options: parameters: author: Manolis Surligas, George Vardakis category: '[GRC Hier Blocks]' cmake_opt: '' comment: '' copyright: '' description: A NOAA APT Decoder with automatic image synchronization gen_cmake: 'On' gen_linking: dynamic generate_options: no_gui hier_block_src_path: '.:' id: satnogs_noaa_apt_decoder max_nouts: '0' output_language: python placement: (0,0) qt_qss_theme: '' realtime_scheduling: '' run: 'True' run_command: '{python} -u {filename}' run_options: run sizing_mode: fixed thread_safe_setters: '' title: NOAA APT Decoder window_size: 2048,1080 states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [8, 8] rotation: 0 state: enabled blocks: - name: audio_samp_rate id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: '48000' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1056, 12.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: analog_wfm_rcv_0 id: analog_wfm_rcv parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' audio_decimation: '1' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' quad_rate: 4*4160*4 states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [464, 524.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: antenna id: parameter parameters: alias: '' comment: '' hide: none label: '' short_id: '' type: str value: '' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [792, 12.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: band_pass_filter_0 id: band_pass_filter parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' beta: '6.76' comment: '' decim: '4' gain: '1' high_cutoff_freq: 4.2e3 interp: '1' low_cutoff_freq: '500' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' samp_rate: (4*4160*4 ) type: fir_filter_fff width: '200' win: firdes.WIN_HAMMING states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [728, 476.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: blocks_complex_to_mag_0 id: blocks_complex_to_mag parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' vlen: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1040, 536.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: bw id: parameter parameters: alias: '' comment: 'The bandwidth should configure RF filters on some devices. Set to 0.0 for automatic calculation.' hide: none label: Bandwidth short_id: '' type: eng_float value: '0.0' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [952, 12.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: decoded_data_file_path id: parameter parameters: alias: '' comment: '' hide: none label: '' short_id: '' type: str value: /tmp/.satnogs/data/data states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [16, 764.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: dev_args id: parameter parameters: alias: '' comment: '' hide: none label: Device arguments short_id: '' type: str value: '' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [336, 12.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: doppler_correction_per_sec id: parameter parameters: alias: '' comment: '' hide: none label: '' short_id: '' type: intx value: '20' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [176, 764.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: enable_iq_dump id: parameter parameters: alias: '' comment: '' hide: none label: '' short_id: '' type: intx value: '0' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [272, 684.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: file_path id: parameter parameters: alias: '' comment: '' hide: none label: '' short_id: '' type: str value: test.wav states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [160, 684.0] rotation: 180 state: enabled - name: flip_images id: parameter parameters: alias: '' comment: '' hide: none label: '' short_id: '' type: intx value: '0' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1176, 12.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: gain id: parameter parameters: alias: '' comment: '' hide: none label: '' short_id: '' type: eng_float value: '0.0' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [880, 12.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: hilbert_fc_0 id: hilbert_fc parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' beta: '6.76' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' num_taps: '65' win: firdes.WIN_HAMMING states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [904, 532.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: iq_file_path id: parameter parameters: alias: '' comment: '' hide: none label: '' short_id: '' type: str value: /tmp/iq.dat states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [400, 684.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: lo_offset id: parameter parameters: alias: '' comment: 'To avoid the SDR carrier at the DC we shift the LO a little further' hide: none label: '' short_id: '' type: eng_float value: 100e3 states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [704, 12.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: low_pass_filter_0_0 id: low_pass_filter parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' beta: '6.76' comment: "Perform a relaxed filter to increase \nthe performance of the auto frequency\n\ correction" cutoff_freq: 4*4160*1.1 decim: '1' gain: '1' interp: '1' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' samp_rate: 4*4160*4 type: fir_filter_ccf width: 1e3 win: firdes.WIN_HAMMING states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [264, 484.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: pfb_arb_resampler_xxx_0 id: pfb_arb_resampler_xxx parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' atten: '100' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' nfilts: '32' rrate: audio_samp_rate / (4*4160*4) samp_delay: '0' taps: '' type: fff states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [728, 380.0] rotation: 0 state: true - name: rational_resampler_xxx_0_0 id: rational_resampler_xxx parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' decim: '4' fbw: '0' interp: '1' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' taps: '' type: fff states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1184, 508.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: rigctl_port id: parameter parameters: alias: '' comment: '' hide: none label: '' short_id: '' type: intx value: '4532' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [344, 764.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: rx_freq id: parameter parameters: alias: '' comment: '' hide: none label: '' short_id: '' type: eng_float value: 100e6 states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [624, 12.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: samp_rate_rx id: parameter parameters: alias: '' comment: '' hide: none label: Device Sampling rate short_id: '' type: eng_float value: '0.0' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [472, 12.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: satnogs_doppler_compensation_0 id: satnogs_doppler_compensation parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' compensate: '1' lo_offset: lo_offset maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' out_samp_rate: 4*4160*4 samp_rate: samp_rate_rx sat_freq: rx_freq states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [464, 132.0] rotation: 0 state: true - name: satnogs_iq_sink_0_0 id: satnogs_iq_sink parameters: activate: '1' affinity: '' alias: '' append: 'False' comment: '' filename: iq_file_path scale: '16768' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [16, 588.0] rotation: 180 state: enabled - name: satnogs_noaa_apt_sink_1 id: satnogs_noaa_apt_sink parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' filename_png: decoded_data_file_path flip: 'False' height: '1800' sync: 'True' width: '2080' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1144, 612.0] rotation: 180 state: true - name: satnogs_ogg_encoder_0 id: satnogs_ogg_encoder parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' filename: file_path quality: '0.8' samp_rate: audio_samp_rate states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [952, 388.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: satnogs_tcp_rigctl_msg_source_0 id: satnogs_tcp_rigctl_msg_source parameters: addr: '""' affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' interval: int(1000.0/doppler_correction_per_sec) + 1 maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' mode: 'False' mtu: '1500' port: rigctl_port states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [208, 244.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: satnogs_waterfall_sink_0_0 id: satnogs_waterfall_sink parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' center_freq: rx_freq comment: '' fft_size: '1024' filename: waterfall_file_path mode: '1' rps: '10' samp_rate: 4*4160*4 states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [16, 404.0] rotation: 180 state: enabled - name: soapy_rx_device id: parameter parameters: alias: '' comment: '' hide: none label: '' short_id: '' type: str value: driver=invalid states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [216, 12.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: soapy_source_0 id: soapy_source parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' amp_gain0: '0' ant0: antenna ant1: RX2 args: dev_args balance0: '0' balance1: '0' bw0: bw bw1: '0' center_freq0: rx_freq - lo_offset center_freq1: '0' clock_rate: '0' clock_source: '' comment: '' correction0: '0' correction1: '0' dc_offset0: '0' dc_offset1: '0' dc_offset_auto_mode0: 'False' dc_offset_auto_mode1: 'False' dev: soapy_rx_device devname: custom gain_auto_mode0: 'False' gain_auto_mode1: 'False' ifgr_gain: '59' lna_gain0: '10' lna_gain1: '10' manual_gain0: 'False' manual_gain1: 'True' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' mix_gain0: '10' mix_gain1: '10' nchan: '1' nco_freq0: '0' nco_freq1: '0' overall_gain0: gain overall_gain1: '10' pga_gain0: '24' pga_gain1: '24' rfgr_gain: '9' samp_rate: samp_rate_rx sdrplay_agc_setpoint: '-30' sdrplay_biastee: 'True' sdrplay_dabnotch: 'False' sdrplay_if_mode: Zero-IF sdrplay_rfnotch: 'False' tia_gain0: '0' tia_gain1: '0' tuner_gain0: '10' tuner_gain1: '10' type: fc32 vga_gain0: '10' vga_gain1: '10' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [208, 108.0] rotation: 0 state: true - name: sync id: parameter parameters: alias: '' comment: '' hide: none label: '' short_id: '' type: intx value: '1' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [1264, 12.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: udp_IP id: parameter parameters: alias: '' comment: '' hide: none label: '' short_id: '' type: str value: states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [512, 684.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: udp_port id: parameter parameters: alias: '' comment: '' hide: none label: '' short_id: '' type: intx value: '16887' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [440, 764.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: virtual_sink_0 id: virtual_sink parameters: alias: '' comment: '' stream_id: doppler_corrected states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [768, 164.0] rotation: 0 state: true - name: virtual_source_0 id: virtual_source parameters: alias: '' comment: '' stream_id: doppler_corrected states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [16, 532.0] rotation: 0 state: true - name: waterfall_file_path id: parameter parameters: alias: '' comment: '' hide: none label: '' short_id: '' type: str value: /tmp/waterfall.dat states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [16, 684.0] rotation: 0 state: enabled connections: - [analog_wfm_rcv_0, '0', band_pass_filter_0, '0'] - [analog_wfm_rcv_0, '0', pfb_arb_resampler_xxx_0, '0'] - [band_pass_filter_0, '0', hilbert_fc_0, '0'] - [blocks_complex_to_mag_0, '0', rational_resampler_xxx_0_0, '0'] - [hilbert_fc_0, '0', blocks_complex_to_mag_0, '0'] - [low_pass_filter_0_0, '0', analog_wfm_rcv_0, '0'] - [pfb_arb_resampler_xxx_0, '0', satnogs_ogg_encoder_0, '0'] - [rational_resampler_xxx_0_0, '0', satnogs_noaa_apt_sink_1, '0'] - [satnogs_doppler_compensation_0, '0', virtual_sink_0, '0'] - [satnogs_tcp_rigctl_msg_source_0, freq, satnogs_doppler_compensation_0, doppler] - [soapy_source_0, '0', satnogs_doppler_compensation_0, '0'] - [virtual_source_0, '0', low_pass_filter_0_0, '0'] - [virtual_source_0, '0', satnogs_iq_sink_0_0, '0'] - [virtual_source_0, '0', satnogs_waterfall_sink_0_0, '0'] metadata: file_format: 1