, 3 }, + { 11, 8, 12, 0, 5, 2, 15, 13, 10, 14, 3, 6, 7, 1, 9, 4 }, + { 7, 9, 3, 1, 13, 12, 11, 14, 2, 6, 5, 10, 4, 0, 15, 8 }, + { 9, 0, 5, 7, 2, 4, 10, 15, 14, 1, 11, 12, 6, 8, 3, 13 }, + { 2, 12, 6, 10, 0, 11, 8, 3, 4, 13, 7, 5, 15, 14, 1, 9 } +}; + + +__constant static const sph_u32 c_IV256[8] = { + 0x6A09E667, 0xBB67AE85, + 0x3C6EF372, 0xA54FF53A, + 0x510E527F, 0x9B05688C, + 0x1F83D9AB, 0x5BE0CD19 +}; + +/* Second part (64-80) msg never change, store it */ +__constant static const sph_u32 c_Padding[16] = { + 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0x80000000, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 1, 0, 640, +}; +__constant static const sph_u32 c_u256[16] = { + 0x243F6A88, 0x85A308D3, + 0x13198A2E, 0x03707344, + 0xA4093822, 0x299F31D0, + 0x082EFA98, 0xEC4E6C89, + 0x452821E6, 0x38D01377, + 0xBE5466CF, 0x34E90C6C, + 0xC0AC29B7, 0xC97C50DD, + 0x3F84D5B5, 0xB5470917 +}; + +#define GS(a,b,c,d,x) { \ + const sph_u32 idx1 = sigma[r][x]; \ + const sph_u32 idx2 = sigma[r][x+1]; \ + v[a] += (m[idx1] ^ c_u256[idx2]) + v[b]; \ + v[d] ^= v[a]; \ + v[d] = rotate(v[d], 16U); \ + v[c] += v[d]; \ + v[b] ^= v[c]; \ + v[b] = rotate(v[b], 20U); \ +\ + v[a] += (m[idx2] ^ c_u256[idx1]) + v[b]; \ + v[d] ^= v[a]; \ + v[d] = rotate(v[d], 24U); \ + v[c] += v[d]; \ + v[b] ^= v[c]; \ + v[b] = rotate(v[b], 25U); \ +} + + + + + diff --git a/opencl/ b/opencl/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..764c3af --- /dev/null +++ b/opencl/ @@ -0,0 +1,912 @@ +/* + * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ + +#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_amd_media_ops2 : enable + +#include "opencl/" +#include "opencl/" +#include "opencl/" +#include "opencl/" +#include "opencl/" + +static const __constant ulong keccakf_rndc[24] = +{ + 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000008082, 0x800000000000808a, + 0x8000000080008000, 0x000000000000808b, 0x0000000080000001, + 0x8000000080008081, 0x8000000000008009, 0x000000000000008a, + 0x0000000000000088, 0x0000000080008009, 0x000000008000000a, + 0x000000008000808b, 0x800000000000008b, 0x8000000000008089, + 0x8000000000008003, 0x8000000000008002, 0x8000000000000080, + 0x000000000000800a, 0x800000008000000a, 0x8000000080008081, + 0x8000000000008080, 0x0000000080000001, 0x8000000080008008 +}; + +static const __constant uchar sbox[256] = +{ + 0x63, 0x7C, 0x77, 0x7B, 0xF2, 0x6B, 0x6F, 0xC5, 0x30, 0x01, 0x67, 0x2B, 0xFE, 0xD7, 0xAB, 0x76, + 0xCA, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x7D, 0xFA, 0x59, 0x47, 0xF0, 0xAD, 0xD4, 0xA2, 0xAF, 0x9C, 0xA4, 0x72, 0xC0, + 0xB7, 0xFD, 0x93, 0x26, 0x36, 0x3F, 0xF7, 0xCC, 0x34, 0xA5, 0xE5, 0xF1, 0x71, 0xD8, 0x31, 0x15, + 0x04, 0xC7, 0x23, 0xC3, 0x18, 0x96, 0x05, 0x9A, 0x07, 0x12, 0x80, 0xE2, 0xEB, 0x27, 0xB2, 0x75, + 0x09, 0x83, 0x2C, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x6E, 0x5A, 0xA0, 0x52, 0x3B, 0xD6, 0xB3, 0x29, 0xE3, 0x2F, 0x84, + 0x53, 0xD1, 0x00, 0xED, 0x20, 0xFC, 0xB1, 0x5B, 0x6A, 0xCB, 0xBE, 0x39, 0x4A, 0x4C, 0x58, 0xCF, + 0xD0, 0xEF, 0xAA, 0xFB, 0x43, 0x4D, 0x33, 0x85, 0x45, 0xF9, 0x02, 0x7F, 0x50, 0x3C, 0x9F, 0xA8, + 0x51, 0xA3, 0x40, 0x8F, 0x92, 0x9D, 0x38, 0xF5, 0xBC, 0xB6, 0xDA, 0x21, 0x10, 0xFF, 0xF3, 0xD2, + 0xCD, 0x0C, 0x13, 0xEC, 0x5F, 0x97, 0x44, 0x17, 0xC4, 0xA7, 0x7E, 0x3D, 0x64, 0x5D, 0x19, 0x73, + 0x60, 0x81, 0x4F, 0xDC, 0x22, 0x2A, 0x90, 0x88, 0x46, 0xEE, 0xB8, 0x14, 0xDE, 0x5E, 0x0B, 0xDB, + 0xE0, 0x32, 0x3A, 0x0A, 0x49, 0x06, 0x24, 0x5C, 0xC2, 0xD3, 0xAC, 0x62, 0x91, 0x95, 0xE4, 0x79, + 0xE7, 0xC8, 0x37, 0x6D, 0x8D, 0xD5, 0x4E, 0xA9, 0x6C, 0x56, 0xF4, 0xEA, 0x65, 0x7A, 0xAE, 0x08, + 0xBA, 0x78, 0x25, 0x2E, 0x1C, 0xA6, 0xB4, 0xC6, 0xE8, 0xDD, 0x74, 0x1F, 0x4B, 0xBD, 0x8B, 0x8A, + 0x70, 0x3E, 0xB5, 0x66, 0x48, 0x03, 0xF6, 0x0E, 0x61, 0x35, 0x57, 0xB9, 0x86, 0xC1, 0x1D, 0x9E, + 0xE1, 0xF8, 0x98, 0x11, 0x69, 0xD9, 0x8E, 0x94, 0x9B, 0x1E, 0x87, 0xE9, 0xCE, 0x55, 0x28, 0xDF, + 0x8C, 0xA1, 0x89, 0x0D, 0xBF, 0xE6, 0x42, 0x68, 0x41, 0x99, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0xB0, 0x54, 0xBB, 0x16 +}; + + +void keccakf1600(ulong *s) +{ + for(int i = 0; i < 24; ++i) + { + ulong bc[5], tmp1, tmp2; + bc[0] = s[0] ^ s[5] ^ s[10] ^ s[15] ^ s[20] ^ rotate(s[2] ^ s[7] ^ s[12] ^ s[17] ^ s[22], 1UL); + bc[1] = s[1] ^ s[6] ^ s[11] ^ s[16] ^ s[21] ^ rotate(s[3] ^ s[8] ^ s[13] ^ s[18] ^ s[23], 1UL); + bc[2] = s[2] ^ s[7] ^ s[12] ^ s[17] ^ s[22] ^ rotate(s[4] ^ s[9] ^ s[14] ^ s[19] ^ s[24], 1UL); + bc[3] = s[3] ^ s[8] ^ s[13] ^ s[18] ^ s[23] ^ rotate(s[0] ^ s[5] ^ s[10] ^ s[15] ^ s[20], 1UL); + bc[4] = s[4] ^ s[9] ^ s[14] ^ s[19] ^ s[24] ^ rotate(s[1] ^ s[6] ^ s[11] ^ s[16] ^ s[21], 1UL); + + tmp1 = s[1] ^ bc[0]; + + s[0] ^= bc[4]; + s[1] = rotate(s[6] ^ bc[0], 44UL); + s[6] = rotate(s[9] ^ bc[3], 20UL); + s[9] = rotate(s[22] ^ bc[1], 61UL); + s[22] = rotate(s[14] ^ bc[3], 39UL); + s[14] = rotate(s[20] ^ bc[4], 18UL); + s[20] = rotate(s[2] ^ bc[1], 62UL); + s[2] = rotate(s[12] ^ bc[1], 43UL); + s[12] = rotate(s[13] ^ bc[2], 25UL); + s[13] = rotate(s[19] ^ bc[3], 8UL); + s[19] = rotate(s[23] ^ bc[2], 56UL); + s[23] = rotate(s[15] ^ bc[4], 41UL); + s[15] = rotate(s[4] ^ bc[3], 27UL); + s[4] = rotate(s[24] ^ bc[3], 14UL); + s[24] = rotate(s[21] ^ bc[0], 2UL); + s[21] = rotate(s[8] ^ bc[2], 55UL); + s[8] = rotate(s[16] ^ bc[0], 35UL); + s[16] = rotate(s[5] ^ bc[4], 36UL); + s[5] = rotate(s[3] ^ bc[2], 28UL); + s[3] = rotate(s[18] ^ bc[2], 21UL); + s[18] = rotate(s[17] ^ bc[1], 15UL); + s[17] = rotate(s[11] ^ bc[0], 10UL); + s[11] = rotate(s[7] ^ bc[1], 6UL); + s[7] = rotate(s[10] ^ bc[4], 3UL); + s[10] = rotate(tmp1, 1UL); + + tmp1 = s[0]; tmp2 = s[1]; s[0] = bitselect(s[0] ^ s[2], s[0], s[1]); s[1] = bitselect(s[1] ^ s[3], s[1], s[2]); s[2] = bitselect(s[2] ^ s[4], s[2], s[3]); s[3] = bitselect(s[3] ^ tmp1, s[3], s[4]); s[4] = bitselect(s[4] ^ tmp2, s[4], tmp1); + tmp1 = s[5]; tmp2 = s[6]; s[5] = bitselect(s[5] ^ s[7], s[5], s[6]); s[6] = bitselect(s[6] ^ s[8], s[6], s[7]); s[7] = bitselect(s[7] ^ s[9], s[7], s[8]); s[8] = bitselect(s[8] ^ tmp1, s[8], s[9]); s[9] = bitselect(s[9] ^ tmp2, s[9], tmp1); + tmp1 = s[10]; tmp2 = s[11]; s[10] = bitselect(s[10] ^ s[12], s[10], s[11]); s[11] = bitselect(s[11] ^ s[13], s[11], s[12]); s[12] = bitselect(s[12] ^ s[14], s[12], s[13]); s[13] = bitselect(s[13] ^ tmp1, s[13], s[14]); s[14] = bitselect(s[14] ^ tmp2, s[14], tmp1); + tmp1 = s[15]; tmp2 = s[16]; s[15] = bitselect(s[15] ^ s[17], s[15], s[16]); s[16] = bitselect(s[16] ^ s[18], s[16], s[17]); s[17] = bitselect(s[17] ^ s[19], s[17], s[18]); s[18] = bitselect(s[18] ^ tmp1, s[18], s[19]); s[19] = bitselect(s[19] ^ tmp2, s[19], tmp1); + tmp1 = s[20]; tmp2 = s[21]; s[20] = bitselect(s[20] ^ s[22], s[20], s[21]); s[21] = bitselect(s[21] ^ s[23], s[21], s[22]); s[22] = bitselect(s[22] ^ s[24], s[22], s[23]); s[23] = bitselect(s[23] ^ tmp1, s[23], s[24]); s[24] = bitselect(s[24] ^ tmp2, s[24], tmp1); + s[0] ^= keccakf_rndc[i]; + } +} + +static const __constant uint keccakf_rotc[24] = +{ + 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 2, 14, + 27, 41, 56, 8, 25, 43, 62, 18, 39, 61, 20, 44 +}; + +static const __constant uint keccakf_piln[24] = +{ + 10, 7, 11, 17, 18, 3, 5, 16, 8, 21, 24, 4, + 15, 23, 19, 13, 12, 2, 20, 14, 22, 9, 6, 1 +}; + +void keccakf1600_1(ulong *st) +{ + int i, round; + ulong t, bc[5]; + + #pragma unroll 1 + for(round = 0; round < 24; ++round) + { + + // Theta + bc[0] = st[0] ^ st[5] ^ st[10] ^ st[15] ^ st[20]; + bc[1] = st[1] ^ st[6] ^ st[11] ^ st[16] ^ st[21]; + bc[2] = st[2] ^ st[7] ^ st[12] ^ st[17] ^ st[22]; + bc[3] = st[3] ^ st[8] ^ st[13] ^ st[18] ^ st[23]; + bc[4] = st[4] ^ st[9] ^ st[14] ^ st[19] ^ st[24]; + + #pragma unroll 1 + for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { + t = bc[(i + 4) % 5] ^ rotate(bc[(i + 1) % 5], 1UL); + st[i ] ^= t; + st[i + 5] ^= t; + st[i + 10] ^= t; + st[i + 15] ^= t; + st[i + 20] ^= t; + } + + // Rho Pi + t = st[1]; + #pragma unroll + for (i = 0; i < 24; ++i) { + bc[0] = st[keccakf_piln[i]]; + st[keccakf_piln[i]] = rotate(t, (ulong)keccakf_rotc[i]); + t = bc[0]; + } + + //ulong tmp1 = st[0]; ulong tmp2 = st[1]; st[0] = bitselect(st[0] ^ st[2], st[0], st[1]); st[1] = bitselect(st[1] ^ st[3], st[1], st[2]); st[2] = bitselect(st[2] ^ st[4], st[2], st[3]); st[3] = bitselect(st[3] ^ tmp1, st[3], st[4]); st[4] = bitselect(st[4] ^ tmp2, st[4], tmp1); + //tmp1 = st[5]; tmp2 = st[6]; st[5] = bitselect(st[5] ^ st[7], st[5], st[6]); st[6] = bitselect(st[6] ^ st[8], st[6], st[7]); st[7] = bitselect(st[7] ^ st[9], st[7], st[8]); st[8] = bitselect(st[8] ^ tmp1, st[8], st[9]); st[9] = bitselect(st[9] ^ tmp2, st[9], tmp1); + //tmp1 = st[10]; tmp2 = st[11]; st[10] = bitselect(st[10] ^ st[12], st[10], st[11]); st[11] = bitselect(st[11] ^ st[13], st[11], st[12]); st[12] = bitselect(st[12] ^ st[14], st[12], st[13]); st[13] = bitselect(st[13] ^ tmp1, st[13], st[14]); st[14] = bitselect(st[14] ^ tmp2, st[14], tmp1); + //tmp1 = st[15]; tmp2 = st[16]; st[15] = bitselect(st[15] ^ st[17], st[15], st[16]); st[16] = bitselect(st[16] ^ st[18], st[16], st[17]); st[17] = bitselect(st[17] ^ st[19], st[17], st[18]); st[18] = bitselect(st[18] ^ tmp1, st[18], st[19]); st[19] = bitselect(st[19] ^ tmp2, st[19], tmp1); + //tmp1 = st[20]; tmp2 = st[21]; st[20] = bitselect(st[20] ^ st[22], st[20], st[21]); st[21] = bitselect(st[21] ^ st[23], st[21], st[22]); st[22] = bitselect(st[22] ^ st[24], st[22], st[23]); st[23] = bitselect(st[23] ^ tmp1, st[23], st[24]); st[24] = bitselect(st[24] ^ tmp2, st[24], tmp1); + + #pragma unroll 1 + for(int i = 0; i < 25; i += 5) + { + ulong tmp[5]; + + #pragma unroll 1 + for(int x = 0; x < 5; ++x) + tmp[x] = bitselect(st[i + x] ^ st[i + ((x + 2) % 5)], st[i + x], st[i + ((x + 1) % 5)]); + + #pragma unroll 1 + for(int x = 0; x < 5; ++x) st[i + x] = tmp[x]; + } + + // Iota + st[0] ^= keccakf_rndc[round]; + } +} + +void keccakf1600_2(ulong *st) +{ + int i, round; + ulong t, bc[5]; + + #pragma unroll 1 + for(round = 0; round < 24; ++round) + { + + // Theta + //bc[0] = st[0] ^ st[5] ^ st[10] ^ st[15] ^ st[20]; + //bc[1] = st[1] ^ st[6] ^ st[11] ^ st[16] ^ st[21]; + //bc[2] = st[2] ^ st[7] ^ st[12] ^ st[17] ^ st[22]; + //bc[3] = st[3] ^ st[8] ^ st[13] ^ st[18] ^ st[23]; + //bc[4] = st[4] ^ st[9] ^ st[14] ^ st[19] ^ st[24]; + + /* + #pragma unroll + for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { + t = bc[(i + 4) % 5] ^ rotate(bc[(i + 1) % 5], 1UL); + st[i ] ^= t; + st[i + 5] ^= t; + st[i + 10] ^= t; + st[i + 15] ^= t; + st[i + 20] ^= t; + } + */ + + bc[0] = st[0] ^ st[5] ^ st[10] ^ st[15] ^ st[20] ^ rotate(st[2] ^ st[7] ^ st[12] ^ st[17] ^ st[22], 1UL); + bc[1] = st[1] ^ st[6] ^ st[11] ^ st[16] ^ st[21] ^ rotate(st[3] ^ st[8] ^ st[13] ^ st[18] ^ st[23], 1UL); + bc[2] = st[2] ^ st[7] ^ st[12] ^ st[17] ^ st[22] ^ rotate(st[4] ^ st[9] ^ st[14] ^ st[19] ^ st[24], 1UL); + bc[3] = st[3] ^ st[8] ^ st[13] ^ st[18] ^ st[23] ^ rotate(st[0] ^ st[5] ^ st[10] ^ st[15] ^ st[20], 1UL); + bc[4] = st[4] ^ st[9] ^ st[14] ^ st[19] ^ st[24] ^ rotate(st[1] ^ st[6] ^ st[11] ^ st[16] ^ st[21], 1UL); + + st[0] ^= bc[4]; + st[5] ^= bc[4]; + st[10] ^= bc[4]; + st[15] ^= bc[4]; + st[20] ^= bc[4]; + + st[1] ^= bc[0]; + st[6] ^= bc[0]; + st[11] ^= bc[0]; + st[16] ^= bc[0]; + st[21] ^= bc[0]; + + st[2] ^= bc[1]; + st[7] ^= bc[1]; + st[12] ^= bc[1]; + st[17] ^= bc[1]; + st[22] ^= bc[1]; + + st[3] ^= bc[2]; + st[8] ^= bc[2]; + st[13] ^= bc[2]; + st[18] ^= bc[2]; + st[23] ^= bc[2]; + + st[4] ^= bc[3]; + st[9] ^= bc[3]; + st[14] ^= bc[3]; + st[19] ^= bc[3]; + st[24] ^= bc[3]; + + // Rho Pi + t = st[1]; + #pragma unroll + for (i = 0; i < 24; ++i) { + bc[0] = st[keccakf_piln[i]]; + st[keccakf_piln[i]] = rotate(t, (ulong)keccakf_rotc[i]); + t = bc[0]; + } + + + + /*ulong tmp1 = st[1] ^ bc[0]; + + st[0] ^= bc[4]; + st[1] = rotate(st[6] ^ bc[0], 44UL); + st[6] = rotate(st[9] ^ bc[3], 20UL); + st[9] = rotate(st[22] ^ bc[1], 61UL); + st[22] = rotate(st[14] ^ bc[3], 39UL); + st[14] = rotate(st[20] ^ bc[4], 18UL); + st[20] = rotate(st[2] ^ bc[1], 62UL); + st[2] = rotate(st[12] ^ bc[1], 43UL); + st[12] = rotate(st[13] ^ bc[2], 25UL); + st[13] = rotate(st[19] ^ bc[3], 8UL); + st[19] = rotate(st[23] ^ bc[2], 56UL); + st[23] = rotate(st[15] ^ bc[4], 41UL); + st[15] = rotate(st[4] ^ bc[3], 27UL); + st[4] = rotate(st[24] ^ bc[3], 14UL); + st[24] = rotate(st[21] ^ bc[0], 2UL); + st[21] = rotate(st[8] ^ bc[2], 55UL); + st[8] = rotate(st[16] ^ bc[0], 35UL); + st[16] = rotate(st[5] ^ bc[4], 36UL); + st[5] = rotate(st[3] ^ bc[2], 28UL); + st[3] = rotate(st[18] ^ bc[2], 21UL); + st[18] = rotate(st[17] ^ bc[1], 15UL); + st[17] = rotate(st[11] ^ bc[0], 10UL); + st[11] = rotate(st[7] ^ bc[1], 6UL); + st[7] = rotate(st[10] ^ bc[4], 3UL); + st[10] = rotate(tmp1, 1UL); + */ + + + //ulong tmp1 = st[0]; ulong tmp2 = st[1]; st[0] = bitselect(st[0] ^ st[2], st[0], st[1]); st[1] = bitselect(st[1] ^ st[3], st[1], st[2]); st[2] = bitselect(st[2] ^ st[4], st[2], st[3]); st[3] = bitselect(st[3] ^ tmp1, st[3], st[4]); st[4] = bitselect(st[4] ^ tmp2, st[4], tmp1); + //tmp1 = st[5]; tmp2 = st[6]; st[5] = bitselect(st[5] ^ st[7], st[5], st[6]); st[6] = bitselect(st[6] ^ st[8], st[6], st[7]); st[7] = bitselect(st[7] ^ st[9], st[7], st[8]); st[8] = bitselect(st[8] ^ tmp1, st[8], st[9]); st[9] = bitselect(st[9] ^ tmp2, st[9], tmp1); + //tmp1 = st[10]; tmp2 = st[11]; st[10] = bitselect(st[10] ^ st[12], st[10], st[11]); st[11] = bitselect(st[11] ^ st[13], st[11], st[12]); st[12] = bitselect(st[12] ^ st[14], st[12], st[13]); st[13] = bitselect(st[13] ^ tmp1, st[13], st[14]); st[14] = bitselect(st[14] ^ tmp2, st[14], tmp1); + //tmp1 = st[15]; tmp2 = st[16]; st[15] = bitselect(st[15] ^ st[17], st[15], st[16]); st[16] = bitselect(st[16] ^ st[18], st[16], st[17]); st[17] = bitselect(st[17] ^ st[19], st[17], st[18]); st[18] = bitselect(st[18] ^ tmp1, st[18], st[19]); st[19] = bitselect(st[19] ^ tmp2, st[19], tmp1); + //tmp1 = st[20]; tmp2 = st[21]; st[20] = bitselect(st[20] ^ st[22], st[20], st[21]); st[21] = bitselect(st[21] ^ st[23], st[21], st[22]); st[22] = bitselect(st[22] ^ st[24], st[22], st[23]); st[23] = bitselect(st[23] ^ tmp1, st[23], st[24]); st[24] = bitselect(st[24] ^ tmp2, st[24], tmp1); + + #pragma unroll + for(int i = 0; i < 25; i += 5) + { + ulong tmp1 = st[i], tmp2 = st[i + 1]; + + st[i] = bitselect(st[i] ^ st[i + 2], st[i], st[i + 1]); + st[i + 1] = bitselect(st[i + 1] ^ st[i + 3], st[i + 1], st[i + 2]); + st[i + 2] = bitselect(st[i + 2] ^ st[i + 4], st[i + 2], st[i + 3]); + st[i + 3] = bitselect(st[i + 3] ^ tmp1, st[i + 3], st[i + 4]); + st[i + 4] = bitselect(st[i + 4] ^ tmp2, st[i + 4], tmp1); + } + + // Iota + st[0] ^= keccakf_rndc[round]; + } +} + +void CNKeccak(ulong *output, ulong *input) +{ + ulong st[25]; + + // Copy 72 bytes + for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) st[i] = input[i]; + + // Last four and '1' bit for padding + //st[9] = as_ulong((uint2)(((uint *)input)[18], 0x00000001U)); + + st[9] = (input[9] & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFUL) | 0x0000000100000000UL; + + for(int i = 10; i < 25; ++i) st[i] = 0x00UL; + + // Last bit of padding + st[16] = 0x8000000000000000UL; + + keccakf1600_1(st); + + for(int i = 0; i < 25; ++i) output[i] = st[i]; +} + +static const __constant uchar rcon[8] = { 0x8d, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40 }; + +#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_amd_media_ops2 : enable + +#define BYTE(x, y) (amd_bfe((x), (y) << 3U, 8U)) + +#define SubWord(inw) ((sbox[BYTE(inw, 3)] << 24) | (sbox[BYTE(inw, 2)] << 16) | (sbox[BYTE(inw, 1)] << 8) | sbox[BYTE(inw, 0)]) + +void AESExpandKey256(uint *keybuf) +{ + //#pragma unroll 4 + for(uint c = 8, i = 1; c < 60; ++c) + { + // For 256-bit keys, an sbox permutation is done every other 4th uint generated, AND every 8th + uint t = ((!(c & 7)) || ((c & 7) == 4)) ? SubWord(keybuf[c - 1]) : keybuf[c - 1]; + + // If the uint we're generating has an index that is a multiple of 8, rotate and XOR with the round constant, + // then XOR this with previously generated uint. If it's 4 after a multiple of 8, only the sbox permutation + // is done, followed by the XOR. If neither are true, only the XOR with the previously generated uint is done. + keybuf[c] = keybuf[c - 8] ^ ((!(c & 7)) ? rotate(t, 24U) ^ as_uint((uchar4)(rcon[i++], 0U, 0U, 0U)) : t); + } +} + +#define IDX(x) ((x) * (get_global_size(0))) + +__attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(WORKSIZE, 8, 1))) +__kernel void cn0(__global ulong *input, __global uint4 *Scratchpad, __global ulong *states) +{ + ulong State[25]; + uint ExpandedKey1[256]; + __local uint AES0[256], AES1[256], AES2[256], AES3[256]; + uint4 text; + + states += (25 * (get_global_id(0) - get_global_offset(0))); + Scratchpad += ((get_global_id(0) - get_global_offset(0))); + + for(int i = get_local_id(0); i < 256; i += WORKSIZE) + { + const uint tmp = AES0_C[i]; + AES0[i] = tmp; + AES1[i] = rotate(tmp, 8U); + AES2[i] = rotate(tmp, 16U); + AES3[i] = rotate(tmp, 24U); + } + + ((ulong8 *)State)[0] = vload8(0, input); + State[8] = input[8]; + State[9] = input[9]; + State[10] = input[10]; + + ((uint *)State)[9] &= 0x00FFFFFFU; + ((uint *)State)[9] |= ((get_global_id(0)) & 0xFF) << 24; + ((uint *)State)[10] &= 0xFF000000U; + ((uint *)State)[10] |= ((get_global_id(0) >> 8)); + + for(int i = 11; i < 25; ++i) State[i] = 0x00UL; + + // Last bit of padding + State[16] = 0x8000000000000000UL; + + keccakf1600_2(State); + + mem_fence(CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE); + + #pragma unroll + for(int i = 0; i < 25; ++i) states[i] = State[i]; + + text = vload4(get_local_id(1) + 4, (__global uint *)(states)); + + #pragma unroll + for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) ((ulong *)ExpandedKey1)[i] = states[i]; + + AESExpandKey256(ExpandedKey1); + + mem_fence(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); + + #pragma unroll 2 + for(int i = 0; i < 0x4000; ++i) + { + #pragma unroll + for(int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) + text = AES_Round(AES0, AES1, AES2, AES3, text, ((uint4 *)ExpandedKey1)[j]); + + Scratchpad[IDX((i << 3) + get_local_id(1))] = text; + } + + mem_fence(CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE); +} + +__attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(WORKSIZE, 1, 1))) +__kernel void cn1(__global uint4 *Scratchpad, __global ulong *states) +{ + ulong a[2], b[2]; + __local uint AES0[256], AES1[256], AES2[256], AES3[256]; + + Scratchpad += ((get_global_id(0) - get_global_offset(0))); + states += (25 * (get_global_id(0) - get_global_offset(0))); + + for(int i = get_local_id(0); i < 256; i += WORKSIZE) + { + const uint tmp = AES0_C[i]; + AES0[i] = tmp; + AES1[i] = rotate(tmp, 8U); + AES2[i] = rotate(tmp, 16U); + AES3[i] = rotate(tmp, 24U); + } + + a[0] = states[0] ^ states[4]; + b[0] = states[2] ^ states[6]; + a[1] = states[1] ^ states[5]; + b[1] = states[3] ^ states[7]; + + uint4 b_x = ((uint4 *)b)[0]; + + mem_fence(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); + + #pragma unroll 8 + for(int i = 0; i < 0x80000; ++i) + { + ulong c[2]; + + ((uint4 *)c)[0] = Scratchpad[IDX((a[0] & 0x1FFFF0) >> 4)]; + ((uint4 *)c)[0] = AES_Round(AES0, AES1, AES2, AES3, ((uint4 *)c)[0], ((uint4 *)a)[0]); + //b_x ^= ((uint4 *)c)[0]; + + Scratchpad[IDX((a[0] & 0x1FFFF0) >> 4)] = b_x ^ ((uint4 *)c)[0]; + + uint4 tmp; + tmp = Scratchpad[IDX((c[0] & 0x1FFFF0) >> 4)]; + + a[1] += c[0] * as_ulong2(tmp).s0; + a[0] += mul_hi(c[0], as_ulong2(tmp).s0); + + Scratchpad[IDX((c[0] & 0x1FFFF0) >> 4)] = ((uint4 *)a)[0]; + + ((uint4 *)a)[0] ^= tmp; + + b_x = ((uint4 *)c)[0]; + } + + mem_fence(CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE); +} + +__attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(WORKSIZE, 8, 1))) +__kernel void cn2(__global uint4 *Scratchpad, __global ulong *states, __global uint *Branch0, __global uint *Branch1, __global uint *Branch2, __global uint *Branch3) +{ + __local uint AES0[256], AES1[256], AES2[256], AES3[256]; + uint ExpandedKey2[256]; + ulong State[25]; + uint4 text; + + Scratchpad += ((get_global_id(0) - get_global_offset(0))); + states += (25 * (get_global_id(0) - get_global_offset(0))); + + for(int i = get_local_id(0); i < 256; i += WORKSIZE) + { + const uint tmp = AES0_C[i]; + AES0[i] = tmp; + AES1[i] = rotate(tmp, 8U); + AES2[i] = rotate(tmp, 16U); + AES3[i] = rotate(tmp, 24U); + } + + #if defined(__Tahiti__) || defined(__Pitcairn__) + + for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) ((ulong *)ExpandedKey2)[i] = states[i + 4]; + text = vload4(get_local_id(1) + 4, (__global uint *)states); + + #else + + text = vload4(get_local_id(1) + 4, (__global uint *)states); + ((uint8 *)ExpandedKey2)[0] = vload8(1, (__global uint *)states); + + #endif + + AESExpandKey256(ExpandedKey2); + + barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); + + #pragma unroll 2 + for(int i = 0; i < 0x4000; ++i) + { + text ^= Scratchpad[IDX((i << 3) + get_local_id(1))]; + + #pragma unroll + for(int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) + text = AES_Round(AES0, AES1, AES2, AES3, text, ((uint4 *)ExpandedKey2)[j]); + } + + vstore2(as_ulong2(text), get_local_id(1) + 4, states); + + barrier(CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE); + + if(!get_local_id(1)) + { + for(int i = 0; i < 25; ++i) State[i] = states[i]; + + keccakf1600_2(State); + + for(int i = 0; i < 25; ++i) states[i] = State[i]; + + switch(State[0] & 3) + { + case 0: + Branch0[atomic_inc(Branch0 + get_global_size(0))] = get_global_id(0) - get_global_offset(0); + break; + case 1: + Branch1[atomic_inc(Branch1 + get_global_size(0))] = get_global_id(0) - get_global_offset(0); + break; + case 2: + Branch2[atomic_inc(Branch2 + get_global_size(0))] = get_global_id(0) - get_global_offset(0); + break; + case 3: + Branch3[atomic_inc(Branch3 + get_global_size(0))] = get_global_id(0) - get_global_offset(0); + break; + } + } + + mem_fence(CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE); +} + +/* +__kernel void cryptonight(__global ulong *input, __global uint4 *Scratchpad, __global ulong *states, __global uint *Branch0, __global uint *Branch1, __global uint *Branch2, __global uint *Branch3, ulong ThreadCount) +{ + uchar State[200]; + __local uint AES0[256], AES1[256], AES2[256], AES3[256]; + uchar ExpandedKey1[256], ExpandedKey2[256]; + ulong inbuf[10], a[2], b[2]; + uint4 text[8]; + + for(int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) + { + const uint tmp = AES0_C[i]; + AES0[i] = tmp; + AES1[i] = rotate(tmp, 8U); + AES2[i] = rotate(tmp, 16U); + AES3[i] = rotate(tmp, 24U); + } + + ((ulong8 *)inbuf)[0] = vload8(0, input); + inbuf[8] = input[8]; + inbuf[9] = (ulong)((__global uint *)input)[18]; + + ((uint *)(((uchar *)inbuf) + 39))[0] = get_global_id(0); + CNKeccak((ulong *)State, inbuf); + + a[0] = ((ulong *)State)[0] ^ ((ulong *)State)[4]; + b[0] = ((ulong *)State)[2] ^ ((ulong *)State)[6]; + a[1] = ((ulong *)State)[1] ^ ((ulong *)State)[5]; + b[1] = ((ulong *)State)[3] ^ ((ulong *)State)[7]; + + for(uint i = 0; i < 8; ++i) text[i] = vload4(i + 4, (uint *)(State)); + + for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) ((ulong *)ExpandedKey1)[i] = ((ulong *)State)[i]; + for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) ((ulong *)ExpandedKey2)[i] = ((ulong *)State)[i + 4]; + + AESExpandKey256(ExpandedKey1); + AESExpandKey256(ExpandedKey2); + + mem_fence(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); + + Scratchpad += ((1 << 17) * (get_global_id(0) - get_global_offset(0))); + + //#pragma unroll 1 + for(int i = 0; i < (1 << 17); i += 8) + { + #pragma unroll + for(int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) + { + #pragma unroll + for(int x = 0; x < 8; ++x) + text[x] = AES_Round(AES0, AES1, AES2, AES3, text[x], ((uint4 *)ExpandedKey1)[j]); + } + + for(int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) *(Scratchpad + i + j) = text[j]; + } + + + uint4 b_x = ((uint4 *)b)[0]; + + //#pragma unroll 1 + for(int i = 0; i < 0x80000; ++i) + { + ulong c[2]; + + ((uint4 *)c)[0] = Scratchpad[(a[0] & 0x1FFFF0) >> 4]; + ((uint4 *)c)[0] = AES_Round(AES0, AES1, AES2, AES3, ((uint4 *)c)[0], ((uint4 *)a)[0]); + b_x ^= ((uint4 *)c)[0]; + + Scratchpad[(a[0] & 0x1FFFF0) >> 4] = b_x; + + uint4 tmp; + tmp = Scratchpad[(c[0] & 0x1FFFF0) >> 4]; + + a[1] += c[0] * as_ulong2(tmp).s0; + a[0] += mul_hi(c[0], as_ulong2(tmp).s0); + + Scratchpad[(c[0] & 0x1FFFF0) >> 4] = ((uint4 *)a)[0]; + + ((uint4 *)a)[0] ^= tmp; + + b_x = ((uint4 *)c)[0]; + } + + for(uint i = 0; i < 8; ++i) text[i] = vload4(i + 4, (uint *)(State)); + + for(int i = 0; i < (1 << 17); i += 8) + { + #pragma unroll + for(int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) text[j] ^= Scratchpad[i + j]; + + #pragma unroll 1 + for(int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) + { + #pragma unroll + for(int x = 0; x < 8; ++x) + text[x] = AES_Round(AES0, AES1, AES2, AES3, text[x], ((uint4 *)ExpandedKey2)[j]); + } + } + + for(uint i = 0; i < 8; ++i) vstore4(text[i], i + 4, (uint *)(State)); + + keccakf1600((ulong *)State); + + states += (25 * (get_global_id(0) - get_global_offset(0))); + + for(int i = 0; i < 25; ++i) states[i] = ((ulong *)State)[i]; + + switch(State[0] & 3) + { + case 0: + Branch0[atomic_inc(Branch0 + ThreadCount)] = get_global_id(0) - get_global_offset(0); + break; + case 1: + Branch1[atomic_inc(Branch1 + ThreadCount)] = get_global_id(0) - get_global_offset(0); + break; + case 2: + Branch2[atomic_inc(Branch2 + ThreadCount)] = get_global_id(0) - get_global_offset(0); + break; + case 3: + Branch3[atomic_inc(Branch3 + ThreadCount)] = get_global_id(0) - get_global_offset(0); + break; + } +} +*/ + +#define VSWAP8(x) (((x) >> 56) | (((x) >> 40) & 0x000000000000FF00UL) | (((x) >> 24) & 0x0000000000FF0000UL) \ + | (((x) >> 8) & 0x00000000FF000000UL) | (((x) << 8) & 0x000000FF00000000UL) \ + | (((x) << 24) & 0x0000FF0000000000UL) | (((x) << 40) & 0x00FF000000000000UL) | (((x) << 56) & 0xFF00000000000000UL)) + +#define VSWAP4(x) ((((x) >> 24) & 0xFFU) | (((x) >> 8) & 0xFF00U) | (((x) << 8) & 0xFF0000U) | (((x) << 24) & 0xFF000000U)) + +__kernel void Skein(__global ulong *states, __global uint *BranchBuf, __global uint *output, uint Target, ulong Threads) +{ + const ulong idx = get_global_id(0) - get_global_offset(0); + + if(idx >= Threads) return; + + states += 25 * BranchBuf[idx]; + + // skein + ulong8 h = vload8(0, SKEIN512_256_IV); + + // Type field begins with final bit, first bit, then six bits of type; the last 96 + // bits are input processed (including in the block to be processed with that tweak) + // The output transform is only one run of UBI, since we need only 256 bits of output + // The tweak for the output transform is Type = Output with the Final bit set + // T[0] for the output is 8, and I don't know why - should be message size... + ulong t[3] = { 0x00UL, 0x7000000000000000UL, 0x00UL }; + ulong8 p, m; + + for(uint i = 0; i < 4; ++i) + { + if(i < 3) t[0] += 0x40UL; + else t[0] += 0x08UL; + + t[2] = t[0] ^ t[1]; + + m = (i < 3) ? vload8(i, states) : (ulong8)(states[24], 0UL, 0UL, 0UL, 0UL, 0UL, 0UL, 0UL); + const ulong h8 = h.s0 ^ h.s1 ^ h.s2 ^ h.s3 ^ h.s4 ^ h.s5 ^ h.s6 ^ h.s7 ^ SKEIN_KS_PARITY; + p = Skein512Block(m, h, h8, t); + + h = m ^ p; + + if(i < 2) t[1] = 0x3000000000000000UL; + else t[1] = 0xB000000000000000UL; + } + + t[0] = 0x08UL; + t[1] = 0xFF00000000000000UL; + t[2] = t[0] ^ t[1]; + + p = (ulong8)(0); + const ulong h8 = h.s0 ^ h.s1 ^ h.s2 ^ h.s3 ^ h.s4 ^ h.s5 ^ h.s6 ^ h.s7 ^ SKEIN_KS_PARITY; + + p = Skein512Block(p, h, h8, t); + + //vstore8(p, 0, output); + + if(as_uint16(p).s7 <= Target) output[atomic_inc(output + 0xFF)] = BranchBuf[idx] + get_global_offset(0); + + mem_fence(CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE); +} + +#define SWAP8(x) as_ulong(as_uchar8(x).s76543210) + +__kernel void JH(__global ulong *states, __global uint *BranchBuf, __global uint *output, uint Target, ulong Threads) +{ + const uint idx = get_global_id(0) - get_global_offset(0); + + if(idx >= Threads) return; + + states += 25 * BranchBuf[idx]; + + sph_u64 h0h = 0xEBD3202C41A398EBUL, h0l = 0xC145B29C7BBECD92UL, h1h = 0xFAC7D4609151931CUL, h1l = 0x038A507ED6820026UL, h2h = 0x45B92677269E23A4UL, h2l = 0x77941AD4481AFBE0UL, h3h = 0x7A176B0226ABB5CDUL, h3l = 0xA82FFF0F4224F056UL; + sph_u64 h4h = 0x754D2E7F8996A371UL, h4l = 0x62E27DF70849141DUL, h5h = 0x948F2476F7957627UL, h5l = 0x6C29804757B6D587UL, h6h = 0x6C0D8EAC2D275E5CUL, h6l = 0x0F7A0557C6508451UL, h7h = 0xEA12247067D3E47BUL, h7l = 0x69D71CD313ABE389UL; + sph_u64 tmp; + + for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) + { + ulong input[8]; + + if(i < 3) + { + for(int x = 0; x < 8; ++x) input[x] = (states[(i << 3) + x]); + } + else if(i == 3) + { + input[0] = (states[24]); + input[1] = 0x80UL; + for(int x = 2; x < 8; ++x) input[x] = 0x00UL; + } + else + { + input[7] = 0x4006000000000000UL; + + for(int x = 0; x < 7; ++x) input[x] = 0x00UL; + } + + h0h ^= input[0]; + h0l ^= input[1]; + h1h ^= input[2]; + h1l ^= input[3]; + h2h ^= input[4]; + h2l ^= input[5]; + h3h ^= input[6]; + h3l ^= input[7]; + + E8; + + h4h ^= input[0]; + h4l ^= input[1]; + h5h ^= input[2]; + h5l ^= input[3]; + h6h ^= input[4]; + h6l ^= input[5]; + h7h ^= input[6]; + h7l ^= input[7]; + } + + //output[0] = h6h; + //output[1] = h6l; + //output[2] = h7h; + //output[3] = h7l; + + if(as_uint2(h7l).s1 <= Target) output[atomic_inc(output + 0xFF)] = BranchBuf[idx] + get_global_offset(0); +} + +#define SWAP4(x) as_uint(as_uchar4(x).s3210) + +__kernel void Blake(__global ulong *states, __global uint *BranchBuf, __global uint *output, uint Target, ulong Threads) +{ + const uint idx = get_global_id(0) - get_global_offset(0); + + if(idx >= Threads) return; + + states += 25 * BranchBuf[idx]; + + unsigned int m[16]; + unsigned int v[16]; + uint h[8]; + + ((uint8 *)h)[0] = vload8(0U, c_IV256); + + for(uint i = 0, bitlen = 0; i < 4; ++i) + { + if(i < 3) + { + ((uint16 *)m)[0] = vload16(i, (__global uint *)states); + for(int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) m[i] = SWAP4(m[i]); + bitlen += 512; + } + else + { + m[0] = SWAP4(((__global uint *)states)[48]); + m[1] = SWAP4(((__global uint *)states)[49]); + m[2] = 0x80000000U; + + for(int i = 3; i < 13; ++i) m[i] = 0x00U; + + m[13] = 1U; + m[14] = 0U; + m[15] = 0x640; + bitlen += 64; + } + + ((uint16 *)v)[0].lo = ((uint8 *)h)[0]; + ((uint16 *)v)[0].hi = vload8(0U, c_u256); + + //v[12] ^= (i < 3) ? (i + 1) << 9 : 1600U; + //v[13] ^= (i < 3) ? (i + 1) << 9 : 1600U; + + v[12] ^= bitlen; + v[13] ^= bitlen; + + for(int r = 0; r < 14; r++) + { + GS(0, 4, 0x8, 0xC, 0x0); + GS(1, 5, 0x9, 0xD, 0x2); + GS(2, 6, 0xA, 0xE, 0x4); + GS(3, 7, 0xB, 0xF, 0x6); + GS(0, 5, 0xA, 0xF, 0x8); + GS(1, 6, 0xB, 0xC, 0xA); + GS(2, 7, 0x8, 0xD, 0xC); + GS(3, 4, 0x9, 0xE, 0xE); + } + + ((uint8 *)h)[0] ^= ((uint8 *)v)[0] ^ ((uint8 *)v)[1]; + } + + for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) h[i] = SWAP4(h[i]); + + //for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) output[i] = ((ulong *)h)[i]; + if(h[7] <= Target) output[atomic_inc(output + 0xFF)] = BranchBuf[idx] + get_global_offset(0); +} + +__kernel void Groestl(__global ulong *states, __global uint *BranchBuf, __global uint *output, uint Target, ulong Threads) +{ + const uint idx = get_global_id(0) - get_global_offset(0); + + if(idx >= Threads) return; + + states += 25 * BranchBuf[idx]; + + ulong State[8]; + + for(int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) State[i] = 0UL; + + State[7] = 0x0001000000000000UL; + + for(uint i = 0; i < 4; ++i) + { + ulong H[8], M[8]; + + if(i < 3) + { + ((ulong8 *)M)[0] = vload8(i, states); + } + else + { + M[0] = states[24]; + M[1] = 0x80UL; + + for(int x = 2; x < 7; ++x) M[x] = 0UL; + + M[7] = 0x0400000000000000UL; + } + + for(int x = 0; x < 8; ++x) H[x] = M[x] ^ State[x]; + + PERM_SMALL_P(H); + PERM_SMALL_Q(M); + + for(int x = 0; x < 8; ++x) State[x] ^= H[x] ^ M[x]; + } + + ulong tmp[8]; + + for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) tmp[i] = State[i]; + + PERM_SMALL_P(State); + + for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) State[i] ^= tmp[i]; + + //for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) output[i] = State[i + 4]; + if(as_uint2(State[7]).s1 <= Target) output[atomic_inc(output + 0xFF)] = BranchBuf[idx] + get_global_offset(0); +} diff --git a/opencl/ b/opencl/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1139c4d --- /dev/null +++ b/opencl/ @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +/* $Id: groestl.c 260 2011-07-21 01:02:38Z tp $ */ +/* + * Groestl256 + * + * ==========================(LICENSE BEGIN)============================ + * Copyright (c) 2014 djm34 + * Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Projet RNRT SAPHIR + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining + * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the + * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including + * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, + * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to + * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to + * the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be + * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, + * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF + * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. + * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY + * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, + * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE + * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + * + * ===========================(LICENSE END)============================= + * + * @author Thomas Pornin + */ + +#define SPH_C64(x) x +#define SPH_ROTL64(x, y) rotate((x), (ulong)(y)) + + +#define C64e(x) ((SPH_C64(x) >> 56) \ + | ((SPH_C64(x) >> 40) & SPH_C64(0x000000000000FF00)) \ + | ((SPH_C64(x) >> 24) & SPH_C64(0x0000000000FF0000)) \ + | ((SPH_C64(x) >> 8) & SPH_C64(0x00000000FF000000)) \ + | ((SPH_C64(x) << 8) & SPH_C64(0x000000FF00000000)) \ + | ((SPH_C64(x) << 24) & SPH_C64(0x0000FF0000000000)) \ + | ((SPH_C64(x) << 40) & SPH_C64(0x00FF000000000000)) \ + | ((SPH_C64(x) << 56) & SPH_C64(0xFF00000000000000))) + +#define B64_0(x) ((x) & 0xFF) +#define B64_1(x) (((x) >> 8) & 0xFF) +#define B64_2(x) (((x) >> 16) & 0xFF) +#define B64_3(x) (((x) >> 24) & 0xFF) +#define B64_4(x) (((x) >> 32) & 0xFF) +#define B64_5(x) (((x) >> 40) & 0xFF) +#define B64_6(x) (((x) >> 48) & 0xFF) +#define B64_7(x) ((x) >> 56) +#define R64 SPH_ROTL64 +#define PC64(j, r) ((sph_u64)((j) + (r))) +#define QC64(j, r) (((sph_u64)(r) << 56) ^ (~((sph_u64)(j) << 56))) + +static const __constant ulong T0_G[] = +{ + 0xc6a597f4a5f432c6UL, 0xf884eb9784976ff8UL, 0xee99c7b099b05eeeUL, 0xf68df78c8d8c7af6UL, + 0xff0de5170d17e8ffUL, 0xd6bdb7dcbddc0ad6UL, 0xdeb1a7c8b1c816deUL, 0x915439fc54fc6d91UL, + 0x6050c0f050f09060UL, 0x0203040503050702UL, 0xcea987e0a9e02eceUL, 0x567dac877d87d156UL, + 0xe719d52b192bcce7UL, 0xb56271a662a613b5UL, 0x4de69a31e6317c4dUL, 0xec9ac3b59ab559ecUL, + 0x8f4505cf45cf408fUL, 0x1f9d3ebc9dbca31fUL, 0x894009c040c04989UL, 0xfa87ef92879268faUL, + 0xef15c53f153fd0efUL, 0xb2eb7f26eb2694b2UL, 0x8ec90740c940ce8eUL, 0xfb0bed1d0b1de6fbUL, + 0x41ec822fec2f6e41UL, 0xb3677da967a91ab3UL, 0x5ffdbe1cfd1c435fUL, 0x45ea8a25ea256045UL, + 0x23bf46dabfdaf923UL, 0x53f7a602f7025153UL, 0xe496d3a196a145e4UL, 0x9b5b2ded5bed769bUL, + 0x75c2ea5dc25d2875UL, 0xe11cd9241c24c5e1UL, 0x3dae7ae9aee9d43dUL, 0x4c6a98be6abef24cUL, + 0x6c5ad8ee5aee826cUL, 0x7e41fcc341c3bd7eUL, 0xf502f1060206f3f5UL, 0x834f1dd14fd15283UL, + 0x685cd0e45ce48c68UL, 0x51f4a207f4075651UL, 0xd134b95c345c8dd1UL, 0xf908e9180818e1f9UL, + 0xe293dfae93ae4ce2UL, 0xab734d9573953eabUL, 0x6253c4f553f59762UL, 0x2a3f54413f416b2aUL, + 0x080c10140c141c08UL, 0x955231f652f66395UL, 0x46658caf65afe946UL, 0x9d5e21e25ee27f9dUL, + 0x3028607828784830UL, 0x37a16ef8a1f8cf37UL, 0x0a0f14110f111b0aUL, 0x2fb55ec4b5c4eb2fUL, + 0x0e091c1b091b150eUL, 0x2436485a365a7e24UL, 0x1b9b36b69bb6ad1bUL, 0xdf3da5473d4798dfUL, + 0xcd26816a266aa7cdUL, 0x4e699cbb69bbf54eUL, 0x7fcdfe4ccd4c337fUL, 0xea9fcfba9fba50eaUL, + 0x121b242d1b2d3f12UL, 0x1d9e3ab99eb9a41dUL, 0x5874b09c749cc458UL, 0x342e68722e724634UL, + 0x362d6c772d774136UL, 0xdcb2a3cdb2cd11dcUL, 0xb4ee7329ee299db4UL, 0x5bfbb616fb164d5bUL, + 0xa4f65301f601a5a4UL, 0x764decd74dd7a176UL, 0xb76175a361a314b7UL, 0x7dcefa49ce49347dUL, + 0x527ba48d7b8ddf52UL, 0xdd3ea1423e429fddUL, 0x5e71bc937193cd5eUL, 0x139726a297a2b113UL, + 0xa6f55704f504a2a6UL, 0xb96869b868b801b9UL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0xc12c99742c74b5c1UL, + 0x406080a060a0e040UL, 0xe31fdd211f21c2e3UL, 0x79c8f243c8433a79UL, 0xb6ed772ced2c9ab6UL, + 0xd4beb3d9bed90dd4UL, 0x8d4601ca46ca478dUL, 0x67d9ce70d9701767UL, 0x724be4dd4bddaf72UL, + 0x94de3379de79ed94UL, 0x98d42b67d467ff98UL, 0xb0e87b23e82393b0UL, 0x854a11de4ade5b85UL, + 0xbb6b6dbd6bbd06bbUL, 0xc52a917e2a7ebbc5UL, 0x4fe59e34e5347b4fUL, 0xed16c13a163ad7edUL, + 0x86c51754c554d286UL, 0x9ad72f62d762f89aUL, 0x6655ccff55ff9966UL, 0x119422a794a7b611UL, + 0x8acf0f4acf4ac08aUL, 0xe910c9301030d9e9UL, 0x0406080a060a0e04UL, 0xfe81e798819866feUL, + 0xa0f05b0bf00baba0UL, 0x7844f0cc44ccb478UL, 0x25ba4ad5bad5f025UL, 0x4be3963ee33e754bUL, + 0xa2f35f0ef30eaca2UL, 0x5dfeba19fe19445dUL, 0x80c01b5bc05bdb80UL, 0x058a0a858a858005UL, + 0x3fad7eecadecd33fUL, 0x21bc42dfbcdffe21UL, 0x7048e0d848d8a870UL, 0xf104f90c040cfdf1UL, + 0x63dfc67adf7a1963UL, 0x77c1ee58c1582f77UL, 0xaf75459f759f30afUL, 0x426384a563a5e742UL, + 0x2030405030507020UL, 0xe51ad12e1a2ecbe5UL, 0xfd0ee1120e12effdUL, 0xbf6d65b76db708bfUL, + 0x814c19d44cd45581UL, 0x1814303c143c2418UL, 0x26354c5f355f7926UL, 0xc32f9d712f71b2c3UL, + 0xbee16738e13886beUL, 0x35a26afda2fdc835UL, 0x88cc0b4fcc4fc788UL, 0x2e395c4b394b652eUL, + 0x93573df957f96a93UL, 0x55f2aa0df20d5855UL, 0xfc82e39d829d61fcUL, 0x7a47f4c947c9b37aUL, + 0xc8ac8befacef27c8UL, 0xbae76f32e73288baUL, 0x322b647d2b7d4f32UL, 0xe695d7a495a442e6UL, + 0xc0a09bfba0fb3bc0UL, 0x199832b398b3aa19UL, 0x9ed12768d168f69eUL, 0xa37f5d817f8122a3UL, + 0x446688aa66aaee44UL, 0x547ea8827e82d654UL, 0x3bab76e6abe6dd3bUL, 0x0b83169e839e950bUL, + 0x8cca0345ca45c98cUL, 0xc729957b297bbcc7UL, 0x6bd3d66ed36e056bUL, 0x283c50443c446c28UL, + 0xa779558b798b2ca7UL, 0xbce2633de23d81bcUL, 0x161d2c271d273116UL, 0xad76419a769a37adUL, + 0xdb3bad4d3b4d96dbUL, 0x6456c8fa56fa9e64UL, 0x744ee8d24ed2a674UL, 0x141e28221e223614UL, + 0x92db3f76db76e492UL, 0x0c0a181e0a1e120cUL, 0x486c90b46cb4fc48UL, 0xb8e46b37e4378fb8UL, + 0x9f5d25e75de7789fUL, 0xbd6e61b26eb20fbdUL, 0x43ef862aef2a6943UL, 0xc4a693f1a6f135c4UL, + 0x39a872e3a8e3da39UL, 0x31a462f7a4f7c631UL, 0xd337bd5937598ad3UL, 0xf28bff868b8674f2UL, + 0xd532b156325683d5UL, 0x8b430dc543c54e8bUL, 0x6e59dceb59eb856eUL, 0xdab7afc2b7c218daUL, + 0x018c028f8c8f8e01UL, 0xb16479ac64ac1db1UL, 0x9cd2236dd26df19cUL, 0x49e0923be03b7249UL, + 0xd8b4abc7b4c71fd8UL, 0xacfa4315fa15b9acUL, 0xf307fd090709faf3UL, 0xcf25856f256fa0cfUL, + 0xcaaf8feaafea20caUL, 0xf48ef3898e897df4UL, 0x47e98e20e9206747UL, 0x1018202818283810UL, + 0x6fd5de64d5640b6fUL, 0xf088fb83888373f0UL, 0x4a6f94b16fb1fb4aUL, 0x5c72b8967296ca5cUL, + 0x3824706c246c5438UL, 0x57f1ae08f1085f57UL, 0x73c7e652c7522173UL, 0x975135f351f36497UL, + 0xcb238d652365aecbUL, 0xa17c59847c8425a1UL, 0xe89ccbbf9cbf57e8UL, 0x3e217c6321635d3eUL, + 0x96dd377cdd7cea96UL, 0x61dcc27fdc7f1e61UL, 0x0d861a9186919c0dUL, 0x0f851e9485949b0fUL, + 0xe090dbab90ab4be0UL, 0x7c42f8c642c6ba7cUL, 0x71c4e257c4572671UL, 0xccaa83e5aae529ccUL, + 0x90d83b73d873e390UL, 0x06050c0f050f0906UL, 0xf701f5030103f4f7UL, 0x1c12383612362a1cUL, + 0xc2a39ffea3fe3cc2UL, 0x6a5fd4e15fe18b6aUL, 0xaef94710f910beaeUL, 0x69d0d26bd06b0269UL, + 0x17912ea891a8bf17UL, 0x995829e858e87199UL, 0x3a2774692769533aUL, 0x27b94ed0b9d0f727UL, + 0xd938a948384891d9UL, 0xeb13cd351335deebUL, 0x2bb356ceb3cee52bUL, 0x2233445533557722UL, + 0xd2bbbfd6bbd604d2UL, 0xa9704990709039a9UL, 0x07890e8089808707UL, 0x33a766f2a7f2c133UL, + 0x2db65ac1b6c1ec2dUL, 0x3c22786622665a3cUL, 0x15922aad92adb815UL, 0xc92089602060a9c9UL, + 0x874915db49db5c87UL, 0xaaff4f1aff1ab0aaUL, 0x5078a0887888d850UL, 0xa57a518e7a8e2ba5UL, + 0x038f068a8f8a8903UL, 0x59f8b213f8134a59UL, 0x0980129b809b9209UL, 0x1a1734391739231aUL, + 0x65daca75da751065UL, 0xd731b553315384d7UL, 0x84c61351c651d584UL, 0xd0b8bbd3b8d303d0UL, + 0x82c31f5ec35edc82UL, 0x29b052cbb0cbe229UL, 0x5a77b4997799c35aUL, 0x1e113c3311332d1eUL, + 0x7bcbf646cb463d7bUL, 0xa8fc4b1ffc1fb7a8UL, 0x6dd6da61d6610c6dUL, 0x2c3a584e3a4e622cUL +}; + +static const __constant ulong T4_G[] = +{ + 0xA5F432C6C6A597F4UL, 0x84976FF8F884EB97UL, 0x99B05EEEEE99C7B0UL, 0x8D8C7AF6F68DF78CUL, + 0x0D17E8FFFF0DE517UL, 0xBDDC0AD6D6BDB7DCUL, 0xB1C816DEDEB1A7C8UL, 0x54FC6D91915439FCUL, + 0x50F090606050C0F0UL, 0x0305070202030405UL, 0xA9E02ECECEA987E0UL, 0x7D87D156567DAC87UL, + 0x192BCCE7E719D52BUL, 0x62A613B5B56271A6UL, 0xE6317C4D4DE69A31UL, 0x9AB559ECEC9AC3B5UL, + 0x45CF408F8F4505CFUL, 0x9DBCA31F1F9D3EBCUL, 0x40C04989894009C0UL, 0x879268FAFA87EF92UL, + 0x153FD0EFEF15C53FUL, 0xEB2694B2B2EB7F26UL, 0xC940CE8E8EC90740UL, 0x0B1DE6FBFB0BED1DUL, + 0xEC2F6E4141EC822FUL, 0x67A91AB3B3677DA9UL, 0xFD1C435F5FFDBE1CUL, 0xEA25604545EA8A25UL, + 0xBFDAF92323BF46DAUL, 0xF702515353F7A602UL, 0x96A145E4E496D3A1UL, 0x5BED769B9B5B2DEDUL, + 0xC25D287575C2EA5DUL, 0x1C24C5E1E11CD924UL, 0xAEE9D43D3DAE7AE9UL, 0x6ABEF24C4C6A98BEUL, + 0x5AEE826C6C5AD8EEUL, 0x41C3BD7E7E41FCC3UL, 0x0206F3F5F502F106UL, 0x4FD15283834F1DD1UL, + 0x5CE48C68685CD0E4UL, 0xF407565151F4A207UL, 0x345C8DD1D134B95CUL, 0x0818E1F9F908E918UL, + 0x93AE4CE2E293DFAEUL, 0x73953EABAB734D95UL, 0x53F597626253C4F5UL, 0x3F416B2A2A3F5441UL, + 0x0C141C08080C1014UL, 0x52F66395955231F6UL, 0x65AFE94646658CAFUL, 0x5EE27F9D9D5E21E2UL, + 0x2878483030286078UL, 0xA1F8CF3737A16EF8UL, 0x0F111B0A0A0F1411UL, 0xB5C4EB2F2FB55EC4UL, + 0x091B150E0E091C1BUL, 0x365A7E242436485AUL, 0x9BB6AD1B1B9B36B6UL, 0x3D4798DFDF3DA547UL, + 0x266AA7CDCD26816AUL, 0x69BBF54E4E699CBBUL, 0xCD4C337F7FCDFE4CUL, 0x9FBA50EAEA9FCFBAUL, + 0x1B2D3F12121B242DUL, 0x9EB9A41D1D9E3AB9UL, 0x749CC4585874B09CUL, 0x2E724634342E6872UL, + 0x2D774136362D6C77UL, 0xB2CD11DCDCB2A3CDUL, 0xEE299DB4B4EE7329UL, 0xFB164D5B5BFBB616UL, + 0xF601A5A4A4F65301UL, 0x4DD7A176764DECD7UL, 0x61A314B7B76175A3UL, 0xCE49347D7DCEFA49UL, + 0x7B8DDF52527BA48DUL, 0x3E429FDDDD3EA142UL, 0x7193CD5E5E71BC93UL, 0x97A2B113139726A2UL, + 0xF504A2A6A6F55704UL, 0x68B801B9B96869B8UL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0x2C74B5C1C12C9974UL, + 0x60A0E040406080A0UL, 0x1F21C2E3E31FDD21UL, 0xC8433A7979C8F243UL, 0xED2C9AB6B6ED772CUL, + 0xBED90DD4D4BEB3D9UL, 0x46CA478D8D4601CAUL, 0xD970176767D9CE70UL, 0x4BDDAF72724BE4DDUL, + 0xDE79ED9494DE3379UL, 0xD467FF9898D42B67UL, 0xE82393B0B0E87B23UL, 0x4ADE5B85854A11DEUL, + 0x6BBD06BBBB6B6DBDUL, 0x2A7EBBC5C52A917EUL, 0xE5347B4F4FE59E34UL, 0x163AD7EDED16C13AUL, + 0xC554D28686C51754UL, 0xD762F89A9AD72F62UL, 0x55FF99666655CCFFUL, 0x94A7B611119422A7UL, + 0xCF4AC08A8ACF0F4AUL, 0x1030D9E9E910C930UL, 0x060A0E040406080AUL, 0x819866FEFE81E798UL, + 0xF00BABA0A0F05B0BUL, 0x44CCB4787844F0CCUL, 0xBAD5F02525BA4AD5UL, 0xE33E754B4BE3963EUL, + 0xF30EACA2A2F35F0EUL, 0xFE19445D5DFEBA19UL, 0xC05BDB8080C01B5BUL, 0x8A858005058A0A85UL, + 0xADECD33F3FAD7EECUL, 0xBCDFFE2121BC42DFUL, 0x48D8A8707048E0D8UL, 0x040CFDF1F104F90CUL, + 0xDF7A196363DFC67AUL, 0xC1582F7777C1EE58UL, 0x759F30AFAF75459FUL, 0x63A5E742426384A5UL, + 0x3050702020304050UL, 0x1A2ECBE5E51AD12EUL, 0x0E12EFFDFD0EE112UL, 0x6DB708BFBF6D65B7UL, + 0x4CD45581814C19D4UL, 0x143C24181814303CUL, 0x355F792626354C5FUL, 0x2F71B2C3C32F9D71UL, + 0xE13886BEBEE16738UL, 0xA2FDC83535A26AFDUL, 0xCC4FC78888CC0B4FUL, 0x394B652E2E395C4BUL, + 0x57F96A9393573DF9UL, 0xF20D585555F2AA0DUL, 0x829D61FCFC82E39DUL, 0x47C9B37A7A47F4C9UL, + 0xACEF27C8C8AC8BEFUL, 0xE73288BABAE76F32UL, 0x2B7D4F32322B647DUL, 0x95A442E6E695D7A4UL, + 0xA0FB3BC0C0A09BFBUL, 0x98B3AA19199832B3UL, 0xD168F69E9ED12768UL, 0x7F8122A3A37F5D81UL, + 0x66AAEE44446688AAUL, 0x7E82D654547EA882UL, 0xABE6DD3B3BAB76E6UL, 0x839E950B0B83169EUL, + 0xCA45C98C8CCA0345UL, 0x297BBCC7C729957BUL, 0xD36E056B6BD3D66EUL, 0x3C446C28283C5044UL, + 0x798B2CA7A779558BUL, 0xE23D81BCBCE2633DUL, 0x1D273116161D2C27UL, 0x769A37ADAD76419AUL, + 0x3B4D96DBDB3BAD4DUL, 0x56FA9E646456C8FAUL, 0x4ED2A674744EE8D2UL, 0x1E223614141E2822UL, + 0xDB76E49292DB3F76UL, 0x0A1E120C0C0A181EUL, 0x6CB4FC48486C90B4UL, 0xE4378FB8B8E46B37UL, + 0x5DE7789F9F5D25E7UL, 0x6EB20FBDBD6E61B2UL, 0xEF2A694343EF862AUL, 0xA6F135C4C4A693F1UL, + 0xA8E3DA3939A872E3UL, 0xA4F7C63131A462F7UL, 0x37598AD3D337BD59UL, 0x8B8674F2F28BFF86UL, + 0x325683D5D532B156UL, 0x43C54E8B8B430DC5UL, 0x59EB856E6E59DCEBUL, 0xB7C218DADAB7AFC2UL, + 0x8C8F8E01018C028FUL, 0x64AC1DB1B16479ACUL, 0xD26DF19C9CD2236DUL, 0xE03B724949E0923BUL, + 0xB4C71FD8D8B4ABC7UL, 0xFA15B9ACACFA4315UL, 0x0709FAF3F307FD09UL, 0x256FA0CFCF25856FUL, + 0xAFEA20CACAAF8FEAUL, 0x8E897DF4F48EF389UL, 0xE920674747E98E20UL, 0x1828381010182028UL, + 0xD5640B6F6FD5DE64UL, 0x888373F0F088FB83UL, 0x6FB1FB4A4A6F94B1UL, 0x7296CA5C5C72B896UL, + 0x246C54383824706CUL, 0xF1085F5757F1AE08UL, 0xC752217373C7E652UL, 0x51F36497975135F3UL, + 0x2365AECBCB238D65UL, 0x7C8425A1A17C5984UL, 0x9CBF57E8E89CCBBFUL, 0x21635D3E3E217C63UL, + 0xDD7CEA9696DD377CUL, 0xDC7F1E6161DCC27FUL, 0x86919C0D0D861A91UL, 0x85949B0F0F851E94UL, + 0x90AB4BE0E090DBABUL, 0x42C6BA7C7C42F8C6UL, 0xC457267171C4E257UL, 0xAAE529CCCCAA83E5UL, + 0xD873E39090D83B73UL, 0x050F090606050C0FUL, 0x0103F4F7F701F503UL, 0x12362A1C1C123836UL, + 0xA3FE3CC2C2A39FFEUL, 0x5FE18B6A6A5FD4E1UL, 0xF910BEAEAEF94710UL, 0xD06B026969D0D26BUL, + 0x91A8BF1717912EA8UL, 0x58E87199995829E8UL, 0x2769533A3A277469UL, 0xB9D0F72727B94ED0UL, + 0x384891D9D938A948UL, 0x1335DEEBEB13CD35UL, 0xB3CEE52B2BB356CEUL, 0x3355772222334455UL, + 0xBBD604D2D2BBBFD6UL, 0x709039A9A9704990UL, 0x8980870707890E80UL, 0xA7F2C13333A766F2UL, + 0xB6C1EC2D2DB65AC1UL, 0x22665A3C3C227866UL, 0x92ADB81515922AADUL, 0x2060A9C9C9208960UL, + 0x49DB5C87874915DBUL, 0xFF1AB0AAAAFF4F1AUL, 0x7888D8505078A088UL, 0x7A8E2BA5A57A518EUL, + 0x8F8A8903038F068AUL, 0xF8134A5959F8B213UL, 0x809B92090980129BUL, 0x1739231A1A173439UL, + 0xDA75106565DACA75UL, 0x315384D7D731B553UL, 0xC651D58484C61351UL, 0xB8D303D0D0B8BBD3UL, + 0xC35EDC8282C31F5EUL, 0xB0CBE22929B052CBUL, 0x7799C35A5A77B499UL, 0x11332D1E1E113C33UL, + 0xCB463D7B7BCBF646UL, 0xFC1FB7A8A8FC4B1FUL, 0xD6610C6D6DD6DA61UL, 0x3A4E622C2C3A584EUL +}; + +#define RSTT(d, a, b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7) do { \ + t[d] = T0_G[B64_0(a[b0])] \ + ^ R64(T0_G[B64_1(a[b1])], 8) \ + ^ R64(T0_G[B64_2(a[b2])], 16) \ + ^ R64(T0_G[B64_3(a[b3])], 24) \ + ^ T4_G[B64_4(a[b4])] \ + ^ R64(T4_G[B64_5(a[b5])], 8) \ + ^ R64(T4_G[B64_6(a[b6])], 16) \ + ^ R64(T4_G[B64_7(a[b7])], 24); \ + } while (0) + +#define ROUND_SMALL_P(a, r) do { \ + ulong t[8]; \ + a[0] ^= PC64(0x00, r); \ + a[1] ^= PC64(0x10, r); \ + a[2] ^= PC64(0x20, r); \ + a[3] ^= PC64(0x30, r); \ + a[4] ^= PC64(0x40, r); \ + a[5] ^= PC64(0x50, r); \ + a[6] ^= PC64(0x60, r); \ + a[7] ^= PC64(0x70, r); \ + RSTT(0, a, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); \ + RSTT(1, a, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0); \ + RSTT(2, a, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1); \ + RSTT(3, a, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2); \ + RSTT(4, a, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3); \ + RSTT(5, a, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4); \ + RSTT(6, a, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5); \ + RSTT(7, a, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); \ + a[0] = t[0]; \ + a[1] = t[1]; \ + a[2] = t[2]; \ + a[3] = t[3]; \ + a[4] = t[4]; \ + a[5] = t[5]; \ + a[6] = t[6]; \ + a[7] = t[7]; \ + } while (0) + +#define ROUND_SMALL_Pf(a,r) do { \ + a[0] ^= PC64(0x00, r); \ + a[1] ^= PC64(0x10, r); \ + a[2] ^= PC64(0x20, r); \ + a[3] ^= PC64(0x30, r); \ + a[4] ^= PC64(0x40, r); \ + a[5] ^= PC64(0x50, r); \ + a[6] ^= PC64(0x60, r); \ + a[7] ^= PC64(0x70, r); \ + RSTT(7, a, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); \ + a[7] = t[7]; \ + } while (0) + +#define ROUND_SMALL_Q(a, r) do { \ + ulong t[8]; \ + a[0] ^= QC64(0x00, r); \ + a[1] ^= QC64(0x10, r); \ + a[2] ^= QC64(0x20, r); \ + a[3] ^= QC64(0x30, r); \ + a[4] ^= QC64(0x40, r); \ + a[5] ^= QC64(0x50, r); \ + a[6] ^= QC64(0x60, r); \ + a[7] ^= QC64(0x70, r); \ + RSTT(0, a, 1, 3, 5, 7, 0, 2, 4, 6); \ + RSTT(1, a, 2, 4, 6, 0, 1, 3, 5, 7); \ + RSTT(2, a, 3, 5, 7, 1, 2, 4, 6, 0); \ + RSTT(3, a, 4, 6, 0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 1); \ + RSTT(4, a, 5, 7, 1, 3, 4, 6, 0, 2); \ + RSTT(5, a, 6, 0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 1, 3); \ + RSTT(6, a, 7, 1, 3, 5, 6, 0, 2, 4); \ + RSTT(7, a, 0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 1, 3, 5); \ + a[0] = t[0]; \ + a[1] = t[1]; \ + a[2] = t[2]; \ + a[3] = t[3]; \ + a[4] = t[4]; \ + a[5] = t[5]; \ + a[6] = t[6]; \ + a[7] = t[7]; \ + } while (0) + +#define PERM_SMALL_P(a) do { \ + for (int r = 0; r < 10; r ++) \ + ROUND_SMALL_P(a, r); \ + } while (0) + +#define PERM_SMALL_Pf(a) do { \ + for (int r = 0; r < 9; r ++) { \ + ROUND_SMALL_P(a, r);} \ + ROUND_SMALL_Pf(a,9); \ + } while (0) + +#define PERM_SMALL_Q(a) do { \ + for (int r = 0; r < 10; r ++) \ + ROUND_SMALL_Q(a, r); \ + } while (0) + diff --git a/opencl/ b/opencl/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d034abc --- /dev/null +++ b/opencl/ @@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ +/* $Id: jh.c 255 2011-06-07 19:50:20Z tp $ */ +/* + * JH implementation. + * + * ==========================(LICENSE BEGIN)============================ + * + * Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Projet RNRT SAPHIR + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining + * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the + * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including + * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, + * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to + * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to + * the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be + * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, + * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF + * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. + * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY + * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, + * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE + * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + * + * ===========================(LICENSE END)============================= + * + * @author Thomas Pornin + */ + +#define SPH_JH_64 1 +#define SPH_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1 + +#define SPH_C32(x) x +#define SPH_C64(x) x +typedef uint sph_u32; +typedef ulong sph_u64; + +/* + * The internal bitslice representation may use either big-endian or + * little-endian (true bitslice operations do not care about the bit + * ordering, and the bit-swapping linear operations in JH happen to + * be invariant through endianness-swapping). The constants must be + * defined according to the chosen endianness; we use some + * byte-swapping macros for that. + */ + +#if SPH_LITTLE_ENDIAN + +#define C32e(x) ((SPH_C32(x) >> 24) \ + | ((SPH_C32(x) >> 8) & SPH_C32(0x0000FF00)) \ + | ((SPH_C32(x) << 8) & SPH_C32(0x00FF0000)) \ + | ((SPH_C32(x) << 24) & SPH_C32(0xFF000000))) +#define dec32e_aligned sph_dec32le_aligned +#define enc32e sph_enc32le + +#define C64e(x) ((SPH_C64(x) >> 56) \ + | ((SPH_C64(x) >> 40) & SPH_C64(0x000000000000FF00)) \ + | ((SPH_C64(x) >> 24) & SPH_C64(0x0000000000FF0000)) \ + | ((SPH_C64(x) >> 8) & SPH_C64(0x00000000FF000000)) \ + | ((SPH_C64(x) << 8) & SPH_C64(0x000000FF00000000)) \ + | ((SPH_C64(x) << 24) & SPH_C64(0x0000FF0000000000)) \ + | ((SPH_C64(x) << 40) & SPH_C64(0x00FF000000000000)) \ + | ((SPH_C64(x) << 56) & SPH_C64(0xFF00000000000000))) +#define dec64e_aligned sph_dec64le_aligned +#define enc64e sph_enc64le + +#else + +#define C32e(x) SPH_C32(x) +#define dec32e_aligned sph_dec32be_aligned +#define enc32e sph_enc32be +#define C64e(x) SPH_C64(x) +#define dec64e_aligned sph_dec64be_aligned +#define enc64e sph_enc64be + +#endif + +#define Sb(x0, x1, x2, x3, c) do { \ + x3 = ~x3; \ + x0 ^= (c) & ~x2; \ + tmp = (c) ^ (x0 & x1); \ + x0 ^= x2 & x3; \ + x3 ^= ~x1 & x2; \ + x1 ^= x0 & x2; \ + x2 ^= x0 & ~x3; \ + x0 ^= x1 | x3; \ + x3 ^= x1 & x2; \ + x1 ^= tmp & x0; \ + x2 ^= tmp; \ + } while (0) + +#define Lb(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7) do { \ + x4 ^= x1; \ + x5 ^= x2; \ + x6 ^= x3 ^ x0; \ + x7 ^= x0; \ + x0 ^= x5; \ + x1 ^= x6; \ + x2 ^= x7 ^ x4; \ + x3 ^= x4; \ + } while (0) + +static const __constant ulong C[] = +{ + 0x67F815DFA2DED572UL, 0x571523B70A15847BUL, 0xF6875A4D90D6AB81UL, 0x402BD1C3C54F9F4EUL, + 0x9CFA455CE03A98EAUL, 0x9A99B26699D2C503UL, 0x8A53BBF2B4960266UL, 0x31A2DB881A1456B5UL, + 0xDB0E199A5C5AA303UL, 0x1044C1870AB23F40UL, 0x1D959E848019051CUL, 0xDCCDE75EADEB336FUL, + 0x416BBF029213BA10UL, 0xD027BBF7156578DCUL, 0x5078AA3739812C0AUL, 0xD3910041D2BF1A3FUL, + 0x907ECCF60D5A2D42UL, 0xCE97C0929C9F62DDUL, 0xAC442BC70BA75C18UL, 0x23FCC663D665DFD1UL, + 0x1AB8E09E036C6E97UL, 0xA8EC6C447E450521UL, 0xFA618E5DBB03F1EEUL, 0x97818394B29796FDUL, + 0x2F3003DB37858E4AUL, 0x956A9FFB2D8D672AUL, 0x6C69B8F88173FE8AUL, 0x14427FC04672C78AUL, + 0xC45EC7BD8F15F4C5UL, 0x80BB118FA76F4475UL, 0xBC88E4AEB775DE52UL, 0xF4A3A6981E00B882UL, + 0x1563A3A9338FF48EUL, 0x89F9B7D524565FAAUL, 0xFDE05A7C20EDF1B6UL, 0x362C42065AE9CA36UL, + 0x3D98FE4E433529CEUL, 0xA74B9A7374F93A53UL, 0x86814E6F591FF5D0UL, 0x9F5AD8AF81AD9D0EUL, + 0x6A6234EE670605A7UL, 0x2717B96EBE280B8BUL, 0x3F1080C626077447UL, 0x7B487EC66F7EA0E0UL, + 0xC0A4F84AA50A550DUL, 0x9EF18E979FE7E391UL, 0xD48D605081727686UL, 0x62B0E5F3415A9E7EUL, + 0x7A205440EC1F9FFCUL, 0x84C9F4CE001AE4E3UL, 0xD895FA9DF594D74FUL, 0xA554C324117E2E55UL, + 0x286EFEBD2872DF5BUL, 0xB2C4A50FE27FF578UL, 0x2ED349EEEF7C8905UL, 0x7F5928EB85937E44UL, + 0x4A3124B337695F70UL, 0x65E4D61DF128865EUL, 0xE720B95104771BC7UL, 0x8A87D423E843FE74UL, + 0xF2947692A3E8297DUL, 0xC1D9309B097ACBDDUL, 0xE01BDC5BFB301B1DUL, 0xBF829CF24F4924DAUL, + 0xFFBF70B431BAE7A4UL, 0x48BCF8DE0544320DUL, 0x39D3BB5332FCAE3BUL, 0xA08B29E0C1C39F45UL, + 0x0F09AEF7FD05C9E5UL, 0x34F1904212347094UL, 0x95ED44E301B771A2UL, 0x4A982F4F368E3BE9UL, + 0x15F66CA0631D4088UL, 0xFFAF52874B44C147UL, 0x30C60AE2F14ABB7EUL, 0xE68C6ECCC5B67046UL, + 0x00CA4FBD56A4D5A4UL, 0xAE183EC84B849DDAUL, 0xADD1643045CE5773UL, 0x67255C1468CEA6E8UL, + 0x16E10ECBF28CDAA3UL, 0x9A99949A5806E933UL, 0x7B846FC220B2601FUL, 0x1885D1A07FACCED1UL, + 0xD319DD8DA15B5932UL, 0x46B4A5AAC01C9A50UL, 0xBA6B04E467633D9FUL, 0x7EEE560BAB19CAF6UL, + 0x742128A9EA79B11FUL, 0xEE51363B35F7BDE9UL, 0x76D350755AAC571DUL, 0x01707DA3FEC2463AUL, + 0x42D8A498AFC135F7UL, 0x79676B9E20ECED78UL, 0xA8DB3AEA15638341UL, 0x832C83324D3BC3FAUL, + 0xF347271C1F3B40A7UL, 0x9A762DB734F04059UL, 0xFD4F21D26C4E3EE7UL, 0xEF5957DC398DFDB8UL, + 0xDAEB492B490C9B8DUL, 0x0D70F36849D7A25BUL, 0x84558D7AD0AE3B7DUL, 0x658EF8E4F0E9A5F5UL, + 0x533B1036F4A2B8A0UL, 0x5AEC3E759E07A80CUL, 0x4F88E85692946891UL, 0x4CBCBAF8555CB05BUL, + 0x7B9487F3993BBBE3UL, 0x5D1C6B72D6F4DA75UL, 0x6DB334DC28ACAE64UL, 0x71DB28B850A5346CUL, + 0x2A518D10F2E261F8UL, 0xFC75DD593364DBE3UL, 0xA23FCE43F1BCAC1CUL, 0xB043E8023CD1BB67UL, + 0x75A12988CA5B0A33UL, 0x5C5316B44D19347FUL, 0x1E4D790EC3943B92UL, 0x3FAFEEB6D7757479UL, + 0x21391ABEF7D4A8EAUL, 0x5127234C097EF45CUL, 0xD23C32BA5324A326UL, 0xADD5A66D4A17A344UL, + 0x08C9F2AFA63E1DB5UL, 0x563C6B91983D5983UL, 0x4D608672A17CF84CUL, 0xF6C76E08CC3EE246UL, + 0x5E76BCB1B333982FUL, 0x2AE6C4EFA566D62BUL, 0x36D4C1BEE8B6F406UL, 0x6321EFBC1582EE74UL, + 0x69C953F40D4EC1FDUL, 0x26585806C45A7DA7UL, 0x16FAE0061614C17EUL, 0x3F9D63283DAF907EUL, + 0x0CD29B00E3F2C9D2UL, 0x300CD4B730CEAA5FUL, 0x9832E0F216512A74UL, 0x9AF8CEE3D830EB0DUL, + 0x9279F1B57B9EC54BUL, 0xD36886046EE651FFUL, 0x316796E6574D239BUL, 0x05750A17F3A6E6CCUL, + 0xCE6C3213D98176B1UL, 0x62A205F88452173CUL, 0x47154778B3CB2BF4UL, 0x486A9323825446FFUL, + 0x65655E4E0758DF38UL, 0x8E5086FC897CFCF2UL, 0x86CA0BD0442E7031UL, 0x4E477830A20940F0UL, + 0x8338F7D139EEA065UL, 0xBD3A2CE437E95EF7UL, 0x6FF8130126B29721UL, 0xE7DE9FEFD1ED44A3UL, + 0xD992257615DFA08BUL, 0xBE42DC12F6F7853CUL, 0x7EB027AB7CECA7D8UL, 0xDEA83EAADA7D8D53UL, + 0xD86902BD93CE25AAUL, 0xF908731AFD43F65AUL, 0xA5194A17DAEF5FC0UL, 0x6A21FD4C33664D97UL, + 0x701541DB3198B435UL, 0x9B54CDEDBB0F1EEAUL, 0x72409751A163D09AUL, 0xE26F4791BF9D75F6UL +}; + +#define Ceven_hi(r) (C[((r) << 2) + 0]) +#define Ceven_lo(r) (C[((r) << 2) + 1]) +#define Codd_hi(r) (C[((r) << 2) + 2]) +#define Codd_lo(r) (C[((r) << 2) + 3]) + +#define S(x0, x1, x2, x3, cb, r) do { \ + Sb(x0 ## h, x1 ## h, x2 ## h, x3 ## h, cb ## hi(r)); \ + Sb(x0 ## l, x1 ## l, x2 ## l, x3 ## l, cb ## lo(r)); \ + } while (0) + +#define L(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7) do { \ + Lb(x0 ## h, x1 ## h, x2 ## h, x3 ## h, \ + x4 ## h, x5 ## h, x6 ## h, x7 ## h); \ + Lb(x0 ## l, x1 ## l, x2 ## l, x3 ## l, \ + x4 ## l, x5 ## l, x6 ## l, x7 ## l); \ + } while (0) + +#define Wz(x, c, n) do { \ + sph_u64 t = (x ## h & (c)) << (n); \ + x ## h = ((x ## h >> (n)) & (c)) | t; \ + t = (x ## l & (c)) << (n); \ + x ## l = ((x ## l >> (n)) & (c)) | t; \ + } while (0) + +#define W0(x) Wz(x, SPH_C64(0x5555555555555555), 1) +#define W1(x) Wz(x, SPH_C64(0x3333333333333333), 2) +#define W2(x) Wz(x, SPH_C64(0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F), 4) +#define W3(x) Wz(x, SPH_C64(0x00FF00FF00FF00FF), 8) +#define W4(x) Wz(x, SPH_C64(0x0000FFFF0000FFFF), 16) +#define W5(x) Wz(x, SPH_C64(0x00000000FFFFFFFF), 32) +#define W6(x) do { \ + sph_u64 t = x ## h; \ + x ## h = x ## l; \ + x ## l = t; \ + } while (0) + +#define SL(ro) SLu(r + ro, ro) + +#define SLu(r, ro) do { \ + S(h0, h2, h4, h6, Ceven_, r); \ + S(h1, h3, h5, h7, Codd_, r); \ + L(h0, h2, h4, h6, h1, h3, h5, h7); \ + W ## ro(h1); \ + W ## ro(h3); \ + W ## ro(h5); \ + W ## ro(h7); \ + } while (0) + +#if SPH_SMALL_FOOTPRINT_JH + +/* + * The "small footprint" 64-bit version just uses a partially unrolled + * loop. + */ + +#define E8 do { \ + unsigned r; \ + for (r = 0; r < 42; r += 7) { \ + SL(0); \ + SL(1); \ + SL(2); \ + SL(3); \ + SL(4); \ + SL(5); \ + SL(6); \ + } \ + } while (0) + +#else + +/* + * On a "true 64-bit" architecture, we can unroll at will. + */ + +#define E8 do { \ + SLu( 0, 0); \ + SLu( 1, 1); \ + SLu( 2, 2); \ + SLu( 3, 3); \ + SLu( 4, 4); \ + SLu( 5, 5); \ + SLu( 6, 6); \ + SLu( 7, 0); \ + SLu( 8, 1); \ + SLu( 9, 2); \ + SLu(10, 3); \ + SLu(11, 4); \ + SLu(12, 5); \ + SLu(13, 6); \ + SLu(14, 0); \ + SLu(15, 1); \ + SLu(16, 2); \ + SLu(17, 3); \ + SLu(18, 4); \ + SLu(19, 5); \ + SLu(20, 6); \ + SLu(21, 0); \ + SLu(22, 1); \ + SLu(23, 2); \ + SLu(24, 3); \ + SLu(25, 4); \ + SLu(26, 5); \ + SLu(27, 6); \ + SLu(28, 0); \ + SLu(29, 1); \ + SLu(30, 2); \ + SLu(31, 3); \ + SLu(32, 4); \ + SLu(33, 5); \ + SLu(34, 6); \ + SLu(35, 0); \ + SLu(36, 1); \ + SLu(37, 2); \ + SLu(38, 3); \ + SLu(39, 4); \ + SLu(40, 5); \ + SLu(41, 6); \ + } while (0) + +#endif + diff --git a/opencl/ b/opencl/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23a41a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/opencl/ @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +#ifndef WOLF_AES_CL +#define WOLF_AES_CL + +// AES table - the other three are generated on the fly + +static const __constant uint AES0_C[256] = +{ + 0xA56363C6U, 0x847C7CF8U, 0x997777EEU, 0x8D7B7BF6U, + 0x0DF2F2FFU, 0xBD6B6BD6U, 0xB16F6FDEU, 0x54C5C591U, + 0x50303060U, 0x03010102U, 0xA96767CEU, 0x7D2B2B56U, + 0x19FEFEE7U, 0x62D7D7B5U, 0xE6ABAB4DU, 0x9A7676ECU, + 0x45CACA8FU, 0x9D82821FU, 0x40C9C989U, 0x877D7DFAU, + 0x15FAFAEFU, 0xEB5959B2U, 0xC947478EU, 0x0BF0F0FBU, + 0xECADAD41U, 0x67D4D4B3U, 0xFDA2A25FU, 0xEAAFAF45U, + 0xBF9C9C23U, 0xF7A4A453U, 0x967272E4U, 0x5BC0C09BU, + 0xC2B7B775U, 0x1CFDFDE1U, 0xAE93933DU, 0x6A26264CU, + 0x5A36366CU, 0x413F3F7EU, 0x02F7F7F5U, 0x4FCCCC83U, + 0x5C343468U, 0xF4A5A551U, 0x34E5E5D1U, 0x08F1F1F9U, + 0x937171E2U, 0x73D8D8ABU, 0x53313162U, 0x3F15152AU, + 0x0C040408U, 0x52C7C795U, 0x65232346U, 0x5EC3C39DU, + 0x28181830U, 0xA1969637U, 0x0F05050AU, 0xB59A9A2FU, + 0x0907070EU, 0x36121224U, 0x9B80801BU, 0x3DE2E2DFU, + 0x26EBEBCDU, 0x6927274EU, 0xCDB2B27FU, 0x9F7575EAU, + 0x1B090912U, 0x9E83831DU, 0x742C2C58U, 0x2E1A1A34U, + 0x2D1B1B36U, 0xB26E6EDCU, 0xEE5A5AB4U, 0xFBA0A05BU, + 0xF65252A4U, 0x4D3B3B76U, 0x61D6D6B7U, 0xCEB3B37DU, + 0x7B292952U, 0x3EE3E3DDU, 0x712F2F5EU, 0x97848413U, + 0xF55353A6U, 0x68D1D1B9U, 0x00000000U, 0x2CEDEDC1U, + 0x60202040U, 0x1FFCFCE3U, 0xC8B1B179U, 0xED5B5BB6U, + 0xBE6A6AD4U, 0x46CBCB8DU, 0xD9BEBE67U, 0x4B393972U, + 0xDE4A4A94U, 0xD44C4C98U, 0xE85858B0U, 0x4ACFCF85U, + 0x6BD0D0BBU, 0x2AEFEFC5U, 0xE5AAAA4FU, 0x16FBFBEDU, + 0xC5434386U, 0xD74D4D9AU, 0x55333366U, 0x94858511U, + 0xCF45458AU, 0x10F9F9E9U, 0x06020204U, 0x817F7FFEU, + 0xF05050A0U, 0x443C3C78U, 0xBA9F9F25U, 0xE3A8A84BU, + 0xF35151A2U, 0xFEA3A35DU, 0xC0404080U, 0x8A8F8F05U, + 0xAD92923FU, 0xBC9D9D21U, 0x48383870U, 0x04F5F5F1U, + 0xDFBCBC63U, 0xC1B6B677U, 0x75DADAAFU, 0x63212142U, + 0x30101020U, 0x1AFFFFE5U, 0x0EF3F3FDU, 0x6DD2D2BFU, + 0x4CCDCD81U, 0x140C0C18U, 0x35131326U, 0x2FECECC3U, + 0xE15F5FBEU, 0xA2979735U, 0xCC444488U, 0x3917172EU, + 0x57C4C493U, 0xF2A7A755U, 0x827E7EFCU, 0x473D3D7AU, + 0xAC6464C8U, 0xE75D5DBAU, 0x2B191932U, 0x957373E6U, + 0xA06060C0U, 0x98818119U, 0xD14F4F9EU, 0x7FDCDCA3U, + 0x66222244U, 0x7E2A2A54U, 0xAB90903BU, 0x8388880BU, + 0xCA46468CU, 0x29EEEEC7U, 0xD3B8B86BU, 0x3C141428U, + 0x79DEDEA7U, 0xE25E5EBCU, 0x1D0B0B16U, 0x76DBDBADU, + 0x3BE0E0DBU, 0x56323264U, 0x4E3A3A74U, 0x1E0A0A14U, + 0xDB494992U, 0x0A06060CU, 0x6C242448U, 0xE45C5CB8U, + 0x5DC2C29FU, 0x6ED3D3BDU, 0xEFACAC43U, 0xA66262C4U, + 0xA8919139U, 0xA4959531U, 0x37E4E4D3U, 0x8B7979F2U, + 0x32E7E7D5U, 0x43C8C88BU, 0x5937376EU, 0xB76D6DDAU, + 0x8C8D8D01U, 0x64D5D5B1U, 0xD24E4E9CU, 0xE0A9A949U, + 0xB46C6CD8U, 0xFA5656ACU, 0x07F4F4F3U, 0x25EAEACFU, + 0xAF6565CAU, 0x8E7A7AF4U, 0xE9AEAE47U, 0x18080810U, + 0xD5BABA6FU, 0x887878F0U, 0x6F25254AU, 0x722E2E5CU, + 0x241C1C38U, 0xF1A6A657U, 0xC7B4B473U, 0x51C6C697U, + 0x23E8E8CBU, 0x7CDDDDA1U, 0x9C7474E8U, 0x211F1F3EU, + 0xDD4B4B96U, 0xDCBDBD61U, 0x868B8B0DU, 0x858A8A0FU, + 0x907070E0U, 0x423E3E7CU, 0xC4B5B571U, 0xAA6666CCU, + 0xD8484890U, 0x05030306U, 0x01F6F6F7U, 0x120E0E1CU, + 0xA36161C2U, 0x5F35356AU, 0xF95757AEU, 0xD0B9B969U, + 0x91868617U, 0x58C1C199U, 0x271D1D3AU, 0xB99E9E27U, + 0x38E1E1D9U, 0x13F8F8EBU, 0xB398982BU, 0x33111122U, + 0xBB6969D2U, 0x70D9D9A9U, 0x898E8E07U, 0xA7949433U, + 0xB69B9B2DU, 0x221E1E3CU, 0x92878715U, 0x20E9E9C9U, + 0x49CECE87U, 0xFF5555AAU, 0x78282850U, 0x7ADFDFA5U, + 0x8F8C8C03U, 0xF8A1A159U, 0x80898909U, 0x170D0D1AU, + 0xDABFBF65U, 0x31E6E6D7U, 0xC6424284U, 0xB86868D0U, + 0xC3414182U, 0xB0999929U, 0x772D2D5AU, 0x110F0F1EU, + 0xCBB0B07BU, 0xFC5454A8U, 0xD6BBBB6DU, 0x3A16162CU +}; + +#define BYTE(x, y) (amd_bfe((x), (y) << 3U, 8U)) + +uint4 AES_Round(const __local uint *AES0, const __local uint *AES1, const __local uint *AES2, const __local uint *AES3, const uint4 X, const uint4 key) +{ + uint4 Y; + Y.s0 = AES0[BYTE(X.s0, 0)] ^ AES1[BYTE(X.s1, 1)] ^ AES2[BYTE(X.s2, 2)] ^ AES3[BYTE(X.s3, 3)]; + Y.s1 = AES0[BYTE(X.s1, 0)] ^ AES1[BYTE(X.s2, 1)] ^ AES2[BYTE(X.s3, 2)] ^ AES3[BYTE(X.s0, 3)]; + Y.s2 = AES0[BYTE(X.s2, 0)] ^ AES1[BYTE(X.s3, 1)] ^ AES2[BYTE(X.s0, 2)] ^ AES3[BYTE(X.s1, 3)]; + Y.s3 = AES0[BYTE(X.s3, 0)] ^ AES1[BYTE(X.s0, 1)] ^ AES2[BYTE(X.s1, 2)] ^ AES3[BYTE(X.s2, 3)]; + Y ^= key; + return(Y); +} + +#endif diff --git a/opencl/ b/opencl/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c5c2bd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/opencl/ @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +#ifndef WOLF_SKEIN_CL +#define WOLF_SKEIN_CL + +// Vectorized Skein implementation macros and functions by Wolf + +#define SKEIN_KS_PARITY 0x1BD11BDAA9FC1A22 + +static const __constant ulong SKEIN256_IV[8] = +{ + 0xCCD044A12FDB3E13UL, 0xE83590301A79A9EBUL, + 0x55AEA0614F816E6FUL, 0x2A2767A4AE9B94DBUL, + 0xEC06025E74DD7683UL, 0xE7A436CDC4746251UL, + 0xC36FBAF9393AD185UL, 0x3EEDBA1833EDFC13UL +}; + +static const __constant ulong SKEIN512_256_IV[8] = +{ + 0xCCD044A12FDB3E13UL, 0xE83590301A79A9EBUL, + 0x55AEA0614F816E6FUL, 0x2A2767A4AE9B94DBUL, + 0xEC06025E74DD7683UL, 0xE7A436CDC4746251UL, + 0xC36FBAF9393AD185UL, 0x3EEDBA1833EDFC13UL +}; + +#define SKEIN_INJECT_KEY(p, s) do { \ + p += h; \ + p.s5 += t[s % 3]; \ + p.s6 += t[(s + 1) % 3]; \ + p.s7 += s; \ +} while(0) + +ulong SKEIN_ROT(const uint2 x, const uint y) +{ + if(y < 32) return(as_ulong(amd_bitalign(x, x.s10, 32 - y))); + else return(as_ulong(amd_bitalign(x.s10, x, 32 - (y - 32)))); +} + +void SkeinMix8(ulong4 *pv0, ulong4 *pv1, const uint rc0, const uint rc1, const uint rc2, const uint rc3) +{ + *pv0 += *pv1; + (*pv1).s0 = SKEIN_ROT(as_uint2((*pv1).s0), rc0); + (*pv1).s1 = SKEIN_ROT(as_uint2((*pv1).s1), rc1); + (*pv1).s2 = SKEIN_ROT(as_uint2((*pv1).s2), rc2); + (*pv1).s3 = SKEIN_ROT(as_uint2((*pv1).s3), rc3); + *pv1 ^= *pv0; +} + +ulong8 SkeinEvenRound(ulong8 p, const ulong8 h, const ulong *t, const uint s) +{ + SKEIN_INJECT_KEY(p, s); + ulong4 pv0 = p.even, pv1 = p.odd; + + SkeinMix8(&pv0, &pv1, 46, 36, 19, 37); + pv0 = shuffle(pv0, (ulong4)(1, 2, 3, 0)); + pv1 = shuffle(pv1, (ulong4)(0, 3, 2, 1)); + + SkeinMix8(&pv0, &pv1, 33, 27, 14, 42); + pv0 = shuffle(pv0, (ulong4)(1, 2, 3, 0)); + pv1 = shuffle(pv1, (ulong4)(0, 3, 2, 1)); + + SkeinMix8(&pv0, &pv1, 17, 49, 36, 39); + pv0 = shuffle(pv0, (ulong4)(1, 2, 3, 0)); + pv1 = shuffle(pv1, (ulong4)(0, 3, 2, 1)); + + SkeinMix8(&pv0, &pv1, 44, 9, 54, 56); + return(shuffle2(pv0, pv1, (ulong8)(1, 4, 2, 7, 3, 6, 0, 5))); +} + +ulong8 SkeinOddRound(ulong8 p, const ulong8 h, const ulong *t, const uint s) +{ + SKEIN_INJECT_KEY(p, s); + ulong4 pv0 = p.even, pv1 = p.odd; + + SkeinMix8(&pv0, &pv1, 39, 30, 34, 24); + pv0 = shuffle(pv0, (ulong4)(1, 2, 3, 0)); + pv1 = shuffle(pv1, (ulong4)(0, 3, 2, 1)); + + SkeinMix8(&pv0, &pv1, 13, 50, 10, 17); + pv0 = shuffle(pv0, (ulong4)(1, 2, 3, 0)); + pv1 = shuffle(pv1, (ulong4)(0, 3, 2, 1)); + + SkeinMix8(&pv0, &pv1, 25, 29, 39, 43); + pv0 = shuffle(pv0, (ulong4)(1, 2, 3, 0)); + pv1 = shuffle(pv1, (ulong4)(0, 3, 2, 1)); + + SkeinMix8(&pv0, &pv1, 8, 35, 56, 22); + return(shuffle2(pv0, pv1, (ulong8)(1, 4, 2, 7, 3, 6, 0, 5))); +} + +ulong8 Skein512Block(ulong8 p, ulong8 h, ulong h8, const ulong *t) +{ + #pragma unroll + for(int i = 0; i < 18; ++i) + { + p = SkeinEvenRound(p, h, t, i); + ++i; + ulong tmp = h.s0; + h = shuffle(h, (ulong8)(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0)); + h.s7 = h8; + h8 = tmp; + p = SkeinOddRound(p, h, t, i); + tmp = h.s0; + h = shuffle(h, (ulong8)(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0)); + h.s7 = h8; + h8 = tmp; + } + + SKEIN_INJECT_KEY(p, 18); + return(p); +} + +#endif diff --git a/rapidjson/allocators.h b/rapidjson/allocators.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98affe0 --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/allocators.h @@ -0,0 +1,271 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_ALLOCATORS_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_ALLOCATORS_H_ + +#include "rapidjson.h" + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Allocator + +/*! \class rapidjson::Allocator + \brief Concept for allocating, resizing and freeing memory block. + + Note that Malloc() and Realloc() are non-static but Free() is static. + + So if an allocator need to support Free(), it needs to put its pointer in + the header of memory block. + +\code +concept Allocator { + static const bool kNeedFree; //!< Whether this allocator needs to call Free(). + + // Allocate a memory block. + // \param size of the memory block in bytes. + // \returns pointer to the memory block. + void* Malloc(size_t size); + + // Resize a memory block. + // \param originalPtr The pointer to current memory block. Null pointer is permitted. + // \param originalSize The current size in bytes. (Design issue: since some allocator may not book-keep this, explicitly pass to it can save memory.) + // \param newSize the new size in bytes. + void* Realloc(void* originalPtr, size_t originalSize, size_t newSize); + + // Free a memory block. + // \param pointer to the memory block. Null pointer is permitted. + static void Free(void *ptr); +}; +\endcode +*/ + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// CrtAllocator + +//! C-runtime library allocator. +/*! This class is just wrapper for standard C library memory routines. + \note implements Allocator concept +*/ +class CrtAllocator { +public: + static const bool kNeedFree = true; + void* Malloc(size_t size) { + if (size) // behavior of malloc(0) is implementation defined. + return std::malloc(size); + else + return NULL; // standardize to returning NULL. + } + void* Realloc(void* originalPtr, size_t originalSize, size_t newSize) { + (void)originalSize; + if (newSize == 0) { + std::free(originalPtr); + return NULL; + } + return std::realloc(originalPtr, newSize); + } + static void Free(void *ptr) { std::free(ptr); } +}; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// MemoryPoolAllocator + +//! Default memory allocator used by the parser and DOM. +/*! This allocator allocate memory blocks from pre-allocated memory chunks. + + It does not free memory blocks. And Realloc() only allocate new memory. + + The memory chunks are allocated by BaseAllocator, which is CrtAllocator by default. + + User may also supply a buffer as the first chunk. + + If the user-buffer is full then additional chunks are allocated by BaseAllocator. + + The user-buffer is not deallocated by this allocator. + + \tparam BaseAllocator the allocator type for allocating memory chunks. Default is CrtAllocator. + \note implements Allocator concept +*/ +template +class MemoryPoolAllocator { +public: + static const bool kNeedFree = false; //!< Tell users that no need to call Free() with this allocator. (concept Allocator) + + //! Constructor with chunkSize. + /*! \param chunkSize The size of memory chunk. The default is kDefaultChunkSize. + \param baseAllocator The allocator for allocating memory chunks. + */ + MemoryPoolAllocator(size_t chunkSize = kDefaultChunkCapacity, BaseAllocator* baseAllocator = 0) : + chunkHead_(0), chunk_capacity_(chunkSize), userBuffer_(0), baseAllocator_(baseAllocator), ownBaseAllocator_(0) + { + } + + //! Constructor with user-supplied buffer. + /*! The user buffer will be used firstly. When it is full, memory pool allocates new chunk with chunk size. + + The user buffer will not be deallocated when this allocator is destructed. + + \param buffer User supplied buffer. + \param size Size of the buffer in bytes. It must at least larger than sizeof(ChunkHeader). + \param chunkSize The size of memory chunk. The default is kDefaultChunkSize. + \param baseAllocator The allocator for allocating memory chunks. + */ + MemoryPoolAllocator(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t chunkSize = kDefaultChunkCapacity, BaseAllocator* baseAllocator = 0) : + chunkHead_(0), chunk_capacity_(chunkSize), userBuffer_(buffer), baseAllocator_(baseAllocator), ownBaseAllocator_(0) + { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(buffer != 0); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(size > sizeof(ChunkHeader)); + chunkHead_ = reinterpret_cast(buffer); + chunkHead_->capacity = size - sizeof(ChunkHeader); + chunkHead_->size = 0; + chunkHead_->next = 0; + } + + //! Destructor. + /*! This deallocates all memory chunks, excluding the user-supplied buffer. + */ + ~MemoryPoolAllocator() { + Clear(); + RAPIDJSON_DELETE(ownBaseAllocator_); + } + + //! Deallocates all memory chunks, excluding the user-supplied buffer. + void Clear() { + while (chunkHead_ && chunkHead_ != userBuffer_) { + ChunkHeader* next = chunkHead_->next; + baseAllocator_->Free(chunkHead_); + chunkHead_ = next; + } + if (chunkHead_ && chunkHead_ == userBuffer_) + chunkHead_->size = 0; // Clear user buffer + } + + //! Computes the total capacity of allocated memory chunks. + /*! \return total capacity in bytes. + */ + size_t Capacity() const { + size_t capacity = 0; + for (ChunkHeader* c = chunkHead_; c != 0; c = c->next) + capacity += c->capacity; + return capacity; + } + + //! Computes the memory blocks allocated. + /*! \return total used bytes. + */ + size_t Size() const { + size_t size = 0; + for (ChunkHeader* c = chunkHead_; c != 0; c = c->next) + size += c->size; + return size; + } + + //! Allocates a memory block. (concept Allocator) + void* Malloc(size_t size) { + if (!size) + return NULL; + + size = RAPIDJSON_ALIGN(size); + if (chunkHead_ == 0 || chunkHead_->size + size > chunkHead_->capacity) + if (!AddChunk(chunk_capacity_ > size ? chunk_capacity_ : size)) + return NULL; + + void *buffer = reinterpret_cast(chunkHead_) + RAPIDJSON_ALIGN(sizeof(ChunkHeader)) + chunkHead_->size; + chunkHead_->size += size; + return buffer; + } + + //! Resizes a memory block (concept Allocator) + void* Realloc(void* originalPtr, size_t originalSize, size_t newSize) { + if (originalPtr == 0) + return Malloc(newSize); + + if (newSize == 0) + return NULL; + + originalSize = RAPIDJSON_ALIGN(originalSize); + newSize = RAPIDJSON_ALIGN(newSize); + + // Do not shrink if new size is smaller than original + if (originalSize >= newSize) + return originalPtr; + + // Simply expand it if it is the last allocation and there is sufficient space + if (originalPtr == reinterpret_cast(chunkHead_) + RAPIDJSON_ALIGN(sizeof(ChunkHeader)) + chunkHead_->size - originalSize) { + size_t increment = static_cast(newSize - originalSize); + if (chunkHead_->size + increment <= chunkHead_->capacity) { + chunkHead_->size += increment; + return originalPtr; + } + } + + // Realloc process: allocate and copy memory, do not free original buffer. + if (void* newBuffer = Malloc(newSize)) { + if (originalSize) + std::memcpy(newBuffer, originalPtr, originalSize); + return newBuffer; + } + else + return NULL; + } + + //! Frees a memory block (concept Allocator) + static void Free(void *ptr) { (void)ptr; } // Do nothing + +private: + //! Copy constructor is not permitted. + MemoryPoolAllocator(const MemoryPoolAllocator& rhs) /* = delete */; + //! Copy assignment operator is not permitted. + MemoryPoolAllocator& operator=(const MemoryPoolAllocator& rhs) /* = delete */; + + //! Creates a new chunk. + /*! \param capacity Capacity of the chunk in bytes. + \return true if success. + */ + bool AddChunk(size_t capacity) { + if (!baseAllocator_) + ownBaseAllocator_ = baseAllocator_ = RAPIDJSON_NEW(BaseAllocator()); + if (ChunkHeader* chunk = reinterpret_cast(baseAllocator_->Malloc(RAPIDJSON_ALIGN(sizeof(ChunkHeader)) + capacity))) { + chunk->capacity = capacity; + chunk->size = 0; + chunk->next = chunkHead_; + chunkHead_ = chunk; + return true; + } + else + return false; + } + + static const int kDefaultChunkCapacity = 64 * 1024; //!< Default chunk capacity. + + //! Chunk header for perpending to each chunk. + /*! Chunks are stored as a singly linked list. + */ + struct ChunkHeader { + size_t capacity; //!< Capacity of the chunk in bytes (excluding the header itself). + size_t size; //!< Current size of allocated memory in bytes. + ChunkHeader *next; //!< Next chunk in the linked list. + }; + + ChunkHeader *chunkHead_; //!< Head of the chunk linked-list. Only the head chunk serves allocation. + size_t chunk_capacity_; //!< The minimum capacity of chunk when they are allocated. + void *userBuffer_; //!< User supplied buffer. + BaseAllocator* baseAllocator_; //!< base allocator for allocating memory chunks. + BaseAllocator* ownBaseAllocator_; //!< base allocator created by this object. +}; + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_ENCODINGS_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/document.h b/rapidjson/document.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..895af88 --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/document.h @@ -0,0 +1,2602 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_DOCUMENT_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_DOCUMENT_H_ + +/*! \file document.h */ + +#include "reader.h" +#include "internal/meta.h" +#include "internal/strfunc.h" +#include "memorystream.h" +#include "encodedstream.h" +#include // placement new +#include + +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +#ifdef _MSC_VER +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(4127) // conditional expression is constant +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(4244) // conversion from kXxxFlags to 'uint16_t', possible loss of data +#ifdef _MINWINDEF_ // see: +#ifndef NOMINMAX +#pragma push_macro("min") +#pragma push_macro("max") +#undef min +#undef max +#endif +#endif +#endif + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(padded) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(switch-enum) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(c++98-compat) +#endif + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(effc++) +#if __GNUC__ >= 6 +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(terminate) // ignore throwing RAPIDJSON_ASSERT in RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT functions +#endif +#endif // __GNUC__ + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_NOMEMBERITERATORCLASS +#include // std::iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag +#endif + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS +#include // std::move +#endif + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + +// Forward declaration. +template +class GenericValue; + +template +class GenericDocument; + +//! Name-value pair in a JSON object value. +/*! + This class was internal to GenericValue. It used to be a inner struct. + But a compiler (IBM XL C/C++ for AIX) have reported to have problem with that so it moved as a namespace scope struct. + +*/ +template +struct GenericMember { + GenericValue name; //!< name of member (must be a string) + GenericValue value; //!< value of member. +}; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GenericMemberIterator + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_NOMEMBERITERATORCLASS + +//! (Constant) member iterator for a JSON object value +/*! + \tparam Const Is this a constant iterator? + \tparam Encoding Encoding of the value. (Even non-string values need to have the same encoding in a document) + \tparam Allocator Allocator type for allocating memory of object, array and string. + + This class implements a Random Access Iterator for GenericMember elements + of a GenericValue, see ISO/IEC 14882:2003(E) C++ standard, 24.1 [lib.iterator.requirements]. + + \note This iterator implementation is mainly intended to avoid implicit + conversions from iterator values to \c NULL, + e.g. from GenericValue::FindMember. + + \note Define \c RAPIDJSON_NOMEMBERITERATORCLASS to fall back to a + pointer-based implementation, if your platform doesn't provide + the C++ header. + + \see GenericMember, GenericValue::MemberIterator, GenericValue::ConstMemberIterator + */ +template +class GenericMemberIterator + : public std::iterator >::Type> { + + friend class GenericValue; + template friend class GenericMemberIterator; + + typedef GenericMember PlainType; + typedef typename internal::MaybeAddConst::Type ValueType; + typedef std::iterator BaseType; + +public: + //! Iterator type itself + typedef GenericMemberIterator Iterator; + //! Constant iterator type + typedef GenericMemberIterator ConstIterator; + //! Non-constant iterator type + typedef GenericMemberIterator NonConstIterator; + + //! Pointer to (const) GenericMember + typedef typename BaseType::pointer Pointer; + //! Reference to (const) GenericMember + typedef typename BaseType::reference Reference; + //! Signed integer type (e.g. \c ptrdiff_t) + typedef typename BaseType::difference_type DifferenceType; + + //! Default constructor (singular value) + /*! Creates an iterator pointing to no element. + \note All operations, except for comparisons, are undefined on such values. + */ + GenericMemberIterator() : ptr_() {} + + //! Iterator conversions to more const + /*! + \param it (Non-const) iterator to copy from + + Allows the creation of an iterator from another GenericMemberIterator + that is "less const". Especially, creating a non-constant iterator + from a constant iterator are disabled: + \li const -> non-const (not ok) + \li const -> const (ok) + \li non-const -> const (ok) + \li non-const -> non-const (ok) + + \note If the \c Const template parameter is already \c false, this + constructor effectively defines a regular copy-constructor. + Otherwise, the copy constructor is implicitly defined. + */ + GenericMemberIterator(const NonConstIterator & it) : ptr_(it.ptr_) {} + Iterator& operator=(const NonConstIterator & it) { ptr_ = it.ptr_; return *this; } + + //! @name stepping + //@{ + Iterator& operator++(){ ++ptr_; return *this; } + Iterator& operator--(){ --ptr_; return *this; } + Iterator operator++(int){ Iterator old(*this); ++ptr_; return old; } + Iterator operator--(int){ Iterator old(*this); --ptr_; return old; } + //@} + + //! @name increment/decrement + //@{ + Iterator operator+(DifferenceType n) const { return Iterator(ptr_+n); } + Iterator operator-(DifferenceType n) const { return Iterator(ptr_-n); } + + Iterator& operator+=(DifferenceType n) { ptr_+=n; return *this; } + Iterator& operator-=(DifferenceType n) { ptr_-=n; return *this; } + //@} + + //! @name relations + //@{ + bool operator==(ConstIterator that) const { return ptr_ == that.ptr_; } + bool operator!=(ConstIterator that) const { return ptr_ != that.ptr_; } + bool operator<=(ConstIterator that) const { return ptr_ <= that.ptr_; } + bool operator>=(ConstIterator that) const { return ptr_ >= that.ptr_; } + bool operator< (ConstIterator that) const { return ptr_ < that.ptr_; } + bool operator> (ConstIterator that) const { return ptr_ > that.ptr_; } + //@} + + //! @name dereference + //@{ + Reference operator*() const { return *ptr_; } + Pointer operator->() const { return ptr_; } + Reference operator[](DifferenceType n) const { return ptr_[n]; } + //@} + + //! Distance + DifferenceType operator-(ConstIterator that) const { return ptr_-that.ptr_; } + +private: + //! Internal constructor from plain pointer + explicit GenericMemberIterator(Pointer p) : ptr_(p) {} + + Pointer ptr_; //!< raw pointer +}; + +#else // RAPIDJSON_NOMEMBERITERATORCLASS + +// class-based member iterator implementation disabled, use plain pointers + +template +struct GenericMemberIterator; + +//! non-const GenericMemberIterator +template +struct GenericMemberIterator { + //! use plain pointer as iterator type + typedef GenericMember* Iterator; +}; +//! const GenericMemberIterator +template +struct GenericMemberIterator { + //! use plain const pointer as iterator type + typedef const GenericMember* Iterator; +}; + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_NOMEMBERITERATORCLASS + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GenericStringRef + +//! Reference to a constant string (not taking a copy) +/*! + \tparam CharType character type of the string + + This helper class is used to automatically infer constant string + references for string literals, especially from \c const \b (!) + character arrays. + + The main use is for creating JSON string values without copying the + source string via an \ref Allocator. This requires that the referenced + string pointers have a sufficient lifetime, which exceeds the lifetime + of the associated GenericValue. + + \b Example + \code + Value v("foo"); // ok, no need to copy & calculate length + const char foo[] = "foo"; + v.SetString(foo); // ok + + const char* bar = foo; + // Value x(bar); // not ok, can't rely on bar's lifetime + Value x(StringRef(bar)); // lifetime explicitly guaranteed by user + Value y(StringRef(bar, 3)); // ok, explicitly pass length + \endcode + + \see StringRef, GenericValue::SetString +*/ +template +struct GenericStringRef { + typedef CharType Ch; //!< character type of the string + + //! Create string reference from \c const character array +#ifndef __clang__ // -Wdocumentation + /*! + This constructor implicitly creates a constant string reference from + a \c const character array. It has better performance than + \ref StringRef(const CharType*) by inferring the string \ref length + from the array length, and also supports strings containing null + characters. + + \tparam N length of the string, automatically inferred + + \param str Constant character array, lifetime assumed to be longer + than the use of the string in e.g. a GenericValue + + \post \ref s == str + + \note Constant complexity. + \note There is a hidden, private overload to disallow references to + non-const character arrays to be created via this constructor. + By this, e.g. function-scope arrays used to be filled via + \c snprintf are excluded from consideration. + In such cases, the referenced string should be \b copied to the + GenericValue instead. + */ +#endif + template + GenericStringRef(const CharType (&str)[N]) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT + : s(str), length(N-1) {} + + //! Explicitly create string reference from \c const character pointer +#ifndef __clang__ // -Wdocumentation + /*! + This constructor can be used to \b explicitly create a reference to + a constant string pointer. + + \see StringRef(const CharType*) + + \param str Constant character pointer, lifetime assumed to be longer + than the use of the string in e.g. a GenericValue + + \post \ref s == str + + \note There is a hidden, private overload to disallow references to + non-const character arrays to be created via this constructor. + By this, e.g. function-scope arrays used to be filled via + \c snprintf are excluded from consideration. + In such cases, the referenced string should be \b copied to the + GenericValue instead. + */ +#endif + explicit GenericStringRef(const CharType* str) + : s(str), length(internal::StrLen(str)){ RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(s != 0); } + + //! Create constant string reference from pointer and length +#ifndef __clang__ // -Wdocumentation + /*! \param str constant string, lifetime assumed to be longer than the use of the string in e.g. a GenericValue + \param len length of the string, excluding the trailing NULL terminator + + \post \ref s == str && \ref length == len + \note Constant complexity. + */ +#endif + GenericStringRef(const CharType* str, SizeType len) + : s(str), length(len) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(s != 0); } + + GenericStringRef(const GenericStringRef& rhs) : s(rhs.s), length(rhs.length) {} + + //! implicit conversion to plain CharType pointer + operator const Ch *() const { return s; } + + const Ch* const s; //!< plain CharType pointer + const SizeType length; //!< length of the string (excluding the trailing NULL terminator) + +private: + //! Disallow construction from non-const array + template + GenericStringRef(CharType (&str)[N]) /* = delete */; + //! Copy assignment operator not permitted - immutable type + GenericStringRef& operator=(const GenericStringRef& rhs) /* = delete */; +}; + +//! Mark a character pointer as constant string +/*! Mark a plain character pointer as a "string literal". This function + can be used to avoid copying a character string to be referenced as a + value in a JSON GenericValue object, if the string's lifetime is known + to be valid long enough. + \tparam CharType Character type of the string + \param str Constant string, lifetime assumed to be longer than the use of the string in e.g. a GenericValue + \return GenericStringRef string reference object + \relatesalso GenericStringRef + + \see GenericValue::GenericValue(StringRefType), GenericValue::operator=(StringRefType), GenericValue::SetString(StringRefType), GenericValue::PushBack(StringRefType, Allocator&), GenericValue::AddMember +*/ +template +inline GenericStringRef StringRef(const CharType* str) { + return GenericStringRef(str, internal::StrLen(str)); +} + +//! Mark a character pointer as constant string +/*! Mark a plain character pointer as a "string literal". This function + can be used to avoid copying a character string to be referenced as a + value in a JSON GenericValue object, if the string's lifetime is known + to be valid long enough. + + This version has better performance with supplied length, and also + supports string containing null characters. + + \tparam CharType character type of the string + \param str Constant string, lifetime assumed to be longer than the use of the string in e.g. a GenericValue + \param length The length of source string. + \return GenericStringRef string reference object + \relatesalso GenericStringRef +*/ +template +inline GenericStringRef StringRef(const CharType* str, size_t length) { + return GenericStringRef(str, SizeType(length)); +} + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING +//! Mark a string object as constant string +/*! Mark a string object (e.g. \c std::string) as a "string literal". + This function can be used to avoid copying a string to be referenced as a + value in a JSON GenericValue object, if the string's lifetime is known + to be valid long enough. + + \tparam CharType character type of the string + \param str Constant string, lifetime assumed to be longer than the use of the string in e.g. a GenericValue + \return GenericStringRef string reference object + \relatesalso GenericStringRef + \note Requires the definition of the preprocessor symbol \ref RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING. +*/ +template +inline GenericStringRef StringRef(const std::basic_string& str) { + return GenericStringRef(, SizeType(str.size())); +} +#endif + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GenericValue type traits +namespace internal { + +template +struct IsGenericValueImpl : FalseType {}; + +// select candidates according to nested encoding and allocator types +template struct IsGenericValueImpl::Type, typename Void::Type> + : IsBaseOf, T>::Type {}; + +// helper to match arbitrary GenericValue instantiations, including derived classes +template struct IsGenericValue : IsGenericValueImpl::Type {}; + +} // namespace internal + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// TypeHelper + +namespace internal { + +template +struct TypeHelper {}; + +template +struct TypeHelper { + static bool Is(const ValueType& v) { return v.IsBool(); } + static bool Get(const ValueType& v) { return v.GetBool(); } + static ValueType& Set(ValueType& v, bool data) { return v.SetBool(data); } + static ValueType& Set(ValueType& v, bool data, typename ValueType::AllocatorType&) { return v.SetBool(data); } +}; + +template +struct TypeHelper { + static bool Is(const ValueType& v) { return v.IsInt(); } + static int Get(const ValueType& v) { return v.GetInt(); } + static ValueType& Set(ValueType& v, int data) { return v.SetInt(data); } + static ValueType& Set(ValueType& v, int data, typename ValueType::AllocatorType&) { return v.SetInt(data); } +}; + +template +struct TypeHelper { + static bool Is(const ValueType& v) { return v.IsUint(); } + static unsigned Get(const ValueType& v) { return v.GetUint(); } + static ValueType& Set(ValueType& v, unsigned data) { return v.SetUint(data); } + static ValueType& Set(ValueType& v, unsigned data, typename ValueType::AllocatorType&) { return v.SetUint(data); } +}; + +template +struct TypeHelper { + static bool Is(const ValueType& v) { return v.IsInt64(); } + static int64_t Get(const ValueType& v) { return v.GetInt64(); } + static ValueType& Set(ValueType& v, int64_t data) { return v.SetInt64(data); } + static ValueType& Set(ValueType& v, int64_t data, typename ValueType::AllocatorType&) { return v.SetInt64(data); } +}; + +template +struct TypeHelper { + static bool Is(const ValueType& v) { return v.IsUint64(); } + static uint64_t Get(const ValueType& v) { return v.GetUint64(); } + static ValueType& Set(ValueType& v, uint64_t data) { return v.SetUint64(data); } + static ValueType& Set(ValueType& v, uint64_t data, typename ValueType::AllocatorType&) { return v.SetUint64(data); } +}; + +template +struct TypeHelper { + static bool Is(const ValueType& v) { return v.IsDouble(); } + static double Get(const ValueType& v) { return v.GetDouble(); } + static ValueType& Set(ValueType& v, double data) { return v.SetDouble(data); } + static ValueType& Set(ValueType& v, double data, typename ValueType::AllocatorType&) { return v.SetDouble(data); } +}; + +template +struct TypeHelper { + static bool Is(const ValueType& v) { return v.IsFloat(); } + static float Get(const ValueType& v) { return v.GetFloat(); } + static ValueType& Set(ValueType& v, float data) { return v.SetFloat(data); } + static ValueType& Set(ValueType& v, float data, typename ValueType::AllocatorType&) { return v.SetFloat(data); } +}; + +template +struct TypeHelper { + typedef const typename ValueType::Ch* StringType; + static bool Is(const ValueType& v) { return v.IsString(); } + static StringType Get(const ValueType& v) { return v.GetString(); } + static ValueType& Set(ValueType& v, const StringType data) { return v.SetString(typename ValueType::StringRefType(data)); } + static ValueType& Set(ValueType& v, const StringType data, typename ValueType::AllocatorType& a) { return v.SetString(data, a); } +}; + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING +template +struct TypeHelper > { + typedef std::basic_string StringType; + static bool Is(const ValueType& v) { return v.IsString(); } + static StringType Get(const ValueType& v) { return StringType(v.GetString(), v.GetStringLength()); } + static ValueType& Set(ValueType& v, const StringType& data, typename ValueType::AllocatorType& a) { return v.SetString(data, a); } +}; +#endif + +template +struct TypeHelper { + typedef typename ValueType::Array ArrayType; + static bool Is(const ValueType& v) { return v.IsArray(); } + static ArrayType Get(ValueType& v) { return v.GetArray(); } + static ValueType& Set(ValueType& v, ArrayType data) { return v = data; } + static ValueType& Set(ValueType& v, ArrayType data, typename ValueType::AllocatorType&) { return v = data; } +}; + +template +struct TypeHelper { + typedef typename ValueType::ConstArray ArrayType; + static bool Is(const ValueType& v) { return v.IsArray(); } + static ArrayType Get(const ValueType& v) { return v.GetArray(); } +}; + +template +struct TypeHelper { + typedef typename ValueType::Object ObjectType; + static bool Is(const ValueType& v) { return v.IsObject(); } + static ObjectType Get(ValueType& v) { return v.GetObject(); } + static ValueType& Set(ValueType& v, ObjectType data) { return v = data; } + static ValueType& Set(ValueType& v, ObjectType data, typename ValueType::AllocatorType&) { v = data; } +}; + +template +struct TypeHelper { + typedef typename ValueType::ConstObject ObjectType; + static bool Is(const ValueType& v) { return v.IsObject(); } + static ObjectType Get(const ValueType& v) { return v.GetObject(); } +}; + +} // namespace internal + +// Forward declarations +template class GenericArray; +template class GenericObject; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GenericValue + +//! Represents a JSON value. Use Value for UTF8 encoding and default allocator. +/*! + A JSON value can be one of 7 types. This class is a variant type supporting + these types. + + Use the Value if UTF8 and default allocator + + \tparam Encoding Encoding of the value. (Even non-string values need to have the same encoding in a document) + \tparam Allocator Allocator type for allocating memory of object, array and string. +*/ +template > +class GenericValue { +public: + //! Name-value pair in an object. + typedef GenericMember Member; + typedef Encoding EncodingType; //!< Encoding type from template parameter. + typedef Allocator AllocatorType; //!< Allocator type from template parameter. + typedef typename Encoding::Ch Ch; //!< Character type derived from Encoding. + typedef GenericStringRef StringRefType; //!< Reference to a constant string + typedef typename GenericMemberIterator::Iterator MemberIterator; //!< Member iterator for iterating in object. + typedef typename GenericMemberIterator::Iterator ConstMemberIterator; //!< Constant member iterator for iterating in object. + typedef GenericValue* ValueIterator; //!< Value iterator for iterating in array. + typedef const GenericValue* ConstValueIterator; //!< Constant value iterator for iterating in array. + typedef GenericValue ValueType; //!< Value type of itself. + typedef GenericArray Array; + typedef GenericArray ConstArray; + typedef GenericObject Object; + typedef GenericObject ConstObject; + + //!@name Constructors and destructor. + //@{ + + //! Default constructor creates a null value. + GenericValue() RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_() { data_.f.flags = kNullFlag; } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS + //! Move constructor in C++11 + GenericValue(GenericValue&& rhs) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_(rhs.data_) { + rhs.data_.f.flags = kNullFlag; // give up contents + } +#endif + +private: + //! Copy constructor is not permitted. + GenericValue(const GenericValue& rhs); + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS + //! Moving from a GenericDocument is not permitted. + template + GenericValue(GenericDocument&& rhs); + + //! Move assignment from a GenericDocument is not permitted. + template + GenericValue& operator=(GenericDocument&& rhs); +#endif + +public: + + //! Constructor with JSON value type. + /*! This creates a Value of specified type with default content. + \param type Type of the value. + \note Default content for number is zero. + */ + explicit GenericValue(Type type) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_() { + static const uint16_t defaultFlags[7] = { + kNullFlag, kFalseFlag, kTrueFlag, kObjectFlag, kArrayFlag, kShortStringFlag, + kNumberAnyFlag + }; + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(type <= kNumberType); + data_.f.flags = defaultFlags[type]; + + // Use ShortString to store empty string. + if (type == kStringType) +; + } + + //! Explicit copy constructor (with allocator) + /*! Creates a copy of a Value by using the given Allocator + \tparam SourceAllocator allocator of \c rhs + \param rhs Value to copy from (read-only) + \param allocator Allocator for allocating copied elements and buffers. Commonly use GenericDocument::GetAllocator(). + \see CopyFrom() + */ + template + GenericValue(const GenericValue& rhs, Allocator& allocator) { + switch (rhs.GetType()) { + case kObjectType: { + SizeType count = rhs.data_.o.size; + Member* lm = reinterpret_cast(allocator.Malloc(count * sizeof(Member))); + const typename GenericValue::Member* rm = rhs.GetMembersPointer(); + for (SizeType i = 0; i < count; i++) { + new (&lm[i].name) GenericValue(rm[i].name, allocator); + new (&lm[i].value) GenericValue(rm[i].value, allocator); + } + data_.f.flags = kObjectFlag; + data_.o.size = data_.o.capacity = count; + SetMembersPointer(lm); + } + break; + case kArrayType: { + SizeType count = rhs.data_.a.size; + GenericValue* le = reinterpret_cast(allocator.Malloc(count * sizeof(GenericValue))); + const GenericValue* re = rhs.GetElementsPointer(); + for (SizeType i = 0; i < count; i++) + new (&le[i]) GenericValue(re[i], allocator); + data_.f.flags = kArrayFlag; + data_.a.size = data_.a.capacity = count; + SetElementsPointer(le); + } + break; + case kStringType: + if (rhs.data_.f.flags == kConstStringFlag) { + data_.f.flags = rhs.data_.f.flags; + data_ = *reinterpret_cast(&rhs.data_); + } + else + SetStringRaw(StringRef(rhs.GetString(), rhs.GetStringLength()), allocator); + break; + default: + data_.f.flags = rhs.data_.f.flags; + data_ = *reinterpret_cast(&rhs.data_); + break; + } + } + + //! Constructor for boolean value. + /*! \param b Boolean value + \note This constructor is limited to \em real boolean values and rejects + implicitly converted types like arbitrary pointers. Use an explicit cast + to \c bool, if you want to construct a boolean JSON value in such cases. + */ +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_DOXYGEN_RUNNING // hide SFINAE from Doxygen + template + explicit GenericValue(T b, RAPIDJSON_ENABLEIF((internal::IsSame))) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT // See #472 +#else + explicit GenericValue(bool b) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT +#endif + : data_() { + // safe-guard against failing SFINAE + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::IsSame::Value)); + data_.f.flags = b ? kTrueFlag : kFalseFlag; + } + + //! Constructor for int value. + explicit GenericValue(int i) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_() { + data_.n.i64 = i; + data_.f.flags = (i >= 0) ? (kNumberIntFlag | kUintFlag | kUint64Flag) : kNumberIntFlag; + } + + //! Constructor for unsigned value. + explicit GenericValue(unsigned u) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_() { + data_.n.u64 = u; + data_.f.flags = (u & 0x80000000) ? kNumberUintFlag : (kNumberUintFlag | kIntFlag | kInt64Flag); + } + + //! Constructor for int64_t value. + explicit GenericValue(int64_t i64) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_() { + data_.n.i64 = i64; + data_.f.flags = kNumberInt64Flag; + if (i64 >= 0) { + data_.f.flags |= kNumberUint64Flag; + if (!(static_cast(i64) & RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000))) + data_.f.flags |= kUintFlag; + if (!(static_cast(i64) & RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xFFFFFFFF, 0x80000000))) + data_.f.flags |= kIntFlag; + } + else if (i64 >= static_cast(RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xFFFFFFFF, 0x80000000))) + data_.f.flags |= kIntFlag; + } + + //! Constructor for uint64_t value. + explicit GenericValue(uint64_t u64) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_() { + data_.n.u64 = u64; + data_.f.flags = kNumberUint64Flag; + if (!(u64 & RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x80000000, 0x00000000))) + data_.f.flags |= kInt64Flag; + if (!(u64 & RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00000000))) + data_.f.flags |= kUintFlag; + if (!(u64 & RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xFFFFFFFF, 0x80000000))) + data_.f.flags |= kIntFlag; + } + + //! Constructor for double value. + explicit GenericValue(double d) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_() { data_.n.d = d; data_.f.flags = kNumberDoubleFlag; } + + //! Constructor for float value. + explicit GenericValue(float f) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_() { data_.n.d = static_cast(f); data_.f.flags = kNumberDoubleFlag; } + + //! Constructor for constant string (i.e. do not make a copy of string) + GenericValue(const Ch* s, SizeType length) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_() { SetStringRaw(StringRef(s, length)); } + + //! Constructor for constant string (i.e. do not make a copy of string) + explicit GenericValue(StringRefType s) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_() { SetStringRaw(s); } + + //! Constructor for copy-string (i.e. do make a copy of string) + GenericValue(const Ch* s, SizeType length, Allocator& allocator) : data_() { SetStringRaw(StringRef(s, length), allocator); } + + //! Constructor for copy-string (i.e. do make a copy of string) + GenericValue(const Ch*s, Allocator& allocator) : data_() { SetStringRaw(StringRef(s), allocator); } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + //! Constructor for copy-string from a string object (i.e. do make a copy of string) + /*! \note Requires the definition of the preprocessor symbol \ref RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING. + */ + GenericValue(const std::basic_string& s, Allocator& allocator) : data_() { SetStringRaw(StringRef(s), allocator); } +#endif + + //! Constructor for Array. + /*! + \param a An array obtained by \c GetArray(). + \note \c Array is always pass-by-value. + \note the source array is moved into this value and the sourec array becomes empty. + */ + GenericValue(Array a) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_(a.value_.data_) { + a.value_.data_ = Data(); + a.value_.data_.f.flags = kArrayFlag; + } + + //! Constructor for Object. + /*! + \param o An object obtained by \c GetObject(). + \note \c Object is always pass-by-value. + \note the source object is moved into this value and the sourec object becomes empty. + */ + GenericValue(Object o) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : data_(o.value_.data_) { + o.value_.data_ = Data(); + o.value_.data_.f.flags = kObjectFlag; + } + + //! Destructor. + /*! Need to destruct elements of array, members of object, or copy-string. + */ + ~GenericValue() { + if (Allocator::kNeedFree) { // Shortcut by Allocator's trait + switch(data_.f.flags) { + case kArrayFlag: + { + GenericValue* e = GetElementsPointer(); + for (GenericValue* v = e; v != e + data_.a.size; ++v) + v->~GenericValue(); + Allocator::Free(e); + } + break; + + case kObjectFlag: + for (MemberIterator m = MemberBegin(); m != MemberEnd(); ++m) + m->~Member(); + Allocator::Free(GetMembersPointer()); + break; + + case kCopyStringFlag: + Allocator::Free(const_cast(GetStringPointer())); + break; + + default: + break; // Do nothing for other types. + } + } + } + + //@} + + //!@name Assignment operators + //@{ + + //! Assignment with move semantics. + /*! \param rhs Source of the assignment. It will become a null value after assignment. + */ + GenericValue& operator=(GenericValue& rhs) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(this != &rhs); + this->~GenericValue(); + RawAssign(rhs); + return *this; + } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS + //! Move assignment in C++11 + GenericValue& operator=(GenericValue&& rhs) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT { + return *this = rhs.Move(); + } +#endif + + //! Assignment of constant string reference (no copy) + /*! \param str Constant string reference to be assigned + \note This overload is needed to avoid clashes with the generic primitive type assignment overload below. + \see GenericStringRef, operator=(T) + */ + GenericValue& operator=(StringRefType str) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT { + GenericValue s(str); + return *this = s; + } + + //! Assignment with primitive types. + /*! \tparam T Either \ref Type, \c int, \c unsigned, \c int64_t, \c uint64_t + \param value The value to be assigned. + + \note The source type \c T explicitly disallows all pointer types, + especially (\c const) \ref Ch*. This helps avoiding implicitly + referencing character strings with insufficient lifetime, use + \ref SetString(const Ch*, Allocator&) (for copying) or + \ref StringRef() (to explicitly mark the pointer as constant) instead. + All other pointer types would implicitly convert to \c bool, + use \ref SetBool() instead. + */ + template + RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::IsPointer), (GenericValue&)) + operator=(T value) { + GenericValue v(value); + return *this = v; + } + + //! Deep-copy assignment from Value + /*! Assigns a \b copy of the Value to the current Value object + \tparam SourceAllocator Allocator type of \c rhs + \param rhs Value to copy from (read-only) + \param allocator Allocator to use for copying + */ + template + GenericValue& CopyFrom(const GenericValue& rhs, Allocator& allocator) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(static_cast(this) != static_cast(&rhs)); + this->~GenericValue(); + new (this) GenericValue(rhs, allocator); + return *this; + } + + //! Exchange the contents of this value with those of other. + /*! + \param other Another value. + \note Constant complexity. + */ + GenericValue& Swap(GenericValue& other) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT { + GenericValue temp; + temp.RawAssign(*this); + RawAssign(other); + other.RawAssign(temp); + return *this; + } + + //! free-standing swap function helper + /*! + Helper function to enable support for common swap implementation pattern based on \c std::swap: + \code + void swap(MyClass& a, MyClass& b) { + using std::swap; + swap(a.value, b.value); + // ... + } + \endcode + \see Swap() + */ + friend inline void swap(GenericValue& a, GenericValue& b) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT { a.Swap(b); } + + //! Prepare Value for move semantics + /*! \return *this */ + GenericValue& Move() RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT { return *this; } + //@} + + //!@name Equal-to and not-equal-to operators + //@{ + //! Equal-to operator + /*! + \note If an object contains duplicated named member, comparing equality with any object is always \c false. + \note Linear time complexity (number of all values in the subtree and total lengths of all strings). + */ + template + bool operator==(const GenericValue& rhs) const { + typedef GenericValue RhsType; + if (GetType() != rhs.GetType()) + return false; + + switch (GetType()) { + case kObjectType: // Warning: O(n^2) inner-loop + if (data_.o.size != rhs.data_.o.size) + return false; + for (ConstMemberIterator lhsMemberItr = MemberBegin(); lhsMemberItr != MemberEnd(); ++lhsMemberItr) { + typename RhsType::ConstMemberIterator rhsMemberItr = rhs.FindMember(lhsMemberItr->name); + if (rhsMemberItr == rhs.MemberEnd() || lhsMemberItr->value != rhsMemberItr->value) + return false; + } + return true; + + case kArrayType: + if (data_.a.size != rhs.data_.a.size) + return false; + for (SizeType i = 0; i < data_.a.size; i++) + if ((*this)[i] != rhs[i]) + return false; + return true; + + case kStringType: + return StringEqual(rhs); + + case kNumberType: + if (IsDouble() || rhs.IsDouble()) { + double a = GetDouble(); // May convert from integer to double. + double b = rhs.GetDouble(); // Ditto + return a >= b && a <= b; // Prevent -Wfloat-equal + } + else + return data_.n.u64 == rhs.data_.n.u64; + + default: + return true; + } + } + + //! Equal-to operator with const C-string pointer + bool operator==(const Ch* rhs) const { return *this == GenericValue(StringRef(rhs)); } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + //! Equal-to operator with string object + /*! \note Requires the definition of the preprocessor symbol \ref RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING. + */ + bool operator==(const std::basic_string& rhs) const { return *this == GenericValue(StringRef(rhs)); } +#endif + + //! Equal-to operator with primitive types + /*! \tparam T Either \ref Type, \c int, \c unsigned, \c int64_t, \c uint64_t, \c double, \c true, \c false + */ + template RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::OrExpr,internal::IsGenericValue >), (bool)) operator==(const T& rhs) const { return *this == GenericValue(rhs); } + + //! Not-equal-to operator + /*! \return !(*this == rhs) + */ + template + bool operator!=(const GenericValue& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } + + //! Not-equal-to operator with const C-string pointer + bool operator!=(const Ch* rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } + + //! Not-equal-to operator with arbitrary types + /*! \return !(*this == rhs) + */ + template RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::IsGenericValue), (bool)) operator!=(const T& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } + + //! Equal-to operator with arbitrary types (symmetric version) + /*! \return (rhs == lhs) + */ + template friend RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::IsGenericValue), (bool)) operator==(const T& lhs, const GenericValue& rhs) { return rhs == lhs; } + + //! Not-Equal-to operator with arbitrary types (symmetric version) + /*! \return !(rhs == lhs) + */ + template friend RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::IsGenericValue), (bool)) operator!=(const T& lhs, const GenericValue& rhs) { return !(rhs == lhs); } + //@} + + //!@name Type + //@{ + + Type GetType() const { return static_cast(data_.f.flags & kTypeMask); } + bool IsNull() const { return data_.f.flags == kNullFlag; } + bool IsFalse() const { return data_.f.flags == kFalseFlag; } + bool IsTrue() const { return data_.f.flags == kTrueFlag; } + bool IsBool() const { return (data_.f.flags & kBoolFlag) != 0; } + bool IsObject() const { return data_.f.flags == kObjectFlag; } + bool IsArray() const { return data_.f.flags == kArrayFlag; } + bool IsNumber() const { return (data_.f.flags & kNumberFlag) != 0; } + bool IsInt() const { return (data_.f.flags & kIntFlag) != 0; } + bool IsUint() const { return (data_.f.flags & kUintFlag) != 0; } + bool IsInt64() const { return (data_.f.flags & kInt64Flag) != 0; } + bool IsUint64() const { return (data_.f.flags & kUint64Flag) != 0; } + bool IsDouble() const { return (data_.f.flags & kDoubleFlag) != 0; } + bool IsString() const { return (data_.f.flags & kStringFlag) != 0; } + + // Checks whether a number can be losslessly converted to a double. + bool IsLosslessDouble() const { + if (!IsNumber()) return false; + if (IsUint64()) { + uint64_t u = GetUint64(); + volatile double d = static_cast(u); + return (d >= 0.0) + && (d < static_cast(std::numeric_limits::max())) + && (u == static_cast(d)); + } + if (IsInt64()) { + int64_t i = GetInt64(); + volatile double d = static_cast(i); + return (d >= static_cast(std::numeric_limits::min())) + && (d < static_cast(std::numeric_limits::max())) + && (i == static_cast(d)); + } + return true; // double, int, uint are always lossless + } + + // Checks whether a number is a float (possible lossy). + bool IsFloat() const { + if ((data_.f.flags & kDoubleFlag) == 0) + return false; + double d = GetDouble(); + return d >= -3.4028234e38 && d <= 3.4028234e38; + } + // Checks whether a number can be losslessly converted to a float. + bool IsLosslessFloat() const { + if (!IsNumber()) return false; + double a = GetDouble(); + if (a < static_cast(-std::numeric_limits::max()) + || a > static_cast(std::numeric_limits::max())) + return false; + double b = static_cast(static_cast(a)); + return a >= b && a <= b; // Prevent -Wfloat-equal + } + + //@} + + //!@name Null + //@{ + + GenericValue& SetNull() { this->~GenericValue(); new (this) GenericValue(); return *this; } + + //@} + + //!@name Bool + //@{ + + bool GetBool() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsBool()); return data_.f.flags == kTrueFlag; } + //!< Set boolean value + /*! \post IsBool() == true */ + GenericValue& SetBool(bool b) { this->~GenericValue(); new (this) GenericValue(b); return *this; } + + //@} + + //!@name Object + //@{ + + //! Set this value as an empty object. + /*! \post IsObject() == true */ + GenericValue& SetObject() { this->~GenericValue(); new (this) GenericValue(kObjectType); return *this; } + + //! Get the number of members in the object. + SizeType MemberCount() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsObject()); return data_.o.size; } + + //! Check whether the object is empty. + bool ObjectEmpty() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsObject()); return data_.o.size == 0; } + + //! Get a value from an object associated with the name. + /*! \pre IsObject() == true + \tparam T Either \c Ch or \c const \c Ch (template used for disambiguation with \ref operator[](SizeType)) + \note In version 0.1x, if the member is not found, this function returns a null value. This makes issue 7. + Since 0.2, if the name is not correct, it will assert. + If user is unsure whether a member exists, user should use HasMember() first. + A better approach is to use FindMember(). + \note Linear time complexity. + */ + template + RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::NotExpr::Type, Ch> >),(GenericValue&)) operator[](T* name) { + GenericValue n(StringRef(name)); + return (*this)[n]; + } + template + RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::NotExpr::Type, Ch> >),(const GenericValue&)) operator[](T* name) const { return const_cast(*this)[name]; } + + //! Get a value from an object associated with the name. + /*! \pre IsObject() == true + \tparam SourceAllocator Allocator of the \c name value + + \note Compared to \ref operator[](T*), this version is faster because it does not need a StrLen(). + And it can also handle strings with embedded null characters. + + \note Linear time complexity. + */ + template + GenericValue& operator[](const GenericValue& name) { + MemberIterator member = FindMember(name); + if (member != MemberEnd()) + return member->value; + else { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); // see above note + + // This will generate -Wexit-time-destructors in clang + // static GenericValue NullValue; + // return NullValue; + + // Use static buffer and placement-new to prevent destruction + static char buffer[sizeof(GenericValue)]; + return *new (buffer) GenericValue(); + } + } + template + const GenericValue& operator[](const GenericValue& name) const { return const_cast(*this)[name]; } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + //! Get a value from an object associated with name (string object). + GenericValue& operator[](const std::basic_string& name) { return (*this)[GenericValue(StringRef(name))]; } + const GenericValue& operator[](const std::basic_string& name) const { return (*this)[GenericValue(StringRef(name))]; } +#endif + + //! Const member iterator + /*! \pre IsObject() == true */ + ConstMemberIterator MemberBegin() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsObject()); return ConstMemberIterator(GetMembersPointer()); } + //! Const \em past-the-end member iterator + /*! \pre IsObject() == true */ + ConstMemberIterator MemberEnd() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsObject()); return ConstMemberIterator(GetMembersPointer() + data_.o.size); } + //! Member iterator + /*! \pre IsObject() == true */ + MemberIterator MemberBegin() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsObject()); return MemberIterator(GetMembersPointer()); } + //! \em Past-the-end member iterator + /*! \pre IsObject() == true */ + MemberIterator MemberEnd() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsObject()); return MemberIterator(GetMembersPointer() + data_.o.size); } + + //! Check whether a member exists in the object. + /*! + \param name Member name to be searched. + \pre IsObject() == true + \return Whether a member with that name exists. + \note It is better to use FindMember() directly if you need the obtain the value as well. + \note Linear time complexity. + */ + bool HasMember(const Ch* name) const { return FindMember(name) != MemberEnd(); } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + //! Check whether a member exists in the object with string object. + /*! + \param name Member name to be searched. + \pre IsObject() == true + \return Whether a member with that name exists. + \note It is better to use FindMember() directly if you need the obtain the value as well. + \note Linear time complexity. + */ + bool HasMember(const std::basic_string& name) const { return FindMember(name) != MemberEnd(); } +#endif + + //! Check whether a member exists in the object with GenericValue name. + /*! + This version is faster because it does not need a StrLen(). It can also handle string with null character. + \param name Member name to be searched. + \pre IsObject() == true + \return Whether a member with that name exists. + \note It is better to use FindMember() directly if you need the obtain the value as well. + \note Linear time complexity. + */ + template + bool HasMember(const GenericValue& name) const { return FindMember(name) != MemberEnd(); } + + //! Find member by name. + /*! + \param name Member name to be searched. + \pre IsObject() == true + \return Iterator to member, if it exists. + Otherwise returns \ref MemberEnd(). + + \note Earlier versions of Rapidjson returned a \c NULL pointer, in case + the requested member doesn't exist. For consistency with e.g. + \c std::map, this has been changed to MemberEnd() now. + \note Linear time complexity. + */ + MemberIterator FindMember(const Ch* name) { + GenericValue n(StringRef(name)); + return FindMember(n); + } + + ConstMemberIterator FindMember(const Ch* name) const { return const_cast(*this).FindMember(name); } + + //! Find member by name. + /*! + This version is faster because it does not need a StrLen(). It can also handle string with null character. + \param name Member name to be searched. + \pre IsObject() == true + \return Iterator to member, if it exists. + Otherwise returns \ref MemberEnd(). + + \note Earlier versions of Rapidjson returned a \c NULL pointer, in case + the requested member doesn't exist. For consistency with e.g. + \c std::map, this has been changed to MemberEnd() now. + \note Linear time complexity. + */ + template + MemberIterator FindMember(const GenericValue& name) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsObject()); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(name.IsString()); + MemberIterator member = MemberBegin(); + for ( ; member != MemberEnd(); ++member) + if (name.StringEqual(member->name)) + break; + return member; + } + template ConstMemberIterator FindMember(const GenericValue& name) const { return const_cast(*this).FindMember(name); } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + //! Find member by string object name. + /*! + \param name Member name to be searched. + \pre IsObject() == true + \return Iterator to member, if it exists. + Otherwise returns \ref MemberEnd(). + */ + MemberIterator FindMember(const std::basic_string& name) { return FindMember(GenericValue(StringRef(name))); } + ConstMemberIterator FindMember(const std::basic_string& name) const { return FindMember(GenericValue(StringRef(name))); } +#endif + + //! Add a member (name-value pair) to the object. + /*! \param name A string value as name of member. + \param value Value of any type. + \param allocator Allocator for reallocating memory. It must be the same one as used before. Commonly use GenericDocument::GetAllocator(). + \return The value itself for fluent API. + \note The ownership of \c name and \c value will be transferred to this object on success. + \pre IsObject() && name.IsString() + \post name.IsNull() && value.IsNull() + \note Amortized Constant time complexity. + */ + GenericValue& AddMember(GenericValue& name, GenericValue& value, Allocator& allocator) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsObject()); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(name.IsString()); + + ObjectData& o = data_.o; + if (o.size >= o.capacity) { + if (o.capacity == 0) { + o.capacity = kDefaultObjectCapacity; + SetMembersPointer(reinterpret_cast(allocator.Malloc(o.capacity * sizeof(Member)))); + } + else { + SizeType oldCapacity = o.capacity; + o.capacity += (oldCapacity + 1) / 2; // grow by factor 1.5 + SetMembersPointer(reinterpret_cast(allocator.Realloc(GetMembersPointer(), oldCapacity * sizeof(Member), o.capacity * sizeof(Member)))); + } + } + Member* members = GetMembersPointer(); + members[o.size].name.RawAssign(name); + members[o.size].value.RawAssign(value); + o.size++; + return *this; + } + + //! Add a constant string value as member (name-value pair) to the object. + /*! \param name A string value as name of member. + \param value constant string reference as value of member. + \param allocator Allocator for reallocating memory. It must be the same one as used before. Commonly use GenericDocument::GetAllocator(). + \return The value itself for fluent API. + \pre IsObject() + \note This overload is needed to avoid clashes with the generic primitive type AddMember(GenericValue&,T,Allocator&) overload below. + \note Amortized Constant time complexity. + */ + GenericValue& AddMember(GenericValue& name, StringRefType value, Allocator& allocator) { + GenericValue v(value); + return AddMember(name, v, allocator); + } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + //! Add a string object as member (name-value pair) to the object. + /*! \param name A string value as name of member. + \param value constant string reference as value of member. + \param allocator Allocator for reallocating memory. It must be the same one as used before. Commonly use GenericDocument::GetAllocator(). + \return The value itself for fluent API. + \pre IsObject() + \note This overload is needed to avoid clashes with the generic primitive type AddMember(GenericValue&,T,Allocator&) overload below. + \note Amortized Constant time complexity. + */ + GenericValue& AddMember(GenericValue& name, std::basic_string& value, Allocator& allocator) { + GenericValue v(value, allocator); + return AddMember(name, v, allocator); + } +#endif + + //! Add any primitive value as member (name-value pair) to the object. + /*! \tparam T Either \ref Type, \c int, \c unsigned, \c int64_t, \c uint64_t + \param name A string value as name of member. + \param value Value of primitive type \c T as value of member + \param allocator Allocator for reallocating memory. Commonly use GenericDocument::GetAllocator(). + \return The value itself for fluent API. + \pre IsObject() + + \note The source type \c T explicitly disallows all pointer types, + especially (\c const) \ref Ch*. This helps avoiding implicitly + referencing character strings with insufficient lifetime, use + \ref AddMember(StringRefType, GenericValue&, Allocator&) or \ref + AddMember(StringRefType, StringRefType, Allocator&). + All other pointer types would implicitly convert to \c bool, + use an explicit cast instead, if needed. + \note Amortized Constant time complexity. + */ + template + RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::OrExpr, internal::IsGenericValue >), (GenericValue&)) + AddMember(GenericValue& name, T value, Allocator& allocator) { + GenericValue v(value); + return AddMember(name, v, allocator); + } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS + GenericValue& AddMember(GenericValue&& name, GenericValue&& value, Allocator& allocator) { + return AddMember(name, value, allocator); + } + GenericValue& AddMember(GenericValue&& name, GenericValue& value, Allocator& allocator) { + return AddMember(name, value, allocator); + } + GenericValue& AddMember(GenericValue& name, GenericValue&& value, Allocator& allocator) { + return AddMember(name, value, allocator); + } + GenericValue& AddMember(StringRefType name, GenericValue&& value, Allocator& allocator) { + GenericValue n(name); + return AddMember(n, value, allocator); + } +#endif // RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS + + + //! Add a member (name-value pair) to the object. + /*! \param name A constant string reference as name of member. + \param value Value of any type. + \param allocator Allocator for reallocating memory. It must be the same one as used before. Commonly use GenericDocument::GetAllocator(). + \return The value itself for fluent API. + \note The ownership of \c value will be transferred to this object on success. + \pre IsObject() + \post value.IsNull() + \note Amortized Constant time complexity. + */ + GenericValue& AddMember(StringRefType name, GenericValue& value, Allocator& allocator) { + GenericValue n(name); + return AddMember(n, value, allocator); + } + + //! Add a constant string value as member (name-value pair) to the object. + /*! \param name A constant string reference as name of member. + \param value constant string reference as value of member. + \param allocator Allocator for reallocating memory. It must be the same one as used before. Commonly use GenericDocument::GetAllocator(). + \return The value itself for fluent API. + \pre IsObject() + \note This overload is needed to avoid clashes with the generic primitive type AddMember(StringRefType,T,Allocator&) overload below. + \note Amortized Constant time complexity. + */ + GenericValue& AddMember(StringRefType name, StringRefType value, Allocator& allocator) { + GenericValue v(value); + return AddMember(name, v, allocator); + } + + //! Add any primitive value as member (name-value pair) to the object. + /*! \tparam T Either \ref Type, \c int, \c unsigned, \c int64_t, \c uint64_t + \param name A constant string reference as name of member. + \param value Value of primitive type \c T as value of member + \param allocator Allocator for reallocating memory. Commonly use GenericDocument::GetAllocator(). + \return The value itself for fluent API. + \pre IsObject() + + \note The source type \c T explicitly disallows all pointer types, + especially (\c const) \ref Ch*. This helps avoiding implicitly + referencing character strings with insufficient lifetime, use + \ref AddMember(StringRefType, GenericValue&, Allocator&) or \ref + AddMember(StringRefType, StringRefType, Allocator&). + All other pointer types would implicitly convert to \c bool, + use an explicit cast instead, if needed. + \note Amortized Constant time complexity. + */ + template + RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::OrExpr, internal::IsGenericValue >), (GenericValue&)) + AddMember(StringRefType name, T value, Allocator& allocator) { + GenericValue n(name); + return AddMember(n, value, allocator); + } + + //! Remove all members in the object. + /*! This function do not deallocate memory in the object, i.e. the capacity is unchanged. + \note Linear time complexity. + */ + void RemoveAllMembers() { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsObject()); + for (MemberIterator m = MemberBegin(); m != MemberEnd(); ++m) + m->~Member(); + data_.o.size = 0; + } + + //! Remove a member in object by its name. + /*! \param name Name of member to be removed. + \return Whether the member existed. + \note This function may reorder the object members. Use \ref + EraseMember(ConstMemberIterator) if you need to preserve the + relative order of the remaining members. + \note Linear time complexity. + */ + bool RemoveMember(const Ch* name) { + GenericValue n(StringRef(name)); + return RemoveMember(n); + } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + bool RemoveMember(const std::basic_string& name) { return RemoveMember(GenericValue(StringRef(name))); } +#endif + + template + bool RemoveMember(const GenericValue& name) { + MemberIterator m = FindMember(name); + if (m != MemberEnd()) { + RemoveMember(m); + return true; + } + else + return false; + } + + //! Remove a member in object by iterator. + /*! \param m member iterator (obtained by FindMember() or MemberBegin()). + \return the new iterator after removal. + \note This function may reorder the object members. Use \ref + EraseMember(ConstMemberIterator) if you need to preserve the + relative order of the remaining members. + \note Constant time complexity. + */ + MemberIterator RemoveMember(MemberIterator m) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsObject()); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(data_.o.size > 0); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(GetMembersPointer() != 0); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(m >= MemberBegin() && m < MemberEnd()); + + MemberIterator last(GetMembersPointer() + (data_.o.size - 1)); + if (data_.o.size > 1 && m != last) + *m = *last; // Move the last one to this place + else + m->~Member(); // Only one left, just destroy + --data_.o.size; + return m; + } + + //! Remove a member from an object by iterator. + /*! \param pos iterator to the member to remove + \pre IsObject() == true && \ref MemberBegin() <= \c pos < \ref MemberEnd() + \return Iterator following the removed element. + If the iterator \c pos refers to the last element, the \ref MemberEnd() iterator is returned. + \note This function preserves the relative order of the remaining object + members. If you do not need this, use the more efficient \ref RemoveMember(MemberIterator). + \note Linear time complexity. + */ + MemberIterator EraseMember(ConstMemberIterator pos) { + return EraseMember(pos, pos +1); + } + + //! Remove members in the range [first, last) from an object. + /*! \param first iterator to the first member to remove + \param last iterator following the last member to remove + \pre IsObject() == true && \ref MemberBegin() <= \c first <= \c last <= \ref MemberEnd() + \return Iterator following the last removed element. + \note This function preserves the relative order of the remaining object + members. + \note Linear time complexity. + */ + MemberIterator EraseMember(ConstMemberIterator first, ConstMemberIterator last) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsObject()); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(data_.o.size > 0); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(GetMembersPointer() != 0); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(first >= MemberBegin()); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(first <= last); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(last <= MemberEnd()); + + MemberIterator pos = MemberBegin() + (first - MemberBegin()); + for (MemberIterator itr = pos; itr != last; ++itr) + itr->~Member(); + std::memmove(&*pos, &*last, static_cast(MemberEnd() - last) * sizeof(Member)); + data_.o.size -= static_cast(last - first); + return pos; + } + + //! Erase a member in object by its name. + /*! \param name Name of member to be removed. + \return Whether the member existed. + \note Linear time complexity. + */ + bool EraseMember(const Ch* name) { + GenericValue n(StringRef(name)); + return EraseMember(n); + } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + bool EraseMember(const std::basic_string& name) { return EraseMember(GenericValue(StringRef(name))); } +#endif + + template + bool EraseMember(const GenericValue& name) { + MemberIterator m = FindMember(name); + if (m != MemberEnd()) { + EraseMember(m); + return true; + } + else + return false; + } + + Object GetObject() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsObject()); return Object(*this); } + ConstObject GetObject() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsObject()); return ConstObject(*this); } + + //@} + + //!@name Array + //@{ + + //! Set this value as an empty array. + /*! \post IsArray == true */ + GenericValue& SetArray() { this->~GenericValue(); new (this) GenericValue(kArrayType); return *this; } + + //! Get the number of elements in array. + SizeType Size() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsArray()); return data_.a.size; } + + //! Get the capacity of array. + SizeType Capacity() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsArray()); return data_.a.capacity; } + + //! Check whether the array is empty. + bool Empty() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsArray()); return data_.a.size == 0; } + + //! Remove all elements in the array. + /*! This function do not deallocate memory in the array, i.e. the capacity is unchanged. + \note Linear time complexity. + */ + void Clear() { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsArray()); + GenericValue* e = GetElementsPointer(); + for (GenericValue* v = e; v != e + data_.a.size; ++v) + v->~GenericValue(); + data_.a.size = 0; + } + + //! Get an element from array by index. + /*! \pre IsArray() == true + \param index Zero-based index of element. + \see operator[](T*) + */ + GenericValue& operator[](SizeType index) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsArray()); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(index < data_.a.size); + return GetElementsPointer()[index]; + } + const GenericValue& operator[](SizeType index) const { return const_cast(*this)[index]; } + + //! Element iterator + /*! \pre IsArray() == true */ + ValueIterator Begin() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsArray()); return GetElementsPointer(); } + //! \em Past-the-end element iterator + /*! \pre IsArray() == true */ + ValueIterator End() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsArray()); return GetElementsPointer() + data_.a.size; } + //! Constant element iterator + /*! \pre IsArray() == true */ + ConstValueIterator Begin() const { return const_cast(*this).Begin(); } + //! Constant \em past-the-end element iterator + /*! \pre IsArray() == true */ + ConstValueIterator End() const { return const_cast(*this).End(); } + + //! Request the array to have enough capacity to store elements. + /*! \param newCapacity The capacity that the array at least need to have. + \param allocator Allocator for reallocating memory. It must be the same one as used before. Commonly use GenericDocument::GetAllocator(). + \return The value itself for fluent API. + \note Linear time complexity. + */ + GenericValue& Reserve(SizeType newCapacity, Allocator &allocator) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsArray()); + if (newCapacity > data_.a.capacity) { + SetElementsPointer(reinterpret_cast(allocator.Realloc(GetElementsPointer(), data_.a.capacity * sizeof(GenericValue), newCapacity * sizeof(GenericValue)))); + data_.a.capacity = newCapacity; + } + return *this; + } + + //! Append a GenericValue at the end of the array. + /*! \param value Value to be appended. + \param allocator Allocator for reallocating memory. It must be the same one as used before. Commonly use GenericDocument::GetAllocator(). + \pre IsArray() == true + \post value.IsNull() == true + \return The value itself for fluent API. + \note The ownership of \c value will be transferred to this array on success. + \note If the number of elements to be appended is known, calls Reserve() once first may be more efficient. + \note Amortized constant time complexity. + */ + GenericValue& PushBack(GenericValue& value, Allocator& allocator) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsArray()); + if (data_.a.size >= data_.a.capacity) + Reserve(data_.a.capacity == 0 ? kDefaultArrayCapacity : (data_.a.capacity + (data_.a.capacity + 1) / 2), allocator); + GetElementsPointer()[data_.a.size++].RawAssign(value); + return *this; + } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS + GenericValue& PushBack(GenericValue&& value, Allocator& allocator) { + return PushBack(value, allocator); + } +#endif // RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS + + //! Append a constant string reference at the end of the array. + /*! \param value Constant string reference to be appended. + \param allocator Allocator for reallocating memory. It must be the same one used previously. Commonly use GenericDocument::GetAllocator(). + \pre IsArray() == true + \return The value itself for fluent API. + \note If the number of elements to be appended is known, calls Reserve() once first may be more efficient. + \note Amortized constant time complexity. + \see GenericStringRef + */ + GenericValue& PushBack(StringRefType value, Allocator& allocator) { + return (*this).template PushBack(value, allocator); + } + + //! Append a primitive value at the end of the array. + /*! \tparam T Either \ref Type, \c int, \c unsigned, \c int64_t, \c uint64_t + \param value Value of primitive type T to be appended. + \param allocator Allocator for reallocating memory. It must be the same one as used before. Commonly use GenericDocument::GetAllocator(). + \pre IsArray() == true + \return The value itself for fluent API. + \note If the number of elements to be appended is known, calls Reserve() once first may be more efficient. + + \note The source type \c T explicitly disallows all pointer types, + especially (\c const) \ref Ch*. This helps avoiding implicitly + referencing character strings with insufficient lifetime, use + \ref PushBack(GenericValue&, Allocator&) or \ref + PushBack(StringRefType, Allocator&). + All other pointer types would implicitly convert to \c bool, + use an explicit cast instead, if needed. + \note Amortized constant time complexity. + */ + template + RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::OrExpr, internal::IsGenericValue >), (GenericValue&)) + PushBack(T value, Allocator& allocator) { + GenericValue v(value); + return PushBack(v, allocator); + } + + //! Remove the last element in the array. + /*! + \note Constant time complexity. + */ + GenericValue& PopBack() { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsArray()); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(!Empty()); + GetElementsPointer()[--data_.a.size].~GenericValue(); + return *this; + } + + //! Remove an element of array by iterator. + /*! + \param pos iterator to the element to remove + \pre IsArray() == true && \ref Begin() <= \c pos < \ref End() + \return Iterator following the removed element. If the iterator pos refers to the last element, the End() iterator is returned. + \note Linear time complexity. + */ + ValueIterator Erase(ConstValueIterator pos) { + return Erase(pos, pos + 1); + } + + //! Remove elements in the range [first, last) of the array. + /*! + \param first iterator to the first element to remove + \param last iterator following the last element to remove + \pre IsArray() == true && \ref Begin() <= \c first <= \c last <= \ref End() + \return Iterator following the last removed element. + \note Linear time complexity. + */ + ValueIterator Erase(ConstValueIterator first, ConstValueIterator last) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsArray()); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(data_.a.size > 0); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(GetElementsPointer() != 0); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(first >= Begin()); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(first <= last); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(last <= End()); + ValueIterator pos = Begin() + (first - Begin()); + for (ValueIterator itr = pos; itr != last; ++itr) + itr->~GenericValue(); + std::memmove(pos, last, static_cast(End() - last) * sizeof(GenericValue)); + data_.a.size -= static_cast(last - first); + return pos; + } + + Array GetArray() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsArray()); return Array(*this); } + ConstArray GetArray() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsArray()); return ConstArray(*this); } + + //@} + + //!@name Number + //@{ + + int GetInt() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(data_.f.flags & kIntFlag); return data_.n.i.i; } + unsigned GetUint() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(data_.f.flags & kUintFlag); return data_.n.u.u; } + int64_t GetInt64() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(data_.f.flags & kInt64Flag); return data_.n.i64; } + uint64_t GetUint64() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(data_.f.flags & kUint64Flag); return data_.n.u64; } + + //! Get the value as double type. + /*! \note If the value is 64-bit integer type, it may lose precision. Use \c IsLosslessDouble() to check whether the converison is lossless. + */ + double GetDouble() const { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsNumber()); + if ((data_.f.flags & kDoubleFlag) != 0) return data_.n.d; // exact type, no conversion. + if ((data_.f.flags & kIntFlag) != 0) return data_.n.i.i; // int -> double + if ((data_.f.flags & kUintFlag) != 0) return data_.n.u.u; // unsigned -> double + if ((data_.f.flags & kInt64Flag) != 0) return static_cast(data_.n.i64); // int64_t -> double (may lose precision) + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT((data_.f.flags & kUint64Flag) != 0); return static_cast(data_.n.u64); // uint64_t -> double (may lose precision) + } + + //! Get the value as float type. + /*! \note If the value is 64-bit integer type, it may lose precision. Use \c IsLosslessFloat() to check whether the converison is lossless. + */ + float GetFloat() const { + return static_cast(GetDouble()); + } + + GenericValue& SetInt(int i) { this->~GenericValue(); new (this) GenericValue(i); return *this; } + GenericValue& SetUint(unsigned u) { this->~GenericValue(); new (this) GenericValue(u); return *this; } + GenericValue& SetInt64(int64_t i64) { this->~GenericValue(); new (this) GenericValue(i64); return *this; } + GenericValue& SetUint64(uint64_t u64) { this->~GenericValue(); new (this) GenericValue(u64); return *this; } + GenericValue& SetDouble(double d) { this->~GenericValue(); new (this) GenericValue(d); return *this; } + GenericValue& SetFloat(float f) { this->~GenericValue(); new (this) GenericValue(static_cast(f)); return *this; } + + //@} + + //!@name String + //@{ + + const Ch* GetString() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsString()); return (data_.f.flags & kInlineStrFlag) ? : GetStringPointer(); } + + //! Get the length of string. + /*! Since rapidjson permits "\\u0000" in the json string, strlen(v.GetString()) may not equal to v.GetStringLength(). + */ + SizeType GetStringLength() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsString()); return ((data_.f.flags & kInlineStrFlag) ? ( : data_.s.length); } + + //! Set this value as a string without copying source string. + /*! This version has better performance with supplied length, and also support string containing null character. + \param s source string pointer. + \param length The length of source string, excluding the trailing null terminator. + \return The value itself for fluent API. + \post IsString() == true && GetString() == s && GetStringLength() == length + \see SetString(StringRefType) + */ + GenericValue& SetString(const Ch* s, SizeType length) { return SetString(StringRef(s, length)); } + + //! Set this value as a string without copying source string. + /*! \param s source string reference + \return The value itself for fluent API. + \post IsString() == true && GetString() == s && GetStringLength() == s.length + */ + GenericValue& SetString(StringRefType s) { this->~GenericValue(); SetStringRaw(s); return *this; } + + //! Set this value as a string by copying from source string. + /*! This version has better performance with supplied length, and also support string containing null character. + \param s source string. + \param length The length of source string, excluding the trailing null terminator. + \param allocator Allocator for allocating copied buffer. Commonly use GenericDocument::GetAllocator(). + \return The value itself for fluent API. + \post IsString() == true && GetString() != s && strcmp(GetString(),s) == 0 && GetStringLength() == length + */ + GenericValue& SetString(const Ch* s, SizeType length, Allocator& allocator) { this->~GenericValue(); SetStringRaw(StringRef(s, length), allocator); return *this; } + + //! Set this value as a string by copying from source string. + /*! \param s source string. + \param allocator Allocator for allocating copied buffer. Commonly use GenericDocument::GetAllocator(). + \return The value itself for fluent API. + \post IsString() == true && GetString() != s && strcmp(GetString(),s) == 0 && GetStringLength() == length + */ + GenericValue& SetString(const Ch* s, Allocator& allocator) { return SetString(s, internal::StrLen(s), allocator); } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + //! Set this value as a string by copying from source string. + /*! \param s source string. + \param allocator Allocator for allocating copied buffer. Commonly use GenericDocument::GetAllocator(). + \return The value itself for fluent API. + \post IsString() == true && GetString() != && strcmp(GetString(), == 0 && GetStringLength() == s.size() + \note Requires the definition of the preprocessor symbol \ref RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING. + */ + GenericValue& SetString(const std::basic_string& s, Allocator& allocator) { return SetString(, SizeType(s.size()), allocator); } +#endif + + //@} + + //!@name Array + //@{ + + //! Templated version for checking whether this value is type T. + /*! + \tparam T Either \c bool, \c int, \c unsigned, \c int64_t, \c uint64_t, \c double, \c float, \c const \c char*, \c std::basic_string + */ + template + bool Is() const { return internal::TypeHelper::Is(*this); } + + template + T Get() const { return internal::TypeHelper::Get(*this); } + + template + T Get() { return internal::TypeHelper::Get(*this); } + + template + ValueType& Set(const T& data) { return internal::TypeHelper::Set(*this, data); } + + template + ValueType& Set(const T& data, AllocatorType& allocator) { return internal::TypeHelper::Set(*this, data, allocator); } + + //@} + + //! Generate events of this value to a Handler. + /*! This function adopts the GoF visitor pattern. + Typical usage is to output this JSON value as JSON text via Writer, which is a Handler. + It can also be used to deep clone this value via GenericDocument, which is also a Handler. + \tparam Handler type of handler. + \param handler An object implementing concept Handler. + */ + template + bool Accept(Handler& handler) const { + switch(GetType()) { + case kNullType: return handler.Null(); + case kFalseType: return handler.Bool(false); + case kTrueType: return handler.Bool(true); + + case kObjectType: + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!handler.StartObject())) + return false; + for (ConstMemberIterator m = MemberBegin(); m != MemberEnd(); ++m) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(m->name.IsString()); // User may change the type of name by MemberIterator. + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!handler.Key(m->name.GetString(), m->name.GetStringLength(), (m->name.data_.f.flags & kCopyFlag) != 0))) + return false; + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!m->value.Accept(handler))) + return false; + } + return handler.EndObject(data_.o.size); + + case kArrayType: + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!handler.StartArray())) + return false; + for (const GenericValue* v = Begin(); v != End(); ++v) + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!v->Accept(handler))) + return false; + return handler.EndArray(data_.a.size); + + case kStringType: + return handler.String(GetString(), GetStringLength(), (data_.f.flags & kCopyFlag) != 0); + + default: + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(GetType() == kNumberType); + if (IsDouble()) return handler.Double(data_.n.d); + else if (IsInt()) return handler.Int(data_.n.i.i); + else if (IsUint()) return handler.Uint(data_.n.u.u); + else if (IsInt64()) return handler.Int64(data_.n.i64); + else return handler.Uint64(data_.n.u64); + } + } + +private: + template friend class GenericValue; + template friend class GenericDocument; + + enum { + kBoolFlag = 0x0008, + kNumberFlag = 0x0010, + kIntFlag = 0x0020, + kUintFlag = 0x0040, + kInt64Flag = 0x0080, + kUint64Flag = 0x0100, + kDoubleFlag = 0x0200, + kStringFlag = 0x0400, + kCopyFlag = 0x0800, + kInlineStrFlag = 0x1000, + + // Initial flags of different types. + kNullFlag = kNullType, + kTrueFlag = kTrueType | kBoolFlag, + kFalseFlag = kFalseType | kBoolFlag, + kNumberIntFlag = kNumberType | kNumberFlag | kIntFlag | kInt64Flag, + kNumberUintFlag = kNumberType | kNumberFlag | kUintFlag | kUint64Flag | kInt64Flag, + kNumberInt64Flag = kNumberType | kNumberFlag | kInt64Flag, + kNumberUint64Flag = kNumberType | kNumberFlag | kUint64Flag, + kNumberDoubleFlag = kNumberType | kNumberFlag | kDoubleFlag, + kNumberAnyFlag = kNumberType | kNumberFlag | kIntFlag | kInt64Flag | kUintFlag | kUint64Flag | kDoubleFlag, + kConstStringFlag = kStringType | kStringFlag, + kCopyStringFlag = kStringType | kStringFlag | kCopyFlag, + kShortStringFlag = kStringType | kStringFlag | kCopyFlag | kInlineStrFlag, + kObjectFlag = kObjectType, + kArrayFlag = kArrayType, + + kTypeMask = 0x07 + }; + + static const SizeType kDefaultArrayCapacity = 16; + static const SizeType kDefaultObjectCapacity = 16; + + struct Flag { +#if RAPIDJSON_48BITPOINTER_OPTIMIZATION + char payload[sizeof(SizeType) * 2 + 6]; // 2 x SizeType + lower 48-bit pointer +#elif RAPIDJSON_64BIT + char payload[sizeof(SizeType) * 2 + sizeof(void*) + 6]; // 6 padding bytes +#else + char payload[sizeof(SizeType) * 2 + sizeof(void*) + 2]; // 2 padding bytes +#endif + uint16_t flags; + }; + + struct String { + SizeType length; + SizeType hashcode; //!< reserved + const Ch* str; + }; // 12 bytes in 32-bit mode, 16 bytes in 64-bit mode + + // implementation detail: ShortString can represent zero-terminated strings up to MaxSize chars + // (excluding the terminating zero) and store a value to determine the length of the contained + // string in the last character str[LenPos] by storing "MaxSize - length" there. If the string + // to store has the maximal length of MaxSize then str[LenPos] will be 0 and therefore act as + // the string terminator as well. For getting the string length back from that value just use + // "MaxSize - str[LenPos]". + // This allows to store 13-chars strings in 32-bit mode, 21-chars strings in 64-bit mode, + // 13-chars strings for RAPIDJSON_48BITPOINTER_OPTIMIZATION=1 inline (for `UTF8`-encoded strings). + struct ShortString { + enum { MaxChars = sizeof(static_cast(0)->payload) / sizeof(Ch), MaxSize = MaxChars - 1, LenPos = MaxSize }; + Ch str[MaxChars]; + + inline static bool Usable(SizeType len) { return (MaxSize >= len); } + inline void SetLength(SizeType len) { str[LenPos] = static_cast(MaxSize - len); } + inline SizeType GetLength() const { return static_cast(MaxSize - str[LenPos]); } + }; // at most as many bytes as "String" above => 12 bytes in 32-bit mode, 16 bytes in 64-bit mode + + // By using proper binary layout, retrieval of different integer types do not need conversions. + union Number { +#if RAPIDJSON_ENDIAN == RAPIDJSON_LITTLEENDIAN + struct I { + int i; + char padding[4]; + }i; + struct U { + unsigned u; + char padding2[4]; + }u; +#else + struct I { + char padding[4]; + int i; + }i; + struct U { + char padding2[4]; + unsigned u; + }u; +#endif + int64_t i64; + uint64_t u64; + double d; + }; // 8 bytes + + struct ObjectData { + SizeType size; + SizeType capacity; + Member* members; + }; // 12 bytes in 32-bit mode, 16 bytes in 64-bit mode + + struct ArrayData { + SizeType size; + SizeType capacity; + GenericValue* elements; + }; // 12 bytes in 32-bit mode, 16 bytes in 64-bit mode + + union Data { + String s; + ShortString ss; + Number n; + ObjectData o; + ArrayData a; + Flag f; + }; // 16 bytes in 32-bit mode, 24 bytes in 64-bit mode, 16 bytes in 64-bit with RAPIDJSON_48BITPOINTER_OPTIMIZATION + + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE const Ch* GetStringPointer() const { return RAPIDJSON_GETPOINTER(Ch, data_.s.str); } + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE const Ch* SetStringPointer(const Ch* str) { return RAPIDJSON_SETPOINTER(Ch, data_.s.str, str); } + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE GenericValue* GetElementsPointer() const { return RAPIDJSON_GETPOINTER(GenericValue, data_.a.elements); } + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE GenericValue* SetElementsPointer(GenericValue* elements) { return RAPIDJSON_SETPOINTER(GenericValue, data_.a.elements, elements); } + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE Member* GetMembersPointer() const { return RAPIDJSON_GETPOINTER(Member, data_.o.members); } + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE Member* SetMembersPointer(Member* members) { return RAPIDJSON_SETPOINTER(Member, data_.o.members, members); } + + // Initialize this value as array with initial data, without calling destructor. + void SetArrayRaw(GenericValue* values, SizeType count, Allocator& allocator) { + data_.f.flags = kArrayFlag; + if (count) { + GenericValue* e = static_cast(allocator.Malloc(count * sizeof(GenericValue))); + SetElementsPointer(e); + std::memcpy(e, values, count * sizeof(GenericValue)); + } + else + SetElementsPointer(0); + data_.a.size = data_.a.capacity = count; + } + + //! Initialize this value as object with initial data, without calling destructor. + void SetObjectRaw(Member* members, SizeType count, Allocator& allocator) { + data_.f.flags = kObjectFlag; + if (count) { + Member* m = static_cast(allocator.Malloc(count * sizeof(Member))); + SetMembersPointer(m); + std::memcpy(m, members, count * sizeof(Member)); + } + else + SetMembersPointer(0); + data_.o.size = data_.o.capacity = count; + } + + //! Initialize this value as constant string, without calling destructor. + void SetStringRaw(StringRefType s) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT { + data_.f.flags = kConstStringFlag; + SetStringPointer(s); + data_.s.length = s.length; + } + + //! Initialize this value as copy string with initial data, without calling destructor. + void SetStringRaw(StringRefType s, Allocator& allocator) { + Ch* str = 0; + if (ShortString::Usable(s.length)) { + data_.f.flags = kShortStringFlag; +; + str =; + } else { + data_.f.flags = kCopyStringFlag; + data_.s.length = s.length; + str = static_cast(allocator.Malloc((s.length + 1) * sizeof(Ch))); + SetStringPointer(str); + } + std::memcpy(str, s, s.length * sizeof(Ch)); + str[s.length] = '\0'; + } + + //! Assignment without calling destructor + void RawAssign(GenericValue& rhs) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT { + data_ = rhs.data_; + // data_.f.flags = rhs.data_.f.flags; + rhs.data_.f.flags = kNullFlag; + } + + template + bool StringEqual(const GenericValue& rhs) const { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsString()); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(rhs.IsString()); + + const SizeType len1 = GetStringLength(); + const SizeType len2 = rhs.GetStringLength(); + if(len1 != len2) { return false; } + + const Ch* const str1 = GetString(); + const Ch* const str2 = rhs.GetString(); + if(str1 == str2) { return true; } // fast path for constant string + + return (std::memcmp(str1, str2, sizeof(Ch) * len1) == 0); + } + + Data data_; +}; + +//! GenericValue with UTF8 encoding +typedef GenericValue > Value; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GenericDocument + +//! A document for parsing JSON text as DOM. +/*! + \note implements Handler concept + \tparam Encoding Encoding for both parsing and string storage. + \tparam Allocator Allocator for allocating memory for the DOM + \tparam StackAllocator Allocator for allocating memory for stack during parsing. + \warning Although GenericDocument inherits from GenericValue, the API does \b not provide any virtual functions, especially no virtual destructor. To avoid memory leaks, do not \c delete a GenericDocument object via a pointer to a GenericValue. +*/ +template , typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator> +class GenericDocument : public GenericValue { +public: + typedef typename Encoding::Ch Ch; //!< Character type derived from Encoding. + typedef GenericValue ValueType; //!< Value type of the document. + typedef Allocator AllocatorType; //!< Allocator type from template parameter. + + //! Constructor + /*! Creates an empty document of specified type. + \param type Mandatory type of object to create. + \param allocator Optional allocator for allocating memory. + \param stackCapacity Optional initial capacity of stack in bytes. + \param stackAllocator Optional allocator for allocating memory for stack. + */ + explicit GenericDocument(Type type, Allocator* allocator = 0, size_t stackCapacity = kDefaultStackCapacity, StackAllocator* stackAllocator = 0) : + GenericValue(type), allocator_(allocator), ownAllocator_(0), stack_(stackAllocator, stackCapacity), parseResult_() + { + if (!allocator_) + ownAllocator_ = allocator_ = RAPIDJSON_NEW(Allocator()); + } + + //! Constructor + /*! Creates an empty document which type is Null. + \param allocator Optional allocator for allocating memory. + \param stackCapacity Optional initial capacity of stack in bytes. + \param stackAllocator Optional allocator for allocating memory for stack. + */ + GenericDocument(Allocator* allocator = 0, size_t stackCapacity = kDefaultStackCapacity, StackAllocator* stackAllocator = 0) : + allocator_(allocator), ownAllocator_(0), stack_(stackAllocator, stackCapacity), parseResult_() + { + if (!allocator_) + ownAllocator_ = allocator_ = RAPIDJSON_NEW(Allocator()); + } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS + //! Move constructor in C++11 + GenericDocument(GenericDocument&& rhs) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT + : ValueType(std::forward(rhs)), // explicit cast to avoid prohibited move from Document + allocator_(rhs.allocator_), + ownAllocator_(rhs.ownAllocator_), + stack_(std::move(rhs.stack_)), + parseResult_(rhs.parseResult_) + { + rhs.allocator_ = 0; + rhs.ownAllocator_ = 0; + rhs.parseResult_ = ParseResult(); + } +#endif + + ~GenericDocument() { + Destroy(); + } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS + //! Move assignment in C++11 + GenericDocument& operator=(GenericDocument&& rhs) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT + { + // The cast to ValueType is necessary here, because otherwise it would + // attempt to call GenericValue's templated assignment operator. + ValueType::operator=(std::forward(rhs)); + + // Calling the destructor here would prematurely call stack_'s destructor + Destroy(); + + allocator_ = rhs.allocator_; + ownAllocator_ = rhs.ownAllocator_; + stack_ = std::move(rhs.stack_); + parseResult_ = rhs.parseResult_; + + rhs.allocator_ = 0; + rhs.ownAllocator_ = 0; + rhs.parseResult_ = ParseResult(); + + return *this; + } +#endif + + //! Exchange the contents of this document with those of another. + /*! + \param rhs Another document. + \note Constant complexity. + \see GenericValue::Swap + */ + GenericDocument& Swap(GenericDocument& rhs) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT { + ValueType::Swap(rhs); + stack_.Swap(rhs.stack_); + internal::Swap(allocator_, rhs.allocator_); + internal::Swap(ownAllocator_, rhs.ownAllocator_); + internal::Swap(parseResult_, rhs.parseResult_); + return *this; + } + + //! free-standing swap function helper + /*! + Helper function to enable support for common swap implementation pattern based on \c std::swap: + \code + void swap(MyClass& a, MyClass& b) { + using std::swap; + swap(a.doc, b.doc); + // ... + } + \endcode + \see Swap() + */ + friend inline void swap(GenericDocument& a, GenericDocument& b) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT { a.Swap(b); } + + //! Populate this document by a generator which produces SAX events. + /*! \tparam Generator A functor with bool f(Handler) prototype. + \param g Generator functor which sends SAX events to the parameter. + \return The document itself for fluent API. + */ + template + GenericDocument& Populate(Generator& g) { + ClearStackOnExit scope(*this); + if (g(*this)) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(stack_.GetSize() == sizeof(ValueType)); // Got one and only one root object + ValueType::operator=(*stack_.template Pop(1));// Move value from stack to document + } + return *this; + } + + //!@name Parse from stream + //!@{ + + //! Parse JSON text from an input stream (with Encoding conversion) + /*! \tparam parseFlags Combination of \ref ParseFlag. + \tparam SourceEncoding Encoding of input stream + \tparam InputStream Type of input stream, implementing Stream concept + \param is Input stream to be parsed. + \return The document itself for fluent API. + */ + template + GenericDocument& ParseStream(InputStream& is) { + GenericReader reader( + stack_.HasAllocator() ? &stack_.GetAllocator() : 0); + ClearStackOnExit scope(*this); + parseResult_ = reader.template Parse(is, *this); + if (parseResult_) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(stack_.GetSize() == sizeof(ValueType)); // Got one and only one root object + ValueType::operator=(*stack_.template Pop(1));// Move value from stack to document + } + return *this; + } + + //! Parse JSON text from an input stream + /*! \tparam parseFlags Combination of \ref ParseFlag. + \tparam InputStream Type of input stream, implementing Stream concept + \param is Input stream to be parsed. + \return The document itself for fluent API. + */ + template + GenericDocument& ParseStream(InputStream& is) { + return ParseStream(is); + } + + //! Parse JSON text from an input stream (with \ref kParseDefaultFlags) + /*! \tparam InputStream Type of input stream, implementing Stream concept + \param is Input stream to be parsed. + \return The document itself for fluent API. + */ + template + GenericDocument& ParseStream(InputStream& is) { + return ParseStream(is); + } + //!@} + + //!@name Parse in-place from mutable string + //!@{ + + //! Parse JSON text from a mutable string + /*! \tparam parseFlags Combination of \ref ParseFlag. + \param str Mutable zero-terminated string to be parsed. + \return The document itself for fluent API. + */ + template + GenericDocument& ParseInsitu(Ch* str) { + GenericInsituStringStream s(str); + return ParseStream(s); + } + + //! Parse JSON text from a mutable string (with \ref kParseDefaultFlags) + /*! \param str Mutable zero-terminated string to be parsed. + \return The document itself for fluent API. + */ + GenericDocument& ParseInsitu(Ch* str) { + return ParseInsitu(str); + } + //!@} + + //!@name Parse from read-only string + //!@{ + + //! Parse JSON text from a read-only string (with Encoding conversion) + /*! \tparam parseFlags Combination of \ref ParseFlag (must not contain \ref kParseInsituFlag). + \tparam SourceEncoding Transcoding from input Encoding + \param str Read-only zero-terminated string to be parsed. + */ + template + GenericDocument& Parse(const typename SourceEncoding::Ch* str) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(!(parseFlags & kParseInsituFlag)); + GenericStringStream s(str); + return ParseStream(s); + } + + //! Parse JSON text from a read-only string + /*! \tparam parseFlags Combination of \ref ParseFlag (must not contain \ref kParseInsituFlag). + \param str Read-only zero-terminated string to be parsed. + */ + template + GenericDocument& Parse(const Ch* str) { + return Parse(str); + } + + //! Parse JSON text from a read-only string (with \ref kParseDefaultFlags) + /*! \param str Read-only zero-terminated string to be parsed. + */ + GenericDocument& Parse(const Ch* str) { + return Parse(str); + } + + template + GenericDocument& Parse(const typename SourceEncoding::Ch* str, size_t length) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(!(parseFlags & kParseInsituFlag)); + MemoryStream ms(static_cast(str), length * sizeof(typename SourceEncoding::Ch)); + EncodedInputStream is(ms); + ParseStream(is); + return *this; + } + + template + GenericDocument& Parse(const Ch* str, size_t length) { + return Parse(str, length); + } + + GenericDocument& Parse(const Ch* str, size_t length) { + return Parse(str, length); + } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + template + GenericDocument& Parse(const std::basic_string& str) { + // c_str() is constant complexity according to standard. Should be faster than Parse(const char*, size_t) + return Parse(str.c_str()); + } + + template + GenericDocument& Parse(const std::basic_string& str) { + return Parse(str.c_str()); + } + + GenericDocument& Parse(const std::basic_string& str) { + return Parse(str); + } +#endif // RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + + //!@} + + //!@name Handling parse errors + //!@{ + + //! Whether a parse error has occured in the last parsing. + bool HasParseError() const { return parseResult_.IsError(); } + + //! Get the \ref ParseErrorCode of last parsing. + ParseErrorCode GetParseError() const { return parseResult_.Code(); } + + //! Get the position of last parsing error in input, 0 otherwise. + size_t GetErrorOffset() const { return parseResult_.Offset(); } + + //! Implicit conversion to get the last parse result +#ifndef __clang // -Wdocumentation + /*! \return \ref ParseResult of the last parse operation + + \code + Document doc; + ParseResult ok = doc.Parse(json); + if (!ok) + printf( "JSON parse error: %s (%u)\n", GetParseError_En(ok.Code()), ok.Offset()); + \endcode + */ +#endif + operator ParseResult() const { return parseResult_; } + //!@} + + //! Get the allocator of this document. + Allocator& GetAllocator() { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(allocator_); + return *allocator_; + } + + //! Get the capacity of stack in bytes. + size_t GetStackCapacity() const { return stack_.GetCapacity(); } + +private: + // clear stack on any exit from ParseStream, e.g. due to exception + struct ClearStackOnExit { + explicit ClearStackOnExit(GenericDocument& d) : d_(d) {} + ~ClearStackOnExit() { d_.ClearStack(); } + private: + ClearStackOnExit(const ClearStackOnExit&); + ClearStackOnExit& operator=(const ClearStackOnExit&); + GenericDocument& d_; + }; + + // callers of the following private Handler functions + // template friend class GenericReader; // for parsing + template friend class GenericValue; // for deep copying + +public: + // Implementation of Handler + bool Null() { new (stack_.template Push()) ValueType(); return true; } + bool Bool(bool b) { new (stack_.template Push()) ValueType(b); return true; } + bool Int(int i) { new (stack_.template Push()) ValueType(i); return true; } + bool Uint(unsigned i) { new (stack_.template Push()) ValueType(i); return true; } + bool Int64(int64_t i) { new (stack_.template Push()) ValueType(i); return true; } + bool Uint64(uint64_t i) { new (stack_.template Push()) ValueType(i); return true; } + bool Double(double d) { new (stack_.template Push()) ValueType(d); return true; } + + bool RawNumber(const Ch* str, SizeType length, bool copy) { + if (copy) + new (stack_.template Push()) ValueType(str, length, GetAllocator()); + else + new (stack_.template Push()) ValueType(str, length); + return true; + } + + bool String(const Ch* str, SizeType length, bool copy) { + if (copy) + new (stack_.template Push()) ValueType(str, length, GetAllocator()); + else + new (stack_.template Push()) ValueType(str, length); + return true; + } + + bool StartObject() { new (stack_.template Push()) ValueType(kObjectType); return true; } + + bool Key(const Ch* str, SizeType length, bool copy) { return String(str, length, copy); } + + bool EndObject(SizeType memberCount) { + typename ValueType::Member* members = stack_.template Pop(memberCount); + stack_.template Top()->SetObjectRaw(members, memberCount, GetAllocator()); + return true; + } + + bool StartArray() { new (stack_.template Push()) ValueType(kArrayType); return true; } + + bool EndArray(SizeType elementCount) { + ValueType* elements = stack_.template Pop(elementCount); + stack_.template Top()->SetArrayRaw(elements, elementCount, GetAllocator()); + return true; + } + +private: + //! Prohibit copying + GenericDocument(const GenericDocument&); + //! Prohibit assignment + GenericDocument& operator=(const GenericDocument&); + + void ClearStack() { + if (Allocator::kNeedFree) + while (stack_.GetSize() > 0) // Here assumes all elements in stack array are GenericValue (Member is actually 2 GenericValue objects) + (stack_.template Pop(1))->~ValueType(); + else + stack_.Clear(); + stack_.ShrinkToFit(); + } + + void Destroy() { + RAPIDJSON_DELETE(ownAllocator_); + } + + static const size_t kDefaultStackCapacity = 1024; + Allocator* allocator_; + Allocator* ownAllocator_; + internal::Stack stack_; + ParseResult parseResult_; +}; + +//! GenericDocument with UTF8 encoding +typedef GenericDocument > Document; + +//! Helper class for accessing Value of array type. +/*! + Instance of this helper class is obtained by \c GenericValue::GetArray(). + In addition to all APIs for array type, it provides range-based for loop if \c RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RANGE_FOR=1. +*/ +template +class GenericArray { +public: + typedef GenericArray ConstArray; + typedef GenericArray Array; + typedef ValueT PlainType; + typedef typename internal::MaybeAddConst::Type ValueType; + typedef ValueType* ValueIterator; // This may be const or non-const iterator + typedef const ValueT* ConstValueIterator; + typedef typename ValueType::AllocatorType AllocatorType; + typedef typename ValueType::StringRefType StringRefType; + + template + friend class GenericValue; + + GenericArray(const GenericArray& rhs) : value_(rhs.value_) {} + GenericArray& operator=(const GenericArray& rhs) { value_ = rhs.value_; return *this; } + ~GenericArray() {} + + SizeType Size() const { return value_.Size(); } + SizeType Capacity() const { return value_.Capacity(); } + bool Empty() const { return value_.Empty(); } + void Clear() const { value_.Clear(); } + ValueType& operator[](SizeType index) const { return value_[index]; } + ValueIterator Begin() const { return value_.Begin(); } + ValueIterator End() const { return value_.End(); } + GenericArray Reserve(SizeType newCapacity, AllocatorType &allocator) const { value_.Reserve(newCapacity, allocator); return *this; } + GenericArray PushBack(ValueType& value, AllocatorType& allocator) const { value_.PushBack(value, allocator); return *this; } +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS + GenericArray PushBack(ValueType&& value, AllocatorType& allocator) const { value_.PushBack(value, allocator); return *this; } +#endif // RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS + GenericArray PushBack(StringRefType value, AllocatorType& allocator) const { value_.PushBack(value, allocator); return *this; } + template RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::OrExpr, internal::IsGenericValue >), (const GenericArray&)) PushBack(T value, AllocatorType& allocator) const { value_.PushBack(value, allocator); return *this; } + GenericArray PopBack() const { value_.PopBack(); return *this; } + ValueIterator Erase(ConstValueIterator pos) const { return value_.Erase(pos); } + ValueIterator Erase(ConstValueIterator first, ConstValueIterator last) const { return value_.Erase(first, last); } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RANGE_FOR + ValueIterator begin() const { return value_.Begin(); } + ValueIterator end() const { return value_.End(); } +#endif + +private: + GenericArray(); + GenericArray(ValueType& value) : value_(value) {} + ValueType& value_; +}; + +//! Helper class for accessing Value of object type. +/*! + Instance of this helper class is obtained by \c GenericValue::GetObject(). + In addition to all APIs for array type, it provides range-based for loop if \c RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RANGE_FOR=1. +*/ +template +class GenericObject { +public: + typedef GenericObject ConstObject; + typedef GenericObject Object; + typedef ValueT PlainType; + typedef typename internal::MaybeAddConst::Type ValueType; + typedef GenericMemberIterator MemberIterator; // This may be const or non-const iterator + typedef GenericMemberIterator ConstMemberIterator; + typedef typename ValueType::AllocatorType AllocatorType; + typedef typename ValueType::StringRefType StringRefType; + typedef typename ValueType::EncodingType EncodingType; + typedef typename ValueType::Ch Ch; + + template + friend class GenericValue; + + GenericObject(const GenericObject& rhs) : value_(rhs.value_) {} + GenericObject& operator=(const GenericObject& rhs) { value_ = rhs.value_; return *this; } + ~GenericObject() {} + + SizeType MemberCount() const { return value_.MemberCount(); } + bool ObjectEmpty() const { return value_.ObjectEmpty(); } + template ValueType& operator[](T* name) const { return value_[name]; } + template ValueType& operator[](const GenericValue& name) const { return value_[name]; } +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + ValueType& operator[](const std::basic_string& name) const { return value_[name]; } +#endif + MemberIterator MemberBegin() const { return value_.MemberBegin(); } + MemberIterator MemberEnd() const { return value_.MemberEnd(); } + bool HasMember(const Ch* name) const { return value_.HasMember(name); } +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + bool HasMember(const std::basic_string& name) const { return value_.HasMember(name); } +#endif + template bool HasMember(const GenericValue& name) const { return value_.HasMember(name); } + MemberIterator FindMember(const Ch* name) const { return value_.FindMember(name); } + template MemberIterator FindMember(const GenericValue& name) const { return value_.FindMember(name); } +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + MemberIterator FindMember(const std::basic_string& name) const { return value_.FindMember(name); } +#endif + GenericObject AddMember(ValueType& name, ValueType& value, AllocatorType& allocator) const { value_.AddMember(name, value, allocator); return *this; } + GenericObject AddMember(ValueType& name, StringRefType value, AllocatorType& allocator) const { value_.AddMember(name, value, allocator); return *this; } +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + GenericObject AddMember(ValueType& name, std::basic_string& value, AllocatorType& allocator) const { value_.AddMember(name, value, allocator); return *this; } +#endif + template RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::OrExpr, internal::IsGenericValue >), (ValueType&)) AddMember(ValueType& name, T value, AllocatorType& allocator) const { value_.AddMember(name, value, allocator); return *this; } +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS + GenericObject AddMember(ValueType&& name, ValueType&& value, AllocatorType& allocator) const { value_.AddMember(name, value, allocator); return *this; } + GenericObject AddMember(ValueType&& name, ValueType& value, AllocatorType& allocator) const { value_.AddMember(name, value, allocator); return *this; } + GenericObject AddMember(ValueType& name, ValueType&& value, AllocatorType& allocator) const { value_.AddMember(name, value, allocator); return *this; } + GenericObject AddMember(StringRefType name, ValueType&& value, AllocatorType& allocator) const { value_.AddMember(name, value, allocator); return *this; } +#endif // RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS + GenericObject AddMember(StringRefType name, ValueType& value, AllocatorType& allocator) const { value_.AddMember(name, value, allocator); return *this; } + GenericObject AddMember(StringRefType name, StringRefType value, AllocatorType& allocator) const { value_.AddMember(name, value, allocator); return *this; } + template RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::OrExpr, internal::IsGenericValue >), (GenericObject)) AddMember(StringRefType name, T value, AllocatorType& allocator) const { value_.AddMember(name, value, allocator); return *this; } + void RemoveAllMembers() { return value_.RemoveAllMembers(); } + bool RemoveMember(const Ch* name) const { return value_.RemoveMember(name); } +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + bool RemoveMember(const std::basic_string& name) const { return value_.RemoveMember(name); } +#endif + template bool RemoveMember(const GenericValue& name) const { return value_.RemoveMember(name); } + MemberIterator RemoveMember(MemberIterator m) const { return value_.RemoveMember(m); } + MemberIterator EraseMember(ConstMemberIterator pos) const { return value_.EraseMember(pos); } + MemberIterator EraseMember(ConstMemberIterator first, ConstMemberIterator last) const { return value_.EraseMember(first, last); } + bool EraseMember(const Ch* name) const { return value_.EraseMember(name); } +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + bool EraseMember(const std::basic_string& name) const { return EraseMember(ValueType(StringRef(name))); } +#endif + template bool EraseMember(const GenericValue& name) const { return value_.EraseMember(name); } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RANGE_FOR + MemberIterator begin() const { return value_.MemberBegin(); } + MemberIterator end() const { return value_.MemberEnd(); } +#endif + +private: + GenericObject(); + GenericObject(ValueType& value) : value_(value) {} + ValueType& value_; +}; + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END +#ifdef _MINWINDEF_ // see: +#ifndef NOMINMAX +#pragma pop_macro("min") +#pragma pop_macro("max") +#endif +#endif +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_DOCUMENT_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/encodedstream.h b/rapidjson/encodedstream.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1450683 --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/encodedstream.h @@ -0,0 +1,299 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_ENCODEDSTREAM_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_ENCODEDSTREAM_H_ + +#include "stream.h" +#include "memorystream.h" + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(effc++) +#endif + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(padded) +#endif + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + +//! Input byte stream wrapper with a statically bound encoding. +/*! + \tparam Encoding The interpretation of encoding of the stream. Either UTF8, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF32LE, UTF32BE. + \tparam InputByteStream Type of input byte stream. For example, FileReadStream. +*/ +template +class EncodedInputStream { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename InputByteStream::Ch) == 1); +public: + typedef typename Encoding::Ch Ch; + + EncodedInputStream(InputByteStream& is) : is_(is) { + current_ = Encoding::TakeBOM(is_); + } + + Ch Peek() const { return current_; } + Ch Take() { Ch c = current_; current_ = Encoding::Take(is_); return c; } + size_t Tell() const { return is_.Tell(); } + + // Not implemented + void Put(Ch) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); } + void Flush() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); } + Ch* PutBegin() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + size_t PutEnd(Ch*) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + +private: + EncodedInputStream(const EncodedInputStream&); + EncodedInputStream& operator=(const EncodedInputStream&); + + InputByteStream& is_; + Ch current_; +}; + +//! Specialized for UTF8 MemoryStream. +template <> +class EncodedInputStream, MemoryStream> { +public: + typedef UTF8<>::Ch Ch; + + EncodedInputStream(MemoryStream& is) : is_(is) { + if (static_cast(is_.Peek()) == 0xEFu) is_.Take(); + if (static_cast(is_.Peek()) == 0xBBu) is_.Take(); + if (static_cast(is_.Peek()) == 0xBFu) is_.Take(); + } + Ch Peek() const { return is_.Peek(); } + Ch Take() { return is_.Take(); } + size_t Tell() const { return is_.Tell(); } + + // Not implemented + void Put(Ch) {} + void Flush() {} + Ch* PutBegin() { return 0; } + size_t PutEnd(Ch*) { return 0; } + + MemoryStream& is_; + +private: + EncodedInputStream(const EncodedInputStream&); + EncodedInputStream& operator=(const EncodedInputStream&); +}; + +//! Output byte stream wrapper with statically bound encoding. +/*! + \tparam Encoding The interpretation of encoding of the stream. Either UTF8, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF32LE, UTF32BE. + \tparam OutputByteStream Type of input byte stream. For example, FileWriteStream. +*/ +template +class EncodedOutputStream { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename OutputByteStream::Ch) == 1); +public: + typedef typename Encoding::Ch Ch; + + EncodedOutputStream(OutputByteStream& os, bool putBOM = true) : os_(os) { + if (putBOM) + Encoding::PutBOM(os_); + } + + void Put(Ch c) { Encoding::Put(os_, c); } + void Flush() { os_.Flush(); } + + // Not implemented + Ch Peek() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0;} + Ch Take() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0;} + size_t Tell() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + Ch* PutBegin() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + size_t PutEnd(Ch*) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + +private: + EncodedOutputStream(const EncodedOutputStream&); + EncodedOutputStream& operator=(const EncodedOutputStream&); + + OutputByteStream& os_; +}; + +#define RAPIDJSON_ENCODINGS_FUNC(x) UTF8::x, UTF16LE::x, UTF16BE::x, UTF32LE::x, UTF32BE::x + +//! Input stream wrapper with dynamically bound encoding and automatic encoding detection. +/*! + \tparam CharType Type of character for reading. + \tparam InputByteStream type of input byte stream to be wrapped. +*/ +template +class AutoUTFInputStream { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename InputByteStream::Ch) == 1); +public: + typedef CharType Ch; + + //! Constructor. + /*! + \param is input stream to be wrapped. + \param type UTF encoding type if it is not detected from the stream. + */ + AutoUTFInputStream(InputByteStream& is, UTFType type = kUTF8) : is_(&is), type_(type), hasBOM_(false) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(type >= kUTF8 && type <= kUTF32BE); + DetectType(); + static const TakeFunc f[] = { RAPIDJSON_ENCODINGS_FUNC(Take) }; + takeFunc_ = f[type_]; + current_ = takeFunc_(*is_); + } + + UTFType GetType() const { return type_; } + bool HasBOM() const { return hasBOM_; } + + Ch Peek() const { return current_; } + Ch Take() { Ch c = current_; current_ = takeFunc_(*is_); return c; } + size_t Tell() const { return is_->Tell(); } + + // Not implemented + void Put(Ch) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); } + void Flush() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); } + Ch* PutBegin() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + size_t PutEnd(Ch*) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + +private: + AutoUTFInputStream(const AutoUTFInputStream&); + AutoUTFInputStream& operator=(const AutoUTFInputStream&); + + // Detect encoding type with BOM or RFC 4627 + void DetectType() { + // BOM (Byte Order Mark): + // 00 00 FE FF UTF-32BE + // FF FE 00 00 UTF-32LE + // FE FF UTF-16BE + // FF FE UTF-16LE + // EF BB BF UTF-8 + + const unsigned char* c = reinterpret_cast(is_->Peek4()); + if (!c) + return; + + unsigned bom = static_cast(c[0] | (c[1] << 8) | (c[2] << 16) | (c[3] << 24)); + hasBOM_ = false; + if (bom == 0xFFFE0000) { type_ = kUTF32BE; hasBOM_ = true; is_->Take(); is_->Take(); is_->Take(); is_->Take(); } + else if (bom == 0x0000FEFF) { type_ = kUTF32LE; hasBOM_ = true; is_->Take(); is_->Take(); is_->Take(); is_->Take(); } + else if ((bom & 0xFFFF) == 0xFFFE) { type_ = kUTF16BE; hasBOM_ = true; is_->Take(); is_->Take(); } + else if ((bom & 0xFFFF) == 0xFEFF) { type_ = kUTF16LE; hasBOM_ = true; is_->Take(); is_->Take(); } + else if ((bom & 0xFFFFFF) == 0xBFBBEF) { type_ = kUTF8; hasBOM_ = true; is_->Take(); is_->Take(); is_->Take(); } + + // RFC 4627: Section 3 + // "Since the first two characters of a JSON text will always be ASCII + // characters [RFC0020], it is possible to determine whether an octet + // stream is UTF-8, UTF-16 (BE or LE), or UTF-32 (BE or LE) by looking + // at the pattern of nulls in the first four octets." + // 00 00 00 xx UTF-32BE + // 00 xx 00 xx UTF-16BE + // xx 00 00 00 UTF-32LE + // xx 00 xx 00 UTF-16LE + // xx xx xx xx UTF-8 + + if (!hasBOM_) { + unsigned pattern = (c[0] ? 1 : 0) | (c[1] ? 2 : 0) | (c[2] ? 4 : 0) | (c[3] ? 8 : 0); + switch (pattern) { + case 0x08: type_ = kUTF32BE; break; + case 0x0A: type_ = kUTF16BE; break; + case 0x01: type_ = kUTF32LE; break; + case 0x05: type_ = kUTF16LE; break; + case 0x0F: type_ = kUTF8; break; + default: break; // Use type defined by user. + } + } + + // Runtime check whether the size of character type is sufficient. It only perform checks with assertion. + if (type_ == kUTF16LE || type_ == kUTF16BE) RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(sizeof(Ch) >= 2); + if (type_ == kUTF32LE || type_ == kUTF32BE) RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(sizeof(Ch) >= 4); + } + + typedef Ch (*TakeFunc)(InputByteStream& is); + InputByteStream* is_; + UTFType type_; + Ch current_; + TakeFunc takeFunc_; + bool hasBOM_; +}; + +//! Output stream wrapper with dynamically bound encoding and automatic encoding detection. +/*! + \tparam CharType Type of character for writing. + \tparam OutputByteStream type of output byte stream to be wrapped. +*/ +template +class AutoUTFOutputStream { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename OutputByteStream::Ch) == 1); +public: + typedef CharType Ch; + + //! Constructor. + /*! + \param os output stream to be wrapped. + \param type UTF encoding type. + \param putBOM Whether to write BOM at the beginning of the stream. + */ + AutoUTFOutputStream(OutputByteStream& os, UTFType type, bool putBOM) : os_(&os), type_(type) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(type >= kUTF8 && type <= kUTF32BE); + + // Runtime check whether the size of character type is sufficient. It only perform checks with assertion. + if (type_ == kUTF16LE || type_ == kUTF16BE) RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(sizeof(Ch) >= 2); + if (type_ == kUTF32LE || type_ == kUTF32BE) RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(sizeof(Ch) >= 4); + + static const PutFunc f[] = { RAPIDJSON_ENCODINGS_FUNC(Put) }; + putFunc_ = f[type_]; + + if (putBOM) + PutBOM(); + } + + UTFType GetType() const { return type_; } + + void Put(Ch c) { putFunc_(*os_, c); } + void Flush() { os_->Flush(); } + + // Not implemented + Ch Peek() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0;} + Ch Take() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0;} + size_t Tell() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + Ch* PutBegin() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + size_t PutEnd(Ch*) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + +private: + AutoUTFOutputStream(const AutoUTFOutputStream&); + AutoUTFOutputStream& operator=(const AutoUTFOutputStream&); + + void PutBOM() { + typedef void (*PutBOMFunc)(OutputByteStream&); + static const PutBOMFunc f[] = { RAPIDJSON_ENCODINGS_FUNC(PutBOM) }; + f[type_](*os_); + } + + typedef void (*PutFunc)(OutputByteStream&, Ch); + + OutputByteStream* os_; + UTFType type_; + PutFunc putFunc_; +}; + +#undef RAPIDJSON_ENCODINGS_FUNC + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_FILESTREAM_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/encodings.h b/rapidjson/encodings.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..baa7c2b --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/encodings.h @@ -0,0 +1,716 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_ENCODINGS_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_ENCODINGS_H_ + +#include "rapidjson.h" + +#ifdef _MSC_VER +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(4244) // conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', possible loss of data +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(4702) // unreachable code +#elif defined(__GNUC__) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(effc++) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(overflow) +#endif + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Encoding + +/*! \class rapidjson::Encoding + \brief Concept for encoding of Unicode characters. + +\code +concept Encoding { + typename Ch; //! Type of character. A "character" is actually a code unit in unicode's definition. + + enum { supportUnicode = 1 }; // or 0 if not supporting unicode + + //! \brief Encode a Unicode codepoint to an output stream. + //! \param os Output stream. + //! \param codepoint An unicode codepoint, ranging from 0x0 to 0x10FFFF inclusively. + template + static void Encode(OutputStream& os, unsigned codepoint); + + //! \brief Decode a Unicode codepoint from an input stream. + //! \param is Input stream. + //! \param codepoint Output of the unicode codepoint. + //! \return true if a valid codepoint can be decoded from the stream. + template + static bool Decode(InputStream& is, unsigned* codepoint); + + //! \brief Validate one Unicode codepoint from an encoded stream. + //! \param is Input stream to obtain codepoint. + //! \param os Output for copying one codepoint. + //! \return true if it is valid. + //! \note This function just validating and copying the codepoint without actually decode it. + template + static bool Validate(InputStream& is, OutputStream& os); + + // The following functions are deal with byte streams. + + //! Take a character from input byte stream, skip BOM if exist. + template + static CharType TakeBOM(InputByteStream& is); + + //! Take a character from input byte stream. + template + static Ch Take(InputByteStream& is); + + //! Put BOM to output byte stream. + template + static void PutBOM(OutputByteStream& os); + + //! Put a character to output byte stream. + template + static void Put(OutputByteStream& os, Ch c); +}; +\endcode +*/ + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// UTF8 + +//! UTF-8 encoding. +/*! + + \tparam CharType Code unit for storing 8-bit UTF-8 data. Default is char. + \note implements Encoding concept +*/ +template +struct UTF8 { + typedef CharType Ch; + + enum { supportUnicode = 1 }; + + template + static void Encode(OutputStream& os, unsigned codepoint) { + if (codepoint <= 0x7F) + os.Put(static_cast(codepoint & 0xFF)); + else if (codepoint <= 0x7FF) { + os.Put(static_cast(0xC0 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0xFF))); + os.Put(static_cast(0x80 | ((codepoint & 0x3F)))); + } + else if (codepoint <= 0xFFFF) { + os.Put(static_cast(0xE0 | ((codepoint >> 12) & 0xFF))); + os.Put(static_cast(0x80 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3F))); + os.Put(static_cast(0x80 | (codepoint & 0x3F))); + } + else { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(codepoint <= 0x10FFFF); + os.Put(static_cast(0xF0 | ((codepoint >> 18) & 0xFF))); + os.Put(static_cast(0x80 | ((codepoint >> 12) & 0x3F))); + os.Put(static_cast(0x80 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3F))); + os.Put(static_cast(0x80 | (codepoint & 0x3F))); + } + } + + template + static void EncodeUnsafe(OutputStream& os, unsigned codepoint) { + if (codepoint <= 0x7F) + PutUnsafe(os, static_cast(codepoint & 0xFF)); + else if (codepoint <= 0x7FF) { + PutUnsafe(os, static_cast(0xC0 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0xFF))); + PutUnsafe(os, static_cast(0x80 | ((codepoint & 0x3F)))); + } + else if (codepoint <= 0xFFFF) { + PutUnsafe(os, static_cast(0xE0 | ((codepoint >> 12) & 0xFF))); + PutUnsafe(os, static_cast(0x80 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3F))); + PutUnsafe(os, static_cast(0x80 | (codepoint & 0x3F))); + } + else { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(codepoint <= 0x10FFFF); + PutUnsafe(os, static_cast(0xF0 | ((codepoint >> 18) & 0xFF))); + PutUnsafe(os, static_cast(0x80 | ((codepoint >> 12) & 0x3F))); + PutUnsafe(os, static_cast(0x80 | ((codepoint >> 6) & 0x3F))); + PutUnsafe(os, static_cast(0x80 | (codepoint & 0x3F))); + } + } + + template + static bool Decode(InputStream& is, unsigned* codepoint) { +#define COPY() c = is.Take(); *codepoint = (*codepoint << 6) | (static_cast(c) & 0x3Fu) +#define TRANS(mask) result &= ((GetRange(static_cast(c)) & mask) != 0) +#define TAIL() COPY(); TRANS(0x70) + typename InputStream::Ch c = is.Take(); + if (!(c & 0x80)) { + *codepoint = static_cast(c); + return true; + } + + unsigned char type = GetRange(static_cast(c)); + if (type >= 32) { + *codepoint = 0; + } else { + *codepoint = (0xFF >> type) & static_cast(c); + } + bool result = true; + switch (type) { + case 2: TAIL(); return result; + case 3: TAIL(); TAIL(); return result; + case 4: COPY(); TRANS(0x50); TAIL(); return result; + case 5: COPY(); TRANS(0x10); TAIL(); TAIL(); return result; + case 6: TAIL(); TAIL(); TAIL(); return result; + case 10: COPY(); TRANS(0x20); TAIL(); return result; + case 11: COPY(); TRANS(0x60); TAIL(); TAIL(); return result; + default: return false; + } +#undef COPY +#undef TRANS +#undef TAIL + } + + template + static bool Validate(InputStream& is, OutputStream& os) { +#define COPY() os.Put(c = is.Take()) +#define TRANS(mask) result &= ((GetRange(static_cast(c)) & mask) != 0) +#define TAIL() COPY(); TRANS(0x70) + Ch c; + COPY(); + if (!(c & 0x80)) + return true; + + bool result = true; + switch (GetRange(static_cast(c))) { + case 2: TAIL(); return result; + case 3: TAIL(); TAIL(); return result; + case 4: COPY(); TRANS(0x50); TAIL(); return result; + case 5: COPY(); TRANS(0x10); TAIL(); TAIL(); return result; + case 6: TAIL(); TAIL(); TAIL(); return result; + case 10: COPY(); TRANS(0x20); TAIL(); return result; + case 11: COPY(); TRANS(0x60); TAIL(); TAIL(); return result; + default: return false; + } +#undef COPY +#undef TRANS +#undef TAIL + } + + static unsigned char GetRange(unsigned char c) { + // Referring to DFA of + // With new mapping 1 -> 0x10, 7 -> 0x20, 9 -> 0x40, such that AND operation can test multiple types. + static const unsigned char type[] = { + 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, + 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, + 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, + 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, + 0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10, + 0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40, + 0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20, + 0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20, + 8,8,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, + 10,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,3,3, 11,6,6,6,5,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8, + }; + return type[c]; + } + + template + static CharType TakeBOM(InputByteStream& is) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename InputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + typename InputByteStream::Ch c = Take(is); + if (static_cast(c) != 0xEFu) return c; + c = is.Take(); + if (static_cast(c) != 0xBBu) return c; + c = is.Take(); + if (static_cast(c) != 0xBFu) return c; + c = is.Take(); + return c; + } + + template + static Ch Take(InputByteStream& is) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename InputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + return static_cast(is.Take()); + } + + template + static void PutBOM(OutputByteStream& os) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename OutputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + os.Put(static_cast(0xEFu)); + os.Put(static_cast(0xBBu)); + os.Put(static_cast(0xBFu)); + } + + template + static void Put(OutputByteStream& os, Ch c) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename OutputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + os.Put(static_cast(c)); + } +}; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// UTF16 + +//! UTF-16 encoding. +/*! + + \tparam CharType Type for storing 16-bit UTF-16 data. Default is wchar_t. C++11 may use char16_t instead. + \note implements Encoding concept + + \note For in-memory access, no need to concern endianness. The code units and code points are represented by CPU's endianness. + For streaming, use UTF16LE and UTF16BE, which handle endianness. +*/ +template +struct UTF16 { + typedef CharType Ch; + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Ch) >= 2); + + enum { supportUnicode = 1 }; + + template + static void Encode(OutputStream& os, unsigned codepoint) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename OutputStream::Ch) >= 2); + if (codepoint <= 0xFFFF) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(codepoint < 0xD800 || codepoint > 0xDFFF); // Code point itself cannot be surrogate pair + os.Put(static_cast(codepoint)); + } + else { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(codepoint <= 0x10FFFF); + unsigned v = codepoint - 0x10000; + os.Put(static_cast((v >> 10) | 0xD800)); + os.Put((v & 0x3FF) | 0xDC00); + } + } + + + template + static void EncodeUnsafe(OutputStream& os, unsigned codepoint) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename OutputStream::Ch) >= 2); + if (codepoint <= 0xFFFF) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(codepoint < 0xD800 || codepoint > 0xDFFF); // Code point itself cannot be surrogate pair + PutUnsafe(os, static_cast(codepoint)); + } + else { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(codepoint <= 0x10FFFF); + unsigned v = codepoint - 0x10000; + PutUnsafe(os, static_cast((v >> 10) | 0xD800)); + PutUnsafe(os, (v & 0x3FF) | 0xDC00); + } + } + + template + static bool Decode(InputStream& is, unsigned* codepoint) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename InputStream::Ch) >= 2); + typename InputStream::Ch c = is.Take(); + if (c < 0xD800 || c > 0xDFFF) { + *codepoint = static_cast(c); + return true; + } + else if (c <= 0xDBFF) { + *codepoint = (static_cast(c) & 0x3FF) << 10; + c = is.Take(); + *codepoint |= (static_cast(c) & 0x3FF); + *codepoint += 0x10000; + return c >= 0xDC00 && c <= 0xDFFF; + } + return false; + } + + template + static bool Validate(InputStream& is, OutputStream& os) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename InputStream::Ch) >= 2); + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename OutputStream::Ch) >= 2); + typename InputStream::Ch c; + os.Put(static_cast(c = is.Take())); + if (c < 0xD800 || c > 0xDFFF) + return true; + else if (c <= 0xDBFF) { + os.Put(c = is.Take()); + return c >= 0xDC00 && c <= 0xDFFF; + } + return false; + } +}; + +//! UTF-16 little endian encoding. +template +struct UTF16LE : UTF16 { + template + static CharType TakeBOM(InputByteStream& is) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename InputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + CharType c = Take(is); + return static_cast(c) == 0xFEFFu ? Take(is) : c; + } + + template + static CharType Take(InputByteStream& is) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename InputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + unsigned c = static_cast(is.Take()); + c |= static_cast(static_cast(is.Take())) << 8; + return static_cast(c); + } + + template + static void PutBOM(OutputByteStream& os) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename OutputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + os.Put(static_cast(0xFFu)); + os.Put(static_cast(0xFEu)); + } + + template + static void Put(OutputByteStream& os, CharType c) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename OutputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + os.Put(static_cast(static_cast(c) & 0xFFu)); + os.Put(static_cast((static_cast(c) >> 8) & 0xFFu)); + } +}; + +//! UTF-16 big endian encoding. +template +struct UTF16BE : UTF16 { + template + static CharType TakeBOM(InputByteStream& is) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename InputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + CharType c = Take(is); + return static_cast(c) == 0xFEFFu ? Take(is) : c; + } + + template + static CharType Take(InputByteStream& is) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename InputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + unsigned c = static_cast(static_cast(is.Take())) << 8; + c |= static_cast(is.Take()); + return static_cast(c); + } + + template + static void PutBOM(OutputByteStream& os) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename OutputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + os.Put(static_cast(0xFEu)); + os.Put(static_cast(0xFFu)); + } + + template + static void Put(OutputByteStream& os, CharType c) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename OutputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + os.Put(static_cast((static_cast(c) >> 8) & 0xFFu)); + os.Put(static_cast(static_cast(c) & 0xFFu)); + } +}; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// UTF32 + +//! UTF-32 encoding. +/*! + \tparam CharType Type for storing 32-bit UTF-32 data. Default is unsigned. C++11 may use char32_t instead. + \note implements Encoding concept + + \note For in-memory access, no need to concern endianness. The code units and code points are represented by CPU's endianness. + For streaming, use UTF32LE and UTF32BE, which handle endianness. +*/ +template +struct UTF32 { + typedef CharType Ch; + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Ch) >= 4); + + enum { supportUnicode = 1 }; + + template + static void Encode(OutputStream& os, unsigned codepoint) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename OutputStream::Ch) >= 4); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(codepoint <= 0x10FFFF); + os.Put(codepoint); + } + + template + static void EncodeUnsafe(OutputStream& os, unsigned codepoint) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename OutputStream::Ch) >= 4); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(codepoint <= 0x10FFFF); + PutUnsafe(os, codepoint); + } + + template + static bool Decode(InputStream& is, unsigned* codepoint) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename InputStream::Ch) >= 4); + Ch c = is.Take(); + *codepoint = c; + return c <= 0x10FFFF; + } + + template + static bool Validate(InputStream& is, OutputStream& os) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename InputStream::Ch) >= 4); + Ch c; + os.Put(c = is.Take()); + return c <= 0x10FFFF; + } +}; + +//! UTF-32 little endian enocoding. +template +struct UTF32LE : UTF32 { + template + static CharType TakeBOM(InputByteStream& is) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename InputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + CharType c = Take(is); + return static_cast(c) == 0x0000FEFFu ? Take(is) : c; + } + + template + static CharType Take(InputByteStream& is) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename InputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + unsigned c = static_cast(is.Take()); + c |= static_cast(static_cast(is.Take())) << 8; + c |= static_cast(static_cast(is.Take())) << 16; + c |= static_cast(static_cast(is.Take())) << 24; + return static_cast(c); + } + + template + static void PutBOM(OutputByteStream& os) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename OutputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + os.Put(static_cast(0xFFu)); + os.Put(static_cast(0xFEu)); + os.Put(static_cast(0x00u)); + os.Put(static_cast(0x00u)); + } + + template + static void Put(OutputByteStream& os, CharType c) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename OutputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + os.Put(static_cast(c & 0xFFu)); + os.Put(static_cast((c >> 8) & 0xFFu)); + os.Put(static_cast((c >> 16) & 0xFFu)); + os.Put(static_cast((c >> 24) & 0xFFu)); + } +}; + +//! UTF-32 big endian encoding. +template +struct UTF32BE : UTF32 { + template + static CharType TakeBOM(InputByteStream& is) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename InputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + CharType c = Take(is); + return static_cast(c) == 0x0000FEFFu ? Take(is) : c; + } + + template + static CharType Take(InputByteStream& is) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename InputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + unsigned c = static_cast(static_cast(is.Take())) << 24; + c |= static_cast(static_cast(is.Take())) << 16; + c |= static_cast(static_cast(is.Take())) << 8; + c |= static_cast(static_cast(is.Take())); + return static_cast(c); + } + + template + static void PutBOM(OutputByteStream& os) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename OutputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + os.Put(static_cast(0x00u)); + os.Put(static_cast(0x00u)); + os.Put(static_cast(0xFEu)); + os.Put(static_cast(0xFFu)); + } + + template + static void Put(OutputByteStream& os, CharType c) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename OutputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + os.Put(static_cast((c >> 24) & 0xFFu)); + os.Put(static_cast((c >> 16) & 0xFFu)); + os.Put(static_cast((c >> 8) & 0xFFu)); + os.Put(static_cast(c & 0xFFu)); + } +}; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// ASCII + +//! ASCII encoding. +/*! + \tparam CharType Code unit for storing 7-bit ASCII data. Default is char. + \note implements Encoding concept +*/ +template +struct ASCII { + typedef CharType Ch; + + enum { supportUnicode = 0 }; + + template + static void Encode(OutputStream& os, unsigned codepoint) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(codepoint <= 0x7F); + os.Put(static_cast(codepoint & 0xFF)); + } + + template + static void EncodeUnsafe(OutputStream& os, unsigned codepoint) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(codepoint <= 0x7F); + PutUnsafe(os, static_cast(codepoint & 0xFF)); + } + + template + static bool Decode(InputStream& is, unsigned* codepoint) { + uint8_t c = static_cast(is.Take()); + *codepoint = c; + return c <= 0X7F; + } + + template + static bool Validate(InputStream& is, OutputStream& os) { + uint8_t c = static_cast(is.Take()); + os.Put(static_cast(c)); + return c <= 0x7F; + } + + template + static CharType TakeBOM(InputByteStream& is) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename InputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + uint8_t c = static_cast(Take(is)); + return static_cast(c); + } + + template + static Ch Take(InputByteStream& is) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename InputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + return static_cast(is.Take()); + } + + template + static void PutBOM(OutputByteStream& os) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename OutputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + (void)os; + } + + template + static void Put(OutputByteStream& os, Ch c) { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(typename OutputByteStream::Ch) == 1); + os.Put(static_cast(c)); + } +}; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// AutoUTF + +//! Runtime-specified UTF encoding type of a stream. +enum UTFType { + kUTF8 = 0, //!< UTF-8. + kUTF16LE = 1, //!< UTF-16 little endian. + kUTF16BE = 2, //!< UTF-16 big endian. + kUTF32LE = 3, //!< UTF-32 little endian. + kUTF32BE = 4 //!< UTF-32 big endian. +}; + +//! Dynamically select encoding according to stream's runtime-specified UTF encoding type. +/*! \note This class can be used with AutoUTFInputtStream and AutoUTFOutputStream, which provides GetType(). +*/ +template +struct AutoUTF { + typedef CharType Ch; + + enum { supportUnicode = 1 }; + +#define RAPIDJSON_ENCODINGS_FUNC(x) UTF8::x, UTF16LE::x, UTF16BE::x, UTF32LE::x, UTF32BE::x + + template + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE static void Encode(OutputStream& os, unsigned codepoint) { + typedef void (*EncodeFunc)(OutputStream&, unsigned); + static const EncodeFunc f[] = { RAPIDJSON_ENCODINGS_FUNC(Encode) }; + (*f[os.GetType()])(os, codepoint); + } + + template + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE static void EncodeUnsafe(OutputStream& os, unsigned codepoint) { + typedef void (*EncodeFunc)(OutputStream&, unsigned); + static const EncodeFunc f[] = { RAPIDJSON_ENCODINGS_FUNC(EncodeUnsafe) }; + (*f[os.GetType()])(os, codepoint); + } + + template + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE static bool Decode(InputStream& is, unsigned* codepoint) { + typedef bool (*DecodeFunc)(InputStream&, unsigned*); + static const DecodeFunc f[] = { RAPIDJSON_ENCODINGS_FUNC(Decode) }; + return (*f[is.GetType()])(is, codepoint); + } + + template + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE static bool Validate(InputStream& is, OutputStream& os) { + typedef bool (*ValidateFunc)(InputStream&, OutputStream&); + static const ValidateFunc f[] = { RAPIDJSON_ENCODINGS_FUNC(Validate) }; + return (*f[is.GetType()])(is, os); + } + +#undef RAPIDJSON_ENCODINGS_FUNC +}; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Transcoder + +//! Encoding conversion. +template +struct Transcoder { + //! Take one Unicode codepoint from source encoding, convert it to target encoding and put it to the output stream. + template + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE static bool Transcode(InputStream& is, OutputStream& os) { + unsigned codepoint; + if (!SourceEncoding::Decode(is, &codepoint)) + return false; + TargetEncoding::Encode(os, codepoint); + return true; + } + + template + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE static bool TranscodeUnsafe(InputStream& is, OutputStream& os) { + unsigned codepoint; + if (!SourceEncoding::Decode(is, &codepoint)) + return false; + TargetEncoding::EncodeUnsafe(os, codepoint); + return true; + } + + //! Validate one Unicode codepoint from an encoded stream. + template + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE static bool Validate(InputStream& is, OutputStream& os) { + return Transcode(is, os); // Since source/target encoding is different, must transcode. + } +}; + +// Forward declaration. +template +inline void PutUnsafe(Stream& stream, typename Stream::Ch c); + +//! Specialization of Transcoder with same source and target encoding. +template +struct Transcoder { + template + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE static bool Transcode(InputStream& is, OutputStream& os) { + os.Put(is.Take()); // Just copy one code unit. This semantic is different from primary template class. + return true; + } + + template + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE static bool TranscodeUnsafe(InputStream& is, OutputStream& os) { + PutUnsafe(os, is.Take()); // Just copy one code unit. This semantic is different from primary template class. + return true; + } + + template + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE static bool Validate(InputStream& is, OutputStream& os) { + return Encoding::Validate(is, os); // source/target encoding are the same + } +}; + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_MSC_VER) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_ENCODINGS_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/error/en.h b/rapidjson/error/en.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2db838b --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/error/en.h @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_ERROR_EN_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_ERROR_EN_H_ + +#include "error.h" + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(switch-enum) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(covered-switch-default) +#endif + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + +//! Maps error code of parsing into error message. +/*! + \ingroup RAPIDJSON_ERRORS + \param parseErrorCode Error code obtained in parsing. + \return the error message. + \note User can make a copy of this function for localization. + Using switch-case is safer for future modification of error codes. +*/ +inline const RAPIDJSON_ERROR_CHARTYPE* GetParseError_En(ParseErrorCode parseErrorCode) { + switch (parseErrorCode) { + case kParseErrorNone: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("No error."); + + case kParseErrorDocumentEmpty: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("The document is empty."); + case kParseErrorDocumentRootNotSingular: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("The document root must not be followed by other values."); + + case kParseErrorValueInvalid: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("Invalid value."); + + case kParseErrorObjectMissName: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("Missing a name for object member."); + case kParseErrorObjectMissColon: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("Missing a colon after a name of object member."); + case kParseErrorObjectMissCommaOrCurlyBracket: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("Missing a comma or '}' after an object member."); + + case kParseErrorArrayMissCommaOrSquareBracket: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("Missing a comma or ']' after an array element."); + + case kParseErrorStringUnicodeEscapeInvalidHex: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("Incorrect hex digit after \\u escape in string."); + case kParseErrorStringUnicodeSurrogateInvalid: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("The surrogate pair in string is invalid."); + case kParseErrorStringEscapeInvalid: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("Invalid escape character in string."); + case kParseErrorStringMissQuotationMark: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("Missing a closing quotation mark in string."); + case kParseErrorStringInvalidEncoding: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("Invalid encoding in string."); + + case kParseErrorNumberTooBig: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("Number too big to be stored in double."); + case kParseErrorNumberMissFraction: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("Miss fraction part in number."); + case kParseErrorNumberMissExponent: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("Miss exponent in number."); + + case kParseErrorTermination: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("Terminate parsing due to Handler error."); + case kParseErrorUnspecificSyntaxError: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("Unspecific syntax error."); + + default: return RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING("Unknown error."); + } +} + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_ERROR_EN_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/error/error.h b/rapidjson/error/error.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95cb31a --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/error/error.h @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_ERROR_ERROR_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_ERROR_ERROR_H_ + +#include "../rapidjson.h" + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(padded) +#endif + +/*! \file error.h */ + +/*! \defgroup RAPIDJSON_ERRORS RapidJSON error handling */ + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// RAPIDJSON_ERROR_CHARTYPE + +//! Character type of error messages. +/*! \ingroup RAPIDJSON_ERRORS + The default character type is \c char. + On Windows, user can define this macro as \c TCHAR for supporting both + unicode/non-unicode settings. +*/ +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_ERROR_CHARTYPE +#define RAPIDJSON_ERROR_CHARTYPE char +#endif + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING + +//! Macro for converting string literial to \ref RAPIDJSON_ERROR_CHARTYPE[]. +/*! \ingroup RAPIDJSON_ERRORS + By default this conversion macro does nothing. + On Windows, user can define this macro as \c _T(x) for supporting both + unicode/non-unicode settings. +*/ +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING +#define RAPIDJSON_ERROR_STRING(x) x +#endif + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// ParseErrorCode + +//! Error code of parsing. +/*! \ingroup RAPIDJSON_ERRORS + \see GenericReader::Parse, GenericReader::GetParseErrorCode +*/ +enum ParseErrorCode { + kParseErrorNone = 0, //!< No error. + + kParseErrorDocumentEmpty, //!< The document is empty. + kParseErrorDocumentRootNotSingular, //!< The document root must not follow by other values. + + kParseErrorValueInvalid, //!< Invalid value. + + kParseErrorObjectMissName, //!< Missing a name for object member. + kParseErrorObjectMissColon, //!< Missing a colon after a name of object member. + kParseErrorObjectMissCommaOrCurlyBracket, //!< Missing a comma or '}' after an object member. + + kParseErrorArrayMissCommaOrSquareBracket, //!< Missing a comma or ']' after an array element. + + kParseErrorStringUnicodeEscapeInvalidHex, //!< Incorrect hex digit after \\u escape in string. + kParseErrorStringUnicodeSurrogateInvalid, //!< The surrogate pair in string is invalid. + kParseErrorStringEscapeInvalid, //!< Invalid escape character in string. + kParseErrorStringMissQuotationMark, //!< Missing a closing quotation mark in string. + kParseErrorStringInvalidEncoding, //!< Invalid encoding in string. + + kParseErrorNumberTooBig, //!< Number too big to be stored in double. + kParseErrorNumberMissFraction, //!< Miss fraction part in number. + kParseErrorNumberMissExponent, //!< Miss exponent in number. + + kParseErrorTermination, //!< Parsing was terminated. + kParseErrorUnspecificSyntaxError //!< Unspecific syntax error. +}; + +//! Result of parsing (wraps ParseErrorCode) +/*! + \ingroup RAPIDJSON_ERRORS + \code + Document doc; + ParseResult ok = doc.Parse("[42]"); + if (!ok) { + fprintf(stderr, "JSON parse error: %s (%u)", + GetParseError_En(ok.Code()), ok.Offset()); + exit(EXIT_FAILURE); + } + \endcode + \see GenericReader::Parse, GenericDocument::Parse +*/ +struct ParseResult { +public: + //! Default constructor, no error. + ParseResult() : code_(kParseErrorNone), offset_(0) {} + //! Constructor to set an error. + ParseResult(ParseErrorCode code, size_t offset) : code_(code), offset_(offset) {} + + //! Get the error code. + ParseErrorCode Code() const { return code_; } + //! Get the error offset, if \ref IsError(), 0 otherwise. + size_t Offset() const { return offset_; } + + //! Conversion to \c bool, returns \c true, iff !\ref IsError(). + operator bool() const { return !IsError(); } + //! Whether the result is an error. + bool IsError() const { return code_ != kParseErrorNone; } + + bool operator==(const ParseResult& that) const { return code_ == that.code_; } + bool operator==(ParseErrorCode code) const { return code_ == code; } + friend bool operator==(ParseErrorCode code, const ParseResult & err) { return code == err.code_; } + + //! Reset error code. + void Clear() { Set(kParseErrorNone); } + //! Update error code and offset. + void Set(ParseErrorCode code, size_t offset = 0) { code_ = code; offset_ = offset; } + +private: + ParseErrorCode code_; + size_t offset_; +}; + +//! Function pointer type of GetParseError(). +/*! \ingroup RAPIDJSON_ERRORS + + This is the prototype for \c GetParseError_X(), where \c X is a locale. + User can dynamically change locale in runtime, e.g.: +\code + GetParseErrorFunc GetParseError = GetParseError_En; // or whatever + const RAPIDJSON_ERROR_CHARTYPE* s = GetParseError(document.GetParseErrorCode()); +\endcode +*/ +typedef const RAPIDJSON_ERROR_CHARTYPE* (*GetParseErrorFunc)(ParseErrorCode); + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_ERROR_ERROR_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/filereadstream.h b/rapidjson/filereadstream.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b56ea13 --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/filereadstream.h @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_FILEREADSTREAM_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_FILEREADSTREAM_H_ + +#include "stream.h" +#include + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(padded) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(unreachable-code) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(missing-noreturn) +#endif + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + +//! File byte stream for input using fread(). +/*! + \note implements Stream concept +*/ +class FileReadStream { +public: + typedef char Ch; //!< Character type (byte). + + //! Constructor. + /*! + \param fp File pointer opened for read. + \param buffer user-supplied buffer. + \param bufferSize size of buffer in bytes. Must >=4 bytes. + */ + FileReadStream(std::FILE* fp, char* buffer, size_t bufferSize) : fp_(fp), buffer_(buffer), bufferSize_(bufferSize), bufferLast_(0), current_(buffer_), readCount_(0), count_(0), eof_(false) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(fp_ != 0); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(bufferSize >= 4); + Read(); + } + + Ch Peek() const { return *current_; } + Ch Take() { Ch c = *current_; Read(); return c; } + size_t Tell() const { return count_ + static_cast(current_ - buffer_); } + + // Not implemented + void Put(Ch) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); } + void Flush() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); } + Ch* PutBegin() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + size_t PutEnd(Ch*) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + + // For encoding detection only. + const Ch* Peek4() const { + return (current_ + 4 <= bufferLast_) ? current_ : 0; + } + +private: + void Read() { + if (current_ < bufferLast_) + ++current_; + else if (!eof_) { + count_ += readCount_; + readCount_ = fread(buffer_, 1, bufferSize_, fp_); + bufferLast_ = buffer_ + readCount_ - 1; + current_ = buffer_; + + if (readCount_ < bufferSize_) { + buffer_[readCount_] = '\0'; + ++bufferLast_; + eof_ = true; + } + } + } + + std::FILE* fp_; + Ch *buffer_; + size_t bufferSize_; + Ch *bufferLast_; + Ch *current_; + size_t readCount_; + size_t count_; //!< Number of characters read + bool eof_; +}; + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_FILESTREAM_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/filewritestream.h b/rapidjson/filewritestream.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6378dd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/filewritestream.h @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_FILEWRITESTREAM_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_FILEWRITESTREAM_H_ + +#include "stream.h" +#include + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(unreachable-code) +#endif + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + +//! Wrapper of C file stream for input using fread(). +/*! + \note implements Stream concept +*/ +class FileWriteStream { +public: + typedef char Ch; //!< Character type. Only support char. + + FileWriteStream(std::FILE* fp, char* buffer, size_t bufferSize) : fp_(fp), buffer_(buffer), bufferEnd_(buffer + bufferSize), current_(buffer_) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(fp_ != 0); + } + + void Put(char c) { + if (current_ >= bufferEnd_) + Flush(); + + *current_++ = c; + } + + void PutN(char c, size_t n) { + size_t avail = static_cast(bufferEnd_ - current_); + while (n > avail) { + std::memset(current_, c, avail); + current_ += avail; + Flush(); + n -= avail; + avail = static_cast(bufferEnd_ - current_); + } + + if (n > 0) { + std::memset(current_, c, n); + current_ += n; + } + } + + void Flush() { + if (current_ != buffer_) { + size_t result = fwrite(buffer_, 1, static_cast(current_ - buffer_), fp_); + if (result < static_cast(current_ - buffer_)) { + // failure deliberately ignored at this time + // added to avoid warn_unused_result build errors + } + current_ = buffer_; + } + } + + // Not implemented + char Peek() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + char Take() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + size_t Tell() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + char* PutBegin() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + size_t PutEnd(char*) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + +private: + // Prohibit copy constructor & assignment operator. + FileWriteStream(const FileWriteStream&); + FileWriteStream& operator=(const FileWriteStream&); + + std::FILE* fp_; + char *buffer_; + char *bufferEnd_; + char *current_; +}; + +//! Implement specialized version of PutN() with memset() for better performance. +template<> +inline void PutN(FileWriteStream& stream, char c, size_t n) { + stream.PutN(c, n); +} + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_FILESTREAM_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/fwd.h b/rapidjson/fwd.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e8104e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/fwd.h @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_FWD_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_FWD_H_ + +#include "rapidjson.h" + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + +// encodings.h + +template struct UTF8; +template struct UTF16; +template struct UTF16BE; +template struct UTF16LE; +template struct UTF32; +template struct UTF32BE; +template struct UTF32LE; +template struct ASCII; +template struct AutoUTF; + +template +struct Transcoder; + +// allocators.h + +class CrtAllocator; + +template +class MemoryPoolAllocator; + +// stream.h + +template +struct GenericStringStream; + +typedef GenericStringStream > StringStream; + +template +struct GenericInsituStringStream; + +typedef GenericInsituStringStream > InsituStringStream; + +// stringbuffer.h + +template +class GenericStringBuffer; + +typedef GenericStringBuffer, CrtAllocator> StringBuffer; + +// filereadstream.h + +class FileReadStream; + +// filewritestream.h + +class FileWriteStream; + +// memorybuffer.h + +template +struct GenericMemoryBuffer; + +typedef GenericMemoryBuffer MemoryBuffer; + +// memorystream.h + +struct MemoryStream; + +// reader.h + +template +struct BaseReaderHandler; + +template +class GenericReader; + +typedef GenericReader, UTF8, CrtAllocator> Reader; + +// writer.h + +template +class Writer; + +// prettywriter.h + +template +class PrettyWriter; + +// document.h + +template +struct GenericMember; + +template +class GenericMemberIterator; + +template +struct GenericStringRef; + +template +class GenericValue; + +typedef GenericValue, MemoryPoolAllocator > Value; + +template +class GenericDocument; + +typedef GenericDocument, MemoryPoolAllocator, CrtAllocator> Document; + +// pointer.h + +template +class GenericPointer; + +typedef GenericPointer Pointer; + +// schema.h + +template +class IGenericRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider; + +template +class GenericSchemaDocument; + +typedef GenericSchemaDocument SchemaDocument; +typedef IGenericRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider IRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider; + +template < + typename SchemaDocumentType, + typename OutputHandler, + typename StateAllocator> +class GenericSchemaValidator; + +typedef GenericSchemaValidator, void>, CrtAllocator> SchemaValidator; + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_RAPIDJSONFWD_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/internal/biginteger.h b/rapidjson/internal/biginteger.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d3e88c --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/internal/biginteger.h @@ -0,0 +1,290 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_BIGINTEGER_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_BIGINTEGER_H_ + +#include "../rapidjson.h" + +#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_AMD64) +#include // for _umul128 +#pragma intrinsic(_umul128) +#endif + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +namespace internal { + +class BigInteger { +public: + typedef uint64_t Type; + + BigInteger(const BigInteger& rhs) : count_(rhs.count_) { + std::memcpy(digits_, rhs.digits_, count_ * sizeof(Type)); + } + + explicit BigInteger(uint64_t u) : count_(1) { + digits_[0] = u; + } + + BigInteger(const char* decimals, size_t length) : count_(1) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(length > 0); + digits_[0] = 0; + size_t i = 0; + const size_t kMaxDigitPerIteration = 19; // 2^64 = 18446744073709551616 > 10^19 + while (length >= kMaxDigitPerIteration) { + AppendDecimal64(decimals + i, decimals + i + kMaxDigitPerIteration); + length -= kMaxDigitPerIteration; + i += kMaxDigitPerIteration; + } + + if (length > 0) + AppendDecimal64(decimals + i, decimals + i + length); + } + + BigInteger& operator=(const BigInteger &rhs) + { + if (this != &rhs) { + count_ = rhs.count_; + std::memcpy(digits_, rhs.digits_, count_ * sizeof(Type)); + } + return *this; + } + + BigInteger& operator=(uint64_t u) { + digits_[0] = u; + count_ = 1; + return *this; + } + + BigInteger& operator+=(uint64_t u) { + Type backup = digits_[0]; + digits_[0] += u; + for (size_t i = 0; i < count_ - 1; i++) { + if (digits_[i] >= backup) + return *this; // no carry + backup = digits_[i + 1]; + digits_[i + 1] += 1; + } + + // Last carry + if (digits_[count_ - 1] < backup) + PushBack(1); + + return *this; + } + + BigInteger& operator*=(uint64_t u) { + if (u == 0) return *this = 0; + if (u == 1) return *this; + if (*this == 1) return *this = u; + + uint64_t k = 0; + for (size_t i = 0; i < count_; i++) { + uint64_t hi; + digits_[i] = MulAdd64(digits_[i], u, k, &hi); + k = hi; + } + + if (k > 0) + PushBack(k); + + return *this; + } + + BigInteger& operator*=(uint32_t u) { + if (u == 0) return *this = 0; + if (u == 1) return *this; + if (*this == 1) return *this = u; + + uint64_t k = 0; + for (size_t i = 0; i < count_; i++) { + const uint64_t c = digits_[i] >> 32; + const uint64_t d = digits_[i] & 0xFFFFFFFF; + const uint64_t uc = u * c; + const uint64_t ud = u * d; + const uint64_t p0 = ud + k; + const uint64_t p1 = uc + (p0 >> 32); + digits_[i] = (p0 & 0xFFFFFFFF) | (p1 << 32); + k = p1 >> 32; + } + + if (k > 0) + PushBack(k); + + return *this; + } + + BigInteger& operator<<=(size_t shift) { + if (IsZero() || shift == 0) return *this; + + size_t offset = shift / kTypeBit; + size_t interShift = shift % kTypeBit; + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(count_ + offset <= kCapacity); + + if (interShift == 0) { + std::memmove(&digits_[count_ - 1 + offset], &digits_[count_ - 1], count_ * sizeof(Type)); + count_ += offset; + } + else { + digits_[count_] = 0; + for (size_t i = count_; i > 0; i--) + digits_[i + offset] = (digits_[i] << interShift) | (digits_[i - 1] >> (kTypeBit - interShift)); + digits_[offset] = digits_[0] << interShift; + count_ += offset; + if (digits_[count_]) + count_++; + } + + std::memset(digits_, 0, offset * sizeof(Type)); + + return *this; + } + + bool operator==(const BigInteger& rhs) const { + return count_ == rhs.count_ && std::memcmp(digits_, rhs.digits_, count_ * sizeof(Type)) == 0; + } + + bool operator==(const Type rhs) const { + return count_ == 1 && digits_[0] == rhs; + } + + BigInteger& MultiplyPow5(unsigned exp) { + static const uint32_t kPow5[12] = { + 5, + 5 * 5, + 5 * 5 * 5, + 5 * 5 * 5 * 5, + 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5, + 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5, + 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5, + 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5, + 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5, + 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5, + 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5, + 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 + }; + if (exp == 0) return *this; + for (; exp >= 27; exp -= 27) *this *= RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0X6765C793, 0XFA10079D); // 5^27 + for (; exp >= 13; exp -= 13) *this *= static_cast(1220703125u); // 5^13 + if (exp > 0) *this *= kPow5[exp - 1]; + return *this; + } + + // Compute absolute difference of this and rhs. + // Assume this != rhs + bool Difference(const BigInteger& rhs, BigInteger* out) const { + int cmp = Compare(rhs); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(cmp != 0); + const BigInteger *a, *b; // Makes a > b + bool ret; + if (cmp < 0) { a = &rhs; b = this; ret = true; } + else { a = this; b = &rhs; ret = false; } + + Type borrow = 0; + for (size_t i = 0; i < a->count_; i++) { + Type d = a->digits_[i] - borrow; + if (i < b->count_) + d -= b->digits_[i]; + borrow = (d > a->digits_[i]) ? 1 : 0; + out->digits_[i] = d; + if (d != 0) + out->count_ = i + 1; + } + + return ret; + } + + int Compare(const BigInteger& rhs) const { + if (count_ != rhs.count_) + return count_ < rhs.count_ ? -1 : 1; + + for (size_t i = count_; i-- > 0;) + if (digits_[i] != rhs.digits_[i]) + return digits_[i] < rhs.digits_[i] ? -1 : 1; + + return 0; + } + + size_t GetCount() const { return count_; } + Type GetDigit(size_t index) const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(index < count_); return digits_[index]; } + bool IsZero() const { return count_ == 1 && digits_[0] == 0; } + +private: + void AppendDecimal64(const char* begin, const char* end) { + uint64_t u = ParseUint64(begin, end); + if (IsZero()) + *this = u; + else { + unsigned exp = static_cast(end - begin); + (MultiplyPow5(exp) <<= exp) += u; // *this = *this * 10^exp + u + } + } + + void PushBack(Type digit) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(count_ < kCapacity); + digits_[count_++] = digit; + } + + static uint64_t ParseUint64(const char* begin, const char* end) { + uint64_t r = 0; + for (const char* p = begin; p != end; ++p) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(*p >= '0' && *p <= '9'); + r = r * 10u + static_cast(*p - '0'); + } + return r; + } + + // Assume a * b + k < 2^128 + static uint64_t MulAdd64(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t k, uint64_t* outHigh) { +#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_AMD64) + uint64_t low = _umul128(a, b, outHigh) + k; + if (low < k) + (*outHigh)++; + return low; +#elif (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6)) && defined(__x86_64__) + __extension__ typedef unsigned __int128 uint128; + uint128 p = static_cast(a) * static_cast(b); + p += k; + *outHigh = static_cast(p >> 64); + return static_cast(p); +#else + const uint64_t a0 = a & 0xFFFFFFFF, a1 = a >> 32, b0 = b & 0xFFFFFFFF, b1 = b >> 32; + uint64_t x0 = a0 * b0, x1 = a0 * b1, x2 = a1 * b0, x3 = a1 * b1; + x1 += (x0 >> 32); // can't give carry + x1 += x2; + if (x1 < x2) + x3 += (static_cast(1) << 32); + uint64_t lo = (x1 << 32) + (x0 & 0xFFFFFFFF); + uint64_t hi = x3 + (x1 >> 32); + + lo += k; + if (lo < k) + hi++; + *outHigh = hi; + return lo; +#endif + } + + static const size_t kBitCount = 3328; // 64bit * 54 > 10^1000 + static const size_t kCapacity = kBitCount / sizeof(Type); + static const size_t kTypeBit = sizeof(Type) * 8; + + Type digits_[kCapacity]; + size_t count_; +}; + +} // namespace internal +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_BIGINTEGER_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/internal/diyfp.h b/rapidjson/internal/diyfp.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c9fefdc --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/internal/diyfp.h @@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +// This is a C++ header-only implementation of Grisu2 algorithm from the publication: +// Loitsch, Florian. "Printing floating-point numbers quickly and accurately with +// integers." ACM Sigplan Notices 45.6 (2010): 233-243. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_DIYFP_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_DIYFP_H_ + +#include "../rapidjson.h" + +#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_AMD64) +#include +#pragma intrinsic(_BitScanReverse64) +#pragma intrinsic(_umul128) +#endif + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +namespace internal { + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(effc++) +#endif + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(padded) +#endif + +struct DiyFp { + DiyFp() : f(), e() {} + + DiyFp(uint64_t fp, int exp) : f(fp), e(exp) {} + + explicit DiyFp(double d) { + union { + double d; + uint64_t u64; + } u = { d }; + + int biased_e = static_cast((u.u64 & kDpExponentMask) >> kDpSignificandSize); + uint64_t significand = (u.u64 & kDpSignificandMask); + if (biased_e != 0) { + f = significand + kDpHiddenBit; + e = biased_e - kDpExponentBias; + } + else { + f = significand; + e = kDpMinExponent + 1; + } + } + + DiyFp operator-(const DiyFp& rhs) const { + return DiyFp(f - rhs.f, e); + } + + DiyFp operator*(const DiyFp& rhs) const { +#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_AMD64) + uint64_t h; + uint64_t l = _umul128(f, rhs.f, &h); + if (l & (uint64_t(1) << 63)) // rounding + h++; + return DiyFp(h, e + rhs.e + 64); +#elif (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6)) && defined(__x86_64__) + __extension__ typedef unsigned __int128 uint128; + uint128 p = static_cast(f) * static_cast(rhs.f); + uint64_t h = static_cast(p >> 64); + uint64_t l = static_cast(p); + if (l & (uint64_t(1) << 63)) // rounding + h++; + return DiyFp(h, e + rhs.e + 64); +#else + const uint64_t M32 = 0xFFFFFFFF; + const uint64_t a = f >> 32; + const uint64_t b = f & M32; + const uint64_t c = rhs.f >> 32; + const uint64_t d = rhs.f & M32; + const uint64_t ac = a * c; + const uint64_t bc = b * c; + const uint64_t ad = a * d; + const uint64_t bd = b * d; + uint64_t tmp = (bd >> 32) + (ad & M32) + (bc & M32); + tmp += 1U << 31; /// mult_round + return DiyFp(ac + (ad >> 32) + (bc >> 32) + (tmp >> 32), e + rhs.e + 64); +#endif + } + + DiyFp Normalize() const { +#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_AMD64) + unsigned long index; + _BitScanReverse64(&index, f); + return DiyFp(f << (63 - index), e - (63 - index)); +#elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 + int s = __builtin_clzll(f); + return DiyFp(f << s, e - s); +#else + DiyFp res = *this; + while (!(res.f & (static_cast(1) << 63))) { + res.f <<= 1; + res.e--; + } + return res; +#endif + } + + DiyFp NormalizeBoundary() const { + DiyFp res = *this; + while (!(res.f & (kDpHiddenBit << 1))) { + res.f <<= 1; + res.e--; + } + res.f <<= (kDiySignificandSize - kDpSignificandSize - 2); + res.e = res.e - (kDiySignificandSize - kDpSignificandSize - 2); + return res; + } + + void NormalizedBoundaries(DiyFp* minus, DiyFp* plus) const { + DiyFp pl = DiyFp((f << 1) + 1, e - 1).NormalizeBoundary(); + DiyFp mi = (f == kDpHiddenBit) ? DiyFp((f << 2) - 1, e - 2) : DiyFp((f << 1) - 1, e - 1); + mi.f <<= mi.e - pl.e; + mi.e = pl.e; + *plus = pl; + *minus = mi; + } + + double ToDouble() const { + union { + double d; + uint64_t u64; + }u; + const uint64_t be = (e == kDpDenormalExponent && (f & kDpHiddenBit) == 0) ? 0 : + static_cast(e + kDpExponentBias); + u.u64 = (f & kDpSignificandMask) | (be << kDpSignificandSize); + return u.d; + } + + static const int kDiySignificandSize = 64; + static const int kDpSignificandSize = 52; + static const int kDpExponentBias = 0x3FF + kDpSignificandSize; + static const int kDpMaxExponent = 0x7FF - kDpExponentBias; + static const int kDpMinExponent = -kDpExponentBias; + static const int kDpDenormalExponent = -kDpExponentBias + 1; + static const uint64_t kDpExponentMask = RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x7FF00000, 0x00000000); + static const uint64_t kDpSignificandMask = RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x000FFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF); + static const uint64_t kDpHiddenBit = RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x00100000, 0x00000000); + + uint64_t f; + int e; +}; + +inline DiyFp GetCachedPowerByIndex(size_t index) { + // 10^-348, 10^-340, ..., 10^340 + static const uint64_t kCachedPowers_F[] = { + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xfa8fd5a0, 0x081c0288), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xbaaee17f, 0xa23ebf76), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x8b16fb20, 0x3055ac76), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xcf42894a, 0x5dce35ea), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x9a6bb0aa, 0x55653b2d), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xe61acf03, 0x3d1a45df), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xab70fe17, 0xc79ac6ca), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xff77b1fc, 0xbebcdc4f), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xbe5691ef, 0x416bd60c), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x8dd01fad, 0x907ffc3c), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xd3515c28, 0x31559a83), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x9d71ac8f, 0xada6c9b5), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xea9c2277, 0x23ee8bcb), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xaecc4991, 0x4078536d), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x823c1279, 0x5db6ce57), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xc2109436, 0x4dfb5637), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x9096ea6f, 0x3848984f), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xd77485cb, 0x25823ac7), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xa086cfcd, 0x97bf97f4), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xef340a98, 0x172aace5), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xb23867fb, 0x2a35b28e), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x84c8d4df, 0xd2c63f3b), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xc5dd4427, 0x1ad3cdba), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x936b9fce, 0xbb25c996), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xdbac6c24, 0x7d62a584), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xa3ab6658, 0x0d5fdaf6), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xf3e2f893, 0xdec3f126), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xb5b5ada8, 0xaaff80b8), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x87625f05, 0x6c7c4a8b), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xc9bcff60, 0x34c13053), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x964e858c, 0x91ba2655), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xdff97724, 0x70297ebd), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xa6dfbd9f, 0xb8e5b88f), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xf8a95fcf, 0x88747d94), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xb9447093, 0x8fa89bcf), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x8a08f0f8, 0xbf0f156b), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xcdb02555, 0x653131b6), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x993fe2c6, 0xd07b7fac), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xe45c10c4, 0x2a2b3b06), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xaa242499, 0x697392d3), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xfd87b5f2, 0x8300ca0e), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xbce50864, 0x92111aeb), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x8cbccc09, 0x6f5088cc), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xd1b71758, 0xe219652c), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x9c400000, 0x00000000), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xe8d4a510, 0x00000000), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xad78ebc5, 0xac620000), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x813f3978, 0xf8940984), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xc097ce7b, 0xc90715b3), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x8f7e32ce, 0x7bea5c70), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xd5d238a4, 0xabe98068), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x9f4f2726, 0x179a2245), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xed63a231, 0xd4c4fb27), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xb0de6538, 0x8cc8ada8), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x83c7088e, 0x1aab65db), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xc45d1df9, 0x42711d9a), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x924d692c, 0xa61be758), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xda01ee64, 0x1a708dea), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xa26da399, 0x9aef774a), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xf209787b, 0xb47d6b85), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xb454e4a1, 0x79dd1877), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x865b8692, 0x5b9bc5c2), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xc83553c5, 0xc8965d3d), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x952ab45c, 0xfa97a0b3), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xde469fbd, 0x99a05fe3), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xa59bc234, 0xdb398c25), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xf6c69a72, 0xa3989f5c), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xb7dcbf53, 0x54e9bece), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x88fcf317, 0xf22241e2), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xcc20ce9b, 0xd35c78a5), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x98165af3, 0x7b2153df), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xe2a0b5dc, 0x971f303a), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xa8d9d153, 0x5ce3b396), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xfb9b7cd9, 0xa4a7443c), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xbb764c4c, 0xa7a44410), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x8bab8eef, 0xb6409c1a), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xd01fef10, 0xa657842c), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x9b10a4e5, 0xe9913129), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xe7109bfb, 0xa19c0c9d), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xac2820d9, 0x623bf429), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x80444b5e, 0x7aa7cf85), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xbf21e440, 0x03acdd2d), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x8e679c2f, 0x5e44ff8f), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xd433179d, 0x9c8cb841), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x9e19db92, 0xb4e31ba9), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xeb96bf6e, 0xbadf77d9), + RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xaf87023b, 0x9bf0ee6b) + }; + static const int16_t kCachedPowers_E[] = { + -1220, -1193, -1166, -1140, -1113, -1087, -1060, -1034, -1007, -980, + -954, -927, -901, -874, -847, -821, -794, -768, -741, -715, + -688, -661, -635, -608, -582, -555, -529, -502, -475, -449, + -422, -396, -369, -343, -316, -289, -263, -236, -210, -183, + -157, -130, -103, -77, -50, -24, 3, 30, 56, 83, + 109, 136, 162, 189, 216, 242, 269, 295, 322, 348, + 375, 402, 428, 455, 481, 508, 534, 561, 588, 614, + 641, 667, 694, 720, 747, 774, 800, 827, 853, 880, + 907, 933, 960, 986, 1013, 1039, 1066 + }; + return DiyFp(kCachedPowers_F[index], kCachedPowers_E[index]); +} + +inline DiyFp GetCachedPower(int e, int* K) { + + //int k = static_cast(ceil((-61 - e) * 0.30102999566398114)) + 374; + double dk = (-61 - e) * 0.30102999566398114 + 347; // dk must be positive, so can do ceiling in positive + int k = static_cast(dk); + if (dk - k > 0.0) + k++; + + unsigned index = static_cast((k >> 3) + 1); + *K = -(-348 + static_cast(index << 3)); // decimal exponent no need lookup table + + return GetCachedPowerByIndex(index); +} + +inline DiyFp GetCachedPower10(int exp, int *outExp) { + unsigned index = (static_cast(exp) + 348u) / 8u; + *outExp = -348 + static_cast(index) * 8; + return GetCachedPowerByIndex(index); + } + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(padded) +#endif + +} // namespace internal +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_DIYFP_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/internal/dtoa.h b/rapidjson/internal/dtoa.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8d6350e --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/internal/dtoa.h @@ -0,0 +1,245 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +// This is a C++ header-only implementation of Grisu2 algorithm from the publication: +// Loitsch, Florian. "Printing floating-point numbers quickly and accurately with +// integers." ACM Sigplan Notices 45.6 (2010): 233-243. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_DTOA_ +#define RAPIDJSON_DTOA_ + +#include "itoa.h" // GetDigitsLut() +#include "diyfp.h" +#include "ieee754.h" + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +namespace internal { + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(effc++) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(array-bounds) // some gcc versions generate wrong warnings +#endif + +inline void GrisuRound(char* buffer, int len, uint64_t delta, uint64_t rest, uint64_t ten_kappa, uint64_t wp_w) { + while (rest < wp_w && delta - rest >= ten_kappa && + (rest + ten_kappa < wp_w || /// closer + wp_w - rest > rest + ten_kappa - wp_w)) { + buffer[len - 1]--; + rest += ten_kappa; + } +} + +inline unsigned CountDecimalDigit32(uint32_t n) { + // Simple pure C++ implementation was faster than __builtin_clz version in this situation. + if (n < 10) return 1; + if (n < 100) return 2; + if (n < 1000) return 3; + if (n < 10000) return 4; + if (n < 100000) return 5; + if (n < 1000000) return 6; + if (n < 10000000) return 7; + if (n < 100000000) return 8; + // Will not reach 10 digits in DigitGen() + //if (n < 1000000000) return 9; + //return 10; + return 9; +} + +inline void DigitGen(const DiyFp& W, const DiyFp& Mp, uint64_t delta, char* buffer, int* len, int* K) { + static const uint32_t kPow10[] = { 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000 }; + const DiyFp one(uint64_t(1) << -Mp.e, Mp.e); + const DiyFp wp_w = Mp - W; + uint32_t p1 = static_cast(Mp.f >> -one.e); + uint64_t p2 = Mp.f & (one.f - 1); + unsigned kappa = CountDecimalDigit32(p1); // kappa in [0, 9] + *len = 0; + + while (kappa > 0) { + uint32_t d = 0; + switch (kappa) { + case 9: d = p1 / 100000000; p1 %= 100000000; break; + case 8: d = p1 / 10000000; p1 %= 10000000; break; + case 7: d = p1 / 1000000; p1 %= 1000000; break; + case 6: d = p1 / 100000; p1 %= 100000; break; + case 5: d = p1 / 10000; p1 %= 10000; break; + case 4: d = p1 / 1000; p1 %= 1000; break; + case 3: d = p1 / 100; p1 %= 100; break; + case 2: d = p1 / 10; p1 %= 10; break; + case 1: d = p1; p1 = 0; break; + default:; + } + if (d || *len) + buffer[(*len)++] = static_cast('0' + static_cast(d)); + kappa--; + uint64_t tmp = (static_cast(p1) << -one.e) + p2; + if (tmp <= delta) { + *K += kappa; + GrisuRound(buffer, *len, delta, tmp, static_cast(kPow10[kappa]) << -one.e, wp_w.f); + return; + } + } + + // kappa = 0 + for (;;) { + p2 *= 10; + delta *= 10; + char d = static_cast(p2 >> -one.e); + if (d || *len) + buffer[(*len)++] = static_cast('0' + d); + p2 &= one.f - 1; + kappa--; + if (p2 < delta) { + *K += kappa; + int index = -static_cast(kappa); + GrisuRound(buffer, *len, delta, p2, one.f, wp_w.f * (index < 9 ? kPow10[-static_cast(kappa)] : 0)); + return; + } + } +} + +inline void Grisu2(double value, char* buffer, int* length, int* K) { + const DiyFp v(value); + DiyFp w_m, w_p; + v.NormalizedBoundaries(&w_m, &w_p); + + const DiyFp c_mk = GetCachedPower(w_p.e, K); + const DiyFp W = v.Normalize() * c_mk; + DiyFp Wp = w_p * c_mk; + DiyFp Wm = w_m * c_mk; + Wm.f++; + Wp.f--; + DigitGen(W, Wp, Wp.f - Wm.f, buffer, length, K); +} + +inline char* WriteExponent(int K, char* buffer) { + if (K < 0) { + *buffer++ = '-'; + K = -K; + } + + if (K >= 100) { + *buffer++ = static_cast('0' + static_cast(K / 100)); + K %= 100; + const char* d = GetDigitsLut() + K * 2; + *buffer++ = d[0]; + *buffer++ = d[1]; + } + else if (K >= 10) { + const char* d = GetDigitsLut() + K * 2; + *buffer++ = d[0]; + *buffer++ = d[1]; + } + else + *buffer++ = static_cast('0' + static_cast(K)); + + return buffer; +} + +inline char* Prettify(char* buffer, int length, int k, int maxDecimalPlaces) { + const int kk = length + k; // 10^(kk-1) <= v < 10^kk + + if (0 <= k && kk <= 21) { + // 1234e7 -> 12340000000 + for (int i = length; i < kk; i++) + buffer[i] = '0'; + buffer[kk] = '.'; + buffer[kk + 1] = '0'; + return &buffer[kk + 2]; + } + else if (0 < kk && kk <= 21) { + // 1234e-2 -> 12.34 + std::memmove(&buffer[kk + 1], &buffer[kk], static_cast(length - kk)); + buffer[kk] = '.'; + if (0 > k + maxDecimalPlaces) { + // When maxDecimalPlaces = 2, 1.2345 -> 1.23, 1.102 -> 1.1 + // Remove extra trailing zeros (at least one) after truncation. + for (int i = kk + maxDecimalPlaces; i > kk + 1; i--) + if (buffer[i] != '0') + return &buffer[i + 1]; + return &buffer[kk + 2]; // Reserve one zero + } + else + return &buffer[length + 1]; + } + else if (-6 < kk && kk <= 0) { + // 1234e-6 -> 0.001234 + const int offset = 2 - kk; + std::memmove(&buffer[offset], &buffer[0], static_cast(length)); + buffer[0] = '0'; + buffer[1] = '.'; + for (int i = 2; i < offset; i++) + buffer[i] = '0'; + if (length - kk > maxDecimalPlaces) { + // When maxDecimalPlaces = 2, 0.123 -> 0.12, 0.102 -> 0.1 + // Remove extra trailing zeros (at least one) after truncation. + for (int i = maxDecimalPlaces + 1; i > 2; i--) + if (buffer[i] != '0') + return &buffer[i + 1]; + return &buffer[3]; // Reserve one zero + } + else + return &buffer[length + offset]; + } + else if (kk < -maxDecimalPlaces) { + // Truncate to zero + buffer[0] = '0'; + buffer[1] = '.'; + buffer[2] = '0'; + return &buffer[3]; + } + else if (length == 1) { + // 1e30 + buffer[1] = 'e'; + return WriteExponent(kk - 1, &buffer[2]); + } + else { + // 1234e30 -> 1.234e33 + std::memmove(&buffer[2], &buffer[1], static_cast(length - 1)); + buffer[1] = '.'; + buffer[length + 1] = 'e'; + return WriteExponent(kk - 1, &buffer[0 + length + 2]); + } +} + +inline char* dtoa(double value, char* buffer, int maxDecimalPlaces = 324) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(maxDecimalPlaces >= 1); + Double d(value); + if (d.IsZero()) { + if (d.Sign()) + *buffer++ = '-'; // -0.0, Issue #289 + buffer[0] = '0'; + buffer[1] = '.'; + buffer[2] = '0'; + return &buffer[3]; + } + else { + if (value < 0) { + *buffer++ = '-'; + value = -value; + } + int length, K; + Grisu2(value, buffer, &length, &K); + return Prettify(buffer, length, K, maxDecimalPlaces); + } +} + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +} // namespace internal +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_DTOA_ diff --git a/rapidjson/internal/ieee754.h b/rapidjson/internal/ieee754.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82bb0b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/internal/ieee754.h @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_IEEE754_ +#define RAPIDJSON_IEEE754_ + +#include "../rapidjson.h" + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +namespace internal { + +class Double { +public: + Double() {} + Double(double d) : d_(d) {} + Double(uint64_t u) : u_(u) {} + + double Value() const { return d_; } + uint64_t Uint64Value() const { return u_; } + + double NextPositiveDouble() const { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(!Sign()); + return Double(u_ + 1).Value(); + } + + bool Sign() const { return (u_ & kSignMask) != 0; } + uint64_t Significand() const { return u_ & kSignificandMask; } + int Exponent() const { return static_cast(((u_ & kExponentMask) >> kSignificandSize) - kExponentBias); } + + bool IsNan() const { return (u_ & kExponentMask) == kExponentMask && Significand() != 0; } + bool IsInf() const { return (u_ & kExponentMask) == kExponentMask && Significand() == 0; } + bool IsNanOrInf() const { return (u_ & kExponentMask) == kExponentMask; } + bool IsNormal() const { return (u_ & kExponentMask) != 0 || Significand() == 0; } + bool IsZero() const { return (u_ & (kExponentMask | kSignificandMask)) == 0; } + + uint64_t IntegerSignificand() const { return IsNormal() ? Significand() | kHiddenBit : Significand(); } + int IntegerExponent() const { return (IsNormal() ? Exponent() : kDenormalExponent) - kSignificandSize; } + uint64_t ToBias() const { return (u_ & kSignMask) ? ~u_ + 1 : u_ | kSignMask; } + + static unsigned EffectiveSignificandSize(int order) { + if (order >= -1021) + return 53; + else if (order <= -1074) + return 0; + else + return static_cast(order) + 1074; + } + +private: + static const int kSignificandSize = 52; + static const int kExponentBias = 0x3FF; + static const int kDenormalExponent = 1 - kExponentBias; + static const uint64_t kSignMask = RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x80000000, 0x00000000); + static const uint64_t kExponentMask = RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x7FF00000, 0x00000000); + static const uint64_t kSignificandMask = RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x000FFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF); + static const uint64_t kHiddenBit = RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x00100000, 0x00000000); + + union { + double d_; + uint64_t u_; + }; +}; + +} // namespace internal +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_IEEE754_ diff --git a/rapidjson/internal/itoa.h b/rapidjson/internal/itoa.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01a4e7e --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/internal/itoa.h @@ -0,0 +1,304 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_ITOA_ +#define RAPIDJSON_ITOA_ + +#include "../rapidjson.h" + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +namespace internal { + +inline const char* GetDigitsLut() { + static const char cDigitsLut[200] = { + '0','0','0','1','0','2','0','3','0','4','0','5','0','6','0','7','0','8','0','9', + '1','0','1','1','1','2','1','3','1','4','1','5','1','6','1','7','1','8','1','9', + '2','0','2','1','2','2','2','3','2','4','2','5','2','6','2','7','2','8','2','9', + '3','0','3','1','3','2','3','3','3','4','3','5','3','6','3','7','3','8','3','9', + '4','0','4','1','4','2','4','3','4','4','4','5','4','6','4','7','4','8','4','9', + '5','0','5','1','5','2','5','3','5','4','5','5','5','6','5','7','5','8','5','9', + '6','0','6','1','6','2','6','3','6','4','6','5','6','6','6','7','6','8','6','9', + '7','0','7','1','7','2','7','3','7','4','7','5','7','6','7','7','7','8','7','9', + '8','0','8','1','8','2','8','3','8','4','8','5','8','6','8','7','8','8','8','9', + '9','0','9','1','9','2','9','3','9','4','9','5','9','6','9','7','9','8','9','9' + }; + return cDigitsLut; +} + +inline char* u32toa(uint32_t value, char* buffer) { + const char* cDigitsLut = GetDigitsLut(); + + if (value < 10000) { + const uint32_t d1 = (value / 100) << 1; + const uint32_t d2 = (value % 100) << 1; + + if (value >= 1000) + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1]; + if (value >= 100) + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1 + 1]; + if (value >= 10) + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2 + 1]; + } + else if (value < 100000000) { + // value = bbbbcccc + const uint32_t b = value / 10000; + const uint32_t c = value % 10000; + + const uint32_t d1 = (b / 100) << 1; + const uint32_t d2 = (b % 100) << 1; + + const uint32_t d3 = (c / 100) << 1; + const uint32_t d4 = (c % 100) << 1; + + if (value >= 10000000) + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1]; + if (value >= 1000000) + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1 + 1]; + if (value >= 100000) + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2 + 1]; + + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d3]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d3 + 1]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d4]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d4 + 1]; + } + else { + // value = aabbbbcccc in decimal + + const uint32_t a = value / 100000000; // 1 to 42 + value %= 100000000; + + if (a >= 10) { + const unsigned i = a << 1; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[i]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[i + 1]; + } + else + *buffer++ = static_cast('0' + static_cast(a)); + + const uint32_t b = value / 10000; // 0 to 9999 + const uint32_t c = value % 10000; // 0 to 9999 + + const uint32_t d1 = (b / 100) << 1; + const uint32_t d2 = (b % 100) << 1; + + const uint32_t d3 = (c / 100) << 1; + const uint32_t d4 = (c % 100) << 1; + + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1 + 1]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2 + 1]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d3]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d3 + 1]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d4]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d4 + 1]; + } + return buffer; +} + +inline char* i32toa(int32_t value, char* buffer) { + uint32_t u = static_cast(value); + if (value < 0) { + *buffer++ = '-'; + u = ~u + 1; + } + + return u32toa(u, buffer); +} + +inline char* u64toa(uint64_t value, char* buffer) { + const char* cDigitsLut = GetDigitsLut(); + const uint64_t kTen8 = 100000000; + const uint64_t kTen9 = kTen8 * 10; + const uint64_t kTen10 = kTen8 * 100; + const uint64_t kTen11 = kTen8 * 1000; + const uint64_t kTen12 = kTen8 * 10000; + const uint64_t kTen13 = kTen8 * 100000; + const uint64_t kTen14 = kTen8 * 1000000; + const uint64_t kTen15 = kTen8 * 10000000; + const uint64_t kTen16 = kTen8 * kTen8; + + if (value < kTen8) { + uint32_t v = static_cast(value); + if (v < 10000) { + const uint32_t d1 = (v / 100) << 1; + const uint32_t d2 = (v % 100) << 1; + + if (v >= 1000) + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1]; + if (v >= 100) + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1 + 1]; + if (v >= 10) + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2 + 1]; + } + else { + // value = bbbbcccc + const uint32_t b = v / 10000; + const uint32_t c = v % 10000; + + const uint32_t d1 = (b / 100) << 1; + const uint32_t d2 = (b % 100) << 1; + + const uint32_t d3 = (c / 100) << 1; + const uint32_t d4 = (c % 100) << 1; + + if (value >= 10000000) + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1]; + if (value >= 1000000) + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1 + 1]; + if (value >= 100000) + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2 + 1]; + + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d3]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d3 + 1]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d4]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d4 + 1]; + } + } + else if (value < kTen16) { + const uint32_t v0 = static_cast(value / kTen8); + const uint32_t v1 = static_cast(value % kTen8); + + const uint32_t b0 = v0 / 10000; + const uint32_t c0 = v0 % 10000; + + const uint32_t d1 = (b0 / 100) << 1; + const uint32_t d2 = (b0 % 100) << 1; + + const uint32_t d3 = (c0 / 100) << 1; + const uint32_t d4 = (c0 % 100) << 1; + + const uint32_t b1 = v1 / 10000; + const uint32_t c1 = v1 % 10000; + + const uint32_t d5 = (b1 / 100) << 1; + const uint32_t d6 = (b1 % 100) << 1; + + const uint32_t d7 = (c1 / 100) << 1; + const uint32_t d8 = (c1 % 100) << 1; + + if (value >= kTen15) + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1]; + if (value >= kTen14) + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1 + 1]; + if (value >= kTen13) + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2]; + if (value >= kTen12) + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2 + 1]; + if (value >= kTen11) + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d3]; + if (value >= kTen10) + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d3 + 1]; + if (value >= kTen9) + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d4]; + if (value >= kTen8) + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d4 + 1]; + + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d5]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d5 + 1]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d6]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d6 + 1]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d7]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d7 + 1]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d8]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d8 + 1]; + } + else { + const uint32_t a = static_cast(value / kTen16); // 1 to 1844 + value %= kTen16; + + if (a < 10) + *buffer++ = static_cast('0' + static_cast(a)); + else if (a < 100) { + const uint32_t i = a << 1; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[i]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[i + 1]; + } + else if (a < 1000) { + *buffer++ = static_cast('0' + static_cast(a / 100)); + + const uint32_t i = (a % 100) << 1; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[i]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[i + 1]; + } + else { + const uint32_t i = (a / 100) << 1; + const uint32_t j = (a % 100) << 1; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[i]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[i + 1]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[j]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[j + 1]; + } + + const uint32_t v0 = static_cast(value / kTen8); + const uint32_t v1 = static_cast(value % kTen8); + + const uint32_t b0 = v0 / 10000; + const uint32_t c0 = v0 % 10000; + + const uint32_t d1 = (b0 / 100) << 1; + const uint32_t d2 = (b0 % 100) << 1; + + const uint32_t d3 = (c0 / 100) << 1; + const uint32_t d4 = (c0 % 100) << 1; + + const uint32_t b1 = v1 / 10000; + const uint32_t c1 = v1 % 10000; + + const uint32_t d5 = (b1 / 100) << 1; + const uint32_t d6 = (b1 % 100) << 1; + + const uint32_t d7 = (c1 / 100) << 1; + const uint32_t d8 = (c1 % 100) << 1; + + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1 + 1]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2 + 1]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d3]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d3 + 1]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d4]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d4 + 1]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d5]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d5 + 1]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d6]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d6 + 1]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d7]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d7 + 1]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d8]; + *buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d8 + 1]; + } + + return buffer; +} + +inline char* i64toa(int64_t value, char* buffer) { + uint64_t u = static_cast(value); + if (value < 0) { + *buffer++ = '-'; + u = ~u + 1; + } + + return u64toa(u, buffer); +} + +} // namespace internal +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_ITOA_ diff --git a/rapidjson/internal/meta.h b/rapidjson/internal/meta.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a9aaa4 --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/internal/meta.h @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_INTERNAL_META_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_INTERNAL_META_H_ + +#include "../rapidjson.h" + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(effc++) +#endif +#if defined(_MSC_VER) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(6334) +#endif + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_TYPETRAITS +#include +#endif + +//@cond RAPIDJSON_INTERNAL +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +namespace internal { + +// Helper to wrap/convert arbitrary types to void, useful for arbitrary type matching +template struct Void { typedef void Type; }; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// BoolType, TrueType, FalseType +// +template struct BoolType { + static const bool Value = Cond; + typedef BoolType Type; +}; +typedef BoolType TrueType; +typedef BoolType FalseType; + + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// SelectIf, BoolExpr, NotExpr, AndExpr, OrExpr +// + +template struct SelectIfImpl { template struct Apply { typedef T1 Type; }; }; +template <> struct SelectIfImpl { template struct Apply { typedef T2 Type; }; }; +template struct SelectIfCond : SelectIfImpl::template Apply {}; +template struct SelectIf : SelectIfCond {}; + +template struct AndExprCond : FalseType {}; +template <> struct AndExprCond : TrueType {}; +template struct OrExprCond : TrueType {}; +template <> struct OrExprCond : FalseType {}; + +template struct BoolExpr : SelectIf::Type {}; +template struct NotExpr : SelectIf::Type {}; +template struct AndExpr : AndExprCond::Type {}; +template struct OrExpr : OrExprCond::Type {}; + + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// AddConst, MaybeAddConst, RemoveConst +template struct AddConst { typedef const T Type; }; +template struct MaybeAddConst : SelectIfCond {}; +template struct RemoveConst { typedef T Type; }; +template struct RemoveConst { typedef T Type; }; + + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// IsSame, IsConst, IsMoreConst, IsPointer +// +template struct IsSame : FalseType {}; +template struct IsSame : TrueType {}; + +template struct IsConst : FalseType {}; +template struct IsConst : TrueType {}; + +template +struct IsMoreConst + : AndExpr::Type, typename RemoveConst::Type>, + BoolType::Value >= IsConst::Value> >::Type {}; + +template struct IsPointer : FalseType {}; +template struct IsPointer : TrueType {}; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// IsBaseOf +// +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_TYPETRAITS + +template struct IsBaseOf + : BoolType< ::std::is_base_of::value> {}; + +#else // simplified version adopted from Boost + +template struct IsBaseOfImpl { + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(B) != 0); + RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(D) != 0); + + typedef char (&Yes)[1]; + typedef char (&No) [2]; + + template + static Yes Check(const D*, T); + static No Check(const B*, int); + + struct Host { + operator const B*() const; + operator const D*(); + }; + + enum { Value = (sizeof(Check(Host(), 0)) == sizeof(Yes)) }; +}; + +template struct IsBaseOf + : OrExpr, BoolExpr > >::Type {}; + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_TYPETRAITS + + +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// EnableIf / DisableIf +// +template struct EnableIfCond { typedef T Type; }; +template struct EnableIfCond { /* empty */ }; + +template struct DisableIfCond { typedef T Type; }; +template struct DisableIfCond { /* empty */ }; + +template +struct EnableIf : EnableIfCond {}; + +template +struct DisableIf : DisableIfCond {}; + +// SFINAE helpers +struct SfinaeTag {}; +template struct RemoveSfinaeTag; +template struct RemoveSfinaeTag { typedef T Type; }; + +#define RAPIDJSON_REMOVEFPTR_(type) \ + typename ::RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::internal::RemoveSfinaeTag \ + < ::RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::internal::SfinaeTag&(*) type>::Type + +#define RAPIDJSON_ENABLEIF(cond) \ + typename ::RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::internal::EnableIf \ + ::Type * = NULL + +#define RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF(cond) \ + typename ::RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::internal::DisableIf \ + ::Type * = NULL + +#define RAPIDJSON_ENABLEIF_RETURN(cond,returntype) \ + typename ::RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::internal::EnableIf \ + ::Type + +#define RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN(cond,returntype) \ + typename ::RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::internal::DisableIf \ + ::Type + +} // namespace internal +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END +//@endcond + +#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_MSC_VER) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_INTERNAL_META_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/internal/pow10.h b/rapidjson/internal/pow10.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..02f475d --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/internal/pow10.h @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_POW10_ +#define RAPIDJSON_POW10_ + +#include "../rapidjson.h" + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +namespace internal { + +//! Computes integer powers of 10 in double (10.0^n). +/*! This function uses lookup table for fast and accurate results. + \param n non-negative exponent. Must <= 308. + \return 10.0^n +*/ +inline double Pow10(int n) { + static const double e[] = { // 1e-0...1e308: 309 * 8 bytes = 2472 bytes + 1e+0, + 1e+1, 1e+2, 1e+3, 1e+4, 1e+5, 1e+6, 1e+7, 1e+8, 1e+9, 1e+10, 1e+11, 1e+12, 1e+13, 1e+14, 1e+15, 1e+16, 1e+17, 1e+18, 1e+19, 1e+20, + 1e+21, 1e+22, 1e+23, 1e+24, 1e+25, 1e+26, 1e+27, 1e+28, 1e+29, 1e+30, 1e+31, 1e+32, 1e+33, 1e+34, 1e+35, 1e+36, 1e+37, 1e+38, 1e+39, 1e+40, + 1e+41, 1e+42, 1e+43, 1e+44, 1e+45, 1e+46, 1e+47, 1e+48, 1e+49, 1e+50, 1e+51, 1e+52, 1e+53, 1e+54, 1e+55, 1e+56, 1e+57, 1e+58, 1e+59, 1e+60, + 1e+61, 1e+62, 1e+63, 1e+64, 1e+65, 1e+66, 1e+67, 1e+68, 1e+69, 1e+70, 1e+71, 1e+72, 1e+73, 1e+74, 1e+75, 1e+76, 1e+77, 1e+78, 1e+79, 1e+80, + 1e+81, 1e+82, 1e+83, 1e+84, 1e+85, 1e+86, 1e+87, 1e+88, 1e+89, 1e+90, 1e+91, 1e+92, 1e+93, 1e+94, 1e+95, 1e+96, 1e+97, 1e+98, 1e+99, 1e+100, + 1e+101,1e+102,1e+103,1e+104,1e+105,1e+106,1e+107,1e+108,1e+109,1e+110,1e+111,1e+112,1e+113,1e+114,1e+115,1e+116,1e+117,1e+118,1e+119,1e+120, + 1e+121,1e+122,1e+123,1e+124,1e+125,1e+126,1e+127,1e+128,1e+129,1e+130,1e+131,1e+132,1e+133,1e+134,1e+135,1e+136,1e+137,1e+138,1e+139,1e+140, + 1e+141,1e+142,1e+143,1e+144,1e+145,1e+146,1e+147,1e+148,1e+149,1e+150,1e+151,1e+152,1e+153,1e+154,1e+155,1e+156,1e+157,1e+158,1e+159,1e+160, + 1e+161,1e+162,1e+163,1e+164,1e+165,1e+166,1e+167,1e+168,1e+169,1e+170,1e+171,1e+172,1e+173,1e+174,1e+175,1e+176,1e+177,1e+178,1e+179,1e+180, + 1e+181,1e+182,1e+183,1e+184,1e+185,1e+186,1e+187,1e+188,1e+189,1e+190,1e+191,1e+192,1e+193,1e+194,1e+195,1e+196,1e+197,1e+198,1e+199,1e+200, + 1e+201,1e+202,1e+203,1e+204,1e+205,1e+206,1e+207,1e+208,1e+209,1e+210,1e+211,1e+212,1e+213,1e+214,1e+215,1e+216,1e+217,1e+218,1e+219,1e+220, + 1e+221,1e+222,1e+223,1e+224,1e+225,1e+226,1e+227,1e+228,1e+229,1e+230,1e+231,1e+232,1e+233,1e+234,1e+235,1e+236,1e+237,1e+238,1e+239,1e+240, + 1e+241,1e+242,1e+243,1e+244,1e+245,1e+246,1e+247,1e+248,1e+249,1e+250,1e+251,1e+252,1e+253,1e+254,1e+255,1e+256,1e+257,1e+258,1e+259,1e+260, + 1e+261,1e+262,1e+263,1e+264,1e+265,1e+266,1e+267,1e+268,1e+269,1e+270,1e+271,1e+272,1e+273,1e+274,1e+275,1e+276,1e+277,1e+278,1e+279,1e+280, + 1e+281,1e+282,1e+283,1e+284,1e+285,1e+286,1e+287,1e+288,1e+289,1e+290,1e+291,1e+292,1e+293,1e+294,1e+295,1e+296,1e+297,1e+298,1e+299,1e+300, + 1e+301,1e+302,1e+303,1e+304,1e+305,1e+306,1e+307,1e+308 + }; + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(n >= 0 && n <= 308); + return e[n]; +} + +} // namespace internal +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_POW10_ diff --git a/rapidjson/internal/regex.h b/rapidjson/internal/regex.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8530cd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/internal/regex.h @@ -0,0 +1,731 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_INTERNAL_REGEX_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_INTERNAL_REGEX_H_ + +#include "../allocators.h" +#include "../stream.h" +#include "stack.h" + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(padded) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(switch-enum) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(implicit-fallthrough) +#endif + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(effc++) +#endif + +#ifdef _MSC_VER +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(4512) // assignment operator could not be generated +#endif + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_REGEX_VERBOSE +#define RAPIDJSON_REGEX_VERBOSE 0 +#endif + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +namespace internal { + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// DecodedStream + +template +class DecodedStream { +public: + DecodedStream(SourceStream& ss) : ss_(ss), codepoint_() { Decode(); } + unsigned Peek() { return codepoint_; } + unsigned Take() { + unsigned c = codepoint_; + if (c) // No further decoding when '\0' + Decode(); + return c; + } + +private: + void Decode() { + if (!Encoding::Decode(ss_, &codepoint_)) + codepoint_ = 0; + } + + SourceStream& ss_; + unsigned codepoint_; +}; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GenericRegex + +static const SizeType kRegexInvalidState = ~SizeType(0); //!< Represents an invalid index in GenericRegex::State::out, out1 +static const SizeType kRegexInvalidRange = ~SizeType(0); + +template +class GenericRegexSearch; + +//! Regular expression engine with subset of ECMAscript grammar. +/*! + Supported regular expression syntax: + - \c ab Concatenation + - \c a|b Alternation + - \c a? Zero or one + - \c a* Zero or more + - \c a+ One or more + - \c a{3} Exactly 3 times + - \c a{3,} At least 3 times + - \c a{3,5} 3 to 5 times + - \c (ab) Grouping + - \c ^a At the beginning + - \c a$ At the end + - \c . Any character + - \c [abc] Character classes + - \c [a-c] Character class range + - \c [a-z0-9_] Character class combination + - \c [^abc] Negated character classes + - \c [^a-c] Negated character class range + - \c [\b] Backspace (U+0008) + - \c \\| \\\\ ... Escape characters + - \c \\f Form feed (U+000C) + - \c \\n Line feed (U+000A) + - \c \\r Carriage return (U+000D) + - \c \\t Tab (U+0009) + - \c \\v Vertical tab (U+000B) + + \note This is a Thompson NFA engine, implemented with reference to + Cox, Russ. "Regular Expression Matching Can Be Simple And Fast (but is slow in Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby,...).", + +*/ +template +class GenericRegex { +public: + typedef Encoding EncodingType; + typedef typename Encoding::Ch Ch; + template friend class GenericRegexSearch; + + GenericRegex(const Ch* source, Allocator* allocator = 0) : + states_(allocator, 256), ranges_(allocator, 256), root_(kRegexInvalidState), stateCount_(), rangeCount_(), + anchorBegin_(), anchorEnd_() + { + GenericStringStream ss(source); + DecodedStream, Encoding> ds(ss); + Parse(ds); + } + + ~GenericRegex() {} + + bool IsValid() const { + return root_ != kRegexInvalidState; + } + +private: + enum Operator { + kZeroOrOne, + kZeroOrMore, + kOneOrMore, + kConcatenation, + kAlternation, + kLeftParenthesis + }; + + static const unsigned kAnyCharacterClass = 0xFFFFFFFF; //!< For '.' + static const unsigned kRangeCharacterClass = 0xFFFFFFFE; + static const unsigned kRangeNegationFlag = 0x80000000; + + struct Range { + unsigned start; // + unsigned end; + SizeType next; + }; + + struct State { + SizeType out; //!< Equals to kInvalid for matching state + SizeType out1; //!< Equals to non-kInvalid for split + SizeType rangeStart; + unsigned codepoint; + }; + + struct Frag { + Frag(SizeType s, SizeType o, SizeType m) : start(s), out(o), minIndex(m) {} + SizeType start; + SizeType out; //!< link-list of all output states + SizeType minIndex; + }; + + State& GetState(SizeType index) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(index < stateCount_); + return states_.template Bottom()[index]; + } + + const State& GetState(SizeType index) const { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(index < stateCount_); + return states_.template Bottom()[index]; + } + + Range& GetRange(SizeType index) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(index < rangeCount_); + return ranges_.template Bottom()[index]; + } + + const Range& GetRange(SizeType index) const { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(index < rangeCount_); + return ranges_.template Bottom()[index]; + } + + template + void Parse(DecodedStream& ds) { + Allocator allocator; + Stack operandStack(&allocator, 256); // Frag + Stack operatorStack(&allocator, 256); // Operator + Stack atomCountStack(&allocator, 256); // unsigned (Atom per parenthesis) + + *atomCountStack.template Push() = 0; + + unsigned codepoint; + while (ds.Peek() != 0) { + switch (codepoint = ds.Take()) { + case '^': + anchorBegin_ = true; + break; + + case '$': + anchorEnd_ = true; + break; + + case '|': + while (!operatorStack.Empty() && *operatorStack.template Top() < kAlternation) + if (!Eval(operandStack, *operatorStack.template Pop(1))) + return; + *operatorStack.template Push() = kAlternation; + *atomCountStack.template Top() = 0; + break; + + case '(': + *operatorStack.template Push() = kLeftParenthesis; + *atomCountStack.template Push() = 0; + break; + + case ')': + while (!operatorStack.Empty() && *operatorStack.template Top() != kLeftParenthesis) + if (!Eval(operandStack, *operatorStack.template Pop(1))) + return; + if (operatorStack.Empty()) + return; + operatorStack.template Pop(1); + atomCountStack.template Pop(1); + ImplicitConcatenation(atomCountStack, operatorStack); + break; + + case '?': + if (!Eval(operandStack, kZeroOrOne)) + return; + break; + + case '*': + if (!Eval(operandStack, kZeroOrMore)) + return; + break; + + case '+': + if (!Eval(operandStack, kOneOrMore)) + return; + break; + + case '{': + { + unsigned n, m; + if (!ParseUnsigned(ds, &n)) + return; + + if (ds.Peek() == ',') { + ds.Take(); + if (ds.Peek() == '}') + m = kInfinityQuantifier; + else if (!ParseUnsigned(ds, &m) || m < n) + return; + } + else + m = n; + + if (!EvalQuantifier(operandStack, n, m) || ds.Peek() != '}') + return; + ds.Take(); + } + break; + + case '.': + PushOperand(operandStack, kAnyCharacterClass); + ImplicitConcatenation(atomCountStack, operatorStack); + break; + + case '[': + { + SizeType range; + if (!ParseRange(ds, &range)) + return; + SizeType s = NewState(kRegexInvalidState, kRegexInvalidState, kRangeCharacterClass); + GetState(s).rangeStart = range; + *operandStack.template Push() = Frag(s, s, s); + } + ImplicitConcatenation(atomCountStack, operatorStack); + break; + + case '\\': // Escape character + if (!CharacterEscape(ds, &codepoint)) + return; // Unsupported escape character + // fall through to default + + default: // Pattern character + PushOperand(operandStack, codepoint); + ImplicitConcatenation(atomCountStack, operatorStack); + } + } + + while (!operatorStack.Empty()) + if (!Eval(operandStack, *operatorStack.template Pop(1))) + return; + + // Link the operand to matching state. + if (operandStack.GetSize() == sizeof(Frag)) { + Frag* e = operandStack.template Pop(1); + Patch(e->out, NewState(kRegexInvalidState, kRegexInvalidState, 0)); + root_ = e->start; + +#if RAPIDJSON_REGEX_VERBOSE + printf("root: %d\n", root_); + for (SizeType i = 0; i < stateCount_ ; i++) { + State& s = GetState(i); + printf("[%2d] out: %2d out1: %2d c: '%c'\n", i, s.out, s.out1, (char)s.codepoint); + } + printf("\n"); +#endif + } + } + + SizeType NewState(SizeType out, SizeType out1, unsigned codepoint) { + State* s = states_.template Push(); + s->out = out; + s->out1 = out1; + s->codepoint = codepoint; + s->rangeStart = kRegexInvalidRange; + return stateCount_++; + } + + void PushOperand(Stack& operandStack, unsigned codepoint) { + SizeType s = NewState(kRegexInvalidState, kRegexInvalidState, codepoint); + *operandStack.template Push() = Frag(s, s, s); + } + + void ImplicitConcatenation(Stack& atomCountStack, Stack& operatorStack) { + if (*atomCountStack.template Top()) + *operatorStack.template Push() = kConcatenation; + (*atomCountStack.template Top())++; + } + + SizeType Append(SizeType l1, SizeType l2) { + SizeType old = l1; + while (GetState(l1).out != kRegexInvalidState) + l1 = GetState(l1).out; + GetState(l1).out = l2; + return old; + } + + void Patch(SizeType l, SizeType s) { + for (SizeType next; l != kRegexInvalidState; l = next) { + next = GetState(l).out; + GetState(l).out = s; + } + } + + bool Eval(Stack& operandStack, Operator op) { + switch (op) { + case kConcatenation: + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(operandStack.GetSize() >= sizeof(Frag) * 2); + { + Frag e2 = *operandStack.template Pop(1); + Frag e1 = *operandStack.template Pop(1); + Patch(e1.out, e2.start); + *operandStack.template Push() = Frag(e1.start, e2.out, Min(e1.minIndex, e2.minIndex)); + } + return true; + + case kAlternation: + if (operandStack.GetSize() >= sizeof(Frag) * 2) { + Frag e2 = *operandStack.template Pop(1); + Frag e1 = *operandStack.template Pop(1); + SizeType s = NewState(e1.start, e2.start, 0); + *operandStack.template Push() = Frag(s, Append(e1.out, e2.out), Min(e1.minIndex, e2.minIndex)); + return true; + } + return false; + + case kZeroOrOne: + if (operandStack.GetSize() >= sizeof(Frag)) { + Frag e = *operandStack.template Pop(1); + SizeType s = NewState(kRegexInvalidState, e.start, 0); + *operandStack.template Push() = Frag(s, Append(e.out, s), e.minIndex); + return true; + } + return false; + + case kZeroOrMore: + if (operandStack.GetSize() >= sizeof(Frag)) { + Frag e = *operandStack.template Pop(1); + SizeType s = NewState(kRegexInvalidState, e.start, 0); + Patch(e.out, s); + *operandStack.template Push() = Frag(s, s, e.minIndex); + return true; + } + return false; + + default: + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(op == kOneOrMore); + if (operandStack.GetSize() >= sizeof(Frag)) { + Frag e = *operandStack.template Pop(1); + SizeType s = NewState(kRegexInvalidState, e.start, 0); + Patch(e.out, s); + *operandStack.template Push() = Frag(e.start, s, e.minIndex); + return true; + } + return false; + } + } + + bool EvalQuantifier(Stack& operandStack, unsigned n, unsigned m) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(n <= m); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(operandStack.GetSize() >= sizeof(Frag)); + + if (n == 0) { + if (m == 0) // a{0} not support + return false; + else if (m == kInfinityQuantifier) + Eval(operandStack, kZeroOrMore); // a{0,} -> a* + else { + Eval(operandStack, kZeroOrOne); // a{0,5} -> a? + for (unsigned i = 0; i < m - 1; i++) + CloneTopOperand(operandStack); // a{0,5} -> a? a? a? a? a? + for (unsigned i = 0; i < m - 1; i++) + Eval(operandStack, kConcatenation); // a{0,5} -> a?a?a?a?a? + } + return true; + } + + for (unsigned i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) // a{3} -> a a a + CloneTopOperand(operandStack); + + if (m == kInfinityQuantifier) + Eval(operandStack, kOneOrMore); // a{3,} -> a a a+ + else if (m > n) { + CloneTopOperand(operandStack); // a{3,5} -> a a a a + Eval(operandStack, kZeroOrOne); // a{3,5} -> a a a a? + for (unsigned i = n; i < m - 1; i++) + CloneTopOperand(operandStack); // a{3,5} -> a a a a? a? + for (unsigned i = n; i < m; i++) + Eval(operandStack, kConcatenation); // a{3,5} -> a a aa?a? + } + + for (unsigned i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) + Eval(operandStack, kConcatenation); // a{3} -> aaa, a{3,} -> aaa+, a{3.5} -> aaaa?a? + + return true; + } + + static SizeType Min(SizeType a, SizeType b) { return a < b ? a : b; } + + void CloneTopOperand(Stack& operandStack) { + const Frag src = *operandStack.template Top(); // Copy constructor to prevent invalidation + SizeType count = stateCount_ - src.minIndex; // Assumes top operand contains states in [src->minIndex, stateCount_) + State* s = states_.template Push(count); + memcpy(s, &GetState(src.minIndex), count * sizeof(State)); + for (SizeType j = 0; j < count; j++) { + if (s[j].out != kRegexInvalidState) + s[j].out += count; + if (s[j].out1 != kRegexInvalidState) + s[j].out1 += count; + } + *operandStack.template Push() = Frag(src.start + count, src.out + count, src.minIndex + count); + stateCount_ += count; + } + + template + bool ParseUnsigned(DecodedStream& ds, unsigned* u) { + unsigned r = 0; + if (ds.Peek() < '0' || ds.Peek() > '9') + return false; + while (ds.Peek() >= '0' && ds.Peek() <= '9') { + if (r >= 429496729 && ds.Peek() > '5') // 2^32 - 1 = 4294967295 + return false; // overflow + r = r * 10 + (ds.Take() - '0'); + } + *u = r; + return true; + } + + template + bool ParseRange(DecodedStream& ds, SizeType* range) { + bool isBegin = true; + bool negate = false; + int step = 0; + SizeType start = kRegexInvalidRange; + SizeType current = kRegexInvalidRange; + unsigned codepoint; + while ((codepoint = ds.Take()) != 0) { + if (isBegin) { + isBegin = false; + if (codepoint == '^') { + negate = true; + continue; + } + } + + switch (codepoint) { + case ']': + if (start == kRegexInvalidRange) + return false; // Error: nothing inside [] + if (step == 2) { // Add trailing '-' + SizeType r = NewRange('-'); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(current != kRegexInvalidRange); + GetRange(current).next = r; + } + if (negate) + GetRange(start).start |= kRangeNegationFlag; + *range = start; + return true; + + case '\\': + if (ds.Peek() == 'b') { + ds.Take(); + codepoint = 0x0008; // Escape backspace character + } + else if (!CharacterEscape(ds, &codepoint)) + return false; + // fall through to default + + default: + switch (step) { + case 1: + if (codepoint == '-') { + step++; + break; + } + // fall through to step 0 for other characters + + case 0: + { + SizeType r = NewRange(codepoint); + if (current != kRegexInvalidRange) + GetRange(current).next = r; + if (start == kRegexInvalidRange) + start = r; + current = r; + } + step = 1; + break; + + default: + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(step == 2); + GetRange(current).end = codepoint; + step = 0; + } + } + } + return false; + } + + SizeType NewRange(unsigned codepoint) { + Range* r = ranges_.template Push(); + r->start = r->end = codepoint; + r->next = kRegexInvalidRange; + return rangeCount_++; + } + + template + bool CharacterEscape(DecodedStream& ds, unsigned* escapedCodepoint) { + unsigned codepoint; + switch (codepoint = ds.Take()) { + case '^': + case '$': + case '|': + case '(': + case ')': + case '?': + case '*': + case '+': + case '.': + case '[': + case ']': + case '{': + case '}': + case '\\': + *escapedCodepoint = codepoint; return true; + case 'f': *escapedCodepoint = 0x000C; return true; + case 'n': *escapedCodepoint = 0x000A; return true; + case 'r': *escapedCodepoint = 0x000D; return true; + case 't': *escapedCodepoint = 0x0009; return true; + case 'v': *escapedCodepoint = 0x000B; return true; + default: + return false; // Unsupported escape character + } + } + + Stack states_; + Stack ranges_; + SizeType root_; + SizeType stateCount_; + SizeType rangeCount_; + + static const unsigned kInfinityQuantifier = ~0u; + + // For SearchWithAnchoring() + bool anchorBegin_; + bool anchorEnd_; +}; + +template +class GenericRegexSearch { +public: + typedef typename RegexType::EncodingType Encoding; + typedef typename Encoding::Ch Ch; + + GenericRegexSearch(const RegexType& regex, Allocator* allocator = 0) : + regex_(regex), allocator_(allocator), ownAllocator_(0), + state0_(allocator, 0), state1_(allocator, 0), stateSet_() + { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(regex_.IsValid()); + if (!allocator_) + ownAllocator_ = allocator_ = RAPIDJSON_NEW(Allocator()); + stateSet_ = static_cast(allocator_->Malloc(GetStateSetSize())); + state0_.template Reserve(regex_.stateCount_); + state1_.template Reserve(regex_.stateCount_); + } + + ~GenericRegexSearch() { + Allocator::Free(stateSet_); + RAPIDJSON_DELETE(ownAllocator_); + } + + template + bool Match(InputStream& is) { + return SearchWithAnchoring(is, true, true); + } + + bool Match(const Ch* s) { + GenericStringStream is(s); + return Match(is); + } + + template + bool Search(InputStream& is) { + return SearchWithAnchoring(is, regex_.anchorBegin_, regex_.anchorEnd_); + } + + bool Search(const Ch* s) { + GenericStringStream is(s); + return Search(is); + } + +private: + typedef typename RegexType::State State; + typedef typename RegexType::Range Range; + + template + bool SearchWithAnchoring(InputStream& is, bool anchorBegin, bool anchorEnd) { + DecodedStream ds(is); + + state0_.Clear(); + Stack *current = &state0_, *next = &state1_; + const size_t stateSetSize = GetStateSetSize(); + std::memset(stateSet_, 0, stateSetSize); + + bool matched = AddState(*current, regex_.root_); + unsigned codepoint; + while (!current->Empty() && (codepoint = ds.Take()) != 0) { + std::memset(stateSet_, 0, stateSetSize); + next->Clear(); + matched = false; + for (const SizeType* s = current->template Bottom(); s != current->template End(); ++s) { + const State& sr = regex_.GetState(*s); + if (sr.codepoint == codepoint || + sr.codepoint == RegexType::kAnyCharacterClass || + (sr.codepoint == RegexType::kRangeCharacterClass && MatchRange(sr.rangeStart, codepoint))) + { + matched = AddState(*next, sr.out) || matched; + if (!anchorEnd && matched) + return true; + } + if (!anchorBegin) + AddState(*next, regex_.root_); + } + internal::Swap(current, next); + } + + return matched; + } + + size_t GetStateSetSize() const { + return (regex_.stateCount_ + 31) / 32 * 4; + } + + // Return whether the added states is a match state + bool AddState(Stack& l, SizeType index) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(index != kRegexInvalidState); + + const State& s = regex_.GetState(index); + if (s.out1 != kRegexInvalidState) { // Split + bool matched = AddState(l, s.out); + return AddState(l, s.out1) || matched; + } + else if (!(stateSet_[index >> 5] & (1 << (index & 31)))) { + stateSet_[index >> 5] |= (1 << (index & 31)); + *l.template PushUnsafe() = index; + } + return s.out == kRegexInvalidState; // by using PushUnsafe() above, we can ensure s is not validated due to reallocation. + } + + bool MatchRange(SizeType rangeIndex, unsigned codepoint) const { + bool yes = (regex_.GetRange(rangeIndex).start & RegexType::kRangeNegationFlag) == 0; + while (rangeIndex != kRegexInvalidRange) { + const Range& r = regex_.GetRange(rangeIndex); + if (codepoint >= (r.start & ~RegexType::kRangeNegationFlag) && codepoint <= r.end) + return yes; + rangeIndex =; + } + return !yes; + } + + const RegexType& regex_; + Allocator* allocator_; + Allocator* ownAllocator_; + Stack state0_; + Stack state1_; + uint32_t* stateSet_; +}; + +typedef GenericRegex > Regex; +typedef GenericRegexSearch RegexSearch; + +} // namespace internal +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +#ifdef _MSC_VER +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_INTERNAL_REGEX_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/internal/stack.h b/rapidjson/internal/stack.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..022c9aa --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/internal/stack.h @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_INTERNAL_STACK_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_INTERNAL_STACK_H_ + +#include "../allocators.h" +#include "swap.h" + +#if defined(__clang__) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(c++98-compat) +#endif + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +namespace internal { + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Stack + +//! A type-unsafe stack for storing different types of data. +/*! \tparam Allocator Allocator for allocating stack memory. +*/ +template +class Stack { +public: + // Optimization note: Do not allocate memory for stack_ in constructor. + // Do it lazily when first Push() -> Expand() -> Resize(). + Stack(Allocator* allocator, size_t stackCapacity) : allocator_(allocator), ownAllocator_(0), stack_(0), stackTop_(0), stackEnd_(0), initialCapacity_(stackCapacity) { + } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS + Stack(Stack&& rhs) + : allocator_(rhs.allocator_), + ownAllocator_(rhs.ownAllocator_), + stack_(rhs.stack_), + stackTop_(rhs.stackTop_), + stackEnd_(rhs.stackEnd_), + initialCapacity_(rhs.initialCapacity_) + { + rhs.allocator_ = 0; + rhs.ownAllocator_ = 0; + rhs.stack_ = 0; + rhs.stackTop_ = 0; + rhs.stackEnd_ = 0; + rhs.initialCapacity_ = 0; + } +#endif + + ~Stack() { + Destroy(); + } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS + Stack& operator=(Stack&& rhs) { + if (&rhs != this) + { + Destroy(); + + allocator_ = rhs.allocator_; + ownAllocator_ = rhs.ownAllocator_; + stack_ = rhs.stack_; + stackTop_ = rhs.stackTop_; + stackEnd_ = rhs.stackEnd_; + initialCapacity_ = rhs.initialCapacity_; + + rhs.allocator_ = 0; + rhs.ownAllocator_ = 0; + rhs.stack_ = 0; + rhs.stackTop_ = 0; + rhs.stackEnd_ = 0; + rhs.initialCapacity_ = 0; + } + return *this; + } +#endif + + void Swap(Stack& rhs) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT { + internal::Swap(allocator_, rhs.allocator_); + internal::Swap(ownAllocator_, rhs.ownAllocator_); + internal::Swap(stack_, rhs.stack_); + internal::Swap(stackTop_, rhs.stackTop_); + internal::Swap(stackEnd_, rhs.stackEnd_); + internal::Swap(initialCapacity_, rhs.initialCapacity_); + } + + void Clear() { stackTop_ = stack_; } + + void ShrinkToFit() { + if (Empty()) { + // If the stack is empty, completely deallocate the memory. + Allocator::Free(stack_); + stack_ = 0; + stackTop_ = 0; + stackEnd_ = 0; + } + else + Resize(GetSize()); + } + + // Optimization note: try to minimize the size of this function for force inline. + // Expansion is run very infrequently, so it is moved to another (probably non-inline) function. + template + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE void Reserve(size_t count = 1) { + // Expand the stack if needed + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(stackTop_ + sizeof(T) * count > stackEnd_)) + Expand(count); + } + + template + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE T* Push(size_t count = 1) { + Reserve(count); + return PushUnsafe(count); + } + + template + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE T* PushUnsafe(size_t count = 1) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(stackTop_ + sizeof(T) * count <= stackEnd_); + T* ret = reinterpret_cast(stackTop_); + stackTop_ += sizeof(T) * count; + return ret; + } + + template + T* Pop(size_t count) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(GetSize() >= count * sizeof(T)); + stackTop_ -= count * sizeof(T); + return reinterpret_cast(stackTop_); + } + + template + T* Top() { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(GetSize() >= sizeof(T)); + return reinterpret_cast(stackTop_ - sizeof(T)); + } + + template + const T* Top() const { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(GetSize() >= sizeof(T)); + return reinterpret_cast(stackTop_ - sizeof(T)); + } + + template + T* End() { return reinterpret_cast(stackTop_); } + + template + const T* End() const { return reinterpret_cast(stackTop_); } + + template + T* Bottom() { return reinterpret_cast(stack_); } + + template + const T* Bottom() const { return reinterpret_cast(stack_); } + + bool HasAllocator() const { + return allocator_ != 0; + } + + Allocator& GetAllocator() { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(allocator_); + return *allocator_; + } + + bool Empty() const { return stackTop_ == stack_; } + size_t GetSize() const { return static_cast(stackTop_ - stack_); } + size_t GetCapacity() const { return static_cast(stackEnd_ - stack_); } + +private: + template + void Expand(size_t count) { + // Only expand the capacity if the current stack exists. Otherwise just create a stack with initial capacity. + size_t newCapacity; + if (stack_ == 0) { + if (!allocator_) + ownAllocator_ = allocator_ = RAPIDJSON_NEW(Allocator()); + newCapacity = initialCapacity_; + } else { + newCapacity = GetCapacity(); + newCapacity += (newCapacity + 1) / 2; + } + size_t newSize = GetSize() + sizeof(T) * count; + if (newCapacity < newSize) + newCapacity = newSize; + + Resize(newCapacity); + } + + void Resize(size_t newCapacity) { + const size_t size = GetSize(); // Backup the current size + stack_ = static_cast(allocator_->Realloc(stack_, GetCapacity(), newCapacity)); + stackTop_ = stack_ + size; + stackEnd_ = stack_ + newCapacity; + } + + void Destroy() { + Allocator::Free(stack_); + RAPIDJSON_DELETE(ownAllocator_); // Only delete if it is owned by the stack + } + + // Prohibit copy constructor & assignment operator. + Stack(const Stack&); + Stack& operator=(const Stack&); + + Allocator* allocator_; + Allocator* ownAllocator_; + char *stack_; + char *stackTop_; + char *stackEnd_; + size_t initialCapacity_; +}; + +} // namespace internal +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#if defined(__clang__) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_STACK_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/internal/strfunc.h b/rapidjson/internal/strfunc.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de41d8f --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/internal/strfunc.h @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_INTERNAL_STRFUNC_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_INTERNAL_STRFUNC_H_ + +#include "../stream.h" + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +namespace internal { + +//! Custom strlen() which works on different character types. +/*! \tparam Ch Character type (e.g. char, wchar_t, short) + \param s Null-terminated input string. + \return Number of characters in the string. + \note This has the same semantics as strlen(), the return value is not number of Unicode codepoints. +*/ +template +inline SizeType StrLen(const Ch* s) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(s != 0); + const Ch* p = s; + while (*p) ++p; + return SizeType(p - s); +} + +//! Returns number of code points in a encoded string. +template +bool CountStringCodePoint(const typename Encoding::Ch* s, SizeType length, SizeType* outCount) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(s != 0); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(outCount != 0); + GenericStringStream is(s); + const typename Encoding::Ch* end = s + length; + SizeType count = 0; + while (is.src_ < end) { + unsigned codepoint; + if (!Encoding::Decode(is, &codepoint)) + return false; + count++; + } + *outCount = count; + return true; +} + +} // namespace internal +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_INTERNAL_STRFUNC_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/internal/strtod.h b/rapidjson/internal/strtod.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..289c413 --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/internal/strtod.h @@ -0,0 +1,269 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_STRTOD_ +#define RAPIDJSON_STRTOD_ + +#include "ieee754.h" +#include "biginteger.h" +#include "diyfp.h" +#include "pow10.h" + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +namespace internal { + +inline double FastPath(double significand, int exp) { + if (exp < -308) + return 0.0; + else if (exp >= 0) + return significand * internal::Pow10(exp); + else + return significand / internal::Pow10(-exp); +} + +inline double StrtodNormalPrecision(double d, int p) { + if (p < -308) { + // Prevent expSum < -308, making Pow10(p) = 0 + d = FastPath(d, -308); + d = FastPath(d, p + 308); + } + else + d = FastPath(d, p); + return d; +} + +template +inline T Min3(T a, T b, T c) { + T m = a; + if (m > b) m = b; + if (m > c) m = c; + return m; +} + +inline int CheckWithinHalfULP(double b, const BigInteger& d, int dExp) { + const Double db(b); + const uint64_t bInt = db.IntegerSignificand(); + const int bExp = db.IntegerExponent(); + const int hExp = bExp - 1; + + int dS_Exp2 = 0, dS_Exp5 = 0, bS_Exp2 = 0, bS_Exp5 = 0, hS_Exp2 = 0, hS_Exp5 = 0; + + // Adjust for decimal exponent + if (dExp >= 0) { + dS_Exp2 += dExp; + dS_Exp5 += dExp; + } + else { + bS_Exp2 -= dExp; + bS_Exp5 -= dExp; + hS_Exp2 -= dExp; + hS_Exp5 -= dExp; + } + + // Adjust for binary exponent + if (bExp >= 0) + bS_Exp2 += bExp; + else { + dS_Exp2 -= bExp; + hS_Exp2 -= bExp; + } + + // Adjust for half ulp exponent + if (hExp >= 0) + hS_Exp2 += hExp; + else { + dS_Exp2 -= hExp; + bS_Exp2 -= hExp; + } + + // Remove common power of two factor from all three scaled values + int common_Exp2 = Min3(dS_Exp2, bS_Exp2, hS_Exp2); + dS_Exp2 -= common_Exp2; + bS_Exp2 -= common_Exp2; + hS_Exp2 -= common_Exp2; + + BigInteger dS = d; + dS.MultiplyPow5(static_cast(dS_Exp5)) <<= static_cast(dS_Exp2); + + BigInteger bS(bInt); + bS.MultiplyPow5(static_cast(bS_Exp5)) <<= static_cast(bS_Exp2); + + BigInteger hS(1); + hS.MultiplyPow5(static_cast(hS_Exp5)) <<= static_cast(hS_Exp2); + + BigInteger delta(0); + dS.Difference(bS, &delta); + + return delta.Compare(hS); +} + +inline bool StrtodFast(double d, int p, double* result) { + // Use fast path for string-to-double conversion if possible + // see + if (p > 22 && p < 22 + 16) { + // Fast Path Cases In Disguise + d *= internal::Pow10(p - 22); + p = 22; + } + + if (p >= -22 && p <= 22 && d <= 9007199254740991.0) { // 2^53 - 1 + *result = FastPath(d, p); + return true; + } + else + return false; +} + +// Compute an approximation and see if it is within 1/2 ULP +inline bool StrtodDiyFp(const char* decimals, size_t length, size_t decimalPosition, int exp, double* result) { + uint64_t significand = 0; + size_t i = 0; // 2^64 - 1 = 18446744073709551615, 1844674407370955161 = 0x1999999999999999 + for (; i < length; i++) { + if (significand > RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x19999999, 0x99999999) || + (significand == RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x19999999, 0x99999999) && decimals[i] > '5')) + break; + significand = significand * 10u + static_cast(decimals[i] - '0'); + } + + if (i < length && decimals[i] >= '5') // Rounding + significand++; + + size_t remaining = length - i; + const unsigned kUlpShift = 3; + const unsigned kUlp = 1 << kUlpShift; + int64_t error = (remaining == 0) ? 0 : kUlp / 2; + + DiyFp v(significand, 0); + v = v.Normalize(); + error <<= -v.e; + + const int dExp = static_cast(decimalPosition) - static_cast(i) + exp; + + int actualExp; + DiyFp cachedPower = GetCachedPower10(dExp, &actualExp); + if (actualExp != dExp) { + static const DiyFp kPow10[] = { + DiyFp(RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xa0000000, 00000000), -60), // 10^1 + DiyFp(RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xc8000000, 00000000), -57), // 10^2 + DiyFp(RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xfa000000, 00000000), -54), // 10^3 + DiyFp(RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x9c400000, 00000000), -50), // 10^4 + DiyFp(RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xc3500000, 00000000), -47), // 10^5 + DiyFp(RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xf4240000, 00000000), -44), // 10^6 + DiyFp(RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x98968000, 00000000), -40) // 10^7 + }; + int adjustment = dExp - actualExp - 1; + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(adjustment >= 0 && adjustment < 7); + v = v * kPow10[adjustment]; + if (length + static_cast(adjustment)> 19u) // has more digits than decimal digits in 64-bit + error += kUlp / 2; + } + + v = v * cachedPower; + + error += kUlp + (error == 0 ? 0 : 1); + + const int oldExp = v.e; + v = v.Normalize(); + error <<= oldExp - v.e; + + const unsigned effectiveSignificandSize = Double::EffectiveSignificandSize(64 + v.e); + unsigned precisionSize = 64 - effectiveSignificandSize; + if (precisionSize + kUlpShift >= 64) { + unsigned scaleExp = (precisionSize + kUlpShift) - 63; + v.f >>= scaleExp; + v.e += scaleExp; + error = (error >> scaleExp) + 1 + static_cast(kUlp); + precisionSize -= scaleExp; + } + + DiyFp rounded(v.f >> precisionSize, v.e + static_cast(precisionSize)); + const uint64_t precisionBits = (v.f & ((uint64_t(1) << precisionSize) - 1)) * kUlp; + const uint64_t halfWay = (uint64_t(1) << (precisionSize - 1)) * kUlp; + if (precisionBits >= halfWay + static_cast(error)) { + rounded.f++; + if (rounded.f & (DiyFp::kDpHiddenBit << 1)) { // rounding overflows mantissa (issue #340) + rounded.f >>= 1; + rounded.e++; + } + } + + *result = rounded.ToDouble(); + + return halfWay - static_cast(error) >= precisionBits || precisionBits >= halfWay + static_cast(error); +} + +inline double StrtodBigInteger(double approx, const char* decimals, size_t length, size_t decimalPosition, int exp) { + const BigInteger dInt(decimals, length); + const int dExp = static_cast(decimalPosition) - static_cast(length) + exp; + Double a(approx); + int cmp = CheckWithinHalfULP(a.Value(), dInt, dExp); + if (cmp < 0) + return a.Value(); // within half ULP + else if (cmp == 0) { + // Round towards even + if (a.Significand() & 1) + return a.NextPositiveDouble(); + else + return a.Value(); + } + else // adjustment + return a.NextPositiveDouble(); +} + +inline double StrtodFullPrecision(double d, int p, const char* decimals, size_t length, size_t decimalPosition, int exp) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(d >= 0.0); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(length >= 1); + + double result; + if (StrtodFast(d, p, &result)) + return result; + + // Trim leading zeros + while (*decimals == '0' && length > 1) { + length--; + decimals++; + decimalPosition--; + } + + // Trim trailing zeros + while (decimals[length - 1] == '0' && length > 1) { + length--; + decimalPosition--; + exp++; + } + + // Trim right-most digits + const int kMaxDecimalDigit = 780; + if (static_cast(length) > kMaxDecimalDigit) { + int delta = (static_cast(length) - kMaxDecimalDigit); + exp += delta; + decimalPosition -= static_cast(delta); + length = kMaxDecimalDigit; + } + + // If too small, underflow to zero + if (int(length) + exp < -324) + return 0.0; + + if (StrtodDiyFp(decimals, length, decimalPosition, exp, &result)) + return result; + + // Use approximation from StrtodDiyFp and make adjustment with BigInteger comparison + return StrtodBigInteger(result, decimals, length, decimalPosition, exp); +} + +} // namespace internal +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_STRTOD_ diff --git a/rapidjson/internal/swap.h b/rapidjson/internal/swap.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..666e49f --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/internal/swap.h @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_INTERNAL_SWAP_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_INTERNAL_SWAP_H_ + +#include "../rapidjson.h" + +#if defined(__clang__) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(c++98-compat) +#endif + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +namespace internal { + +//! Custom swap() to avoid dependency on C++ header +/*! \tparam T Type of the arguments to swap, should be instantiated with primitive C++ types only. + \note This has the same semantics as std::swap(). +*/ +template +inline void Swap(T& a, T& b) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT { + T tmp = a; + a = b; + b = tmp; +} + +} // namespace internal +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#if defined(__clang__) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_INTERNAL_SWAP_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/istreamwrapper.h b/rapidjson/istreamwrapper.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f5fe289 --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/istreamwrapper.h @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_ISTREAMWRAPPER_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_ISTREAMWRAPPER_H_ + +#include "stream.h" +#include + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(padded) +#endif + +#ifdef _MSC_VER +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(4351) // new behavior: elements of array 'array' will be default initialized +#endif + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + +//! Wrapper of \c std::basic_istream into RapidJSON's Stream concept. +/*! + The classes can be wrapped including but not limited to: + + - \c std::istringstream + - \c std::stringstream + - \c std::wistringstream + - \c std::wstringstream + - \c std::ifstream + - \c std::fstream + - \c std::wifstream + - \c std::wfstream + + \tparam StreamType Class derived from \c std::basic_istream. +*/ + +template +class BasicIStreamWrapper { +public: + typedef typename StreamType::char_type Ch; + BasicIStreamWrapper(StreamType& stream) : stream_(stream), count_(), peekBuffer_() {} + + Ch Peek() const { + typename StreamType::int_type c = stream_.peek(); + return RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(c != StreamType::traits_type::eof()) ? static_cast(c) : '\0'; + } + + Ch Take() { + typename StreamType::int_type c = stream_.get(); + if (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(c != StreamType::traits_type::eof())) { + count_++; + return static_cast(c); + } + else + return '\0'; + } + + // tellg() may return -1 when failed. So we count by ourself. + size_t Tell() const { return count_; } + + Ch* PutBegin() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + void Put(Ch) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); } + void Flush() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); } + size_t PutEnd(Ch*) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + + // For encoding detection only. + const Ch* Peek4() const { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(sizeof(Ch) == 1); // Only usable for byte stream. + int i; + bool hasError = false; + for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { + typename StreamType::int_type c = stream_.get(); + if (c == StreamType::traits_type::eof()) { + hasError = true; + stream_.clear(); + break; + } + peekBuffer_[i] = static_cast(c); + } + for (--i; i >= 0; --i) + stream_.putback(peekBuffer_[i]); + return !hasError ? peekBuffer_ : 0; + } + +private: + BasicIStreamWrapper(const BasicIStreamWrapper&); + BasicIStreamWrapper& operator=(const BasicIStreamWrapper&); + + StreamType& stream_; + size_t count_; //!< Number of characters read. Note: + mutable Ch peekBuffer_[4]; +}; + +typedef BasicIStreamWrapper IStreamWrapper; +typedef BasicIStreamWrapper WIStreamWrapper; + +#if defined(__clang__) || defined(_MSC_VER) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_ISTREAMWRAPPER_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/memorybuffer.h b/rapidjson/memorybuffer.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..39bee1d --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/memorybuffer.h @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_MEMORYBUFFER_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_MEMORYBUFFER_H_ + +#include "stream.h" +#include "internal/stack.h" + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + +//! Represents an in-memory output byte stream. +/*! + This class is mainly for being wrapped by EncodedOutputStream or AutoUTFOutputStream. + + It is similar to FileWriteBuffer but the destination is an in-memory buffer instead of a file. + + Differences between MemoryBuffer and StringBuffer: + 1. StringBuffer has Encoding but MemoryBuffer is only a byte buffer. + 2. StringBuffer::GetString() returns a null-terminated string. MemoryBuffer::GetBuffer() returns a buffer without terminator. + + \tparam Allocator type for allocating memory buffer. + \note implements Stream concept +*/ +template +struct GenericMemoryBuffer { + typedef char Ch; // byte + + GenericMemoryBuffer(Allocator* allocator = 0, size_t capacity = kDefaultCapacity) : stack_(allocator, capacity) {} + + void Put(Ch c) { *stack_.template Push() = c; } + void Flush() {} + + void Clear() { stack_.Clear(); } + void ShrinkToFit() { stack_.ShrinkToFit(); } + Ch* Push(size_t count) { return stack_.template Push(count); } + void Pop(size_t count) { stack_.template Pop(count); } + + const Ch* GetBuffer() const { + return stack_.template Bottom(); + } + + size_t GetSize() const { return stack_.GetSize(); } + + static const size_t kDefaultCapacity = 256; + mutable internal::Stack stack_; +}; + +typedef GenericMemoryBuffer<> MemoryBuffer; + +//! Implement specialized version of PutN() with memset() for better performance. +template<> +inline void PutN(MemoryBuffer& memoryBuffer, char c, size_t n) { + std::memset(memoryBuffer.stack_.Push(n), c, n * sizeof(c)); +} + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_MEMORYBUFFER_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/memorystream.h b/rapidjson/memorystream.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d71d8a --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/memorystream.h @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_MEMORYSTREAM_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_MEMORYSTREAM_H_ + +#include "stream.h" + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(unreachable-code) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(missing-noreturn) +#endif + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + +//! Represents an in-memory input byte stream. +/*! + This class is mainly for being wrapped by EncodedInputStream or AutoUTFInputStream. + + It is similar to FileReadBuffer but the source is an in-memory buffer instead of a file. + + Differences between MemoryStream and StringStream: + 1. StringStream has encoding but MemoryStream is a byte stream. + 2. MemoryStream needs size of the source buffer and the buffer don't need to be null terminated. StringStream assume null-terminated string as source. + 3. MemoryStream supports Peek4() for encoding detection. StringStream is specified with an encoding so it should not have Peek4(). + \note implements Stream concept +*/ +struct MemoryStream { + typedef char Ch; // byte + + MemoryStream(const Ch *src, size_t size) : src_(src), begin_(src), end_(src + size), size_(size) {} + + Ch Peek() const { return RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(src_ == end_) ? '\0' : *src_; } + Ch Take() { return RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(src_ == end_) ? '\0' : *src_++; } + size_t Tell() const { return static_cast(src_ - begin_); } + + Ch* PutBegin() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + void Put(Ch) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); } + void Flush() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); } + size_t PutEnd(Ch*) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + + // For encoding detection only. + const Ch* Peek4() const { + return Tell() + 4 <= size_ ? src_ : 0; + } + + const Ch* src_; //!< Current read position. + const Ch* begin_; //!< Original head of the string. + const Ch* end_; //!< End of stream. + size_t size_; //!< Size of the stream. +}; + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_MEMORYBUFFER_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/msinttypes/inttypes.h b/rapidjson/msinttypes/inttypes.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1811128 --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/msinttypes/inttypes.h @@ -0,0 +1,316 @@ +// ISO C9x compliant inttypes.h for Microsoft Visual Studio +// Based on ISO/IEC 9899:TC2 Committee draft (May 6, 2005) WG14/N1124 +// +// Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Alexander Chemeris +// +// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +// +// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, +// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +// +// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +// +// 3. Neither the name of the product nor the names of its contributors may +// be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software +// without specific prior written permission. +// +// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED +// WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +// MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO +// EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, +// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +// PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; +// OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, +// WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR +// OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF +// ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// The above software in this distribution may have been modified by +// THL A29 Limited ("Tencent Modifications"). +// All Tencent Modifications are Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited. + +#ifndef _MSC_VER // [ +#error "Use this header only with Microsoft Visual C++ compilers!" +#endif // _MSC_VER ] + +#ifndef _MSC_INTTYPES_H_ // [ +#define _MSC_INTTYPES_H_ + +#if _MSC_VER > 1000 +#pragma once +#endif + +#include "stdint.h" + +// miloyip: VC supports inttypes.h since VC2013 +#if _MSC_VER >= 1800 +#include +#else + +// 7.8 Format conversion of integer types + +typedef struct { + intmax_t quot; + intmax_t rem; +} imaxdiv_t; + +// 7.8.1 Macros for format specifiers + +#if !defined(__cplusplus) || defined(__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS) // [ See footnote 185 at page 198 + +// The fprintf macros for signed integers are: +#define PRId8 "d" +#define PRIi8 "i" +#define PRIdLEAST8 "d" +#define PRIiLEAST8 "i" +#define PRIdFAST8 "d" +#define PRIiFAST8 "i" + +#define PRId16 "hd" +#define PRIi16 "hi" +#define PRIdLEAST16 "hd" +#define PRIiLEAST16 "hi" +#define PRIdFAST16 "hd" +#define PRIiFAST16 "hi" + +#define PRId32 "I32d" +#define PRIi32 "I32i" +#define PRIdLEAST32 "I32d" +#define PRIiLEAST32 "I32i" +#define PRIdFAST32 "I32d" +#define PRIiFAST32 "I32i" + +#define PRId64 "I64d" +#define PRIi64 "I64i" +#define PRIdLEAST64 "I64d" +#define PRIiLEAST64 "I64i" +#define PRIdFAST64 "I64d" +#define PRIiFAST64 "I64i" + +#define PRIdMAX "I64d" +#define PRIiMAX "I64i" + +#define PRIdPTR "Id" +#define PRIiPTR "Ii" + +// The fprintf macros for unsigned integers are: +#define PRIo8 "o" +#define PRIu8 "u" +#define PRIx8 "x" +#define PRIX8 "X" +#define PRIoLEAST8 "o" +#define PRIuLEAST8 "u" +#define PRIxLEAST8 "x" +#define PRIXLEAST8 "X" +#define PRIoFAST8 "o" +#define PRIuFAST8 "u" +#define PRIxFAST8 "x" +#define PRIXFAST8 "X" + +#define PRIo16 "ho" +#define PRIu16 "hu" +#define PRIx16 "hx" +#define PRIX16 "hX" +#define PRIoLEAST16 "ho" +#define PRIuLEAST16 "hu" +#define PRIxLEAST16 "hx" +#define PRIXLEAST16 "hX" +#define PRIoFAST16 "ho" +#define PRIuFAST16 "hu" +#define PRIxFAST16 "hx" +#define PRIXFAST16 "hX" + +#define PRIo32 "I32o" +#define PRIu32 "I32u" +#define PRIx32 "I32x" +#define PRIX32 "I32X" +#define PRIoLEAST32 "I32o" +#define PRIuLEAST32 "I32u" +#define PRIxLEAST32 "I32x" +#define PRIXLEAST32 "I32X" +#define PRIoFAST32 "I32o" +#define PRIuFAST32 "I32u" +#define PRIxFAST32 "I32x" +#define PRIXFAST32 "I32X" + +#define PRIo64 "I64o" +#define PRIu64 "I64u" +#define PRIx64 "I64x" +#define PRIX64 "I64X" +#define PRIoLEAST64 "I64o" +#define PRIuLEAST64 "I64u" +#define PRIxLEAST64 "I64x" +#define PRIXLEAST64 "I64X" +#define PRIoFAST64 "I64o" +#define PRIuFAST64 "I64u" +#define PRIxFAST64 "I64x" +#define PRIXFAST64 "I64X" + +#define PRIoMAX "I64o" +#define PRIuMAX "I64u" +#define PRIxMAX "I64x" +#define PRIXMAX "I64X" + +#define PRIoPTR "Io" +#define PRIuPTR "Iu" +#define PRIxPTR "Ix" +#define PRIXPTR "IX" + +// The fscanf macros for signed integers are: +#define SCNd8 "d" +#define SCNi8 "i" +#define SCNdLEAST8 "d" +#define SCNiLEAST8 "i" +#define SCNdFAST8 "d" +#define SCNiFAST8 "i" + +#define SCNd16 "hd" +#define SCNi16 "hi" +#define SCNdLEAST16 "hd" +#define SCNiLEAST16 "hi" +#define SCNdFAST16 "hd" +#define SCNiFAST16 "hi" + +#define SCNd32 "ld" +#define SCNi32 "li" +#define SCNdLEAST32 "ld" +#define SCNiLEAST32 "li" +#define SCNdFAST32 "ld" +#define SCNiFAST32 "li" + +#define SCNd64 "I64d" +#define SCNi64 "I64i" +#define SCNdLEAST64 "I64d" +#define SCNiLEAST64 "I64i" +#define SCNdFAST64 "I64d" +#define SCNiFAST64 "I64i" + +#define SCNdMAX "I64d" +#define SCNiMAX "I64i" + +#ifdef _WIN64 // [ +# define SCNdPTR "I64d" +# define SCNiPTR "I64i" +#else // _WIN64 ][ +# define SCNdPTR "ld" +# define SCNiPTR "li" +#endif // _WIN64 ] + +// The fscanf macros for unsigned integers are: +#define SCNo8 "o" +#define SCNu8 "u" +#define SCNx8 "x" +#define SCNX8 "X" +#define SCNoLEAST8 "o" +#define SCNuLEAST8 "u" +#define SCNxLEAST8 "x" +#define SCNXLEAST8 "X" +#define SCNoFAST8 "o" +#define SCNuFAST8 "u" +#define SCNxFAST8 "x" +#define SCNXFAST8 "X" + +#define SCNo16 "ho" +#define SCNu16 "hu" +#define SCNx16 "hx" +#define SCNX16 "hX" +#define SCNoLEAST16 "ho" +#define SCNuLEAST16 "hu" +#define SCNxLEAST16 "hx" +#define SCNXLEAST16 "hX" +#define SCNoFAST16 "ho" +#define SCNuFAST16 "hu" +#define SCNxFAST16 "hx" +#define SCNXFAST16 "hX" + +#define SCNo32 "lo" +#define SCNu32 "lu" +#define SCNx32 "lx" +#define SCNX32 "lX" +#define SCNoLEAST32 "lo" +#define SCNuLEAST32 "lu" +#define SCNxLEAST32 "lx" +#define SCNXLEAST32 "lX" +#define SCNoFAST32 "lo" +#define SCNuFAST32 "lu" +#define SCNxFAST32 "lx" +#define SCNXFAST32 "lX" + +#define SCNo64 "I64o" +#define SCNu64 "I64u" +#define SCNx64 "I64x" +#define SCNX64 "I64X" +#define SCNoLEAST64 "I64o" +#define SCNuLEAST64 "I64u" +#define SCNxLEAST64 "I64x" +#define SCNXLEAST64 "I64X" +#define SCNoFAST64 "I64o" +#define SCNuFAST64 "I64u" +#define SCNxFAST64 "I64x" +#define SCNXFAST64 "I64X" + +#define SCNoMAX "I64o" +#define SCNuMAX "I64u" +#define SCNxMAX "I64x" +#define SCNXMAX "I64X" + +#ifdef _WIN64 // [ +# define SCNoPTR "I64o" +# define SCNuPTR "I64u" +# define SCNxPTR "I64x" +# define SCNXPTR "I64X" +#else // _WIN64 ][ +# define SCNoPTR "lo" +# define SCNuPTR "lu" +# define SCNxPTR "lx" +# define SCNXPTR "lX" +#endif // _WIN64 ] + +#endif // __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS ] + +// 7.8.2 Functions for greatest-width integer types + +// The imaxabs function +#define imaxabs _abs64 + +// The imaxdiv function + +// This is modified version of div() function from Microsoft's div.c found +// in %MSVC.NET%\crt\src\div.c +#ifdef STATIC_IMAXDIV // [ +static +#else // STATIC_IMAXDIV ][ +_inline +#endif // STATIC_IMAXDIV ] +imaxdiv_t __cdecl imaxdiv(intmax_t numer, intmax_t denom) +{ + imaxdiv_t result; + + result.quot = numer / denom; + result.rem = numer % denom; + + if (numer < 0 && result.rem > 0) { + // did division wrong; must fix up + ++result.quot; + result.rem -= denom; + } + + return result; +} + +// The strtoimax and strtoumax functions +#define strtoimax _strtoi64 +#define strtoumax _strtoui64 + +// The wcstoimax and wcstoumax functions +#define wcstoimax _wcstoi64 +#define wcstoumax _wcstoui64 + +#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1800 + +#endif // _MSC_INTTYPES_H_ ] diff --git a/rapidjson/msinttypes/stdint.h b/rapidjson/msinttypes/stdint.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d4477b --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/msinttypes/stdint.h @@ -0,0 +1,300 @@ +// ISO C9x compliant stdint.h for Microsoft Visual Studio +// Based on ISO/IEC 9899:TC2 Committee draft (May 6, 2005) WG14/N1124 +// +// Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Alexander Chemeris +// +// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: +// +// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, +// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +// +// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +// +// 3. Neither the name of the product nor the names of its contributors may +// be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software +// without specific prior written permission. +// +// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED +// WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +// MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO +// EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, +// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +// PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; +// OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, +// WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR +// OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF +// ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// The above software in this distribution may have been modified by +// THL A29 Limited ("Tencent Modifications"). +// All Tencent Modifications are Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited. + +#ifndef _MSC_VER // [ +#error "Use this header only with Microsoft Visual C++ compilers!" +#endif // _MSC_VER ] + +#ifndef _MSC_STDINT_H_ // [ +#define _MSC_STDINT_H_ + +#if _MSC_VER > 1000 +#pragma once +#endif + +// miloyip: Originally Visual Studio 2010 uses its own stdint.h. However it generates warning with INT64_C(), so change to use this file for vs2010. +#if _MSC_VER >= 1600 // [ +#include + +#if !defined(__cplusplus) || defined(__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS) // [ See footnote 224 at page 260 + +#undef INT8_C +#undef INT16_C +#undef INT32_C +#undef INT64_C +#undef UINT8_C +#undef UINT16_C +#undef UINT32_C +#undef UINT64_C + +// Macros for minimum-width integer constants + +#define INT8_C(val) val##i8 +#define INT16_C(val) val##i16 +#define INT32_C(val) val##i32 +#define INT64_C(val) val##i64 + +#define UINT8_C(val) val##ui8 +#define UINT16_C(val) val##ui16 +#define UINT32_C(val) val##ui32 +#define UINT64_C(val) val##ui64 + +// Macros for greatest-width integer constants +// These #ifndef's are needed to prevent collisions with . +// Check out Issue 9 for the details. +#ifndef INTMAX_C // [ +# define INTMAX_C INT64_C +#endif // INTMAX_C ] +#ifndef UINTMAX_C // [ +# define UINTMAX_C UINT64_C +#endif // UINTMAX_C ] + +#endif // __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS ] + +#else // ] _MSC_VER >= 1700 [ + +#include + +// For Visual Studio 6 in C++ mode and for many Visual Studio versions when +// compiling for ARM we have to wrap include with 'extern "C++" {}' +// or compiler would give many errors like this: +// error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function 'wmemchr' not allowed +#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(_M_ARM) +extern "C" { +#endif +# include +#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(_M_ARM) +} +#endif + +// Define _W64 macros to mark types changing their size, like intptr_t. +#ifndef _W64 +# if !defined(__midl) && (defined(_X86_) || defined(_M_IX86)) && _MSC_VER >= 1300 +# define _W64 __w64 +# else +# define _W64 +# endif +#endif + + +// 7.18.1 Integer types + +// Exact-width integer types + +// Visual Studio 6 and Embedded Visual C++ 4 doesn't +// realize that, e.g. char has the same size as __int8 +// so we give up on __intX for them. +#if (_MSC_VER < 1300) + typedef signed char int8_t; + typedef signed short int16_t; + typedef signed int int32_t; + typedef unsigned char uint8_t; + typedef unsigned short uint16_t; + typedef unsigned int uint32_t; +#else + typedef signed __int8 int8_t; + typedef signed __int16 int16_t; + typedef signed __int32 int32_t; + typedef unsigned __int8 uint8_t; + typedef unsigned __int16 uint16_t; + typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t; +#endif +typedef signed __int64 int64_t; +typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t; + + +// Minimum-width integer types +typedef int8_t int_least8_t; +typedef int16_t int_least16_t; +typedef int32_t int_least32_t; +typedef int64_t int_least64_t; +typedef uint8_t uint_least8_t; +typedef uint16_t uint_least16_t; +typedef uint32_t uint_least32_t; +typedef uint64_t uint_least64_t; + +// Fastest minimum-width integer types +typedef int8_t int_fast8_t; +typedef int16_t int_fast16_t; +typedef int32_t int_fast32_t; +typedef int64_t int_fast64_t; +typedef uint8_t uint_fast8_t; +typedef uint16_t uint_fast16_t; +typedef uint32_t uint_fast32_t; +typedef uint64_t uint_fast64_t; + +// Integer types capable of holding object pointers +#ifdef _WIN64 // [ + typedef signed __int64 intptr_t; + typedef unsigned __int64 uintptr_t; +#else // _WIN64 ][ + typedef _W64 signed int intptr_t; + typedef _W64 unsigned int uintptr_t; +#endif // _WIN64 ] + +// Greatest-width integer types +typedef int64_t intmax_t; +typedef uint64_t uintmax_t; + + +// 7.18.2 Limits of specified-width integer types + +#if !defined(__cplusplus) || defined(__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS) // [ See footnote 220 at page 257 and footnote 221 at page 259 + +// Limits of exact-width integer types +#define INT8_MIN ((int8_t)_I8_MIN) +#define INT8_MAX _I8_MAX +#define INT16_MIN ((int16_t)_I16_MIN) +#define INT16_MAX _I16_MAX +#define INT32_MIN ((int32_t)_I32_MIN) +#define INT32_MAX _I32_MAX +#define INT64_MIN ((int64_t)_I64_MIN) +#define INT64_MAX _I64_MAX +#define UINT8_MAX _UI8_MAX +#define UINT16_MAX _UI16_MAX +#define UINT32_MAX _UI32_MAX +#define UINT64_MAX _UI64_MAX + +// Limits of minimum-width integer types +#define INT_LEAST8_MIN INT8_MIN +#define INT_LEAST8_MAX INT8_MAX +#define INT_LEAST16_MIN INT16_MIN +#define INT_LEAST16_MAX INT16_MAX +#define INT_LEAST32_MIN INT32_MIN +#define INT_LEAST32_MAX INT32_MAX +#define INT_LEAST64_MIN INT64_MIN +#define INT_LEAST64_MAX INT64_MAX +#define UINT_LEAST8_MAX UINT8_MAX +#define UINT_LEAST16_MAX UINT16_MAX +#define UINT_LEAST32_MAX UINT32_MAX +#define UINT_LEAST64_MAX UINT64_MAX + +// Limits of fastest minimum-width integer types +#define INT_FAST8_MIN INT8_MIN +#define INT_FAST8_MAX INT8_MAX +#define INT_FAST16_MIN INT16_MIN +#define INT_FAST16_MAX INT16_MAX +#define INT_FAST32_MIN INT32_MIN +#define INT_FAST32_MAX INT32_MAX +#define INT_FAST64_MIN INT64_MIN +#define INT_FAST64_MAX INT64_MAX +#define UINT_FAST8_MAX UINT8_MAX +#define UINT_FAST16_MAX UINT16_MAX +#define UINT_FAST32_MAX UINT32_MAX +#define UINT_FAST64_MAX UINT64_MAX + +// Limits of integer types capable of holding object pointers +#ifdef _WIN64 // [ +# define INTPTR_MIN INT64_MIN +# define INTPTR_MAX INT64_MAX +# define UINTPTR_MAX UINT64_MAX +#else // _WIN64 ][ +# define INTPTR_MIN INT32_MIN +# define INTPTR_MAX INT32_MAX +# define UINTPTR_MAX UINT32_MAX +#endif // _WIN64 ] + +// Limits of greatest-width integer types +#define INTMAX_MIN INT64_MIN +#define INTMAX_MAX INT64_MAX +#define UINTMAX_MAX UINT64_MAX + +// 7.18.3 Limits of other integer types + +#ifdef _WIN64 // [ +# define PTRDIFF_MIN _I64_MIN +# define PTRDIFF_MAX _I64_MAX +#else // _WIN64 ][ +# define PTRDIFF_MIN _I32_MIN +# define PTRDIFF_MAX _I32_MAX +#endif // _WIN64 ] + +#define SIG_ATOMIC_MIN INT_MIN +#define SIG_ATOMIC_MAX INT_MAX + +#ifndef SIZE_MAX // [ +# ifdef _WIN64 // [ +# define SIZE_MAX _UI64_MAX +# else // _WIN64 ][ +# define SIZE_MAX _UI32_MAX +# endif // _WIN64 ] +#endif // SIZE_MAX ] + +// WCHAR_MIN and WCHAR_MAX are also defined in +#ifndef WCHAR_MIN // [ +# define WCHAR_MIN 0 +#endif // WCHAR_MIN ] +#ifndef WCHAR_MAX // [ +# define WCHAR_MAX _UI16_MAX +#endif // WCHAR_MAX ] + +#define WINT_MIN 0 +#define WINT_MAX _UI16_MAX + +#endif // __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS ] + + +// 7.18.4 Limits of other integer types + +#if !defined(__cplusplus) || defined(__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS) // [ See footnote 224 at page 260 + +// Macros for minimum-width integer constants + +#define INT8_C(val) val##i8 +#define INT16_C(val) val##i16 +#define INT32_C(val) val##i32 +#define INT64_C(val) val##i64 + +#define UINT8_C(val) val##ui8 +#define UINT16_C(val) val##ui16 +#define UINT32_C(val) val##ui32 +#define UINT64_C(val) val##ui64 + +// Macros for greatest-width integer constants +// These #ifndef's are needed to prevent collisions with . +// Check out Issue 9 for the details. +#ifndef INTMAX_C // [ +# define INTMAX_C INT64_C +#endif // INTMAX_C ] +#ifndef UINTMAX_C // [ +# define UINTMAX_C UINT64_C +#endif // UINTMAX_C ] + +#endif // __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS ] + +#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1600 ] + +#endif // _MSC_STDINT_H_ ] diff --git a/rapidjson/ostreamwrapper.h b/rapidjson/ostreamwrapper.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f4667c --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/ostreamwrapper.h @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_OSTREAMWRAPPER_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_OSTREAMWRAPPER_H_ + +#include "stream.h" +#include + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(padded) +#endif + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + +//! Wrapper of \c std::basic_ostream into RapidJSON's Stream concept. +/*! + The classes can be wrapped including but not limited to: + + - \c std::ostringstream + - \c std::stringstream + - \c std::wpstringstream + - \c std::wstringstream + - \c std::ifstream + - \c std::fstream + - \c std::wofstream + - \c std::wfstream + + \tparam StreamType Class derived from \c std::basic_ostream. +*/ + +template +class BasicOStreamWrapper { +public: + typedef typename StreamType::char_type Ch; + BasicOStreamWrapper(StreamType& stream) : stream_(stream) {} + + void Put(Ch c) { + stream_.put(c); + } + + void Flush() { + stream_.flush(); + } + + // Not implemented + char Peek() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + char Take() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + size_t Tell() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + char* PutBegin() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + size_t PutEnd(char*) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + +private: + BasicOStreamWrapper(const BasicOStreamWrapper&); + BasicOStreamWrapper& operator=(const BasicOStreamWrapper&); + + StreamType& stream_; +}; + +typedef BasicOStreamWrapper OStreamWrapper; +typedef BasicOStreamWrapper WOStreamWrapper; + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_OSTREAMWRAPPER_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/pointer.h b/rapidjson/pointer.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0206ac1 --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/pointer.h @@ -0,0 +1,1358 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_POINTER_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_POINTER_H_ + +#include "document.h" +#include "internal/itoa.h" + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(switch-enum) +#endif + +#ifdef _MSC_VER +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(4512) // assignment operator could not be generated +#endif + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + +static const SizeType kPointerInvalidIndex = ~SizeType(0); //!< Represents an invalid index in GenericPointer::Token + +//! Error code of parsing. +/*! \ingroup RAPIDJSON_ERRORS + \see GenericPointer::GenericPointer, GenericPointer::GetParseErrorCode +*/ +enum PointerParseErrorCode { + kPointerParseErrorNone = 0, //!< The parse is successful + + kPointerParseErrorTokenMustBeginWithSolidus, //!< A token must begin with a '/' + kPointerParseErrorInvalidEscape, //!< Invalid escape + kPointerParseErrorInvalidPercentEncoding, //!< Invalid percent encoding in URI fragment + kPointerParseErrorCharacterMustPercentEncode //!< A character must percent encoded in URI fragment +}; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GenericPointer + +//! Represents a JSON Pointer. Use Pointer for UTF8 encoding and default allocator. +/*! + This class implements RFC 6901 "JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Pointer" + ( + + A JSON pointer is for identifying a specific value in a JSON document + (GenericDocument). It can simplify coding of DOM tree manipulation, because it + can access multiple-level depth of DOM tree with single API call. + + After it parses a string representation (e.g. "/foo/0" or URI fragment + representation (e.g. "#/foo/0") into its internal representation (tokens), + it can be used to resolve a specific value in multiple documents, or sub-tree + of documents. + + Contrary to GenericValue, Pointer can be copy constructed and copy assigned. + Apart from assignment, a Pointer cannot be modified after construction. + + Although Pointer is very convenient, please aware that constructing Pointer + involves parsing and dynamic memory allocation. A special constructor with user- + supplied tokens eliminates these. + + GenericPointer depends on GenericDocument and GenericValue. + + \tparam ValueType The value type of the DOM tree. E.g. GenericValue > + \tparam Allocator The allocator type for allocating memory for internal representation. + + \note GenericPointer uses same encoding of ValueType. + However, Allocator of GenericPointer is independent of Allocator of Value. +*/ +template +class GenericPointer { +public: + typedef typename ValueType::EncodingType EncodingType; //!< Encoding type from Value + typedef typename ValueType::Ch Ch; //!< Character type from Value + + //! A token is the basic units of internal representation. + /*! + A JSON pointer string representation "/foo/123" is parsed to two tokens: + "foo" and 123. 123 will be represented in both numeric form and string form. + They are resolved according to the actual value type (object or array). + + For token that are not numbers, or the numeric value is out of bound + (greater than limits of SizeType), they are only treated as string form + (i.e. the token's index will be equal to kPointerInvalidIndex). + + This struct is public so that user can create a Pointer without parsing and + allocation, using a special constructor. + */ + struct Token { + const Ch* name; //!< Name of the token. It has null character at the end but it can contain null character. + SizeType length; //!< Length of the name. + SizeType index; //!< A valid array index, if it is not equal to kPointerInvalidIndex. + }; + + //!@name Constructors and destructor. + //@{ + + //! Default constructor. + GenericPointer(Allocator* allocator = 0) : allocator_(allocator), ownAllocator_(), nameBuffer_(), tokens_(), tokenCount_(), parseErrorOffset_(), parseErrorCode_(kPointerParseErrorNone) {} + + //! Constructor that parses a string or URI fragment representation. + /*! + \param source A null-terminated, string or URI fragment representation of JSON pointer. + \param allocator User supplied allocator for this pointer. If no allocator is provided, it creates a self-owned one. + */ + explicit GenericPointer(const Ch* source, Allocator* allocator = 0) : allocator_(allocator), ownAllocator_(), nameBuffer_(), tokens_(), tokenCount_(), parseErrorOffset_(), parseErrorCode_(kPointerParseErrorNone) { + Parse(source, internal::StrLen(source)); + } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + //! Constructor that parses a string or URI fragment representation. + /*! + \param source A string or URI fragment representation of JSON pointer. + \param allocator User supplied allocator for this pointer. If no allocator is provided, it creates a self-owned one. + \note Requires the definition of the preprocessor symbol \ref RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING. + */ + explicit GenericPointer(const std::basic_string& source, Allocator* allocator = 0) : allocator_(allocator), ownAllocator_(), nameBuffer_(), tokens_(), tokenCount_(), parseErrorOffset_(), parseErrorCode_(kPointerParseErrorNone) { + Parse(source.c_str(), source.size()); + } +#endif + + //! Constructor that parses a string or URI fragment representation, with length of the source string. + /*! + \param source A string or URI fragment representation of JSON pointer. + \param length Length of source. + \param allocator User supplied allocator for this pointer. If no allocator is provided, it creates a self-owned one. + \note Slightly faster than the overload without length. + */ + GenericPointer(const Ch* source, size_t length, Allocator* allocator = 0) : allocator_(allocator), ownAllocator_(), nameBuffer_(), tokens_(), tokenCount_(), parseErrorOffset_(), parseErrorCode_(kPointerParseErrorNone) { + Parse(source, length); + } + + //! Constructor with user-supplied tokens. + /*! + This constructor let user supplies const array of tokens. + This prevents the parsing process and eliminates allocation. + This is preferred for memory constrained environments. + + \param tokens An constant array of tokens representing the JSON pointer. + \param tokenCount Number of tokens. + + \b Example + \code + #define NAME(s) { s, sizeof(s) / sizeof(s[0]) - 1, kPointerInvalidIndex } + #define INDEX(i) { #i, sizeof(#i) - 1, i } + + static const Pointer::Token kTokens[] = { NAME("foo"), INDEX(123) }; + static const Pointer p(kTokens, sizeof(kTokens) / sizeof(kTokens[0])); + // Equivalent to static const Pointer p("/foo/123"); + + #undef NAME + #undef INDEX + \endcode + */ + GenericPointer(const Token* tokens, size_t tokenCount) : allocator_(), ownAllocator_(), nameBuffer_(), tokens_(const_cast(tokens)), tokenCount_(tokenCount), parseErrorOffset_(), parseErrorCode_(kPointerParseErrorNone) {} + + //! Copy constructor. + GenericPointer(const GenericPointer& rhs, Allocator* allocator = 0) : allocator_(allocator), ownAllocator_(), nameBuffer_(), tokens_(), tokenCount_(), parseErrorOffset_(), parseErrorCode_(kPointerParseErrorNone) { + *this = rhs; + } + + //! Destructor. + ~GenericPointer() { + if (nameBuffer_) // If user-supplied tokens constructor is used, nameBuffer_ is nullptr and tokens_ are not deallocated. + Allocator::Free(tokens_); + RAPIDJSON_DELETE(ownAllocator_); + } + + //! Assignment operator. + GenericPointer& operator=(const GenericPointer& rhs) { + if (this != &rhs) { + // Do not delete ownAllcator + if (nameBuffer_) + Allocator::Free(tokens_); + + tokenCount_ = rhs.tokenCount_; + parseErrorOffset_ = rhs.parseErrorOffset_; + parseErrorCode_ = rhs.parseErrorCode_; + + if (rhs.nameBuffer_) + CopyFromRaw(rhs); // Normally parsed tokens. + else { + tokens_ = rhs.tokens_; // User supplied const tokens. + nameBuffer_ = 0; + } + } + return *this; + } + + //@} + + //!@name Append token + //@{ + + //! Append a token and return a new Pointer + /*! + \param token Token to be appended. + \param allocator Allocator for the newly return Pointer. + \return A new Pointer with appended token. + */ + GenericPointer Append(const Token& token, Allocator* allocator = 0) const { + GenericPointer r; + r.allocator_ = allocator; + Ch *p = r.CopyFromRaw(*this, 1, token.length + 1); + std::memcpy(p,, (token.length + 1) * sizeof(Ch)); + r.tokens_[tokenCount_].name = p; + r.tokens_[tokenCount_].length = token.length; + r.tokens_[tokenCount_].index = token.index; + return r; + } + + //! Append a name token with length, and return a new Pointer + /*! + \param name Name to be appended. + \param length Length of name. + \param allocator Allocator for the newly return Pointer. + \return A new Pointer with appended token. + */ + GenericPointer Append(const Ch* name, SizeType length, Allocator* allocator = 0) const { + Token token = { name, length, kPointerInvalidIndex }; + return Append(token, allocator); + } + + //! Append a name token without length, and return a new Pointer + /*! + \param name Name (const Ch*) to be appended. + \param allocator Allocator for the newly return Pointer. + \return A new Pointer with appended token. + */ + template + RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::NotExpr::Type, Ch> >), (GenericPointer)) + Append(T* name, Allocator* allocator = 0) const { + return Append(name, StrLen(name), allocator); + } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + //! Append a name token, and return a new Pointer + /*! + \param name Name to be appended. + \param allocator Allocator for the newly return Pointer. + \return A new Pointer with appended token. + */ + GenericPointer Append(const std::basic_string& name, Allocator* allocator = 0) const { + return Append(name.c_str(), static_cast(name.size()), allocator); + } +#endif + + //! Append a index token, and return a new Pointer + /*! + \param index Index to be appended. + \param allocator Allocator for the newly return Pointer. + \return A new Pointer with appended token. + */ + GenericPointer Append(SizeType index, Allocator* allocator = 0) const { + char buffer[21]; + char* end = sizeof(SizeType) == 4 ? internal::u32toa(index, buffer) : internal::u64toa(index, buffer); + SizeType length = static_cast(end - buffer); + buffer[length] = '\0'; + + if (sizeof(Ch) == 1) { + Token token = { reinterpret_cast(buffer), length, index }; + return Append(token, allocator); + } + else { + Ch name[21]; + for (size_t i = 0; i <= length; i++) + name[i] = buffer[i]; + Token token = { name, length, index }; + return Append(token, allocator); + } + } + + //! Append a token by value, and return a new Pointer + /*! + \param token token to be appended. + \param allocator Allocator for the newly return Pointer. + \return A new Pointer with appended token. + */ + GenericPointer Append(const ValueType& token, Allocator* allocator = 0) const { + if (token.IsString()) + return Append(token.GetString(), token.GetStringLength(), allocator); + else { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(token.IsUint64()); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(token.GetUint64() <= SizeType(~0)); + return Append(static_cast(token.GetUint64()), allocator); + } + } + + //!@name Handling Parse Error + //@{ + + //! Check whether this is a valid pointer. + bool IsValid() const { return parseErrorCode_ == kPointerParseErrorNone; } + + //! Get the parsing error offset in code unit. + size_t GetParseErrorOffset() const { return parseErrorOffset_; } + + //! Get the parsing error code. + PointerParseErrorCode GetParseErrorCode() const { return parseErrorCode_; } + + //@} + + //! Get the allocator of this pointer. + Allocator& GetAllocator() { return *allocator_; } + + //!@name Tokens + //@{ + + //! Get the token array (const version only). + const Token* GetTokens() const { return tokens_; } + + //! Get the number of tokens. + size_t GetTokenCount() const { return tokenCount_; } + + //@} + + //!@name Equality/inequality operators + //@{ + + //! Equality operator. + /*! + \note When any pointers are invalid, always returns false. + */ + bool operator==(const GenericPointer& rhs) const { + if (!IsValid() || !rhs.IsValid() || tokenCount_ != rhs.tokenCount_) + return false; + + for (size_t i = 0; i < tokenCount_; i++) { + if (tokens_[i].index != rhs.tokens_[i].index || + tokens_[i].length != rhs.tokens_[i].length || + (tokens_[i].length != 0 && std::memcmp(tokens_[i].name, rhs.tokens_[i].name, sizeof(Ch)* tokens_[i].length) != 0)) + { + return false; + } + } + + return true; + } + + //! Inequality operator. + /*! + \note When any pointers are invalid, always returns true. + */ + bool operator!=(const GenericPointer& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } + + //@} + + //!@name Stringify + //@{ + + //! Stringify the pointer into string representation. + /*! + \tparam OutputStream Type of output stream. + \param os The output stream. + */ + template + bool Stringify(OutputStream& os) const { + return Stringify(os); + } + + //! Stringify the pointer into URI fragment representation. + /*! + \tparam OutputStream Type of output stream. + \param os The output stream. + */ + template + bool StringifyUriFragment(OutputStream& os) const { + return Stringify(os); + } + + //@} + + //!@name Create value + //@{ + + //! Create a value in a subtree. + /*! + If the value is not exist, it creates all parent values and a JSON Null value. + So it always succeed and return the newly created or existing value. + + Remind that it may change types of parents according to tokens, so it + potentially removes previously stored values. For example, if a document + was an array, and "/foo" is used to create a value, then the document + will be changed to an object, and all existing array elements are lost. + + \param root Root value of a DOM subtree to be resolved. It can be any value other than document root. + \param allocator Allocator for creating the values if the specified value or its parents are not exist. + \param alreadyExist If non-null, it stores whether the resolved value is already exist. + \return The resolved newly created (a JSON Null value), or already exists value. + */ + ValueType& Create(ValueType& root, typename ValueType::AllocatorType& allocator, bool* alreadyExist = 0) const { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsValid()); + ValueType* v = &root; + bool exist = true; + for (const Token *t = tokens_; t != tokens_ + tokenCount_; ++t) { + if (v->IsArray() && t->name[0] == '-' && t->length == 1) { + v->PushBack(ValueType().Move(), allocator); + v = &((*v)[v->Size() - 1]); + exist = false; + } + else { + if (t->index == kPointerInvalidIndex) { // must be object name + if (!v->IsObject()) + v->SetObject(); // Change to Object + } + else { // object name or array index + if (!v->IsArray() && !v->IsObject()) + v->SetArray(); // Change to Array + } + + if (v->IsArray()) { + if (t->index >= v->Size()) { + v->Reserve(t->index + 1, allocator); + while (t->index >= v->Size()) + v->PushBack(ValueType().Move(), allocator); + exist = false; + } + v = &((*v)[t->index]); + } + else { + typename ValueType::MemberIterator m = v->FindMember(GenericStringRef(t->name, t->length)); + if (m == v->MemberEnd()) { + v->AddMember(ValueType(t->name, t->length, allocator).Move(), ValueType().Move(), allocator); + v = &(--v->MemberEnd())->value; // Assumes AddMember() appends at the end + exist = false; + } + else + v = &m->value; + } + } + } + + if (alreadyExist) + *alreadyExist = exist; + + return *v; + } + + //! Creates a value in a document. + /*! + \param document A document to be resolved. + \param alreadyExist If non-null, it stores whether the resolved value is already exist. + \return The resolved newly created, or already exists value. + */ + template + ValueType& Create(GenericDocument& document, bool* alreadyExist = 0) const { + return Create(document, document.GetAllocator(), alreadyExist); + } + + //@} + + //!@name Query value + //@{ + + //! Query a value in a subtree. + /*! + \param root Root value of a DOM sub-tree to be resolved. It can be any value other than document root. + \param unresolvedTokenIndex If the pointer cannot resolve a token in the pointer, this parameter can obtain the index of unresolved token. + \return Pointer to the value if it can be resolved. Otherwise null. + + \note + There are only 3 situations when a value cannot be resolved: + 1. A value in the path is not an array nor object. + 2. An object value does not contain the token. + 3. A token is out of range of an array value. + + Use unresolvedTokenIndex to retrieve the token index. + */ + ValueType* Get(ValueType& root, size_t* unresolvedTokenIndex = 0) const { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsValid()); + ValueType* v = &root; + for (const Token *t = tokens_; t != tokens_ + tokenCount_; ++t) { + switch (v->GetType()) { + case kObjectType: + { + typename ValueType::MemberIterator m = v->FindMember(GenericStringRef(t->name, t->length)); + if (m == v->MemberEnd()) + break; + v = &m->value; + } + continue; + case kArrayType: + if (t->index == kPointerInvalidIndex || t->index >= v->Size()) + break; + v = &((*v)[t->index]); + continue; + default: + break; + } + + // Error: unresolved token + if (unresolvedTokenIndex) + *unresolvedTokenIndex = static_cast(t - tokens_); + return 0; + } + return v; + } + + //! Query a const value in a const subtree. + /*! + \param root Root value of a DOM sub-tree to be resolved. It can be any value other than document root. + \return Pointer to the value if it can be resolved. Otherwise null. + */ + const ValueType* Get(const ValueType& root, size_t* unresolvedTokenIndex = 0) const { + return Get(const_cast(root), unresolvedTokenIndex); + } + + //@} + + //!@name Query a value with default + //@{ + + //! Query a value in a subtree with default value. + /*! + Similar to Get(), but if the specified value do not exists, it creates all parents and clone the default value. + So that this function always succeed. + + \param root Root value of a DOM sub-tree to be resolved. It can be any value other than document root. + \param defaultValue Default value to be cloned if the value was not exists. + \param allocator Allocator for creating the values if the specified value or its parents are not exist. + \see Create() + */ + ValueType& GetWithDefault(ValueType& root, const ValueType& defaultValue, typename ValueType::AllocatorType& allocator) const { + bool alreadyExist; + Value& v = Create(root, allocator, &alreadyExist); + return alreadyExist ? v : v.CopyFrom(defaultValue, allocator); + } + + //! Query a value in a subtree with default null-terminated string. + ValueType& GetWithDefault(ValueType& root, const Ch* defaultValue, typename ValueType::AllocatorType& allocator) const { + bool alreadyExist; + Value& v = Create(root, allocator, &alreadyExist); + return alreadyExist ? v : v.SetString(defaultValue, allocator); + } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + //! Query a value in a subtree with default std::basic_string. + ValueType& GetWithDefault(ValueType& root, const std::basic_string& defaultValue, typename ValueType::AllocatorType& allocator) const { + bool alreadyExist; + Value& v = Create(root, allocator, &alreadyExist); + return alreadyExist ? v : v.SetString(defaultValue, allocator); + } +#endif + + //! Query a value in a subtree with default primitive value. + /*! + \tparam T Either \ref Type, \c int, \c unsigned, \c int64_t, \c uint64_t, \c bool + */ + template + RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::OrExpr, internal::IsGenericValue >), (ValueType&)) + GetWithDefault(ValueType& root, T defaultValue, typename ValueType::AllocatorType& allocator) const { + return GetWithDefault(root, ValueType(defaultValue).Move(), allocator); + } + + //! Query a value in a document with default value. + template + ValueType& GetWithDefault(GenericDocument& document, const ValueType& defaultValue) const { + return GetWithDefault(document, defaultValue, document.GetAllocator()); + } + + //! Query a value in a document with default null-terminated string. + template + ValueType& GetWithDefault(GenericDocument& document, const Ch* defaultValue) const { + return GetWithDefault(document, defaultValue, document.GetAllocator()); + } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + //! Query a value in a document with default std::basic_string. + template + ValueType& GetWithDefault(GenericDocument& document, const std::basic_string& defaultValue) const { + return GetWithDefault(document, defaultValue, document.GetAllocator()); + } +#endif + + //! Query a value in a document with default primitive value. + /*! + \tparam T Either \ref Type, \c int, \c unsigned, \c int64_t, \c uint64_t, \c bool + */ + template + RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::OrExpr, internal::IsGenericValue >), (ValueType&)) + GetWithDefault(GenericDocument& document, T defaultValue) const { + return GetWithDefault(document, defaultValue, document.GetAllocator()); + } + + //@} + + //!@name Set a value + //@{ + + //! Set a value in a subtree, with move semantics. + /*! + It creates all parents if they are not exist or types are different to the tokens. + So this function always succeeds but potentially remove existing values. + + \param root Root value of a DOM sub-tree to be resolved. It can be any value other than document root. + \param value Value to be set. + \param allocator Allocator for creating the values if the specified value or its parents are not exist. + \see Create() + */ + ValueType& Set(ValueType& root, ValueType& value, typename ValueType::AllocatorType& allocator) const { + return Create(root, allocator) = value; + } + + //! Set a value in a subtree, with copy semantics. + ValueType& Set(ValueType& root, const ValueType& value, typename ValueType::AllocatorType& allocator) const { + return Create(root, allocator).CopyFrom(value, allocator); + } + + //! Set a null-terminated string in a subtree. + ValueType& Set(ValueType& root, const Ch* value, typename ValueType::AllocatorType& allocator) const { + return Create(root, allocator) = ValueType(value, allocator).Move(); + } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + //! Set a std::basic_string in a subtree. + ValueType& Set(ValueType& root, const std::basic_string& value, typename ValueType::AllocatorType& allocator) const { + return Create(root, allocator) = ValueType(value, allocator).Move(); + } +#endif + + //! Set a primitive value in a subtree. + /*! + \tparam T Either \ref Type, \c int, \c unsigned, \c int64_t, \c uint64_t, \c bool + */ + template + RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::OrExpr, internal::IsGenericValue >), (ValueType&)) + Set(ValueType& root, T value, typename ValueType::AllocatorType& allocator) const { + return Create(root, allocator) = ValueType(value).Move(); + } + + //! Set a value in a document, with move semantics. + template + ValueType& Set(GenericDocument& document, ValueType& value) const { + return Create(document) = value; + } + + //! Set a value in a document, with copy semantics. + template + ValueType& Set(GenericDocument& document, const ValueType& value) const { + return Create(document).CopyFrom(value, document.GetAllocator()); + } + + //! Set a null-terminated string in a document. + template + ValueType& Set(GenericDocument& document, const Ch* value) const { + return Create(document) = ValueType(value, document.GetAllocator()).Move(); + } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + //! Sets a std::basic_string in a document. + template + ValueType& Set(GenericDocument& document, const std::basic_string& value) const { + return Create(document) = ValueType(value, document.GetAllocator()).Move(); + } +#endif + + //! Set a primitive value in a document. + /*! + \tparam T Either \ref Type, \c int, \c unsigned, \c int64_t, \c uint64_t, \c bool + */ + template + RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::OrExpr, internal::IsGenericValue >), (ValueType&)) + Set(GenericDocument& document, T value) const { + return Create(document) = value; + } + + //@} + + //!@name Swap a value + //@{ + + //! Swap a value with a value in a subtree. + /*! + It creates all parents if they are not exist or types are different to the tokens. + So this function always succeeds but potentially remove existing values. + + \param root Root value of a DOM sub-tree to be resolved. It can be any value other than document root. + \param value Value to be swapped. + \param allocator Allocator for creating the values if the specified value or its parents are not exist. + \see Create() + */ + ValueType& Swap(ValueType& root, ValueType& value, typename ValueType::AllocatorType& allocator) const { + return Create(root, allocator).Swap(value); + } + + //! Swap a value with a value in a document. + template + ValueType& Swap(GenericDocument& document, ValueType& value) const { + return Create(document).Swap(value); + } + + //@} + + //! Erase a value in a subtree. + /*! + \param root Root value of a DOM sub-tree to be resolved. It can be any value other than document root. + \return Whether the resolved value is found and erased. + + \note Erasing with an empty pointer \c Pointer(""), i.e. the root, always fail and return false. + */ + bool Erase(ValueType& root) const { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsValid()); + if (tokenCount_ == 0) // Cannot erase the root + return false; + + ValueType* v = &root; + const Token* last = tokens_ + (tokenCount_ - 1); + for (const Token *t = tokens_; t != last; ++t) { + switch (v->GetType()) { + case kObjectType: + { + typename ValueType::MemberIterator m = v->FindMember(GenericStringRef(t->name, t->length)); + if (m == v->MemberEnd()) + return false; + v = &m->value; + } + break; + case kArrayType: + if (t->index == kPointerInvalidIndex || t->index >= v->Size()) + return false; + v = &((*v)[t->index]); + break; + default: + return false; + } + } + + switch (v->GetType()) { + case kObjectType: + return v->EraseMember(GenericStringRef(last->name, last->length)); + case kArrayType: + if (last->index == kPointerInvalidIndex || last->index >= v->Size()) + return false; + v->Erase(v->Begin() + last->index); + return true; + default: + return false; + } + } + +private: + //! Clone the content from rhs to this. + /*! + \param rhs Source pointer. + \param extraToken Extra tokens to be allocated. + \param extraNameBufferSize Extra name buffer size (in number of Ch) to be allocated. + \return Start of non-occupied name buffer, for storing extra names. + */ + Ch* CopyFromRaw(const GenericPointer& rhs, size_t extraToken = 0, size_t extraNameBufferSize = 0) { + if (!allocator_) // allocator is independently owned. + ownAllocator_ = allocator_ = RAPIDJSON_NEW(Allocator()); + + size_t nameBufferSize = rhs.tokenCount_; // null terminators for tokens + for (Token *t = rhs.tokens_; t != rhs.tokens_ + rhs.tokenCount_; ++t) + nameBufferSize += t->length; + + tokenCount_ = rhs.tokenCount_ + extraToken; + tokens_ = static_cast(allocator_->Malloc(tokenCount_ * sizeof(Token) + (nameBufferSize + extraNameBufferSize) * sizeof(Ch))); + nameBuffer_ = reinterpret_cast(tokens_ + tokenCount_); + if (rhs.tokenCount_ > 0) { + std::memcpy(tokens_, rhs.tokens_, rhs.tokenCount_ * sizeof(Token)); + } + if (nameBufferSize > 0) { + std::memcpy(nameBuffer_, rhs.nameBuffer_, nameBufferSize * sizeof(Ch)); + } + + // Adjust pointers to name buffer + std::ptrdiff_t diff = nameBuffer_ - rhs.nameBuffer_; + for (Token *t = tokens_; t != tokens_ + rhs.tokenCount_; ++t) + t->name += diff; + + return nameBuffer_ + nameBufferSize; + } + + //! Check whether a character should be percent-encoded. + /*! + According to RFC 3986 2.3 Unreserved Characters. + \param c The character (code unit) to be tested. + */ + bool NeedPercentEncode(Ch c) const { + return !((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <='Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || c == '-' || c == '.' || c == '_' || c =='~'); + } + + //! Parse a JSON String or its URI fragment representation into tokens. +#ifndef __clang__ // -Wdocumentation + /*! + \param source Either a JSON Pointer string, or its URI fragment representation. Not need to be null terminated. + \param length Length of the source string. + \note Source cannot be JSON String Representation of JSON Pointer, e.g. In "/\u0000", \u0000 will not be unescaped. + */ +#endif + void Parse(const Ch* source, size_t length) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(source != NULL); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(nameBuffer_ == 0); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(tokens_ == 0); + + // Create own allocator if user did not supply. + if (!allocator_) + ownAllocator_ = allocator_ = RAPIDJSON_NEW(Allocator()); + + // Count number of '/' as tokenCount + tokenCount_ = 0; + for (const Ch* s = source; s != source + length; s++) + if (*s == '/') + tokenCount_++; + + Token* token = tokens_ = static_cast(allocator_->Malloc(tokenCount_ * sizeof(Token) + length * sizeof(Ch))); + Ch* name = nameBuffer_ = reinterpret_cast(tokens_ + tokenCount_); + size_t i = 0; + + // Detect if it is a URI fragment + bool uriFragment = false; + if (source[i] == '#') { + uriFragment = true; + i++; + } + + if (i != length && source[i] != '/') { + parseErrorCode_ = kPointerParseErrorTokenMustBeginWithSolidus; + goto error; + } + + while (i < length) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(source[i] == '/'); + i++; // consumes '/' + + token->name = name; + bool isNumber = true; + + while (i < length && source[i] != '/') { + Ch c = source[i]; + if (uriFragment) { + // Decoding percent-encoding for URI fragment + if (c == '%') { + PercentDecodeStream is(&source[i], source + length); + GenericInsituStringStream os(name); + Ch* begin = os.PutBegin(); + if (!Transcoder, EncodingType>().Validate(is, os) || !is.IsValid()) { + parseErrorCode_ = kPointerParseErrorInvalidPercentEncoding; + goto error; + } + size_t len = os.PutEnd(begin); + i += is.Tell() - 1; + if (len == 1) + c = *name; + else { + name += len; + isNumber = false; + i++; + continue; + } + } + else if (NeedPercentEncode(c)) { + parseErrorCode_ = kPointerParseErrorCharacterMustPercentEncode; + goto error; + } + } + + i++; + + // Escaping "~0" -> '~', "~1" -> '/' + if (c == '~') { + if (i < length) { + c = source[i]; + if (c == '0') c = '~'; + else if (c == '1') c = '/'; + else { + parseErrorCode_ = kPointerParseErrorInvalidEscape; + goto error; + } + i++; + } + else { + parseErrorCode_ = kPointerParseErrorInvalidEscape; + goto error; + } + } + + // First check for index: all of characters are digit + if (c < '0' || c > '9') + isNumber = false; + + *name++ = c; + } + token->length = static_cast(name - token->name); + if (token->length == 0) + isNumber = false; + *name++ = '\0'; // Null terminator + + // Second check for index: more than one digit cannot have leading zero + if (isNumber && token->length > 1 && token->name[0] == '0') + isNumber = false; + + // String to SizeType conversion + SizeType n = 0; + if (isNumber) { + for (size_t j = 0; j < token->length; j++) { + SizeType m = n * 10 + static_cast(token->name[j] - '0'); + if (m < n) { // overflow detection + isNumber = false; + break; + } + n = m; + } + } + + token->index = isNumber ? n : kPointerInvalidIndex; + token++; + } + + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(name <= nameBuffer_ + length); // Should not overflow buffer + parseErrorCode_ = kPointerParseErrorNone; + return; + + error: + Allocator::Free(tokens_); + nameBuffer_ = 0; + tokens_ = 0; + tokenCount_ = 0; + parseErrorOffset_ = i; + return; + } + + //! Stringify to string or URI fragment representation. + /*! + \tparam uriFragment True for stringifying to URI fragment representation. False for string representation. + \tparam OutputStream type of output stream. + \param os The output stream. + */ + template + bool Stringify(OutputStream& os) const { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsValid()); + + if (uriFragment) + os.Put('#'); + + for (Token *t = tokens_; t != tokens_ + tokenCount_; ++t) { + os.Put('/'); + for (size_t j = 0; j < t->length; j++) { + Ch c = t->name[j]; + if (c == '~') { + os.Put('~'); + os.Put('0'); + } + else if (c == '/') { + os.Put('~'); + os.Put('1'); + } + else if (uriFragment && NeedPercentEncode(c)) { + // Transcode to UTF8 sequence + GenericStringStream source(&t->name[j]); + PercentEncodeStream target(os); + if (!Transcoder >().Validate(source, target)) + return false; + j += source.Tell() - 1; + } + else + os.Put(c); + } + } + return true; + } + + //! A helper stream for decoding a percent-encoded sequence into code unit. + /*! + This stream decodes %XY triplet into code unit (0-255). + If it encounters invalid characters, it sets output code unit as 0 and + mark invalid, and to be checked by IsValid(). + */ + class PercentDecodeStream { + public: + typedef typename ValueType::Ch Ch; + + //! Constructor + /*! + \param source Start of the stream + \param end Past-the-end of the stream. + */ + PercentDecodeStream(const Ch* source, const Ch* end) : src_(source), head_(source), end_(end), valid_(true) {} + + Ch Take() { + if (*src_ != '%' || src_ + 3 > end_) { // %XY triplet + valid_ = false; + return 0; + } + src_++; + Ch c = 0; + for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { + c = static_cast(c << 4); + Ch h = *src_; + if (h >= '0' && h <= '9') c = static_cast(c + h - '0'); + else if (h >= 'A' && h <= 'F') c = static_cast(c + h - 'A' + 10); + else if (h >= 'a' && h <= 'f') c = static_cast(c + h - 'a' + 10); + else { + valid_ = false; + return 0; + } + src_++; + } + return c; + } + + size_t Tell() const { return static_cast(src_ - head_); } + bool IsValid() const { return valid_; } + + private: + const Ch* src_; //!< Current read position. + const Ch* head_; //!< Original head of the string. + const Ch* end_; //!< Past-the-end position. + bool valid_; //!< Whether the parsing is valid. + }; + + //! A helper stream to encode character (UTF-8 code unit) into percent-encoded sequence. + template + class PercentEncodeStream { + public: + PercentEncodeStream(OutputStream& os) : os_(os) {} + void Put(char c) { // UTF-8 must be byte + unsigned char u = static_cast(c); + static const char hexDigits[16] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' }; + os_.Put('%'); + os_.Put(hexDigits[u >> 4]); + os_.Put(hexDigits[u & 15]); + } + private: + OutputStream& os_; + }; + + Allocator* allocator_; //!< The current allocator. It is either user-supplied or equal to ownAllocator_. + Allocator* ownAllocator_; //!< Allocator owned by this Pointer. + Ch* nameBuffer_; //!< A buffer containing all names in tokens. + Token* tokens_; //!< A list of tokens. + size_t tokenCount_; //!< Number of tokens in tokens_. + size_t parseErrorOffset_; //!< Offset in code unit when parsing fail. + PointerParseErrorCode parseErrorCode_; //!< Parsing error code. +}; + +//! GenericPointer for Value (UTF-8, default allocator). +typedef GenericPointer Pointer; + +//!@name Helper functions for GenericPointer +//@{ + +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +template +typename T::ValueType& CreateValueByPointer(T& root, const GenericPointer& pointer, typename T::AllocatorType& a) { + return pointer.Create(root, a); +} + +template +typename T::ValueType& CreateValueByPointer(T& root, const CharType(&source)[N], typename T::AllocatorType& a) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).Create(root, a); +} + +// No allocator parameter + +template +typename DocumentType::ValueType& CreateValueByPointer(DocumentType& document, const GenericPointer& pointer) { + return pointer.Create(document); +} + +template +typename DocumentType::ValueType& CreateValueByPointer(DocumentType& document, const CharType(&source)[N]) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).Create(document); +} + +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +template +typename T::ValueType* GetValueByPointer(T& root, const GenericPointer& pointer, size_t* unresolvedTokenIndex = 0) { + return pointer.Get(root, unresolvedTokenIndex); +} + +template +const typename T::ValueType* GetValueByPointer(const T& root, const GenericPointer& pointer, size_t* unresolvedTokenIndex = 0) { + return pointer.Get(root, unresolvedTokenIndex); +} + +template +typename T::ValueType* GetValueByPointer(T& root, const CharType (&source)[N], size_t* unresolvedTokenIndex = 0) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).Get(root, unresolvedTokenIndex); +} + +template +const typename T::ValueType* GetValueByPointer(const T& root, const CharType(&source)[N], size_t* unresolvedTokenIndex = 0) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).Get(root, unresolvedTokenIndex); +} + +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +template +typename T::ValueType& GetValueByPointerWithDefault(T& root, const GenericPointer& pointer, const typename T::ValueType& defaultValue, typename T::AllocatorType& a) { + return pointer.GetWithDefault(root, defaultValue, a); +} + +template +typename T::ValueType& GetValueByPointerWithDefault(T& root, const GenericPointer& pointer, const typename T::Ch* defaultValue, typename T::AllocatorType& a) { + return pointer.GetWithDefault(root, defaultValue, a); +} + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING +template +typename T::ValueType& GetValueByPointerWithDefault(T& root, const GenericPointer& pointer, const std::basic_string& defaultValue, typename T::AllocatorType& a) { + return pointer.GetWithDefault(root, defaultValue, a); +} +#endif + +template +RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::OrExpr, internal::IsGenericValue >), (typename T::ValueType&)) +GetValueByPointerWithDefault(T& root, const GenericPointer& pointer, T2 defaultValue, typename T::AllocatorType& a) { + return pointer.GetWithDefault(root, defaultValue, a); +} + +template +typename T::ValueType& GetValueByPointerWithDefault(T& root, const CharType(&source)[N], const typename T::ValueType& defaultValue, typename T::AllocatorType& a) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).GetWithDefault(root, defaultValue, a); +} + +template +typename T::ValueType& GetValueByPointerWithDefault(T& root, const CharType(&source)[N], const typename T::Ch* defaultValue, typename T::AllocatorType& a) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).GetWithDefault(root, defaultValue, a); +} + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING +template +typename T::ValueType& GetValueByPointerWithDefault(T& root, const CharType(&source)[N], const std::basic_string& defaultValue, typename T::AllocatorType& a) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).GetWithDefault(root, defaultValue, a); +} +#endif + +template +RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::OrExpr, internal::IsGenericValue >), (typename T::ValueType&)) +GetValueByPointerWithDefault(T& root, const CharType(&source)[N], T2 defaultValue, typename T::AllocatorType& a) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).GetWithDefault(root, defaultValue, a); +} + +// No allocator parameter + +template +typename DocumentType::ValueType& GetValueByPointerWithDefault(DocumentType& document, const GenericPointer& pointer, const typename DocumentType::ValueType& defaultValue) { + return pointer.GetWithDefault(document, defaultValue); +} + +template +typename DocumentType::ValueType& GetValueByPointerWithDefault(DocumentType& document, const GenericPointer& pointer, const typename DocumentType::Ch* defaultValue) { + return pointer.GetWithDefault(document, defaultValue); +} + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING +template +typename DocumentType::ValueType& GetValueByPointerWithDefault(DocumentType& document, const GenericPointer& pointer, const std::basic_string& defaultValue) { + return pointer.GetWithDefault(document, defaultValue); +} +#endif + +template +RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::OrExpr, internal::IsGenericValue >), (typename DocumentType::ValueType&)) +GetValueByPointerWithDefault(DocumentType& document, const GenericPointer& pointer, T2 defaultValue) { + return pointer.GetWithDefault(document, defaultValue); +} + +template +typename DocumentType::ValueType& GetValueByPointerWithDefault(DocumentType& document, const CharType(&source)[N], const typename DocumentType::ValueType& defaultValue) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).GetWithDefault(document, defaultValue); +} + +template +typename DocumentType::ValueType& GetValueByPointerWithDefault(DocumentType& document, const CharType(&source)[N], const typename DocumentType::Ch* defaultValue) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).GetWithDefault(document, defaultValue); +} + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING +template +typename DocumentType::ValueType& GetValueByPointerWithDefault(DocumentType& document, const CharType(&source)[N], const std::basic_string& defaultValue) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).GetWithDefault(document, defaultValue); +} +#endif + +template +RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::OrExpr, internal::IsGenericValue >), (typename DocumentType::ValueType&)) +GetValueByPointerWithDefault(DocumentType& document, const CharType(&source)[N], T2 defaultValue) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).GetWithDefault(document, defaultValue); +} + +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +template +typename T::ValueType& SetValueByPointer(T& root, const GenericPointer& pointer, typename T::ValueType& value, typename T::AllocatorType& a) { + return pointer.Set(root, value, a); +} + +template +typename T::ValueType& SetValueByPointer(T& root, const GenericPointer& pointer, const typename T::ValueType& value, typename T::AllocatorType& a) { + return pointer.Set(root, value, a); +} + +template +typename T::ValueType& SetValueByPointer(T& root, const GenericPointer& pointer, const typename T::Ch* value, typename T::AllocatorType& a) { + return pointer.Set(root, value, a); +} + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING +template +typename T::ValueType& SetValueByPointer(T& root, const GenericPointer& pointer, const std::basic_string& value, typename T::AllocatorType& a) { + return pointer.Set(root, value, a); +} +#endif + +template +RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::OrExpr, internal::IsGenericValue >), (typename T::ValueType&)) +SetValueByPointer(T& root, const GenericPointer& pointer, T2 value, typename T::AllocatorType& a) { + return pointer.Set(root, value, a); +} + +template +typename T::ValueType& SetValueByPointer(T& root, const CharType(&source)[N], typename T::ValueType& value, typename T::AllocatorType& a) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).Set(root, value, a); +} + +template +typename T::ValueType& SetValueByPointer(T& root, const CharType(&source)[N], const typename T::ValueType& value, typename T::AllocatorType& a) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).Set(root, value, a); +} + +template +typename T::ValueType& SetValueByPointer(T& root, const CharType(&source)[N], const typename T::Ch* value, typename T::AllocatorType& a) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).Set(root, value, a); +} + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING +template +typename T::ValueType& SetValueByPointer(T& root, const CharType(&source)[N], const std::basic_string& value, typename T::AllocatorType& a) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).Set(root, value, a); +} +#endif + +template +RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::OrExpr, internal::IsGenericValue >), (typename T::ValueType&)) +SetValueByPointer(T& root, const CharType(&source)[N], T2 value, typename T::AllocatorType& a) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).Set(root, value, a); +} + +// No allocator parameter + +template +typename DocumentType::ValueType& SetValueByPointer(DocumentType& document, const GenericPointer& pointer, typename DocumentType::ValueType& value) { + return pointer.Set(document, value); +} + +template +typename DocumentType::ValueType& SetValueByPointer(DocumentType& document, const GenericPointer& pointer, const typename DocumentType::ValueType& value) { + return pointer.Set(document, value); +} + +template +typename DocumentType::ValueType& SetValueByPointer(DocumentType& document, const GenericPointer& pointer, const typename DocumentType::Ch* value) { + return pointer.Set(document, value); +} + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING +template +typename DocumentType::ValueType& SetValueByPointer(DocumentType& document, const GenericPointer& pointer, const std::basic_string& value) { + return pointer.Set(document, value); +} +#endif + +template +RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::OrExpr, internal::IsGenericValue >), (typename DocumentType::ValueType&)) +SetValueByPointer(DocumentType& document, const GenericPointer& pointer, T2 value) { + return pointer.Set(document, value); +} + +template +typename DocumentType::ValueType& SetValueByPointer(DocumentType& document, const CharType(&source)[N], typename DocumentType::ValueType& value) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).Set(document, value); +} + +template +typename DocumentType::ValueType& SetValueByPointer(DocumentType& document, const CharType(&source)[N], const typename DocumentType::ValueType& value) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).Set(document, value); +} + +template +typename DocumentType::ValueType& SetValueByPointer(DocumentType& document, const CharType(&source)[N], const typename DocumentType::Ch* value) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).Set(document, value); +} + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING +template +typename DocumentType::ValueType& SetValueByPointer(DocumentType& document, const CharType(&source)[N], const std::basic_string& value) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).Set(document, value); +} +#endif + +template +RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN((internal::OrExpr, internal::IsGenericValue >), (typename DocumentType::ValueType&)) +SetValueByPointer(DocumentType& document, const CharType(&source)[N], T2 value) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).Set(document, value); +} + +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +template +typename T::ValueType& SwapValueByPointer(T& root, const GenericPointer& pointer, typename T::ValueType& value, typename T::AllocatorType& a) { + return pointer.Swap(root, value, a); +} + +template +typename T::ValueType& SwapValueByPointer(T& root, const CharType(&source)[N], typename T::ValueType& value, typename T::AllocatorType& a) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).Swap(root, value, a); +} + +template +typename DocumentType::ValueType& SwapValueByPointer(DocumentType& document, const GenericPointer& pointer, typename DocumentType::ValueType& value) { + return pointer.Swap(document, value); +} + +template +typename DocumentType::ValueType& SwapValueByPointer(DocumentType& document, const CharType(&source)[N], typename DocumentType::ValueType& value) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).Swap(document, value); +} + +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +template +bool EraseValueByPointer(T& root, const GenericPointer& pointer) { + return pointer.Erase(root); +} + +template +bool EraseValueByPointer(T& root, const CharType(&source)[N]) { + return GenericPointer(source, N - 1).Erase(root); +} + +//@} + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +#ifdef _MSC_VER +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_POINTER_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/prettywriter.h b/rapidjson/prettywriter.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..abd964f --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/prettywriter.h @@ -0,0 +1,275 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_PRETTYWRITER_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_PRETTYWRITER_H_ + +#include "writer.h" + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(effc++) +#endif + +#if defined(__clang__) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(c++98-compat) +#endif + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + +//! Combination of PrettyWriter format flags. +/*! \see PrettyWriter::SetFormatOptions + */ +enum PrettyFormatOptions { + kFormatDefault = 0, //!< Default pretty formatting. + kFormatSingleLineArray = 1 //!< Format arrays on a single line. +}; + +//! Writer with indentation and spacing. +/*! + \tparam OutputStream Type of ouptut os. + \tparam SourceEncoding Encoding of source string. + \tparam TargetEncoding Encoding of output stream. + \tparam StackAllocator Type of allocator for allocating memory of stack. +*/ +template, typename TargetEncoding = UTF8<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator, unsigned writeFlags = kWriteDefaultFlags> +class PrettyWriter : public Writer { +public: + typedef Writer Base; + typedef typename Base::Ch Ch; + + //! Constructor + /*! \param os Output stream. + \param allocator User supplied allocator. If it is null, it will create a private one. + \param levelDepth Initial capacity of stack. + */ + explicit PrettyWriter(OutputStream& os, StackAllocator* allocator = 0, size_t levelDepth = Base::kDefaultLevelDepth) : + Base(os, allocator, levelDepth), indentChar_(' '), indentCharCount_(4), formatOptions_(kFormatDefault) {} + + + explicit PrettyWriter(StackAllocator* allocator = 0, size_t levelDepth = Base::kDefaultLevelDepth) : + Base(allocator, levelDepth), indentChar_(' '), indentCharCount_(4) {} + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS + PrettyWriter(PrettyWriter&& rhs) : + Base(std::forward(rhs)), indentChar_(rhs.indentChar_), indentCharCount_(rhs.indentCharCount_), formatOptions_(rhs.formatOptions_) {} +#endif + + //! Set custom indentation. + /*! \param indentChar Character for indentation. Must be whitespace character (' ', '\\t', '\\n', '\\r'). + \param indentCharCount Number of indent characters for each indentation level. + \note The default indentation is 4 spaces. + */ + PrettyWriter& SetIndent(Ch indentChar, unsigned indentCharCount) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(indentChar == ' ' || indentChar == '\t' || indentChar == '\n' || indentChar == '\r'); + indentChar_ = indentChar; + indentCharCount_ = indentCharCount; + return *this; + } + + //! Set pretty writer formatting options. + /*! \param options Formatting options. + */ + PrettyWriter& SetFormatOptions(PrettyFormatOptions options) { + formatOptions_ = options; + return *this; + } + + /*! @name Implementation of Handler + \see Handler + */ + //@{ + + bool Null() { PrettyPrefix(kNullType); return Base::WriteNull(); } + bool Bool(bool b) { PrettyPrefix(b ? kTrueType : kFalseType); return Base::WriteBool(b); } + bool Int(int i) { PrettyPrefix(kNumberType); return Base::WriteInt(i); } + bool Uint(unsigned u) { PrettyPrefix(kNumberType); return Base::WriteUint(u); } + bool Int64(int64_t i64) { PrettyPrefix(kNumberType); return Base::WriteInt64(i64); } + bool Uint64(uint64_t u64) { PrettyPrefix(kNumberType); return Base::WriteUint64(u64); } + bool Double(double d) { PrettyPrefix(kNumberType); return Base::WriteDouble(d); } + + bool RawNumber(const Ch* str, SizeType length, bool copy = false) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(str != 0); + (void)copy; + PrettyPrefix(kNumberType); + return Base::WriteString(str, length); + } + + bool String(const Ch* str, SizeType length, bool copy = false) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(str != 0); + (void)copy; + PrettyPrefix(kStringType); + return Base::WriteString(str, length); + } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + bool String(const std::basic_string& str) { + return String(, SizeType(str.size())); + } +#endif + + bool StartObject() { + PrettyPrefix(kObjectType); + new (Base::level_stack_.template Push()) typename Base::Level(false); + return Base::WriteStartObject(); + } + + bool Key(const Ch* str, SizeType length, bool copy = false) { return String(str, length, copy); } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + bool Key(const std::basic_string& str) { + return Key(, SizeType(str.size())); + } +#endif + + bool EndObject(SizeType memberCount = 0) { + (void)memberCount; + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(Base::level_stack_.GetSize() >= sizeof(typename Base::Level)); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(!Base::level_stack_.template Top()->inArray); + bool empty = Base::level_stack_.template Pop(1)->valueCount == 0; + + if (!empty) { + Base::os_->Put('\n'); + WriteIndent(); + } + bool ret = Base::WriteEndObject(); + (void)ret; + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(ret == true); + if (Base::level_stack_.Empty()) // end of json text + Base::os_->Flush(); + return true; + } + + bool StartArray() { + PrettyPrefix(kArrayType); + new (Base::level_stack_.template Push()) typename Base::Level(true); + return Base::WriteStartArray(); + } + + bool EndArray(SizeType memberCount = 0) { + (void)memberCount; + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(Base::level_stack_.GetSize() >= sizeof(typename Base::Level)); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(Base::level_stack_.template Top()->inArray); + bool empty = Base::level_stack_.template Pop(1)->valueCount == 0; + + if (!empty && !(formatOptions_ & kFormatSingleLineArray)) { + Base::os_->Put('\n'); + WriteIndent(); + } + bool ret = Base::WriteEndArray(); + (void)ret; + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(ret == true); + if (Base::level_stack_.Empty()) // end of json text + Base::os_->Flush(); + return true; + } + + //@} + + /*! @name Convenience extensions */ + //@{ + + //! Simpler but slower overload. + bool String(const Ch* str) { return String(str, internal::StrLen(str)); } + bool Key(const Ch* str) { return Key(str, internal::StrLen(str)); } + + //@} + + //! Write a raw JSON value. + /*! + For user to write a stringified JSON as a value. + + \param json A well-formed JSON value. It should not contain null character within [0, length - 1] range. + \param length Length of the json. + \param type Type of the root of json. + \note When using PrettyWriter::RawValue(), the result json may not be indented correctly. + */ + bool RawValue(const Ch* json, size_t length, Type type) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(json != 0); + PrettyPrefix(type); + return Base::WriteRawValue(json, length); + } + +protected: + void PrettyPrefix(Type type) { + (void)type; + if (Base::level_stack_.GetSize() != 0) { // this value is not at root + typename Base::Level* level = Base::level_stack_.template Top(); + + if (level->inArray) { + if (level->valueCount > 0) { + Base::os_->Put(','); // add comma if it is not the first element in array + if (formatOptions_ & kFormatSingleLineArray) + Base::os_->Put(' '); + } + + if (!(formatOptions_ & kFormatSingleLineArray)) { + Base::os_->Put('\n'); + WriteIndent(); + } + } + else { // in object + if (level->valueCount > 0) { + if (level->valueCount % 2 == 0) { + Base::os_->Put(','); + Base::os_->Put('\n'); + } + else { + Base::os_->Put(':'); + Base::os_->Put(' '); + } + } + else + Base::os_->Put('\n'); + + if (level->valueCount % 2 == 0) + WriteIndent(); + } + if (!level->inArray && level->valueCount % 2 == 0) + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(type == kStringType); // if it's in object, then even number should be a name + level->valueCount++; + } + else { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(!Base::hasRoot_); // Should only has one and only one root. + Base::hasRoot_ = true; + } + } + + void WriteIndent() { + size_t count = (Base::level_stack_.GetSize() / sizeof(typename Base::Level)) * indentCharCount_; + PutN(*Base::os_, static_cast(indentChar_), count); + } + + Ch indentChar_; + unsigned indentCharCount_; + PrettyFormatOptions formatOptions_; + +private: + // Prohibit copy constructor & assignment operator. + PrettyWriter(const PrettyWriter&); + PrettyWriter& operator=(const PrettyWriter&); +}; + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#if defined(__clang__) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_RAPIDJSON_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/rapidjson.h b/rapidjson/rapidjson.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..053b2ce --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/rapidjson.h @@ -0,0 +1,615 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_RAPIDJSON_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_RAPIDJSON_H_ + +/*!\file rapidjson.h + \brief common definitions and configuration + + \see RAPIDJSON_CONFIG + */ + +/*! \defgroup RAPIDJSON_CONFIG RapidJSON configuration + \brief Configuration macros for library features + + Some RapidJSON features are configurable to adapt the library to a wide + variety of platforms, environments and usage scenarios. Most of the + features can be configured in terms of overriden or predefined + preprocessor macros at compile-time. + + Some additional customization is available in the \ref RAPIDJSON_ERRORS APIs. + + \note These macros should be given on the compiler command-line + (where applicable) to avoid inconsistent values when compiling + different translation units of a single application. + */ + +#include // malloc(), realloc(), free(), size_t +#include // memset(), memcpy(), memmove(), memcmp() + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// RAPIDJSON_VERSION_STRING +// +// ALWAYS synchronize the following 3 macros with corresponding variables in /CMakeLists.txt. +// + +//!@cond RAPIDJSON_HIDDEN_FROM_DOXYGEN +// token stringification +#define RAPIDJSON_STRINGIFY(x) RAPIDJSON_DO_STRINGIFY(x) +#define RAPIDJSON_DO_STRINGIFY(x) #x +//!@endcond + +/*! \def RAPIDJSON_MAJOR_VERSION + \ingroup RAPIDJSON_CONFIG + \brief Major version of RapidJSON in integer. +*/ +/*! \def RAPIDJSON_MINOR_VERSION + \ingroup RAPIDJSON_CONFIG + \brief Minor version of RapidJSON in integer. +*/ +/*! \def RAPIDJSON_PATCH_VERSION + \ingroup RAPIDJSON_CONFIG + \brief Patch version of RapidJSON in integer. +*/ +/*! \def RAPIDJSON_VERSION_STRING + \ingroup RAPIDJSON_CONFIG + \brief Version of RapidJSON in ".." string format. +*/ +#define RAPIDJSON_MAJOR_VERSION 1 +#define RAPIDJSON_MINOR_VERSION 1 +#define RAPIDJSON_PATCH_VERSION 0 +#define RAPIDJSON_VERSION_STRING \ + RAPIDJSON_STRINGIFY(RAPIDJSON_MAJOR_VERSION.RAPIDJSON_MINOR_VERSION.RAPIDJSON_PATCH_VERSION) + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_(BEGIN|END) +/*! \def RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE + \ingroup RAPIDJSON_CONFIG + \brief provide custom rapidjson namespace + + In order to avoid symbol clashes and/or "One Definition Rule" errors + between multiple inclusions of (different versions of) RapidJSON in + a single binary, users can customize the name of the main RapidJSON + namespace. + + In case of a single nesting level, defining \c RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE + to a custom name (e.g. \c MyRapidJSON) is sufficient. If multiple + levels are needed, both \ref RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN and \ref + RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END need to be defined as well: + + \code + // in some .cpp file + #define RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE my::rapidjson + #define RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace my { namespace rapidjson { + #define RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END } } + #include "rapidjson/..." + \endcode + + \see rapidjson + */ +/*! \def RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + \ingroup RAPIDJSON_CONFIG + \brief provide custom rapidjson namespace (opening expression) + \see RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE +*/ +/*! \def RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + \ingroup RAPIDJSON_CONFIG + \brief provide custom rapidjson namespace (closing expression) + \see RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE +*/ +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE +#define RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE rapidjson +#endif +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +#define RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE { +#endif +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END +#define RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END } +#endif + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING +#ifdef RAPIDJSON_DOXYGEN_RUNNING +#define RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING 1 // force generation of documentation +#else +#define RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING 0 // no std::string support by default +#endif +/*! \def RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + \ingroup RAPIDJSON_CONFIG + \brief Enable RapidJSON support for \c std::string + + By defining this preprocessor symbol to \c 1, several convenience functions for using + \ref rapidjson::GenericValue with \c std::string are enabled, especially + for construction and comparison. + + \hideinitializer +*/ +#endif // !defined(RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING) + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING +#include +#endif // RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// RAPIDJSON_NO_INT64DEFINE + +/*! \def RAPIDJSON_NO_INT64DEFINE + \ingroup RAPIDJSON_CONFIG + \brief Use external 64-bit integer types. + + RapidJSON requires the 64-bit integer types \c int64_t and \c uint64_t types + to be available at global scope. + + If users have their own definition, define RAPIDJSON_NO_INT64DEFINE to + prevent RapidJSON from defining its own types. +*/ +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_NO_INT64DEFINE +//!@cond RAPIDJSON_HIDDEN_FROM_DOXYGEN +#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1800) // Visual Studio 2013 +#include "msinttypes/stdint.h" +#include "msinttypes/inttypes.h" +#else +// Other compilers should have this. +#include +#include +#endif +//!@endcond +#ifdef RAPIDJSON_DOXYGEN_RUNNING +#define RAPIDJSON_NO_INT64DEFINE +#endif +#endif // RAPIDJSON_NO_INT64TYPEDEF + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE +//!@cond RAPIDJSON_HIDDEN_FROM_DOXYGEN +#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(NDEBUG) +#define RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE __forceinline +#elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 && defined(NDEBUG) +#define RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE __attribute__((always_inline)) +#else +#define RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE +#endif +//!@endcond +#endif // RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// RAPIDJSON_ENDIAN +#define RAPIDJSON_LITTLEENDIAN 0 //!< Little endian machine +#define RAPIDJSON_BIGENDIAN 1 //!< Big endian machine + +//! Endianness of the machine. +/*! + \def RAPIDJSON_ENDIAN + \ingroup RAPIDJSON_CONFIG + + GCC 4.6 provided macro for detecting endianness of the target machine. But other + compilers may not have this. User can define RAPIDJSON_ENDIAN to either + \ref RAPIDJSON_LITTLEENDIAN or \ref RAPIDJSON_BIGENDIAN. + + Default detection implemented with reference to + \li + \li +*/ +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_ENDIAN +// Detect with GCC 4.6's macro +# ifdef __BYTE_ORDER__ +# if __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ +# define RAPIDJSON_ENDIAN RAPIDJSON_LITTLEENDIAN +# elif __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__ +# define RAPIDJSON_ENDIAN RAPIDJSON_BIGENDIAN +# else +# error Unknown machine endianess detected. User needs to define RAPIDJSON_ENDIAN. +# endif // __BYTE_ORDER__ +// Detect with GLIBC's endian.h +# elif defined(__GLIBC__) +# include +# if (__BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN) +# define RAPIDJSON_ENDIAN RAPIDJSON_LITTLEENDIAN +# elif (__BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN) +# define RAPIDJSON_ENDIAN RAPIDJSON_BIGENDIAN +# else +# error Unknown machine endianess detected. User needs to define RAPIDJSON_ENDIAN. +# endif // __GLIBC__ +// Detect with _LITTLE_ENDIAN and _BIG_ENDIAN macro +# elif defined(_LITTLE_ENDIAN) && !defined(_BIG_ENDIAN) +# define RAPIDJSON_ENDIAN RAPIDJSON_LITTLEENDIAN +# elif defined(_BIG_ENDIAN) && !defined(_LITTLE_ENDIAN) +# define RAPIDJSON_ENDIAN RAPIDJSON_BIGENDIAN +// Detect with architecture macros +# elif defined(__sparc) || defined(__sparc__) || defined(_POWER) || defined(__powerpc__) || defined(__ppc__) || defined(__hpux) || defined(__hppa) || defined(_MIPSEB) || defined(_POWER) || defined(__s390__) +# define RAPIDJSON_ENDIAN RAPIDJSON_BIGENDIAN +# elif defined(__i386__) || defined(__alpha__) || defined(__ia64) || defined(__ia64__) || defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_IA64) || defined(_M_ALPHA) || defined(__amd64) || defined(__amd64__) || defined(_M_AMD64) || defined(__x86_64) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(__bfin__) +# define RAPIDJSON_ENDIAN RAPIDJSON_LITTLEENDIAN +# elif defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_ARM) +# define RAPIDJSON_ENDIAN RAPIDJSON_LITTLEENDIAN +# elif defined(RAPIDJSON_DOXYGEN_RUNNING) +# define RAPIDJSON_ENDIAN +# else +# error Unknown machine endianess detected. User needs to define RAPIDJSON_ENDIAN. +# endif +#endif // RAPIDJSON_ENDIAN + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// RAPIDJSON_64BIT + +//! Whether using 64-bit architecture +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_64BIT +#if defined(__LP64__) || (defined(__x86_64__) && defined(__ILP32__)) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) +#define RAPIDJSON_64BIT 1 +#else +#define RAPIDJSON_64BIT 0 +#endif +#endif // RAPIDJSON_64BIT + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// RAPIDJSON_ALIGN + +//! Data alignment of the machine. +/*! \ingroup RAPIDJSON_CONFIG + \param x pointer to align + + Some machines require strict data alignment. Currently the default uses 4 bytes + alignment on 32-bit platforms and 8 bytes alignment for 64-bit platforms. + User can customize by defining the RAPIDJSON_ALIGN function macro. +*/ +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_ALIGN +#if RAPIDJSON_64BIT == 1 +#define RAPIDJSON_ALIGN(x) (((x) + static_cast(7u)) & ~static_cast(7u)) +#else +#define RAPIDJSON_ALIGN(x) (((x) + 3u) & ~3u) +#endif +#endif + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2 + +//! Construct a 64-bit literal by a pair of 32-bit integer. +/*! + 64-bit literal with or without ULL suffix is prone to compiler warnings. + UINT64_C() is C macro which cause compilation problems. + Use this macro to define 64-bit constants by a pair of 32-bit integer. +*/ +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2 +#define RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(high32, low32) ((static_cast(high32) << 32) | static_cast(low32)) +#endif + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// RAPIDJSON_48BITPOINTER_OPTIMIZATION + +//! Use only lower 48-bit address for some pointers. +/*! + \ingroup RAPIDJSON_CONFIG + + This optimization uses the fact that current X86-64 architecture only implement lower 48-bit virtual address. + The higher 16-bit can be used for storing other data. + \c GenericValue uses this optimization to reduce its size form 24 bytes to 16 bytes in 64-bit architecture. +*/ +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_48BITPOINTER_OPTIMIZATION +#if defined(__amd64__) || defined(__amd64) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__x86_64) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_AMD64) +#define RAPIDJSON_48BITPOINTER_OPTIMIZATION 1 +#else +#define RAPIDJSON_48BITPOINTER_OPTIMIZATION 0 +#endif +#endif // RAPIDJSON_48BITPOINTER_OPTIMIZATION + +#if RAPIDJSON_48BITPOINTER_OPTIMIZATION == 1 +#if RAPIDJSON_64BIT != 1 +#error RAPIDJSON_48BITPOINTER_OPTIMIZATION can only be set to 1 when RAPIDJSON_64BIT=1 +#endif +#define RAPIDJSON_SETPOINTER(type, p, x) (p = reinterpret_cast((reinterpret_cast(p) & static_cast(RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xFFFF0000, 0x00000000))) | reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(x)))) +#define RAPIDJSON_GETPOINTER(type, p) (reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(p) & static_cast(RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x0000FFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF)))) +#else +#define RAPIDJSON_SETPOINTER(type, p, x) (p = (x)) +#define RAPIDJSON_GETPOINTER(type, p) (p) +#endif + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// RAPIDJSON_SSE2/RAPIDJSON_SSE42/RAPIDJSON_SIMD + +/*! \def RAPIDJSON_SIMD + \ingroup RAPIDJSON_CONFIG + \brief Enable SSE2/SSE4.2 optimization. + + RapidJSON supports optimized implementations for some parsing operations + based on the SSE2 or SSE4.2 SIMD extensions on modern Intel-compatible + processors. + + To enable these optimizations, two different symbols can be defined; + \code + // Enable SSE2 optimization. + #define RAPIDJSON_SSE2 + + // Enable SSE4.2 optimization. + #define RAPIDJSON_SSE42 + \endcode + + \c RAPIDJSON_SSE42 takes precedence, if both are defined. + + If any of these symbols is defined, RapidJSON defines the macro + \c RAPIDJSON_SIMD to indicate the availability of the optimized code. +*/ +#if defined(RAPIDJSON_SSE2) || defined(RAPIDJSON_SSE42) \ + || defined(RAPIDJSON_DOXYGEN_RUNNING) +#define RAPIDJSON_SIMD +#endif + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// RAPIDJSON_NO_SIZETYPEDEFINE + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_NO_SIZETYPEDEFINE +/*! \def RAPIDJSON_NO_SIZETYPEDEFINE + \ingroup RAPIDJSON_CONFIG + \brief User-provided \c SizeType definition. + + In order to avoid using 32-bit size types for indexing strings and arrays, + define this preprocessor symbol and provide the type rapidjson::SizeType + before including RapidJSON: + \code + #define RAPIDJSON_NO_SIZETYPEDEFINE + namespace rapidjson { typedef ::std::size_t SizeType; } + #include "rapidjson/..." + \endcode + + \see rapidjson::SizeType +*/ +#ifdef RAPIDJSON_DOXYGEN_RUNNING +#define RAPIDJSON_NO_SIZETYPEDEFINE +#endif +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +//! Size type (for string lengths, array sizes, etc.) +/*! RapidJSON uses 32-bit array/string indices even on 64-bit platforms, + instead of using \c size_t. Users may override the SizeType by defining + \ref RAPIDJSON_NO_SIZETYPEDEFINE. +*/ +typedef unsigned SizeType; +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END +#endif + +// always import std::size_t to rapidjson namespace +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +using std::size_t; +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// RAPIDJSON_ASSERT + +//! Assertion. +/*! \ingroup RAPIDJSON_CONFIG + By default, rapidjson uses C \c assert() for internal assertions. + User can override it by defining RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(x) macro. + + \note Parsing errors are handled and can be customized by the + \ref RAPIDJSON_ERRORS APIs. +*/ +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_ASSERT +#include +#define RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(x) assert(x) +#endif // RAPIDJSON_ASSERT + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT + +// Adopt from boost +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT +#ifndef __clang__ +//!@cond RAPIDJSON_HIDDEN_FROM_DOXYGEN +#endif +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +template struct STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILURE; +template <> struct STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILURE { enum { value = 1 }; }; +template struct StaticAssertTest {}; +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#define RAPIDJSON_JOIN(X, Y) RAPIDJSON_DO_JOIN(X, Y) +#define RAPIDJSON_DO_JOIN(X, Y) RAPIDJSON_DO_JOIN2(X, Y) +#define RAPIDJSON_DO_JOIN2(X, Y) X##Y + +#if defined(__GNUC__) +#define RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT_UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE __attribute__((unused)) +#else +#define RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT_UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE +#endif +#ifndef __clang__ +//!@endcond +#endif + +/*! \def RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT + \brief (Internal) macro to check for conditions at compile-time + \param x compile-time condition + \hideinitializer + */ +#define RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT(x) \ + typedef ::RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::StaticAssertTest< \ + sizeof(::RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILURE)> \ + RAPIDJSON_JOIN(StaticAssertTypedef, __LINE__) RAPIDJSON_STATIC_ASSERT_UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE +#endif + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// RAPIDJSON_LIKELY, RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY + +//! Compiler branching hint for expression with high probability to be true. +/*! + \ingroup RAPIDJSON_CONFIG + \param x Boolean expression likely to be true. +*/ +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_LIKELY +#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) +#define RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1) +#else +#define RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(x) (x) +#endif +#endif + +//! Compiler branching hint for expression with low probability to be true. +/*! + \ingroup RAPIDJSON_CONFIG + \param x Boolean expression unlikely to be true. +*/ +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY +#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) +#define RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0) +#else +#define RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(x) (x) +#endif +#endif + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Helpers + +//!@cond RAPIDJSON_HIDDEN_FROM_DOXYGEN + +#define RAPIDJSON_MULTILINEMACRO_BEGIN do { +#define RAPIDJSON_MULTILINEMACRO_END \ +} while((void)0, 0) + +// adopted from Boost +#define RAPIDJSON_VERSION_CODE(x,y,z) \ + (((x)*100000) + ((y)*100) + (z)) + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH/POP, RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF + +#if defined(__GNUC__) +#define RAPIDJSON_GNUC \ + RAPIDJSON_VERSION_CODE(__GNUC__,__GNUC_MINOR__,__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__) +#endif + +#if defined(__clang__) || (defined(RAPIDJSON_GNUC) && RAPIDJSON_GNUC >= RAPIDJSON_VERSION_CODE(4,2,0)) + +#define RAPIDJSON_PRAGMA(x) _Pragma(RAPIDJSON_STRINGIFY(x)) +#define RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PRAGMA(x) RAPIDJSON_PRAGMA(GCC diagnostic x) +#define RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(x) \ + RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PRAGMA(ignored RAPIDJSON_STRINGIFY(RAPIDJSON_JOIN(-W,x))) + +// push/pop support in Clang and GCC>=4.6 +#if defined(__clang__) || (defined(RAPIDJSON_GNUC) && RAPIDJSON_GNUC >= RAPIDJSON_VERSION_CODE(4,6,0)) +#define RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PRAGMA(push) +#define RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PRAGMA(pop) +#else // GCC >= 4.2, < 4.6 +#define RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH /* ignored */ +#define RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP /* ignored */ +#endif + +#elif defined(_MSC_VER) + +// pragma (MSVC specific) +#define RAPIDJSON_PRAGMA(x) __pragma(x) +#define RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PRAGMA(x) RAPIDJSON_PRAGMA(warning(x)) + +#define RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(x) RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PRAGMA(disable: x) +#define RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PRAGMA(push) +#define RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PRAGMA(pop) + +#else + +#define RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(x) /* ignored */ +#define RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH /* ignored */ +#define RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP /* ignored */ + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_DIAG_* + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// C++11 features + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS +#if defined(__clang__) +#if __has_feature(cxx_rvalue_references) && \ + (defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION) || defined(__GLIBCXX__) && __GLIBCXX__ >= 20080306) +#define RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS 1 +#else +#define RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS 0 +#endif +#elif (defined(RAPIDJSON_GNUC) && (RAPIDJSON_GNUC >= RAPIDJSON_VERSION_CODE(4,3,0)) && defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)) || \ + (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1600) + +#define RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS 1 +#else +#define RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS 0 +#endif +#endif // RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_NOEXCEPT +#if defined(__clang__) +#define RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_NOEXCEPT __has_feature(cxx_noexcept) +#elif (defined(RAPIDJSON_GNUC) && (RAPIDJSON_GNUC >= RAPIDJSON_VERSION_CODE(4,6,0)) && defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)) +// (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= ????) // not yet supported +#define RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_NOEXCEPT 1 +#else +#define RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_NOEXCEPT 0 +#endif +#endif +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_NOEXCEPT +#define RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT noexcept +#else +#define RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT /* noexcept */ +#endif // RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_NOEXCEPT + +// no automatic detection, yet +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_TYPETRAITS +#define RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_TYPETRAITS 0 +#endif + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RANGE_FOR +#if defined(__clang__) +#define RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RANGE_FOR __has_feature(cxx_range_for) +#elif (defined(RAPIDJSON_GNUC) && (RAPIDJSON_GNUC >= RAPIDJSON_VERSION_CODE(4,3,0)) && defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)) || \ + (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1700) +#define RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RANGE_FOR 1 +#else +#define RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RANGE_FOR 0 +#endif +#endif // RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RANGE_FOR + +//!@endcond + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// new/delete + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_NEW +///! customization point for global \c new +#define RAPIDJSON_NEW(x) new x +#endif +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_DELETE +///! customization point for global \c delete +#define RAPIDJSON_DELETE(x) delete x +#endif + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Type + +/*! \namespace rapidjson + \brief main RapidJSON namespace + \see RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE +*/ +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + +//! Type of JSON value +enum Type { + kNullType = 0, //!< null + kFalseType = 1, //!< false + kTrueType = 2, //!< true + kObjectType = 3, //!< object + kArrayType = 4, //!< array + kStringType = 5, //!< string + kNumberType = 6 //!< number +}; + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_RAPIDJSON_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/reader.h b/rapidjson/reader.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71916c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/reader.h @@ -0,0 +1,1862 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_READER_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_READER_H_ + +/*! \file reader.h */ + +#include "allocators.h" +#include "stream.h" +#include "encodedstream.h" +#include "internal/meta.h" +#include "internal/stack.h" +#include "internal/strtod.h" +#include + +#if defined(RAPIDJSON_SIMD) && defined(_MSC_VER) +#include +#pragma intrinsic(_BitScanForward) +#endif +#ifdef RAPIDJSON_SSE42 +#include +#elif defined(RAPIDJSON_SSE2) +#include +#endif + +#ifdef _MSC_VER +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(4127) // conditional expression is constant +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(4702) // unreachable code +#endif + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(old-style-cast) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(padded) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(switch-enum) +#endif + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(effc++) +#endif + +//!@cond RAPIDJSON_HIDDEN_FROM_DOXYGEN +#define RAPIDJSON_NOTHING /* deliberately empty */ +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN +#define RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN(value) \ + RAPIDJSON_MULTILINEMACRO_BEGIN \ + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(HasParseError())) { return value; } \ + RAPIDJSON_MULTILINEMACRO_END +#endif +#define RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN_VOID \ + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN(RAPIDJSON_NOTHING) +//!@endcond + +/*! \def RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_NORETURN + \ingroup RAPIDJSON_ERRORS + \brief Macro to indicate a parse error. + \param parseErrorCode \ref rapidjson::ParseErrorCode of the error + \param offset position of the error in JSON input (\c size_t) + + This macros can be used as a customization point for the internal + error handling mechanism of RapidJSON. + + A common usage model is to throw an exception instead of requiring the + caller to explicitly check the \ref rapidjson::GenericReader::Parse's + return value: + + \code + #define RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_NORETURN(parseErrorCode,offset) \ + throw ParseException(parseErrorCode, #parseErrorCode, offset) + + #include // std::runtime_error + #include "rapidjson/error/error.h" // rapidjson::ParseResult + + struct ParseException : std::runtime_error, rapidjson::ParseResult { + ParseException(rapidjson::ParseErrorCode code, const char* msg, size_t offset) + : std::runtime_error(msg), ParseResult(code, offset) {} + }; + + #include "rapidjson/reader.h" + \endcode + + \see RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR, rapidjson::GenericReader::Parse + */ +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_NORETURN +#define RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_NORETURN(parseErrorCode, offset) \ + RAPIDJSON_MULTILINEMACRO_BEGIN \ + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(!HasParseError()); /* Error can only be assigned once */ \ + SetParseError(parseErrorCode, offset); \ + RAPIDJSON_MULTILINEMACRO_END +#endif + +/*! \def RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR + \ingroup RAPIDJSON_ERRORS + \brief (Internal) macro to indicate and handle a parse error. + \param parseErrorCode \ref rapidjson::ParseErrorCode of the error + \param offset position of the error in JSON input (\c size_t) + + Invokes RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_NORETURN and stops the parsing. + + \see RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_NORETURN + \hideinitializer + */ +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR +#define RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(parseErrorCode, offset) \ + RAPIDJSON_MULTILINEMACRO_BEGIN \ + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_NORETURN(parseErrorCode, offset); \ + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN_VOID; \ + RAPIDJSON_MULTILINEMACRO_END +#endif + +#include "error/error.h" // ParseErrorCode, ParseResult + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// ParseFlag + +/*! \def RAPIDJSON_PARSE_DEFAULT_FLAGS + \ingroup RAPIDJSON_CONFIG + \brief User-defined kParseDefaultFlags definition. + + User can define this as any \c ParseFlag combinations. +*/ +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_PARSE_DEFAULT_FLAGS +#define RAPIDJSON_PARSE_DEFAULT_FLAGS kParseNoFlags +#endif + +//! Combination of parseFlags +/*! \see Reader::Parse, Document::Parse, Document::ParseInsitu, Document::ParseStream + */ +enum ParseFlag { + kParseNoFlags = 0, //!< No flags are set. + kParseInsituFlag = 1, //!< In-situ(destructive) parsing. + kParseValidateEncodingFlag = 2, //!< Validate encoding of JSON strings. + kParseIterativeFlag = 4, //!< Iterative(constant complexity in terms of function call stack size) parsing. + kParseStopWhenDoneFlag = 8, //!< After parsing a complete JSON root from stream, stop further processing the rest of stream. When this flag is used, parser will not generate kParseErrorDocumentRootNotSingular error. + kParseFullPrecisionFlag = 16, //!< Parse number in full precision (but slower). + kParseCommentsFlag = 32, //!< Allow one-line (//) and multi-line (/**/) comments. + kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag = 64, //!< Parse all numbers (ints/doubles) as strings. + kParseTrailingCommasFlag = 128, //!< Allow trailing commas at the end of objects and arrays. + kParseNanAndInfFlag = 256, //!< Allow parsing NaN, Inf, Infinity, -Inf and -Infinity as doubles. + kParseDefaultFlags = RAPIDJSON_PARSE_DEFAULT_FLAGS //!< Default parse flags. Can be customized by defining RAPIDJSON_PARSE_DEFAULT_FLAGS +}; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Handler + +/*! \class rapidjson::Handler + \brief Concept for receiving events from GenericReader upon parsing. + The functions return true if no error occurs. If they return false, + the event publisher should terminate the process. +\code +concept Handler { + typename Ch; + + bool Null(); + bool Bool(bool b); + bool Int(int i); + bool Uint(unsigned i); + bool Int64(int64_t i); + bool Uint64(uint64_t i); + bool Double(double d); + /// enabled via kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag, string is not null-terminated (use length) + bool RawNumber(const Ch* str, SizeType length, bool copy); + bool String(const Ch* str, SizeType length, bool copy); + bool StartObject(); + bool Key(const Ch* str, SizeType length, bool copy); + bool EndObject(SizeType memberCount); + bool StartArray(); + bool EndArray(SizeType elementCount); +}; +\endcode +*/ +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// BaseReaderHandler + +//! Default implementation of Handler. +/*! This can be used as base class of any reader handler. + \note implements Handler concept +*/ +template, typename Derived = void> +struct BaseReaderHandler { + typedef typename Encoding::Ch Ch; + + typedef typename internal::SelectIf, BaseReaderHandler, Derived>::Type Override; + + bool Default() { return true; } + bool Null() { return static_cast(*this).Default(); } + bool Bool(bool) { return static_cast(*this).Default(); } + bool Int(int) { return static_cast(*this).Default(); } + bool Uint(unsigned) { return static_cast(*this).Default(); } + bool Int64(int64_t) { return static_cast(*this).Default(); } + bool Uint64(uint64_t) { return static_cast(*this).Default(); } + bool Double(double) { return static_cast(*this).Default(); } + /// enabled via kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag, string is not null-terminated (use length) + bool RawNumber(const Ch* str, SizeType len, bool copy) { return static_cast(*this).String(str, len, copy); } + bool String(const Ch*, SizeType, bool) { return static_cast(*this).Default(); } + bool StartObject() { return static_cast(*this).Default(); } + bool Key(const Ch* str, SizeType len, bool copy) { return static_cast(*this).String(str, len, copy); } + bool EndObject(SizeType) { return static_cast(*this).Default(); } + bool StartArray() { return static_cast(*this).Default(); } + bool EndArray(SizeType) { return static_cast(*this).Default(); } +}; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// StreamLocalCopy + +namespace internal { + +template::copyOptimization> +class StreamLocalCopy; + +//! Do copy optimization. +template +class StreamLocalCopy { +public: + StreamLocalCopy(Stream& original) : s(original), original_(original) {} + ~StreamLocalCopy() { original_ = s; } + + Stream s; + +private: + StreamLocalCopy& operator=(const StreamLocalCopy&) /* = delete */; + + Stream& original_; +}; + +//! Keep reference. +template +class StreamLocalCopy { +public: + StreamLocalCopy(Stream& original) : s(original) {} + + Stream& s; + +private: + StreamLocalCopy& operator=(const StreamLocalCopy&) /* = delete */; +}; + +} // namespace internal + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// SkipWhitespace + +//! Skip the JSON white spaces in a stream. +/*! \param is A input stream for skipping white spaces. + \note This function has SSE2/SSE4.2 specialization. +*/ +template +void SkipWhitespace(InputStream& is) { + internal::StreamLocalCopy copy(is); + InputStream& s(copy.s); + + typename InputStream::Ch c; + while ((c = s.Peek()) == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t') + s.Take(); +} + +inline const char* SkipWhitespace(const char* p, const char* end) { + while (p != end && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\n' || *p == '\r' || *p == '\t')) + ++p; + return p; +} + +#ifdef RAPIDJSON_SSE42 +//! Skip whitespace with SSE 4.2 pcmpistrm instruction, testing 16 8-byte characters at once. +inline const char *SkipWhitespace_SIMD(const char* p) { + // Fast return for single non-whitespace + if (*p == ' ' || *p == '\n' || *p == '\r' || *p == '\t') + ++p; + else + return p; + + // 16-byte align to the next boundary + const char* nextAligned = reinterpret_cast((reinterpret_cast(p) + 15) & static_cast(~15)); + while (p != nextAligned) + if (*p == ' ' || *p == '\n' || *p == '\r' || *p == '\t') + ++p; + else + return p; + + // The rest of string using SIMD + static const char whitespace[16] = " \n\r\t"; + const __m128i w = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(&whitespace[0])); + + for (;; p += 16) { + const __m128i s = _mm_load_si128(reinterpret_cast(p)); + const int r = _mm_cmpistri(w, s, _SIDD_UBYTE_OPS | _SIDD_CMP_EQUAL_ANY | _SIDD_LEAST_SIGNIFICANT | _SIDD_NEGATIVE_POLARITY); + if (r != 16) // some of characters is non-whitespace + return p + r; + } +} + +inline const char *SkipWhitespace_SIMD(const char* p, const char* end) { + // Fast return for single non-whitespace + if (p != end && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\n' || *p == '\r' || *p == '\t')) + ++p; + else + return p; + + // The middle of string using SIMD + static const char whitespace[16] = " \n\r\t"; + const __m128i w = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(&whitespace[0])); + + for (; p <= end - 16; p += 16) { + const __m128i s = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(p)); + const int r = _mm_cmpistri(w, s, _SIDD_UBYTE_OPS | _SIDD_CMP_EQUAL_ANY | _SIDD_LEAST_SIGNIFICANT | _SIDD_NEGATIVE_POLARITY); + if (r != 16) // some of characters is non-whitespace + return p + r; + } + + return SkipWhitespace(p, end); +} + +#elif defined(RAPIDJSON_SSE2) + +//! Skip whitespace with SSE2 instructions, testing 16 8-byte characters at once. +inline const char *SkipWhitespace_SIMD(const char* p) { + // Fast return for single non-whitespace + if (*p == ' ' || *p == '\n' || *p == '\r' || *p == '\t') + ++p; + else + return p; + + // 16-byte align to the next boundary + const char* nextAligned = reinterpret_cast((reinterpret_cast(p) + 15) & static_cast(~15)); + while (p != nextAligned) + if (*p == ' ' || *p == '\n' || *p == '\r' || *p == '\t') + ++p; + else + return p; + + // The rest of string + #define C16(c) { c, c, c, c, c, c, c, c, c, c, c, c, c, c, c, c } + static const char whitespaces[4][16] = { C16(' '), C16('\n'), C16('\r'), C16('\t') }; + #undef C16 + + const __m128i w0 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(&whitespaces[0][0])); + const __m128i w1 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(&whitespaces[1][0])); + const __m128i w2 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(&whitespaces[2][0])); + const __m128i w3 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(&whitespaces[3][0])); + + for (;; p += 16) { + const __m128i s = _mm_load_si128(reinterpret_cast(p)); + __m128i x = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(s, w0); + x = _mm_or_si128(x, _mm_cmpeq_epi8(s, w1)); + x = _mm_or_si128(x, _mm_cmpeq_epi8(s, w2)); + x = _mm_or_si128(x, _mm_cmpeq_epi8(s, w3)); + unsigned short r = static_cast(~_mm_movemask_epi8(x)); + if (r != 0) { // some of characters may be non-whitespace +#ifdef _MSC_VER // Find the index of first non-whitespace + unsigned long offset; + _BitScanForward(&offset, r); + return p + offset; +#else + return p + __builtin_ffs(r) - 1; +#endif + } + } +} + +inline const char *SkipWhitespace_SIMD(const char* p, const char* end) { + // Fast return for single non-whitespace + if (p != end && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\n' || *p == '\r' || *p == '\t')) + ++p; + else + return p; + + // The rest of string + #define C16(c) { c, c, c, c, c, c, c, c, c, c, c, c, c, c, c, c } + static const char whitespaces[4][16] = { C16(' '), C16('\n'), C16('\r'), C16('\t') }; + #undef C16 + + const __m128i w0 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(&whitespaces[0][0])); + const __m128i w1 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(&whitespaces[1][0])); + const __m128i w2 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(&whitespaces[2][0])); + const __m128i w3 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(&whitespaces[3][0])); + + for (; p <= end - 16; p += 16) { + const __m128i s = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(p)); + __m128i x = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(s, w0); + x = _mm_or_si128(x, _mm_cmpeq_epi8(s, w1)); + x = _mm_or_si128(x, _mm_cmpeq_epi8(s, w2)); + x = _mm_or_si128(x, _mm_cmpeq_epi8(s, w3)); + unsigned short r = static_cast(~_mm_movemask_epi8(x)); + if (r != 0) { // some of characters may be non-whitespace +#ifdef _MSC_VER // Find the index of first non-whitespace + unsigned long offset; + _BitScanForward(&offset, r); + return p + offset; +#else + return p + __builtin_ffs(r) - 1; +#endif + } + } + + return SkipWhitespace(p, end); +} + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_SSE2 + +#ifdef RAPIDJSON_SIMD +//! Template function specialization for InsituStringStream +template<> inline void SkipWhitespace(InsituStringStream& is) { + is.src_ = const_cast(SkipWhitespace_SIMD(is.src_)); +} + +//! Template function specialization for StringStream +template<> inline void SkipWhitespace(StringStream& is) { + is.src_ = SkipWhitespace_SIMD(is.src_); +} + +template<> inline void SkipWhitespace(EncodedInputStream, MemoryStream>& is) { + is.is_.src_ = SkipWhitespace_SIMD(is.is_.src_, is.is_.end_); +} +#endif // RAPIDJSON_SIMD + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GenericReader + +//! SAX-style JSON parser. Use \ref Reader for UTF8 encoding and default allocator. +/*! GenericReader parses JSON text from a stream, and send events synchronously to an + object implementing Handler concept. + + It needs to allocate a stack for storing a single decoded string during + non-destructive parsing. + + For in-situ parsing, the decoded string is directly written to the source + text string, no temporary buffer is required. + + A GenericReader object can be reused for parsing multiple JSON text. + + \tparam SourceEncoding Encoding of the input stream. + \tparam TargetEncoding Encoding of the parse output. + \tparam StackAllocator Allocator type for stack. +*/ +template +class GenericReader { +public: + typedef typename SourceEncoding::Ch Ch; //!< SourceEncoding character type + + //! Constructor. + /*! \param stackAllocator Optional allocator for allocating stack memory. (Only use for non-destructive parsing) + \param stackCapacity stack capacity in bytes for storing a single decoded string. (Only use for non-destructive parsing) + */ + GenericReader(StackAllocator* stackAllocator = 0, size_t stackCapacity = kDefaultStackCapacity) : stack_(stackAllocator, stackCapacity), parseResult_() {} + + //! Parse JSON text. + /*! \tparam parseFlags Combination of \ref ParseFlag. + \tparam InputStream Type of input stream, implementing Stream concept. + \tparam Handler Type of handler, implementing Handler concept. + \param is Input stream to be parsed. + \param handler The handler to receive events. + \return Whether the parsing is successful. + */ + template + ParseResult Parse(InputStream& is, Handler& handler) { + if (parseFlags & kParseIterativeFlag) + return IterativeParse(is, handler); + + parseResult_.Clear(); + + ClearStackOnExit scope(*this); + + SkipWhitespaceAndComments(is); + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN(parseResult_); + + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(is.Peek() == '\0')) { + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_NORETURN(kParseErrorDocumentEmpty, is.Tell()); + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN(parseResult_); + } + else { + ParseValue(is, handler); + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN(parseResult_); + + if (!(parseFlags & kParseStopWhenDoneFlag)) { + SkipWhitespaceAndComments(is); + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN(parseResult_); + + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(is.Peek() != '\0')) { + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_NORETURN(kParseErrorDocumentRootNotSingular, is.Tell()); + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN(parseResult_); + } + } + } + + return parseResult_; + } + + //! Parse JSON text (with \ref kParseDefaultFlags) + /*! \tparam InputStream Type of input stream, implementing Stream concept + \tparam Handler Type of handler, implementing Handler concept. + \param is Input stream to be parsed. + \param handler The handler to receive events. + \return Whether the parsing is successful. + */ + template + ParseResult Parse(InputStream& is, Handler& handler) { + return Parse(is, handler); + } + + //! Whether a parse error has occured in the last parsing. + bool HasParseError() const { return parseResult_.IsError(); } + + //! Get the \ref ParseErrorCode of last parsing. + ParseErrorCode GetParseErrorCode() const { return parseResult_.Code(); } + + //! Get the position of last parsing error in input, 0 otherwise. + size_t GetErrorOffset() const { return parseResult_.Offset(); } + +protected: + void SetParseError(ParseErrorCode code, size_t offset) { parseResult_.Set(code, offset); } + +private: + // Prohibit copy constructor & assignment operator. + GenericReader(const GenericReader&); + GenericReader& operator=(const GenericReader&); + + void ClearStack() { stack_.Clear(); } + + // clear stack on any exit from ParseStream, e.g. due to exception + struct ClearStackOnExit { + explicit ClearStackOnExit(GenericReader& r) : r_(r) {} + ~ClearStackOnExit() { r_.ClearStack(); } + private: + GenericReader& r_; + ClearStackOnExit(const ClearStackOnExit&); + ClearStackOnExit& operator=(const ClearStackOnExit&); + }; + + template + void SkipWhitespaceAndComments(InputStream& is) { + SkipWhitespace(is); + + if (parseFlags & kParseCommentsFlag) { + while (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(Consume(is, '/'))) { + if (Consume(is, '*')) { + while (true) { + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(is.Peek() == '\0')) + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorUnspecificSyntaxError, is.Tell()); + else if (Consume(is, '*')) { + if (Consume(is, '/')) + break; + } + else + is.Take(); + } + } + else if (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(Consume(is, '/'))) + while (is.Peek() != '\0' && is.Take() != '\n') {} + else + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorUnspecificSyntaxError, is.Tell()); + + SkipWhitespace(is); + } + } + } + + // Parse object: { string : value, ... } + template + void ParseObject(InputStream& is, Handler& handler) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(is.Peek() == '{'); + is.Take(); // Skip '{' + + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!handler.StartObject())) + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorTermination, is.Tell()); + + SkipWhitespaceAndComments(is); + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN_VOID; + + if (Consume(is, '}')) { + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!handler.EndObject(0))) // empty object + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorTermination, is.Tell()); + return; + } + + for (SizeType memberCount = 0;;) { + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(is.Peek() != '"')) + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorObjectMissName, is.Tell()); + + ParseString(is, handler, true); + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN_VOID; + + SkipWhitespaceAndComments(is); + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN_VOID; + + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!Consume(is, ':'))) + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorObjectMissColon, is.Tell()); + + SkipWhitespaceAndComments(is); + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN_VOID; + + ParseValue(is, handler); + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN_VOID; + + SkipWhitespaceAndComments(is); + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN_VOID; + + ++memberCount; + + switch (is.Peek()) { + case ',': + is.Take(); + SkipWhitespaceAndComments(is); + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN_VOID; + break; + case '}': + is.Take(); + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!handler.EndObject(memberCount))) + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorTermination, is.Tell()); + return; + default: + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorObjectMissCommaOrCurlyBracket, is.Tell()); break; // This useless break is only for making warning and coverage happy + } + + if (parseFlags & kParseTrailingCommasFlag) { + if (is.Peek() == '}') { + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!handler.EndObject(memberCount))) + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorTermination, is.Tell()); + is.Take(); + return; + } + } + } + } + + // Parse array: [ value, ... ] + template + void ParseArray(InputStream& is, Handler& handler) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(is.Peek() == '['); + is.Take(); // Skip '[' + + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!handler.StartArray())) + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorTermination, is.Tell()); + + SkipWhitespaceAndComments(is); + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN_VOID; + + if (Consume(is, ']')) { + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!handler.EndArray(0))) // empty array + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorTermination, is.Tell()); + return; + } + + for (SizeType elementCount = 0;;) { + ParseValue(is, handler); + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN_VOID; + + ++elementCount; + SkipWhitespaceAndComments(is); + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN_VOID; + + if (Consume(is, ',')) { + SkipWhitespaceAndComments(is); + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN_VOID; + } + else if (Consume(is, ']')) { + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!handler.EndArray(elementCount))) + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorTermination, is.Tell()); + return; + } + else + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorArrayMissCommaOrSquareBracket, is.Tell()); + + if (parseFlags & kParseTrailingCommasFlag) { + if (is.Peek() == ']') { + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!handler.EndArray(elementCount))) + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorTermination, is.Tell()); + is.Take(); + return; + } + } + } + } + + template + void ParseNull(InputStream& is, Handler& handler) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(is.Peek() == 'n'); + is.Take(); + + if (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(Consume(is, 'u') && Consume(is, 'l') && Consume(is, 'l'))) { + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!handler.Null())) + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorTermination, is.Tell()); + } + else + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorValueInvalid, is.Tell()); + } + + template + void ParseTrue(InputStream& is, Handler& handler) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(is.Peek() == 't'); + is.Take(); + + if (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(Consume(is, 'r') && Consume(is, 'u') && Consume(is, 'e'))) { + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!handler.Bool(true))) + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorTermination, is.Tell()); + } + else + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorValueInvalid, is.Tell()); + } + + template + void ParseFalse(InputStream& is, Handler& handler) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(is.Peek() == 'f'); + is.Take(); + + if (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(Consume(is, 'a') && Consume(is, 'l') && Consume(is, 's') && Consume(is, 'e'))) { + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!handler.Bool(false))) + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorTermination, is.Tell()); + } + else + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorValueInvalid, is.Tell()); + } + + template + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE static bool Consume(InputStream& is, typename InputStream::Ch expect) { + if (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(is.Peek() == expect)) { + is.Take(); + return true; + } + else + return false; + } + + // Helper function to parse four hexidecimal digits in \uXXXX in ParseString(). + template + unsigned ParseHex4(InputStream& is, size_t escapeOffset) { + unsigned codepoint = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { + Ch c = is.Peek(); + codepoint <<= 4; + codepoint += static_cast(c); + if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') + codepoint -= '0'; + else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') + codepoint -= 'A' - 10; + else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') + codepoint -= 'a' - 10; + else { + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_NORETURN(kParseErrorStringUnicodeEscapeInvalidHex, escapeOffset); + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN(0); + } + is.Take(); + } + return codepoint; + } + + template + class StackStream { + public: + typedef CharType Ch; + + StackStream(internal::Stack& stack) : stack_(stack), length_(0) {} + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE void Put(Ch c) { + *stack_.template Push() = c; + ++length_; + } + + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE void* Push(SizeType count) { + length_ += count; + return stack_.template Push(count); + } + + size_t Length() const { return length_; } + + Ch* Pop() { + return stack_.template Pop(length_); + } + + private: + StackStream(const StackStream&); + StackStream& operator=(const StackStream&); + + internal::Stack& stack_; + SizeType length_; + }; + + // Parse string and generate String event. Different code paths for kParseInsituFlag. + template + void ParseString(InputStream& is, Handler& handler, bool isKey = false) { + internal::StreamLocalCopy copy(is); + InputStream& s(copy.s); + + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(s.Peek() == '\"'); + s.Take(); // Skip '\"' + + bool success = false; + if (parseFlags & kParseInsituFlag) { + typename InputStream::Ch *head = s.PutBegin(); + ParseStringToStream(s, s); + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN_VOID; + size_t length = s.PutEnd(head) - 1; + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(length <= 0xFFFFFFFF); + const typename TargetEncoding::Ch* const str = reinterpret_cast(head); + success = (isKey ? handler.Key(str, SizeType(length), false) : handler.String(str, SizeType(length), false)); + } + else { + StackStream stackStream(stack_); + ParseStringToStream(s, stackStream); + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN_VOID; + SizeType length = static_cast(stackStream.Length()) - 1; + const typename TargetEncoding::Ch* const str = stackStream.Pop(); + success = (isKey ? handler.Key(str, length, true) : handler.String(str, length, true)); + } + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!success)) + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorTermination, s.Tell()); + } + + // Parse string to an output is + // This function handles the prefix/suffix double quotes, escaping, and optional encoding validation. + template + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE void ParseStringToStream(InputStream& is, OutputStream& os) { +//!@cond RAPIDJSON_HIDDEN_FROM_DOXYGEN +#define Z16 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 + static const char escape[256] = { + Z16, Z16, 0, 0,'\"', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,'/', + Z16, Z16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,'\\', 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0,'\b', 0, 0, 0,'\f', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,'\n', 0, + 0, 0,'\r', 0,'\t', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + Z16, Z16, Z16, Z16, Z16, Z16, Z16, Z16 + }; +#undef Z16 +//!@endcond + + for (;;) { + // Scan and copy string before "\\\"" or < 0x20. This is an optional optimzation. + if (!(parseFlags & kParseValidateEncodingFlag)) + ScanCopyUnescapedString(is, os); + + Ch c = is.Peek(); + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(c == '\\')) { // Escape + size_t escapeOffset = is.Tell(); // For invalid escaping, report the inital '\\' as error offset + is.Take(); + Ch e = is.Peek(); + if ((sizeof(Ch) == 1 || unsigned(e) < 256) && RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(escape[static_cast(e)])) { + is.Take(); + os.Put(static_cast(escape[static_cast(e)])); + } + else if (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(e == 'u')) { // Unicode + is.Take(); + unsigned codepoint = ParseHex4(is, escapeOffset); + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN_VOID; + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(codepoint >= 0xD800 && codepoint <= 0xDBFF)) { + // Handle UTF-16 surrogate pair + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!Consume(is, '\\') || !Consume(is, 'u'))) + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorStringUnicodeSurrogateInvalid, escapeOffset); + unsigned codepoint2 = ParseHex4(is, escapeOffset); + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN_VOID; + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(codepoint2 < 0xDC00 || codepoint2 > 0xDFFF)) + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorStringUnicodeSurrogateInvalid, escapeOffset); + codepoint = (((codepoint - 0xD800) << 10) | (codepoint2 - 0xDC00)) + 0x10000; + } + TEncoding::Encode(os, codepoint); + } + else + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorStringEscapeInvalid, escapeOffset); + } + else if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(c == '"')) { // Closing double quote + is.Take(); + os.Put('\0'); // null-terminate the string + return; + } + else if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(static_cast(c) < 0x20)) { // RFC 4627: unescaped = %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-10FFFF + if (c == '\0') + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorStringMissQuotationMark, is.Tell()); + else + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorStringEscapeInvalid, is.Tell()); + } + else { + size_t offset = is.Tell(); + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY((parseFlags & kParseValidateEncodingFlag ? + !Transcoder::Validate(is, os) : + !Transcoder::Transcode(is, os)))) + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorStringInvalidEncoding, offset); + } + } + } + + template + static RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE void ScanCopyUnescapedString(InputStream&, OutputStream&) { + // Do nothing for generic version + } + +#if defined(RAPIDJSON_SSE2) || defined(RAPIDJSON_SSE42) + // StringStream -> StackStream + static RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE void ScanCopyUnescapedString(StringStream& is, StackStream& os) { + const char* p = is.src_; + + // Scan one by one until alignment (unaligned load may cross page boundary and cause crash) + const char* nextAligned = reinterpret_cast((reinterpret_cast(p) + 15) & static_cast(~15)); + while (p != nextAligned) + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(*p == '\"') || RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(*p == '\\') || RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(static_cast(*p) < 0x20)) { + is.src_ = p; + return; + } + else + os.Put(*p++); + + // The rest of string using SIMD + static const char dquote[16] = { '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"' }; + static const char bslash[16] = { '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\' }; + static const char space[16] = { 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19 }; + const __m128i dq = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(&dquote[0])); + const __m128i bs = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(&bslash[0])); + const __m128i sp = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(&space[0])); + + for (;; p += 16) { + const __m128i s = _mm_load_si128(reinterpret_cast(p)); + const __m128i t1 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(s, dq); + const __m128i t2 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(s, bs); + const __m128i t3 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(_mm_max_epu8(s, sp), sp); // s < 0x20 <=> max(s, 0x19) == 0x19 + const __m128i x = _mm_or_si128(_mm_or_si128(t1, t2), t3); + unsigned short r = static_cast(_mm_movemask_epi8(x)); + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(r != 0)) { // some of characters is escaped + SizeType length; + #ifdef _MSC_VER // Find the index of first escaped + unsigned long offset; + _BitScanForward(&offset, r); + length = offset; + #else + length = static_cast(__builtin_ffs(r) - 1); + #endif + char* q = reinterpret_cast(os.Push(length)); + for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) + q[i] = p[i]; + + p += length; + break; + } + _mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i *>(os.Push(16)), s); + } + + is.src_ = p; + } + + // InsituStringStream -> InsituStringStream + static RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE void ScanCopyUnescapedString(InsituStringStream& is, InsituStringStream& os) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(&is == &os); + (void)os; + + if (is.src_ == is.dst_) { + SkipUnescapedString(is); + return; + } + + char* p = is.src_; + char *q = is.dst_; + + // Scan one by one until alignment (unaligned load may cross page boundary and cause crash) + const char* nextAligned = reinterpret_cast((reinterpret_cast(p) + 15) & static_cast(~15)); + while (p != nextAligned) + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(*p == '\"') || RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(*p == '\\') || RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(static_cast(*p) < 0x20)) { + is.src_ = p; + is.dst_ = q; + return; + } + else + *q++ = *p++; + + // The rest of string using SIMD + static const char dquote[16] = { '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"' }; + static const char bslash[16] = { '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\' }; + static const char space[16] = { 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19 }; + const __m128i dq = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(&dquote[0])); + const __m128i bs = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(&bslash[0])); + const __m128i sp = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(&space[0])); + + for (;; p += 16, q += 16) { + const __m128i s = _mm_load_si128(reinterpret_cast(p)); + const __m128i t1 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(s, dq); + const __m128i t2 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(s, bs); + const __m128i t3 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(_mm_max_epu8(s, sp), sp); // s < 0x20 <=> max(s, 0x19) == 0x19 + const __m128i x = _mm_or_si128(_mm_or_si128(t1, t2), t3); + unsigned short r = static_cast(_mm_movemask_epi8(x)); + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(r != 0)) { // some of characters is escaped + size_t length; +#ifdef _MSC_VER // Find the index of first escaped + unsigned long offset; + _BitScanForward(&offset, r); + length = offset; +#else + length = static_cast(__builtin_ffs(r) - 1); +#endif + for (const char* pend = p + length; p != pend; ) + *q++ = *p++; + break; + } + _mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i *>(q), s); + } + + is.src_ = p; + is.dst_ = q; + } + + // When read/write pointers are the same for insitu stream, just skip unescaped characters + static RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE void SkipUnescapedString(InsituStringStream& is) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(is.src_ == is.dst_); + char* p = is.src_; + + // Scan one by one until alignment (unaligned load may cross page boundary and cause crash) + const char* nextAligned = reinterpret_cast((reinterpret_cast(p) + 15) & static_cast(~15)); + for (; p != nextAligned; p++) + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(*p == '\"') || RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(*p == '\\') || RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(static_cast(*p) < 0x20)) { + is.src_ = is.dst_ = p; + return; + } + + // The rest of string using SIMD + static const char dquote[16] = { '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"' }; + static const char bslash[16] = { '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\' }; + static const char space[16] = { 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19 }; + const __m128i dq = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(&dquote[0])); + const __m128i bs = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(&bslash[0])); + const __m128i sp = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(&space[0])); + + for (;; p += 16) { + const __m128i s = _mm_load_si128(reinterpret_cast(p)); + const __m128i t1 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(s, dq); + const __m128i t2 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(s, bs); + const __m128i t3 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(_mm_max_epu8(s, sp), sp); // s < 0x20 <=> max(s, 0x19) == 0x19 + const __m128i x = _mm_or_si128(_mm_or_si128(t1, t2), t3); + unsigned short r = static_cast(_mm_movemask_epi8(x)); + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(r != 0)) { // some of characters is escaped + size_t length; +#ifdef _MSC_VER // Find the index of first escaped + unsigned long offset; + _BitScanForward(&offset, r); + length = offset; +#else + length = static_cast(__builtin_ffs(r) - 1); +#endif + p += length; + break; + } + } + + is.src_ = is.dst_ = p; + } +#endif + + template + class NumberStream; + + template + class NumberStream { + public: + typedef typename InputStream::Ch Ch; + + NumberStream(GenericReader& reader, InputStream& s) : is(s) { (void)reader; } + + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE Ch Peek() const { return is.Peek(); } + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE Ch TakePush() { return is.Take(); } + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE Ch Take() { return is.Take(); } + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE void Push(char) {} + + size_t Tell() { return is.Tell(); } + size_t Length() { return 0; } + const char* Pop() { return 0; } + + protected: + NumberStream& operator=(const NumberStream&); + + InputStream& is; + }; + + template + class NumberStream : public NumberStream { + typedef NumberStream Base; + public: + NumberStream(GenericReader& reader, InputStream& is) : Base(reader, is), stackStream(reader.stack_) {} + + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE Ch TakePush() { + stackStream.Put(static_cast(Base::is.Peek())); + return Base::is.Take(); + } + + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE void Push(char c) { + stackStream.Put(c); + } + + size_t Length() { return stackStream.Length(); } + + const char* Pop() { + stackStream.Put('\0'); + return stackStream.Pop(); + } + + private: + StackStream stackStream; + }; + + template + class NumberStream : public NumberStream { + typedef NumberStream Base; + public: + NumberStream(GenericReader& reader, InputStream& is) : Base(reader, is) {} + + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE Ch Take() { return Base::TakePush(); } + }; + + template + void ParseNumber(InputStream& is, Handler& handler) { + internal::StreamLocalCopy copy(is); + NumberStream s(*this, copy.s); + + size_t startOffset = s.Tell(); + double d = 0.0; + bool useNanOrInf = false; + + // Parse minus + bool minus = Consume(s, '-'); + + // Parse int: zero / ( digit1-9 *DIGIT ) + unsigned i = 0; + uint64_t i64 = 0; + bool use64bit = false; + int significandDigit = 0; + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(s.Peek() == '0')) { + i = 0; + s.TakePush(); + } + else if (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(s.Peek() >= '1' && s.Peek() <= '9')) { + i = static_cast(s.TakePush() - '0'); + + if (minus) + while (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(s.Peek() >= '0' && s.Peek() <= '9')) { + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(i >= 214748364)) { // 2^31 = 2147483648 + if (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(i != 214748364 || s.Peek() > '8')) { + i64 = i; + use64bit = true; + break; + } + } + i = i * 10 + static_cast(s.TakePush() - '0'); + significandDigit++; + } + else + while (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(s.Peek() >= '0' && s.Peek() <= '9')) { + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(i >= 429496729)) { // 2^32 - 1 = 4294967295 + if (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(i != 429496729 || s.Peek() > '5')) { + i64 = i; + use64bit = true; + break; + } + } + i = i * 10 + static_cast(s.TakePush() - '0'); + significandDigit++; + } + } + // Parse NaN or Infinity here + else if ((parseFlags & kParseNanAndInfFlag) && RAPIDJSON_LIKELY((s.Peek() == 'I' || s.Peek() == 'N'))) { + useNanOrInf = true; + if (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(Consume(s, 'N') && Consume(s, 'a') && Consume(s, 'N'))) { + d = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); + } + else if (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(Consume(s, 'I') && Consume(s, 'n') && Consume(s, 'f'))) { + d = (minus ? -std::numeric_limits::infinity() : std::numeric_limits::infinity()); + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(s.Peek() == 'i' && !(Consume(s, 'i') && Consume(s, 'n') + && Consume(s, 'i') && Consume(s, 't') && Consume(s, 'y')))) + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorValueInvalid, s.Tell()); + } + else + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorValueInvalid, s.Tell()); + } + else + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorValueInvalid, s.Tell()); + + // Parse 64bit int + bool useDouble = false; + if (use64bit) { + if (minus) + while (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(s.Peek() >= '0' && s.Peek() <= '9')) { + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(i64 >= RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x0CCCCCCC, 0xCCCCCCCC))) // 2^63 = 9223372036854775808 + if (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(i64 != RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x0CCCCCCC, 0xCCCCCCCC) || s.Peek() > '8')) { + d = static_cast(i64); + useDouble = true; + break; + } + i64 = i64 * 10 + static_cast(s.TakePush() - '0'); + significandDigit++; + } + else + while (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(s.Peek() >= '0' && s.Peek() <= '9')) { + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(i64 >= RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x19999999, 0x99999999))) // 2^64 - 1 = 18446744073709551615 + if (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(i64 != RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x19999999, 0x99999999) || s.Peek() > '5')) { + d = static_cast(i64); + useDouble = true; + break; + } + i64 = i64 * 10 + static_cast(s.TakePush() - '0'); + significandDigit++; + } + } + + // Force double for big integer + if (useDouble) { + while (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(s.Peek() >= '0' && s.Peek() <= '9')) { + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(d >= 1.7976931348623157e307)) // DBL_MAX / 10.0 + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberTooBig, startOffset); + d = d * 10 + (s.TakePush() - '0'); + } + } + + // Parse frac = decimal-point 1*DIGIT + int expFrac = 0; + size_t decimalPosition; + if (Consume(s, '.')) { + decimalPosition = s.Length(); + + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!(s.Peek() >= '0' && s.Peek() <= '9'))) + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberMissFraction, s.Tell()); + + if (!useDouble) { +#if RAPIDJSON_64BIT + // Use i64 to store significand in 64-bit architecture + if (!use64bit) + i64 = i; + + while (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(s.Peek() >= '0' && s.Peek() <= '9')) { + if (i64 > RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x1FFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF)) // 2^53 - 1 for fast path + break; + else { + i64 = i64 * 10 + static_cast(s.TakePush() - '0'); + --expFrac; + if (i64 != 0) + significandDigit++; + } + } + + d = static_cast(i64); +#else + // Use double to store significand in 32-bit architecture + d = static_cast(use64bit ? i64 : i); +#endif + useDouble = true; + } + + while (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(s.Peek() >= '0' && s.Peek() <= '9')) { + if (significandDigit < 17) { + d = d * 10.0 + (s.TakePush() - '0'); + --expFrac; + if (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(d > 0.0)) + significandDigit++; + } + else + s.TakePush(); + } + } + else + decimalPosition = s.Length(); // decimal position at the end of integer. + + // Parse exp = e [ minus / plus ] 1*DIGIT + int exp = 0; + if (Consume(s, 'e') || Consume(s, 'E')) { + if (!useDouble) { + d = static_cast(use64bit ? i64 : i); + useDouble = true; + } + + bool expMinus = false; + if (Consume(s, '+')) + ; + else if (Consume(s, '-')) + expMinus = true; + + if (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(s.Peek() >= '0' && s.Peek() <= '9')) { + exp = static_cast(s.Take() - '0'); + if (expMinus) { + while (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(s.Peek() >= '0' && s.Peek() <= '9')) { + exp = exp * 10 + static_cast(s.Take() - '0'); + if (exp >= 214748364) { // Issue #313: prevent overflow exponent + while (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(s.Peek() >= '0' && s.Peek() <= '9')) // Consume the rest of exponent + s.Take(); + } + } + } + else { // positive exp + int maxExp = 308 - expFrac; + while (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(s.Peek() >= '0' && s.Peek() <= '9')) { + exp = exp * 10 + static_cast(s.Take() - '0'); + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(exp > maxExp)) + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberTooBig, startOffset); + } + } + } + else + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorNumberMissExponent, s.Tell()); + + if (expMinus) + exp = -exp; + } + + // Finish parsing, call event according to the type of number. + bool cont = true; + + if (parseFlags & kParseNumbersAsStringsFlag) { + if (parseFlags & kParseInsituFlag) { + s.Pop(); // Pop stack no matter if it will be used or not. + typename InputStream::Ch* head = is.PutBegin(); + const size_t length = s.Tell() - startOffset; + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(length <= 0xFFFFFFFF); + // unable to insert the \0 character here, it will erase the comma after this number + const typename TargetEncoding::Ch* const str = reinterpret_cast(head); + cont = handler.RawNumber(str, SizeType(length), false); + } + else { + SizeType numCharsToCopy = static_cast(s.Length()); + StringStream srcStream(s.Pop()); + StackStream dstStream(stack_); + while (numCharsToCopy--) { + Transcoder, TargetEncoding>::Transcode(srcStream, dstStream); + } + dstStream.Put('\0'); + const typename TargetEncoding::Ch* str = dstStream.Pop(); + const SizeType length = static_cast(dstStream.Length()) - 1; + cont = handler.RawNumber(str, SizeType(length), true); + } + } + else { + size_t length = s.Length(); + const char* decimal = s.Pop(); // Pop stack no matter if it will be used or not. + + if (useDouble) { + int p = exp + expFrac; + if (parseFlags & kParseFullPrecisionFlag) + d = internal::StrtodFullPrecision(d, p, decimal, length, decimalPosition, exp); + else + d = internal::StrtodNormalPrecision(d, p); + + cont = handler.Double(minus ? -d : d); + } + else if (useNanOrInf) { + cont = handler.Double(d); + } + else { + if (use64bit) { + if (minus) + cont = handler.Int64(static_cast(~i64 + 1)); + else + cont = handler.Uint64(i64); + } + else { + if (minus) + cont = handler.Int(static_cast(~i + 1)); + else + cont = handler.Uint(i); + } + } + } + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!cont)) + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorTermination, startOffset); + } + + // Parse any JSON value + template + void ParseValue(InputStream& is, Handler& handler) { + switch (is.Peek()) { + case 'n': ParseNull (is, handler); break; + case 't': ParseTrue (is, handler); break; + case 'f': ParseFalse (is, handler); break; + case '"': ParseString(is, handler); break; + case '{': ParseObject(is, handler); break; + case '[': ParseArray (is, handler); break; + default : + ParseNumber(is, handler); + break; + + } + } + + // Iterative Parsing + + // States + enum IterativeParsingState { + IterativeParsingStartState = 0, + IterativeParsingFinishState, + IterativeParsingErrorState, + + // Object states + IterativeParsingObjectInitialState, + IterativeParsingMemberKeyState, + IterativeParsingKeyValueDelimiterState, + IterativeParsingMemberValueState, + IterativeParsingMemberDelimiterState, + IterativeParsingObjectFinishState, + + // Array states + IterativeParsingArrayInitialState, + IterativeParsingElementState, + IterativeParsingElementDelimiterState, + IterativeParsingArrayFinishState, + + // Single value state + IterativeParsingValueState + }; + + enum { cIterativeParsingStateCount = IterativeParsingValueState + 1 }; + + // Tokens + enum Token { + LeftBracketToken = 0, + RightBracketToken, + + LeftCurlyBracketToken, + RightCurlyBracketToken, + + CommaToken, + ColonToken, + + StringToken, + FalseToken, + TrueToken, + NullToken, + NumberToken, + + kTokenCount + }; + + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE Token Tokenize(Ch c) { + +//!@cond RAPIDJSON_HIDDEN_FROM_DOXYGEN +#define N NumberToken +#define N16 N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N + // Maps from ASCII to Token + static const unsigned char tokenMap[256] = { + N16, // 00~0F + N16, // 10~1F + N, N, StringToken, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, CommaToken, N, N, N, // 20~2F + N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, ColonToken, N, N, N, N, N, // 30~3F + N16, // 40~4F + N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, LeftBracketToken, N, RightBracketToken, N, N, // 50~5F + N, N, N, N, N, N, FalseToken, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, NullToken, N, // 60~6F + N, N, N, N, TrueToken, N, N, N, N, N, N, LeftCurlyBracketToken, N, RightCurlyBracketToken, N, N, // 70~7F + N16, N16, N16, N16, N16, N16, N16, N16 // 80~FF + }; +#undef N +#undef N16 +//!@endcond + + if (sizeof(Ch) == 1 || static_cast(c) < 256) + return static_cast(tokenMap[static_cast(c)]); + else + return NumberToken; + } + + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE IterativeParsingState Predict(IterativeParsingState state, Token token) { + // current state x one lookahead token -> new state + static const char G[cIterativeParsingStateCount][kTokenCount] = { + // Start + { + IterativeParsingArrayInitialState, // Left bracket + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Right bracket + IterativeParsingObjectInitialState, // Left curly bracket + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Right curly bracket + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Comma + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Colon + IterativeParsingValueState, // String + IterativeParsingValueState, // False + IterativeParsingValueState, // True + IterativeParsingValueState, // Null + IterativeParsingValueState // Number + }, + // Finish(sink state) + { + IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, + IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, + IterativeParsingErrorState + }, + // Error(sink state) + { + IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, + IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, + IterativeParsingErrorState + }, + // ObjectInitial + { + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Left bracket + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Right bracket + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Left curly bracket + IterativeParsingObjectFinishState, // Right curly bracket + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Comma + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Colon + IterativeParsingMemberKeyState, // String + IterativeParsingErrorState, // False + IterativeParsingErrorState, // True + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Null + IterativeParsingErrorState // Number + }, + // MemberKey + { + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Left bracket + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Right bracket + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Left curly bracket + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Right curly bracket + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Comma + IterativeParsingKeyValueDelimiterState, // Colon + IterativeParsingErrorState, // String + IterativeParsingErrorState, // False + IterativeParsingErrorState, // True + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Null + IterativeParsingErrorState // Number + }, + // KeyValueDelimiter + { + IterativeParsingArrayInitialState, // Left bracket(push MemberValue state) + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Right bracket + IterativeParsingObjectInitialState, // Left curly bracket(push MemberValue state) + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Right curly bracket + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Comma + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Colon + IterativeParsingMemberValueState, // String + IterativeParsingMemberValueState, // False + IterativeParsingMemberValueState, // True + IterativeParsingMemberValueState, // Null + IterativeParsingMemberValueState // Number + }, + // MemberValue + { + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Left bracket + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Right bracket + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Left curly bracket + IterativeParsingObjectFinishState, // Right curly bracket + IterativeParsingMemberDelimiterState, // Comma + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Colon + IterativeParsingErrorState, // String + IterativeParsingErrorState, // False + IterativeParsingErrorState, // True + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Null + IterativeParsingErrorState // Number + }, + // MemberDelimiter + { + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Left bracket + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Right bracket + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Left curly bracket + IterativeParsingObjectFinishState, // Right curly bracket + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Comma + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Colon + IterativeParsingMemberKeyState, // String + IterativeParsingErrorState, // False + IterativeParsingErrorState, // True + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Null + IterativeParsingErrorState // Number + }, + // ObjectFinish(sink state) + { + IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, + IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, + IterativeParsingErrorState + }, + // ArrayInitial + { + IterativeParsingArrayInitialState, // Left bracket(push Element state) + IterativeParsingArrayFinishState, // Right bracket + IterativeParsingObjectInitialState, // Left curly bracket(push Element state) + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Right curly bracket + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Comma + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Colon + IterativeParsingElementState, // String + IterativeParsingElementState, // False + IterativeParsingElementState, // True + IterativeParsingElementState, // Null + IterativeParsingElementState // Number + }, + // Element + { + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Left bracket + IterativeParsingArrayFinishState, // Right bracket + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Left curly bracket + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Right curly bracket + IterativeParsingElementDelimiterState, // Comma + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Colon + IterativeParsingErrorState, // String + IterativeParsingErrorState, // False + IterativeParsingErrorState, // True + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Null + IterativeParsingErrorState // Number + }, + // ElementDelimiter + { + IterativeParsingArrayInitialState, // Left bracket(push Element state) + IterativeParsingArrayFinishState, // Right bracket + IterativeParsingObjectInitialState, // Left curly bracket(push Element state) + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Right curly bracket + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Comma + IterativeParsingErrorState, // Colon + IterativeParsingElementState, // String + IterativeParsingElementState, // False + IterativeParsingElementState, // True + IterativeParsingElementState, // Null + IterativeParsingElementState // Number + }, + // ArrayFinish(sink state) + { + IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, + IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, + IterativeParsingErrorState + }, + // Single Value (sink state) + { + IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, + IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, IterativeParsingErrorState, + IterativeParsingErrorState + } + }; // End of G + + return static_cast(G[state][token]); + } + + // Make an advance in the token stream and state based on the candidate destination state which was returned by Transit(). + // May return a new state on state pop. + template + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE IterativeParsingState Transit(IterativeParsingState src, Token token, IterativeParsingState dst, InputStream& is, Handler& handler) { + (void)token; + + switch (dst) { + case IterativeParsingErrorState: + return dst; + + case IterativeParsingObjectInitialState: + case IterativeParsingArrayInitialState: + { + // Push the state(Element or MemeberValue) if we are nested in another array or value of member. + // In this way we can get the correct state on ObjectFinish or ArrayFinish by frame pop. + IterativeParsingState n = src; + if (src == IterativeParsingArrayInitialState || src == IterativeParsingElementDelimiterState) + n = IterativeParsingElementState; + else if (src == IterativeParsingKeyValueDelimiterState) + n = IterativeParsingMemberValueState; + // Push current state. + *stack_.template Push(1) = n; + // Initialize and push the member/element count. + *stack_.template Push(1) = 0; + // Call handler + bool hr = (dst == IterativeParsingObjectInitialState) ? handler.StartObject() : handler.StartArray(); + // On handler short circuits the parsing. + if (!hr) { + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_NORETURN(kParseErrorTermination, is.Tell()); + return IterativeParsingErrorState; + } + else { + is.Take(); + return dst; + } + } + + case IterativeParsingMemberKeyState: + ParseString(is, handler, true); + if (HasParseError()) + return IterativeParsingErrorState; + else + return dst; + + case IterativeParsingKeyValueDelimiterState: + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(token == ColonToken); + is.Take(); + return dst; + + case IterativeParsingMemberValueState: + // Must be non-compound value. Or it would be ObjectInitial or ArrayInitial state. + ParseValue(is, handler); + if (HasParseError()) { + return IterativeParsingErrorState; + } + return dst; + + case IterativeParsingElementState: + // Must be non-compound value. Or it would be ObjectInitial or ArrayInitial state. + ParseValue(is, handler); + if (HasParseError()) { + return IterativeParsingErrorState; + } + return dst; + + case IterativeParsingMemberDelimiterState: + case IterativeParsingElementDelimiterState: + is.Take(); + // Update member/element count. + *stack_.template Top() = *stack_.template Top() + 1; + return dst; + + case IterativeParsingObjectFinishState: + { + // Transit from delimiter is only allowed when trailing commas are enabled + if (!(parseFlags & kParseTrailingCommasFlag) && src == IterativeParsingMemberDelimiterState) { + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_NORETURN(kParseErrorObjectMissName, is.Tell()); + return IterativeParsingErrorState; + } + // Get member count. + SizeType c = *stack_.template Pop(1); + // If the object is not empty, count the last member. + if (src == IterativeParsingMemberValueState) + ++c; + // Restore the state. + IterativeParsingState n = static_cast(*stack_.template Pop(1)); + // Transit to Finish state if this is the topmost scope. + if (n == IterativeParsingStartState) + n = IterativeParsingFinishState; + // Call handler + bool hr = handler.EndObject(c); + // On handler short circuits the parsing. + if (!hr) { + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_NORETURN(kParseErrorTermination, is.Tell()); + return IterativeParsingErrorState; + } + else { + is.Take(); + return n; + } + } + + case IterativeParsingArrayFinishState: + { + // Transit from delimiter is only allowed when trailing commas are enabled + if (!(parseFlags & kParseTrailingCommasFlag) && src == IterativeParsingElementDelimiterState) { + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_NORETURN(kParseErrorValueInvalid, is.Tell()); + return IterativeParsingErrorState; + } + // Get element count. + SizeType c = *stack_.template Pop(1); + // If the array is not empty, count the last element. + if (src == IterativeParsingElementState) + ++c; + // Restore the state. + IterativeParsingState n = static_cast(*stack_.template Pop(1)); + // Transit to Finish state if this is the topmost scope. + if (n == IterativeParsingStartState) + n = IterativeParsingFinishState; + // Call handler + bool hr = handler.EndArray(c); + // On handler short circuits the parsing. + if (!hr) { + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_NORETURN(kParseErrorTermination, is.Tell()); + return IterativeParsingErrorState; + } + else { + is.Take(); + return n; + } + } + + default: + // This branch is for IterativeParsingValueState actually. + // Use `default:` rather than + // `case IterativeParsingValueState:` is for code coverage. + + // The IterativeParsingStartState is not enumerated in this switch-case. + // It is impossible for that case. And it can be caught by following assertion. + + // The IterativeParsingFinishState is not enumerated in this switch-case either. + // It is a "derivative" state which cannot triggered from Predict() directly. + // Therefore it cannot happen here. And it can be caught by following assertion. + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(dst == IterativeParsingValueState); + + // Must be non-compound value. Or it would be ObjectInitial or ArrayInitial state. + ParseValue(is, handler); + if (HasParseError()) { + return IterativeParsingErrorState; + } + return IterativeParsingFinishState; + } + } + + template + void HandleError(IterativeParsingState src, InputStream& is) { + if (HasParseError()) { + // Error flag has been set. + return; + } + + switch (src) { + case IterativeParsingStartState: RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorDocumentEmpty, is.Tell()); return; + case IterativeParsingFinishState: RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorDocumentRootNotSingular, is.Tell()); return; + case IterativeParsingObjectInitialState: + case IterativeParsingMemberDelimiterState: RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorObjectMissName, is.Tell()); return; + case IterativeParsingMemberKeyState: RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorObjectMissColon, is.Tell()); return; + case IterativeParsingMemberValueState: RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorObjectMissCommaOrCurlyBracket, is.Tell()); return; + case IterativeParsingKeyValueDelimiterState: + case IterativeParsingArrayInitialState: + case IterativeParsingElementDelimiterState: RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorValueInvalid, is.Tell()); return; + default: RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(src == IterativeParsingElementState); RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR(kParseErrorArrayMissCommaOrSquareBracket, is.Tell()); return; + } + } + + template + ParseResult IterativeParse(InputStream& is, Handler& handler) { + parseResult_.Clear(); + ClearStackOnExit scope(*this); + IterativeParsingState state = IterativeParsingStartState; + + SkipWhitespaceAndComments(is); + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN(parseResult_); + while (is.Peek() != '\0') { + Token t = Tokenize(is.Peek()); + IterativeParsingState n = Predict(state, t); + IterativeParsingState d = Transit(state, t, n, is, handler); + + if (d == IterativeParsingErrorState) { + HandleError(state, is); + break; + } + + state = d; + + // Do not further consume streams if a root JSON has been parsed. + if ((parseFlags & kParseStopWhenDoneFlag) && state == IterativeParsingFinishState) + break; + + SkipWhitespaceAndComments(is); + RAPIDJSON_PARSE_ERROR_EARLY_RETURN(parseResult_); + } + + // Handle the end of file. + if (state != IterativeParsingFinishState) + HandleError(state, is); + + return parseResult_; + } + + static const size_t kDefaultStackCapacity = 256; //!< Default stack capacity in bytes for storing a single decoded string. + internal::Stack stack_; //!< A stack for storing decoded string temporarily during non-destructive parsing. + ParseResult parseResult_; +}; // class GenericReader + +//! Reader with UTF8 encoding and default allocator. +typedef GenericReader, UTF8<> > Reader; + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +#ifdef _MSC_VER +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_READER_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/schema.h b/rapidjson/schema.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7af3cf --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/schema.h @@ -0,0 +1,2024 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available-> +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip-> All rights reserved-> +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License-> You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://opensource->org/licenses/MIT +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied-> See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License-> + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_H_ + +#include "document.h" +#include "pointer.h" +#include // abs, floor + +#if !defined(RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_USE_INTERNALREGEX) +#define RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_USE_INTERNALREGEX 1 +#else +#define RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_USE_INTERNALREGEX 0 +#endif + +#if !RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_USE_INTERNALREGEX && !defined(RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_USE_STDREGEX) && (__cplusplus >=201103L || (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1800)) +#define RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_USE_STDREGEX 1 +#else +#define RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_USE_STDREGEX 0 +#endif + +#if RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_USE_INTERNALREGEX +#include "internal/regex.h" +#elif RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_USE_STDREGEX +#include +#endif + +#if RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_USE_INTERNALREGEX || RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_USE_STDREGEX +#define RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HAS_REGEX 1 +#else +#define RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HAS_REGEX 0 +#endif + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_VERBOSE +#define RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_VERBOSE 0 +#endif + +#if RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_VERBOSE +#include "stringbuffer.h" +#endif + +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH + +#if defined(__GNUC__) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(effc++) +#endif + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(weak-vtables) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(exit-time-destructors) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(c++98-compat-pedantic) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(variadic-macros) +#endif + +#ifdef _MSC_VER +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(4512) // assignment operator could not be generated +#endif + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Verbose Utilities + +#if RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_VERBOSE + +namespace internal { + +inline void PrintInvalidKeyword(const char* keyword) { + printf("Fail keyword: %s\n", keyword); +} + +inline void PrintInvalidKeyword(const wchar_t* keyword) { + wprintf(L"Fail keyword: %ls\n", keyword); +} + +inline void PrintInvalidDocument(const char* document) { + printf("Fail document: %s\n\n", document); +} + +inline void PrintInvalidDocument(const wchar_t* document) { + wprintf(L"Fail document: %ls\n\n", document); +} + +inline void PrintValidatorPointers(unsigned depth, const char* s, const char* d) { + printf("S: %*s%s\nD: %*s%s\n\n", depth * 4, " ", s, depth * 4, " ", d); +} + +inline void PrintValidatorPointers(unsigned depth, const wchar_t* s, const wchar_t* d) { + wprintf(L"S: %*ls%ls\nD: %*ls%ls\n\n", depth * 4, L" ", s, depth * 4, L" ", d); +} + +} // namespace internal + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_VERBOSE + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN + +#if RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_VERBOSE +#define RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_VERBOSE(keyword) internal::PrintInvalidKeyword(keyword) +#else +#define RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_VERBOSE(keyword) +#endif + +#define RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(keyword)\ +RAPIDJSON_MULTILINEMACRO_BEGIN\ + context.invalidKeyword = keyword.GetString();\ + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_VERBOSE(keyword.GetString());\ + return false;\ +RAPIDJSON_MULTILINEMACRO_END + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Forward declarations + +template +class GenericSchemaDocument; + +namespace internal { + +template +class Schema; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// ISchemaValidator + +class ISchemaValidator { +public: + virtual ~ISchemaValidator() {} + virtual bool IsValid() const = 0; +}; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// ISchemaStateFactory + +template +class ISchemaStateFactory { +public: + virtual ~ISchemaStateFactory() {} + virtual ISchemaValidator* CreateSchemaValidator(const SchemaType&) = 0; + virtual void DestroySchemaValidator(ISchemaValidator* validator) = 0; + virtual void* CreateHasher() = 0; + virtual uint64_t GetHashCode(void* hasher) = 0; + virtual void DestroryHasher(void* hasher) = 0; + virtual void* MallocState(size_t size) = 0; + virtual void FreeState(void* p) = 0; +}; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Hasher + +// For comparison of compound value +template +class Hasher { +public: + typedef typename Encoding::Ch Ch; + + Hasher(Allocator* allocator = 0, size_t stackCapacity = kDefaultSize) : stack_(allocator, stackCapacity) {} + + bool Null() { return WriteType(kNullType); } + bool Bool(bool b) { return WriteType(b ? kTrueType : kFalseType); } + bool Int(int i) { Number n; n.u.i = i; n.d = static_cast(i); return WriteNumber(n); } + bool Uint(unsigned u) { Number n; n.u.u = u; n.d = static_cast(u); return WriteNumber(n); } + bool Int64(int64_t i) { Number n; n.u.i = i; n.d = static_cast(i); return WriteNumber(n); } + bool Uint64(uint64_t u) { Number n; n.u.u = u; n.d = static_cast(u); return WriteNumber(n); } + bool Double(double d) { + Number n; + if (d < 0) n.u.i = static_cast(d); + else n.u.u = static_cast(d); + n.d = d; + return WriteNumber(n); + } + + bool RawNumber(const Ch* str, SizeType len, bool) { + WriteBuffer(kNumberType, str, len * sizeof(Ch)); + return true; + } + + bool String(const Ch* str, SizeType len, bool) { + WriteBuffer(kStringType, str, len * sizeof(Ch)); + return true; + } + + bool StartObject() { return true; } + bool Key(const Ch* str, SizeType len, bool copy) { return String(str, len, copy); } + bool EndObject(SizeType memberCount) { + uint64_t h = Hash(0, kObjectType); + uint64_t* kv = stack_.template Pop(memberCount * 2); + for (SizeType i = 0; i < memberCount; i++) + h ^= Hash(kv[i * 2], kv[i * 2 + 1]); // Use xor to achieve member order insensitive + *stack_.template Push() = h; + return true; + } + + bool StartArray() { return true; } + bool EndArray(SizeType elementCount) { + uint64_t h = Hash(0, kArrayType); + uint64_t* e = stack_.template Pop(elementCount); + for (SizeType i = 0; i < elementCount; i++) + h = Hash(h, e[i]); // Use hash to achieve element order sensitive + *stack_.template Push() = h; + return true; + } + + bool IsValid() const { return stack_.GetSize() == sizeof(uint64_t); } + + uint64_t GetHashCode() const { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(IsValid()); + return *stack_.template Top(); + } + +private: + static const size_t kDefaultSize = 256; + struct Number { + union U { + uint64_t u; + int64_t i; + }u; + double d; + }; + + bool WriteType(Type type) { return WriteBuffer(type, 0, 0); } + + bool WriteNumber(const Number& n) { return WriteBuffer(kNumberType, &n, sizeof(n)); } + + bool WriteBuffer(Type type, const void* data, size_t len) { + // FNV-1a from + uint64_t h = Hash(RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x84222325, 0xcbf29ce4), type); + const unsigned char* d = static_cast(data); + for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) + h = Hash(h, d[i]); + *stack_.template Push() = h; + return true; + } + + static uint64_t Hash(uint64_t h, uint64_t d) { + static const uint64_t kPrime = RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x00000100, 0x000001b3); + h ^= d; + h *= kPrime; + return h; + } + + Stack stack_; +}; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// SchemaValidationContext + +template +struct SchemaValidationContext { + typedef Schema SchemaType; + typedef ISchemaStateFactory SchemaValidatorFactoryType; + typedef typename SchemaType::ValueType ValueType; + typedef typename ValueType::Ch Ch; + + enum PatternValidatorType { + kPatternValidatorOnly, + kPatternValidatorWithProperty, + kPatternValidatorWithAdditionalProperty + }; + + SchemaValidationContext(SchemaValidatorFactoryType& f, const SchemaType* s) : + factory(f), + schema(s), + valueSchema(), + invalidKeyword(), + hasher(), + arrayElementHashCodes(), + validators(), + validatorCount(), + patternPropertiesValidators(), + patternPropertiesValidatorCount(), + patternPropertiesSchemas(), + patternPropertiesSchemaCount(), + valuePatternValidatorType(kPatternValidatorOnly), + propertyExist(), + inArray(false), + valueUniqueness(false), + arrayUniqueness(false) + { + } + + ~SchemaValidationContext() { + if (hasher) + factory.DestroryHasher(hasher); + if (validators) { + for (SizeType i = 0; i < validatorCount; i++) + factory.DestroySchemaValidator(validators[i]); + factory.FreeState(validators); + } + if (patternPropertiesValidators) { + for (SizeType i = 0; i < patternPropertiesValidatorCount; i++) + factory.DestroySchemaValidator(patternPropertiesValidators[i]); + factory.FreeState(patternPropertiesValidators); + } + if (patternPropertiesSchemas) + factory.FreeState(patternPropertiesSchemas); + if (propertyExist) + factory.FreeState(propertyExist); + } + + SchemaValidatorFactoryType& factory; + const SchemaType* schema; + const SchemaType* valueSchema; + const Ch* invalidKeyword; + void* hasher; // Only validator access + void* arrayElementHashCodes; // Only validator access this + ISchemaValidator** validators; + SizeType validatorCount; + ISchemaValidator** patternPropertiesValidators; + SizeType patternPropertiesValidatorCount; + const SchemaType** patternPropertiesSchemas; + SizeType patternPropertiesSchemaCount; + PatternValidatorType valuePatternValidatorType; + PatternValidatorType objectPatternValidatorType; + SizeType arrayElementIndex; + bool* propertyExist; + bool inArray; + bool valueUniqueness; + bool arrayUniqueness; +}; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Schema + +template +class Schema { +public: + typedef typename SchemaDocumentType::ValueType ValueType; + typedef typename SchemaDocumentType::AllocatorType AllocatorType; + typedef typename SchemaDocumentType::PointerType PointerType; + typedef typename ValueType::EncodingType EncodingType; + typedef typename EncodingType::Ch Ch; + typedef SchemaValidationContext Context; + typedef Schema SchemaType; + typedef GenericValue SValue; + friend class GenericSchemaDocument; + + Schema(SchemaDocumentType* schemaDocument, const PointerType& p, const ValueType& value, const ValueType& document, AllocatorType* allocator) : + allocator_(allocator), + typeless_(schemaDocument->GetTypeless()), + enum_(), + enumCount_(), + not_(), + type_((1 << kTotalSchemaType) - 1), // typeless + validatorCount_(), + properties_(), + additionalPropertiesSchema_(), + patternProperties_(), + patternPropertyCount_(), + propertyCount_(), + minProperties_(), + maxProperties_(SizeType(~0)), + additionalProperties_(true), + hasDependencies_(), + hasRequired_(), + hasSchemaDependencies_(), + additionalItemsSchema_(), + itemsList_(), + itemsTuple_(), + itemsTupleCount_(), + minItems_(), + maxItems_(SizeType(~0)), + additionalItems_(true), + uniqueItems_(false), + pattern_(), + minLength_(0), + maxLength_(~SizeType(0)), + exclusiveMinimum_(false), + exclusiveMaximum_(false) + { + typedef typename SchemaDocumentType::ValueType ValueType; + typedef typename ValueType::ConstValueIterator ConstValueIterator; + typedef typename ValueType::ConstMemberIterator ConstMemberIterator; + + if (!value.IsObject()) + return; + + if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetTypeString())) { + type_ = 0; + if (v->IsString()) + AddType(*v); + else if (v->IsArray()) + for (ConstValueIterator itr = v->Begin(); itr != v->End(); ++itr) + AddType(*itr); + } + + if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetEnumString())) + if (v->IsArray() && v->Size() > 0) { + enum_ = static_cast(allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(uint64_t) * v->Size())); + for (ConstValueIterator itr = v->Begin(); itr != v->End(); ++itr) { + typedef Hasher > EnumHasherType; + char buffer[256 + 24]; + MemoryPoolAllocator<> hasherAllocator(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); + EnumHasherType h(&hasherAllocator, 256); + itr->Accept(h); + enum_[enumCount_++] = h.GetHashCode(); + } + } + + if (schemaDocument) { + AssignIfExist(allOf_, *schemaDocument, p, value, GetAllOfString(), document); + AssignIfExist(anyOf_, *schemaDocument, p, value, GetAnyOfString(), document); + AssignIfExist(oneOf_, *schemaDocument, p, value, GetOneOfString(), document); + } + + if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetNotString())) { + schemaDocument->CreateSchema(¬_, p.Append(GetNotString(), allocator_), *v, document); + notValidatorIndex_ = validatorCount_; + validatorCount_++; + } + + // Object + + const ValueType* properties = GetMember(value, GetPropertiesString()); + const ValueType* required = GetMember(value, GetRequiredString()); + const ValueType* dependencies = GetMember(value, GetDependenciesString()); + { + // Gather properties from properties/required/dependencies + SValue allProperties(kArrayType); + + if (properties && properties->IsObject()) + for (ConstMemberIterator itr = properties->MemberBegin(); itr != properties->MemberEnd(); ++itr) + AddUniqueElement(allProperties, itr->name); + + if (required && required->IsArray()) + for (ConstValueIterator itr = required->Begin(); itr != required->End(); ++itr) + if (itr->IsString()) + AddUniqueElement(allProperties, *itr); + + if (dependencies && dependencies->IsObject()) + for (ConstMemberIterator itr = dependencies->MemberBegin(); itr != dependencies->MemberEnd(); ++itr) { + AddUniqueElement(allProperties, itr->name); + if (itr->value.IsArray()) + for (ConstValueIterator i = itr->value.Begin(); i != itr->value.End(); ++i) + if (i->IsString()) + AddUniqueElement(allProperties, *i); + } + + if (allProperties.Size() > 0) { + propertyCount_ = allProperties.Size(); + properties_ = static_cast(allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(Property) * propertyCount_)); + for (SizeType i = 0; i < propertyCount_; i++) { + new (&properties_[i]) Property(); + properties_[i].name = allProperties[i]; + properties_[i].schema = typeless_; + } + } + } + + if (properties && properties->IsObject()) { + PointerType q = p.Append(GetPropertiesString(), allocator_); + for (ConstMemberIterator itr = properties->MemberBegin(); itr != properties->MemberEnd(); ++itr) { + SizeType index; + if (FindPropertyIndex(itr->name, &index)) + schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&properties_[index].schema, q.Append(itr->name, allocator_), itr->value, document); + } + } + + if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetPatternPropertiesString())) { + PointerType q = p.Append(GetPatternPropertiesString(), allocator_); + patternProperties_ = static_cast(allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(PatternProperty) * v->MemberCount())); + patternPropertyCount_ = 0; + + for (ConstMemberIterator itr = v->MemberBegin(); itr != v->MemberEnd(); ++itr) { + new (&patternProperties_[patternPropertyCount_]) PatternProperty(); + patternProperties_[patternPropertyCount_].pattern = CreatePattern(itr->name); + schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&patternProperties_[patternPropertyCount_].schema, q.Append(itr->name, allocator_), itr->value, document); + patternPropertyCount_++; + } + } + + if (required && required->IsArray()) + for (ConstValueIterator itr = required->Begin(); itr != required->End(); ++itr) + if (itr->IsString()) { + SizeType index; + if (FindPropertyIndex(*itr, &index)) { + properties_[index].required = true; + hasRequired_ = true; + } + } + + if (dependencies && dependencies->IsObject()) { + PointerType q = p.Append(GetDependenciesString(), allocator_); + hasDependencies_ = true; + for (ConstMemberIterator itr = dependencies->MemberBegin(); itr != dependencies->MemberEnd(); ++itr) { + SizeType sourceIndex; + if (FindPropertyIndex(itr->name, &sourceIndex)) { + if (itr->value.IsArray()) { + properties_[sourceIndex].dependencies = static_cast(allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(bool) * propertyCount_)); + std::memset(properties_[sourceIndex].dependencies, 0, sizeof(bool)* propertyCount_); + for (ConstValueIterator targetItr = itr->value.Begin(); targetItr != itr->value.End(); ++targetItr) { + SizeType targetIndex; + if (FindPropertyIndex(*targetItr, &targetIndex)) + properties_[sourceIndex].dependencies[targetIndex] = true; + } + } + else if (itr->value.IsObject()) { + hasSchemaDependencies_ = true; + schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&properties_[sourceIndex].dependenciesSchema, q.Append(itr->name, allocator_), itr->value, document); + properties_[sourceIndex].dependenciesValidatorIndex = validatorCount_; + validatorCount_++; + } + } + } + } + + if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetAdditionalPropertiesString())) { + if (v->IsBool()) + additionalProperties_ = v->GetBool(); + else if (v->IsObject()) + schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&additionalPropertiesSchema_, p.Append(GetAdditionalPropertiesString(), allocator_), *v, document); + } + + AssignIfExist(minProperties_, value, GetMinPropertiesString()); + AssignIfExist(maxProperties_, value, GetMaxPropertiesString()); + + // Array + if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetItemsString())) { + PointerType q = p.Append(GetItemsString(), allocator_); + if (v->IsObject()) // List validation + schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&itemsList_, q, *v, document); + else if (v->IsArray()) { // Tuple validation + itemsTuple_ = static_cast(allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(const Schema*) * v->Size())); + SizeType index = 0; + for (ConstValueIterator itr = v->Begin(); itr != v->End(); ++itr, index++) + schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&itemsTuple_[itemsTupleCount_++], q.Append(index, allocator_), *itr, document); + } + } + + AssignIfExist(minItems_, value, GetMinItemsString()); + AssignIfExist(maxItems_, value, GetMaxItemsString()); + + if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetAdditionalItemsString())) { + if (v->IsBool()) + additionalItems_ = v->GetBool(); + else if (v->IsObject()) + schemaDocument->CreateSchema(&additionalItemsSchema_, p.Append(GetAdditionalItemsString(), allocator_), *v, document); + } + + AssignIfExist(uniqueItems_, value, GetUniqueItemsString()); + + // String + AssignIfExist(minLength_, value, GetMinLengthString()); + AssignIfExist(maxLength_, value, GetMaxLengthString()); + + if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetPatternString())) + pattern_ = CreatePattern(*v); + + // Number + if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetMinimumString())) + if (v->IsNumber()) + minimum_.CopyFrom(*v, *allocator_); + + if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetMaximumString())) + if (v->IsNumber()) + maximum_.CopyFrom(*v, *allocator_); + + AssignIfExist(exclusiveMinimum_, value, GetExclusiveMinimumString()); + AssignIfExist(exclusiveMaximum_, value, GetExclusiveMaximumString()); + + if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, GetMultipleOfString())) + if (v->IsNumber() && v->GetDouble() > 0.0) + multipleOf_.CopyFrom(*v, *allocator_); + } + + ~Schema() { + AllocatorType::Free(enum_); + if (properties_) { + for (SizeType i = 0; i < propertyCount_; i++) + properties_[i].~Property(); + AllocatorType::Free(properties_); + } + if (patternProperties_) { + for (SizeType i = 0; i < patternPropertyCount_; i++) + patternProperties_[i].~PatternProperty(); + AllocatorType::Free(patternProperties_); + } + AllocatorType::Free(itemsTuple_); +#if RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HAS_REGEX + if (pattern_) { + pattern_->~RegexType(); + AllocatorType::Free(pattern_); + } +#endif + } + + bool BeginValue(Context& context) const { + if (context.inArray) { + if (uniqueItems_) + context.valueUniqueness = true; + + if (itemsList_) + context.valueSchema = itemsList_; + else if (itemsTuple_) { + if (context.arrayElementIndex < itemsTupleCount_) + context.valueSchema = itemsTuple_[context.arrayElementIndex]; + else if (additionalItemsSchema_) + context.valueSchema = additionalItemsSchema_; + else if (additionalItems_) + context.valueSchema = typeless_; + else + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetItemsString()); + } + else + context.valueSchema = typeless_; + + context.arrayElementIndex++; + } + return true; + } + + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE bool EndValue(Context& context) const { + if (context.patternPropertiesValidatorCount > 0) { + bool otherValid = false; + SizeType count = context.patternPropertiesValidatorCount; + if (context.objectPatternValidatorType != Context::kPatternValidatorOnly) + otherValid = context.patternPropertiesValidators[--count]->IsValid(); + + bool patternValid = true; + for (SizeType i = 0; i < count; i++) + if (!context.patternPropertiesValidators[i]->IsValid()) { + patternValid = false; + break; + } + + if (context.objectPatternValidatorType == Context::kPatternValidatorOnly) { + if (!patternValid) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetPatternPropertiesString()); + } + else if (context.objectPatternValidatorType == Context::kPatternValidatorWithProperty) { + if (!patternValid || !otherValid) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetPatternPropertiesString()); + } + else if (!patternValid && !otherValid) // kPatternValidatorWithAdditionalProperty) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetPatternPropertiesString()); + } + + if (enum_) { + const uint64_t h = context.factory.GetHashCode(context.hasher); + for (SizeType i = 0; i < enumCount_; i++) + if (enum_[i] == h) + goto foundEnum; + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetEnumString()); + foundEnum:; + } + + if (allOf_.schemas) + for (SizeType i = allOf_.begin; i < allOf_.begin + allOf_.count; i++) + if (!context.validators[i]->IsValid()) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetAllOfString()); + + if (anyOf_.schemas) { + for (SizeType i = anyOf_.begin; i < anyOf_.begin + anyOf_.count; i++) + if (context.validators[i]->IsValid()) + goto foundAny; + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetAnyOfString()); + foundAny:; + } + + if (oneOf_.schemas) { + bool oneValid = false; + for (SizeType i = oneOf_.begin; i < oneOf_.begin + oneOf_.count; i++) + if (context.validators[i]->IsValid()) { + if (oneValid) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetOneOfString()); + else + oneValid = true; + } + if (!oneValid) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetOneOfString()); + } + + if (not_ && context.validators[notValidatorIndex_]->IsValid()) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetNotString()); + + return true; + } + + bool Null(Context& context) const { + if (!(type_ & (1 << kNullSchemaType))) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetTypeString()); + return CreateParallelValidator(context); + } + + bool Bool(Context& context, bool) const { + if (!(type_ & (1 << kBooleanSchemaType))) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetTypeString()); + return CreateParallelValidator(context); + } + + bool Int(Context& context, int i) const { + if (!CheckInt(context, i)) + return false; + return CreateParallelValidator(context); + } + + bool Uint(Context& context, unsigned u) const { + if (!CheckUint(context, u)) + return false; + return CreateParallelValidator(context); + } + + bool Int64(Context& context, int64_t i) const { + if (!CheckInt(context, i)) + return false; + return CreateParallelValidator(context); + } + + bool Uint64(Context& context, uint64_t u) const { + if (!CheckUint(context, u)) + return false; + return CreateParallelValidator(context); + } + + bool Double(Context& context, double d) const { + if (!(type_ & (1 << kNumberSchemaType))) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetTypeString()); + + if (!minimum_.IsNull() && !CheckDoubleMinimum(context, d)) + return false; + + if (!maximum_.IsNull() && !CheckDoubleMaximum(context, d)) + return false; + + if (!multipleOf_.IsNull() && !CheckDoubleMultipleOf(context, d)) + return false; + + return CreateParallelValidator(context); + } + + bool String(Context& context, const Ch* str, SizeType length, bool) const { + if (!(type_ & (1 << kStringSchemaType))) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetTypeString()); + + if (minLength_ != 0 || maxLength_ != SizeType(~0)) { + SizeType count; + if (internal::CountStringCodePoint(str, length, &count)) { + if (count < minLength_) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetMinLengthString()); + if (count > maxLength_) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetMaxLengthString()); + } + } + + if (pattern_ && !IsPatternMatch(pattern_, str, length)) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetPatternString()); + + return CreateParallelValidator(context); + } + + bool StartObject(Context& context) const { + if (!(type_ & (1 << kObjectSchemaType))) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetTypeString()); + + if (hasDependencies_ || hasRequired_) { + context.propertyExist = static_cast(context.factory.MallocState(sizeof(bool) * propertyCount_)); + std::memset(context.propertyExist, 0, sizeof(bool) * propertyCount_); + } + + if (patternProperties_) { // pre-allocate schema array + SizeType count = patternPropertyCount_ + 1; // extra for valuePatternValidatorType + context.patternPropertiesSchemas = static_cast(context.factory.MallocState(sizeof(const SchemaType*) * count)); + context.patternPropertiesSchemaCount = 0; + std::memset(context.patternPropertiesSchemas, 0, sizeof(SchemaType*) * count); + } + + return CreateParallelValidator(context); + } + + bool Key(Context& context, const Ch* str, SizeType len, bool) const { + if (patternProperties_) { + context.patternPropertiesSchemaCount = 0; + for (SizeType i = 0; i < patternPropertyCount_; i++) + if (patternProperties_[i].pattern && IsPatternMatch(patternProperties_[i].pattern, str, len)) + context.patternPropertiesSchemas[context.patternPropertiesSchemaCount++] = patternProperties_[i].schema; + } + + SizeType index; + if (FindPropertyIndex(ValueType(str, len).Move(), &index)) { + if (context.patternPropertiesSchemaCount > 0) { + context.patternPropertiesSchemas[context.patternPropertiesSchemaCount++] = properties_[index].schema; + context.valueSchema = typeless_; + context.valuePatternValidatorType = Context::kPatternValidatorWithProperty; + } + else + context.valueSchema = properties_[index].schema; + + if (context.propertyExist) + context.propertyExist[index] = true; + + return true; + } + + if (additionalPropertiesSchema_) { + if (additionalPropertiesSchema_ && context.patternPropertiesSchemaCount > 0) { + context.patternPropertiesSchemas[context.patternPropertiesSchemaCount++] = additionalPropertiesSchema_; + context.valueSchema = typeless_; + context.valuePatternValidatorType = Context::kPatternValidatorWithAdditionalProperty; + } + else + context.valueSchema = additionalPropertiesSchema_; + return true; + } + else if (additionalProperties_) { + context.valueSchema = typeless_; + return true; + } + + if (context.patternPropertiesSchemaCount == 0) // patternProperties are not additional properties + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetAdditionalPropertiesString()); + + return true; + } + + bool EndObject(Context& context, SizeType memberCount) const { + if (hasRequired_) + for (SizeType index = 0; index < propertyCount_; index++) + if (properties_[index].required) + if (!context.propertyExist[index]) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetRequiredString()); + + if (memberCount < minProperties_) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetMinPropertiesString()); + + if (memberCount > maxProperties_) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetMaxPropertiesString()); + + if (hasDependencies_) { + for (SizeType sourceIndex = 0; sourceIndex < propertyCount_; sourceIndex++) + if (context.propertyExist[sourceIndex]) { + if (properties_[sourceIndex].dependencies) { + for (SizeType targetIndex = 0; targetIndex < propertyCount_; targetIndex++) + if (properties_[sourceIndex].dependencies[targetIndex] && !context.propertyExist[targetIndex]) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetDependenciesString()); + } + else if (properties_[sourceIndex].dependenciesSchema) + if (!context.validators[properties_[sourceIndex].dependenciesValidatorIndex]->IsValid()) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetDependenciesString()); + } + } + + return true; + } + + bool StartArray(Context& context) const { + if (!(type_ & (1 << kArraySchemaType))) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetTypeString()); + + context.arrayElementIndex = 0; + context.inArray = true; + + return CreateParallelValidator(context); + } + + bool EndArray(Context& context, SizeType elementCount) const { + context.inArray = false; + + if (elementCount < minItems_) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetMinItemsString()); + + if (elementCount > maxItems_) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetMaxItemsString()); + + return true; + } + + // Generate functions for string literal according to Ch +#define RAPIDJSON_STRING_(name, ...) \ + static const ValueType& Get##name##String() {\ + static const Ch s[] = { __VA_ARGS__, '\0' };\ + static const ValueType v(s, sizeof(s) / sizeof(Ch) - 1);\ + return v;\ + } + + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Null, 'n', 'u', 'l', 'l') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Boolean, 'b', 'o', 'o', 'l', 'e', 'a', 'n') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Object, 'o', 'b', 'j', 'e', 'c', 't') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Array, 'a', 'r', 'r', 'a', 'y') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(String, 's', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Number, 'n', 'u', 'm', 'b', 'e', 'r') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Integer, 'i', 'n', 't', 'e', 'g', 'e', 'r') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Type, 't', 'y', 'p', 'e') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Enum, 'e', 'n', 'u', 'm') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(AllOf, 'a', 'l', 'l', 'O', 'f') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(AnyOf, 'a', 'n', 'y', 'O', 'f') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(OneOf, 'o', 'n', 'e', 'O', 'f') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Not, 'n', 'o', 't') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Properties, 'p', 'r', 'o', 'p', 'e', 'r', 't', 'i', 'e', 's') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Required, 'r', 'e', 'q', 'u', 'i', 'r', 'e', 'd') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Dependencies, 'd', 'e', 'p', 'e', 'n', 'd', 'e', 'n', 'c', 'i', 'e', 's') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(PatternProperties, 'p', 'a', 't', 't', 'e', 'r', 'n', 'P', 'r', 'o', 'p', 'e', 'r', 't', 'i', 'e', 's') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(AdditionalProperties, 'a', 'd', 'd', 'i', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', 'a', 'l', 'P', 'r', 'o', 'p', 'e', 'r', 't', 'i', 'e', 's') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(MinProperties, 'm', 'i', 'n', 'P', 'r', 'o', 'p', 'e', 'r', 't', 'i', 'e', 's') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(MaxProperties, 'm', 'a', 'x', 'P', 'r', 'o', 'p', 'e', 'r', 't', 'i', 'e', 's') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Items, 'i', 't', 'e', 'm', 's') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(MinItems, 'm', 'i', 'n', 'I', 't', 'e', 'm', 's') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(MaxItems, 'm', 'a', 'x', 'I', 't', 'e', 'm', 's') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(AdditionalItems, 'a', 'd', 'd', 'i', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n', 'a', 'l', 'I', 't', 'e', 'm', 's') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(UniqueItems, 'u', 'n', 'i', 'q', 'u', 'e', 'I', 't', 'e', 'm', 's') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(MinLength, 'm', 'i', 'n', 'L', 'e', 'n', 'g', 't', 'h') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(MaxLength, 'm', 'a', 'x', 'L', 'e', 'n', 'g', 't', 'h') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Pattern, 'p', 'a', 't', 't', 'e', 'r', 'n') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Minimum, 'm', 'i', 'n', 'i', 'm', 'u', 'm') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(Maximum, 'm', 'a', 'x', 'i', 'm', 'u', 'm') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(ExclusiveMinimum, 'e', 'x', 'c', 'l', 'u', 's', 'i', 'v', 'e', 'M', 'i', 'n', 'i', 'm', 'u', 'm') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(ExclusiveMaximum, 'e', 'x', 'c', 'l', 'u', 's', 'i', 'v', 'e', 'M', 'a', 'x', 'i', 'm', 'u', 'm') + RAPIDJSON_STRING_(MultipleOf, 'm', 'u', 'l', 't', 'i', 'p', 'l', 'e', 'O', 'f') + +#undef RAPIDJSON_STRING_ + +private: + enum SchemaValueType { + kNullSchemaType, + kBooleanSchemaType, + kObjectSchemaType, + kArraySchemaType, + kStringSchemaType, + kNumberSchemaType, + kIntegerSchemaType, + kTotalSchemaType + }; + +#if RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_USE_INTERNALREGEX + typedef internal::GenericRegex RegexType; +#elif RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_USE_STDREGEX + typedef std::basic_regex RegexType; +#else + typedef char RegexType; +#endif + + struct SchemaArray { + SchemaArray() : schemas(), count() {} + ~SchemaArray() { AllocatorType::Free(schemas); } + const SchemaType** schemas; + SizeType begin; // begin index of context.validators + SizeType count; + }; + + template + void AddUniqueElement(V1& a, const V2& v) { + for (typename V1::ConstValueIterator itr = a.Begin(); itr != a.End(); ++itr) + if (*itr == v) + return; + V1 c(v, *allocator_); + a.PushBack(c, *allocator_); + } + + static const ValueType* GetMember(const ValueType& value, const ValueType& name) { + typename ValueType::ConstMemberIterator itr = value.FindMember(name); + return itr != value.MemberEnd() ? &(itr->value) : 0; + } + + static void AssignIfExist(bool& out, const ValueType& value, const ValueType& name) { + if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, name)) + if (v->IsBool()) + out = v->GetBool(); + } + + static void AssignIfExist(SizeType& out, const ValueType& value, const ValueType& name) { + if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, name)) + if (v->IsUint64() && v->GetUint64() <= SizeType(~0)) + out = static_cast(v->GetUint64()); + } + + void AssignIfExist(SchemaArray& out, SchemaDocumentType& schemaDocument, const PointerType& p, const ValueType& value, const ValueType& name, const ValueType& document) { + if (const ValueType* v = GetMember(value, name)) { + if (v->IsArray() && v->Size() > 0) { + PointerType q = p.Append(name, allocator_); + out.count = v->Size(); + out.schemas = static_cast(allocator_->Malloc(out.count * sizeof(const Schema*))); + memset(out.schemas, 0, sizeof(Schema*)* out.count); + for (SizeType i = 0; i < out.count; i++) + schemaDocument.CreateSchema(&out.schemas[i], q.Append(i, allocator_), (*v)[i], document); + out.begin = validatorCount_; + validatorCount_ += out.count; + } + } + } + +#if RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_USE_INTERNALREGEX + template + RegexType* CreatePattern(const ValueType& value) { + if (value.IsString()) { + RegexType* r = new (allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(RegexType))) RegexType(value.GetString()); + if (!r->IsValid()) { + r->~RegexType(); + AllocatorType::Free(r); + r = 0; + } + return r; + } + return 0; + } + + static bool IsPatternMatch(const RegexType* pattern, const Ch *str, SizeType) { + GenericRegexSearch rs(*pattern); + return rs.Search(str); + } +#elif RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_USE_STDREGEX + template + RegexType* CreatePattern(const ValueType& value) { + if (value.IsString()) + try { + return new (allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(RegexType))) RegexType(value.GetString(), std::size_t(value.GetStringLength()), std::regex_constants::ECMAScript); + } + catch (const std::regex_error&) { + } + return 0; + } + + static bool IsPatternMatch(const RegexType* pattern, const Ch *str, SizeType length) { + std::match_results r; + return std::regex_search(str, str + length, r, *pattern); + } +#else + template + RegexType* CreatePattern(const ValueType&) { return 0; } + + static bool IsPatternMatch(const RegexType*, const Ch *, SizeType) { return true; } +#endif // RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_USE_STDREGEX + + void AddType(const ValueType& type) { + if (type == GetNullString() ) type_ |= 1 << kNullSchemaType; + else if (type == GetBooleanString()) type_ |= 1 << kBooleanSchemaType; + else if (type == GetObjectString() ) type_ |= 1 << kObjectSchemaType; + else if (type == GetArrayString() ) type_ |= 1 << kArraySchemaType; + else if (type == GetStringString() ) type_ |= 1 << kStringSchemaType; + else if (type == GetIntegerString()) type_ |= 1 << kIntegerSchemaType; + else if (type == GetNumberString() ) type_ |= (1 << kNumberSchemaType) | (1 << kIntegerSchemaType); + } + + bool CreateParallelValidator(Context& context) const { + if (enum_ || context.arrayUniqueness) + context.hasher = context.factory.CreateHasher(); + + if (validatorCount_) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(context.validators == 0); + context.validators = static_cast(context.factory.MallocState(sizeof(ISchemaValidator*) * validatorCount_)); + context.validatorCount = validatorCount_; + + if (allOf_.schemas) + CreateSchemaValidators(context, allOf_); + + if (anyOf_.schemas) + CreateSchemaValidators(context, anyOf_); + + if (oneOf_.schemas) + CreateSchemaValidators(context, oneOf_); + + if (not_) + context.validators[notValidatorIndex_] = context.factory.CreateSchemaValidator(*not_); + + if (hasSchemaDependencies_) { + for (SizeType i = 0; i < propertyCount_; i++) + if (properties_[i].dependenciesSchema) + context.validators[properties_[i].dependenciesValidatorIndex] = context.factory.CreateSchemaValidator(*properties_[i].dependenciesSchema); + } + } + + return true; + } + + void CreateSchemaValidators(Context& context, const SchemaArray& schemas) const { + for (SizeType i = 0; i < schemas.count; i++) + context.validators[schemas.begin + i] = context.factory.CreateSchemaValidator(*schemas.schemas[i]); + } + + // O(n) + bool FindPropertyIndex(const ValueType& name, SizeType* outIndex) const { + SizeType len = name.GetStringLength(); + const Ch* str = name.GetString(); + for (SizeType index = 0; index < propertyCount_; index++) + if (properties_[index].name.GetStringLength() == len && + (std::memcmp(properties_[index].name.GetString(), str, sizeof(Ch) * len) == 0)) + { + *outIndex = index; + return true; + } + return false; + } + + bool CheckInt(Context& context, int64_t i) const { + if (!(type_ & ((1 << kIntegerSchemaType) | (1 << kNumberSchemaType)))) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetTypeString()); + + if (!minimum_.IsNull()) { + if (minimum_.IsInt64()) { + if (exclusiveMinimum_ ? i <= minimum_.GetInt64() : i < minimum_.GetInt64()) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetMinimumString()); + } + else if (minimum_.IsUint64()) { + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetMinimumString()); // i <= max(int64_t) < minimum.GetUint64() + } + else if (!CheckDoubleMinimum(context, static_cast(i))) + return false; + } + + if (!maximum_.IsNull()) { + if (maximum_.IsInt64()) { + if (exclusiveMaximum_ ? i >= maximum_.GetInt64() : i > maximum_.GetInt64()) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetMaximumString()); + } + else if (maximum_.IsUint64()) + /* do nothing */; // i <= max(int64_t) < maximum_.GetUint64() + else if (!CheckDoubleMaximum(context, static_cast(i))) + return false; + } + + if (!multipleOf_.IsNull()) { + if (multipleOf_.IsUint64()) { + if (static_cast(i >= 0 ? i : -i) % multipleOf_.GetUint64() != 0) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetMultipleOfString()); + } + else if (!CheckDoubleMultipleOf(context, static_cast(i))) + return false; + } + + return true; + } + + bool CheckUint(Context& context, uint64_t i) const { + if (!(type_ & ((1 << kIntegerSchemaType) | (1 << kNumberSchemaType)))) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetTypeString()); + + if (!minimum_.IsNull()) { + if (minimum_.IsUint64()) { + if (exclusiveMinimum_ ? i <= minimum_.GetUint64() : i < minimum_.GetUint64()) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetMinimumString()); + } + else if (minimum_.IsInt64()) + /* do nothing */; // i >= 0 > minimum.Getint64() + else if (!CheckDoubleMinimum(context, static_cast(i))) + return false; + } + + if (!maximum_.IsNull()) { + if (maximum_.IsUint64()) { + if (exclusiveMaximum_ ? i >= maximum_.GetUint64() : i > maximum_.GetUint64()) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetMaximumString()); + } + else if (maximum_.IsInt64()) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetMaximumString()); // i >= 0 > maximum_ + else if (!CheckDoubleMaximum(context, static_cast(i))) + return false; + } + + if (!multipleOf_.IsNull()) { + if (multipleOf_.IsUint64()) { + if (i % multipleOf_.GetUint64() != 0) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetMultipleOfString()); + } + else if (!CheckDoubleMultipleOf(context, static_cast(i))) + return false; + } + + return true; + } + + bool CheckDoubleMinimum(Context& context, double d) const { + if (exclusiveMinimum_ ? d <= minimum_.GetDouble() : d < minimum_.GetDouble()) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetMinimumString()); + return true; + } + + bool CheckDoubleMaximum(Context& context, double d) const { + if (exclusiveMaximum_ ? d >= maximum_.GetDouble() : d > maximum_.GetDouble()) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetMaximumString()); + return true; + } + + bool CheckDoubleMultipleOf(Context& context, double d) const { + double a = std::abs(d), b = std::abs(multipleOf_.GetDouble()); + double q = std::floor(a / b); + double r = a - q * b; + if (r > 0.0) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(GetMultipleOfString()); + return true; + } + + struct Property { + Property() : schema(), dependenciesSchema(), dependenciesValidatorIndex(), dependencies(), required(false) {} + ~Property() { AllocatorType::Free(dependencies); } + SValue name; + const SchemaType* schema; + const SchemaType* dependenciesSchema; + SizeType dependenciesValidatorIndex; + bool* dependencies; + bool required; + }; + + struct PatternProperty { + PatternProperty() : schema(), pattern() {} + ~PatternProperty() { + if (pattern) { + pattern->~RegexType(); + AllocatorType::Free(pattern); + } + } + const SchemaType* schema; + RegexType* pattern; + }; + + AllocatorType* allocator_; + const SchemaType* typeless_; + uint64_t* enum_; + SizeType enumCount_; + SchemaArray allOf_; + SchemaArray anyOf_; + SchemaArray oneOf_; + const SchemaType* not_; + unsigned type_; // bitmask of kSchemaType + SizeType validatorCount_; + SizeType notValidatorIndex_; + + Property* properties_; + const SchemaType* additionalPropertiesSchema_; + PatternProperty* patternProperties_; + SizeType patternPropertyCount_; + SizeType propertyCount_; + SizeType minProperties_; + SizeType maxProperties_; + bool additionalProperties_; + bool hasDependencies_; + bool hasRequired_; + bool hasSchemaDependencies_; + + const SchemaType* additionalItemsSchema_; + const SchemaType* itemsList_; + const SchemaType** itemsTuple_; + SizeType itemsTupleCount_; + SizeType minItems_; + SizeType maxItems_; + bool additionalItems_; + bool uniqueItems_; + + RegexType* pattern_; + SizeType minLength_; + SizeType maxLength_; + + SValue minimum_; + SValue maximum_; + SValue multipleOf_; + bool exclusiveMinimum_; + bool exclusiveMaximum_; +}; + +template +struct TokenHelper { + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE static void AppendIndexToken(Stack& documentStack, SizeType index) { + *documentStack.template Push() = '/'; + char buffer[21]; + size_t length = static_cast((sizeof(SizeType) == 4 ? u32toa(index, buffer) : u64toa(index, buffer)) - buffer); + for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) + *documentStack.template Push() = buffer[i]; + } +}; + +// Partial specialized version for char to prevent buffer copying. +template +struct TokenHelper { + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE static void AppendIndexToken(Stack& documentStack, SizeType index) { + if (sizeof(SizeType) == 4) { + char *buffer = documentStack.template Push(1 + 10); // '/' + uint + *buffer++ = '/'; + const char* end = internal::u32toa(index, buffer); + documentStack.template Pop(static_cast(10 - (end - buffer))); + } + else { + char *buffer = documentStack.template Push(1 + 20); // '/' + uint64 + *buffer++ = '/'; + const char* end = internal::u64toa(index, buffer); + documentStack.template Pop(static_cast(20 - (end - buffer))); + } + } +}; + +} // namespace internal + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// IGenericRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider + +template +class IGenericRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider { +public: + typedef typename SchemaDocumentType::Ch Ch; + + virtual ~IGenericRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider() {} + virtual const SchemaDocumentType* GetRemoteDocument(const Ch* uri, SizeType length) = 0; +}; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GenericSchemaDocument + +//! JSON schema document. +/*! + A JSON schema document is a compiled version of a JSON schema. + It is basically a tree of internal::Schema. + + \note This is an immutable class (i.e. its instance cannot be modified after construction). + \tparam ValueT Type of JSON value (e.g. \c Value ), which also determine the encoding. + \tparam Allocator Allocator type for allocating memory of this document. +*/ +template +class GenericSchemaDocument { +public: + typedef ValueT ValueType; + typedef IGenericRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider IRemoteSchemaDocumentProviderType; + typedef Allocator AllocatorType; + typedef typename ValueType::EncodingType EncodingType; + typedef typename EncodingType::Ch Ch; + typedef internal::Schema SchemaType; + typedef GenericPointer PointerType; + friend class internal::Schema; + template + friend class GenericSchemaValidator; + + //! Constructor. + /*! + Compile a JSON document into schema document. + + \param document A JSON document as source. + \param remoteProvider An optional remote schema document provider for resolving remote reference. Can be null. + \param allocator An optional allocator instance for allocating memory. Can be null. + */ + explicit GenericSchemaDocument(const ValueType& document, IRemoteSchemaDocumentProviderType* remoteProvider = 0, Allocator* allocator = 0) : + remoteProvider_(remoteProvider), + allocator_(allocator), + ownAllocator_(), + root_(), + typeless_(), + schemaMap_(allocator, kInitialSchemaMapSize), + schemaRef_(allocator, kInitialSchemaRefSize) + { + if (!allocator_) + ownAllocator_ = allocator_ = RAPIDJSON_NEW(Allocator()); + + typeless_ = static_cast(allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(SchemaType))); + new (typeless_) SchemaType(this, PointerType(), ValueType(kObjectType).Move(), ValueType(kObjectType).Move(), 0); + + // Generate root schema, it will call CreateSchema() to create sub-schemas, + // And call AddRefSchema() if there are $ref. + CreateSchemaRecursive(&root_, PointerType(), document, document); + + // Resolve $ref + while (!schemaRef_.Empty()) { + SchemaRefEntry* refEntry = schemaRef_.template Pop(1); + if (const SchemaType* s = GetSchema(refEntry->target)) { + if (refEntry->schema) + *refEntry->schema = s; + + // Create entry in map if not exist + if (!GetSchema(refEntry->source)) { + new (schemaMap_.template Push()) SchemaEntry(refEntry->source, const_cast(s), false, allocator_); + } + } + else if (refEntry->schema) + *refEntry->schema = typeless_; + + refEntry->~SchemaRefEntry(); + } + + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(root_ != 0); + + schemaRef_.ShrinkToFit(); // Deallocate all memory for ref + } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS + //! Move constructor in C++11 + GenericSchemaDocument(GenericSchemaDocument&& rhs) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT : + remoteProvider_(rhs.remoteProvider_), + allocator_(rhs.allocator_), + ownAllocator_(rhs.ownAllocator_), + root_(rhs.root_), + typeless_(rhs.typeless_), + schemaMap_(std::move(rhs.schemaMap_)), + schemaRef_(std::move(rhs.schemaRef_)) + { + rhs.remoteProvider_ = 0; + rhs.allocator_ = 0; + rhs.ownAllocator_ = 0; + rhs.typeless_ = 0; + } +#endif + + //! Destructor + ~GenericSchemaDocument() { + while (!schemaMap_.Empty()) + schemaMap_.template Pop(1)->~SchemaEntry(); + + if (typeless_) { + typeless_->~SchemaType(); + Allocator::Free(typeless_); + } + + RAPIDJSON_DELETE(ownAllocator_); + } + + //! Get the root schema. + const SchemaType& GetRoot() const { return *root_; } + +private: + //! Prohibit copying + GenericSchemaDocument(const GenericSchemaDocument&); + //! Prohibit assignment + GenericSchemaDocument& operator=(const GenericSchemaDocument&); + + struct SchemaRefEntry { + SchemaRefEntry(const PointerType& s, const PointerType& t, const SchemaType** outSchema, Allocator *allocator) : source(s, allocator), target(t, allocator), schema(outSchema) {} + PointerType source; + PointerType target; + const SchemaType** schema; + }; + + struct SchemaEntry { + SchemaEntry(const PointerType& p, SchemaType* s, bool o, Allocator* allocator) : pointer(p, allocator), schema(s), owned(o) {} + ~SchemaEntry() { + if (owned) { + schema->~SchemaType(); + Allocator::Free(schema); + } + } + PointerType pointer; + SchemaType* schema; + bool owned; + }; + + void CreateSchemaRecursive(const SchemaType** schema, const PointerType& pointer, const ValueType& v, const ValueType& document) { + if (schema) + *schema = typeless_; + + if (v.GetType() == kObjectType) { + const SchemaType* s = GetSchema(pointer); + if (!s) + CreateSchema(schema, pointer, v, document); + + for (typename ValueType::ConstMemberIterator itr = v.MemberBegin(); itr != v.MemberEnd(); ++itr) + CreateSchemaRecursive(0, pointer.Append(itr->name, allocator_), itr->value, document); + } + else if (v.GetType() == kArrayType) + for (SizeType i = 0; i < v.Size(); i++) + CreateSchemaRecursive(0, pointer.Append(i, allocator_), v[i], document); + } + + void CreateSchema(const SchemaType** schema, const PointerType& pointer, const ValueType& v, const ValueType& document) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(pointer.IsValid()); + if (v.IsObject()) { + if (!HandleRefSchema(pointer, schema, v, document)) { + SchemaType* s = new (allocator_->Malloc(sizeof(SchemaType))) SchemaType(this, pointer, v, document, allocator_); + new (schemaMap_.template Push()) SchemaEntry(pointer, s, true, allocator_); + if (schema) + *schema = s; + } + } + } + + bool HandleRefSchema(const PointerType& source, const SchemaType** schema, const ValueType& v, const ValueType& document) { + static const Ch kRefString[] = { '$', 'r', 'e', 'f', '\0' }; + static const ValueType kRefValue(kRefString, 4); + + typename ValueType::ConstMemberIterator itr = v.FindMember(kRefValue); + if (itr == v.MemberEnd()) + return false; + + if (itr->value.IsString()) { + SizeType len = itr->value.GetStringLength(); + if (len > 0) { + const Ch* s = itr->value.GetString(); + SizeType i = 0; + while (i < len && s[i] != '#') // Find the first # + i++; + + if (i > 0) { // Remote reference, resolve immediately + if (remoteProvider_) { + if (const GenericSchemaDocument* remoteDocument = remoteProvider_->GetRemoteDocument(s, i)) { + PointerType pointer(&s[i], len - i, allocator_); + if (pointer.IsValid()) { + if (const SchemaType* sc = remoteDocument->GetSchema(pointer)) { + if (schema) + *schema = sc; + return true; + } + } + } + } + } + else if (s[i] == '#') { // Local reference, defer resolution + PointerType pointer(&s[i], len - i, allocator_); + if (pointer.IsValid()) { + if (const ValueType* nv = pointer.Get(document)) + if (HandleRefSchema(source, schema, *nv, document)) + return true; + + new (schemaRef_.template Push()) SchemaRefEntry(source, pointer, schema, allocator_); + return true; + } + } + } + } + return false; + } + + const SchemaType* GetSchema(const PointerType& pointer) const { + for (const SchemaEntry* target = schemaMap_.template Bottom(); target != schemaMap_.template End(); ++target) + if (pointer == target->pointer) + return target->schema; + return 0; + } + + PointerType GetPointer(const SchemaType* schema) const { + for (const SchemaEntry* target = schemaMap_.template Bottom(); target != schemaMap_.template End(); ++target) + if (schema == target->schema) + return target->pointer; + return PointerType(); + } + + const SchemaType* GetTypeless() const { return typeless_; } + + static const size_t kInitialSchemaMapSize = 64; + static const size_t kInitialSchemaRefSize = 64; + + IRemoteSchemaDocumentProviderType* remoteProvider_; + Allocator *allocator_; + Allocator *ownAllocator_; + const SchemaType* root_; //!< Root schema. + SchemaType* typeless_; + internal::Stack schemaMap_; // Stores created Pointer -> Schemas + internal::Stack schemaRef_; // Stores Pointer from $ref and schema which holds the $ref +}; + +//! GenericSchemaDocument using Value type. +typedef GenericSchemaDocument SchemaDocument; +//! IGenericRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider using SchemaDocument. +typedef IGenericRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider IRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GenericSchemaValidator + +//! JSON Schema Validator. +/*! + A SAX style JSON schema validator. + It uses a \c GenericSchemaDocument to validate SAX events. + It delegates the incoming SAX events to an output handler. + The default output handler does nothing. + It can be reused multiple times by calling \c Reset(). + + \tparam SchemaDocumentType Type of schema document. + \tparam OutputHandler Type of output handler. Default handler does nothing. + \tparam StateAllocator Allocator for storing the internal validation states. +*/ +template < + typename SchemaDocumentType, + typename OutputHandler = BaseReaderHandler, + typename StateAllocator = CrtAllocator> +class GenericSchemaValidator : + public internal::ISchemaStateFactory, + public internal::ISchemaValidator +{ +public: + typedef typename SchemaDocumentType::SchemaType SchemaType; + typedef typename SchemaDocumentType::PointerType PointerType; + typedef typename SchemaType::EncodingType EncodingType; + typedef typename EncodingType::Ch Ch; + + //! Constructor without output handler. + /*! + \param schemaDocument The schema document to conform to. + \param allocator Optional allocator for storing internal validation states. + \param schemaStackCapacity Optional initial capacity of schema path stack. + \param documentStackCapacity Optional initial capacity of document path stack. + */ + GenericSchemaValidator( + const SchemaDocumentType& schemaDocument, + StateAllocator* allocator = 0, + size_t schemaStackCapacity = kDefaultSchemaStackCapacity, + size_t documentStackCapacity = kDefaultDocumentStackCapacity) + : + schemaDocument_(&schemaDocument), + root_(schemaDocument.GetRoot()), + stateAllocator_(allocator), + ownStateAllocator_(0), + schemaStack_(allocator, schemaStackCapacity), + documentStack_(allocator, documentStackCapacity), + outputHandler_(CreateNullHandler()), + valid_(true) +#if RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_VERBOSE + , depth_(0) +#endif + { + } + + //! Constructor with output handler. + /*! + \param schemaDocument The schema document to conform to. + \param allocator Optional allocator for storing internal validation states. + \param schemaStackCapacity Optional initial capacity of schema path stack. + \param documentStackCapacity Optional initial capacity of document path stack. + */ + GenericSchemaValidator( + const SchemaDocumentType& schemaDocument, + OutputHandler& outputHandler, + StateAllocator* allocator = 0, + size_t schemaStackCapacity = kDefaultSchemaStackCapacity, + size_t documentStackCapacity = kDefaultDocumentStackCapacity) + : + schemaDocument_(&schemaDocument), + root_(schemaDocument.GetRoot()), + stateAllocator_(allocator), + ownStateAllocator_(0), + schemaStack_(allocator, schemaStackCapacity), + documentStack_(allocator, documentStackCapacity), + outputHandler_(outputHandler), + nullHandler_(0), + valid_(true) +#if RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_VERBOSE + , depth_(0) +#endif + { + } + + //! Destructor. + ~GenericSchemaValidator() { + Reset(); + if (nullHandler_) { + nullHandler_->~OutputHandler(); + StateAllocator::Free(nullHandler_); + } + RAPIDJSON_DELETE(ownStateAllocator_); + } + + //! Reset the internal states. + void Reset() { + while (!schemaStack_.Empty()) + PopSchema(); + documentStack_.Clear(); + valid_ = true; + } + + //! Checks whether the current state is valid. + // Implementation of ISchemaValidator + virtual bool IsValid() const { return valid_; } + + //! Gets the JSON pointer pointed to the invalid schema. + PointerType GetInvalidSchemaPointer() const { + return schemaStack_.Empty() ? PointerType() : schemaDocument_->GetPointer(&CurrentSchema()); + } + + //! Gets the keyword of invalid schema. + const Ch* GetInvalidSchemaKeyword() const { + return schemaStack_.Empty() ? 0 : CurrentContext().invalidKeyword; + } + + //! Gets the JSON pointer pointed to the invalid value. + PointerType GetInvalidDocumentPointer() const { + return documentStack_.Empty() ? PointerType() : PointerType(documentStack_.template Bottom(), documentStack_.GetSize() / sizeof(Ch)); + } + +#if RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_VERBOSE +#define RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_BEGIN_VERBOSE_() \ +RAPIDJSON_MULTILINEMACRO_BEGIN\ + *documentStack_.template Push() = '\0';\ + documentStack_.template Pop(1);\ + internal::PrintInvalidDocument(documentStack_.template Bottom());\ +RAPIDJSON_MULTILINEMACRO_END +#else +#define RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_BEGIN_VERBOSE_() +#endif + +#define RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_BEGIN_(method, arg1)\ + if (!valid_) return false; \ + if (!BeginValue() || !CurrentSchema().method arg1) {\ + RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_BEGIN_VERBOSE_();\ + return valid_ = false;\ + } + +#define RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_PARALLEL_(method, arg2)\ + for (Context* context = schemaStack_.template Bottom(); context != schemaStack_.template End(); context++) {\ + if (context->hasher)\ + static_cast(context->hasher)->method arg2;\ + if (context->validators)\ + for (SizeType i_ = 0; i_ < context->validatorCount; i_++)\ + static_cast(context->validators[i_])->method arg2;\ + if (context->patternPropertiesValidators)\ + for (SizeType i_ = 0; i_ < context->patternPropertiesValidatorCount; i_++)\ + static_cast(context->patternPropertiesValidators[i_])->method arg2;\ + } + +#define RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_END_(method, arg2)\ + return valid_ = EndValue() && outputHandler_.method arg2 + +#define RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_VALUE_(method, arg1, arg2) \ + RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_BEGIN_ (method, arg1);\ + RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_PARALLEL_(method, arg2);\ + RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_END_ (method, arg2) + + bool Null() { RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_VALUE_(Null, (CurrentContext() ), ( )); } + bool Bool(bool b) { RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_VALUE_(Bool, (CurrentContext(), b), (b)); } + bool Int(int i) { RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_VALUE_(Int, (CurrentContext(), i), (i)); } + bool Uint(unsigned u) { RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_VALUE_(Uint, (CurrentContext(), u), (u)); } + bool Int64(int64_t i) { RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_VALUE_(Int64, (CurrentContext(), i), (i)); } + bool Uint64(uint64_t u) { RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_VALUE_(Uint64, (CurrentContext(), u), (u)); } + bool Double(double d) { RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_VALUE_(Double, (CurrentContext(), d), (d)); } + bool RawNumber(const Ch* str, SizeType length, bool copy) + { RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_VALUE_(String, (CurrentContext(), str, length, copy), (str, length, copy)); } + bool String(const Ch* str, SizeType length, bool copy) + { RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_VALUE_(String, (CurrentContext(), str, length, copy), (str, length, copy)); } + + bool StartObject() { + RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_BEGIN_(StartObject, (CurrentContext())); + RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_PARALLEL_(StartObject, ()); + return valid_ = outputHandler_.StartObject(); + } + + bool Key(const Ch* str, SizeType len, bool copy) { + if (!valid_) return false; + AppendToken(str, len); + if (!CurrentSchema().Key(CurrentContext(), str, len, copy)) return valid_ = false; + RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_PARALLEL_(Key, (str, len, copy)); + return valid_ = outputHandler_.Key(str, len, copy); + } + + bool EndObject(SizeType memberCount) { + if (!valid_) return false; + RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_PARALLEL_(EndObject, (memberCount)); + if (!CurrentSchema().EndObject(CurrentContext(), memberCount)) return valid_ = false; + RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_END_(EndObject, (memberCount)); + } + + bool StartArray() { + RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_BEGIN_(StartArray, (CurrentContext())); + RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_PARALLEL_(StartArray, ()); + return valid_ = outputHandler_.StartArray(); + } + + bool EndArray(SizeType elementCount) { + if (!valid_) return false; + RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_PARALLEL_(EndArray, (elementCount)); + if (!CurrentSchema().EndArray(CurrentContext(), elementCount)) return valid_ = false; + RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_END_(EndArray, (elementCount)); + } + +#undef RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_BEGIN_VERBOSE_ +#undef RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_BEGIN_ +#undef RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_PARALLEL_ +#undef RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HANDLE_VALUE_ + + // Implementation of ISchemaStateFactory + virtual ISchemaValidator* CreateSchemaValidator(const SchemaType& root) { + return new (GetStateAllocator().Malloc(sizeof(GenericSchemaValidator))) GenericSchemaValidator(*schemaDocument_, root, +#if RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_VERBOSE + depth_ + 1, +#endif + &GetStateAllocator()); + } + + virtual void DestroySchemaValidator(ISchemaValidator* validator) { + GenericSchemaValidator* v = static_cast(validator); + v->~GenericSchemaValidator(); + StateAllocator::Free(v); + } + + virtual void* CreateHasher() { + return new (GetStateAllocator().Malloc(sizeof(HasherType))) HasherType(&GetStateAllocator()); + } + + virtual uint64_t GetHashCode(void* hasher) { + return static_cast(hasher)->GetHashCode(); + } + + virtual void DestroryHasher(void* hasher) { + HasherType* h = static_cast(hasher); + h->~HasherType(); + StateAllocator::Free(h); + } + + virtual void* MallocState(size_t size) { + return GetStateAllocator().Malloc(size); + } + + virtual void FreeState(void* p) { + return StateAllocator::Free(p); + } + +private: + typedef typename SchemaType::Context Context; + typedef GenericValue, StateAllocator> HashCodeArray; + typedef internal::Hasher HasherType; + + GenericSchemaValidator( + const SchemaDocumentType& schemaDocument, + const SchemaType& root, +#if RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_VERBOSE + unsigned depth, +#endif + StateAllocator* allocator = 0, + size_t schemaStackCapacity = kDefaultSchemaStackCapacity, + size_t documentStackCapacity = kDefaultDocumentStackCapacity) + : + schemaDocument_(&schemaDocument), + root_(root), + stateAllocator_(allocator), + ownStateAllocator_(0), + schemaStack_(allocator, schemaStackCapacity), + documentStack_(allocator, documentStackCapacity), + outputHandler_(CreateNullHandler()), + valid_(true) +#if RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_VERBOSE + , depth_(depth) +#endif + { + } + + StateAllocator& GetStateAllocator() { + if (!stateAllocator_) + stateAllocator_ = ownStateAllocator_ = RAPIDJSON_NEW(StateAllocator()); + return *stateAllocator_; + } + + bool BeginValue() { + if (schemaStack_.Empty()) + PushSchema(root_); + else { + if (CurrentContext().inArray) + internal::TokenHelper, Ch>::AppendIndexToken(documentStack_, CurrentContext().arrayElementIndex); + + if (!CurrentSchema().BeginValue(CurrentContext())) + return false; + + SizeType count = CurrentContext().patternPropertiesSchemaCount; + const SchemaType** sa = CurrentContext().patternPropertiesSchemas; + typename Context::PatternValidatorType patternValidatorType = CurrentContext().valuePatternValidatorType; + bool valueUniqueness = CurrentContext().valueUniqueness; + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(CurrentContext().valueSchema); + PushSchema(*CurrentContext().valueSchema); + + if (count > 0) { + CurrentContext().objectPatternValidatorType = patternValidatorType; + ISchemaValidator**& va = CurrentContext().patternPropertiesValidators; + SizeType& validatorCount = CurrentContext().patternPropertiesValidatorCount; + va = static_cast(MallocState(sizeof(ISchemaValidator*) * count)); + for (SizeType i = 0; i < count; i++) + va[validatorCount++] = CreateSchemaValidator(*sa[i]); + } + + CurrentContext().arrayUniqueness = valueUniqueness; + } + return true; + } + + bool EndValue() { + if (!CurrentSchema().EndValue(CurrentContext())) + return false; + +#if RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_VERBOSE + GenericStringBuffer sb; + schemaDocument_->GetPointer(&CurrentSchema()).Stringify(sb); + + *documentStack_.template Push() = '\0'; + documentStack_.template Pop(1); + internal::PrintValidatorPointers(depth_, sb.GetString(), documentStack_.template Bottom()); +#endif + + uint64_t h = CurrentContext().arrayUniqueness ? static_cast(CurrentContext().hasher)->GetHashCode() : 0; + + PopSchema(); + + if (!schemaStack_.Empty()) { + Context& context = CurrentContext(); + if (context.valueUniqueness) { + HashCodeArray* a = static_cast(context.arrayElementHashCodes); + if (!a) + CurrentContext().arrayElementHashCodes = a = new (GetStateAllocator().Malloc(sizeof(HashCodeArray))) HashCodeArray(kArrayType); + for (typename HashCodeArray::ConstValueIterator itr = a->Begin(); itr != a->End(); ++itr) + if (itr->GetUint64() == h) + RAPIDJSON_INVALID_KEYWORD_RETURN(SchemaType::GetUniqueItemsString()); + a->PushBack(h, GetStateAllocator()); + } + } + + // Remove the last token of document pointer + while (!documentStack_.Empty() && *documentStack_.template Pop(1) != '/') + ; + + return true; + } + + void AppendToken(const Ch* str, SizeType len) { + documentStack_.template Reserve(1 + len * 2); // worst case all characters are escaped as two characters + *documentStack_.template PushUnsafe() = '/'; + for (SizeType i = 0; i < len; i++) { + if (str[i] == '~') { + *documentStack_.template PushUnsafe() = '~'; + *documentStack_.template PushUnsafe() = '0'; + } + else if (str[i] == '/') { + *documentStack_.template PushUnsafe() = '~'; + *documentStack_.template PushUnsafe() = '1'; + } + else + *documentStack_.template PushUnsafe() = str[i]; + } + } + + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE void PushSchema(const SchemaType& schema) { new (schemaStack_.template Push()) Context(*this, &schema); } + + RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE void PopSchema() { + Context* c = schemaStack_.template Pop(1); + if (HashCodeArray* a = static_cast(c->arrayElementHashCodes)) { + a->~HashCodeArray(); + StateAllocator::Free(a); + } + c->~Context(); + } + + const SchemaType& CurrentSchema() const { return *schemaStack_.template Top()->schema; } + Context& CurrentContext() { return *schemaStack_.template Top(); } + const Context& CurrentContext() const { return *schemaStack_.template Top(); } + + OutputHandler& CreateNullHandler() { + return *(nullHandler_ = static_cast(GetStateAllocator().Malloc(sizeof(OutputHandler)))); + } + + static const size_t kDefaultSchemaStackCapacity = 1024; + static const size_t kDefaultDocumentStackCapacity = 256; + const SchemaDocumentType* schemaDocument_; + const SchemaType& root_; + StateAllocator* stateAllocator_; + StateAllocator* ownStateAllocator_; + internal::Stack schemaStack_; //!< stack to store the current path of schema (BaseSchemaType *) + internal::Stack documentStack_; //!< stack to store the current path of validating document (Ch) + OutputHandler& outputHandler_; + OutputHandler* nullHandler_; + bool valid_; +#if RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_VERBOSE + unsigned depth_; +#endif +}; + +typedef GenericSchemaValidator SchemaValidator; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// SchemaValidatingReader + +//! A helper class for parsing with validation. +/*! + This helper class is a functor, designed as a parameter of \ref GenericDocument::Populate(). + + \tparam parseFlags Combination of \ref ParseFlag. + \tparam InputStream Type of input stream, implementing Stream concept. + \tparam SourceEncoding Encoding of the input stream. + \tparam SchemaDocumentType Type of schema document. + \tparam StackAllocator Allocator type for stack. +*/ +template < + unsigned parseFlags, + typename InputStream, + typename SourceEncoding, + typename SchemaDocumentType = SchemaDocument, + typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator> +class SchemaValidatingReader { +public: + typedef typename SchemaDocumentType::PointerType PointerType; + typedef typename InputStream::Ch Ch; + + //! Constructor + /*! + \param is Input stream. + \param sd Schema document. + */ + SchemaValidatingReader(InputStream& is, const SchemaDocumentType& sd) : is_(is), sd_(sd), invalidSchemaKeyword_(), isValid_(true) {} + + template + bool operator()(Handler& handler) { + GenericReader reader; + GenericSchemaValidator validator(sd_, handler); + parseResult_ = reader.template Parse(is_, validator); + + isValid_ = validator.IsValid(); + if (isValid_) { + invalidSchemaPointer_ = PointerType(); + invalidSchemaKeyword_ = 0; + invalidDocumentPointer_ = PointerType(); + } + else { + invalidSchemaPointer_ = validator.GetInvalidSchemaPointer(); + invalidSchemaKeyword_ = validator.GetInvalidSchemaKeyword(); + invalidDocumentPointer_ = validator.GetInvalidDocumentPointer(); + } + + return parseResult_; + } + + const ParseResult& GetParseResult() const { return parseResult_; } + bool IsValid() const { return isValid_; } + const PointerType& GetInvalidSchemaPointer() const { return invalidSchemaPointer_; } + const Ch* GetInvalidSchemaKeyword() const { return invalidSchemaKeyword_; } + const PointerType& GetInvalidDocumentPointer() const { return invalidDocumentPointer_; } + +private: + InputStream& is_; + const SchemaDocumentType& sd_; + + ParseResult parseResult_; + PointerType invalidSchemaPointer_; + const Ch* invalidSchemaKeyword_; + PointerType invalidDocumentPointer_; + bool isValid_; +}; + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/stream.h b/rapidjson/stream.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fef82c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/stream.h @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#include "rapidjson.h" + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_STREAM_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_STREAM_H_ + +#include "encodings.h" + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Stream + +/*! \class rapidjson::Stream + \brief Concept for reading and writing characters. + + For read-only stream, no need to implement PutBegin(), Put(), Flush() and PutEnd(). + + For write-only stream, only need to implement Put() and Flush(). + +\code +concept Stream { + typename Ch; //!< Character type of the stream. + + //! Read the current character from stream without moving the read cursor. + Ch Peek() const; + + //! Read the current character from stream and moving the read cursor to next character. + Ch Take(); + + //! Get the current read cursor. + //! \return Number of characters read from start. + size_t Tell(); + + //! Begin writing operation at the current read pointer. + //! \return The begin writer pointer. + Ch* PutBegin(); + + //! Write a character. + void Put(Ch c); + + //! Flush the buffer. + void Flush(); + + //! End the writing operation. + //! \param begin The begin write pointer returned by PutBegin(). + //! \return Number of characters written. + size_t PutEnd(Ch* begin); +} +\endcode +*/ + +//! Provides additional information for stream. +/*! + By using traits pattern, this type provides a default configuration for stream. + For custom stream, this type can be specialized for other configuration. + See TEST(Reader, CustomStringStream) in readertest.cpp for example. +*/ +template +struct StreamTraits { + //! Whether to make local copy of stream for optimization during parsing. + /*! + By default, for safety, streams do not use local copy optimization. + Stream that can be copied fast should specialize this, like StreamTraits. + */ + enum { copyOptimization = 0 }; +}; + +//! Reserve n characters for writing to a stream. +template +inline void PutReserve(Stream& stream, size_t count) { + (void)stream; + (void)count; +} + +//! Write character to a stream, presuming buffer is reserved. +template +inline void PutUnsafe(Stream& stream, typename Stream::Ch c) { + stream.Put(c); +} + +//! Put N copies of a character to a stream. +template +inline void PutN(Stream& stream, Ch c, size_t n) { + PutReserve(stream, n); + for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) + PutUnsafe(stream, c); +} + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// StringStream + +//! Read-only string stream. +/*! \note implements Stream concept +*/ +template +struct GenericStringStream { + typedef typename Encoding::Ch Ch; + + GenericStringStream(const Ch *src) : src_(src), head_(src) {} + + Ch Peek() const { return *src_; } + Ch Take() { return *src_++; } + size_t Tell() const { return static_cast(src_ - head_); } + + Ch* PutBegin() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + void Put(Ch) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); } + void Flush() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); } + size_t PutEnd(Ch*) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; } + + const Ch* src_; //!< Current read position. + const Ch* head_; //!< Original head of the string. +}; + +template +struct StreamTraits > { + enum { copyOptimization = 1 }; +}; + +//! String stream with UTF8 encoding. +typedef GenericStringStream > StringStream; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// InsituStringStream + +//! A read-write string stream. +/*! This string stream is particularly designed for in-situ parsing. + \note implements Stream concept +*/ +template +struct GenericInsituStringStream { + typedef typename Encoding::Ch Ch; + + GenericInsituStringStream(Ch *src) : src_(src), dst_(0), head_(src) {} + + // Read + Ch Peek() { return *src_; } + Ch Take() { return *src_++; } + size_t Tell() { return static_cast(src_ - head_); } + + // Write + void Put(Ch c) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(dst_ != 0); *dst_++ = c; } + + Ch* PutBegin() { return dst_ = src_; } + size_t PutEnd(Ch* begin) { return static_cast(dst_ - begin); } + void Flush() {} + + Ch* Push(size_t count) { Ch* begin = dst_; dst_ += count; return begin; } + void Pop(size_t count) { dst_ -= count; } + + Ch* src_; + Ch* dst_; + Ch* head_; +}; + +template +struct StreamTraits > { + enum { copyOptimization = 1 }; +}; + +//! Insitu string stream with UTF8 encoding. +typedef GenericInsituStringStream > InsituStringStream; + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_STREAM_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/stringbuffer.h b/rapidjson/stringbuffer.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e38b82 --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/stringbuffer.h @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_STRINGBUFFER_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_STRINGBUFFER_H_ + +#include "stream.h" +#include "internal/stack.h" + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS +#include // std::move +#endif + +#include "internal/stack.h" + +#if defined(__clang__) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(c++98-compat) +#endif + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + +//! Represents an in-memory output stream. +/*! + \tparam Encoding Encoding of the stream. + \tparam Allocator type for allocating memory buffer. + \note implements Stream concept +*/ +template +class GenericStringBuffer { +public: + typedef typename Encoding::Ch Ch; + + GenericStringBuffer(Allocator* allocator = 0, size_t capacity = kDefaultCapacity) : stack_(allocator, capacity) {} + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS + GenericStringBuffer(GenericStringBuffer&& rhs) : stack_(std::move(rhs.stack_)) {} + GenericStringBuffer& operator=(GenericStringBuffer&& rhs) { + if (&rhs != this) + stack_ = std::move(rhs.stack_); + return *this; + } +#endif + + void Put(Ch c) { *stack_.template Push() = c; } + void PutUnsafe(Ch c) { *stack_.template PushUnsafe() = c; } + void Flush() {} + + void Clear() { stack_.Clear(); } + void ShrinkToFit() { + // Push and pop a null terminator. This is safe. + *stack_.template Push() = '\0'; + stack_.ShrinkToFit(); + stack_.template Pop(1); + } + + void Reserve(size_t count) { stack_.template Reserve(count); } + Ch* Push(size_t count) { return stack_.template Push(count); } + Ch* PushUnsafe(size_t count) { return stack_.template PushUnsafe(count); } + void Pop(size_t count) { stack_.template Pop(count); } + + const Ch* GetString() const { + // Push and pop a null terminator. This is safe. + *stack_.template Push() = '\0'; + stack_.template Pop(1); + + return stack_.template Bottom(); + } + + //! Get the size of string in bytes in the string buffer. + size_t GetSize() const { return stack_.GetSize(); } + + //! Get the length of string in Ch in the string buffer. + size_t GetLength() const { return stack_.GetSize() / sizeof(Ch); } + + static const size_t kDefaultCapacity = 256; + mutable internal::Stack stack_; + +private: + // Prohibit copy constructor & assignment operator. + GenericStringBuffer(const GenericStringBuffer&); + GenericStringBuffer& operator=(const GenericStringBuffer&); +}; + +//! String buffer with UTF8 encoding +typedef GenericStringBuffer > StringBuffer; + +template +inline void PutReserve(GenericStringBuffer& stream, size_t count) { + stream.Reserve(count); +} + +template +inline void PutUnsafe(GenericStringBuffer& stream, typename Encoding::Ch c) { + stream.PutUnsafe(c); +} + +//! Implement specialized version of PutN() with memset() for better performance. +template<> +inline void PutN(GenericStringBuffer >& stream, char c, size_t n) { + std::memset(stream.stack_.Push(n), c, n * sizeof(c)); +} + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#if defined(__clang__) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_STRINGBUFFER_H_ diff --git a/rapidjson/writer.h b/rapidjson/writer.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f6e174 --- /dev/null +++ b/rapidjson/writer.h @@ -0,0 +1,624 @@ +// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. +// +// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. All rights reserved. +// +// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except +// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed +// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR +// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. + +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_WRITER_H_ +#define RAPIDJSON_WRITER_H_ + +#include "stream.h" +#include "internal/stack.h" +#include "internal/strfunc.h" +#include "internal/dtoa.h" +#include "internal/itoa.h" +#include "stringbuffer.h" +#include // placement new + +#if defined(RAPIDJSON_SIMD) && defined(_MSC_VER) +#include +#pragma intrinsic(_BitScanForward) +#endif +#ifdef RAPIDJSON_SSE42 +#include +#elif defined(RAPIDJSON_SSE2) +#include +#endif + +#ifdef _MSC_VER +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(4127) // conditional expression is constant +#endif + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(padded) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(unreachable-code) +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(c++98-compat) +#endif + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// WriteFlag + +/*! \def RAPIDJSON_WRITE_DEFAULT_FLAGS + \ingroup RAPIDJSON_CONFIG + \brief User-defined kWriteDefaultFlags definition. + + User can define this as any \c WriteFlag combinations. +*/ +#ifndef RAPIDJSON_WRITE_DEFAULT_FLAGS +#define RAPIDJSON_WRITE_DEFAULT_FLAGS kWriteNoFlags +#endif + +//! Combination of writeFlags +enum WriteFlag { + kWriteNoFlags = 0, //!< No flags are set. + kWriteValidateEncodingFlag = 1, //!< Validate encoding of JSON strings. + kWriteNanAndInfFlag = 2, //!< Allow writing of Infinity, -Infinity and NaN. + kWriteDefaultFlags = RAPIDJSON_WRITE_DEFAULT_FLAGS //!< Default write flags. Can be customized by defining RAPIDJSON_WRITE_DEFAULT_FLAGS +}; + +//! JSON writer +/*! Writer implements the concept Handler. + It generates JSON text by events to an output os. + + User may programmatically calls the functions of a writer to generate JSON text. + + On the other side, a writer can also be passed to objects that generates events, + + for example Reader::Parse() and Document::Accept(). + + \tparam OutputStream Type of output stream. + \tparam SourceEncoding Encoding of source string. + \tparam TargetEncoding Encoding of output stream. + \tparam StackAllocator Type of allocator for allocating memory of stack. + \note implements Handler concept +*/ +template, typename TargetEncoding = UTF8<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator, unsigned writeFlags = kWriteDefaultFlags> +class Writer { +public: + typedef typename SourceEncoding::Ch Ch; + + static const int kDefaultMaxDecimalPlaces = 324; + + //! Constructor + /*! \param os Output stream. + \param stackAllocator User supplied allocator. If it is null, it will create a private one. + \param levelDepth Initial capacity of stack. + */ + explicit + Writer(OutputStream& os, StackAllocator* stackAllocator = 0, size_t levelDepth = kDefaultLevelDepth) : + os_(&os), level_stack_(stackAllocator, levelDepth * sizeof(Level)), maxDecimalPlaces_(kDefaultMaxDecimalPlaces), hasRoot_(false) {} + + explicit + Writer(StackAllocator* allocator = 0, size_t levelDepth = kDefaultLevelDepth) : + os_(0), level_stack_(allocator, levelDepth * sizeof(Level)), maxDecimalPlaces_(kDefaultMaxDecimalPlaces), hasRoot_(false) {} + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS + Writer(Writer&& rhs) : + os_(rhs.os_), level_stack_(std::move(rhs.level_stack_)), maxDecimalPlaces_(rhs.maxDecimalPlaces_), hasRoot_(rhs.hasRoot_) { + rhs.os_ = 0; + } +#endif + + //! Reset the writer with a new stream. + /*! + This function reset the writer with a new stream and default settings, + in order to make a Writer object reusable for output multiple JSONs. + + \param os New output stream. + \code + Writer writer(os1); + writer.StartObject(); + // ... + writer.EndObject(); + + writer.Reset(os2); + writer.StartObject(); + // ... + writer.EndObject(); + \endcode + */ + void Reset(OutputStream& os) { + os_ = &os; + hasRoot_ = false; + level_stack_.Clear(); + } + + //! Checks whether the output is a complete JSON. + /*! + A complete JSON has a complete root object or array. + */ + bool IsComplete() const { + return hasRoot_ && level_stack_.Empty(); + } + + int GetMaxDecimalPlaces() const { + return maxDecimalPlaces_; + } + + //! Sets the maximum number of decimal places for double output. + /*! + This setting truncates the output with specified number of decimal places. + + For example, + + \code + writer.SetMaxDecimalPlaces(3); + writer.StartArray(); + writer.Double(0.12345); // "0.123" + writer.Double(0.0001); // "0.0" + writer.Double(1.234567890123456e30); // "1.234567890123456e30" (do not truncate significand for positive exponent) + writer.Double(1.23e-4); // "0.0" (do truncate significand for negative exponent) + writer.EndArray(); + \endcode + + The default setting does not truncate any decimal places. You can restore to this setting by calling + \code + writer.SetMaxDecimalPlaces(Writer::kDefaultMaxDecimalPlaces); + \endcode + */ + void SetMaxDecimalPlaces(int maxDecimalPlaces) { + maxDecimalPlaces_ = maxDecimalPlaces; + } + + /*!@name Implementation of Handler + \see Handler + */ + //@{ + + bool Null() { Prefix(kNullType); return EndValue(WriteNull()); } + bool Bool(bool b) { Prefix(b ? kTrueType : kFalseType); return EndValue(WriteBool(b)); } + bool Int(int i) { Prefix(kNumberType); return EndValue(WriteInt(i)); } + bool Uint(unsigned u) { Prefix(kNumberType); return EndValue(WriteUint(u)); } + bool Int64(int64_t i64) { Prefix(kNumberType); return EndValue(WriteInt64(i64)); } + bool Uint64(uint64_t u64) { Prefix(kNumberType); return EndValue(WriteUint64(u64)); } + + //! Writes the given \c double value to the stream + /*! + \param d The value to be written. + \return Whether it is succeed. + */ + bool Double(double d) { Prefix(kNumberType); return EndValue(WriteDouble(d)); } + + bool RawNumber(const Ch* str, SizeType length, bool copy = false) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(str != 0); + (void)copy; + Prefix(kNumberType); + return EndValue(WriteString(str, length)); + } + + bool String(const Ch* str, SizeType length, bool copy = false) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(str != 0); + (void)copy; + Prefix(kStringType); + return EndValue(WriteString(str, length)); + } + +#if RAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING + bool String(const std::basic_string& str) { + return String(, SizeType(str.size())); + } +#endif + + bool StartObject() { + Prefix(kObjectType); + new (level_stack_.template Push()) Level(false); + return WriteStartObject(); + } + + bool Key(const Ch* str, SizeType length, bool copy = false) { return String(str, length, copy); } + + bool EndObject(SizeType memberCount = 0) { + (void)memberCount; + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(level_stack_.GetSize() >= sizeof(Level)); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(!level_stack_.template Top()->inArray); + level_stack_.template Pop(1); + return EndValue(WriteEndObject()); + } + + bool StartArray() { + Prefix(kArrayType); + new (level_stack_.template Push()) Level(true); + return WriteStartArray(); + } + + bool EndArray(SizeType elementCount = 0) { + (void)elementCount; + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(level_stack_.GetSize() >= sizeof(Level)); + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(level_stack_.template Top()->inArray); + level_stack_.template Pop(1); + return EndValue(WriteEndArray()); + } + //@} + + /*! @name Convenience extensions */ + //@{ + + //! Simpler but slower overload. + bool String(const Ch* str) { return String(str, internal::StrLen(str)); } + bool Key(const Ch* str) { return Key(str, internal::StrLen(str)); } + + //@} + + //! Write a raw JSON value. + /*! + For user to write a stringified JSON as a value. + + \param json A well-formed JSON value. It should not contain null character within [0, length - 1] range. + \param length Length of the json. + \param type Type of the root of json. + */ + bool RawValue(const Ch* json, size_t length, Type type) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(json != 0); + Prefix(type); + return EndValue(WriteRawValue(json, length)); + } + +protected: + //! Information for each nested level + struct Level { + Level(bool inArray_) : valueCount(0), inArray(inArray_) {} + size_t valueCount; //!< number of values in this level + bool inArray; //!< true if in array, otherwise in object + }; + + static const size_t kDefaultLevelDepth = 32; + + bool WriteNull() { + PutReserve(*os_, 4); + PutUnsafe(*os_, 'n'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 'u'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 'l'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 'l'); return true; + } + + bool WriteBool(bool b) { + if (b) { + PutReserve(*os_, 4); + PutUnsafe(*os_, 't'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 'r'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 'u'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 'e'); + } + else { + PutReserve(*os_, 5); + PutUnsafe(*os_, 'f'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 'a'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 'l'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 's'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 'e'); + } + return true; + } + + bool WriteInt(int i) { + char buffer[11]; + const char* end = internal::i32toa(i, buffer); + PutReserve(*os_, static_cast(end - buffer)); + for (const char* p = buffer; p != end; ++p) + PutUnsafe(*os_, static_cast(*p)); + return true; + } + + bool WriteUint(unsigned u) { + char buffer[10]; + const char* end = internal::u32toa(u, buffer); + PutReserve(*os_, static_cast(end - buffer)); + for (const char* p = buffer; p != end; ++p) + PutUnsafe(*os_, static_cast(*p)); + return true; + } + + bool WriteInt64(int64_t i64) { + char buffer[21]; + const char* end = internal::i64toa(i64, buffer); + PutReserve(*os_, static_cast(end - buffer)); + for (const char* p = buffer; p != end; ++p) + PutUnsafe(*os_, static_cast(*p)); + return true; + } + + bool WriteUint64(uint64_t u64) { + char buffer[20]; + char* end = internal::u64toa(u64, buffer); + PutReserve(*os_, static_cast(end - buffer)); + for (char* p = buffer; p != end; ++p) + PutUnsafe(*os_, static_cast(*p)); + return true; + } + + bool WriteDouble(double d) { + if (internal::Double(d).IsNanOrInf()) { + if (!(writeFlags & kWriteNanAndInfFlag)) + return false; + if (internal::Double(d).IsNan()) { + PutReserve(*os_, 3); + PutUnsafe(*os_, 'N'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 'a'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 'N'); + return true; + } + if (internal::Double(d).Sign()) { + PutReserve(*os_, 9); + PutUnsafe(*os_, '-'); + } + else + PutReserve(*os_, 8); + PutUnsafe(*os_, 'I'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 'n'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 'f'); + PutUnsafe(*os_, 'i'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 'n'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 'i'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 't'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 'y'); + return true; + } + + char buffer[25]; + char* end = internal::dtoa(d, buffer, maxDecimalPlaces_); + PutReserve(*os_, static_cast(end - buffer)); + for (char* p = buffer; p != end; ++p) + PutUnsafe(*os_, static_cast(*p)); + return true; + } + + bool WriteString(const Ch* str, SizeType length) { + static const typename TargetEncoding::Ch hexDigits[16] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' }; + static const char escape[256] = { +#define Z16 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 + //0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F + 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'b', 't', 'n', 'u', 'f', 'r', 'u', 'u', // 00 + 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', // 10 + 0, 0, '"', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // 20 + Z16, Z16, // 30~4F + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,'\\', 0, 0, 0, // 50 + Z16, Z16, Z16, Z16, Z16, Z16, Z16, Z16, Z16, Z16 // 60~FF +#undef Z16 + }; + + if (TargetEncoding::supportUnicode) + PutReserve(*os_, 2 + length * 6); // "\uxxxx..." + else + PutReserve(*os_, 2 + length * 12); // "\uxxxx\uyyyy..." + + PutUnsafe(*os_, '\"'); + GenericStringStream is(str); + while (ScanWriteUnescapedString(is, length)) { + const Ch c = is.Peek(); + if (!TargetEncoding::supportUnicode && static_cast(c) >= 0x80) { + // Unicode escaping + unsigned codepoint; + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!SourceEncoding::Decode(is, &codepoint))) + return false; + PutUnsafe(*os_, '\\'); + PutUnsafe(*os_, 'u'); + if (codepoint <= 0xD7FF || (codepoint >= 0xE000 && codepoint <= 0xFFFF)) { + PutUnsafe(*os_, hexDigits[(codepoint >> 12) & 15]); + PutUnsafe(*os_, hexDigits[(codepoint >> 8) & 15]); + PutUnsafe(*os_, hexDigits[(codepoint >> 4) & 15]); + PutUnsafe(*os_, hexDigits[(codepoint ) & 15]); + } + else { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(codepoint >= 0x010000 && codepoint <= 0x10FFFF); + // Surrogate pair + unsigned s = codepoint - 0x010000; + unsigned lead = (s >> 10) + 0xD800; + unsigned trail = (s & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00; + PutUnsafe(*os_, hexDigits[(lead >> 12) & 15]); + PutUnsafe(*os_, hexDigits[(lead >> 8) & 15]); + PutUnsafe(*os_, hexDigits[(lead >> 4) & 15]); + PutUnsafe(*os_, hexDigits[(lead ) & 15]); + PutUnsafe(*os_, '\\'); + PutUnsafe(*os_, 'u'); + PutUnsafe(*os_, hexDigits[(trail >> 12) & 15]); + PutUnsafe(*os_, hexDigits[(trail >> 8) & 15]); + PutUnsafe(*os_, hexDigits[(trail >> 4) & 15]); + PutUnsafe(*os_, hexDigits[(trail ) & 15]); + } + } + else if ((sizeof(Ch) == 1 || static_cast(c) < 256) && RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(escape[static_cast(c)])) { + is.Take(); + PutUnsafe(*os_, '\\'); + PutUnsafe(*os_, static_cast(escape[static_cast(c)])); + if (escape[static_cast(c)] == 'u') { + PutUnsafe(*os_, '0'); + PutUnsafe(*os_, '0'); + PutUnsafe(*os_, hexDigits[static_cast(c) >> 4]); + PutUnsafe(*os_, hexDigits[static_cast(c) & 0xF]); + } + } + else if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(!(writeFlags & kWriteValidateEncodingFlag ? + Transcoder::Validate(is, *os_) : + Transcoder::TranscodeUnsafe(is, *os_)))) + return false; + } + PutUnsafe(*os_, '\"'); + return true; + } + + bool ScanWriteUnescapedString(GenericStringStream& is, size_t length) { + return RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(is.Tell() < length); + } + + bool WriteStartObject() { os_->Put('{'); return true; } + bool WriteEndObject() { os_->Put('}'); return true; } + bool WriteStartArray() { os_->Put('['); return true; } + bool WriteEndArray() { os_->Put(']'); return true; } + + bool WriteRawValue(const Ch* json, size_t length) { + PutReserve(*os_, length); + for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(json[i] != '\0'); + PutUnsafe(*os_, json[i]); + } + return true; + } + + void Prefix(Type type) { + (void)type; + if (RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(level_stack_.GetSize() != 0)) { // this value is not at root + Level* level = level_stack_.template Top(); + if (level->valueCount > 0) { + if (level->inArray) + os_->Put(','); // add comma if it is not the first element in array + else // in object + os_->Put((level->valueCount % 2 == 0) ? ',' : ':'); + } + if (!level->inArray && level->valueCount % 2 == 0) + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(type == kStringType); // if it's in object, then even number should be a name + level->valueCount++; + } + else { + RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(!hasRoot_); // Should only has one and only one root. + hasRoot_ = true; + } + } + + // Flush the value if it is the top level one. + bool EndValue(bool ret) { + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(level_stack_.Empty())) // end of json text + os_->Flush(); + return ret; + } + + OutputStream* os_; + internal::Stack level_stack_; + int maxDecimalPlaces_; + bool hasRoot_; + +private: + // Prohibit copy constructor & assignment operator. + Writer(const Writer&); + Writer& operator=(const Writer&); +}; + +// Full specialization for StringStream to prevent memory copying + +template<> +inline bool Writer::WriteInt(int i) { + char *buffer = os_->Push(11); + const char* end = internal::i32toa(i, buffer); + os_->Pop(static_cast(11 - (end - buffer))); + return true; +} + +template<> +inline bool Writer::WriteUint(unsigned u) { + char *buffer = os_->Push(10); + const char* end = internal::u32toa(u, buffer); + os_->Pop(static_cast(10 - (end - buffer))); + return true; +} + +template<> +inline bool Writer::WriteInt64(int64_t i64) { + char *buffer = os_->Push(21); + const char* end = internal::i64toa(i64, buffer); + os_->Pop(static_cast(21 - (end - buffer))); + return true; +} + +template<> +inline bool Writer::WriteUint64(uint64_t u) { + char *buffer = os_->Push(20); + const char* end = internal::u64toa(u, buffer); + os_->Pop(static_cast(20 - (end - buffer))); + return true; +} + +template<> +inline bool Writer::WriteDouble(double d) { + if (internal::Double(d).IsNanOrInf()) { + // Note: This code path can only be reached if (RAPIDJSON_WRITE_DEFAULT_FLAGS & kWriteNanAndInfFlag). + if (!(kWriteDefaultFlags & kWriteNanAndInfFlag)) + return false; + if (internal::Double(d).IsNan()) { + PutReserve(*os_, 3); + PutUnsafe(*os_, 'N'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 'a'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 'N'); + return true; + } + if (internal::Double(d).Sign()) { + PutReserve(*os_, 9); + PutUnsafe(*os_, '-'); + } + else + PutReserve(*os_, 8); + PutUnsafe(*os_, 'I'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 'n'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 'f'); + PutUnsafe(*os_, 'i'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 'n'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 'i'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 't'); PutUnsafe(*os_, 'y'); + return true; + } + + char *buffer = os_->Push(25); + char* end = internal::dtoa(d, buffer, maxDecimalPlaces_); + os_->Pop(static_cast(25 - (end - buffer))); + return true; +} + +#if defined(RAPIDJSON_SSE2) || defined(RAPIDJSON_SSE42) +template<> +inline bool Writer::ScanWriteUnescapedString(StringStream& is, size_t length) { + if (length < 16) + return RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(is.Tell() < length); + + if (!RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(is.Tell() < length)) + return false; + + const char* p = is.src_; + const char* end = is.head_ + length; + const char* nextAligned = reinterpret_cast((reinterpret_cast(p) + 15) & static_cast(~15)); + const char* endAligned = reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(end) & static_cast(~15)); + if (nextAligned > end) + return true; + + while (p != nextAligned) + if (*p < 0x20 || *p == '\"' || *p == '\\') { + is.src_ = p; + return RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(is.Tell() < length); + } + else + os_->PutUnsafe(*p++); + + // The rest of string using SIMD + static const char dquote[16] = { '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"', '\"' }; + static const char bslash[16] = { '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\', '\\' }; + static const char space[16] = { 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19 }; + const __m128i dq = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(&dquote[0])); + const __m128i bs = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(&bslash[0])); + const __m128i sp = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(&space[0])); + + for (; p != endAligned; p += 16) { + const __m128i s = _mm_load_si128(reinterpret_cast(p)); + const __m128i t1 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(s, dq); + const __m128i t2 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(s, bs); + const __m128i t3 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(_mm_max_epu8(s, sp), sp); // s < 0x20 <=> max(s, 0x19) == 0x19 + const __m128i x = _mm_or_si128(_mm_or_si128(t1, t2), t3); + unsigned short r = static_cast(_mm_movemask_epi8(x)); + if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(r != 0)) { // some of characters is escaped + SizeType len; +#ifdef _MSC_VER // Find the index of first escaped + unsigned long offset; + _BitScanForward(&offset, r); + len = offset; +#else + len = static_cast(__builtin_ffs(r) - 1); +#endif + char* q = reinterpret_cast(os_->PushUnsafe(len)); + for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) + q[i] = p[i]; + + p += len; + break; + } + _mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i *>(os_->PushUnsafe(16)), s); + } + + is.src_ = p; + return RAPIDJSON_LIKELY(is.Tell() < length); +} +#endif // defined(RAPIDJSON_SSE2) || defined(RAPIDJSON_SSE42) + +RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#ifdef _MSC_VER +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +#ifdef __clang__ +RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP +#endif + +#endif // RAPIDJSON_RAPIDJSON_H_ diff --git a/socks.h b/socks.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d7c94f --- /dev/null +++ b/socks.h @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +#pragma once +#ifdef _WIN32 +#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT +#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0601 /* Windows 7 */ +#endif +#include +#include +#include + +inline void sock_init() +{ + static bool bWSAInit = false; + + if (!bWSAInit) + { + WSADATA wsaData; + WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData); + bWSAInit = true; + } +} + +inline void sock_close(SOCKET s) +{ + shutdown(s, SD_BOTH); + closesocket(s); +} + +inline const char* sock_strerror(char* buf, size_t len) +{ + buf[0] = '\0'; + + FormatMessageA( + FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_MAX_WIDTH_MASK, + NULL, WSAGetLastError(), + MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), + (LPSTR)buf, len, NULL); + + return buf; +} + +inline const char* sock_gai_strerror(int err, char* buf, size_t len) +{ + buf[0] = '\0'; + + FormatMessageA( + FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_MAX_WIDTH_MASK, + NULL, (DWORD)err, + MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), + (LPSTR)buf, len, NULL); + + return buf; +} + +#else + +/* Assume that any non-Windows platform uses POSIX-style sockets instead. */ +#include +#include +#include /* Needed for getaddrinfo() and freeaddrinfo() */ +#include /* Needed for close() */ +#include +#include + +inline void sock_init() {} +typedef int SOCKET; + +#define INVALID_SOCKET (-1) +#define SOCKET_ERROR (-1) + +inline void sock_close(SOCKET s) +{ + shutdown(s, SHUT_RDWR); + close(s); +} + +inline const char* sock_strerror(char* buf, size_t len) +{ + buf[0] = '\0'; + return strerror_r(errno, buf, len); +} + +inline const char* sock_gai_strerror(int err, char* buf, size_t len) +{ + buf[0] = '\0'; + return gai_strerror(err); +} +#endif diff --git a/thdq.hpp b/thdq.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..248c807 --- /dev/null +++ b/thdq.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +#pragma once + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +template +class thdq +{ +public: + T pop() + { + std::unique_lock mlock(mutex_); + while (queue_.empty()) { cond_.wait(mlock); } + auto item = std::move(queue_.front()); + queue_.pop(); + return item; + } + + void pop(T& item) + { + std::unique_lock mlock(mutex_); + while (queue_.empty()) { cond_.wait(mlock); } + item = queue_.front(); + queue_.pop(); + } + + void push(const T& item) + { + std::unique_lock mlock(mutex_); + queue_.push(item); + mlock.unlock(); + cond_.notify_one(); + } + + void push(T&& item) + { + std::unique_lock mlock(mutex_); + queue_.push(std::move(item)); + mlock.unlock(); + cond_.notify_one(); + } + +private: + std::queue queue_; + std::mutex mutex_; + std::condition_variable cond_; +}; diff --git a/xmr-stak-amd.cbp b/xmr-stak-amd.cbp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..adc183a --- /dev/null +++ b/xmr-stak-amd.cbp @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ + + + + + +