
180 lines
6.0 KiB

#ifndef _SKEIN_PORT_H_
#define _SKEIN_PORT_H_
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
# if defined( DLL_EXPORT )
# if defined( _MSC_VER ) || defined ( __INTEL_COMPILER )
# define VOID_RETURN __declspec( dllexport ) void __stdcall
# define INT_RETURN __declspec( dllexport ) int __stdcall
# elif defined( __GNUC__ )
# define VOID_RETURN __declspec( __dllexport__ ) void
# define INT_RETURN __declspec( __dllexport__ ) int
# else
# error Use of the DLL is only available on the Microsoft, Intel and GCC compilers
# endif
# elif defined( DLL_IMPORT )
# if defined( _MSC_VER ) || defined ( __INTEL_COMPILER )
# define VOID_RETURN __declspec( dllimport ) void __stdcall
# define INT_RETURN __declspec( dllimport ) int __stdcall
# elif defined( __GNUC__ )
# define VOID_RETURN __declspec( __dllimport__ ) void
# define INT_RETURN __declspec( __dllimport__ ) int
# else
# error Use of the DLL is only available on the Microsoft, Intel and GCC compilers
# endif
# elif defined( __WATCOMC__ )
# define VOID_RETURN void __cdecl
# define INT_RETURN int __cdecl
# else
# define VOID_RETURN void
# define INT_RETURN int
# endif
/* These defines are used to declare buffers in a way that allows
faster operations on longer variables to be used. In all these
defines 'size' must be a power of 2 and >= 8
dec_unit_type(size,x) declares a variable 'x' of length
'size' bits
dec_bufr_type(size,bsize,x) declares a buffer 'x' of length 'bsize'
bytes defined as an array of variables
each of 'size' bits (bsize must be a
multiple of size / 8)
ptr_cast(x,size) casts a pointer to a pointer to a
varaiable of length 'size' bits
#define ui_type(size) uint##size##_t
#define dec_unit_type(size,x) typedef ui_type(size) x
#define dec_bufr_type(size,bsize,x) typedef ui_type(size) x[bsize / (size >> 3)]
#define ptr_cast(x,size) ((ui_type(size)*)(x))
typedef unsigned int uint_t; /* native unsigned integer */
typedef uint8_t u08b_t; /* 8-bit unsigned integer */
typedef uint64_t u64b_t; /* 64-bit unsigned integer */
#ifndef RotL_64
#define RotL_64(x,N) (((x) << (N)) | ((x) >> (64-(N))))
* Skein is "natively" little-endian (unlike SHA-xxx), for optimal
* performance on x86 CPUs. The Skein code requires the following
* definitions for dealing with endianness:
* SKEIN_NEED_SWAP: 0 for little-endian, 1 for big-endian
* Skein_Put64_LSB_First
* Skein_Get64_LSB_First
* Skein_Swap64
* If SKEIN_NEED_SWAP is defined at compile time, it is used here
* along with the portable versions of Put64/Get64/Swap64, which
* are slow in general.
* Otherwise, an "auto-detect" of endianness is attempted below.
* If the default handling doesn't work well, the user may insert
* platform-specific code instead (e.g., for big-endian CPUs).
#ifndef SKEIN_NEED_SWAP /* compile-time "override" for endianness? */
/* special handler for IA64, which may be either endianness (?) */
/* here we assume little-endian, but this may need to be changed */
#if defined(__ia64) || defined(__ia64__) || defined(_M_IA64)
/* here for big-endian CPUs */
#define SKEIN_NEED_SWAP (1)
/* here for x86 and x86-64 CPUs (and other detected little-endian CPUs) */
#define SKEIN_NEED_SWAP (0)
#if PLATFORM_MUST_ALIGN == 0 /* ok to use "fast" versions? */
#define Skein_Put64_LSB_First(dst08,src64,bCnt) memcpy(dst08,src64,bCnt)
#define Skein_Get64_LSB_First(dst64,src08,wCnt) memcpy(dst64,src08,8*(wCnt))
#error "Skein needs endianness setting!"
#endif /* ifndef SKEIN_NEED_SWAP */
* Provide any definitions still needed.
#ifndef Skein_Swap64 /* swap for big-endian, nop for little-endian */
#define Skein_Swap64(w64) \
( (( ((u64b_t)(w64)) & 0xFF) << 56) | \
(((((u64b_t)(w64)) >> 8) & 0xFF) << 48) | \
(((((u64b_t)(w64)) >>16) & 0xFF) << 40) | \
(((((u64b_t)(w64)) >>24) & 0xFF) << 32) | \
(((((u64b_t)(w64)) >>32) & 0xFF) << 24) | \
(((((u64b_t)(w64)) >>40) & 0xFF) << 16) | \
(((((u64b_t)(w64)) >>48) & 0xFF) << 8) | \
(((((u64b_t)(w64)) >>56) & 0xFF) ) )
#define Skein_Swap64(w64) (w64)
#endif /* ifndef Skein_Swap64 */
#ifndef Skein_Put64_LSB_First
void Skein_Put64_LSB_First(u08b_t *dst,const u64b_t *src,size_t bCnt)
#ifdef SKEIN_PORT_CODE /* instantiate the function code here? */
{ /* this version is fully portable (big-endian or little-endian), but slow */
size_t n;
for (n=0;n<bCnt;n++)
dst[n] = (u08b_t) (src[n>>3] >> (8*(n&7)));
; /* output only the function prototype */
#endif /* ifndef Skein_Put64_LSB_First */
#ifndef Skein_Get64_LSB_First
void Skein_Get64_LSB_First(u64b_t *dst,const u08b_t *src,size_t wCnt)
#ifdef SKEIN_PORT_CODE /* instantiate the function code here? */
{ /* this version is fully portable (big-endian or little-endian), but slow */
size_t n;
for (n=0;n<8*wCnt;n+=8)
dst[n/8] = (((u64b_t) src[n ]) ) +
(((u64b_t) src[n+1]) << 8) +
(((u64b_t) src[n+2]) << 16) +
(((u64b_t) src[n+3]) << 24) +
(((u64b_t) src[n+4]) << 32) +
(((u64b_t) src[n+5]) << 40) +
(((u64b_t) src[n+6]) << 48) +
(((u64b_t) src[n+7]) << 56) ;
; /* output only the function prototype */
#endif /* ifndef Skein_Get64_LSB_First */
#endif /* ifndef _SKEIN_PORT_H_ */