/* -*- c++ -*- */ /* * gr-satnogs: SatNOGS GNU Radio Out-Of-Tree Module * * Copyright (C) 2018, Libre Space Foundation * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include "sstv_pd120_sink_impl.h" namespace gr { namespace satnogs { const size_t image_width = 640; const size_t image_height = 496; const size_t sync_length = 105; const size_t sync_thresh = 100; const size_t porch_length = 10; const size_t line_length = sync_length + porch_length + 4 * image_width; const float max_dev = 600; const float center = 1750; const float min_freq = 1200; const float max_freq = 2300; const float color_low = 1500; const float color_high = max_freq; sstv_pd120_sink::sptr sstv_pd120_sink::make(const char *filename_png, bool split) { return gnuradio::get_initial_sptr (new sstv_pd120_sink_impl(filename_png, split)); } /* * The private constructor */ sstv_pd120_sink_impl::sstv_pd120_sink_impl(const char *filename_png, bool split) : gr::sync_block("sstv_pd120_sink", gr::io_signature::make (1, 1, sizeof(float)), gr::io_signature::make (0, 0, 0)), d_filename_png (filename_png), d_split (split), d_has_sync(false), d_initial_sync(true), d_line_pos(0), d_image_y (0) { set_history(sync_length); d_line = new float[line_length]; } /* * Our virtual destructor. */ sstv_pd120_sink_impl::~sstv_pd120_sink_impl() { delete[] d_line; } float sstv_pd120_sink_impl::to_frequency(float sample) { float freq = center + sample * max_dev; freq = std::max(min_freq, freq); freq = std::min(max_freq, freq); return freq; } int sstv_pd120_sink_impl::to_color(float sample) { sample = (sample - color_low) / (color_high - color_low); int color = int(sample * 255); color = std::max(color, 0); color = std::min(color, 255); return color; } void ycbcr_to_rgb(int ycbcr[3], int rgb[3]) { int y = ycbcr[0]; int cb = ycbcr[1]; int cr = ycbcr[2]; //https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4041840/function-to-convert-ycbcr-to-rgb/15333019#15333019 cr = cr - 128; cb = cb - 128; int r = y + 45 * cr / 32; int g = y - (11 * cb + 23 * cr) / 32; int b = y + 113 * cb / 64; rgb[0] = r; rgb[1] = g; rgb[2] = b; } bool sstv_pd120_sink_impl::is_sync(size_t pos, const float *samples) { size_t count = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < sync_length; i++) { float sample = to_frequency(samples[pos - (sync_length - 1) + i]); if(sample < color_low) { count += 1; } } bool res = count > sync_thresh && !d_has_sync; d_has_sync = count > sync_thresh; d_initial_sync = false; return res; } void sstv_pd120_sink_impl::render_line() { int start_pos = d_line_pos - sync_length - 4 * image_width; if(start_pos < 0) { return; } for(size_t x = 0; x < image_width; x++) { int y0 = to_color(d_line[start_pos + x]); int cr = to_color(d_line[start_pos + image_width + x]); int cb = to_color(d_line[start_pos + 2 * image_width + x]); int y1 = to_color(d_line[start_pos + 3 * image_width + x]); int rgb0[3]; int ycrcb0[] = {y0, cr, cb}; ycbcr_to_rgb(ycrcb0, rgb0); int rgb1[3]; int ycrcb1[] = {y1, cr, cb}; ycbcr_to_rgb(ycrcb1, rgb1); //Todo: Write pixels } d_image_y += 2; } int sstv_pd120_sink_impl::work(int noutput_items, gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items, gr_vector_void_star &output_items) { const float *in = (const float *) input_items[0]; for (size_t i = sync_length - 1; i < noutput_items + sync_length - 1; i++) { float sample = to_frequency(in[i]); d_line[d_line_pos] = sample; d_line_pos++; if(is_sync(i, in) || d_line_pos >= line_length) { if(d_initial_sync) { d_image_y = 0; } else if(!d_initial_sync && d_line_pos > line_length - porch_length) { std::cout << "Rendering after: " << d_line_pos << std::endl; } d_line_pos = 0; } } // Tell runtime system how many output items we produced. return noutput_items; } } /* namespace satnogs */ } /* namespace gr */