/* -*- c++ -*- */ /* * gr-satnogs: SatNOGS GNU Radio Out-Of-Tree Module * * Copyright (C) 2016, Libre Space Foundation * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include "doppler_correction_cc_impl.h" #include #include namespace gr { namespace satnogs { doppler_correction_cc::sptr doppler_correction_cc::make (double target_freq, double sampling_rate, size_t corrections_per_sec) { return gnuradio::get_initial_sptr ( new doppler_correction_cc_impl (target_freq, sampling_rate, corrections_per_sec)); } /* * The private constructor */ doppler_correction_cc_impl::doppler_correction_cc_impl ( double target_freq, double sampling_rate, size_t corrections_per_sec) : gr::sync_block ("doppler_correction_cc", gr::io_signature::make (1, 1, sizeof(gr_complex)), gr::io_signature::make (1, 1, sizeof(gr_complex))), d_target_freq (target_freq), d_samp_rate (sampling_rate), d_update_period (sampling_rate / (double) corrections_per_sec), d_est_thrhld (7), d_corrections_per_sec (corrections_per_sec), d_nco (), /* A 3-rd order polynomial curve fitting is more than enough */ d_doppler_fit_engine (3), d_freq_diff (0.0), d_have_est (false), d_freq_est_num (0), d_corrections (0), d_corrected_samples (0) { message_port_register_in (pmt::mp ("freq")); message_port_register_in (pmt::mp ("reset")); /* * NOTE: * Set the maximum number of samples to be equivalent of half a second. * With this way we are sure that at least one frequency message * per second will be processed. * * This is taken into consideration due to the fact that the work() * and the input message handler are NOT reentrant. */ set_max_noutput_items (d_samp_rate / 2.0); set_alignment (8); set_msg_handler ( pmt::mp ("freq"), boost::bind (&doppler_correction_cc_impl::new_freq, this, _1)); set_msg_handler ( pmt::mp ("reset"), boost::bind (&doppler_correction_cc_impl::reset, this, _1)); /* Allocate the buffer that will hold the predicted frequency differences */ d_predicted_freqs = new double[d_corrections_per_sec]; /* Allocate aligned memory for the NCO */ d_nco_buff = (gr_complex *) volk_malloc ( d_update_period * sizeof(gr_complex), 32); if (!d_nco_buff) { throw std::runtime_error ("Could not allocate NCO memory"); } } void doppler_correction_cc_impl::new_freq (pmt::pmt_t msg) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock (d_mutex); double new_freq; new_freq = pmt::to_double (msg); d_freq_diff = d_target_freq - new_freq; if (!d_have_est) { d_freq_est_num++; d_doppler_freqs.push_back ( freq_drift (nitems_written (0), d_freq_diff)); if (d_freq_est_num > d_est_thrhld - 1) { d_doppler_fit_engine.fit (d_doppler_freqs); d_doppler_fit_engine.predict_freqs (d_predicted_freqs, d_corrections_per_sec, d_update_period); d_have_est = true; } } else { d_doppler_freqs.pop_front (); d_doppler_freqs.push_back ( freq_drift (nitems_written (0), d_freq_diff)); /* Fit the doppler drift based on the new estimated frequency */ d_doppler_fit_engine.fit (d_doppler_freqs); /* Predict the frequency differences for the near future */ d_doppler_fit_engine.predict_freqs (d_predicted_freqs, d_corrections_per_sec, d_update_period); d_corrections = 0; } } void doppler_correction_cc_impl::reset (pmt::pmt_t msg) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock (d_mutex); d_doppler_freqs.clear (); d_freq_est_num = 0; d_corrections = 0; d_have_est = false; } /* * Our virtual destructor. */ doppler_correction_cc_impl::~doppler_correction_cc_impl () { delete[] d_predicted_freqs; volk_free (d_nco_buff); } int doppler_correction_cc_impl::work (int noutput_items, gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items, gr_vector_void_star &output_items) { const gr_complex *in = (const gr_complex *) input_items[0]; gr_complex *out = (gr_complex *) output_items[0]; int produced = 0; size_t cnt; /* * If we do not have an estimation yet, just copy the input to the output. * Otherwise perform Doppler correction, using the fitted curve indicating * the frequency drift. */ if (d_have_est) { while (produced < noutput_items) { /* * If no samples have been corrected from the current correction step * compute and store the NCO buffer with the corresponding frequency */ if (d_corrected_samples == 0) { d_nco.set_freq ( 2 * M_PI * (-d_predicted_freqs[d_corrections]) / d_samp_rate); d_nco.sincos (d_nco_buff, d_update_period, 1.0); d_corrections++; /* * The doppler estimation may fail/delay. In such a case the block * should continue using the predicted frequencies */ if (d_corrections == d_corrections_per_sec) { d_doppler_fit_engine.predict_freqs (d_predicted_freqs, d_corrections_per_sec, d_update_period); d_corrections = 0; } } cnt = std::min (d_update_period - d_corrected_samples, (size_t) (noutput_items - produced)); /* Perform the doppler shift correction */ volk_32fc_x2_multiply_32fc (out + produced, in + produced, d_nco_buff + d_corrected_samples, cnt); /* Make the proper advances */ produced += (int) cnt; d_corrected_samples += cnt; if (d_corrected_samples == d_update_period) { d_corrected_samples = 0; } } } else { memcpy (out, in, noutput_items * sizeof(gr_complex)); } return noutput_items; } } /* namespace satnogs */ } /* namespace gr */