# gr-satnogs: SatNOGS GNU Radio Out-Of-Tree Module ![gr-satnogs](docs/assets/gr-satnogs.png) gr-satnogs is an out-of-tree GNU Radio module that provides all the necessary tools for decoding signals from various scientific and academic satellites. It also provides blocks for debugging and experimenting with known satellite telecommunication schemes. ## Installation ### Requirements * GNU Radio ( > 3.7.11 ) * CMake ( > 3.1) * G++ (with C++11 support) * VOLK * libogg * libvorbis * libpng * libpng++ * libjsoncpp * git * swig **Optional** * gr-osmocom (for using the flowgraphs with real SDR hardware) * libfec (it will automatically installed if not present) #### Debian / Ubuntu ```bash apt install -y build-essential cmake gnuradio g++ \ python-mako python-six libogg-dev \ libvorbis-dev libpng-dev libpng++-dev \ swig libjsoncpp-dev cd /tmp git clone https://github.com/gnuradio/volk.git cd volk mkdir build cd build cmake .. make -j $(nproc --all) sudo make install ``` ### Installation from source ```bash git clone https://gitlab.com/librespacefoundation/satnogs/gr-satnogs.git cd gr-satnogs mkdir build cd build cmake .. make -j $(nproc --all) sudo make install ``` If this is the first time you are building the gr-satnogs module run `sudo ldconfig` #### Advanced By default, the **SatNOGS** module will use the default installation prefix. This highly depends on the Linux distribution. You can use the `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` variable to alter the default installation path. E.g: `cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ..` Also, by default the build system enables a set of blocks used for debugging during the development. The enable/disable switch is controlled through the `INCLUDE_DEBUG_BLOCKS` boolean variable. If for example, you want to disable the debugging blocks, the **CMake** command would be: `cmake -DINCLUDE_DEBUG_BLOCKS=OFF ..` Another common control option is the library suffix of the Linux distribution. There are distributions like Fedora, openSUSE, e.t.c that the their 64-bit version use the `lib64` folder to store the 64-bit versions of their dynamic libraries. On the other hand, distributions like Ubuntu do the exact opposite. They use `lib` directory for the libraries of the native architecture and place the 32-bit versions on the `lib32` directory. In any case the correct library directory suffix can be specified with the `LIB_SUFFIX` variable. For example: `cmake -DLIB_SUFFIX=64 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DINCLUDE_DEBUG_BLOCKS=OFF ..` will install the libraries at the `/usr/lib64` directory. ## Development Guide The development is performed on the `master` branch. For special cases where a team of developers should work an a common feature, maintainers may add a special branch on the repository. However, it will be removed at the time it will be merged on the `master` branch. All developers should derive the `master` branch for their feature branches and merge requests should also issued at this branch. Developers should ensure that do **not** alter the CMake version tags in any way. It is a responsibility of the maintainers team. Before submitting a new merge request, rebase the `master` branch and confirm that the automated CI tests have successfully completed for all platforms mandated by the `.gitlab-ci.yml` recipe. ### Coding style For the C++ code, `gr-satnogs` uses a slightly modified version of the **Stroustrup** style, which is a nicer adaptation of the well known K&R style. In addition, we decided to decrease the indentation from 4 to 2 spaces. This choice was made mainly to avoid braking statements with long namespaces. We also found ourselves, that with smaller indentation we use more descriptive variable names, avoiding frustrating abbreviations without phoenixes etc. At the root directory of the project there is the `astyle` options file `.astylerc` containing the proper configuration. Developers can import this configuration to their favorite editor. In addition the `hooks/pre-commit` file contains a Git hook, that can be used to perform before every commit, code style formatting with `astyle` and the `.astylerc` parameters. To enable this hook developers should copy the hook at their `.git/hooks` directory. Failing to comply with the coding style described by the `.astylerc` will result to failure of the automated tests running on our CI services. So make sure that you either import on your editor the coding style rules or use the `pre-commit` Git hook. Regarding the naming of files and variables, we use the underscore naming convention (`do_this`) instead of camel cases (`DoNotDoThis`). Exception to this rule is the CMake module filenames. In addition, all private variables of a C++ class, should start with the prefix `d_` allowing the developers to spot easily private members of the object. ### Adding a new Satellite Demodulator Demodulators are responsible for filtering, resampling and demodulating an analog signal and converting it into suitable form, for a decoder to be able to extract the frame and its data. In most cases this is a simple bit stream. If the existing demodulators (FSK, AFSK, BPSK, DUV) do not meet the requirements of a satellite, you may submit your custom demodulator. Please make sure that you put the GNU Radio Companion files in the `apps/flowgraphs` directory. ### Adding a new Satellite Decoder With the new architecture, adding a new satellite has become an easy and straight forward task. The decoders are implemented using the following approach. There is a generic block called `frame_decoder`. This block should not be altered at any case. If you find yourself in a situation that you need to apply modifications on this block, raise an issue on the [issue tracker](https://gitlab.com/librespacefoundation/satnogs/gr-satnogs/issues) The `frame_decoder` block accepts two parameters. A `satnogs::decoder` object and the item size of the input stream. Internally, the `frame_decoder` invokes the `decode()` method of the `satnogs::decoder` class. The `satnogs::decoder` class, is a virtual class providing a generic API that every derived decoder class should implement. The core of this class is the ```cpp decoder_status_t decode(const void *in, int len) ``` method. This method accepts an input buffer `in`. The type of the items depends on the implementation. It also takes the `len` argument specifying the number of items available in the `in` buffer. The method returns a `decoder_status_t` class object. ```cpp class decoder_status { public: int consumed; bool decode_success; pmt::pmt_t data; decoder_status () : consumed(0), decode_success(false), data(pmt::make_dict()) { } }; typedef class decoder_status decoder_status_t; ``` The class contains three fields that allow the `frame_decoder` block to operate continuously, without any further assistance. It is responsibility of the derived decoder class to properly set the values to these fields. * The `consumed` class should contain the number of items consumed during the `decode()` method invocation. It is ok to consume 0, less than `len` or `len` items but not more. * `decode_success` should be set to true only if a frame was successfully decoded and its data are available on the `data` field. * `data` field is a `pmt::pmt_t` dictionary containing the decoded data and other information regarding it, using the `gr-satnogs` metadata format. More about them in the [Metadata](#metadata) section ### Metadata Each decoder generates a `pmt::pmt_t` dictionary containing the decoded data and other information regarding the decoded frame. The `gr::satnogs::metadata` class provides a set of commonly used metadata keys. The table below describes some of them: | Key | Description | | --- | ----------- | | pdu | This string field contains the decoded data in base64 form | | time | The time at which the frame was received. Time is represented in an ISO 8601 string with microsecond accuracy | | crc_valid | Boolean indicating if the CRC check has been successfully passed | | freq_offset | Float value indicating the frequency offset observed | | corrected_bits | `uint64_t` with the number of corrected bits | | symbol_erasures | `uint64_t` with the number of erased symbols | | sample_start | `uint64_t` with the sample index at which the decoder identified the start of the frame | | sample_cnt | `uint64_t` with the number of samples of a valid frame. `sample_start + sample_cnt` specify the length of a frame in samples | The method `Json::Value metadata::to_json(const pmt::pmt_t& m)` is converts the dictionary `m` into a valid JSON object. There is also the `std::string metadata::keys()` static method which returns a list with the available metadata keys. This method is also available in Python through the Swig interface. For example: ```python $ python >>> import satnogs >>> satnogs.metadata.keys() '[pdu, crc_valid, freq_offset, corrected_bits, time, sample_start, sample_cnt, symbol_erasures]' >>> ``` Using the `json_converter` block, developers can convert a `pmt::pmt_t` dictionary of a decoder into a `pmt::pmt_t` blob, containing the raw bytes of the JSON string, which then can be passed to a UDP sink targeting the `satnogs-client`. The `json_converter` block accepts also a string that may be used to inject an arbitrary number of additional information under the `extra` JSON field. Of course, this string should be in a JSON valid format. For example, such a JSON string with information on the extra field could be like ```json { "corrected_bits" : 0, "extra" : { "x" : 3, "y" : "test" }, "pdu" : "igAg7nRAOCAniUMAtIoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABNJ4kfAFD4wwAfAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==", "symbol_erasures" : 0, "time" : "2019-09-11T15:39:13.514138Z" } ``` ### Release Policy The `gr-satnogs` OOT module uses the `major.api-compatibility.minor` versioning scheme. is used by the [satnogs-client](https://gitlab.com/librespacefoundation/satnogs/satnogs-client), so the release and versioning policy is based on how the `satnogs-client` is affected by the changes on the `gr-satnogs` software. * Minor changes, bug fixes or improvements that do not affect in anyway the `satnogs-client` advance the `minor` version. * The `api-compatibility` indicates changes that require modifications on `satnogs-client` but do not brake the backwards compatibility (e.g a new satellite decoder). In other words, the `satnogs-client` should continue to operate normally without any modifications. Changes on `satnogs-client` should be performed only to integrate the new features. * `major` version advances when the changes break backwards compatibility with the `satnogs-client`. For every release change a tag with the corresponding version is created. Releases can be retrieved by the [tags](https://gitlab.com/librespacefoundation/satnogs/gr-satnogs/tags) page. ## Website and Contact For more information about SatNOGS please visit our [site](https://satnogs.org/) and our [community forums](https://community.libre.space). You can also chat with the SatNOGS community at [https://riot.im/app/#/room/#satnogs:matrix.org](https://riot.im/app/#/room/#satnogs:matrix.org), or on IRC at `#satnogs` on Freenode. For chatting around the development and for watching the changes in project's gitlab repositories, join in [https://riot.im/app/#/room/#satnogs-dev:matrix.org](https://riot.im/app/#/room/#satnogs-dev:matrix.org) or the IRC channel `#satnogs-dev` on Freenode. ## License ![SatNOGS](docs/assets/SatNOGS-logo-vertical-black.png) ![Libre Space Foundation](docs/assets/LSF_HD_Horizontal_Color1-300x66.png) © 2016-2019 [Libre Space Foundation](https://libre.space). Licensed under the [GPLv3](LICENSE).